NEC Final A

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PVC conduit shall be securely fastened within_________ in. of each box


The length of the cord for a trash compactor shall not be longer than__________ Feet, measured from the face of the attachment plug to the plane of the rear of the appliance


The total marked rating of a cord and plug connected room air conditioner connected to the same branch circuit which supplies lighting units other appliances or general use receptacles shall not exceed ______________ percent of the branch circuit rating


All appliances operating at_________ Or more shall be listed


Bends in PVC conduit shall_________ between pull points

Be limited to 360 degrees

For ungrounded systems, ninecurrent carrying conductors materials enclosing electrical conductors or equipment shall be connected to the__________ in a manner that will limit the voltage imposed by lightning or unintentional contact with higher voltage lines


Auxiliary grounding electrodes can be connected to the_________

Equipment grounding conductor

Listed FMC and LFMC shall contain an equipment grounding conductor if the raceway is installed for the reason of

Flexibility after installation and minimizing transmission of vibration from equipment

NFPA 780, Standard for the installation of lighting protection systems provides information on the installation of________ four lightning protection systems [250.4(A)(1)]

Grounding and bonding (A&B)

The two to six disconnects for disconnecting means for a building supply by feeder shall be___________


Conductors rated at a temperature____________ they have a list to temperature rating of PVC conduit shall be permitted to be installed in PVC conduit, provided the conductors are not operated at a temperature above the raceways listed temperature rating


Type TC cable shall be permitted to be direct buried, where_________ for such use


When bare conductors are installed with insulated conductors, their ampacities shall be limited to__________

The lowest temperature rating for any of the insulated conductors

All cut ends of LFMC conduit shall be____________ inside and outside to remove rough edges


Where type in NM cable is run at angles with joists in unfinished basements and crawlspaces, it is permissible to secure cables not smaller than__________ AWG conductors directly to the lower edges of the joist

Two,6 & Three,8

Edison base fuse holders shall be used only if they are made to except_________ fuses by the use of adapters

Type S

Type__________ insulated conductors shall not be subject to the ampacity adjustment provisions of 310.15(B)(3)(c)


In other than dwelling units, GFCI protection shall be provided for all 15A and 20A, 125V, single-phase receptacles installed within___________ ft from the top inside edge of the bowl of a sink


The minimum radius of a field bend on trade size 1/4 inch RMC is_________ in


Where six current carrying conductors are run in the same conduit or cable, the ampacity of each conductor shall be lowered to_________ percent of its ampacity


Electrical equipment with__________ and having low smoke and he really is properties, and associated wiring material suitable for the ambient temperature can't be installed within an air handling space (plenum)

A metal enclosure and a nonmetallic enclosure listed for use within an air handling space (A&B)

Transformers in transformer vaults shall be readily accessible to qualified personnel for inspection and maintenance, except__________

A or B

For cord-and-plug connected household electric ranges, an attachment plug and receptacle connection at the rear base of the range can serve as the disconnecting means, if it is_____________ and meets the intent of 422.33A

Accessible from the front by the removal of a drawer

Communications equipment includes equipment and conductors used for the transmission of____________

All the above

Separately installed pressure connector shall be used with conductors at the________ not exceeding the ampacity at the listed and identified temperature rating of the connector


Listed tamper resistant receptacles shall be provided where replacements are made at receptacle outlets that are required to be tamper resistant elsewhere in this code except where a non-grounding receptacle his placed with __________ receptacle

Another non-grounding

Connection of conductors to terminal parts shall ensure a thoroughly good connection without damaging the conductors and shall be made by means of___________

Any of these

If the use of multiple grounding connections results in objectionable current and the requirements of 250.4(A)(5) or (B)4 are met, it shall be permitted to___________

Any of these

In a dwelling unit, illumination for outdoor entrances that have grade level access can be controlled by_________ control

Any of these

Where a premises wiring system contains feeders supplied from more than one nominal voltage system, each ungrounded conductor of a feeder shall be identified by phase or line and system by________, or other approved means

Any of these- All the above

Where exposed to the weather, raceways in closing service entrance conductors shall be________ For use in wet locations and arranged to drain

Approved and listed

Plug fuses of the Edison base type shall be used only__________

As a replacement in existing installations

Type AC cable is permitted in

Cable trays and exposed installations

Nominal battery voltage, as it relates to storage batteries, is the value of a____________Of a given voltage class for convenient designation

Cell or battery

The number of conductors permitted in LFNC shall not exceed the percentage fill specified in__________

Chapter 9, Table 1

Ferrous metal raceways and enclosures for grounding electrode conductor shall be bonded at each end of the raceway or enclosure to the grounding electrode or grounding electrode conductor to create a___________ parallel path


Exposed live parts on the power distribution block are allowed when the junction box cover is removed


Accepted industry workmanship practices are described in ANSI/NECA 1-2015, Standard for good workmanship in electrical construction, and other ANS I approved installation standards


Search protective devices shall be listed


Switches and circuit breakers used as switches shall be installed so that they may be operated from a readily accessible place


When installing auxiliary electrodes, the earth shall not be used as an affective ground fault current path


Type____________ Cable is a factory assembly of conductors with an overall covering of non-metallic material suitable for direct burial in the earth


Panel boards equipped with snaps which is rated at 30 A or less shall have overcurrent protection not exceeding___________


For a circuit to be considered a multi wire branch circuit, it shall have__________

All the above

Cable tray systems shall not be used_________

In hoistways and where subject to severe physical damage (A&B)

Type USE cable is not permitted for________ wiring


Luminaires and equipment shall be mechanically connected to an equipment grounding conductor as specified in 250.118 and shall be sized in accordance with___________

Table 250.122

We are ungrounded supply conductors are parallel into her more raceways or cables, the bonding jumper for each raceway or cable shall be based on the size of________ in each raceway or cable

Ungrounded supply conductors

Luminaires shall maintain a minimum clearance from the closet storage space of__________

All the above

Unbroken the Lankes of electric nonmetallic tubing shall not be required to be secured where fished between access points for___________ work and finished buildings or structures and securing is impractical


The NEC does not apply to electric utility owned wiring and equipment________

Consisting of service drops or service laterals

_______ are designed for surface mounting and have swinging doors of covers secured directly to and telescoping with the walls of the enclosure

Cutout boxes

Type_________ Cable is a factory assembly that encloses two or more insulated conductors with a non-metallic jacket


If more than one luminaire is installed on a branch circuit that is not of the multiwire type, a disconnecting means is not required for every luminaire when the light switch for the space ensures that some of the luminaries in the space will still provide illumination


Type in M cable shall closely follow the surface of the building finish or running boards when exposed


Unless specifically permitted in 400.10, flexible cases, flexible cord search, and power supply cord shall not be used or subject to physical damage


Where a remote control device actuates the service disconnecting means, the service disconnecting means shall still be at a readily accessible location either outside the building or structure, or nearest the point of entry of the service conductors


Where attachment to an equipment grounding conductor does not exist in the receptacle enclosure, a non-grounding type receptacle shall be permitted to be replaced with a GFCI type receptacle where supplied through a ground fault circuit interrupt her however some cord and plug connector equipment or appliances require an equipment grounding conductor in are listed 250.114


Listed FMC can be used as the equipment grounding conductor if the linked in any ground return Path does not exceed 6 feet in the circuit conductors contained in the conduit are protected by overcurrent device is rated at_______ or less


Snap switches in listed assemblies are not required to be connected to an equipment grounding conductor if____________

All the above

Each strap containing one or more devices shall count as a _________ volume allowance in accordance with table 314.16B, based on the largest conductor connected to a device or equipment supported by the strap


Grounding electrode conductor's or supply side finding jumpers or conductors shall not be permitted within raceways containing service conductors


Where meeting dissimilar metals, antioxidant materials suitable for the battery connection shall be used where__________ by the battery manufacturer


When one electrical circuit controls another circuit through a relay or an equivalent device, the first circuit is called a___________

Remote control circuit

Smooth sheath type MC cable with an external diameter not greater than 3/4 inch shall have a bending radius not more than____________ Times the cable external diameter


When separate equipment grounding conductors are provided in panel boards, a___________ shall be secured inside the cabinet

Terminal bar

Metal components shall not be required to be connected to the equipment grounding conductor or supply side bonding jumper where the metal components are___________

A or B

For grounded systems, electrical equipment and other electrically conductive material likely to become energized shall be installed in a manner that creates a___________ from any point on the wiring system where ground fault may occur to the electrical supply source

All the above

The 3VA per-square-foot General lighting load for dwelling units does not include__________

All the above

The terminal of a wiring devices for the connection of the equipment grounding conductor shall be identified by green colored_________

All the above

An electric-discharge or LED luminaire or listed assembly can be cord connected if the luminaire is located________ the outlet, the cord is visible for its entire length except at terminations, and the cord is not subject to strain or physical damage

Directly below

For a grounded system, an unspliced________ shall be used to connect the equipment grounding conductor in the service disconnect enclosure to the grounded conductor of the system within the enclosure for each service disconnect

Main bonding jumper

A grounded conductor shall not be connected to normally noncurrent caring metal parts of equipment on the side_________ of the system bonding jumper of a separately derived System except as otherwise permitted in article 250


Switches in circuit breakers used as switches can be mounted________ if they are installed adjacent to motors, appliances, or other equipment that they supply and are accessible by portable means

Higher than 6'7"

A dwelling unit containing two 120 V laundry branch circuits has a calculated load of_______volt amps for the laundry circuits


Listed outlet boxes to support ceiling suspended fans that weigh more than_________lb shall have the maximum allowable weight marked on the box


A vertically mounted luminaire weighing not more than__________ lb can be supported to a device box or plaster ring with no fewer than two No. 6 or large screws


For equipment rated 1200 A or more and over 6 feet wide that contains overcurrent devices, switching devices, or control devices, there shall be one entrance to and egress from the required working space not less than 24 inches wide and________ feet high at each end of the working space

6&1/2 feet

Where conductors are installed in raceways or cables exposed to direct sunlight on or above roof tops, a temperature adder of________ degrees Fahrenheit shall be added to the outdoor temperature where they can do it are less than 7/8in. from the rooftop


A vertical run of 4/0 AWG copper shall be supported at intervals not exceeding________

80 feet

The insulation temperature rating of conductors and Type NM cable shall be

90 degrees C

Conductors are considered outside a building when they are installed___________

Any of these (All the above)

Equipment or materials to which a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of a product evaluation organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction has been attached is known as___________


Individual meter socket enclosures shall not be considered service equipment but shall be___________ for the voltage and ampacity of the service

Listed and rated

Threadless couplings approved for use with IMC in wet locations shall be

Listed for wet locations

Utilization equipment weighing not more than 6 pounds can be supported to any box or plaster ring secured to a box, provided the equipment is secured with at least two___________or larger screws

No. 6

A clothes closet is defined as a_________ room or space intended primarily for storage of garments and apparel


Disconnecting means for air conditioning or refrigerating equipment can be installed_________ the air conditioning or refrigerating equipment, but not on panels that are designed to allow access to the equipment and not over the equipment name plate

On and within 2 answer

____________ shall not be located over the steps of a stairway

Over-current devices

NFPA 70E, Standard for electrical safety in the workplace, provides guidance, such as determining severity of potential exposure, planning safe work practices, arc flash labeling, and selecting___________

Personal protective equipment

Equipment enclosed in a case or cabinet with a means of sealing or locking so that live parts cannot be made accessible without opening the enclosure is said to be


Cable________ made and insulated by approved methods can be located within a cable tray provided they are accessible, and do not project above the side rails where the splices are subject to physical damage


Equipment bonding jumper's on the supply side of the service shall be no smaller than the size is specified in

Table 250.102(C)(1)

An effective ground-fault current path is an intentionally constructed, low-impedance electrically conductive path designed and intended to carry current during a ground-fault condition from the point of a ground fault on a wiring system to

The electrical supply source

All 15A or 20A, 120V branch circuits that supply outlet or devices in dwelling units, kitchen, family room, dining room, living room, parlors, library, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, recreation room, closet, hallways, laundry areas, or similar rooms or areas shall be AFCI protected by a listed arc-fault circuit interrupter


Entrances to rooms and other guarded locations containing exposed live parts shall be marked with conspicuous__________ forbidding unqualified person's to enter

Warning signs

The disconnecting means for a motor controller shall be designed so that it cannot___________ automatically


Lamp holders she'll be constructed, installed, or equipped with shades or guards so that_________ is not subjected to temperatures in excess of 90°C

Combustible material

At least one wall switch controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in every habitable room, kitchen, and bathroom of a dwelling unit


Horizontal runs of IMC supported by openings through framing members at intervals not exceeding 10 feet and securely fastened within 3 feet of terminations shall be permitted


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