Nocti General Knowledge

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An ERS is focused by

"running the barrel"

A PAR is focused by

"spinning the bottle"

If a gallon of paint covers 350 sq ft and each gallon cost $39.99 how much would it cost to cover 1400 sq ft?


Name All the necessary components of typical lighting paperwork

- Channel Hookup - Instrument Schedule - Dimmer Schedule - Circuit Schedule - Magic Sheet

What are some ways to keep walkways clear of cables that may trip performers or crew?

- Picking or running them through the ceiling - taping them down - Cleaning them up after use

Name at least 3 things must a stage manager do to before rehearsals start?

- Read and analyze the script - Collect information on the production - Prepare initial lists and breakdowns - Create a prompt book - Meet with the director - Participate in auditions - Prepare the rehearsal room

What are examples of trip hazards backstage?

- cables -sceanary - clutter

Check all that apply. Parametric Equalization is frequency manipulation which allows:

- control over frequency levels (boosting or cutting decibels), - selection of the center/primary frequency - manipulation of bandwidth/range of each frequency

Synonym's for emergency exits include

- emergency egress

What do we have to do pre-show to make the stage performance ready?

-Clean -Preset

Which audio format should you use for playback?


The intersection of plaster line and center line is also known as:

0 - 0 point

A 2" x 4" is actually what dimensions?

1 1/2" x 3 1/2"

What time is the crew typically called before a performance?

1 hour

What is the first things to apply when putting on stage makeup?

1. Primer 2. Foundation 3. Concealer

The standard pipe used in theatre is 1 1/2" schedule 40. What is the actual outside diameter?


In the realm of acoustics, the inverse square law states that the intensity of sound decreases by approximately 6 dB for each doubling of distance from the sound source. If the actor moves four feet from the microphone how much has the intensity decreased.

12 db

The threshold for pain caused by sound is

120 decibels

How many amps do three 575 watt source fours draw?

14.4 Amps

Hearing damage occurs instantaneously at what decibel level?

140 db

12 lights weighing 15 pounds each are hung evenly distributed on a batten. How much weight needs to be added to the arbor?


What is the range of human hearing? List the high and low:

20 hertz to 20,000 hertz

How large a performance space can be represented in 1/2" scale on a 11" x 17" sheet of paper?

20' - 0" x 32' - 0"

How much outward and downward force must a railing be able to withstand?

200 lbs

A fresnel has a multiplying factor of 1.24 in flood focus. At a throw of 22 feet what is the field diameter?


How many 2'-0" x 3'-0" cuts can you get from a standard sheet of plywood?


If there are 4 fixtures, how many twofers would be required to plug them into one circuit?


Which of these is the right way to use wire rope clips?


How much clearance must electrical panels be provided according to the National Electric Code?

3 feet

How many square feet are in a 4'-0" x 8'-0" area?

32' - 0'

The total cost for the rights for five pieces of music is eight dollars total for a run of one and half months. If there are seven performances a week what is the rental cost for the entire run?


A hand rail is a top rail with a mid rail supported by vertical stanchions. What is the allowable height range for the top rail?


A 2.4k dimmer can power how many 575 watt Source Fours?


Plywood is typically sold in what size sheets?

4' - 0" x 8' - 0"

The bias of the fabric is at what angle?

45 degrees

What is the difference between fall arrest and fall prevention?

Fall prevention systems aim to passively prevent a fall from happening. Fall restraint systems actively restrain a user from being able to reach an edge or drop-off. Fall arrest systems are designed to stop (or "arrest") a fall that has already begun

Name the 5 OSHA Hazard categories

Falls and Falling Objects. Chemical Exposure. Fire Hazards. Electrical Hazards. Repetitive Motion Injury.

Ideally Curling irons can be used safely on synthetic wigs. True or False?


True or False. A broadway flat is built on board edge while a hollywood flat is built on board face


True or False: A carpenter is a stage hand who builds sets. The head carpenter oversees the crew of costumers


True or False: A carriage bolt has a hexagonal head, used chiefly for fixing wooden panels to masonry or to one another


True or False: Excessive tension in the operating line indicates that the arbor is in balance.


True or False: It is safe to handle a lamp with bare hands.


True or False: The lower the transmission of the gel the more light that comes through.


True or False: The purpose of Ohm's Law is to calculate the electrical potential of a source.


True or False: There is no training needed for a body harness


True or False: XLR cable is a 3-pin unbalanced connector


True or False: Hard patching is when the console software is used to assign dimmers to channels

False, False this is know as soft patching. Hard patching is physically done in the dimmer patch bay using cables to connect unit with dimmer.

True or False: Feedback is the most common problem with wireless microphones.

False, Its drop out

True or False: In the USA, most electrical circuits are 20 amps and standard voltage is 120v. Maximum wattage of a circuit is 2400w

False, Most are 15 amps with 120 v

True or False: A circuit breaker switch is a manually operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current.

False, circuit breakers are automatic not manual

What are common problems encountered with wireless microphones? Check all that apply.

Feedback, Drop Out, Phase incoherence, Potential acoustic gain

What is the Fire Safety Curtain? And how does it work?

Fire safety curtains provide a barrier between the stage and auditorium in the event of a fire. The curtain prevents the heat, smoke and flame from a fire on stage from affecting an audience while the auditorium is evacuated.

Name the three most commonly built pieces of scenery:

Flats Wagons Stairs

Blackbox is defined as

Flexible performance space with no fixed stage platform or audience seating

Actors must provide their own mascara..

For personal hygiene

The apron is area downstage of the proscenium arch. It is also known as


When you sew seams in multiple steps to hide the seam allowance it is called....

French seam

Where can you find information about the transmission percentage of a gel?

Gel Book

If the under balcony speaker is 40' from the edge of the stage and the performer is 15' upstage how many milliseconds of delay is needed? (there are no additional speakers in this scenario, only an under balcony delay to help folks back there hear performer. The performers voice is picked up by floor mics at the edge of the stage.

48 milliseconds

Fall protection is required when a surface has an unprotected side or edge more than _____ above the lower level.

6 feet

On a 1/2" scale drawing what length would a 3" line represent?


Hearing protection is designed to protect employees from exposure to excessive noise or sound. OSHA 1910.95 stipulates that workers not be exposed to sound levels greater than ________ in excess of ____ hours.

85 decibels, 8 hours

If there are 9 treads at a rise of 10" how high is the top step?


A three week rental for 5 moving lights is $275 per fixture. How much will a two week rental cost for all equipment?


How do you make flat stand upright?

A Jack

What is a nominal measurement?

A board's size before it has been planed smooth on all 4 sides.

What is a dress rehearsal?

A chance for actors and wardrobe crew to practice costume changes happening in under a minute

What is a trim height?

A defined height measured from the batten to the stage floor

What is a pre-amp?

A device used to increase gain by taking a weak signal and boosting it up to a line-level signal.

A trim chain is

A length of chain and fittings used to connect a lift line to a batten and adjust its level relative to the other lift lines along the batten

What is cue-to-cue?

A rehearsal without actors focusing on sequences where multiple cu

What is tech rehearsal?

A rehearsal without actors focusing on sequences where multiple cu

What is dry tech?

A rehearsal without actors focusing on sequences where multiples cues occur at once.

What is a cantilever?

A rigid structural element that extends horizontally and is supported at only one end

Counter weight systems come in two types, single purchase and double purchase. Which of the following statements describes a single purchase system?

A system employing weight, blocks and lines to hold or move a load similar weight, using a 2:1 mechanical advantage for counterwieght and batten load

In theatre a dutchman is

A technique used to cover a seam between flats

In what union are stage managers included?

AEA (Actors' Equity Association)

Hearing damage from prolonged sound occurs at what decibel level and what length of time?

Above 85 db for 8 hours

This is a field template. What is it used for?

Add lights to the plot to a hand drafted plot

Contouring does what?

Adds shadows

The image on the right is a

Barn Door- Inserted into the gel frame slot of a luminaire. Reduces light spill.

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 1 is


Balance is when the counterweight arbor load equally compensates the suspended load. name the terms are ways to refer to an out of balance load

Batten/pipe Heavy, Arbor Heavy

When do you need to do a ladder inspection?

Before first use every day

What type of theatre is number 4?


This style of flat is known as a

Book Flat, Book Flats are two flats hinged together in order to be self-supporting when folded on the hinge

What is this?


Where is a title block typically located?

Bottom Right

This is an example of

Box Set

What is the safety factor you must consider when you tie a knot in a rope?

Breaking Strength

Select the two most common types of flat construction:

Broadway Hollywood

In the USA, the standard wire colors do not include


Select all that apply: What would be included on a lighting shop order?

C-clamp Gels Template Instruments Cables Dimming Pipes Tape

What is the name of the data cable most commonly used for controlling lighting systems?

DMX 512

A property of sound is loudness. What term is used when measuring this property?

Decibel (db)

Another name for the stage floor is:


What is not a name for this?


Which component is F?


When the sound designer reviews a script to prepare for a production what should they include in their notes

Directionality Sources Amplitude

Which is a unidirectional microphone with a pickup pattern characterized by its inverted heart shape


Below is the scenic painting process. What is the third step in the process?


A small wheel used on scenery and scenic equipment for ease of moving is:


What is the General Duty Clause?

Each employer has a general duty to furnish each employee a place of employment free from recognized hazards that cause or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm.

Name the pictured plug:


Identify the drawing:


What is the most common scenic unit built for an actor to exit unseen from a raised platform?

Escape Stairs

How often is a spreader plate placed?

Every 2' - 0"

The illuminated sign required at emergency exits to indicate the exits from the venue is known as the

Exit sign

True or False: Phase Incoherence can be reduced by utilizing the 3 to 1 rule.

True: The 3:1 rule states that the when using two mics in proximity to one another (such as when two performers are playing in the same room, each with their own mic), the second mic should be at least 3x the distance from the first mic that the first mic is from its source

This image represents a

Two-fer- Electrical accessory enabling two devices to be plugged into one receptacle.

What is a water deluge curtain?

Type of safety curtain using water to extinguish the fire

What pin should be used to secure the wig to the head?

U pins

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is

USA government organization established to create a safe and healthful working environment

These are drafting representations of various scenic elements. These standards are set in what document?

USITT Scenic Design and Technical Production Graphic Standard

Banana, TS, and RCA are examples of ______________ type of connectors.


There are five types of loads. Which of those five is defined as a load spread evenly across a pipe or truss (drops)

Uniformly Distributed Load

What is the second step in changing lamp? Turn off unit Unplug unit Remove lamp housing Using gloves remove lamp clips and lamp Insert new lamp and close clips Reinstall lamp housing and make sure all bolts are secure Plug unit back in Turn unit on

Unplug unit

What defines a condenser mic?

Uses a wire coil to amplify signal picked up by the diaphragm

What is Ohm's law?

Voltage = Amps (I) x Resistance (R)

Who would the stage manager give notes for the costume show crew to?

Wardrobe Supervisor

Gel colors are usually described as:

Warm or cool

What is the West Virginia formula?

Watts = Volts x Amps

What is phase incoherence?

When the timing of two signals coming from microphones on the same sound source is out of sync.

When is it ideal to use an omni mic?

When trying to pick up multiple instruments or sounds from different people simultaneously

The bolt in the attached image is what grade?

Grade 5

Identify the drawing:


When should you wear a hardhat?

Hard hats are required where "there is a possible danger of head injury from impact, or from falling or flying objects, or from electrical shock and burns"

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 4 is

Head Block

Which of the following is the stationary block assembly above and closest to the counterweight arbor?

Head Block

Which of the following is not a report that stage manager's are expected to produce?

House Report

OSHA states that electric cords:

If used in conjunction with a power strip/surge protector, the power strip must be plugged into the mounted circuit

Below are the steps for flying in or out a batten requires a specific safety procedure that it follows every time. What is the first step?

Make sure stage area is clear.

Why would you use blue and purple greasepaint?

Makes bruises

A flat or curtain designed to conceal or hide backstage areas is known as


What is a wire rope clip?

Mechanical device used for terminating wire rope by the means of a saddle, a U-bolt and two nuts

What are the basic components of the sound system?

Microphones, amps, and speakers

Where should the mid rail be placed in a hand rail?


"Heads!" What do you do?

Move away from the sound

When can theatre exits be obstructed?


The total number of speaking roles gives the designer what crucial piece of information?

Number of mics needed, if amplifying each actor

Number 4 represents which part of the stage?

Off Stage Left

Which is a microphone characterized by circular 360 degree


Where should spike marks be placed?

On the up stage corners of scenery or props

Below are the steps for loading an arbor from the loading gallery. What is the final step

Operator: "Checking balance. Thank you."

The American National Standards Institute is

Organization that provides the process of developing consensus standards

What is sound?

Oscillation in mediums (media), usually air, of molecules which create waves of positive and negative pressure, that when between specific rates of oscillation produce something the human ear can interpret and understand.

Before putting on lipstick you should...

Outline with lip liner

Which of the following is not an advantage of modern lighting console? a) Patch channels/dimmers b) Create submasters c) Placing take out orders during tech d) Create groups e) Record cues with discrete fade times

Placing take out orders during tech :(

Other names for a ground plan include

Plan View Floor Plan

What is a spreader plate?

Plate installed between arbor rods that prevent the rods from spreading during rapid travel or impact, preventing counterweights from falling out of the arbor.

What is the lighting equivalent of a ground plan?


There are five types of loads. Which of those five is defined as a load exerting force at a single connection point

Point Load

What does a condenser mic required to work?

Power source

Name the pictured plug:


The National Fire Protection Association is

Private organization that creates standards for firefighting and protection

What does a stage manager call cues from?

Prompt book

What type of theatre is number 1?


What formula is used for determining a right angle?

Pythagoras formula

What makes this lighting position immediately identifiable?


Which component is B?


Green concealer corrects for what skin tone?


Identify the drawing:


Stage safety suggests that hard hats are to be worn by the:

Rigging Crew

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 6 is

Rope Hand Line

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 7 is

Rope Lock

What needs to be included in the sound budget for a production?

Royalties for incidental music (non-musical) Batteries Mixer Thunder Sheets Cabling Speakers Amplifiers

n what document can you find hazard information for chemicals?

Safety Data Sheets (SDSs)

What elements must be included in your title block?

Scale Show Title Plate Title Director Designer Technical Director Drafter Plate Number Date

What are techniques for creating texture with painting?

Scumbling Dry-brushing Spattering Sponging Stippling Rag-rolling

Identify the drawing:


On what drawing would you find a trim height?


Pictured here is a U shaped fastening device secured by a bolt or a pin through holes in the ends of the two arms. What is it?


There are five types of loads. Which of those five is defined as an instant load (run away)

Shock Load

Which is a microphone characterized as directional with a lobar polar pickup pattern?


All of the following are lighting positions except:

Side Arm

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 9 is

Tensioning Floor Block

What is ESTA?

The Entertainment Services and Technology Association

Where should first aid kits be located?

The first aid supplies should be located in an easily accessible area, and the first aid provider generally should not have to travel through several doorways, hallways and/or stairways to access first aid supplies.

Graphic EQ provides multiple fixed center frequencies with a fixed bandwidth What is one major disadvantage?

The fixed frequency points may not be at the frequency you need to adjust

Who is the Fire Marshal?

The local authority who conducts fire safety inspections and enforces the local fire codes

Proscenium theatre is defined as

Theatre configuration where the audience views the production through a large opening in the wall between the audience and the stage spaces

What is the rational for the construction methods for broadway flats.

They are lighter, thinner, and can be reconfigured quickly

Pictured here is a a grooved fitting around which a rope is bent to form an eye. It supports and protects the rope to prevent kinking and wear. What is it?


What type of theatre is number 2?


What are stage weights used for?

To provide ballast on the arbor side of the counterweight system

Which component is D?


The image on the left is a

Top Hat- Inserted into a the gel frame slot of a luminaire. Reduces light spill

The Entertainment Services and Technology Association is

Trade association supporting business involved in the entertainment technology industry by promoting safety, responsibility and best practices

What is a gel?

Translucent material used to color light

What is a trunnion?

Triangle shaped support that allows strip lights to be used as a ground row

The OSHA regulation for trip hazards is 1910.22(a)(1). True or False: It is the employees responsibility to make sure that passageways, storerooms, service rooms, and walking-working surfaces are kept in a clean, orderly, and sanitary condition.


True or False: A multi-cable carries power for between 6 and 12 circuits.


True or False: An electrical arc is an electrical breakdown of a gas that produces a prolonged electrical discharge


True or False: Bolt grades are a description of hardness/durability; indicated by raised hash marks on the head of the bolt


True or False: Choosing to double microphones results in a loss of output of 6 decibels.


True or False: Condenser microphones are best used to capture vocals and high frequencies.


True or False: Design Factor is often called the "safety factor" and are the ratios of capacity vs what is being supported


True or False: Extension Cords must be 3 wire and are only for temporary use.


True or False: Hearing damage is caused by exposure to loud and/or prolonged sound


True or False: In a double purchase counterweight system the batten will travel twice as far as the arbor by doubling the lift cables around a pulley on the arbor.


True or False: It is unsafe to lift the ground on a connector


True or False: Machine Guards protect the operator and other employees in the machine area from hazards


True or False: Manipulation of bandwidth is also known as Q or quotient of change


True or False: Rigging is an arrangement of hardware and systems for raising, lowering, and suspending scenery, properties, lighting, and other loads.


True or False: The most common pipe size for a rigging system is 1 1/2" Schedule 40


True or False: The purpose of a cut list is to provide a carpenter with an accurate list of materials that must be prepared to build an object


True or False: When turning off a sound system generally the mixers is the last element to be turned off


True or False: You calculate speaker delay by dividing the distance from the sound source by the speed of sound.


True or False? A mute group is a programming feature on a sound board that allows the operator to mute multiple channels at the same time.


True or false: Phantom Power is DC electric power transmitted through microphone cables


True or False: Batten Heavy means that weight needs to be added to the arbor

the change of lift line direction in the horizontal plane

What is draping?

the process of positioning and pinning fabric on a dress form to develop the structure of a garment design

The straight grain is parallel to what?

the selvedge

A fresnel is focused by

there is no option to focus

what happens when you wash natural fibers for the first time in hot water?

they shrink

Machine guards protect people from hazards such as

those created by point of operation, ingoing nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks.

What is the material you use to sew with?


What is the basic function of a circuit breaker?

to interrupt current flow after protective relays detect a fault.

What is a face shield?

type of pie, aims to protect the wearer's entire face from hazards such as flying objects and road debris, chemical splashes, or potentially infectious materials.

A highlight should be applied to which facial feature?

under eyebrow arch

What is a good option for a quick change closure?


You should do what with all your brushes?

wash with each use

What do you wear under a wig?

wig cap

To price out making a costume you need to know how many ________ of fabric you need.


To sew stretch fabric you need which stitch on the sewing machine?

zig zag

What items would be included in notions?


Lift with you legs and not your


To lock your stitches in place on a sewing machine you need to use what button?


What pins should be used to block a wig?

ball head pins

what stitch is temporary?

basting stitch

The circular part of the sewing machine that holds the thread inside the machine


The upper part of a garment is called


A woven fabric of multiple threads/colors/textures would be


To take in a garment at the waist you would add a:


Powder does what?


Which type of lines makes a costume most flattering?


How is a garment rack accessories organized?

ditty bags

A body shaped mannequin for draping is called

dress form

The name of the position of wardrobe crew who helps actors backstage


One of the purposes of foundation is....

even out skin tone

What basic safety equipment are you required to have?

gloves, safety glasses and shoes, earplugs or muffs, hard hats, respirators, or coveralls, vests

Fall protection is need when there are unprotected sides and edges. Examples of fall protection are

guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems.

HazCom stands for Hazard Communication. This is a required OSHA workplace program to inform and train employees on

hazardous chemicals and materials

On what part of the garment do you change to make it longer or shorter?


Which of the options below shows all four bandwidths on a Four band EQ

high, high-mid, low-mid, low

Wigs can be best washed with...

horse shampoo

Fusible web is used as


Graphic EQ is a high-fidelity audio control that enables the user to improve sound quality. Sound quality captured by sources and

is adjusted by changing the individual frequency bands

The most expensive wig is built on..


The purpose of eyeliner is to...

make the eye stand out

Distressing a costume means

making it look old

A job title for someone who makes hats


You need to measure for wigs forehead to _________


When is it safe to listen to music in the scene shop?


Should the fire safety system ever be disabled?


A draper needs the following tools


Check all that apply. What are some ways to eliminate feedback on mics?

point mic away from speaker & Bring down the master

The part of the sewing machine that must be lowered before you start sewing

presser foot

A type of garment worn by Shakespeare

pumpkin hose

Yellow concealer corrects for what skin tone?


A stitcher takes instructions from the draper and cutter to do what?

put the garment together

A controlled access zone is a work area where access is restricted to workers with

qualifications & training

First step to remove a wig is

remove the hair pins

Lockout/Tagout is an OSHA standard that

requires electrical equipment to be labeled and to remain locked-off until it can be safely energized

Ordinarily in order to sew two pieces of fabric together with a plain seam, the fabric should be positioned with:

right sides together

A large collar worn during the Renaissance


Muslin is used for


What is the name of the tool for taking out stitches?

seam ripper

A fancy fabric for a rich charatcer would be


What should be in a ditty bag?


After a wig is worn it should be...

sprayed with alcohol

TO add texture on the skin you use a


A costume is "pulled" from....


What is the tool for securing fabric before stitching?

straight pins

An alternative to belts for period costumes would be?


Where do you store all the important info?

the Bible

What is a cheat sheet?

full cast measurements spreadsheet

Which of the following is the overhead block through which one or more lift lines pass before attached to the batten.

Loft Block

What wouldn't make an extension cable unsafe to use?

Tape on Cable

What type of theatre is number 3?


The outdoor performance space pictured here is


What does a short dashed line mean

An object that moves to multiple positions during the performance

Lighting positions or other equipment that is installed above or on the apron is in a position known as

Ante Pro

Number 10 represents which part of the stage?


When is it ideal to use a cardiod mic?

As a vocal mic for live events to pick up one sound isolated from others

Who would the stage manager give notes for the deck crew to?

Assistant Stage Manager Head Deck/Stage Carpenter

To provide multiple structurally sound connections for fasteners that work with shear strength platform legs are

Attached primarily to and installed along the 2" x 4" frame

Which of the following is the third step in lighting design process? a) Create Budget b) Hang Lights c) Draw Light Plot d) Write Light Cues e) Focus Lights

B) Hang lights

Number 9 represents which part of the stage?

Center Stage

Make up provides what?

Character and time period

Which of the above knots is used to secure objects together?

Clove Hitch

Which of the following knots are used most commonly in scenery?

Clove Hitch Bowline Half Hitch

This image represents a

Color Frame- Metal or heat resistant device that holds the color media in front of a luminaire

White light isn't actually white. The coloring of light from a lamp is generally referred to as:

Color Temperature

What is the purpose of a body harness?

Component of a personal fall arrest system consisting of straps that adjust to fasten around the body

Audio playback has evolved over time. What is currently the most common playback device?


What would most commonly be used to rig a speaker stack?

Constructed with a lightweight diaphragm suspended by a fixed plate. Sound waves press against the diaphragm

On what drawing would a cut list appear?


Other names for Alley Staging include

Coriddor Stage, Traverse Stage

Which component is c?

Corner Block

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 5 is

Counterweight Arbor

An "X" in a stage managers blocking notes most often means what?


How would you stabilize a platform with legs taller than 3'-0"?

Cross Bracing

What are some ways that a stage manager can give a "G-O"

Cue Light, Verbal, Hand signals

What should be included in a prompt book?

Cues, Blocking and Calling Keys, Contact sheets, Cast Information, Schedules, Scene Breakdown, Script, Run Sheet, Show Paperwork, Scenery, Props, Costumes, Lights, Sound, Video, Publicity, Dramaturgy, ASM Information, Crew Information, Meeting Agendas & Minutes, Rehearsal Reports, Performance Reports, Fittings, Dialect Sessions, Blank Forms

What do strip lights typically light?


Number 13 represents which part of the stage?

Down Stage Left

There are five types of loads. Which of those five is defined as a load that changes over time (aerial effects)

Dynamic Load

When is it ideal to use a shot gun mic?

In an environment with a lot of ambient noise to pick up an isolated source, especially if you are recording someone

Why would you double a mic?

In case the primary mic goes dead or there's a wireless glitch during a performance.

What is the purpose of an amplifier?

Increase the level of a sound signal

Where is foundation color tested?


What is the name of the tool that serves as a template when completing repetitive tasks in measuring, cutting, drilling or other woodworking activities.


The system of measure for color temperature is:


Name the pictured plug:


What is the purpose of the lanyard in a personal fall arrest system?

Lanyards connect the harness directly to an anchorage such as a rope grab or horizontal static line. Lanyards should be either rope or synthetic web straps specifically manufactured for such use.

Which is a microphone characterized as small and worn on a performer?


Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 2 is

Lift Line

Lamp is an industry specific word for a:

Light Bulb

What is this?

Lighting Batter

This image represents a

Lighting Legend

A stage manager calls cues for what departments?

Lights, Sound, Deck, Props, Costumes, Fly

Below are the steps in which a scenic element would be attached to a line set and flown. What is step three in the process.

Load the arbor at the loading gallery level

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 8 is

Locking Rail

Identify the parts of a single purchase fly system. Number 3 is

Loft Block

What would be an inappropriate tool to carve foam? a) Carving Knife b) Curry Comb c) Hot Wire d) Soldering Iron

Soldering Iron

Which of these items would not be in a stage manager's kit? Tampons, Space Heater, Lighter, Deck of cards

Space heater

to take off fake facial hair use...

Spirit gum remover

Name the pictured plug:

Stage Pin

Arena staging is defined as

Stage configuration where the audience surrounds the stage

Thrust Stage is defined as

Stage configuration where the stage extends into the house with audience on three sides

Alley staging is defined as

Staging running the width of the hall with audience on two sides facing each other

The warning a stage manager provides before a cue is also known as a:


There are five types of loads. Which of those five is defined as a load that remains constant over time (a hanging scenic element)

Static Load

Which component is A?


To provide additional stability for high load situations a specific type of platform that can be used is called

Stress Skin

What does it mean to EQ?

Suppress resonances in a sound system that may otherwise cause feedback

Every time you bend or knot rope it reduces the _____.

Working Load Limit

An Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight is best defined as a) Available in varied beam diameters/focal lengths, has internal shutters and can use a pattern, iris, tops. b) A short to medium throw luminaire. Derives its name from its lens c) A durable/low tech luminaire. Derives its name from its lamp. Creates and oval beam of light. d) Akin to a traditional PAR. Beam variation is created by changing the lens, rather than the lamp.

a) Available in varied beam diameters/focal lengths, has internal shutters and can use a pattern, iris, tops.

To reactivate hair product, spray with....


What is it called when you change a garment to fit an actor?


You must maintain 3 points of contact when climbing a ladder. Describe what this means.

always maintain contact with one hand and two feet, or two hands and one foot. If you maintain three points of contact while you climb

The armscye measures the :


A Fresnel is best defined as a) Available in varied beam diameters/focal lengths, has internal shutters and can use a pattern, iris, tops. b) A short to medium throw luminaire. Derives its name from its lens c) A durable/low tech luminaire. Derives its name from its lamp. Creates and oval beam of light. d) Akin to a traditional PAR. Beam variation is created by changing the lens, rather than the lamp.

b) A short to medium throw luminaire. Derives its name from its lens

A PAR (Parabolic Aluminized Reflector) is best defined as a) Available in varied beam diameters/focal lengths, has internal shutters and can use a pattern, iris, tops. b) A short to medium throw luminaire. Derives its name from its lens c) A durable/low tech luminaire. Derives its name from its lamp. Creates and oval beam of light. d) Akin to a traditional PAR. Beam variation is created by changing the lens, rather than the lamp.

c) A durable/low tech luminaire. Derives its name from its lamp. Creates and oval beam of light.

A heavy fabric for a working class character would be


Quick changes happen backstage in the

change booth

A Source 4 PAR is focused by

changing the lens

A costume designer is responsible for:

character renderings

Blush goes on which facial feature?


A supportive undergarment worn to shape the bust, waist and hips


What is the document called that lists all the costumes?

costume chart

The paperwork document that tracks the costume changes

costume plot

The wardrobe supervisor is responsible for:

costumes organization

Which stitch is used for heavy fabric hems in period garments?

cross stitch

A Source 4 PAR is best defined as a) Available in varied beam diameters/focal lengths, has internal shutters and can use a pattern, iris, tops. b) A short to medium throw luminaire. Derives its name from its lens c) A durable/low tech luminaire. Derives its name from its lamp. Creates and oval beam of light. d) Akin to a traditional PAR. Beam variation is created by changing the lens, rather than the lamp.

d) Akin to a traditional PAR. Beam variation is created by changing the lens, rather than the lamp.

A basic makeup kit should include...


Putty is used for

fake noses

What is the name of the portable device used to put out small fires

fire extinguisher

A batten is a horizontal pipe, tube or other structural shape such as...

for hanging scenery, lighting curtains, and in a pocket of or attached to a fire safety curtain

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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