Niermann ALL Multiple Choice (Exact Questions and Answers): Tests 1-4

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Which of the following is a feature of the Virginia Plan?

A chief executive officer having the power to conduct foreign policy and negotiate treaties would be elected by Congress.

What was the western border of the American nation established by the Treaty of Paris?

The Mississippi River.

Under the Constitution of the United States, who has primary responsibility for the conduct of foreign affairs?

The President of the United States

Which of the following was the most successful Indian resistance movement against European dominance in colonial North America?

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680

Which of the following was a consequence of Lord Dunmore's Proclamation of November 1775?

The Second Continental Congress decided to allow blacks to enlist in the Continental Army.

As a result of the Louisiana Purchase...

The United States controlled the mouth of the Mississippi River

For which of the following reasons did the spread of tobacco cultivation in Virginia lead to conflict with the Indians?

The abundant land required for tobacco cultivation caused the settlers increasingly to encroach on Indian lands.

Through his fiscal policies, Hamilton wanted to...

Consolidate power at the national level.

The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to...

(both A and B) A: Protect individual liberties against the power of the central government B: Win the support of Anti-Federalists to vote for the new Constitution

Which of the following is a feature of the New Jersey Plan?

A national judiciary having the power to determine the constitutionality of acts of Congress would be created.

Hamilton's proposal concerning the assumption of state debts became law as a result of which of the following?

A political deal was struck by which the site for the nation's capital was to be on the Potomac River.

As a result of the cultivation of tobacco in Virginia...

A scattered pattern of settlement emerged in the colony

Which of the following was a reason for the early problems that confronted the Jamestown colony?

A severe drought made it difficult for the settlers to cultivate crops.

Which of the following is true concerning indentured servants?

A significant percentage did not live through the period of their indenture.

Which of the following was a provision of the Navigation Acts?

All foreign goods bound for the colonies will be shipped through England.

In what way were self-sacrificing, economic, and democratic republicanism alike?

All held that a virtuous citizenry is the key to the success of a republic.

Which of these statements is most consistent with the sentiments expressed in Common Sense?

An America that throws of the exploitive British yoke and declares itself an independent republic will be strong, and its citizens will be free.

Those who opposed ratification of the Constitution werre known as...


Which of the following was a consequence of the XYZ Affair?

Anti-French sentiment increased in the United States, and the nation became embroiled in its first undeclared war.

African slavery was introduced to Europe by the...


As a result of the teachings of Handsome Lake, men of the Iroquois Confederacy...

Became more receptive to the European-style sexual division of labor taught by the Quakers

Mercantilist theory held that...

Colonies serve the mother country by supplying raw materials as well as serving as a market for manufactured goods.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with Alexander Hamilton's braod-constructionist view of the Constitution?

Congress can choose any means not specifically prohibited by the Constitution to achieve a constitutional end.

Which of the following policies was established by the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?

Congress would establish and oversee the development of territorial governments in the West.

At the Constitutional Convention, George Washington...

Consistently voted in favor of a strong national government

The growth of cotton was made profitable by the...

Cotton gin

Which of the following was one of the major means of subsistence of the people living in the northernmost region of Upper Guinea?

Cultivation of rice

When Europeans began to colonize North America, the Indians on the continent...

Did not see themselves as one people and did not think of uniting against the invaders.

The argument over the creation of the Bank of the United States focused on which of the following questions?

Does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to create the bank?

What did the city-states of Mesoamerica and the urban clusters known as the Mississippian culture have in common?

Each reached the height of its power only after achieving success in agriculture.

The slave rebellion planned by Gabriel was in part inspired by which of the following?

Enslaved blacks' adaptation of the concepts of liberty and equality to their own use.

Which of the following statements best expresses the argument presented by James Otis in his 1764 pamphlet protesting the Sugar Act and the proposed Stamp Act?

Even through the colonists believe an act of Parliament to be unconstitutional, they must obey that act until it is repealed.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the concept of the ideal republican man?

Men should be free to pursue their own economic self-interest, for such a pursuit will bring advancement to the man and to his family.

The primary motive for the 15th and 16th century European voyages of exploration and discovery was the desire to...

Gain direct access to the goods of Africa and Asia.

Which of the following is a Puritan belief?

God has already chosen those who are to be saved, and nothing one does will change one's fate.

In light of the major problem confronting the British government in 1763, what decision did Prime minister George Grenville make concerning Britain's North American colonies?

He decided that the colonies should assume a greater share of the cost of running the empire.

Why was John Eliot unsuccessful in converting the New England Indians to Christianity?

He insisted that to be truly Christian, the Indians had to reject their culture and replace it with English culture.

Which of the following is true of Chief Justice John Marshall?

He made the Supreme Court equal in power to the other branches of government in practice as well as in thoery.

Which of the following is true of Tecumseh?

He tried to create a pan-Indian alliance of northern and southern Indians that would block further westward settlement of whites.

Columbus's log of his first encounter with the New World and its inhabitants reveals which of the following?

He wanted to profit from the land he had found by exploiting its natural resources, including its people.

What was the significance of Washington's response to the Whiskey Rebellion?

His decisive action made it clear that the national government would not tolerate violent resistance to its laws.

The leaders of Shays's Rebellion used which of the following arguments to justify their actions?

If government becomes destructive of the rights of the people, the people have the right to overthrow the government.

The Lakota, Comanches, and Crows of the Great Plains were profoundly affected by the...

Introduction of the horse into North America.

Which of the following is the most important consequence of the Battle of Saratoga?

It brought France into the war as an American ally.

How did the Congress, under the Articles of Confederation, respond to the flooding of the American market with British goods?

It could do nothing because it lacked the power to establish a national commercial policy.

Which of the following was a consequence of the Great Awakening?

It eventually led to increased tolerance of religious diversity.

The significance of Pinkney's Treaty is...

It gave the United States free access to use the Mississippi River.

Why was the House of Burgesses important to the development of the British colonies in North America?

Its presence established the precedent of self-government at the local level in England's North American colonies.

What was the outcome of the contested presidential election of 1796 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson?

John Adams was elected president, and Thomas Jefferson was elected vice president.

The government's first independent source of revenue under the Articles of Confederation was...

Land sales provided for in the Land Ordinance of 1785

When Thomas Jefferson was elected President in 1800, one of his goals was to...

Limit the power of the federal government

Which of the following was a consequence of King Philip's War?

Many of the Native American followers of King Philip were captured and sold into slavery.

In which case did the Supreme Court first exercise the principle of judicial review?

Marbury v. Madison

Why did women in the 17th century Chesapeake region bear fewer children on average than their English counterparts?

Marriages in the Chesapeake were broken more often by death

The part of the New England trading system that was triangular in nature involved...

Molasses, rum, and slaves

The Second Amendment says that the people shall have the right "to keep and bear arms" because of the...

Need for a well-regulated militia

The embargo initiated by Jefferson in 1807 had the greatest impact on...

New England

The Continental Association called for the...

Nonimportation and nonconsumption of British goods.

As a result of the Battle of Yorktown...

Parliament stopped all offensive operations in America and authorized peace negotiations.

Why did the practice of settled agriculture lead to the emergence of more complex civilizations?

People with a steady supply of food were free to devote their energy to accumulating wealth, producing art, and creating ceremonies and rituals.

Indentured servants were important to the development of the 17th century Chesapeake region because they...

Provided a relatively cheap and abundant source of labor for Chesapeake tobacco planters.

The most difficult task facing the delegates of the First Continental Congress was

Reaching a consensus on the nature of the constitutional relationship between the colonies and England.

Early in the Jefferson presidency, the secretary of the treasury...

Reduced the army and navy budgets

As the Revolutionary War began, British officials attempted to get the interior Indian tribes to...

Remain neutral in the British-American conflict.

Early in the Jefferson presidency, Congress...

Repealed all internal taxes

The first economy based primarily on African slaves was created in...

Sao Tome

Anne Hutchinson challenged Puritan orthodoxy by expressing which of the following beliefs?

She taught that the elect could communicate directly with God.

Why did more aspects of West African culture survive in South Carolina than in any of the other British Colonies in North America?

The large number of Africans in South Carolina ensured the survival of many aspects of West African culture.

Jefferson supported ratification of the Constitution, but he disliked which of the following about the document?

The omission of a Bill of Rights.

In his Second Treatise on Government, Locke argued that...

The people could remove a government from power if it failed to protect their rights.

Which of the following statements best expresses the criticism leveled against Hamilton's proposal that Congress assume outstanding state debts?

The plan will enrich speculators who have purchased bonds at a small fraction of their face value.

Which of the following is true concerning the British policy of impressments?

The practice showed America's inability to adequately defend its citizens.

Which of the following is true of Bacon's Rebellion?

The rebellion involved land-hungry whites who alternately attacked Indians and battled with established authorities in Virginia.

For which of the following reasons did southern planters voice strenuous objections to ratification of Jay's Treaty?

The treaty contained no provision to compensate owners of slaves who left with the British army at the end of the Revolutionary War.

Which of these statements is most consistent with the concept of republicanism advanced by Thomas Paine?

The upper classes cannot speak for the ordinary people in society; therefore, the ordinary people should be allowed to participate in the political process.

Which of the following statements best explains the ineffectiveness of the Native Americans in defending their interests during the Revolutionary War?

The various tribes were unwilling to set aside their differences in order to pursue a common goal.

Powhatan extended aid to the Jamestown settlers because...

Their weapons could help him consolidate his power over other tribes in the region.

Which of the following was true of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions?

They advanced the theory that the states could judge the constitutionality of acts of Congress.

The extension of the right to vote to poor white men could have posed a threat to the power of the dominant elite. How did the elite reduce that threat?

They attempted to create solidarity among whites by emphasizing racial divisions between blacks and whites.

How did most Americans want the new government to handle the debts incurred by the nation in the winning of independence?

They believed the foreign debt should be paid in full but the domestic debt repudiated.

Which of the following is true of most states in which the legislature abolished slavery in the early years of the nation?

They favored gradual emancipation

Why were devout Puritans in a perpetual state of anxiety?

They never knew with absolute certainty whether they were of the saved or of the damned.

Which of the following was true of the followers of the Great Awakening?

They often used their religious ideas to question social and political norms.

Which of the following is true of the patriot's perception of the Coercive and Quebec Acts?

They viewed them as a deliberate plot by the British to destroy their rights.

Why did the Pokanoket Indians extend aid to the Pilgrims?

They wanted the Pilgrims as allies against the neighboring Narragansett Indians.

Which of the following was a characteristic of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention?

They were, for the most part, members of the economic elite.

The Mayflower Compact was an agreement among the people on board the Mayflower that...

They, the Plymouth settlers, would create a fair governing system for themselves.

The Pequots were the Native American tribe that...

Were nearly exterminated after their central village on the Mystic River was destroyed by the Puritan militia.

Which of the following groups was most directly affected by the excise tax on whiskey?

Western farmers

On the question of whether to count slaves as part of a state's population in determining its representation in the House of Representatives, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention made which of the following decisions?

Three-fifths of the slaves would be counted in the population totals.

The case of Eliza Lucas provides evidence for which of the following conclusions?

Through special skills brought from Africa, slaves contributed significantly to the economic development of South Carolina.

Before setting up winter quarters at Morristown, New Jersey, in January 1777, General Washington defeated the redcoats in the battles of...

Trenton and Princeton

Under the encomienda system...

Tribute from Indian villages was granted to individual conquistadors

In contrast to African and Native American societies, women in European societies were...

Usually denied positions of political and religious authority

A number of English Puritans moved to America in the 1620's and 1630's because they...

Wanted to be free to practice their religious beliefs without interference by the English monarch.

The Land ordinance of 1785 indicates that the Confederation Congress...

Was determined to make land available to small farmers

Which of the following was a consequence of the Pueblo Revolt?

When Spain regained control, Spanish governors stressed cooperation with the Pueblos.

Which of the following statements is most consistent with the concept of the ideal republican woman?

Women should concern themselves with the welfare of the community, putting the well-being of others ahead of their own.

Did the headright system benefit the wealthy gentry in Virginia? Why?

Yes, because it allowed them to amass more land and obtain laborers to work that land.

Did James Madison consider the large size of the American republic to be an advantage? Why or why not?

Yes, because there would be so many competing interest groups that no one group would be able to control the government.

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