NT 2-Epistles-3 (Romans, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, 2 Corinthians)

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What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is sneakiness (w/ the offering)?

The idea that he sent Titus to extract money craftily is ludicrous. Titus, too, acted in an exemplary manner (12:13 18).

Philippians has several constant refrains throughout the book, on a variety of themes. Name them. Explain their importance to textual issues.

1. Joy and rejoicing. (10 occur.) 2. Partnering with Paul in the Gospel. (13 occur.) 3. The Glory of God in Christ. (8 occurences). ||| As there are so many occurences and they are so evenly scattered throughout the text, it is highly unlikely that Philippians is a patchwork of several letters.

Do the elements of the Colossian heresy suggest a unified belief (or several)?

Probably: All three elements occur in 2:18. Perhaps they believed that with secret knowledge and religious asceticism they would receive visions, perhaps of angels at worship, which would qualify them with a higher spirituality.

What are the major outline points of Philippians?

I. Introduction 1:1-11, II. A call to unity for the sake of the gospel 1:12-2:30, III. A call to imitate Paul and not the false teachers 3:1-4:1, IV. A final call to unity and joy 4:2-9, V. Thanksgiving for the Philippians' commitment to the gospel expressed in their generosity to Paul 4:10-20, VI. Final greetings and benediction 4:21-23

How does Paul defend his Gospel in Galatians?

His Gospel was from divine revelation

What are the major outline points of 2 Corinthians?

I. Paul defends his ministry and the integrity of his gospel 1:1-7:16; II. Preparation for visit: The gift to Jerusalem 8:1-9:15; III. Preparation for impending visit 10:1-13:14

What two words seem to be at the center of Philemon?

1. Sharing 2. heart

What is the basic structure of the Colossian Christ hymn?

1:15-17 lord of creation; 18-20 lord of the church

The phrase _______ is a steady refrain throughout Colossians.

"in Christ"

What are the two main points of the Galatians Judaizers?

1) Paul is not a true apostle: his gospel comes from people, not God, and he distorted the teaching of the Jerusalem apostles. (Galatians 1-2) (2) One must observe OT law and especially circumcision in order to be saved (Gal 5:2-6; 6:12-13; 2:3-5). Probably also demanded submission to food laws (Gal 2:11-14) and OT calendar (4:10).

What are the three main sections of 2 Corinthians?

1-7 Praise God (for your repentance), 8-9 Give generously, 10-13 There's still a problem (minority dissent)

What points does Paul make regarding hope in Romans?

1. Assurance of hope even in sufferings 2. Hope in Christ's triumph over Adam's sin, 3. The triumph of grace over the power of sin, 4. The triumph of grace over the power of the law, 5. Assurance of hope

What response may be made to the contention that 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 is non-Pauline?

1. Context is one of reconciliation 6:11 13—cf. 7:2 4. The Corinthians cannot be reconciled to Paul if they are unequally yoked to false teachers. "Interruption" is intentional. 2. One must be careful of straitjacketing Paul's vocabulary, for it is adaptable. 3. No textual evidence for an interpolation.

What are the elements of the Colossian heresy?

1. Elite knowledge ("captive through philosophy"), 2. veneration of angels, 3. asceticism and observance of certain days.

What are the three main theories on the 2 Corinthian false teachers?

1. Judaizers 2. Divine men (i.e., Hellenistic Jews performing wonders) 3. Jews thinking Paul's theology too "defeatist," not victorious enough.

Apparently the Philippians had sent Paul____________, and Paul sends _____________.

a financial gift to help him in his ministry 2. his thanks (1:3-6; 4:10-20)

What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is weak and suffers?

1. Suffering is redemptive (b/c he then can pass on God's comfort more empathetically) 2. his adequacy is from God (3:5), 3. Paul preaches Christ not himself (4:5), 4. weakness shows that the power of God is at work instead of human ability, 5.

What are the distinguishing marks of a Christian community that Paul outlines in Romans 12?

1. The exercise of spiritual gifts 12:3-8, 2. Devotion to love and goodness 12:9-16, 3. Non-retaliation toward enemies 12:17-21, 4. Submission to governing authority 13:1-7, 5. The fulfillment of the law through love 13:8-10, 6. Moral urgency in light of the eschaton 13:11-14

When the question is asked "how does God find fault" (in Romans 9), what would be the most logical response?

"Oh, freewill." The fact that Paul does not do this strongly implies that he doesn't believe freewill to be the answer.

"whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities" is an explication of what word?

"invisible" Cf. Colossians

What response may be made to the contention that 2 Corinthians 10-13 is non-Pauline or a different letter?

1. There is already some evidence in 1 9 which indicates that Paul was concerned about false teaching (2:17; 4:2) and self defense (1:12ff; 3:1; 5:12). 2. The two parts of the letter simply have different emphases. 1 9 the foundation for 10 13. If we are right about 6:14 7:1, Paul refers to false teachers before 10 13.

What accusations are made against Paul in 2 Corinthians? 8!!

1. Vacillator (no visit), 2. unempowered (evangelical poverty) 3. illegitimate apostle (no recommendation) 4. hypocritical (bold in letters, weak in person), 5. inferiority (look @ the super-apostles), 6. inferiority (accepts no pay), 7. sneakiness (w/ the offering), 8. characterized by weakness and suffering

What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is an illegitimate apostle (no recommendation)?

3:2 You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 3 being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.

What does Paul say of the teaching of the false teachers in 2 Corinthians?

Dangerous, deceitful, and destructive. Another Gospel. Messengers of Satan.

What are the arguments Paul marshals in Galatians to defend his Gospel?

A. Argument from Experience: Reception of Spirit By Means of Faith, Not Works (3:1 5); B. Argument from Scripture: Blessing of Abraham by Faith (3:6-14); C. Argument from Salvation History: Priority of Abrahamic Covenant and Temporary Nature of Mosaic Covenant (3:15 4:11)

What are the main points Paul makes in Colossians regarding the ethical imperatives which follow from the death of Christ?

A. Do not be enslaved to human taboos 2:16-23, B. Do not submit to human wisdom 2:20-23, C. Raised with Christ: seek the things above 3:1-4, D. Put to death evil 3:5-11, E. Put on goodness 3:12-17, F. House-Tables: God centered ethic 3:18-4:1, G. Call to evangelize 4:2-6

What points does Paul make regarding Israel in his extended treatment of the nation in Romans 9-11?

A. God's saving righteousness to Israel 9:1-29, B. Israel's rejection of God's saving righteousness 9:30-11:10, C. God's righteousness in his plan for Jews and Gentiles 11:11-32, D. Concluding doxology 11:33-36

What are the arguments Paul marshals in Galatians to call them to the freedom (from the law) in the Spirit?

A. Live in Freedom from the Law: Argument from Friendship (4:12-20); B. Stand in Freedom: Argument from Allegory (4:21-5:1); C. Resist the Dangerous Message of Bondage (5:2 12); D. Live Out Freedom in the Spirit (5:13 6:10)

When Paul takes up the topic of sanctification in Romans 12, what subjects does he treat?

A. Paradigm for exhortations: Total dedication to God 12:1-2, B. Marks of the Christian community 12:3-13:14, C. A call for mutual acceptance between the strong and weak 14:1-15:13

What are the main points of Paul's defense of his ministry and his Gospel in 2 Corinthians?

A. Paul assures the Corinthians of his integrity and concern 1:1 2:13; B. Defense of Paul's adequacy 2:14 5:19; C. Exhortations to reconciliation 5:20 7:4; D. Paul's joy and confidence explained 7:5 16

What are the main points Paul makes in Colossians with respect to relating the Christ's redemption to false teaching?

A. Prayer for wisdom and fruitful behavior 1:9-12, B. Christ the sovereign lord over creation and the church 1:13-20, C. Reconciliation and perseverance 1:21-23, D. Paul's ministry to the Gentiles: the secret revealed 1:24-2:5, E. Warning against empty philosophy 2:6-23

Why doesn't Paul call for abolition in Philemon?

Abolition would have been socially impossible (Christians were a minority with no possibility of triumph) and would have been the death knell of the Christian movement.

Since Paul had never been to _______, and thus it is probable that __________ as Paul's lieutenant had planted the church.

Colossae (2:1) 2. Epaphras

Which false teacher?They were impressed with outward credentials and a display of power

Corinth (2 Cor. 10-13)

Which false teacher? They use bold and worldly confidence in commending themselves

Corinth (2 Cor. 10:1-6)

Which false teacher? The compare themselves with other ministers and are thus even more impressed with their superlative work

Corinth (2 Cor. 10:12ff)

Which false teacher? They boast of their heritage

Corinth (2 Cor. 11:22ff)

Which false teacher? Perhaps they boast about special revelations they have received

Corinth (2 Cor. 12:1ff)

Which false teacher? Those who peddle the word of God and do not have sincerity.

Corinth (2 Cor. 2:17)

Which false teacher? They may have had letters of recommendation from Jerusalem

Corinth (2 Cor. 3:1)

Which false teacher? May have insisted on the permanent validity of the Mosaic law

Corinth (2 Cor. 3:7-18).

Which false teacher? They use disgraceful and underhanded methods in presenting the truth.

Corinth (2 Cor. 4:2)

T or F: The Christ hymn totally sidesteps the issues of the Colossian heresy.

F. Note emphasis on angelic powers and relation to Colossian heresy

Which Pauline church epistle lacks a thanksgiving passage in the introduction?


What are the major outline points of Galatians?

I. Desertion from Paul's Gospel Is Desertion from the Gospel (1:1 2:21), II. Paul's Gospel Defended from Experience and Scripture (3:1 4:11), III. A Call to Freedom from the Law and Freedom in the Spirit (4:12 6:10), IV. Final Summary (6:11 18)

What are the major outline points of Philippians?

I. Introduction (Greeting and Thanksgiving) 1:1-8, III. The Redemption of Christ related to the false teaching 1:9-2:23, IV. The ethical imperatives which follow from the death of Christ 2:16-4:6

What are the themes introduced in both the introduction and closing doxology of Romans?

Gospel, Son, Scriptures, Paul/My Gospel, Obedience of Faith among the Gentiles, for his Name/Glory forever

How does Paul defend that his Gospel was from divine revelation?

His Past Hostility (1:13 14), b. His Call from God (1:15 17), c. His Relative Obscurity in Judea (1:18 24), d. Recognition of Paul's Authority by Pillars (2:1 10), e. Rebuke of Peter Substantiates Paul's Authority (2:11 21)

What is the major outline point of Romans 5:1-8:39?

Hope as a result of righteousness by faith

What are the major outline points of Romans?

I The gospel as the revelation of God's righteousness 1:1-17, II God's righteousness in his wrath against sinners 1:18-3:20, III The saving righteousness of God 3:21-4:25, IV Hope as a result of righteousness by faith 5:1-8:39, V God's righteousness to Israel and the Gentiles 9:1-11:36, VI God's righteousness in everyday life 12:1-15:13, VII The extension of God's righteousness through the Pauline mission 15:14-16:23, VIII Final summary of the gospel of God's righteousness 16:25-27

Paul's call to unity in Philippians revolves around what? Elaborate.

Imitation: of Paul, of Christ, and of local leaders (Timothy and Epaphroditus)

The Galatians greeting is longer than might be suspected. Why?

It is filled with defensive statements

What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is a vacilator?

Paul admits that he did change his plans, but he was not trying to trick them (1:13). Note reason why Paul changed his plans (1:23; 2:2): to spare the Corinthians.

What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is unempowered (evangelical poverty)?

Paul argues that his lack of success is not due to any faults of his own (2:14 16; 4:4 6).

What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is inferiority (look @ the super-apostles)?

Paul concedes (11:6) that his speaking may be less impressive. Cf. also 12:12: "The signs of a true apostle were performed among you with all perseverance, by signs and wonders and miracles."

The false teachers in Philippians 3:2-4:1 seem to be ____.


Some say that Romans 9 does not treat the salvation of Israel, but it's political status and usefulness as called ministers of God. What might be said in response?

Paul isn't willing to got to hell so that Israel will be ok politically. Also, look at his desires in chapter 10: "my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation. For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge. For not knowing about God's righteousness and seeking to establish their own, they did not subject themselves to the righteousness of God."

One would think that the whole letter of 2 Corinthians should be explained as __________. But Paul says he indulged in this self defense for the sake of the Corinthians so that ________________.

Paul's self defense 2. they would be edified and not fall into sin (12:19 21)—cf. 13:8 10

Evidentally, one of the problems confronting the Philippian church was ____.

Lack of unity: 1:27ff: stand together in one spirit, strive together with one mind for the faith of the gospel, 2:1ff Fulfill my joy by being harmonious in thinking, having the same love, being souled together, thinking in unity. Exhortation to Euodia and Syntyche to unite in the Lord (4:2ff).

Why shouldn't the phrase "every knee will bow ... and every tongue confess" (Philippians 2) be taken to entail universalism?

No, because it is quoting Isa 45, which goes on to say: "Only in the Lord, it shall be said of me, are righteousness and strength; to him shall come and be ashamed all who were against him. In the Lord all the offspring of Israel shall be justified and shall glory." (Isa 45:24-25)

Does the Philippians 2 passage "although he was in the form of God ... confess Jesus is Lord" undermine monotheism in Christianity?

No, because it is quoting Isa 45, which goes on to say: "There is no other god besides me, a righteous God.... [therefore] turn to me and be saved [...]. For I am God, and there is no other. [...] To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.'" (Isa. 45:20-46:2)

According to Paul, why are the Galatians deserting the Gospel?

Outside teachers (Judaizers)

Which Pauline epistle has the longest greeting?


A remarkable feature of the Galatians Greeting is that Paul ______.

Strikes a defensive posture from the start: "not sent from men nor through the agency of man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead"

One theory of what Paul did in the years between conversion and ministry is that he sat under a tree in Arabia reading the bible for 3 years. What is wrong with this idea?

The Arabia tree sitting reading thing is false because he was promptly arrested when he came back. You don't get arrested for sitting around reading the bible for 3 years.

What is the main argument leveled against Paul to which he responds in 2 Corinthians?

The charge that Paul is weak and suffers is

Why can't the phrases "in him you were also circumcized" and "having been baptized" establish a Covenant Theology style position on the issue of infant baptism?

The parallel is between spiritual circumcision, not physical circumcision: "a circumcision made without hands" (Colossians 2:11)

What does the phrase "fill up what is lacking" likely mean in regard to the sufferings of Christ?

The point seems to be that through Paul's sufferings the message of the gospel is "fulfilled" and extends to Gentiles (v 25)

2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1 seems out of place. Some take it to be _________. Others to be ______. The vocabulary is remarkably similar to_____________.

a separate Pauline letter 2. non Pauline 3. Qumran and not characteristically Pauline

What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is inferiority (accepts no pay)?

a. Paul says he did accept pay from the Macedonians (indeed he robbed them!—a clear example of hyperbole) to support his Corinthian ministry. So Paul does accept pay but not from the Corinthians (11:7 11). b. He doesn't accept this pay because he loves the Corinthians (11:11) and by not accepting pay he shows that his ministry is different from that of his adversaries (11:12). c. 12:13 "For in what respect were you treated as inferior to the rest of the churches, except that I myself did not become a burden to you? Forgive me this wrong!"

What is Paul's response (2 Corinthians) to the acccusation that he is hypocritical (bold in letters, weak in person)?

a. What Paul doesn't want to do is use secular methods to wage spiritual battles (10:2 6)—he doesn't want to exaggerate his self importance. b. And he does not want to be drawn into false comparisons.

In Philemon, Paul doesn't call for the ____________ but _______________.

abolition of slavery 2. transformation from the inside

What are the options on "ta stoicheia tou kosmou"?

angels? (demonic)** (so Schreiner), principles, gods of this world

Not all Judaizers emphasize _________, but their Hebrew background and connections with ____________indicates their identity, as does _______________.

circumcision, 2. Jerusalem apostles (i.e., the super apostles according to these scholars) 3. their dependence on the Mosaic law

What is the major detriment of the divine men theory for the false teachers of 2 Corinthians?

clearly the opponents engaged in displays of power, but the existence of divine men is hotly disputed.

In Colossians, Paul teaches that knowledge is ____________, but this Knowledge is _____________________.

crucial for a fruitful Christian walk 2. geared to practical change of life

2 Corinthians 10-13 seems to be completely __________. In 10-13 Paul is ___________. But in 1-9 he is____________. In 10-13 he is concerned about_________, but in 1-9 he is __________.

different tone from 1-9 2. harsh, negative, judgmental, etc 3. affirming and encouraging 4. false teaching 5. happy with the congregation

Paul's opponents boast of work which ____________. Paul limits his boasting to ____________—although his boasting is ultimately in the Lord. (Note that he does paradoxically ____________!)

extends beyond their sphere of operation 2. his sphere of work (10:12 18) 3. compare himself with them (i.e. these opponents)

The reason that some laws are normative after the law has passed from use is that _______________________.

some bits of the law reflect the character of God

What is the root problem in Corinth in preparation for Paul's impending visit (2 Corinthians)?

superficial estimate of Paul 10:1 18

Under a Calvinistic viewpoint, the phrase "I will have mercy on those whom I will have mercy" most nearly means ______.

that God sees that everyone deserves to be punished. In other words, Esau was not hated arbitrarily. For God to save anyone is grace.

Some scholars argue that Philippians contains several independent letters which were later combined together. But it is more likely ______________.

that the letter is a unity. The thematic unity of the text (e.g. joy and rejoicing, etc. cf. other flashcards) suggests an overall unity.

Paul sounds__________ in the opening and closing of Romans

the same themes

What is the occassional situation that Romans is intended to address?

to reconcile Jews and Gentiles in Rome so that they will support Paul's Spanish mission. To accomplish this Paul had to explain in detail his theology, especially those parts which would be difficult for Jews and Gentiles (his view of the law, righteousness, and the future of Israel).

What is the major detriment of the Judaizing theory for the false teachers of 2 Corinthians?

why is there not a more marked emphasis on the law like in Galatians?

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