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Children's anxiety over parental separation peaks around _____ months of age


Of your 46 chromosomes, _____ are considered unisex


When a child adjusts his current understandings to incorporate a new experience, this is known as:


Which of the following provides evidence in favor of the idea that our development is mostly continuous?

Adult life does not seem to progress through the fixed, predictable series of steps that Erik Erikson envisioned

Although physical decline begins in early adulthood, it is not until later in life that the declines become really noticeable. Which of the following show the greatest decline in later life?

All of these abilities decline in later life.

ASD has differing levels of severity. Those formerly diagnosed with ________ generally have normal intelligence and function at a high level

Asperger syndrome

Imogine finds that as she is grows older her memory isn't as good as it once was. What can she do to improve her memory?

Be more physically active

George often feels tired and sluggish. Which of the following is his physician likely to recommend?

Be more physically active.

_____ psychologists investigate the influence of multiple factors on how people change physically, mentally, and socially—including biological, environmental, social, cultural, and behavioral factors—at every stage of life.


AIDS results from the transmission of ________ from an infected sexual partner.


Natasha and Sergio want to prevent their daughter from contracting a specific STI, so they arrange for her to receive a vaccination. Which STI are Natasha and Sergio trying to prevent?


Carolyn Rovee-Collier's unintended home experiment revealed that

Infants are capable of learning

Yun Hee is concerned about her daughter, who will be a year-old next week. The baby is not walking yet, and Yun Hee's family is starting to comment on it. Should she be worried?

No, she should not worry. Only 50 percent of all babies in the United States are walking within a week after their first birthday

Yun Hee is concerned about her 1-year-old daughter, who has not started to walk yet. Should Yun Lee be worried?

No, she should not worry. Only 50 percent of all babies in the United States are walking within a week after their first birthday.

Questions about the extent to which maladaptive habits learned in childhood can be overcome in adulthood are most directly relevant to the issue of _____ and change


Why is it that older people account for fewer than 10 percent of all automobile crashes when they have slower reaction time and attend less to other vehicles on the road as compared to younger adults?

They drive less than younger adults

Kendra is a 20-month-old baby who is still crawling. She has not started to walk yet. What would her pediatrician likely say to her mother

This is actually rare, as most babies are walking by the time they are 15 months of age

Lee is an 8-month-old infant who is already walking around the house. What would Lee's pediatrician likely say to his parents?

This is actually rare, as most babies do not start walking until around their first birthday.

A baby girl receives a(n)

X chromosome from both her father and mother.

An understanding of human sexual behavior in terms of the interplay of cultural norms, sex hormones, and people's unique sexual values and motives is most clearly provided by

a biopsychosocial approach

A genetic male newborn with primary sex characteristics that are not typically male or female most clearly shows signs of

a bisexual orientation.

The increasing rates of autism spectrum disorder may suggest

a relabeling of childhood disorders

The ability of preschool children to empathize with classmates who are feeling sad illustrates that preoperational children have developed

a theory of mind

The time span after orgasm during which a man cannot be aroused to another orgasm is called

a) the refractory period

Erikson suggested that the capacity to form close, loving relationships in young adulthood depended on

achieving a sense of identity.

Leah is 17 years old and drinks heavily. Which of the following is Leah likely to experience as an adult?


Caitlyn is 16 years old. She is in the midst of puberty. Caitlyn is in what stage of development?


Heidi is 16 years old. She is in the midst of puberty and so is in the stage of development known as _____.


research purposes, you need to focus on a small sample of individuals who are most likely to develop an alcohol use disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Given what is known about gender differences, you should focus on a sample made up of a group of _____.

adult males

During her adolescent years, Michelle used drugs and was extremely active sexually. When she became pregnant at the age of 21, she quit using drugs and has not used since. After she had the baby, Michelle went to college and earned a degree in nursing. Now Michelle is employed full-time as a nurse and spends the majority of her time with her daughter. What happened with Michelle demonstrates that developmental patterns:

are flexible.

He has never had a sexual encounter with nor felt any sexual attraction for members of either the same sex or the other sex. Jess is best described as


Michael demands total obedience from his children. There is no discussion and no arguing, and he has zero tolerance for anyone breaking the rules he has decreed. Michael has a(n) _____ parenting style.


Tommy was at the park with his father and excitedly pointed to the squirrel and exclaimed, "Kitty, kitty." His father pointed out that this was a squirrel, not a kitty. Tommy's initial understanding BEST illustrates the process of:


When do you have most of the brain cells you will ever have?

at birth

The Albertsons establish and enforce rules for their children to follow. They give reasons for the rules and invite their teenagers to join in the discussion when new rules are being made. Psychologists would characterize the Albertsons as ________ parents.


Teens who reserve sexual activity for adulthood are most likely to

be actively religious

ves, a gay man, has a smaller hypothalamus than his heterosexual brother, Ivan. The understanding that this structural difference in the men's brains may explain the difference in their sexual orientation is explained by the notion that everything psychological is simultaneously _____.


Older adults are more susceptible to diseases such as_____ than when they were younger.


Damage to the ________ would most likely interfere with learning a conditioned fear response to the sight of a dog that had threatened you on several occasions.


Questions about the extent to which maladaptive habits learned in childhood can be overcome in adulthood are most directly relevant to the issue of stability and _____


Stability and _____ is a major issue for developmental psychologists


Childhood is to adolescence as:

concrete images are to abstract ideas

Five-year-old Tammy mistakenly believes that her short, wide glass contains less soda than her brother's tall, narrow glass. Actually, both glasses contain the same amount of soda. This illustrates that Tammy lacks the concept of


Which of the following is NOT a major issue of debate for developmental psychologists?

consistency and irregularity

Julie most accurately recalls information learned in her history classroom when her recall is tested in the very same classroom. This best illustrates

context-dependent memory

Thirteen-year-old David repeatedly tells his mother not to drive too fast and to make a complete stop at the light in order to avoid getting a ticket. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates _____ morality


Thirteen-year-old Davis is telling his mother that she should not drive too fast and should make a complete stop at the light in order to avoid getting a ticket. Kohlberg would suggest that this illustrates _____________ morality.


Studies that compare people of different ages with one another are called _____ studies.


In the 1920s when women's hemlines reached the knee, an exposed female leg was considered erotic. Today an exposed leg is less likely to elicit such a response. This is an example of emotional responses _____ as a result of repeated exposure


Children who demonstrate ________ are especially likely to experience academic success

delay of gratification

Terminally ill and bereaved people do not go through predictable stages of grief such as _____ before anger.


As a young child, Samantha was extremely shy. She spent most of her time alone in her room while the other children played together outside. As an 11-year-old, she spends her time outdoors with a group of newly acquired friends. Samantha's behavior is consistent with the view that:

developmental patterns can change

John was always in trouble during his late adolescent years and his early 20s. He was arrested several times for underage drinking, disorderly conduct, and possession of marijuana. John is now in his 40s and is a successful attorney. He has not been in trouble since he was 23 years old. John's behavior demonstrates the view that;

developmental patterns can change.

In his business meetings, Mark expresses support for his colleagues and welcomes their opinions, listening intently when they are speaking. This behavior is somewhat unusual because men are usually more _____ than women.


Kevin is a tall and popular 16-year-old. He is also starting to use alcohol. It is likely that Kevin matured at a(n) _____ age.


Those in their twenties and thirties are in _____ adulthood.


Mike is 25 years old and just graduated from college. What stage of development is he in?

early adulthood

Arnold was not paying attention to his professor's lecture. But when the professor asked him what she had just said, he was surprised that he had a fleeting memory of her last few words. Arnold's experience best illustrates ________ memory


Malcolm is unable to have an erection and has gone his doctor to discuss the problem. Malcolm's doctor referred to this problem as:

erectile disorder

Women are somewhat more likely than men to feel bisexual attractions. This best illustrates a gender difference in

erotic plasticity.

The human capacity for storing long-term memories is

essentially limitless

Which of the following is an example of a paraphilia?


Fewer than half of all zygotes survive beyond the first two weeks after _____.


Vincent's ability to reason hypothetically in his geometry class indicates that he is in the ________ stage of development

formal operational

At 19, Celia is beginning to plan for her future. She wants to become a doctor, so she knows she has to buckle down in school. What explains Celia's behavior?

frontal lobes

Terminally ill and bereaved people do not go through predictable stages of _____, such as denial before anger


Terminally ill and bereaved people do not go through predictable stages of _____, such as denial before anger.


Three-month-old Andrew was obviously startled by the first ring of the telephone, but with each subsequent ring he seemed to become less reactive. This best illustrates the process of


The rear area of the ________, which processes spatial memory, grows bigger the longer a London cab driver has been navigating the maze of city streets.


According to Erikson, infancy is to trust as adolescence is to


Mark is 17 years old and drinks heavily. Which of the following is Mark likely to experience as an adult?


On the phone, Dominic rattles off a list of 10 grocery items for Kyoko to bring home from the store. Immediately after hearing the list, Kyoko attempts to write down the items. She is most likely to forget the items

in the middle of the list

Children too young to speak have not learned the words that we use to index much of our explicit memory. This most clearly helps to explain the occurrence of

infantile amnesia

Jenny has a good job, a cat named Jake, and 31 candles on her latest birthday cake. She feels lonely at times, though, and wonders if she'll find a life partner. Jenny is in the stage of development calle

intimacy versus isolation

Birdie frequently experiences tip-of-the-tongue memories—that is, she knows either a word or a memory but is unable to recall it at the moment. Birdie is MOST likely in which stage of development?

late adulthood

In which stage does one have the fewest problems with social relationships?

late adulthood

A researcher who administers a personality test to the same children every three years is conducting a _____ study.


Compared with formerly depressed people, those who are currently depressed are more likely to recall their parents as rejecting and punitive. This best illustrates

mood-congruent memory

Which of the following is a biological factor that helps people flourish in later life?

no genetic predisposition to early cognitive or physical decline

Parents in Westernized cultures are more likely than parents in Asian cultures to encourage children to value


Lisa attempts to retrieve her bottle after her father hides it under a blanket. This suggests that Lisa has developed a sense of

object permanence

Remembering things one can no longer perceive is most clearly an indication of

object permanence

Formal operational thought is most necessary for the development of ________ morality.


Paul thinks he should obey his teachers only if they are watching him. Lawrence Kohlberg would suggest that Paul demonstrates a(n) _____ morality.


Which of the following is/are indicative of a sexual dysfunction?

premature ejaculation

Effective retrieval cues trigger the process known as


Connie experienced her first menstrual period last week. This most clearly indicates that she has entered a developmental phase known as


The period of sexual maturation during which a person becomes capable of reproducing is called:


In recall and recognition tests of memory for recently learned material, older adults are more likely than young adults to have difficulty

recalling meaningless material.

During the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, children

rely on sensory and motor skills to acquire practical knowledge about the world

When an infant gazes more intently at a new stimulus, researchers conclude that the infant recognizes that stimulus as different. It follows that the infant has

remembered the original stimulus.

Erik Erikson suggested that a sense of basic trust during infancy results from

responsive parenting

Piaget suggested that cognitive development involved an individual's construction of


Katie is 14 and has noticed that her jeans are fitting differently; her hips are much curvier than they were a few months ago. She is noticing changes in _____

secondary sex characteristics

Three-year-old Djimon happily explores the attractive toys in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. He becomes distressed when she leaves for a few moments and runs to her when she returns. Then he resumes playing, periodically going to her for reassurance. Djimon most clearly displays signs of _____ attachment


Even though Alicia was busy playing when her mother came to pick her up from her babysitter, she quickly ran to her mother, gesturing to be held. Alicia most clearly showed signs of

secure attachment

Consciously recalling that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth best illustrates

semantic memory

Object permanence develops during Piaget's _____ stage of cognitive development


During their early teen years, girls who are more physically mature than most other girls their age are most likely to experience higher-than-average levels of

sexual harassment

The fraternal birth-order effect refers to a factor associated with:

sexual orientation

Julie, a 35-year-old physician, is lesbian. Her friend Cindy, a 38-year-old hospital administrator, is heterosexual. Julie and Cindy most clearly differ in their

sexual orientation.

Ten-week-old Makayla is being cared for by one of her mother's friends while her mother goes grocery shopping. Makayla fusses and cries, even though the friend has fed and rocked her. When Makayla's mother returns, she picks her baby up and talks to her. Makayla immediately stops crying because she has recognized

she can recognize all

Peterson and Peterson asked people to count aloud backward after they were presented with three consonants. This study found that ________ memories will quickly disappear without active processing and rehearsal


Anthony has signed up for a horticulture class. When he walks into the classroom on the first day he realizes that everyone else in the class, including the teacher, are women. He is aware of his:

social identity.

Biological maturation is BEST reflected in which of the following?


Eli thinks that language development over the life span requires a slow but steady shaping process. His belief is most directly relevant to the issue of continuity and _____


Thirty-five-year-old Marta is menopausal as a result of a medically necessary hysterectomy. Marta's sex drive is now significantly lower, which has led to reduced sexual intimacy with her husband. Her physician is likely to recommend

testosterone-replacement therapy

Although research on Erik Erikson's theory indicates that development does not seem to progress exactly through the series of fixed steps as he indicated:

the concept of stages is still a useful idea in developmental psychology

Learning the rising or falling intonations of spoken language begins during

the fetal period

Students often have longer-lasting memories of information from a one-semester course than from an intensive three-week course. This best illustrates the importance of

the spacing effect

Lynnae's long-term memory of what she reads is improved if she responds to fill-in-the-blank questions after completing sections of her reading assignments. Her experience best illustrates

the testing effect

Marissa has given birth to five sons; one is homosexual. In view of the fraternal birth-order effect, which of her five sons is most likely to be gay?

the youngest son

Martin was 25 years old when he moved to a new city. It is highly likely that when Martin is in late adulthood, this will be a vivid memory for him. This is because older adults tend to remember:

things that happened during their teens and twenties well

Prenatally, how many nerve cells were formed in your brain per minute?


The period of adolescence is lengthening in industrialized cultures such as Europe, the United States, and Australia. Adolescents are taking more time to finish their education and establish careers. The average age for a first marriage in the United States is now 29 for men and _______ for women


Rebecca and John took their daughter to Disney World. When they asked her two years later if she remembered going, she answered No. Their daughter was most likely less than_____ years of age at the time of the trip to Disney World.


Wilbur is 68 years old and is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he made in his life as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. According to Erik Erikson, Wilbur is in the stage of development called _____ vs. despair.


_____ vs. despair is the stage in which adults generally contribute to the world


Which of the following is TRUE about the comparison of the emotional well-being of older adults (over 65) and younger adults?

Older adults experience more positive feelings, supported by enhanced emotional control and the subsiding of negative feelings

Lilliana has seen numerous commercials for a "brain fitness" computer training game that claims to help improve cognitive functioning. She is planning on enrolling in the program in hopes of improving her memory. What would you say to Lilliana?

These programs do not do what they claim to do. While your memory will improve, it will only improve on the practiced skills and will not help you in everyday life."

_____ gave Stanford nursery school children a choice between a marshmallow now and two later. He found that the children who were able to wait had higher college completion rates and incomes, and were less likely to experience addiction as an adult. He also found that this tendency to wait or not persisted even 40 years later.

Walter Mischel

Raul was born with crossed eyes which hampered his development of normal perceptions. He did not have corrective surgery until he was 18 years of age. Lacking a normal visual experience during the early years, he will never achieve normal perceptions. This is caused by a lack of visual stimulation during:

a critical period.

A genetic male newborn with primary sex characteristics that are not typically male or female most clearly shows signs of

a disorder of sexual development

Angela is a 7-month-old baby who rolled over for the first time at 4 months of age and can now sit without support. These milestones reflect:

a maturing nervous system

Seventeen-year-old Vanessa just found out she is pregnant. Which of the following likely contributed to her unplanned pregnancy?

alcohol use

Professor Archibald suggests that men are more likely than women to initiate casual sex because this has historically served to be a more successful reproductive strategy for men than for women. The professor's suggestion best illustrates

an evolutionary perspective

Sixteen-year-old Rashad is on his high school diving team. While they are practicing, a group of girls from the girls' swim team stop by. Rashad immediately tries increasingly risky dives while the girls watch. If Rashad's hormone levels were checked at that time, we are most likely to find

an increase in his testosterone level

Terminally ill and bereaved people do not go through predictable stages of grief such as denial before _____.


Dr. Ensing studies the reactions of very young children who are briefly separated from their mothers while in an unfamiliar setting. It is most likely that Dr. Ensing is conducting research on


The Harlows' studies of infant monkeys raised with artificial mothers suggest that body contact promotes


I don't care whether you want to wash the dishes; you will do so because I said so!" This statement is most representative of a(n) _____ parenting style


Luca's parents set firm rules but are responsive to his needs. They give him a chance to tell them why he wants to stay out late while also explaining why they cannot allow him to stay out past midnight. Luca's parents have a(n) _____ parenting style:


Noah is an exceptionally intelligent child, who excels in math. However, he lacks social and communicative skills, which limits his ability to sustain normal peer relationships. Noah has been diagnosed with:

autism spectrum disorder.

Teen impulsivity is to late-maturing frontal lobes as old-age _____ is to frontal lobe atrophy


A researcher who attempts to understand the origin of sexual orientation by examining fetal exposure to testosterone is testing the hypothesis that _____ determines the child's sexual orientation.

brain development

Which of the following has research demonstrated is NOT a possible biological cause of autism spectrum disorder?

childhood MMR vaccinations

Research on the causes of homosexuality suggests that

childhood sexual victimization contributes strongly to homosexual development.

Ross believes that personality development is a matter of sudden qualitative changes at various turning points in the life span. His viewpoint is most directly relevant to the issue of

continuity and stages

Max is 17 years old and has decided to volunteer at Buddy Ball this summer, helping disabled children play baseball. He knows this will look good on his college applications. Max is probably in the _____ stage of moral development


The National Institute of Mental Health is conducting a study of older adults (30 to 75 years of age) regarding memory and response time in relation to timed tasks. They are bringing in all age groups at once to compare the differences. This is a(n) _____ study


Tonya asks people of different ages to complete a measure of life satisfaction. She then looks for life satisfaction differences across different age levels. Tonya is conducting a ________ study


Gender refers to the ________ that define what it means to be a man or a woman

cultural expectations

Females are born with all the _____in their ovaries they will ever have


Mistakenly assuming that the instructions for assembling a model ship would be clear to your brother because they are clear to you best illustrates


When her mother asked to see the picture she just drew, Shelly held it up to her own eyes. Shelly is demonstrating:


From 2 weeks to 8 weeks after conception, the human organism is known as a(n)


Terri is 20 years old and still very much dependent on her parents. They are paying for her college tuition as well as her living expenses. She spends her school holidays at home with them. According to some researchers, she is in the phase of life known as _____ adulthood


Marriage bonds are especially likely to endure when a couple

engages in more positive than negative interactions with each other.

Which of the following influences women's perceptions and the emotional impact of menopause?


Donna's parents divorced when she was a little girl. Her mother works two jobs and they eat a lot of fast food. It is likely that Donna will:

experience menarche at an earlier age.

Compared with men, women are more likely to talk with others to

explore relationships

According to Jonathon Haidt, moral intuition is quick gut _____, which our later moral _____ attempts to justify our early reaction.

feelings; reasoning

Evolutionary psychologists believe that men in almost all cultures are attracted to women based on youthful physical characteristics that denote:

fertility and good health

Marin has just given birth to a six-pound baby girl. Her infant's head is small and slightly disproportioned. Marin drank heavily while she was pregnant, so it is possible that the infant has _____.

fetal alcohol syndrome

A year and a half after directly experiencing a San Francisco earthquake, people had very accurate recall of where they had been and what they were doing at the time of the earthquake. Their recall best illustrates ________ memory


It is most likely that in many cultures women's leadership responsibilities have been limited by their

gender roles

Dominick responds to his daughter's fistfight with, "Good girls don't fight!" When his son has a fistfight he asks, "Did you win?" Dominick's comments are most likely to encourage

gender typing

Children's tendency to classify toys and songs as either masculine or feminine is most likely to encourage

gender typing.

Dr. Anders is a 44-year-old physician who experiences a sense of personal fulfillment in contributing to the well-being of others through her medical practice. Erik Erikson would have suggested that Dr. Anders experiences


For a fraction of a second after the lightning flash disappeared, Ileana retained a vivid mental image of its ragged edges. Her experience most clearly illustrates the nature of ________ memory


Jeremy is 16 years old and is trying different clothes and hairstyles. His father is confused and sometimes shocked by the pairing of shirts and pants, the earrings, chains, and hair colors. His mother on the other hand, just laughs. According to Erikson, Jeremy is in the stage of development called

identity vs. role confusion.

Joanna resents the burden and constraints of caring for her infant daughter. She frequently ignores her daughter's cries for attention. As a consequence, her daughter is most likely to display signs of _____ attachment.


At 12 months of age, Jeremy shows no more desire to be held by his own parents than by complete strangers. His behavior best illustrates

insecure attachment

Infants who are unable to predict how their parents will react to their cries for care and attention are especially likely to show signs of

insecure attachment.

According to Piaget, assimilation involves

interpreting new experiences in terms of one's current understanding

According to Erik Erikson, one positive outcome of the struggle for identity is a comfortable sense of who one is and a developing capacity for _____ with others.


According to Erikson, Lucinda's sense of who she is and where she's going increases her chances of moving on to the next stage of


Judith just turned 65. What stage of adult development is she in?

late adulthood

Dr. Greco is conducting a study of military veterans from the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. He plans to evaluate them every year for 10 years to see if those with anxiety disorders have a more pronounced decline in mental abilities and overall memory. This is a(n) _____ study.


Dr. Faircloth is conducting a study of military veterans from the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. He plans to evaluate them every year for 10 years to see if those with PTSD have a more pronounced decline in mental abilities and overall memory. This is a _____ study.


Delores, a 54-year-old woman, experienced menopause one year ago. She now finds that the frequency of her sexual fantasies and interest in sex has diminished. This change is due to:

lowered sex hormone levels.

Identical twins typically begin walking on nearly the same day. This best illustrates the importance of ________ to motor skills.


In general, children cannot be trained to walk before they are 10 months old. This best illustrates the importance of


The hippocampus and brain cortex display simultaneous activity rhythms during sleep. This appears to be an indication of

memory consolidation

In a study on aggression, a group of university students were given an experimental task intended to be frustrating. Then, the participants were given a task that forced them to administer (fake) electric shocks to another participant. Given what is known about gender differences and aggression, it is not surprising that _____ administered more painful electric shocks.


The first menstrual period is known as


_ is to a girl's sexual development as spermarche is to a boy's sexual development.


In everyday interactions, males are more likely to state their opinions, and females to offer support. However, females tend to become more assertive, and males more empathetic in

middle adulthood

Juanita is 56 years old. She is in which stage of adult development?

middle adulthood

Inherited traits that contribute to survival and reproductive success are most likely to be passed on to later generations. This idea is known as

natural selection

A homosexual orientation is viewed by most psychologists to be

neither willfully chosen nor willfully changed

Margie is 90 years old. She still plays golf and walks two miles a day. This exercise aids memory by stimulating the development of ______

neural connections

The immaturity of an infant's nervous system is best demonstrated by its limited

neural networks

Jason and Karen are involved in a classroom discussion. Research on gender differences suggests that as the discussion proceeds, Jason is more likely than Karen to

offer his own opinions on issues

In Erikson's theory, the sense of integrity achieved in late adulthood refers to the feeling that

one's life has been meaningful

A recent survey indicated that two-thirds of same-sex couples met:


Which of the following is a psychological factor that helps people flourish in later life?

optimistic outlook

Joan and Eric Anderson both experienced a complete sexual response cycle during intercourse. It is likely that each of them experienced the highest levels of blood pressure and heart rate during the stage of


According to Piaget, children in the sensorimotor stage acquire a sense of object _____.


An eyewitness to a bank robbery is asked to identify suspects from a police lineup. Which test of memory is being used?


A developmental psychologist studies the responses of a newborn. She puts her finger in the baby's hand. The baby grasps it. Then she strokes the baby's palm and the baby puts his fist in his mouth and sucks. The psychologist is testing the baby's _____.


Heterosexual women are most attracted to tall men with slim waists and broad shoulders. Evolutionary psychology most clearly attributes this preference to the fact that these physical characteristics are associated with

reproductive success

As a child, Dianna was sexually abused by her uncle, who often cared for her when her mother worked at night. Dianna is now the mother of two and is an elementary school teacher. Dianna has demonstrated which of the following?


When Jake applied for a driver's license, he was embarrassed by a momentary inability to remember his address. Jake's memory difficulty most likely resulted from a(n) ________ failure


Although Maria can encode and consciously recall new information, she is unable to consciously recall events that happened prior to the brain damage she suffered as an adolescent. Maria's memory difficulty most clearly illustrates

retrograde amnesia

Mark is 13 months old. When he is with his mother, he feels free to explore his environment and plays comfortably. When his mother leaves, he cries but is comforted when she returns. Mark is displaying which of the following forms of attachment?

secure attachment

Mr. Johnson spends time each day caressing and rocking his infant daughter. This time together should serve most directly to promote

secure attachment

The culturally preferred timing of events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement is known as the _____ clock.

social clock

Piaget is to the physical environment as Vygotsky is to the _____.

social environment

Which approach is most likely to attribute gender differences in mating preferences to the impact of watching and imitating readily available social scripts?

social learning theory

Piaget emphasized how the child's mind grows through interaction with the physical environment. Vygotsky emphasized how the child's mind grows through

social mentoring

Most of the movies Jared watches involve uncommitted sex between acquaintances. He now tends to engage in "sex just for the fun of it—without commitment." His behavior would best be attributed to the fact that the movies provided him with a memorable

social script.

Nine-year-old Jared and his one friend, Linus, spend a great deal of time playing one-on-one basketball and often can be heard talking about a wide range of personal topics. Compared with other boys his age, Jared is:

somewhat unusual, because most boys his age typically play in large groups and do not engage in intimate discussion.

After hearing stories of things they both had and had not actually experienced with "Mr. Science," preschool children spontaneously recalled him doing things that were only mentioned in the stories. This best illustrates

source amnesia

The greater aggressiveness of men than of women would be LEAST likely to involve ________ another person.

spreading false rumors about

As boys with explosive tempers grow older, they are especially likely to have difficulty maintaining good jobs and happy marriages. This fact is most relevant to the issue of

stability and change

Which of the following is a social-cultural factor that helps people flourish in later life?

support from family and friends

Frank has agreed to babysit for a family that has a 6-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl. According to research, Frank can anticipate that the girl will spend more time _____ Frank while the boy will spend more time in physical play.

talking to

Exceptionally timid and cautious infants tend to become shy and unassertive adolescents. This best illustrates the long-term stability of


Nuria is usually timid and fearful, whereas her sister Kyra is typically relaxed and cheerful. The two sisters are most strikingly different in


Which of the following characteristics appears to be the most stable over time?


Brenda, who has suffered from epilepsy all her life, takes Trileptal to control her seizures. Recently she became pregnant with her first child. She then checked on her medication and found that no adequate studies have been performed on the effect of the medication on pregnant women. She asked her doctor whether Trileptal was a(n):


An example of a primary sex characteristic is a

woman's ovaries.

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