New QSet 13

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Q: What is a Bowtruckle's maximum height?

8 inches}

Q: What was Mad-Eye clutching when he met Harry at the end of Harry's fifth year?

A long staff}

Q: What items did each of the Fake Harry Potters carry?

A rucksack and owl cage with a stuffed snowy owl in it}

Q: What is the visitor's entrance to the Ministry of Magic?

A telephone box}

Q: Monkshood and wolfsbane are different names for what plant?


Q: What was the name of the witch who bet Ludo Bagman a share in her eel farm at the 1994 Quidditch World Cup?

Agatha Timms}

Q: How long did Snape tell Umbridge it would take to make up some Veritaserum?

Around a month}

Q: According to Ginny, from whom did Ron get his best kiss?

Auntie Muriel}

Q: Who did Loxias take the Elder Wand from?

Barnabas Deverill}

Q: During Charms class after Harry got his Valentine, what was Ron's wand doing?

Blossoming large purple bubbles}

Q: What did Hagrid feed the newly hatched Norbert?

Brandy mixed with chicken blood}

Q: What material was the card holder on the door of the Dai Llewellyn Ward made from?


Q: What colour are the Chudley Cannons robes?

Bright orange}

Q: What Pride of Portree player played for Scotland 36 times?

Catriona McCormack}

Q: When Harry was escorted into the private room of the Leaky Cauldron to talk to the Minister, what action did Tom the bartender use to light the fire?

Clicked his fingers}

Q: What broom did Cho Chang ride during Harry's 3rd year?

Comet 260}

Q: What did Krum cast on his dragon to get past it?

Conjunctivitis Curse}

Q: Who tried to protect Sirius Black when Harry was aiming a wand at his chest in the Shrieking Shack?


Q: What person was Harry warned specifically by Snape not to tell about his Occlumency lessons?

Dolores Umbridge}

Q: What name did Ron use when he was accompanying 'Bellatrix' to Gringotts?

Dragomir Despard}

Q: What did Urquhart Rackharrow invent?

Entrail-Expelling Curse}

Q: Which Hufflepuff student tried to talk to Harry as he pursued Professor Snape and Draco Malfoy after Dumbledore's death?

Ernie Macmillan}

Q: What was the good news that Yaxley brought Voldemort at the meeting in Malfoy Manor?

He had succeeded in placing an Imperius Curse on Pius Thicknesse}

Q: Why did Gwendolyn Morgan concuss Rudolf Brand with her broom at a 1953 match?

He proposed marriage}

Q: What was the second thing Harry said in trying to retrieve the sword from the bottom of the forest pool?


Q: Before Hermione tried to correct his pronunciation, how did Viktor Krum say her name?


Q: What did Hermione look up in Flesh Eating Trees of the World in 6th year Herbology class?

How to juice a snargaluff}

Q: The large, cracked Foe-Glass in the Room of Requirement had previously hung where?

In the fake Alastor Moody's office}

Q: Where was a spare key of the Riddles' House kept?

In the gardener's cottage}

Q: In the summer before his 5th year, what wizarding Statute did Harry break?

International Statute of Secrecy}

Q: How did Dean Thomas choose his subjects for the third year?

Jabbed his wand at the list and picked what it landed on}

Q: During the Battle of Hogwarts, which order members led groups of fighters into the grounds?

Kingsley Shacklebolt, Arthur Weasley, Remus Lupin}

Q: What metal were Bludgers made of, for a short time?


Q: What was the name of Katie's friend who tried to stop her from delivering the package containing the cursed opal necklace?


Q: What are the mascots of the Kenmare Kestrels?


Q: Flavius Belby survived an attack by what XXXXX class creature and soon after wrote about it?


Q: Where did Harry first meet Draco Malfoy?

Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions}

Q: Who was the first person Harry and Professor Dumbledore saw in Hogsmeade after retrieving the locket from the cave?

Madam Rosmerta}

Q: What is on the second floor of St. Mungo's?

Magical Bugs}

Q: What was the first password for the Gryffindor Common Room in Harry's fifth year?

Mimbulus mimbletonia}

Q: Who in Harry's class removed the first pod in the 6th year Herbology lesson on snargaluffs?

Neville Longbottom}

Q: Who were the Death Eaters who accompanied Tom Riddle to Hogwarts when he went to enquire about a job?

Nott, Rosier, Mulciber and Dolohov}

Q: During the last D.A. Meeting before Christmas Break, who did Neville hit with a stunning spell when he was aiming for Dean?

Padma Patil}

Q: Who was the Court Scribe at Harry's hearing?

Percy Weasley}

Q: What did Hermione pull out of her bag after listening to Ted, Dean, Dirk and the Goblins?

Phineas Nigellus' portrait}

Q: What did the second sign on the Lovegood's gate say?

Pick Your Own Mistletoe}

Q: What was the name of the owl that Harry sent to Sirius to tell him that he managed to get past his first Triwizard task?


Q: What substance were the platform numbers at King's Cross Station made of?


Q: Who did Angelina ultimately go to to get permission to re-form the Gryffindor Quidditch Team?

Professor McGonagall}

Q: Who was head of Hufflepuff house during Harry's time at Hogwarts?

Professor Sprout}

Q: Who came sprinting up the corridor to help Professor McGonagall when Snape was attacking her?

Professors Flitwick and Sprout}

Q: According to Luna, what Conspiracy were Aurors part of?


Q: When Harry faced him on the Quidditch Pitch, what position did Cedric Diggory play on the Hufflepuff team?


Q: The oldest merpeople recorded were known as what?


Q: Who went by the code name Snuffles?

Sirius Black}

Q: What do Pepper Imps make you do?

Smoke at the mouth}

Q: Why did Hermione want the Death Eaters to get a glimpse of Harry before they left the Lovegood house?

So they knew Mr. Lovegood hadn't been lying}

Q: What did Ron tell Draco after punching him at the battle of Hogwarts?[Q]

That's the second time we've saved your life tonight}

Q: Before Harry Potter left to hunt horcruxes with Professor Dumbledore, what two items did he give to Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger?

The Marauder's Map and a pair of balled-up socks containing the Felix Felicis}

Q: Where did Hermione and Ron head to meet the rest of the people taking their Apparition Test?

The entrance hall}

Q: Where did Dumbledore send all the students after he found out Sirius Black had attacked the Fat Lady?

The great hall}

Q: How do Fairies reproduce?

They lay eggs}

Q: In the Sorting Hat's song in Harry's 5th year, Slytherin was willing to teach?[Q]

Those whose ancestry is purest}

Q: What subject did Dumbledore teach before he became headmaster?


Q: Before his first Quidditch match, what did Ron do when a group of Slytherins asked him if he had booked his bed in the hospital wing?

Turn a delicate shade of green}

Q: During the lesson in which McGonagall made the announcement about exams in Harry's 2nd year, what was the class supposed to be doing?

Turning white rabbits into slippers}

Q: Professor Dumbledore lost his liking for Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans when he picked which flavour?


Q: After locking the door to the Prime minister's office, what was the next thing Scrimgeour used his wand on?


Q: What type of gates stood at the entrance to Malfoy Manor?

Wrought iron}

Q: When Harry asked Professor McGonagall for his Firebolt back, what did she say that Professor Flitwick thought the broom might be carrying?

a Hurling Hex}

Q: What did Professor Flitwick give Harry to express his feelings about the Quibbler interview?

a box of squeaking sugar mice}

Q: According to Hermione shortly before their 5th year, how often did The Daily Prophet mention Harry Potter?

a couple of times a week}

Q: With what were the Carrows hoisted into the air, in the Ravenclaw Common Room?

a silver net}

Q: What did Trevor turn into when Snape tested Neville's shrinking potion on him?

a tadpole}

Q: Why did Horace Slughorn's false memory of his talk with Tom Riddle seem difficult to pour into the pensieve?

because it looked as if it had congealed slightly}

Q: What kind of feet did the Mirror of Erised have?


Q: How was the head of the Thestral described when Harry saw them in his 5th year?


Q: What does the Ashwinder collapse into after it lays eggs?


Q: Who made Great-Auntie Muriel's tiara?


Q: How did Dudley break his air rifle?

he sat on it}

Q: Where was Hermione when she heard a dozen or so girls plotting how to slip Harry a love potion?

in the bathroom}

Q: When Harry and Hermione met Rita Skeeter for a drink in the Three Broomsticks during their 5th year, what did she do when she heard Voldemort's name?

jumped so badly she slopped half her glass of firewhisky down herself}

Q: How were Umbridge's eyes described when Harry first saw her at his hearing?

large, round, and slightly bulging}

Q: What was written directly next to Golpalott's Third Law in Harry's copy of Advanced Potion making?


Q: At Harry's disciplinary hearing, how did Mrs. Figg describe the two boys she saw in the alley with the dementors?[Q]

one was very large and the other one rather skinny}

Q: What specific term did Tonks use to describe herself with purple hair?


Q: The morning of the first Quidditch match of Harry's 5th year, what unusual item were the Slytherins wearing at breakfast?

silver badges in the shape of a crown}

Q: How were the giant grubs Hagrid kept for Aragog described?

slimy, white, writhing}

Q: What was Ron Weasley first attempting to do when he suggested that Draco Malfoy had broken his Hand of Glory?

straighten his broomstick's bent tail twigs}

Q: According to what does the accused have the right to present witnesses for his or her case (as stated at Harry's hearing)?

the Wizengamot Charter of Rights}

Q: Where did Professor Dumbledore fall from when he was killed?

the top of the Astronomy Tower}

Q: When Snape substituted for Lupin, what was the essay he sets for homework?

the ways to recognise and kill werewolves}

Q: What does 'T' mean on an OWL?


Q: Where did Kreacher sleep at 12 Grimmauld Place?

under the boiler}

Q: Harry thought he had gotten at least what grade/mark for his invigoration draught in his 5th year?

Exceeds Expectations}

Q: What was in the small black cauldron on Slughorn's desk?

Felix Felicis}

Q: Who did Hermione say was rumored to have attacked the Montgomery sister's brother?

Fenrir Greyback}

Q: McLaggen gave the Gryffindor beaters what piece of advice before the Hufflepuff match?

Fly out of the sun}

Q: Who said 'Time is Galleons'?

Fred Weasley}

Q: When Harry returned to the Gryffindor Common room after the last D.A. meeting before Christmas Break, how much had Hermione filled on the roll of parchment she was writing on?


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