"Night To Remember" Study guide (Blazek)

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How many people were in lifeboat #1? How many could it hold?

-12 -40

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Describe the following passengers and tell how they reacted to the ship hitting the iceberg:


How were the following passengers dealing with the chaos around them?


How many people were still on the Titanic?


Where was the Californian when the Titanic got in trouble?

10 miles away

what date did the Titanic set sail for New York?

April 10, 1912

What was the date and time when the ship hit the iceberg?

April 14, 1912 at 11:40 p.m.

What was the band's final song?


Where was the Titanic built and what was the name of the shipyard that put her together?

Built in Belfast Ireland and Harland Wolff

What orders was Captain Smith giving his men?

Every man for himself

How big was the iceberg?

Extended 100 ft above the water level

Who was the lookout that spotted the iceberg?

Frederick Fleet

What did the passenger Lawrence Beesley notice that told him something was wrong?

He attempts to go down the stairs and notices the stair are tilting downward a little

Describe Andrews?

He had a really intense passion for boats, he can anticipate the boat's reaction to any circumstance, he was excessive about the details, he really thought this was going to be okay and had %100 faith in this boat

How did Phillip handle the warning?

He ignored it because he was busy doing other things

Describe Captain Smith.

He is an older bearded man, this voyage was significant to him because he was going to retired after this voyage and this would be his last, he thought by the crew to be firm and well-respected

Who was Thomas Andrews?

He is the one who designed the boat but his title is Managing Direct of the Harland and Wolff Company

What happened to White Star President Bruce Ismay?

He is told to get onto lifeboat C

Where were most of the passengers when the accident occurred?

In bed, in their cabin

Why do you think most of the crew stayed with the ship?

It was their job, loyalty

Who is the managing director of the White Star Line?

J. Bruce Ismay

What happen to officer Lightoller?

Jumps off the boat into the crow's nest, jumps back in the water to help people, but then gets sucked into the air shaft, he is able to free himself

How did each handle the orders of women and children first?

Lightoller kept thing organized and efficient, Wiled did not have control and very chaotic

What helped the passengers to relax?


What does Walter Lord compare the damaged ship to?

Sagging birthday cake

Describe what happened with Mr. Isador and Ida Strauss.

She didn't wanna leave him and gave up her spot on the lifeboat spot to her maid

Why didn't Mr. Stratuss board the lifeboat?

So other people could go

Which side of the ship did the iceberg hit?

Starboard, right side

Which officers were in charge of the boat launching on the starboard and port sides?

Starboard- Lightoller, portside- Wiled

Do you notice any ironic foreshadowing in this chapter? What?

That it is unsinkable, God himself could not sink it

Describe the incident between Fifth Officer Lowe and a young boy.

The little boy is under the seat of lifeboat 14 and Lowe points the gun at him and tells him to get out and be a man

Describe how the ship was sinking.

The nose(front) of the boat is tipping down and it is leaning 5 degrees toward the starboard side

Describe the incident between Jack Phillips and the stroker.

The stoker was trying to get the lifebelt and they beat the stroker unconscious and left him

What happened to Chef Collins and the baby he was holding?

The wave comes and washes the baby away

Describe the condition of the ship at this point?

There is a lot of noises, popping and cracking, crashing glasses, 4 explosions

Describe some of the passengers' different reactions when the ship struck the iceberg.

There is no panic, many people feel the impact, they blew it off, no concern

What message did the Titanic receive from the Californian? When was it received?

There were icebergs at 11:00p.m.

How did the Third Class passengers handle the ice on the deck?

They are playing with it

Why might the officers need guns?

To keep order on the board boat

About 25 minutes after the accident, what was the ship's condition?

official sinking

Describe the scene on the deck. What is happening?

panic, people are saying their goodbyes, sad

Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Harris

playing cards in their cabin when she notices the dress hanging in the rack in the room that were swaying back and forth were no longer swaying

If a man wanted to get in a lifeboat, which side was the better side to try?

port side

What kind of music did they play?


Archibald Gracie

works with the crew loading the boat

How many passengers could all the lifeboats hold?

1178 people all together

When was the first SOS distress signal in history sent over the radio waves?

12:45 a.m. April 15, 1912

How many wooden lifeboats were on the Titanic?


How many people were on board the Titanic?


What time did the last lifeboat hit the water?

2:05 a.m.

What time did the water reach the bridge?

2:15 a.m.

How many collapsible boats were available?


How many passengers could the last lifeboats accommodate?


How far away was the Carpathia?

58 miles away

How many ice warnings did the Titanic receive in all?


How many musicians were in the band?


Where were the wooden lifeboats on the ship?

8 wooden lifeboats on each side

Describe the damage done to the Titanic by the iceberg.

A huge gasp was created along the bottom of the starboard side allowing water to enter the boat

Describe the Second Officer Charles Lightoller.

An off duty officer, when he respond he stays very calm and focus

Describe the job of a steward.

Assign a certain number of passengers on the boat and the caretaker of them

Which passengers were "the cream of New York and Philadelphia society"?

Astors, Wideners, Thayers, Carter's, Ryersons

When did Captain Smith order the lifeboats uncovered?

At 12:05 a.m., 25 minutes after the hit

How were the passengers dressed?

Bath roles, pj, coats, sweaters, etc.

What is the name of the ship closest to the Titanic and how far away was it?

Californian and 10 miles away

Describe the ship.

Consider to be indestructible and unsinkable

Why did the Californian, being only ten miles away, not rush to help the Titanic?

Earlier that day, the Californian was treated very disrespectfully by the Titanic

Who is the ship's captain?

Edward J. Smith

What happened to Wireless Assistant Harold Bride?

He is under lifeboat B after it is thrown off the top of the boat

How did Quartermaster Rowe realize the ship was in trouble?

He saw lifeboats floating in the water

What was ironic about Isador Strauss's will?

He wants his wife to be selfish and get some money and spend it on her but his wife stayed on the boat for him

Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Aster

Mr. Aster goes to investigate the situation and comes back to tell his wife everything is okay

The Titanic was part of which passenger ship line?

New White Star

Who were the ship's wireless operators?

Phillips and Bride

Who fired the rockets?

Quartermaster Rowe

What was the condition of the ship at 1:45 a.m. on April 15?

The engine room has water up to the boilers, official sinking

What were some of the difficulties of getting third class passengers up to the Boat Deck?

They didn't know how to get there, very crowded, most of the people are immigrants and do not speak English

Why weren't the passengers eager to leave the Titanic and enter the lifeboats?

They thought it was safer on the bigger boat

Who was in the smoking room at 2:10 a.m.?

Thomas Andrews

Why did the Titanic's engineer workers keep working?

To keep the lights working and pumping water out

What was the jobs of the wireless operators?

To send and deliver messages

What was the name of the bandmaster?

Wallace Henry

Describe the conditions of the ocean and the weather the night the ship hit the iceberg.

Weather was very cold and not windy because the ocean is smooth and as polish plate glass

How did word spread to the passengers that the Titanic was in trouble?

Word of mouth

What caused most passengers to begin to worry?

Word starts to get around the boat is taking on water and the crew seems to be concern

how was Captain smith responding to the crisis? Was he handling it well?

Yes, as well as he could, he stayed calm and focused

Has the mood on the boat deck changed? how?

Yes, bc now people want to get off the boat

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collyer

attempt to leave the room to see the situation, they pass the steward and it tells them that is no danger so they go back to their room

Colonel Archibald Gracie

feels the impact, gets dress, and goes up on the deck

Jake Thayer-

felt the impact but got in bed anyway, later decides to put on his coat and go check out the situation

Benjamin Guggenheim

he dressed in the best evening clothes and go down with the ship like a gentlemen

Mrs. Arthur Ryseron

looks out her window does not notice anything is wrong and decided to let her husband sleep

William T. Stead

reading alone is the 1st class smoking room

Isador and Ida Strauss

stand on the deck with their arms around each other, don't wanna leave each other

What did many steerage passengers turn to when all hope seemed to be lost?

they prayed

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