Neuroanatomy lec 5

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arcuate fasciculus

A bundle of axons that connects Wernicke's Area (language comprehension) with Broca's Area (motor function of speech). connects supramarginal and angular gyroi (visual; understanding language from a visual perspective- Geschwind's territory )

choroid plexus

A highly vascular portion of the lining of the ventricles that secretes cerebrospinal fluid. vascular. contains a lot of blood vessels between pia mater and ependymal tissues. ependymal cells create tight junctions, which filters the blood into the ventricles, so it can get CSF. exists in the central and temporal horns of lateral ventricles and is connected to 3rd ventricle. additional one in 4th ventricl.

lateral ventricles

A set of paired ventricles lying within the cerebral hemispheres.` developed from telencephalon also massively has 4 horns: anterior/frontal, central/body, occipital/posterior and temporal/ inferior

forceps minor

Fibers that form Genu Commissural fibers connects the lateral and medial surfaces of the frontal lobes

forceps major

Fibers that form the splenium Commissural Fibers connects the occipital lobes

association projection

In contrast to commissural fibers, __________ fibers connect regions within the same hemisphere of the brain, and __________ fibers connect each region to other parts of the brain or to the spinal cord


In human neuroanatomy, bundles of axons (nerve fibers) called _________, within the brain, can be categorized by their function intoassociation fibers, projection fibers, and commissural fibers

white matter

Myelinated axons which connect cerebral cortex with other brain regions


Right & left cerebral hemispheres are derived from the embryonic ___________. They are composed of gray and white matter.

centrum semiovale

The name given to the collective white matter of the telencephalon Fibers at levels above Corpus Callosum; white fiber tracts

lateral apertures

Two openings in the side walls of the fourth ventricle that connect to the subarachnoid space.

external capsule

White matter tract that carries cholinergic fibers from basal forebrain to the cortex a thin layer of white matter between the putamen and the claustrum (grey matter). Its fibers are derived from the insula, the subthalamic connections are unknown.

extreme capsule

White matter tract that provides communication between claustrum, insular cortex, Broca's area and Wernicke's area


a fiber tract that extends from the hippocampus to the mammillary body

cerebral aqueduct

a narrow tube interconnecting the third and fourth ventricles of the brain, located in the center of the mesencephalon (midbrain) head, at floor of lateral ventricles

mammillary bodies

a protrusion of the bottom of the brain at the posterior end of the hypothalamus, containing some hypothalamic nuclei; part of the limbic system are important for recollective memory

anterior commissure

a white matter tract (a bundle of axons) connecting the two temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres across the midline, and placed in front of the columns of the fornix (behind the basal ganglia) located at the front of lamina terminals מקשרת בעיקר אתרים של מערכת ההרחה )חוש והריח עובר בעיקר דרך הלטרל סטריאה, המדיאל, המשכיים

medial lateral

after corpus striatum created: white matter starts to grow and cells that are at the sides of the walls of the telencephalon vesicles start to send axons in different directions. axons that exit the striatum and go more internally : coticofugal and corticopetal these fibers, that ascend and descend from cortex, cut the corpus striatum into 2 masses: ___________ (will develop into caudate nucleus) and __________ (lentiform nucleus)

corpus striatum

at 13-14 weeks- bundle of cells at the base of the hemispheres are created - called ___________. basal ganglia will develop from here (caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus) telencephalic gray matter associated with the lateral ventricle. It is composed of the striatum (caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens, and putamen) and the pallidum (globus pallidus), which is composed of external and internal divisions


at the start of embryonic development, the neural tube cavity/space is large, with thin walls. as the embryo develops, the space is filled, as organs start to grow and the walls start to curve/bend. its filled with ______ matter and subcortical nerves.

association fibers

axons that connect cortical areas within the same cerebral hemisphere (can be different lobes)

commissural fibers

axons that connect the two hemispheres of the brain

internal capsule

band of projection fibers that runs between the basal nuclei and the thalamus

hippocampal commissure

commissure that connects the left and right hippocampi located between crus of fornix

globus pallidus

component of the basal ganglia that connects to the thalamus which relays information to the motor areas and the prefrontal cortex has internal and external part

u fibers

connect adjacent gyri

nucleus accumbens

connects between the caudate and putamen part of corpus striatum that the fibers couldn't separate

superior longitudinal fasciculus

connects frontal and occipital lobes and parietal lobes מחברת קודקוד פרונטלי וטמפורלי מעל האינסולה, בקצוות has alot of parts

retrolenticular part

fibers of optic radiation from the lateral geniculate to the occipital visual areas is caudal to the lenticular nucleus and carries the optic radiation

basal nuclei

gray matter nuclei located deep within the white matter of the cerebral hemisphere. include: caudate nucleus, putamen, pallidum, claustrum


large subcortical structure, part of the basal ganglia lateral part

crus cerebri

leg of the cerebrum; on each penduncle; contains a large pyramidal motor tract descending toward the spinal cord הסיבים של קורונה קדיאטה נכנסים נאספים ומהווים חלק חשוב בגזע המוח—

massa intermedia

located in the middle of the third ventricle; it is a route of communication between the left and right diencephalon, which is largely separated by the third ventricle. some people don't have it- nothing happens

cavum septum

marker for fetal neural maldevelopment describes a split-like space in the septum pellucidum; cave of septum pellucidum During fetal development at approximately the twelfth week of gestation, a space forms between two laminae, which is the CSP. At approximately the twentieth week of gestation, the laminae start to close. when they don't close- 2 sheets and space btwn them with fluid inside: called ______ ______. the fluid is not continuous with the 4 ventricles therefore not considered a ventricle - not sure what the fluid does. can cause problems, not necessarily though.

lamina terminalis

membrane where the third ventricle ends anteriorly site of closure of the rostral neuropore; thin sheet of tissue that marks the rostral boundary of the original neural tube rostral part of telencephalon impar as the brain folds and grows, the _____ _____ becomes more internal. covered in ependymal cells, like the ventricles

caudate nucleus

one of the major nuclei that make up the basal ganglia; it has a long extension or tail. המסה המדיאלית של קורפוס סטריאטום ואז קיבל זנב לטרלי—גרעין זנבי.

medial aperture

one opening from 4th ventricle: drains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the fourth ventricle into the cisterna magna

telencephalon impar

part of telencephalon that doesn't split into 2 hemispheres. commissural fibers grow there contains lamina terminalis החלק שלא התנתק ונמצא בתוך קו האמצע בין 2 ההמסיפרות. בתוך הקו הזה גדלים אקסונים שזזים שמאלה—ימינה, ומעבירים מידע בין ההמיספרות, מסומנים כנקודות כתומות בתוך הטלנצפלון אימפר

tight junctions

prevent leakage of extracellular fluid across a layer of epithelial cells Membranes of neighboring cells are pressed together, preventing leakage of extracellular fluid

corona radiata

projection fibers that run to and from the cortex to the brainstem and spinal cord הקעירות פונה לטרלית, החוצה, בתוכה נמצאת המסה הלטרלית.


projection fibers: efferent (away from cortex) descending from cortex to all levels of the brainstem, basal ganglia and spinal cord

crus of fornix

prolonged backward from the body of fornix flattened bands, and, at their commencement, are intimately connected with the under surface of the corpus callosum. Diverging from one another, each curves around the posterior end of the thalamus, and passes downward and forward into the temporal horn of lateral ventricle. btwn them are hippocampal commissure

lentiform nucleus

putamen and globus pallidus


the fourth ventricle has _____ opening: 2 lateral apertures 1 medial aperture top (roof) opening and bottom (floor) opening

corpus callosum

the large band of neural fibers connecting the two brain hemispheres and carrying messages between them parts: forceps major forceps minor tapetum

fourth ventricle

the ventricle located between the cerebellum and the dorsal pons, in the center of the metencephalon

third ventricle

the ventricle located in the center of the diencephalon massa intermedia in the middle

septum pellucidum

thin membrane that separates lateral ventricles (nerve tissue/substance)- contains nerves and glia cells marker for fetal neural maldevelopment. It runs as a sheet from the corpus callosum down to the fornix.


through body of corpus callous commissural fibers go upwards and line the lateral ventricles

interventricular foramen

tiny pore that connects lateral ventricles to third ventricle aka foramen of Monroe there are 2 (for each hemisphere)

posterior commissure

transversely-oriented commissural white matter tract that connects the two cerebral hemispheres along the midline below pineal gland


type of projection fibers afferent

sublenticular part

under lentiform fibers that connect the thalamus with auditory cortex

projection fibers

vertical fibers that connect hemispheres with lower brain or spinal cord consist of both afferent and efferent nerve fibers that couple the brain with the spinal cord. myelinated neves that are arranged in columns with white matter surrounding the grey matter.

projection fibers

vertical fibers that connect hemispheres with lower brain or spinal cord consist of efferent and afferent fibers uniting the cortex with the lower parts of the brain and with the spinal cord. form the internal capsule. Two categories are: 1] corticofugal 2] corticopedal

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