Nclex-RN practice questions section 1: questions 1-23

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Which term describes the play activity of the preschool aged child?


Which statement made by the student nurse indicates the need for further teaching regarding the administration of heparin?

"I will check the PTT before administering the heparin."

Which of the following an occur with the frequent use of calcium-based antacids?


A client with a hemorrhagic stroke has a temperature of 103oF. Efforts to reduce the temperature have not been effective. The most likely explanation for the elevated temperature is that damage has occurred to the:


The nurse is ready to begin an exam on a nine-month-old infant who is sitting quietly on his mother's lap. Which should the nurse do first?

Listen to the heart and Lung sounds

The nurse is doing bowel and bladder retraining for the client with paraplegia. Which of the following is not a factor for the nurse to consider?

Sexual function

A client who has been receiving Urokinase (uPA) for deep vein thrombosis is noted to have dark urine in the collection bag. Which action should the nurse take immediately?

Withhold the medication and notify the physician

which of the following describes the language development of a two-year-old?

can combine three or four words

The nurse is caring for a client following a cerebral vascular accident. Which portion of the brain is responsible for changes in the client's vision?

occipital lobe

While caring for an elderly patient with hypertension, the nurse notes the following vital signs: BP of 140/40, pulse 120, respiration's 3. The nurse's initial action should be to:

report the findings to the physician

The Nurse if preparing a client with an axillopopliteal bypass graft for discharge. The client should be taught to avoid:

sitting in a straight chair

What is correct when measuring the client for crutches?

the nurse should should measure three inches between the top of the crutch and the axilla

To correctly assess the oxygen saturation level of an adult client, the pulse oximeter should not be placed on the:

Extremity with noninvasive BP cuff

The nurse is teaching the client regarding use of sodium warfarin. Which statement made by the client would require further teaching?

" I take aspirin for a headache"

A client with renal failure is prescribed a low potassium diet. What food choice would be best?

1 cup rice

Assuming that all have achieved normal cognitive and emotional development, which of the following children is at greatest risk for accidental poisoning?

4 yr old

The nurse has just received the charge of shift report and is preparing to make round. Which client should the nurse assess first?

A client admitted one hour ago with rales and shortness of breath

The doctor has ordered antithrombotic stockings to be applied to the legs of a client with peripheral vascular disease. The nurse knows antithrombotic stockings should be applied:

Before the client arises in the morning

A client with a femoral popliteal bypass graft is assigned to a semiprivate room. The most suitable roommate for this client is the client with:

Diabetic ulcerrs

Which of the following is an expected finding in the assessment of a client with bulimia nervosa?

Erosion of tooth enamel

An appropriate nursing intervention for the client with borderline personality disorder is:

Observing the client for sings of depression or suicidal thinking.

The client returns to the recovery room following repair of an abdominal aneurysm. Which finding would require further investigation?

Urinary output 20mL in the past hour

In terms of cognitive development, a three-year-old would be expected to.........

Use magical thinking

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