NCSU PHI 205 Questions
What is the best way to diagrammatically represent the argument consisting of statements (1) through (3) below? (1) In basketball, if your favorite team has a great point guard (and she stays healthy), your team will qualify for the postseason. But (2) your team didn't qualify for the postseason. That's why (3) your favorite team doesn't have a great point guard.
(1) and (2) conjointly supporting (3).
Identify the approximate percentage of followers of these religions (according to recent polls). Islam Judaism Buddhism Hinduism Unaffiliated Fold religions Christianity
23.2% .2% 7.1% 15% 16.3% 5.9% 31.5%
Identify the fallacy: We should build a border wall because many American voters believe it is necessary.
Which informal fallacy is committed in the following passage: Every cell in the human body has a nucleus. Therefore, the human body has a nucleus.
What kind of argument is one in which the conclusion is guaranteed to be true if the premises are true?
D. A valid argument A. An invalid argument. B. An argument with conjointly supporting premises. C. An argument that denies the antecedent. D. A valid argument. E. Both B and D.
The Loop Case is designed to challenge Rawls' theory of justice as fairness.
The No Choice Principle is used to argue against Libertarainism (i.e., the claim that free will requires agent-causation).
The entitlement theory has three subsidiary principles, pertaining to just acquisition, just transfer, and self-ownership.
The following argument is valid: If chimpanzees have higher-order reasoning capacity, then chimpanzees are persons. Chimpanzees do not have higher-order reasoning capacity, therefore chimpanzees are not persons.
The three principles of justice in the Entitlement Theory are the following: justice in acquisition, justice in transfer, and justice as fairness.
There are only 10 informal fallacies recognized by philosophers.
Which of the following is not a conclusion indicator?
Given that
How does Berkeley argue that external, material objects do not exist?
He forms the 'master argument'
Suppose a human being lacks episodic memory. This kind of case presents a problem for which thesis below?
Locke's theory of personal identity.
According to Plato's theory of knowledge, what conditions are required for a person, S, to know that p is the case (p is any statement)?
S has a justified, true belief that p is the case.
What is the main reason Berkeley concludes that external objects are not possible?
The master argument
A religion is, roughly, a system of beliefs or practices, typically shared by a community, often but not always about the divine (god or gods) and human beings' relation to it.
On the Computational Theory of Mind, how does information processing occur in the human mind or brain? (Choose the most accurate answer.)
Via algorithms running on electrical-chemical signals in the brain.
What is the overall conclusion of Descartes' dreaming argument?
We don't know anything about the external world.
How does Paley respond to the possibility that the watch arose because all its parts exemplify an inherent, natural principle of order, which disposes the parts "into their present form and situation"?
We don't know what a principle of order is other than one assigned by an intelligent designer.
Episodic memory Phenomenal-consciousness Access-consciousness Introspective consciousness
Your autobiographical impressions The way a red apple looks to you Using information from your memory to navigate Thinking of yourself as a thinking being
If a passage has no premise indicators, and no conclusion indicators, then
the passage could still be an argument
Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia argued that if mind and matter are distinct types of substances (one immaterial, one material) as Descartes argued, then
they cannot interact with each other.
What number does 0011 stand for in binary code?
Ney and Hazlett suggest that to fully investigate the metaphysics of race, and come to any definite conclusions, we need to incorporate which of the following into our investigation?
D. Both A and B A. Philosophy of language B. Science (genetics, evolutionary biology, etc.) C. Environmental science D. Both A and B. E. Both A and C.
Begging the question is a formal fallacy.
Suppose that G1 and G2 represent any two groups of people in society. Which distribution represents egalitarianism?
G1 and G2 have equal goods.
Which statement best represents how Martin Luther King, Jr. argues against segregation?
It violates a person's self-legislating power.
Plato's account of knowledge includes what conditions?
Justification, truth, and belief
The point of Locke's Prince and the Cobbler thought experiment is to show that:
Personal identity consists of the continuity of one's consciousness, with memories to link conscious states at different times.
Locke's Prince and Cobbler thought experiment implies which of the following?
Personal identity is not the numerical identity of one's body over time.
According to Hedonistic Utilitarianism, which of the following most accurately and precisely characterizes what is intrinsically valuable?
Pleasure and the absence of pain.
What is the best way to respond to a slippery slope fallacy?
Point out a weakness in the chain of hypothetical events leading from the initial action to the unacceptable concluding action.
Why does Kant disagree that consequences determine the rightness of actions?
Sometimes the way that supposedly good consequences are obtained is actually immoral.
What claim does the following passage from Berkeley support? Suppose, what no one can deny possible, an intelligence [i.e., a mind], without the help of external bodies, to be affected with the same train [i.e., series] of sensations or ideas that you are, imprinted in the same order and with the same vividness in his mind.
That we cannot know whether external objects exist.
What is the deductive (or, logical) problem of evil?
The existence of evil in the world is logically incompatible with the existence of God.
"If we want our society to make progress, then we should seek both knowledge and wisdom."Assuming this conditional as the first premise of an argument, adding which of the following statements as a second premisewould help form a valid argument?
We should not seek either knowledge or wisdom.
Suppose Jane argues that because presidential candidate Y has a similar educational background as former president X, Y belongs to the same political party as X, and X was a good president, therefore Y will also be a good president. Which of the following claims would make this argument a stronger analogy?
X and Y both voted against going to war in Iraq in 2003.
Parfit contends that if your head (brain intact and functioning) were successfully transplanted onto a new body, you (the person or individual) would
According to calculations we discussed in class, what's the probability that you are dreaming right now?
How many statements (not sentences) are in this passage? "Socrates had control over drinking hemlock, and this implies that he had free will over drinking it. Socrates did in fact drink the hemlock."
How many statements (not sentences) are in this passage? "The Consitution protects citizens' rights, and this implies that states cannot pass laws that violate the Constitution. So, states cannot pass laws that violate the Constitution."
What is Descartes famous for?
All of the above A. Mathematics (e.g., Cartesian coordinate system). B. Physics (e.g., three laws of motion). C. Philosophy (he is the "Father of Modern Philosophy"). D. Both A and C.
Which of these pairs of statements are logically equivalent?
All snakes are reptiles. If something is a snake, it is a reptile.
What is the fallacy in the Cartesian Circle?
Begging the question
Which area of science, emphasized by the documentary we watched ("Aristotle's Lagoon"), did Aristotle make significant contributions toward?
Which of these conditions makes a slippery slope argument more likely to NOT be fallacious?
Both A and B
The claims being debated between Locke and Berkeley include which of the following?
Both A and C A. Whether the difference between primary and secondary qualities is real or not C. Whether external objects exist
Suppose that you are having involuntary experiences associated with sitting by a fire: you see the flames, hear the crackle, feel the warmth, and smell the smoke.
Both B and C A. On Descartes' view, you must be dreaming that there is a fire. B. On Locke's view, there probably is a fire in the external world. C. On Berkeley's view, the experience of the fire is created by the Author of Nature. D. Both B and C. E. Both A and C.
God is an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good being. There is insufficient evidence concerning God's existence to draw a conclusion either way No god(s) exist(s) God is the entire universe. Multiple gods exist
Classical theism Agnosticism Atheism Pantheism Polytheism
Suppose that G1 and G2 represent any two groups of people in society. Which distribution below can possibly be justified according to Nozick's Entitlement Theory?
D. All of A, B, or C A. G1 and G2 have equal goods. B. G1 has more than G2, but both have their basic needs met. C. G1 has a lot more than G2, and G2 doesn't even have their basic needs met. D. All of A, B, or C. E. None of A, B, or C.
Suppose the following is true: If a boxer, Rocky, is morally responsible for his purchase of performance-enhancing drugs, then he possesses free will regarding his purchase of performance-enhancing drugs. Which of the following theories holds that Rocky does in fact have free will regarding his purchase?
D. Both A and B A. Libertarianism. B. Compatibilism. C. Indeterminism. D. Both A and B. E. All of A, B, and C
Which of the following thinkers believes that there is only one kind of substance?
D. Both A and C A. Aristotle. B. Descartes. C. Berkeley. D. Both A and C. E. Both B and C.
Which of the following is a criterion for evaluating an inference to the best explanation?
D. Both A and C A. Predictive power. B. Soundness. C. Occam's razor. D. Both A and C. E. Both A and B.
Which statement best contrasts Descartes' and Locke's views regarding what it takes to have knowledge of the external world?
Descartes claims that we need certainty; Locke claims that we only need probability.
Which statement best contrasts Descartes' and Locke's views regarding what it takes to have knowledge of the external world?
Descartes claims that we need the method of doubt; Locke does not claim that we need the method of doubt.
Which of these ideas or projects was Descartes interested in?
E. All of the above A. The foundations of knowledge. B. The passions of the soul. C. The role of thinking in our lives. D. He was interested in both A and C. E. He was interested in all of the above.
Suppose that neuroscience discovers the following: all human choices and actions are completely determined by brain events and laws of brain function. Which theories below are consistent with this discovery—that is, which theories below can be true at the same time that the specified neuroscience discovery is true?
E. Both A and B A. Hard determinism. B. Compatibilism. C. Libertarianism. D. Indeterminism. E. Both A and B.
Suppose the following statement is true: If a boxer, Rocky, has free will over his purchase of performance-enhancing drugs, then he is morally responsible for his purchase of those drugs. Which of the following theories holds that Rocky has freedom regarding his purchase?
E. Both A and B A. Libertarianism. B. Compatibilism. C. Hard determinism. D. Egalitarianism. E. Both A. and B.
Which of the following statements best describes arguments by analogy?
E. Both A and D A. Inductive B. Deductive C. Valid or invalid D. Strong or weak E. Both A and D.
The split-brain cases support whose theory of personal identity?
E. Both B and C A. Descartes. B. Buddha. C. Parfit. D. Locke. E. Both B and C.
Which of the following statements describe claims that Paley does NOT discuss in assessing the watch analogy?
E. Both C and D A. The watch is found to replicate itself. B. The watch might have come to exist because of an inherent principle of order in nature. C. The watch is found to operate via an internal power source. D. The watch is found to be qualitatively identical to another watch. E. Both C and D.
What's wrong with the claim that evolution is "only a theory"?
Evolution is a very well-confirmed theory.
All of these terms are conclusion indicators: hence, therefore, because, since, thus.
An informal fallacy occurs when there is a logical problem with the form of an argument.
Aristotle thinks that an animal's soul can potentially exist apart from its material body.
Begging the question, denying the antecedent, and modus ponens are all informal fallacies.
Berkeley claims that there is real distinction between primary and secondary qualities.
Both straw man and ad hominem fallacies involve inappropriate, misleading, or false characterizations. But one difference between the two is that in an ad hominem fallacy, the arguer mischaracterizes the opponent's position, whereas in a straw man fallacy the arguer personally attacks the opponent.
Descartes would probably agree with the extended mind thesis.
Descartes' theory of the mind maintains that the mind is a thinking, spatially extended substance.
Einstein thought that scientists should avoid studying philosophy.
In the Chinese Room, Searle claims that he understands some, but not all, of the Chinese characters on the batches of paper he receives.
In the free will debate, compatibilism requires that agent-causation is real.
Making a straw man argument is fallacious because it personally attacks one's opponent.
Paley argues, by analogy, that just as a watch has a watch-maker, the universe has a universe-maker. Is the following statement true or false?The strength of Paley's argument goes up if the conclusion is more specific, but the strength of Paley's argument goes down if the conclusion is more general.
Pascal's Wager is designed to prove the existence of God.
Which of the following kinds of things is most plausibly a socially constructed kind?
Football games
Suppose someone reasons as follows: "I debate with people a lot about politics, sports, and religion. I listen to people's conversations when I'm on the subway or plane. I overhear discussions at work. In all these cases, I detect errors in reasoning. Every person commits logical fallacies." What fallacy is committed above?
Hasty generalization
In his dreaming argument, Descartes claims which of the following?
He thinks it is possible that he is dreaming that he is sitting by the fire.
Which of the following principles is assumed by Descartes in his dreaming argument? (P stands for any statement.)
If it possible that not-P, then I have reason to doubt that P.
According to Mill's Utilitarian moral theory, which of the following most accurately and precisely characterizes that which has the highest intrinsic value?
Intellectual pleasure
Suppose there are two types of pleasure, intellectual and bodily. If so, then we need two separate scales to measure pleasures in determining what we should do. What is the main problem with this proposal?
It is unclear how to convert one pleasure to another in order to calculate total utility.
Match the view of primary & secondary qualities (PQs and SQs) to the philosopher. Argues that objects have PQs, which are more fundamental than SQs. Argues that there is no real distinction between PQs and SQs. Argues that the PQ number is subjective (that is, relative to how one measures something).
Locke Berkeley Berkeley
Turing, in his famous article "Computing Machinery and Intelligence," discusses the following objection to his thesis that machines can think: "The claim that 'machines cannot make mistakes' seems a curious one. One is tempted to retort, 'Are they any the worse for that?' But let us adopt a more sympathetic attitude, and try to see what is really meant. I think this criticism can be explained in terms of the imitation game. It is claimed that the interrogator could distinguish the machine from the man simply by setting them a number of problems in arithmetic. The machine would be unmasked because of its deadly accuracy." How does Turing reply to this objection?
Machines can be programmed to make mistakes.
In the video on the philosophy of virtual reality (interviewing David Chalmers), virtual reality is compared to the ideas of which philosopher?
None of the above Above Options: Aristotle, Locke, Berkeley
Which of the following is not a theodicy?
Pascal's Wager
According to Kant's moral theory, SELF-IMPROVEMENT is what kind of duty?
Positive duty to the self.
Which of the following is a criterion for evaluating an inference to the best explanation?
Predictive power
According to Locke, which of the following is best interpreted as an SQ?
Which of these thinkers argues for pantheism?
Which fallacy does the following passage commit? "Senator Smith suggested that we should pursue a political deal with Iran in order to prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Senator Johnson replied that Smith's plan is an invitation to the Iranians to destroy Israel."
Straw man
What is the main point of Searle's Chinese room argument?
Strong AI is false.
In scientific surveys, when people across the political spectrum in the U.S. are placed behind the 'veil of ignorance' they tend to choose which of the following distributions of wealth?
Sweden over the U.S.
What is Bishop Berkeley trying to prove in the passage below? "We say one book, one page, one line; all these are equally units, though some contain several of the others. And in each instance it is plain, the unit relates to some particular combination of ideas arbitrarily put together by the mind" (G. Berkeley, Of the Principles of Human Knowledge).
That number is relative to the perceiver.
Which of these Trolley cases presents a significant challenge, as discussed in class, to the truth of the Humanity formulation of the Categorical Imperative?
The Loop case
Consider this argument: If positrons are real, we would have experimental evidence for them; we do have experimental evidence for them; therefore, positrons are real.
The argument is invalid.
Consider this argument: If positrons are real, we would have experimental evidence for them; we do not have experimental evidence for them; therefore, positrons are not real.
The argument is valid
Which of the following arguments both concludes that God exists and is based entirely on rational principles with no reference to empirical experience?
The argument that assumes that God is 'that than which none greater can be conceived'.
Suppose the following situation occurs: Katy at 80 years old remembers Katy at 45 years old, and Katy at 45 years old remembers Katy at 10 years old. So, Katy at 80 is numerically identical to Katy at 45, and Katy at 45 is numerically identical to Katy at 10. However, Katy at 80 does not remember Katy at 10: the elderly woman has no memory of when she was a girl of 10. Therefore, Katy at 80 is not numerically identical to Katy at 10. The above situation is most similar to what problem?
The brave officer problem.
As a problem for the consciousness or memory theory of personal identity, the case of Susie McKinnon is most similar to which of these problems?
The breakfast problem
What is the difference principle, according to Rawls?
The difference principle says that any inequalities in society must be maximally beneficial to the least advantaged.
One specific problem faced by Aristotle's theory of the soul (mind) and other materialist monist views is:
The explanatory gap
According to Gould, why is Darwin's theory more important than Copernicus' theory? (Choose the most accurate answer.)
The former is about what and who we are; it's about human nature.
What image best captures the essence of evolution, according to one of the scientists interviewed in "Big Thinkers on Evolution"?
The image of earth from space
An advocate of the Categorical Imperative would most likely disagree with the Utilitarian on which case in the trolley problem?
The platform case.
Consider this passage from the assigned article by Derek Parfit: "Consider the fact that, in a few years, I shall be dead. This fact can seem depressing. But the reality is only this. After a certain time, none of the thoughts and experiences that occur will be directly causally related to this brain, or be connected in certain ways to these present experiences. That is all this fact involves." What does this mean? (Choose the most accurate and precise answer.)
The self, as a distinct entity, is not real.
Given what science now tells us about the brain, if we accept Aristotle's theory of soul, how would that theory characterize the human soul?
The soul is the form of the brain (how all the neurons are organized in the brain).
Suppose someone has the psychological disposition courage, in accordance with Aristotle's theory. When this courageous person sees someone in desperate need of physical help, what is this called?
The stimulus or triggering condition of the disposition.
Which of these statements most accurately describes Aristotle's theory of the origin of the world?
The world has all always existed in its present form.
Which of the following kinds of things is most plausibly a socially constructed kind?
According to Aristotle's theory of the soul, if U and H represent two bits of matter, then together U and H have the potential to take on at least two different forms.
According to one criticism of Pascal's wager, the "many gods" problem, the wager makes assumptions about how God would treat believers and non-believers.
Although both the evidential and logical problems of evil might potentially be solved by one or more theodicies, it appears that the evidential problem is harder to solve.
Berkeley's theory of perception maintains that just as our ideas of secondary qualities do not resemble any qualities of objects themselves, so our ideas of primary qualities do not resemble any qualities of objects themselves.
Black-or-white is an informal fallacy where two options are presented as the only options when in fact further options are available. But a fallacy is also committed if three options are presented when in fact further options are available.
If Locke's theory of personal identity is true, then theories of personal identity based on substances such as immaterial souls or material bodies are incorrect.
If a deductive argument is sound, then the conclusion is guaranteed to be true.
If we suppose that the parts of the watch had to have some form, and that the watch was just one possible combination of those parts, Paley argues that, still, the fact that the watch is here and has the particular structure and function it has readily indicates that it was designed, even though it is true that the parts could have been combined differently.
In arguing that primary and secondary qualities are different, Locke explains that the former kinds of qualities are "real" or "original".
In the following statement the antecedent is "assuming that NC State Football wins 11 games..." Assuming that NC State Football wins 11 games, they should go to the ACC Championship Game.
In the following statement, the ANTECEDENT is "if everyone practices social distancing..." We can flatten the curve if everyone practices social distancing.
It is possible to trigger an out of body experience by stimulating a certain region of the brain.
Kant's moral theory maintains that humans have moral duties to not lie, not commit suicide, do charitable actions, and seek self-improvement.
Libertarianism is the view of free will that requires agent-causation to be real.
Locke claims that motion and shape are primary qualities.
Locke claims that we have enough justification to conclude that external objects are real.
One problem with the Same Immaterial Soul Theory of personal identity is that you would psychologically feel as if you were the same person as you were yesterday, even if your immaterial soul was replaced by another one.
Recall that Paley supposes that, if the watch can replicate, this would surely increase our wonder and admiration for its design. This raises the idea that the present watch was made by a previous watch, and that one by a previous watch, and so on.Paley argues that if the present watch (call it W) was made by a previous watch (call it W2), then although W was not made directly by the watchmaker, we should still infer that a watchmaker was employed in the production at some point.
The Buddha taught, roughly speaking, a no-self view.
The following argument is valid: If any planet exists, then that planet can be perceived; a ninth planet in the solar system cannot be perceived. Therefore, a ninth planet in the solar system does not exist.
The following argument is valid: If chimpanzees have higher-order reasoning capacity, then chimpanzees are persons. Chimpanzees are not persons, therefore they do not have higher-order reasoning capacity.
The premises of an argument should be more believable (plausible or likely to be true) than the conclusion.
Three main types of machine learning include supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning.
Turing's idea of a Universal Machine is that of a machine that can perform any computable function.
Two important concepts in Aristotle's metaphysics include 'potentiality' and 'actuality'.
Two main views, or schools, of Buddhism include Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism.
According to the computational theory of mind, the mind is essentially
a program or algorithm.
According to Nozick's entitlement theory of justice, a situation is just if and only if everyone is entitled to their holdings through justified acquisition and justified transfer, plus
any injustices have been rectified.
In computer science, the term "bit" was created by combining which other terms?
binary digit
What does the term "bit" stand for? (That is, which two terms were combined to create "bit"?)
binary digit
Suppose that a murderer, M, comes to the door of Jack's house. M asks Jack if Sasha (who fears M wants to kill her) is hiding in Jack's house. Suppose Sasha is, in fact, hiding in Jack's house.According to Aristotle's virtue theory of morality, Jack should
do the action that a virtuous agent is disposed to do.
In the documentary "Aristotle's Lagoon" the presenter argues that Aristotle should be counted as a great biologist because
he carefully observed and categorized many types of animals.
In the documentary, "Aristotle's Lagoon," the presenter (Armand Leroi) argues that Aristotle should be counted as a great biologist because
he carefully observed and categorized many types of animals.
Suppose that a murderer, M, comes to the door of Jack's house. M asks Jack if Sasha (who fears M wants to kill her) is hiding in Jack's house. Suppose Sasha is, in fact, hiding in Jack's house.
is physically determined by the laws of nature and prior events.
If an argument is sound, then
it is valid and has true premises.
Assume Locke's theory of PQ and SQs is correct. Now consider this claim: It is 100 degrees Fahrenheit in this room. In the claim, the actual, physical temperature referred to is a
secondary quality