Network Services and Protocols

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

HTTP and HTTPS are TCP-based protocols. Which of the following ports do they use?

80 and 443

One of the users in your organization has just re-installed the operating system on his system. He notices that the email software can be accessed after the reinstallation, but all the old emails have disappeared. What could be the cause of this problem?

POP3 was used on the mail client software

You work as a network administrator in a domain environment. You have a new firewall and need to configure it. You are asked to create web filtering and firewall rules based on domain groups. Which of the following protocol will you use to integrate your firewall directly with Active Directory?


You work as a network administrator and are responsible for configuring network firewalls, routers and switches. You have configured rules between the user and server VLANs. You received a request from your development team to create a new rule that allows port TCP 1433 to the database server. Based on the port number, which database is installed on the server.


What transport protocol/ports do DNS and DHCP use?

UDP 53 / UDP 67 and 68

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