niu bio 209 FARMB hidden answers 16

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The hearts of birds and mammals both have ___ chambers, which keeps the blood that the heart pumped to the lungs, and which thus now has oxygen, separate from the unoxygenated blood waiting to be pumped to the lungs. This is not true in most other vertebrates. Would this 4-chambered sort of heart be adaptive when oxygen demand is high or low? Is getting lots of oxygen more important for ectotherms or endotherms? endotherms Explain. Which vertebrates are endothermic?

4 ; high ; endotherms ; because heat is generated by metabolism, which is roughly food + O2 energy + heat ; birds, mammals

What is the muscular sheet under your lungs called that separates your chest cavity from your abdominal cavity? What does it do?It is unique to the __________. (pick one from FARMB).

diaphragm ; contraction makes chest cavity bigger in volume, which causes air to be sucked in; relaxation makes the diaphragm push up against the lungs, causing air to be exhaled ; mammals

Scientific evidence suggests that birds' most recent common ancestor is with which well-known extinct group of vertebrates?


How is having a flap over the gills, like the bony fish do, adaptive relative to not having it?

creates water movement, moving away water that the fish has already used up the O2 in and filled up with CO2, which also brings new water near it, water that has higher O2 and lower CO2, concentrations

If whales and dolphins have a similar shape to fish because they are all in aquatic environments and this results in similar selection pressures, their common shape is a result of __________evolution (analogy).


An animal that primarily uses metabolism to maintain a favorable temperature, instead of relying almost strictly on the environment's temperature is called a(n) ____________


Scientists thus refer to "warm-blooded" animals as __________.


There are two explanations for why different taxa may have the same trait. Which of the two explains the following: the forelimbs of tetrapod (4-legged) animals, such as primate arms, whale pectoral flippers, and bird wings, all have bones in the same arrangement of one big bone proximal to the body, then 2 side by side bones, then lots of bones; and the bones all develop from mesoderm?

homology, i.e., common ancestry, i.e., an ancestor of all tetrapods had that sort of bone arrangement and these descendents inherited it

Mammals that are not egg layers or marsupials are what?

placental mammals

Why are birds considered tetrapods given that they only have 2 legs?

2 legs + 2 wings that develop from forelimbs = 4 limbs

In which 2 of the following would you find old world monkeys generally: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Antarctica, Australia?

Africa and Asia

Where would you find old world monkeys generally?

Africa and Asia

Living-dinosaurs is a term used for what vertebrate group that contains extant species?

Aves = birds

Birds' most recent common ancestor is with which of these extant groups of vertebrates: A. amphibians B. sharks and rays C. bony fish D. traditional reptiles E. egg-laying mammals?

D. traditional reptiles

Vertebrates include what animals? When we say fish are vertebrates, we include not just bony, but also _______fish, which include what 2 groupsVertebrates include what animals?

FARMB (fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds); cartilaginous; sharks and rays

What family do all the great apes, i.e., all the apes except for gibbons, belong to?


Describe 4 weight reducing features of birds. Why is weight reduction important? What is a keeled sternum and how is it adaptive for birds?

It takes more energy to fly a heavy object than a light one; thus individuals that fly with less weight will have more energy left for surviving and reproducing, so those weight reducing traits will become more common over time if they are heritable ; It is a bone shaped like a keel (like the v-shaped front of a boat), and to which flight muscles attach

For class Reptilia to be monophyletic, the extant organisms that it needs to include are not just snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, alligators [and tuatara], but also ________________.

[Class] Aves = birds

Scientists that like their groups to be monophyletic are not very happy with the traditional (non-avian) reptiles as a group, and this is because the traditional reptiles group leaves out what descendant class? Why can't a turtle just slide out of its shell? Youch!

[Class] Aves = birds ; Parts of the endoskeleton, like the ribs and vertebrae, are part of the shell

As an adult, what is left of the cartilage-like longitudinal rod that was just under your dorsal tubular nerve cord when you were an early embryo?

[the gelatin-like center of] your intervertebral discs.

What aspect of the morphology of some amphibians is similar to that of fish and allows them to detect changes in water pressure, such as occurs when a predator or prey is swimming towards them?

a lateral line of pits, with hairs in each pit, which bend in response to water coming in, which triggers certain nerves

A fetus is at one end of an umbilical cord. What is attached at the other end?

a placenta

Are sharks vertebrates or invertebrates? What about bony fish? amphibians? reptiles?

all are vertebrates; sharks are considered fish, and vertebrates are FARMB

Reptiles, birds, and mammals are together called ________________. Why? Four-limbed animals with a spinal column and associated muscles, tendons, and other tissue are called ___________ .

amniotes; an amnion membrane, surrounds the embryo, allowing it to develop in a fluid environment; vertebrates = FARMB

the oldest amphibian fossil or the oldest bird fossil amphibian?

amphibian-like shape is older

the oldest amphibian fossil or the oldest mammal fossil?

amphibian-like shape is older

the oldest amphibian fossil or the oldest reptile fossil?

amphibian-like shape is older

Among the three tetrapod classes of vertebrates, fertilization is external (to the female's body) in most species of which one?

amphibians [Class Amphibia]

The tetrapods, which are _______, _________, ________, and _______ generally have lungs as adults.

amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds

Which vertebrates are amniotes? Why? (not the specific names of those structures)

an amnion membrane, surrounds the embryo, allowing it to develop in a fluid environment

If you go to an aviary, it is not because you want to get avian flu, but rather to see what?


Bony fish generally have two balloon like outpocketings of the gut, into which they release or absorb gases, which regulates their ____________.


The primary function of the pair of nostril tubes in fish is what?


The proper terms for rays and skates being flat back to stomach is _____________ What structure allows fish (and tadpoles) to detect changes in water pressure?

dorsal-ventrally [= dorsoventrally] flat; a line of pits down each side (laterally): when something moves water into the pits, haired (ciliated) cells are triggered, allowing the fish to detect changes in water pressure

"Ech" means spiny. "Ech" is in the name of the phylum that we covered that is most closely related to ours, _____________ (sea urchins, seastars) and is in the mammal besides the platypus that lays eggs, the echidna, which is spiny and eats ants and other invertebrates.


What term explains why pet reptiles are given heat only at one end of their cage?

ectotherms; they can move to hotter part of cage to warm up & to cooler parts to cool down

What are 3 subgroups of mammals, which differ greatly in how much yolk is provided to the developing embryo-fetus? List them in order from most egg yolk to least.

egg layers, marsupials, placental mammals

Because we rely heavily on metabolism to generate heat when it's cold we are _____________, along with which other extant tetrapod group?

endotherms ; birds & other mammals

The balloon-like outpocketings appear to have evolved from lungs (switching function from breathing to buoyancy) and so are a nice example of a(n) _______________.


Among FARMB, what extant group, shares most recent common ancestry with amphibians?

fish [specifically, lobe-finned fish which are Class Osteichthyes]

Among fossils, which is older, the oldest fossil that resembles the visible traits of modern day fish or the oldest fossil that resembles the visible traits of amphibians?

fish-like shape is older

Sharks get water in their mouth and out their gill slits either by swimming continuously or by opening and closing their mouth repeatedly. Bony fish have another way they can assist water movement besides just opening their mouth --how?

flapping the flap on each side that covers the slit, where water leaves and passes over their gills

When you feed chicken grain containing grit, the grit collects in the organ they have for grinding food, the ______________, which is just a very muscular portion of what?

gizzard ; gut (digestive tract)

By definition, an animal without a backbone is a(n) _________. Is such an animal necessarily in phylum Chordata?

invertebrate; no, chordates include not only FARMB, i.e., subphylum Vertebrata, but also some invertebrates, e.g., lancelets.

Salamanders have the same basic shape as what reptile? So how could you tell them apart?

lizards ; salamanders are amphibians, like frogs, so they have no scales and moist skin (often), whereas lizards have scales and dry skin, often being found in deserts

Which 5 of the following are traditional (non-avian) reptiles: sharks, rays, trout, salamanders, frogs and toads, lizards and snakes, turtles, alligators and crocodiles? Which 3 are amphibians? Which one is in the cartilaginous-fish class?

lizards and snakes, turtles, alligators and crocodiles ; salamanders, frogs and toads ; sharks & rays

The egg-laying mammals do NOT belong to the other 2 mammal groups, which are what?

marsupials, placental mammals

What mammals are neither marsupials nor placental mammals? Which lay eggs? Where would you find egg-laying mammals?

platypus [and echidnas] ; in Australia [& nearby islands].

Which of the following are egg layers? Which are marsupials? opossums, kangaroos, koalas primates, koalas, kangaroos, opossums, apes, bats, whales, lemurs, new world monkeys, platypus and echidnas.

platypus and echidnas are the only mammal egg-layers ;

Do extant species of birds normally have teeth? Yet they have some of the genes (DNA) for teeth. If you have a trait but it's a reduced version of your apparent ancestors or not even used, the term for it is __________________.

no ; vestige

Think of the graph of the body temperature of the snake vs the bobcat: are reptiles homeotherms?

no, body temp changes as environmental [ambient] temp does

Reptiles have dry scales of keratin. Do salamanders? frogs?

no, they are amphibians ; no, they are amphibians

Know the single-word common names of the 4 best-known different apes. [also gibbons, which are less closely related to us than the others, and bonobos, which are similar to chimps but a bit longer-bodied and have the unusual behavior of masturbating each other when they greet (say, "hi")]

orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, humans

what kind of aquatic animal is this? What is it closely related to?

ray; closely related to sharks What kind of skeleton do these have? They are cartilaginous fish, meaning less calcification (calcium making it hard) than in the bony fish.

Of the following: sharks, rays, trout, catfish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals: Which are vertebrates? all cartilaginous fish? bony fish? Which 4 are considered tetrapods? The bones in the wing of a bird are homologous to which 2 of the following: the forewing of a grasshopper, the bones in your arm, the bones in the pectoral flippers of a whale?

rays, trout, catfish ; ARMB ; the last 2 ;

Among the following, which are amphibians: sea urchins and other echinoderms, platypuses, lizards, salamanders, frogs, toads, turtles, crocodiles, alligators? reptiles? egg-laying mammals?

salamanders, frogs, toads; lizards, turtles, crocodiles, & alligators; platypuses

Homeotherms are often endotherms, but the 2 terms differ because "homo" means ___vs endo means ___.

same ; inside (as in heat is produced metabolically in the body)

Like the term used for the dividers between earthworm segments, the dividers inside the heart of birds and mammals are called inter-atrial and inter-ventricular ____________ What kind of heart keeps the blood that the heart pumped to the lungs, and which thus now has oxygen, separate from the unoxygenated blood waiting to be pumped to the lungs? .

septa ; 4-chambered heart, as in birds & mammals

What 2 traits that birds have and 1 that mammals have readily explain why they have 4-chambered hearts-flight & big brains; big brains, whereas amphibians lack a(n) _____________, and thus have just 3 chambers.

septum ; keeping blood that has gotten oxygen from the lungs/skin from mixing with unoxygenated blood that just got to the heart from the body

Sketch the outline of a ray. It is closely related to ________________.


All apes lack __________ , but only some monkeys lack them.


An easy to distinguish difference between apes and most monkeys is that the latter often have __________ even as adults?


The root "therm," means ___________.


Amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals are together called _______________based on their limbs, because they have how many limbs?

tetrapods ; 4

Where would you find new world monkeys generally?

the Americas

You can test whether a tooth gene or other gene is expressed not only by looking for morphological feature it normally makes but also by testing for an earlier step, e.g., DNA gets __________(process) to ___________(molecule type). So you can test for the latter.

transcribed ; RNA

There is a whole series of ________fossils with jaw bones that look in between what mammals and reptiles have. To what part of adult mammals did the other reptile jaw bones go? although those bones start in your lower jaw early in development.

transitional ; ear bones

Archaeopteryx has been described as a ______________fossil, meaning? Unlike extant birds, its mouth contains ____________, but it is called a bird since it has ______________, which have more recently also been seen on some dinosaur fossils from China further corroborating the close relatedness between birds and certain dinosaurs that skeletal features had already suggested.

transitional ; inbetween 2 major taxa, in this case, birds and reptiles ; teeth ; feathers

is the name of the fetal structure that connects the fetus to the placenta? Is the placenta made of fetal tissue or maternal tissue?

umbilical cord ; both

Given this, within vertebrates, which is likely the oldest trait and which the most recent: vertebrae, 4 legs, amniote?


Baleen whales have teeth as embryos, but reabsorb them by the adult stage. Hence these embryonic teeth are examples of ______________traits.


Which of the following have mammary glands: whales? bats? dolphins? seals? lizards? salamanders? Which are reptiles? lizards amphibians?

whales, bats, dolphins, seals ; salamanders

Do the egg-laying mammals have hair and mammary glands?

yes, all mammals do, to my knowledge.

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