nur1024 final review

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How can you empower yourself?

1. Using available resources 2. Using learning strategies 3. Taking steps to achieve success

, identified as T1-T12;

12 pairs of thoracic nerves

Each breast has approximately ___ lobes


The skeleton of a human adult consists of how many bones

206 individual bones

A nurse is assessing a patient who reports being incontinent. What question should the nurse ask to elicit information related to urge incontinence?

" Do you begin urinating immediately after feeling the need to urinate?

A patient who is undergoing cancer chemotherapy says to the nurse, " This is no way to live." Which response uses reflective technique?

" You sound discouraged today."

Some tests have a generous time frame in which the majority of test takers have ample time to answer every question on the examination. These are known as

" power tests."

Some tests have severe time restrictions in which most test takers do not complete all the questions on the examination. These are known as

" speed tests."

surgical puncture


state of; condition





-osis when used in a word related to blood means





decrease or deficiency


swallowing, eating


carrying, transmission




fast, rapid


the abbreviation of the anterior pituitary hormone that initiates sperm production in men

...Follicle-stimulating hormone [FSH]

What is the posterior pituitary hormone that causes contraction of the uterus during childbirth and promotes milk secretion from the mammary glands?


The two hormones released by the neurohypophysis are

...Oxytocin and Antidiuretic hormone ADH

the important function of ADH posterior pituitary hormone in the kidneys

...increases water reabsorption, water returns to the blood

two functions of GH [anterior pituitary hormone] are

...stimulates somatic growth; increases use of fats for energy

identified as Co1

1 pair of coccygeal nerves

The nursing process contains five steps:

1. Assessment 2. Analysis/Nursing diagnosis 3. Planning 4. Implementation 5. Evaluation

The vertebral column also is called the spinal column and is composed of how many bones

26 bones called vertebrae.

aspiration biopsy, needle biopsy, punch biopsy, shave biopsy, and frozen section

5 Types of biopsy include

identified as L1-L5;

5 pairs of lumbar nerves,

identified as S1-S5;

5 pairs of sacral nerves,

a normal functioning heart beats how many times in a minute


What is the expected range of a radial pulse in an adult?

70 to 85 beats per minute

identified as C1-C8;

8 pairs of cervical nerves

.is a break of the lower end of the radius, which occurs just above the wrist. It causes displacement of the hand and usually occurs as a result of flexing a hand to cushion a fall

A Colles fracture

deprives tissues of oxygen and nutrients and fails to remove waste, resulting in irreversible changes to cells that could be life-threatening.

A cardiovascular system that does not provide adequate circulation


A chronic progressive disease of the skin with hardening & shrinking of connective tissue

means the bone is broken with no open wound, and surrounding tissue damage is minimal.

A closed fracture

occurs when the bone is broken into pieces.

A comminuted fracture

involves extensive soft tissue injury, such as when a broken rib pierces a lung

A complicated fracture


A congenital growth composed of dilated blood vessels

is any step that must be performed accurately to receive a passing score.

A critical element

sebaceous cyst

A cyst filled with sebum-fatty material from a sebaceous gland

presents a situation followed by a list of statements. You are asked to place them in order of priority.

A drag and drop item

is a break or crack in the bone; are defined according to the type and extent of the break

A fracture

is used to calculate blood glucose from one drop of blood

A glucometer

means there is an incomplete break of a soft bone, which means the bone is partially bent and partially broken. These fractures usually occur in children because their growing bones are soft and tend to splinter, rather than break completely.

A greenstick fracture

is a statement of a specific health problem that a nurse is legally permitted to treat. it should include the problem and the factors that contributed to the development of the problem.

A nursing diagnosis

includes the assessment techniques of inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion. Also, it includes obtaining the vital signs and recognizing acceptable and unacceptable parameters of obtained values.

A physical examination

petechia or petechiae

A small pinpoint hemorrhage

a word or statement that conveys a thought or concept that has no exceptions.

A specific determiner

a strategy that uses skill and forethought to analyze a test item before selecting an answer.

A specific test taking technique

provides information from outside the specific patient's frame of reference.

A tertiary source

a clot that adheres to the wall of a blood vessel or organ and may obstruct the vessel or organ in which it resides, preventing the flow of blood.

A thrombus

arterial blood gases, Measurement of oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) content of arterial blood by various methods. analysis of this is used to assess adequacy of ventilation and oxygenation and the acid-base status of the body.


short terms or letters denoting words or phrases


pleural effusion

Abnormal presence of fluid in the pleural cavity, The fluid may contain blood-hemothorax, serum-hydrothorax, or pus-pyothorax. Treatment includes a surgical puncture of the chest using a hollow-bore needle-thoracentesis, thoracocentesis, to remove excess fluid


Abscess that originates in a hair follicle; also called boil


Absence or loss of hair, especially of the head; also known as baldness

the sebaceous-oil glands, hair, and nails sudoriferous-sweat glands,

Accessory organs of the skin include

"Critical thinking is reasonable, reflective thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe and do."

According to Robert Ennis, the author of the Cornell Critical Thinking Tests:

"making sense of our world by carefully examining the thinking process in order to clarify and improve our understanding."

According to Rosalinda Alfaro-Lefevre, Critical Thinking is:



tendon that is attached to a muscle in the lower leg

Achilles tendon


Acute infectious disease characterized by a "whoop"-sounding cough; also called whooping cough. Immunization of infants as part of the diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT) vaccine prevents it's spread.


Acute inflammation of nasal passages accompanied by profuse nasal discharge; also called a cold


Acute respiratory syndrome that occurs primarily in children and infants and is characterized by laryngeal obstruction and spasm, barking cough, and stridor


Acute, contagious respiratory infection characterized by sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, and muscle pain

Relatively uncommon chronic disorder caused by deficiency of cortical hormones that results when the adrenal cortex is damaged or atrophied

Addison disease

a dead body

Adipocere is formed in

Hypersecretion causes Cushing disease

Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH

adrenal cortex--promotes secretions of some hormones by adrenal cortex, especially cortisol

Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH


Allergic reaction of the skin characterized by eruption of pale-red elevated patches that are intensely itchy; also called wheals or hives

Chronic, organic mental disorder that is a progressive form of presenile dementia caused by atrophy of the frontal and occipital lobes of the brain

Alzheimer disease

a clot present in blood or lymphatic vessels and brought there by blood or lymph.

An embolus

is when the line of fracture does not include the whole bone.

An incomplete fracture

performs other invasive procedures, such as angioplasty, pacemaker insertion, and implantable cardioverter defirillator insertion.

An interventional cardiologist

also called a compound fracture, means the broken end of a bone pierces the skin, creating an open wound. In such a fracture, there may be extensive damage to surrounding blood vessels, nerves, and muscles.

An open fracture,


An open sore or lesion that extends to the dermis and usually heals with scarring. Examples: pressure sore, basal cell carcinoma.

a lesion of the skin or mucous membrane marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing of damaged tissue.

An ulcer

the second step of the nursing process, is the most difficult component, requires that data be validated and clustered and that their significance be determined.


are other ways to learn to write.

Analyzing, editing, and revising previously written material

connection between two vessels, bowel segments, or ducts; is performed to provide a connecton from one structure to another


Hypersecretion causes syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone SIADH

Antidiuretic hormone ADH

Hyposecretion causes diabetes insipidus.

Antidiuretic hormone ADH

skin lesions

Areas of pathologically altered tissue caused by disease, injury, or a wound due to external factors or internal disease

pustules whiteheads

As bacteria feed on the sebum, they release irritating substances that produce inflammation. Large numbers of bacteria produce infection, forming

matrix, cuticle, nail bed

As the nail grows from a _______ of active cells beneath the___________ it stays attached and slides forward over the epithelial layer called the ________.

right to make one's own decisions



Bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and rupture

Mucus secretions from here help keep the vagina moist and lubricated, facilitating intercourse

Bartholin glands

Facial paralysis on one side of the face because of inflammation of a facial nerve [cranial nerve VII], most likely caused by a viral infection

Bell palsy

obligation to do good


passes from the gallbladder through the common bile duct into the small intestine. emulsifies breaks down fats and prepares them for further digestion and absorption in the small intestine.


is a yellow-green bitter secretion produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. It receives its color from the presence of bile pigments such as bilirubin.

Bile, also called gall,

oxygen, O2,

Blood flowing through the capillaries accepts this from the alveolus

carbon dioxide, CO2,

Blood flowing through the capillaries deposits this into the alveolus

The nurse administers a cathartic to a patient. What therapeutic outcome should the nurse expect when assessing the patient's response to this medication?

Bowel movement

The capsule that surrounds and encloses the glomerulus is

Bowman capsule.

is a method of exploring a topic by spontaneously listing thoughts or ideas.


alveoli, singular, alveolus

Bronchioles eventually distribute air to the

cancer, chronological age, cardiac arrest


At best, this hormone is a weak hypocalcemic agent in adults.


Regulates calcium levels in the blood in conjunction with parathyroid hormone


Secreted when calcium levels in the blood are high in order to maintain homeostasis


The most significant effects are exerted in childhood when bones are growing and changing dramatically in mass, size, and shape.


is passed from the blood into the alveoli and expelled out of the lungs. .

Carbon dioxide

is more elastic than bone, composes parts of the skeleton. It is found chiefly in the joints, thorax, trachea, and nose.


is a system of therapy based on the theory that disease is caused by pressure on nerves.

Chiropractic medicine


Chronic skin disease characterized by itchy red patches covered with silvery scales

ethical decision making using the nursing process

Clarify the problem • Gather additional data • Identify the options • Make a decision • Act on it • Evaluate the impact


Closed sac or pouch in or under the skin with a definite wall that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material


Cluster of furuncles in the subcutaneous tissue

groups related information together; enables the nurse to organize data; eliminate that which is insignificant, irrelevant, or redundant; and reduce the data into manageable categories.

Clustering data

is the first part of assessment..

Collecting data


Color blindness

is the hard, outer layer of a bone,is covered by periosteum that serves as a place of attachment for muscles, provides protection, and gives durable strength to the bone.

Compact [dense] bone tissue

are the opinions, decisions, or inferences that result from the interpretation of data.


talipes equinovarus

Congenital deformity of the foot; also called clubfoot


Contagious skin disease transmitted by the itch mite


Continuous high-pitched whistling sounds, usually during expiration, that are caused by narrowing of an airway. Occur in such conditions as asthma, croup, hay fever, and emphysema

a chronic inflammation of the ileum, may affect any part of the intestinal tract. It is distinguished from closely related bowel disorders by its inflammatory pattern; it is also called regional ileitis.

Crohn disease,

provide the mechanics of squeezing blood out of the heart chambers to maintain the flow of blood in one direction.

Cross-striations of cardiac muscle

Cluster of symptoms caused by excessive amounts of cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) circulating in the blood

Cushing syndrome

method to mastering medical terms

DAD - divide, analyze, define


Deficiency of oxygen in body tissues, usually a sign of respiratory impairment. Body tissues have a decreased amount of oxygen, which results in cyanosis


Deficiency of oxygen in the blood, usually a sign of respiratory impairment

are interventions that require an order/prescription by a health- care provider; they all require a legal order.

Dependent interventions


Derm is the abbreviation for

commonly results in hyperglycemia; occurs if the pancreas does not produce sufficient amounts of insulin or if the cells of the body become resistant to insulin and do not utilize insulin properly


is a general term that, when used alone, refers to diabetes mellitus [DM], a disease that occurs in two primary forms: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.


tests that determine diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures


Discolored, dried sebum plugging an excretory duct of the skin; also called blackhead

are agents or drugs prescribed to control edema and also to stimulate the flow of urine.


information on drugs and conditions

Drug Classifications


Drugs used to increase airflow by dilating constricted airways through relaxation of the smooth muscles that surround the bronchioles and bronchi. Treats asthma, emphysema, COPD, and exercise-induced bronchospasm. Most provide metered dosages and may use a spacer as a reservoir for the med.

open into the urethra and secrete thick mucus that acts as a lubricant during sexual stimulation

Ducts of Cowper glands


During inspiration, the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles

Blood test used to screen for an antibody to the AIDS virus


extraocular movement


nail root

Each nail is formed in the _______ composed of keratin, a hard fibrous protein, which is also the main component of hair.

is designed to filter urea and other waste products effectively from the blood.

Each nephron


Elevated, circumscribed, fluid-filled lesion less than 0.5 cm in diameter. Examples: poison ivy, shingles, chickenpox.


Elevated, localized collection of blood trapped under the skin that usually results from trauma

Hypersecretion causes prolonged fight-or-flight reaction and hypertension

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Sympathetic nervous system target organs--hormone effects mimic sympathetic nervous system activation [sympathomimetic], increase metabolic rate and heart rate, and raise blood pressure by promoting vasoconstrictionism.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

redness of the skin due to congestion of the capillaries


the lungs for exhalation.

Erythrocytes in the blood carry CO2 to

all parts of the body

Erythrocytes in the blood carry oxygen to

is responsible for the development of adipose tissue, which enlarges the size of the breasts; Breast size is primarily determined by the amount of fat around the glandular tissue,


the diagnosis of skin disorders.

Evaluation of skin lesions, injuries, or changes to tissue helps establish

Malignant tumor that develops from bone marrow, usually in long bones or the pelvis

Ewing sarcoma

Port-wine stains and moles

Examples of a nevi


Excessive acidity of blood due to an accumulation of acids or an excessive loss of bicarbonate. Respiratory this is caused by abnormally high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

each time we inhale, breathe in air

External respiration occurs

to be faithful


Flat lesions

Flat, discolored, circumscribed lesions of any size


Flat, pigmented, circumscribed area less than 1 cm in diameter. Examples: freckle, flat mole, or rash that occurs in rubella.

Hyposecretion causes failure of sexual maturation.

Follicle-stimulating hormone FSH

in females, stimulates egg production; increases secretion of estrogen; in males, stimulates sperm production

Follicle-stimulating hormone FSH


Fungal infection whose name commonly indicates the body part affected; also called ringworm

Liver and blood--increases blood glucose level by accelerating conversion of glycogen into glucose in liver [(glycogenolysis] and conversion of other nutrients into glucose in the liver [gluconeogenesis] and releasing glucose into blood; converts glycogen to glucose


Persistently low blood sugar levels [hypoglycemia] may be caused by deficiency in


Body cells--promote gluconeogenesis; regulate metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; and help depress inflammatory and immune responses

Glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol

Hypersecretion causes Cushing syndrome

Glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol

Hyposecretion causes Addison disease

Glucocorticoids, mainly cortisol

the chief source of energy for living organisms.


are general statements that direct nursing interventions. They provide broad parameters regarding the desired results of nursing care and stimulate motivation. can be long term or short term.


produce gametes, sperm and secrete sex hormones..


Multisystem autoimmune disorder that involves growth of the thyroid [hyperthyroidism] associated with hypersecretion of thyroxine; also called exophthalmic goiter, thyrotoxicosis, or toxic goiter

Graves disease

Hyperthyroidism also is called

Graves disease, exophthalmic goiter, thyrotoxicosis, and toxic goiter.

another variation of the true- false question, attempts to arrange affiliated information together this is called

Grouping short true- false items under a common question,


Hemorrhage from the nose; also called nosebleed


Hemorrhage of any size under the skin in which the skin is not broken; also known as a bruise

an inflammatory condition of the liver, may be caused by bacterial or viral infection, parasitic infestation, alcohol, drugs, toxins, or transfusion of incompatible blood. It may be mild and brief or severe and life-threatening.


Malignant disease characterized by painless, progressive enlargement of lymphoid tissue usually first evident in cervical lymph nodes, splenomegaly, and the presence of unique Reed-Sternberg cells in the lymph nodes

Hodgkin disease

Monitoring device worn by a patient that records prolonged electrocardiograph readings usually 24 hours on a portable tape recorder while the patient conducts normal daily activities

Holter monitor


Hormonal agents that reduce tissue edema and inflammation associated with chronic lung disease

occurs at one site, but their effects take place at various other sites in the body.

Hormone production

Hereditary nervous disorder caused by the progressive loss of brain cells, leading to bizarre, involuntary, dancelike movements

Huntington chorea

intraocular pressure


there is less surface area for gas exchange, and breathlessness results.

If a lung disorder destroys or damages enough alveolar sacs,

the medical specialty that encompasses the study of the various elements of the immune system and their functions.



Impairment of hearing resulting from old age


In acute form, a severe, life-threatening infection of the epiglottis and surrounding area that occurs most commonly in children between ages 2 and 12, involves a sudden onset of fever, dysphagia, inspiratory stridor, and severe respiratory distress

dermabrasion, chemical peels, cutaneous lasers, and other techniques

In cosmetic surgery, skin resurfacing may involve

lying down

In the phrase decubitus ulcer, decubitus means

comedos, blackheads

Increased activity of sebaceous glands at puberty may block the hair follicle and form

[nurse- prescribed] are those actions that a nurse is legally permitted to implement with no direction or supervision from others; do not require a healthcare provider's order/prescription.

Independent interventions


Infestation with lice is known as


Inflammatory disease of sebaceous follicles of the skin, marked by comedos, blackheads, papules, and pustules

focuses on the " process" of test taking.

Information- Processing Analysis,

primary lesions

Initial reaction to pathologically altered tissue that may be flat or elevated

an essential hormone for conversion of sugar, starches, and other food into energy, is required for normal daily living.


[collaborative] are actions implemented in partnership with other appropriate professionals.

Interdependent interventions

It is associated with the nurse's ability to determine the significance of clustered data.


collects data using a formal approach e.g., obtaining a health history or an informal approach e.g., exploring feelings while providing other nursing care.


have varied shapes and sizes and are commonly clustered, such as the bones of the vertebrae and certain bones of the ears and face

Irregular bones

The lymphatic system is closely linked to the CV system, it that

It depends on the pumping action of the heart to circulate its substances throughout the body.

are the places where two bones articulate, or connect




To determine urinary tract abnormalities, such as tumors, swollen kidneys, and calculi, the physician may order a radiographic examination called ____. it identifies location, size, shape, and malformation of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Stones and calcified areas may also be detected.

KUB kidney, ureter, bladder.

Malignancy of connective tissue, including bone, fat, muscle, and fibrous tissue

Kaposi sarcoma

focuses on the " content" aspect of a test.

Knowledge Analysis,


Large abscesses with connecting channels under the skin


Larger blisters that occur after a burn are


Lesion of the skin or mucous membranes marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing of damaged tissues

appearance, color, location, and size as measured in centimeters.

Lesions are also described by their


Linear scratch marks or traumatized abrasions of the epidermis. Examples: scratches, abrasions, chemical or thermal burns.

remove or reduce localized areas of fat around the abdomen, breasts, legs, face, and upper arms, where skin is contractile enough to re-drape in a normal manner, and is performed for cosmetic reasons.

Liposuction is used primarily to


Localized collection of pus at the site of an infection characteristically a staphylococcal infection


Localized loss of skin pigmentation characterized by milk-white patches; also called leukoderma


Loss of a large amount of blood in a short period, externally or internally, may be arterial, venous, or capillary

A patient has dependent edema of the ankles and feet and is obese. Which diet should the nurse expect the health- care provider to order?

Low in sodium and low in calories

Hyposecretion causes failure of sexual maturation

Luteinizing hormone LH

in females, promotes ovulation; stimulates production of estrogen and progesterone. in males, promotes secretion of testosterone

Luteinizing hormone LH


Measurement of FVC and FEV1, producing a tracing on a graph, it measures the breathing capacity of the lungs and produces a tracing on a graph.

skin test

Method for determining induced sensitivity, allergy, by applying or inoculating a suspected allergen or sensitizer into the skin and determining sensitivity, allergy, to the specific antigen by aninflammatory skin reaction to it

Hypersecretion causes aldosteronism.

Mineralocorticoids, mainly aldosterone

Hyposecretion causes Addison disease.

Mineralocorticoids, mainly aldosterone

Kidneys--increase blood levels of sodium and decrease blood levels of potassium in the kidneys

Mineralocorticoids, mainly aldosterone


Minute, pinpoint hemorrhagic spot of the skin

nail body

Most of the ________ appears pink because of the underlying blood vessels.

Rare disorder of unknown etiology within the labyrinth of the inner ear that can lead to a progressive loss of hearing

Ménière disease

specialize in the diagnosis and management of kidney disease, kidney transplantation, and dialysis therapies.


are microscopic filtering units of the kidneys; They are designed to filter urea and other waste products from blood; are also responsible for maintaining homeostasis keeping body fluids in balance.


do not carry impulses, but perform the functions of support and protection.


data collected via transmission of a message without words.

Non-verbal data

left eye-Oculus sinister


are measurable assessments collected when the nurse uses sight, touch, smell, or hearing to acquire information. what the nurse observes

Objective data


Opacity of the lens as a result of protein deposits on its surface

is the branch of medicine concerned with diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.


is the branch of medicine concerned with prevention, diagnosis, care, and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.


are surgeons who specialize in orthopedics. They employ medical, physical, and surgical methods to restore function that is lost as a result of injury or disease to the musculoskeletal system.


is the oldest medical specialty in the United States; is greatly expanded to include medical and surgical management of patients with disorders of the ear, nose, and throat [ENT] and related structures of the head and neck.


is inhaled by the lungs is passed from the alveoli into the blood


wave that represents atrial depolarization, conduction of an electrical impulse through the atria; these electrical changes causes atrial contraction

P wave

the waves on the ECG strip are known as

P wave, QRS waves, and T wave

Skeletal disease affecting elderly people that causes chronic inflammation of bones, resulting in thickening and softening of bones and bowing of long bones; also called osteitis deformans

Paget disease

Bones--increases reabsorption of calcium and phosphate from bone to blood

Parathyroid hormone [PTH]

Hypersecretion causes osteitis fibrosa cystica

Parathyroid hormone [PTH]

Hyposecretion causes tetany

Parathyroid hormone [PTH]

Kidneys--increases calcium absorption and phosphate excretion

Parathyroid hormone [PTH]

Small intestine--increases absorption of calcium and phosphates

Parathyroid hormone [PTH]

Progressive, degenerative neurological disorder affecting the portion of the brain responsible for controlling movement

Parkinson disease

a word denoting any bowl-shaped structure


are open sores or lesions on the mucous membrane that lines the stomach or duodenum. They usually develop in the highly acidic regions of the stomach or duodenum.

Peptic ulcers

is an inflammation infection of the pericardial sac with an accumulation of pericardial fluid.


guarding or protecting


is the specialty for restoration, repair, or reconstruction of body structures

Plastic surgery

three cardinal signs of diabetes mellitus.

Polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia

A nurse is going to assist a heavy patient higher in bed. What should the nurse do to prevent self-injury?

Position the feet apart with one foot placed forward.

what does PURR stand for

Prepare, Understand, Rehearse, Review

skin overlying a bony projection, such as the hip, ankle, heel, shoulder, and elbow.

Pressure ulcers are most commonly found in


Process of gas exchange between the atmosphere and body cells is called

information processing analysis has two parts:

Processing Errors and Personal Performance Trends.

exposure to strong ultraviolet light

Production of melanin increases with

Hypersecretion in nursing mothers causes galactorrhea.


Hyposecretion in nursing mothers causes poor lactation.


in conjunction with other hormones, promotes lactation


A nurse administers an intramuscular injection and then massages the insertion site after the needle is withdrawn. What is the purpose of massaging the insertion site at the completion of the procedure?

Promote absorption


Pus in a body cavity, especially in the pleural cavity pyothorax. Is usually the result of a primary infection in the lungs.

commonly referred to as the QRS complex

QRS waves

represent ventricular depolarization, conduction of electrical impulses through the ventricle by way of the bundle of His and the Purkinje fibers. these electrical changes cause ventricular contraction

QRS waves

chest x-ray

Radiograph of the chest taken from the anteroposterior (AP), posteroanterior (PA), or lateral projections. Is used to diagnose atelectasis, tumors, pneumonia, emphysema, and many other lung diseases

CT computed tomography

Radiographic technique that uses a narrow beam of x-rays that rotates in a full arc around the patient to acquire multiple views of the body that a computer interprets to produce cross-sectional images. Is used to detect lesions in the lungs and thorax, blood clots, and pulmonary embolism (PE).

MRI magnetic resonance imaging

Radiographic technique that uses electromagnetic energy to produce multiplanar cross-sectional images of the body In the respiratory system, is used to produce a scan of the chest and lungs. Does not require a contrast medium, but it may be used to enhance visualization of internal structures

Numbness in fingers or toes due to intermittent constriction of arterioles in the skin

Raynaud phenomenon

RACE stands for

Recognize info in the stem, Ask, what is the question asking? Critically analyze distracters, Eliminate options, obvious wrong answers


Redness of the skin caused by swelling of the capillaries


Removal of a small piece of living tissue from an organ or other part of the body for microscopic examination to confirm or establish a diagnosis, estimate prognosis, or follow the course of a disease


Removal of acne scars, nevi, tattoos, or fine wrinkles on the skin through the use of sandpaper, wire brushes, or other abrasive materials on the epidermal layer

oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, waste product from the cells of the body

Respiratory structures, along with the structures of the cardiovascular system,transports

secondary lesions

Result from the changes that take place in the primary lesion due to infection, scratching, trauma, or various stages of a disease

includes consideration of reports such as the results of laboratory tests, diagnostic procedures, and assessments or consultations by other members of the health- care team.

Review of records

techniques of reinforcement.

Reviewing, reorganizing, and rewriting class notes

Hearing acuity test performed with a vibrating tuning fork that is first placed on the mastoid process and then in front of the external auditory canal to test bone and air conduction

Rinne test

perceive the presence of light only,


a mixture of secretions from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands, also known as Cowper glands



Sensation of moving around in space, spinning, dizziness

is an analytical skill that requires you to compare and contrast information and identify that which is most important or significant.

Setting priorities

Hypersecretion of adrenal androgen in females leads to virilism development of male characteristics

Sex hormones, any of the androgens, estrogens, or related steroid hormones produced by the ovaries, testes, and adrenal cortices

Hypersecretion of adrenal estrogen and progestin secretion in males leads to feminization, development of feminine characteristics.

Sex hormones, any of the androgens, estrogens, or related steroid hormones produced by the ovaries, testes, and adrenal cortices

In females, possibly responsible for female libido and source of estrogen after menopause Otherwise, effects in adults are insignificant

Sex hormones, any of the androgens, estrogens, or related steroid hormones produced by the ovaries, testes, and adrenal cortices

are composed of striations that move bones of the skeleton and work mainly in a voluntary manner

Skeletal muscle fibers


Skin discoloration consisting of a large, irregularly formed hemorrhagic area with colors changing from blue-black to greenish brown or yellow; commonly called a bruise


Small slit or cracklike sore that extends into the dermal layer; could be caused by continuous inflammation and drying.


Small, raised, circumscribed lesion that contains pus; usually less than 1 cm in diameter. Examples: acne, furuncle, pustular psoriasis, scabies.


Soft blowing sound heard on auscultation caused by turbulent blood flow


Solid, elevated lesion Palpable, circumscribed lesion; larger and deeper than a papule 0.6 to 2 cm in diameter; extends into the dermal area. Examples: intradermal nevus, benign or malignant tumor.

formerly called cerebrovascular accident [CVA], is a disruption of normal blood supply [ischemia] to the brain. It is characterized by occlusion from an embolus, thrombus, or hemorrhage. The resulting neurological symptoms vary according to the site and degree of occlusion.


can be collected only when the patient shares feelings, perceptions, thoughts, and sensations about a health problem or concern. what the patient says

Subjective data

skin graft

Surgical procedure to transplant healthy tissue by applying it to an injured site Human, animal, or artificial skin is used to provide a temporary covering or permanent layer of skin over a wound or burn

they originate in the bone marrow but migrate and mature in the thymus

T cells

type of cells that are important in the immune process

T cells

upon maturation, these enter the blood and circulate throughout the body, providing a mechanism of defense against disease because the cells attack and destroy foreign or abnormal cells

T cells

represents the electrical recovery and relaxation of the ventricles during diastole

T wave

Hospice care lies in which level of prevention?

Tertiary prevention

extending from the oral cavity, mouth to the anus where solid wastes are eliminated from the body by means of defecation.

The GI tract,

connects the CNS to remote body parts to relay and receive messages, and its autonomic nerves regulate involuntary functions of the internal organs.


consists of the peripheral nerves, which include the cranial nerves emerging from the base of the skull, and the spinal nerves, emerging from the spinal cord.



The _______ is the crescent-shaped area at the base of the nail. It has a whitish appearance because the vascular tissue underneath does not show through.

this part of the colon is located superior to the cecum. It curves horizontally at the hepatic flexure and descends at the splenic flexure.

The ascending colon

protects internal organs and provides central support of the body around which other parts move. It consists of the bones of the head, chest, and spine.

The axial skeleton

called mammary glands,

The breasts

is a thin, highly vascular layer of the eye between the retina and sclera.

The choroid

lies below the sclera and contains blood vessels. It also contains a dark, pigmented tissue that prevents glare within the eyeball because of its ability to absorb light.

The choroid layer

is commonly divided into the cardiovascular system, and the lymphatic system,

The circulatory system

conveys newly formed urine to the renal pelvis where it is excreted by the kidneys.

The collecting tubule

is a thin mucous-secreting membrane that lines the interior surface of the eyelids and the exposed anterior surface of the eyeballs.

The conjunctiva

merges with the hepatic duct to form the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct.

The cystic duct

is made of sensory neurons that carry impulses into the spinal cord.

The dorsal root of the spinal nerve

are receptor organs that enable us to hear and maintain balance.

The ears and their accessory structures

the inner membranous layer, lines the interior of the heart and the heart valves.

The endocardium

1 month

The entire process by which a cell forms in the basal layers, rises to the surface, becomes keratinized, and sloughs off takes about

includes identifying patient responses to care, comparing a patient's actual outcomes to the expected outcomes, analyzing the factors that affected the outcomes to draw conclusions about the interventions success or failure and modifying the nursing plan when necessary.

The evaluation process

serves as a storage site for bile, which is produced by the liver. When bile is needed for digestion, it is released through ducts into the duodenum through the common bile duct

The gallbladder

articulates with the scapula at the shoulder and with the radius and ulna at the elbow.

The humerus

the skin and its accessory organs: the hair, nails, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands

The integumentary system consists of

is located above the outer corner of each eye. These glands produce tears, which keep the eyeballs moist.

The lacrimal gland

extends from the ileum of the small intestine to the anus.

The large intestine, also called the colon

are the strongest bones of the arms and legs

The long bones of the extremities

into five lobes

The lungs are divided into how many lobes

to perform pulmonary ventilation of the body

The main function of the respiratory system is

includes muscles, bones, joints, and related structures, such as tendons and connective tissue,that function in the movement of body parts and organs

The musculoskeletal system

the middle muscular layer, is composed of a special type of muscle arranged in such a way that the contraction of muscle bundles results in squeezing or wringing of the heart chambers to eject blood from the chambers

The myocardium

a fiberoptic instrument used for visualization of the kidney and to disintegrate and remove renal calculi

The nephroscope,

an extensive, intricate network of structures that activates, coordinates, and controls the functions of all other body systems.

The nervous system

also specializes in filling prescriptions for corrective lenses.

The optician


The osteopathic physician

these glands are responsible for controlling calcium levels in the blood.

The parathyroid glands

is another example of a secondary source. It is a legal document containing information that concerns the patient's physical, psychosocial, religious, and economic history and documents the patient's physical and emotional responses.

The patient's medical record , chart

the male sex organ that transports the sperm into the female vagina.

The penis

a fibrous sac, surrounds and encloses the entire heart.

The pericardium

covers the entire surface of the bone. Its blood vessels supply nutrients, and its nerves signal pain.

The periosteum

one of the most important endocrine glands. Its hormone secretions influence the functions of many organs in the body, Located below the brain, it is no larger than a pea.

The pituitary gland

this gland secretes a thick fluid that, as part of the semen, helps the sperm to move spontaneously

The prostate gland

the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood.

The pulmonary trunk

terminates in the lower opening of the gastrointestinal tract, the anus

The rectum

a funnel-shaped dilation that drains urine from the kidney into the ureter.

The renal pelvis

lines the posterior two-thirds of the eyeball. It contains rods and cones, the only place in the body where blood vessels can be seen directly.

The retina

primary function is to secrete saliva into the oral cavity, and is richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves.

The salivary glands

is S-shaped and extends from the descending colon into the rectum.

The sigmoid colon

a long, narrow cable of nerve tissue within the spinal canal and is part of the CNS. It descends from the brain stem to the lumbar part of the back and contains about 100 million neurons.

The spinal cord

are mixed nerves that provide a two-way communication between the spinal cord and parts of the upper and lower limbs, neck, and trunk

The spinal nerves

the statement that asks the question.

The stem

are paired oval glands surrounded by the scrotal sac

The testes

an exchange of gases between the alveolus and the surrounding capillaries.

The thin walls of the alveoli permit

a muscular sac, stores urine until it is voided.

The urinary bladder,

a muscular, hollow, pear-shaped structure located in the pelvic area between the bladder and rectum.

The uterus

the organ that contains and nourishes the embryo and fetus from the time the fertilized egg is implanted to the time of birth

The uterus, also called the womb,

a muscular tube that extends from the cervix, neck of the uterus to the exterior of the body;serves as the organ of sexual intercourse and the receptor of semen;discharges menstrual flow and acts as a passageway for the delivery of the fetus

The vagina

a duct that transports sperm from the testes to the urethra.

The vas deferens, also called ductus deferens

is the motor root of the spinal cord. It is made of motor neurons carrying impulses from the spinal cord to muscles or glands.

The ventral root of the spinal nerve

number of pairs of spinal nerves originate from the spinal cord. Each pair of nerves serves a specific region on the right or left side of the body.


asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema

Three major disorders included in COPD are

Hypersecretion causes Graves disease, indicated by exophthalmos.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH

Hyposecretion in infants causes cretinism; hyposecretion in adults causes myxedema.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH

stimulates secretion of thyroid hormone

Thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH



Hypersecretion causes Graves disease, indicated by exophthalmos.

Thyroxine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3]

Hyposecretion in infants causes cretinism; hyposecretion in adults causes myxedema.

Thyroxine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3]

Increases energy production from all food types

Thyroxine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3]

Increases rate of protein synthesis

Thyroxine [T4] and triiodothyronine [T3]


Total absence of oxygen in body tissues. Is caused by a lack of O2 in inhaled air or by obstruction that prevents O2 from reaching the lungs.


Transplantation of healthy tissue from one person to another person; also called homograft. The skin donor is usually a cadaver. This type of skin graft is temporary and is used to protect the patient against infection and fluid loss.


Transplantation of healthy tissue from one site to another site in the same individual


Transplantation, dermis only, from a foreign donor, usually a pig, and transferred to a human; also called heterograft. Is used as a temporary graft to protect the patient against infection and fluid loss


Unusual intolerance and sensitivity to light

includes visualization of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.

Upper GI endoscopy

diagnose and treat disorders of the male reproductive system, such as sexual dysfunction and infertility; includes various surgeries, such as transurethral resection of the prostate and cystoscopy; they treat genitourinary tract diseases that affect the urinary system of men and women


postural drainage

Use of body positioning to assist in removal of secretions from specific lobes of the lung, bronchi, or lung cavities

to tell the truth


data collected via the spoken or written word.

Verbal data

A nurse uses the interviewing technique of clarification when interviewing a patient. What is the nurse doing when this communication technique is used?

Verifying what is implied by the patient


Visual examination of the interior bronchi using a bronchoscope, a flexible fiberoptic instrument with a light, which can be inserted through the nose or mouth. may be performed to remove obstructions, obtain a biopsy specimen, or observe directly for pathological changes

learning styles

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, doers or tactile

A nurse must make an unoccupied bed. What is the first step of the procedure for making the bed?

Washing hands

Three factors are involved in making measurement and evaluation decisions.

What knowledge or ability is to be measured? How can the identified knowledge or ability be measured? How can the results of the devised operations be measured or expressed in quantitative terms?

metastasize or metastasis

When CA spreads to other parts of the body, the medical term used to describe that condition is

A nurse is caring for several patients on bladder- retraining programs and a variety of toileting time frames are employed. Which time frame for toileting is always included in a toileting schedule?

When going to bed at night


Which is an example of a secondary stressor?

1st degree burn

Which type of burn does not cause blisters

Malignant neoplasm of the kidney that occurs in young children, usually before age 5

Wilms tumor


Wound or irregular tear of the flesh

slightly movable joints


freely movable joints


totally immovable joints


The trachea, windpipe

a cylindrical tube composed of smooth muscle embedded with a series of 16 to 20 C-shaped rings of cartilage. It extends downward into the thoracic cavity, where it divides.


a ending in cyanoderma, erythroderma, leukoderma, and melanoderma designates that these words are


a fixed routine, a mechanical way of doing something


a form of necrosis associated with loss of blood supply. Before healing can take place, the dead matter must be removed.


a hard protein material that eventually fills skin cells

The diaphragm

a muscular partition that separates the lungs from the abdominal cavity and aids in the process of breathing.

The lymphatic system consists of

a network of vessels and nodes, and a few specialized organs including the tonsils, thymus, and spleen.

shows five waves on the ECG strip, which represents electrical changes as they spread through the heart

a normal heart rhythm also called sinus rhythm

A hot spot item asks a question in relation to

a presented illustration.


a repeated sound


a respiratory condition characterized by recurrent attacks of labored or difficult breathing accompanied by wheezing.

A petechia

a smaller version of an ecchymosis.


a technique used to change the way we look at things in order to feel better about them


a temporary loss of breathing that results in brief or prolonged absence of spontaneous respiration


a widening or a widened blood vessel.

The word para refers to

a woman who has given birth to an infant


abnormal condition produced by something specified

Congenital deficiency in color perception; also called color blindness


Benign tumor that develops from the eighth cranial [vestibulocochlear] nerve and grows within the auditory canal

acoustic neuroma




adrenal glands

also known as the suprarenal glands, these glands are paired structures located superior to the kidneys

adrenal glands

it progresses from awareness to an increasing internalization or commitment to the attitude.

affective learning


against; up; back


air in the pleural cavity causing the complete or partial collapse of a lung. Can occur with pulmonary disease, emphysema, lung cancer, or tuberculosis. It may also be the result of an open chest wound or a perforation of the chest wall that permits entrance of air

The islets produce two distinct hormones: Both hormones play an important role in the proper metabolism of sugars and starches in the body.

alpha cells, which produce glucagons, and beta cells, which produce insulin

Obstetric procedure that involves surgical puncture of the amniotic sac under ultrasound guidance to remove amniotic fluids



amnion, amniotic sac

pneumomelanosis or pneumoconiosis

an abnormal condition of black lung caused by inhalation of black dust, a disease common among coal miners.


an abnormal or diseased condition; is attached to a word root to identify an abnormal condition produced by something that is specified.*

A true- false question also is known as

an alternate- response item.

The pituitary gland consists of two distinct portions:

an anterior lobe and a posterior lobe.

the broken ends of a bone are forced into one another; many bone fragments may be created by such a fracture

an impacted fracture,

Tuberculosis, TB

an infectious disease, produces small lesions, or tubercles, in the lungs. If left untreated, it infects the bones and organs of the entire body. An increase is attributed to the increasing prevalence of AIDS.

Chronic bronchitis

an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the bronchial airways, is characterized by increased mucus production resulting in a chronic productive cough. Cigarette smoking, environmental irritants, allergic response, and infectious agents cause this condition

Total deafness [complete hearing loss]


spasmodic, choking, or suffocating pain.

angina pectoris

Any endovascular procedure that reopens narrowed blood vessels and restores forward blood flow, usually using balloon dilation


a characteristic of nephrotic syndrome is edema especially around the.

ankles, feet, and eyes

The cube-shaped short bones include the bones of the

ankles, wrists, and toes

Chronic inflammatory disease of unknown origin that first affects the spine and is characterized by fusion and loss of mobility of two or more vertebrae; also called rheumatoid spondylitis

ankylosing spondylitis

Congenital absence of one or both testes; also called anorchia



anus and rectum.


anus, rectum







the second layer which surrounds the spinal cord; runs across the space known as the subdural space, which contains cerebrospinal fluid.

arachnoid membrane

Smooth muscles in the walls of bronchioles

are designed to constrict or dilate the airways to maintain unobstructed air passages

Comedos and pustules

are the result of hypersecretion of sebum by the sebacceous glands

Microscopic structures

are visible only through the use of a microscope.

large vessels that convey blood away form the heart


Inside the kidney, the renal artery branches into smaller arteries called


delivers blood to capillaries


Thickening, hardening, and loss of elasticity of arterial walls; also called hardening of the arteries


the most common type of coronary artery disease CAD


Puncture of a joint space with a needle to remove fluid


Surgical reconstruction or replacement of a painful, degenerated joint to restore mobility in rheumatoid or osteoarthritis or to correct a congenital deformity


The colon consists of four segments:

ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon.

Abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity


to draw by suction


data must be accurately collected, verified, and document during this step of the nursing process.


Defective curvature of the cornea and lens, which causes light rays to focus unevenly over the retina rather than being focused on a single point, resulting in a distorted image


incomplete; imperfect


Most common form of arteriosclerosis, caused by accumulation of fatty substances within the arterial walls, resulting in partial and, eventually, total occlusion


Two types of mycoses are .

athlete's foot and thrush

the wave of electricity moves to another region of the myocardium called the

atrioventricular node (AV)

cognitive domain

attain new information

Test that measures hearing acuity at various sound frequencies


which directs sound waves to the ear canal.


The external ear includes the

auricle, ear canal, and tympanic membrane

self, own.


Surgically implanted defibrillator that automatically detects and corrects potentially fatal arrhythmias, such as ventricular fibrillations

automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator (AICD)

This built-in rhythm of the heart is called


The second cervical vertebra is called the____ and enables the skull to rotate on the neck


Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart caused by bacteria

bacterial endocarditis

Inflammation of the skin covering the glans penis



band, fascia fibrous membrane supporting and separating muscles

In order to become test-wise, you need to

be an active participant in your learning



plantar flexion

bending the foot or toes downward


bending the foot or toes upward


bile duct.


bile vessel


bile, gall


binding, fixation [of a bone or joint]

Endoscopy is used for

biopsy, aspirating fluids, and coaggulating bleeding areas.


black pigment



Because the optic disk has no rods or cones, it is known as the

blind spot.






blood condition


blood vessel



Removal of living bone marrow tissue, usually taken from the sternum or iliac crest, for microscopic examination

bone marrow aspiration biopsy


bone marrow, spinal cord


bone marrow; spinal cord


bone marrow; spinal cord.

Because blood vessels and osteoblasts are located here, the periosteum provides a means for

bone repair and general bone nutrition.

musculoskeletal disorders include injury to or disease of the body's

bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons

Gurgling or rumbling sound heard over the large intestine that is caused by gas moving through the intestines


Transmission of sound waves ultimately generates impulses that are transmitted to and interpreted by this as sound




the pulmonary trunk runs diagonally upward, then divides abruptly to form the

branches of the right and left pulmonary arteries.

The primary function of the digestive system, also known as the gastrointestinal (GI) system, is to

break down food, prepare it for absorption, and eliminate waste substances.

the atrioventricular (AV) node instantaneously transmits impulses to the

bundle of His


bursting forth of



Urine is collected in funnel-shaped extensions called _____ and empties into the ____ and through the _____.

calyces, singular calyx; renal pelvis; ureters

If kidneys fail, waste substances

cannot be eliminated from the body.

carries blood from arterioles to venules


minute vessels adjoining the arterioles


Battery of blood tests performed to determine the presence of cardiac damage

cardiac enzyme studies

When the fluid presses on the heart and prevents it from beating, the condition is known as

cardiac tamponade.

consists of the heart and blood vessels,

cardiovascular system

Delivery of brief discharges of electricity that pass across the chest to stop a cardiac arrhythmia and restore normal sinus rhythm; also called defibrillation


Surgical removal of plaque and thromboses from an occluded carotid artery

carotid endarterectomy

Pain or numbness resulting from compression of the median nerve within the carpal tunnel [wrist canal through which the flexor tendons and median nerve pass]

carpal tunnel syndrome [CTS]


carpus [wrist bones]

carp/o refers to the and how many are there

carpus [wrist bones]. There are eight wrist bones.



Degenerative disease in which the lens of the eye becomes progressively cloudy, causing decreased vision


Excision of a lens affected by a cataract

cataract surgery

Depressed lesion

caused by loss of skin surface



Obstetric procedure in which a nonabsorbable suture is used for holding the cervix closed to prevent spontaneous abortion in a woman who has an incompetent cervix


Bilateral, symmetrical, nonprogressive motor dysfunction and partial paralysis, which is usually caused by damage to the cerebrum during gestation or birth trauma but can also be hereditary

cerebral palsy

Additional protection of the brain and spinal cord is provided by

cerebrospinal fluid circulating in the subarachnoid space.



3 methods or techniques used to decrease tension & anxiety

change your thinking change your behavior change your lifestyle

Hormones have four key characteristics. They are:

chemical substances produced by specialized cells of the body released slowly in minute amounts directly into the bloodstream produced primarily by the endocrine glands almost all inactivated or excreted by the liver and kidneys.


childbirth, labor

STD caused by infection with the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis





chronic skin condition characterized by excessive roughness and dryness. a mild form of ichthyosis.

The anterior portion of the choroid is modified and forms the

ciliary body [or muscle] and the iris, the colored portion of the eye.

Surgical removal of the foreskin or prepuce of the penis, usually performed on the male as an infant


Chronic liver disease characterized by destruction of liver cells that eventually leads to ineffective liver function and jaundice


a word or phrase in the stem is identical to a word or phrase in the correct answer and is called a

clang association

Type of glaucoma caused by an anatomically narrow angle between the iris and the cornea, which prevents outflow of aqueous humor from the eye into the lymphatic system, causing a sudden increase in IOP


Pneumocystis pneumonia PCP

closely associated with a compromised immune system, particularly in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Is caused by a fungus that resides in or on the normal flora, potentially pathogenic organisms that reside in, but are harmless to, healthy individuals.


clumping, gluing

Electronic transmitter surgically implanted into the cochlea of a deaf person to restore hearing

cochlear implant

It advances from the simple to the complex and progresses from knowing and comprehending information to applying and analyzing information.

cognitive learning

Test level questions are based on comprehension, analysis, and application so they require a higher:

cognitive level

what a person thinks

cognitive skills





Condition in which polyps project from the mucous membrane of the colon

colonic polyposis



Examination of the vagina and cervix with an optical magnifying instrument colposcope



combining form of nose that is generally not used to build surgical terms



the two kinds of bone tissue are called

compact [dense] bone tissue and spongy [cancellous] bone tissue

the thick layer of the diaphysis is made of hard

compact bone

an analysis question requires the highest level of thinking which is

comparing and contrasting information.

stratum corneum

composed of dead, flat cells, which convert to keratin that continually flakes away. Its thickness is correlated with normal wear of the area it covers


composed of living cells. It is where new cells are continuously being reproduced



Hearing loss due to an impairment in the transmission of sound because of an obstruction of the ear canal or damage to the eardrum or ossicles


perceive different wavelengths of light as colors.


heart problems present from birth

congenital heart disease



Inflammation of the conjunctiva that can be caused by bacteria, allergy, irritation, or a foreign body; also called pinkeye


The larynx

contains the organ of sound called vocal cords

Fibrosis of connective tissue in the skin, fascia, muscle, or joint capsule that prevents normal mobility of the related tissue or joint




is avascular [without blood vessels or capillaries], but is well supplied with nerve endings, most of which are pain fibers. For this reason, some people can never adjust to wearing contact lenses.


On the most anterior portion of the eye, the sclera forms a transparent, domed structure called the; it also protects the front part of the eye from injury and is the first structure of the eye that refracts light rays.


Surgical transplantation of a donor cornea [from a cadaver] into the eye of a recipient; also called keratoplasty

corneal transplant

Procedure in which a surgeon removes one or more of a patient's peripheral veins and then sutures each end of the vein onto the coronary artery to route blood flow around a blockage in a coronary artery, thus increasing blood flow to the heart

coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)

Abnormal condition that affects the heart's arteries and produces various pathological effects, especially reduced flow of oxygen and nutrients to the myocardium

coronary artery disease (CAD)

Impulses generated by rods and cones are transmitted by retinal nerve fibers to the

cortex of the brain.

exposure to strong ultraviolet light

creates a suntan that provides a protective barrier from damaging effects of the sun

Grating sound made by movement of bone ends rubbing together, indicating a fracture or joint destruction



crooked, bent

Failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum


instrument used to scrape the endometrium



curve, swayback

opens and permits blood to flow through the heart and seal shut to prevent backflow

cusps of the heart valves



defend against viral and fungal infections, are also responsible for transplant rejection reactions and for immunological surveillance against cancer

cytotoxic T lymphocytes


decrease, deficiency

Formation of a blood clot in a deep vein of the body, occurring most commonly in the iliac and femoral veins

deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Device designed to administer a defibrillating electric shock to restore normal sinus rhythm


The main purpose of the cardiovascular system, also called the circulatory system, is to

deliver oxygen, nutrients, and other essential substances to body cells and remove waste products of cellular metabolism.

A performance appraisal presents a structured situation and requires you to

demonstrate part or all of a skill.

To dry thoroughly; render free from moisture.



development, nourishment

Chronic metabolic disorder of impaired carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism due to insufficient production of insulin or the body's inability to utilize insulin properly

diabetes mellitus (DM)

Retinal damage marked by aneurysmal dilation and bleeding of blood vessels or the formation of new blood vessels, causing visual changes

diabetic retinopathy

Mechanical filtering process used to cleanse blood of high concentrations of metabolic waste products, draw off excess fluids, and regulate body chemistry when kidneys fail to function properly


condition of profuse sweating

diaphoresis, sudoresis, and hyperhidrosis

Analysis questions often require you to use ________ to determine the significance of information.






characteristics of emphysema

distended bronchioles and enlarged alveoli

Increased formation and secretion of urine


Condition in which bulging pouches (diverticula) in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract push the mucosal lining through the surrounding muscle

diverticular disease

The last component of assessment includes the nurse's ability to

document information obtained from assessment activities.



to Change the plural form mycoses to its singular form.

drop es and add is; mycosis


dull, dim

Peptic ulcers that occur in the small intestine are called

duodenal ulcers;


duodenum first part of small intestine

the outermost membrane of the meninges is a tough, fibrous membrane that covers the entire length of the spinal cord and contains channels for blood to enter brain tissue.

dura mater

The spinal cord, like the brain, is protected and nourished by the meninges, which consist of three layers

dura mater, arachnoid membrane and pia mater

Air forced out of lungs, Lungs contract, Diaphragm relaxes and moves up, acsends Intercostal muscles relax, Pectoralis minor muscles relax

during expiration, exhalation

air is drawn into the lungs, lungs expand, diaphragm contracts and flattens and descends, intercostal muscles contract, Pectoralis minor muscles contract, and Sternocleidomastoid muscle elevates sternum

during inspiration, inhalation

Underproduction of GH in children is likely to produce an exceptionally small person, a condition called


Inflammation of the intestine, especially of the colon, which may be caused by chemical irritants, bacteria, protozoa, or parasites


Painful or difficult urination, symptomatic of cystitis and other urinary tract conditions




Use of ultrasound to evaluate the heart and great vessels and diagnose cardiovascular lesions




Creation and study of graphic records electrocardiograms produced by electric activity generated by the heart muscle; also called cardiography

electrocardiography (ECG)


elevated, fluid-filled lesion. A vesicle or blister larger than 1 cm in diameter. Examples: second degree burns, severe poison oak, poison ivy.

Mass of undissolved matter — commonly a blood clot, fatty plaque, or air bubble — that travels through the bloodstream and becomes lodged in a blood vessel


to inflate


Surgical removal of the lining of an artery


smooth membrane that covers the heart valves


The walls of the heart are composed of these three layers

endocardium, myocardium, and pericardium.

Presence of endometrial tissue outside, ectopic the uterine cavity, such as the pelvis or abdomen


Involuntary discharge of urine after the age at which bladder control should be established; also called bed-wetting at night or nocturnal enuresis


Disorder affecting the central nervous system that is characterized by recurrent seizurestivity


Congenital defect in which the urethra opens on upper side of the penis near the glans penis instead of the tip




Strabismus in which there is deviation of the visual axis of one eye toward that of the other eye, resulting in diplopia; also called cross-eye and convergent strabismus


Study skills, critical- thinking skills, and problem- solving skills

essential skills needed to achieve success as a learner.

Another important function of the ovaries is to produce these hormones

estrogen and progesterone

The female reproductive system also produces these female sex hormones which are responsible for development of secondary sex characteristics, such as breast development and regulation of the menstrual cycle.

estrogen and progesterone

good, normal


These tubes leads from the middle ear to the nasopharynx and permits air to enter or leave the middle ear cavity.

eustachian [auditory] tube

fluid retention

excess fluid in tissues

Internal, cellular, respiration

exchange of gases, O2 unloading and CO2 loading, between the blood and body tissue cells.


exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the environmental air and the blood circulating through the lungs, the act of breathing

Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball(s), possibly due to thyrotoxicosis, tumor of the orbit, orbital cellulitis, leukemia, or neurysm


Strabismus in which there is deviation of the visual axis of one eye away from that of the other eye, resulting in diplopia; also called wall-eye and divergent strabismus


Excision of the the anterior segment of the lens capsule along with the lens, allowing for the insertion of an intraocular lens implant

extracapsular cataract extraction [ECCE]








eye, vision





the two small tubes leading to each ovary can be called these three names

fallopian tubes, uterine tubes, and oviducts

hyperopia, the lens focuses the visual image beyond the retina causing difficulty in seeing objects that are close


In adults, the medullary cavity contains

fat yellow marrow, so named because of the large amounts of fat it contains.

Widespread infection of reproductive structures may also lead to

fatal septicemia

bodily waste discharged through the anus



femur [thigh bone]


fiber, fibrous tissue

Benign neoplasm in the uterus that is composed largely of fibrous tissue; also called leiomyoma



fibula [smaller, outer bone of lower leg]

during relaxation, diastole, blood

fills the ventricles

Atrioventricular (AV) block in which the atrial electrical impulses are delayed by a fraction of a second before being conducted to the ventricles

first-degree heart block

Abnormal passage from one organ to another, or from a hollow organ to the surface


an abnormal passage from one epithelial surface to another epithelial surface



fixation of an organ


fixation of an organ


flesh connective tissue

The tip of the penis is covered by a fold of skin called the

foreskin or prepuce

The main function of bones is to

form a skeleton to support and protect the body and serve as storage areas for mineral salts, especially calcium and phosphorus




formation, production


forms the protective covering of the body and does not have a blood or nerve supply

Oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart via

four pulmonary veins

Cones are concentrated in the depression near the center of the retina called the

fovea, which is the area of sharpest vision

Restricted- response questions are also known as

free- response questions.

If the painful episode of menstruation is mild and brief, it is considered

functional and normal and requires no treatment.



peptic ulcers that occur in the stomach are called

gastric ulcers

The physician who specializes in treating disorders of the digestive system is called a


study that encompasses treatment of diseases affecting the digestive system.


Backflow (reflux) of gastric contents into the esophagus due to malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)

gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD

three Specialists who treat digestive disorders are the

gastrologist, enterologist, and gastroenterologist.

An extended essay question requires you to

generate the answer, via a free- response format, in reply to a question or problem that is presented.

Overproduction of GH in children produces an exceptionally large person, a condition known as .




sebacceous, oil, glands

glands that are found in all areas of the body that have hair.

sweat, sudoriferous glands

glands that are not associated with hair follicles open to the surface of the skin through pores

A slightly enlarged region at the tip of the penis is the

glans penis


glans penis

Condition in which aqueous humor fails to drain properly and accumulates in the anterior chamber of the eye, causing elevated intraocular pressure [IOP]


contained within the nephron is a tiny ball of coiled, intertwined capillaries called _____, and a _____ .

glomerulus, plural, glomeruli; collecting tubule


glue; neuroglial tissue

Hormonal preparation used to increase sperm count in infertility cases


The primary sex organs of the male are called

gonads specifically the testes, singular, testis)

Contagious bacterial infection that most commonly affects the genitourinary tract and, occasionally, the pharynx or rectum


The two most common causes of PID are ______both of which are sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

gonorrhea and chlamydia

Hereditary metabolic disease that is a form of acute arthritis, characterized by excessive uric acid in the blood and around the joints


The cell bodies of these motor neurons are in the

gray matter of the spinal cord.




growth; nourishment


hardening; sclera [white of eye]





Decreased ability to perceive sounds compared to what the individual or examiner would regards as normal

hearing loss

Interference with normal conduction of electrical impulses that control activity of the heart muscle

heart block


heart condition

Condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the metabolic requirement of body tissues; formerly called congestive heart failure (CHF)

heart failure (HF)

are composed of thin, fibrous cusps, covered by a smooth membrane, and reinforced by dense connective tissue

heart valves

benefits of a PMA

help you control test anxiety will limit your anxious responses will allow you to be a more successful test taker

Passage of stools containing bright red blood


Mass of enlarged, twisted varicose veins in the mucous membrane inside, internal or just outside, external the rectum; also known as piles


the right and left hepatic ducts eventually form the

hepatic duct.

Protrusion or projection of an organ or a part of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it



hernia, swelling

Herniation or rupture of the nucleus pulposus [center gelatinous material within an intervetebral disk] between two vertebrae; also called prolapsed disk

herniated disk

Infection in females and males of the genital and anorectal skin and mucosa with herpes simplex virus type 2

herpes genital





two main kinds of lymphomas are

hodgkin disease and non hodgkin lymphoma

Small, purulent inflammatory infection of a sebaceous gland of the eyelid; also called sty


can also influence the heart rate

hormones, drugs, and nervous system stimulation


horny tissue; hard; cornea



Cranial enlargement caused by accumulation of fluid within the ventricles of the brain


excessive, above normal


When insulin is lacking, glucose does not enter cells but returns to the bloodstream with a subsequent rise in its concentration in the blood, a condition known as


Consistently elevated blood pressure that is higher than 119/79 mm Hg, causing damage to the blood vessels and, ultimately, the heart


Low blood glucose levels cause .


The pituitary gland is also called the


Radiography of the uterus and oviducts after injection of a contrast medium.


using the helix

identify the problem, explore alternative solutions, implement selected interventions, arrive at solutions

Most absorption of food takes place in the third part of the small intestine, which is the



ileum third part of small intestine

lymph nodes on the pelvis are called

illiac lymph nodes

Inability of a man to achieve or maintain a penile erection; commonly called erectile dysfunctionn




characteristics of chronic bronchitis

inflamed airways and excessive mucus production

Application questions test your ability to use



inner layer of the skin

Hypersecretion of ____ causes hyperinsulinisms


Hyposecretion of this hormone causes diabetes mellitus


Tissue cells--lowers blood glucose level by accelerating glucose transport into cells; converts glucose to glycogen


Tumor of the islets of Langerhans; also called a pancreatic tumor


The female reproductive system is composed of

internal organs of reproduction and external genitalia

Analysis questions require you to

interpret a variety of data and recognize the commonalities, differences, and interrelationships among presented ideas.

as certain constituents of blood plasma filtrate through tiny capillaries into the spaces between cell, it becomes

interstitial fluid

Condition associated with pathological changes in the renal interstitial tissue that may be primary or due to a toxic agent, such as a drug or chemical, which results in destruction of nephrons and severe impairment in renal function

interstitial nephritis


intestine usually small intestine



Excision of a portion of the iris used to relieve intraocular pressure in patients with glaucoma




primary bronchus

is similar to that of the trachea, but as they subdivide into finer branches, the amount of cartilage in the walls decreases and finally disappears as it forms bronchioles. As cartilage diminishes, a layer of smooth muscle surrounding the tube becomes more prominent.

Inadequate supply of oxygenated blood to a body part due to an interruption of blood flow


Hormone producing cells of the pancreas are called.

islets of Langerhans

the two lobes of the thyroid gland are separated by a strip of tissue called the


The entire multiple- choice question is called an


Yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclerae of the eyes caused by excessive levels of bilirubin in the blood hyperbilirubinemia


maxill/o .



jejunum second part of small intestine





an artificial kidney known as

kidney dialysis

Waste substances are filtered from the blood by the ______ and excreted in the ________.

kidneys; urine

are also known as cytotoxic T lymphocytes because they ar capable of destroy specific cells

killer T lymphocytes

because they secrete immunologically essential chemical compounds that destroy foreign cells, some T cells are called

killer cells

plays a significant role in the body's resistance to proliferation of cancer cells

killer cells



cognitive domains and levels

knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis

There are four types of thinking processes that may be required to answer questions concerning the delivery of nursing care:

knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis--analysis includes synthesis and evaluation.

Increased curvature of the thoracic region of the vertebral column, leading to a humpback posture; also called hunchback


The inner ear, also called the _____ consists of complicated, mazelike structures, all of which contain the functional organs for hearing and equilibrium


Each lobe is drained by a

lactiferous duct


lamina [part of vertebral arch]

Visual examination of the abdominal cavity with a laparoscope through one or more small incisions in the abdominal wall, usually at the umbilicus


eventually lymph reaches

large lymph vessels in the upper chest and reenter the bloodstream

The four pulmonary veins empty into the

left atrium LA.

four pulmonary veins deposit the oxygen-rich blood into the

left atrium.

White discharge from the vagina


reflecting, analyzing, clarifying, and reasoning

list of thinking skills

The three accessory organs of digestion are the

liver, pancreas, and gallbladder



study of



loins [lower back]

Forward curvature of lumbar region of the vertebral column, leading to a swayback posture


the cavity or channel within a tube or tubular organ.


Excision of a small primary breast tumor, lump, and some of the normal tissue that surrounds it


Each branch of the pulmonay arteries conveys deoxygenated blood to the


most interstitial fluid is absorbed from the interstitial or intercellular spaces by thin walled vessels called

lymph capillaries

thin walled tubes that carry lymph from the tissue spaces to larger lymph vessels

lymph capillaries


lymph gland

at the point of absorption, interstitial fluid becomes lymph and is passed through lymphatic tissue called

lymph nodes


lymph vessel

Inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually as a result of infection


Removal of a lymph vessel


Radiographic examination of lymph glands and lymphatic vessels after an injection of a contrast medium


consists of lymph vessels, lymph nodes, and lymphoid organs: spleen, thymus, and tonsils

lymphatic system

Breakdown of the tissues in the macula, resulting in loss of central vision

macular degeneration

The enhancements in the Medical Terminology text are meant to assist students in which of the following?

make learning easier and improve retention

A general feeling of discomfort, illness, or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify.




Radiography of breast; used to diagnose benign and malignant tumors


You will become a more successful test-taker when you:

manage your time study more effectively become test-wise


many, much

Complete or partial excision of one or both breasts, most commonly performed to remove a malignant tumor




middle of the chest is called


the area of the chest between the lungs


the inner layer of the diaphysis

medullary cavity.

To allow for body movements, bones must have points where they _____. these points form joints that have various degrees of mobility. All three types are necessary for smooth, coordinated body movements.

meet [articulate]

membranes covering the brain and spinal cord



meninges membranes covering brain and spinal cord


meninges membranes covering brain and spinal cord

Two important hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are secreted by the ovaries. These hormones play an important role in the processes of

menstruation and pregnancy as well as the development of secondary sex characteristics.

During pregnancy, high levels of estrogen and progesterone prepare the mammary glands for

milk production

The LA contracts to force blood through the

mitral valve into the LV.

Condition in which the leaflets of the mitral valve prolapse into the left atrium during systole, resulting in incomplete closure and backflow of blood

mitral valve prolapse (MVP)

When the two nerve roots merge, the spinal nerve thus formed is a

mixed nerve.

Included in the vulva are the

mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and Bartholin glands.

Body mass index [BMI] of 40 or greater, which is generally 100 lb or more over ideal body weight

morbid obesity

More severe obesity in which a person has a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater, which is generally 100 or more pounds over ideal body weight

morbid obesity





The ability to walk, run, or catch a ball is possible due to the

movable joints of the limbs.


moving the sole of the foot inward


moving the sole of the foot outward



Progressive degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized by inflammation, hardening, and loss of myelin throughout the spinal cord and brain, which produces weakness and other muscle symptoms

multiple sclerosis

Abnormal sound heard on auscultation, caused by defects in the valves or chambers of the heart




Group of hereditary diseases characterized by gradual atrophy and weakness of muscle tissue

muscular dystrophy

Autoimmune neuromuscular disorder characterized by severe muscular weakness and progressive fatigue

myasthenia gravis [MG]



Necrosis of a portion of cardiac muscle caused by partial or complete occlusion of one or more coronary arteries; also called heart attack

myocardial infarction (MI)

the pumping action of the heart consists of contraction and relaxation of this layer of the heart

myocardial layer of the heart

Surgical repair of a perforated eardrum with a tissue graft; also called tympanoplasty


Incision of the eardrum to relieve pressure and release pus or serous fluid from the middle ear or to insert PE tubes [tympanostomy tubes] in the eardrum via surgery


Advanced hypothyroidism in adults that results from hypofunction of the thyroid gland and affects body fluids, causing edema and increasing blood volume and increasing blood pressure


dermis and epidermis

name of the two layers of the skin

characteristics of asthma

narrowed bronchial tubes and swollen mucous membranes. extra mucus, inflamed airway, constricted smooth muscle

The lacrimal sac collects and drains tears into the

nasolacrimal duct.

myopia, the eyeball is too long, the visual image falls in front of the retina



neck; cervix uteri [neck of uterus]

occurs when there is insufficient blood supply to the heart

necrosis of the myocardium

An insufficient blood supply may result in

necrosis of the ulcerated tissue.



The branch of medicine that concentrates on the care of the neonate, newborn, and in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the neonate is known as


This medical specialty is a subspecialty of internal medicine


the arterioles lead into microscopic filtering units called .


The downward displacement may occur because the kidney supports are weakened due to the sudden strain or blow. This condition is called ______ or __________.

nephroptosis, or floating kidney.



Malignant tumor composed principally of cells resembling neuroblasts


the posterior lobe is called the


perform such functions as the perception of sensory stimuli, learning, memory, and control of muscles and glands.


the nervous system, it consists of only two principal types of cells,

neurons and neuroglia.



emmetropia, the lens focuses the visual image on the retina.

normal eye vision

internal locus of control

not only saying that you are in charge of you, but you must begin to believe it and live it.

ECG that utilizes a radioisotope to evaluate coronary blood flow


any chemical substance that interferes with or destroys the cellular reproductive process in the nucleus

nucleotoxic substance example: those administered to cancer patients during chemotherapy

the control center of the cell and is responsible for reproduction


this unit contains genetic code for maintaining life systems of the organism and for issuing commands for growth and reproduction


two lobes

number of lobes in the left lung

three lobes

number of lobes in the right lung

Condition in which a person accumulates an amount of fat that exceeds the body's skeletal and physical standards, usually an increase of 20 percent or more above ideal body weight


Excessive accumulation of fat that exceeds the body's skeletal and physical standards, usually an increase of 20% or more above ideal body weight trunk


The types of data collected when assessing a patient can be

objective or subjective and verbal or nonverbal.

Internal, cellular respiration

occurs in body tissues when O2, carried in blood from the lungs to nourish the body's cells, is exchanged for CO2. The CO2 travels in the bloodstream to the lungs and is exhaled through the mouth or nose

duty to do no harm


Most common form of glaucoma that results from degenerative changes that cause congestion and reduce flow of aqueous humor through the canal of Schlemm



opening up


opening, meatus

The medical specialist in ophthalmology is called an .


Retinal nerve fibers unite at the ____ and cut across through the wall of the eyeball as the ____.

optic disc, optic nerve.

The bony cavity that houses the eyeball and associated structures, such as the eye muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.




In growing bones, the inner layer of the periosteum contains bone-forming cells known as .


Decrease in bone density with an increase in porosity, causing bones to become brittle and increasing the risk of fractures


Inflammation of the middle ear, which is commonly the result of an upper respiratory infection [URI]

otitis media [OM]

Progressive deafness due to ossification in the bony labyrinth of the inner ear


Visual examination of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane using an otoscope



outer layer of the skin that is visible to the naked eye

best way to reduce test anxiety

overprepare for the test

how to become an empowered student

overprepare for the test exercise regularly establish control before and during the test maintain a positive mental attitude



Partial or complete loss of motor function; also called paralysis




produces insulin and digestive enzymes


this organ is located posterior to the stomach.


These ducts carry their digestive juices into the duodenum

pancreatic, common bile, and hepatic duct

Total pituitary impairment that brings about a progressive and general loss of hormone activity




Loss of muscle function, loss of sensation, or both


Paralysis of the lower portion of the body and both legs


The hormone produced by the parathyroid glands is called

parathormone or parathyroid hormone PTH

these glands are located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland. are so called because they are located around the thyroid gland.

parathyroid glands

submandibular gland is located below this gland

parotid gland


partial paralysis

Failure of the ductus arteriosus to close after birth, resulting in an abnormal opening between the pulmonary artery and the aorta

patent ductus arteriosus

The first step to increasing your feelings of positive self worth

perform a self-assessment of your strengths and weaknesses

ways in which a nurse collects data

performing a physical examination, interviewing, and reviewing records..




pertaining to


pertaining to


pertaining to; sugar

lymphatic tissue that are present in the lining of the ileum, small intestines

peyer patches

Excision of the lens by ultrasonic vibrations that break the lens into tiny particles, which are suctioned out of the eye; also called small incision cataract surgery [SICS]


Small chromaffin cell tumor, usually located in the adrenal medulla


Stenosis or narrowness of the preputial orifice so that the foreskin cannot be pushed back over the glans penis


Unusual intolerance and sensitivity to light


Sensory receptors of vision, rods and cones, contain light-sensitive molecules called _____ that convert light energy into electrical impulses.




the third layer closest to the brain and spinal cord; is a thin membrane containing many blood vessels that nourish the spinal cord

pia mater

are classified as endocrine glands, but little is known about their endocrine function:

pineal gland and thymus gland

Any disorder of the pituitary gland and its function


It involves identifying goals, projecting expected outcomes, setting priorities, identifying interventions, ensuring that the patient's healthcare needs will be appropriately met, modifying the plan of care as needed, and collaborating with other healthcare team members.




inflammation of the pleura


Otoscopic procedure that assesses the ability of the tympanic membrane to move in response to a change in air pressure


Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord caused by a virus, commonly resulting in spinal and muscle deformity and paralysis


Small, tumorlike, benign growth that projects from a mucous membrane surface






Potentially life-threatening disorder that usually develops after the 20th week of pregnancy and is characterized by edema and proteinuria

pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)


pregnant woman

Impairment of hearing that results from the aging process


Sources of data available to the nurse include those that are

primary, secondary, and tertiary


process [of]

inhalation, inspiration

process of breathing air into the lungs

exhalation, expiration

process of breathing air out of the lungs


produce a black pigment called melanin

The combined organs of the female reproductive system are designed to do these three things

produce and transport ova, female sex cells, discharge ova from the body if fertilization does not occur, and nourish and provide a place for the developing fetus throughout pregnancy if fertilization occurs.

Although structures of the female and male reproductive systems differ, both have a common purpose. They are specialized to

produce and unite gametes, reproductive cells, and transport them to sites of fertilization

The main purpose of the ovaries is to ____. This process is called ovulation.

produce ovum, the female reproductive cell.

Muscles have four key functions:

producing body movements, stabilizing body positions, storing and moving substances within the body, and generating heat.


prolapse; downward displacement



chronic loss of protein in the urine




The theories and principles of nursing practice are complex. They draw from a variety of disciplines

psychology, sociology, anatomy and physiology, microbiology

learning that involves perceptual abilities as well as physical abilities related to endurance, strength, and dexterity.

psychomotor learning

what a person does

psychomotor skills

As deoxygenated blood is pumped from the right ventricle, it enter the

pulmonary trunk

these two valves are located at the exits of the ventricles

pulmonary valve and the aortic valve







The opening in the center of the iris is called the ___. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by its contractions and dilations






Pus in the fallopian tube


Paralysis of all four extremities and, usually, the trunk


essential substances are reabsorbed into the bloodstream by the process called


The process of evaluation begins with a

reassessment that collects new information.



Integrated body movements progress from

reflexive movements, to basic fundamental movements, to skilled movements.

Suction lipectomy, also called liposuction

removal of subcutaneous fat tissue using a blunt-tipped cannula tube, introduced into the fatty area through a small incision.

This term for kidney is commonly used as an adjective used to modify a noun.


Blood enters the kidneys

renal artery

Each kidney is composed of an outer layer, called the

renal cortex,

Each kidney is composed of an inner region, called the

renal medulla


renal pelvis

blood leave the kidneys through the

renal vein.

External respiration

results in a gas exchange, O2 loading and CO2 unloading, between air-filled chambers of the lungs and the blood in the pulmonary capillaries.

Separation of the retina from the choroid, which disrupts vision and results in blindness if not repaired

retinal detachment

Turning, or state of being turned back, especially an entire organ being tipped from its normal position, such as the uterus


Streptococcal infection that causes damage to the heart valves and heart muscle, most commonly in children and young adults

rheumatic heart disease

Chronic, systemic inflammatory disease affecting the synovial membranes of multiple joints, eventually resulting in crippling deformities

rheumatoid arthritis [RA]

Blood test to detect the presence of rheumatoid factor, a substance present in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

rheumatoid factor



cost/o refers to the

ribs, which are attached to the sternum.

A form of osteomalacia that is seen in infants and children in many underdeveloped countries. It is a result of vitamin D deficiency. Symptoms include soft, pliable bones that cause such deformities as bowlegs and knock-knees.


Bile is released from the gallbladder and also drained directly from the liver through these .

right hepatic duct and the left hepatic duct

Oxygenated blood leaves the lungs and returns to the heart via the

right pulmonary veins and left pulmonary veins.

the sensory receptors for vision and image formation.

rods and cones

circular movement around an axis


Injuries to the capsule of the shoulder joint, which is reinforced by muscles and tendons; also called musculotendinous rotator cuff injuries

rotator cuff injuries






saliva, salivary gland

During the chewing process,these begin the chemical breakdown of food

salivary secretions

Bones that lose periosteum through injury or disease usually

scale or die.





Severe pain in the leg along the course of the sciatic nerve, which travels from the hip to the foot


white of the eye


the white outer layer of the eyeball, is composed of fibrous connective tissue.


The wall of the eyeball contains three layers: the

sclera, cornea, and choroid

Chemical injection into a varicose vein that causes inflammation and formation of fibrous tissue, which closes the vein


Abnormal sideward curvature of the spine to the left or right


sebum, sebaceous


AV block in which occasional electrical impulses from the SA node fail to be conducted to the ventricles

second-degree heart block

produces information from someplace other than the patient.

secondary source

Convulsion or other clinically detectable event caused by a sudden discharge of electrical activity in the brain that may be classified as partial or generalized


Alternate- format items/questions require the test taker to

select multiple answers to a multiple-choice question, perform a calculation and fill in the blank, place options in priority order, or respond to a question in relation to an exhibit.

A structured- response question requires you to

select the correct answer from among available alternatives. Multiple- choice, multiple- response, true- false, and matching items are examples of structured- response questions.

The sperm is excreted in the

semen, or seminal fluid


seminal vesicles


sensitivity to a product is called


sensitizer, the product causes the sensitivity is called




separation, destruction, loosening


separation; destruction; loosening

Excision of a sequestrum [segment of necrosed bone]


Fragment of a necrosed bone that has become separated from surrounding tissue


Noninfectious inflammation of the middle ear with accumulation of serum [clear fluid]


Constriction of the pupil permits a ____. It is also a reflex that protects the retina from intense light.

sharper near vision

Eruption of acute, inflammatory, herpetic vesicles caused by herpes zoster virus on the trunk of the body along a peripheral nerves



sigmoid colon

a small region of specialized cardiac muscle tissue located on the posterior wall of the right atrium (RA)

sinoatrial (SA) node

is also known as the pacemaker of the heart

sinoatrial (SA) node

primary responsibility for initiating the heartbeat rests with the

sinoatrial (SA) node

Otolaryngologists, also known as ENT physicians, commonly treat disorders related to the

sinuses, including allergies and disorders of the sense of smell; detect the causes of such symptoms as hoarseness, hearing and breathing difficulty, and swelling around the head or neck; treatment of sleep disorders, most commonly sleep apnea; hearing loss

production of melanin

skin color differences are attributed to

Flat bones are the broad bones found in the

skull, shoulder, and ribs.




slit, fissure

alveoli, singular, alveolus

small clusters of grapelike air sacs of the lungs surrounded by a network of microscopic, pulmonary capillaries.


small lesions on the lungs


smooth muscle [visceral]



The largest group of carcinomas are

solid tumors derived from epithelial tissue that line many organs, including the digestive organs.




spermatozoa, sperm cells


spermatozoa, sperm cells


spermatozoa, sperm cells

the male sex cell produced by the testes

spermatozoa, sperm cells

Congenital neural tube defect characterized by incomplete closure of the spinal canal through which the spinal cord and meninges may or may not protrude

spina bifida

More severe type of spina bifida that involves protrusion of the meninges [meningocele], spinal cord [myelocele], or both [meningomyelocele].

spina bifida cystica

Most common and least severe form of spina bifida without protrusion of the spinal cord or meninges

spina bifida occulta

Severe injuries to the spinal cord, such as vertebral fractures and dislocations, resulting in impairment of spinal cord function below the level of the injury

spinal cord injuries

in emergencies, such as hemorrhage, this organ can release blood back into the general circulation




Partial forward dislocation of one vertebra over the one below it, most commonly the fifth lumbar vertebra over the first sacral vertebra; also called spinal cord compression


is the porous, highly vascular inner portion of a bone, makes the bone lighter and provides a space for bone marrow where blood cells are produced

spongy [cancellous] bone tissue

Trauma to a joint that causes injury to the surrounding ligament, accompanied by pain and disability




covered with scales; scalelike


Drugs that reduce cholesterol levels by decreasing levels of low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides, and slightly increasing levels of high-density lipoproteins




Inability of a woman to become pregnant or for a man to impregnate a woman


because the fallopian tubes and ovaries become scarred, unless treated promptly, PID may result in


stern/o refers to the

sternum [breastbone].


stiffness; bent, crooked



sweat, sudoriferous glands

stimulated by temperature increases or emotional stress and produce perspiration that evaporates on the surface of the skin and provides a cooling effect

Muscular eye disorder in which the eyes turn from the normal position so that they deviate in different directions




Trauma to a muscle from overuse or excessive forcible stretch


ECG taken under controlled exercise stress conditions typically using a treadmill while measuring the amount of oxygen consumption

stress test

Damage to part of the brain due to interruption of its blood supply caused by bleeding within brain tissue or, more commonly, blockage of an artery, also called cerebrovascular accident (CVA)



structures that are visible to the naked eye.

Most nursing students are mature people with outside responsibilities so they have to:

study more efficiently and effectively

under, below


Partial or complete dislocation





sugar, sweetness


sugar, sweetness

Inflammation of the middle ear with pus formation



surgical puncture


surgical repair







joints are lubricated by

synovial fluid that is secreted within the synovial membranes.

Infectious, chronic STD characterized by lesions that change to a chancre and may involve any organ or tissue


The tissues or organs that respond to the effects of a hormone are called.

target tissues or target organs


tear; lacrimal apparatus [duct, sac, or gland]


tear; lacrimal apparatus [duct, sac, or gland]





Inflammation of a tendon, usually caused by injury or overuse; also called tendonitis


fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscles to bone.








bronchial tree

term commonly used to describe air passages in the lungs

paired oval glands that descend into the scrotum. At the onset of puberty, they produce the hormone testosterone



testis, plural, testes


testis, plural, testes


testis, plural, testes

The male hormone that stimulates and promotes the growth of secondary sex characteristics in the male is called


detects, evaluates, and treats hearing loss.

the audiologist [not an MD]

the fluid, lymph, circulation through the lymphatic system comes from

the blood

component of the inner ear for hearing,

the cochlea

components of the inner ear include

the cochlea, the semicircular canals, and the vestibule,

Affective learning is concerned with

the development of attitudes, which includes interests, appreciations, feelings, and values;

Psychomotor learning is concerned with

the development of skills.

The main elongated portion of a long bone that is composed of several tissue layers is called

the diaphysis

forms a cylinder that surrounds the medullary cavity.

the diaphysis

The two ends of bones that have a bulbous shape to provide space for muscle and ligament attachments near the joints are called

the distal epiphysis and proximal epiphysis

There are three parts of the small intestine:

the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum.

causes the atrial walls to contract and forces the flow of blood into the ventricles

the electrical current generated by the heart's pacemaker

comma-shaped organ that stores and propels sperm toward the urethra during ejaculation

the epididymis

sperm transporting ducts,

the epididymis, ductus deferens, also referred to as vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra

The space between the pia mater and the bones of the spinal cord contains blood vessels and some fat and is called

the epidural space

Metacognition---Thinking about how you think!

the first step in critical thinking

the nursing process

the foundation for nursing education, practice, and research

the External organs of the female reproductive system, also called

the genitalia

these are the primary structural units responsible for urine formation.

the kidneys

The urinary system is composed of

the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra

Any unabsorbed material is passed on to

the large intestine to be excreted from the body.

stratum corneum and basal layer

the layers of skin that are of greatest importance

a knowledge question requires

the lowest level of thinking which is recalling information by committing facts to memory

the three auditory bones in the middle ear:

the malleus, the incus, and the stapes.


the most common type of cancer

intercostal muscles

the muscles between adjacent ribs are known as the

specialize in providing corrective lenses for the eyes. They are not medical doctors, but they are licensed to examine and test the eyes and treat visual defects by prescribing corrective lenses.

the optometrist and optician

is where Chemical and mechanical processes of digestion begin in when food is chewed to make it easier to swallow

the oral cavity mouth

are a pair of small, almond-shaped glands positioned in the upper pelvic cavity, one on each side of the uterus:

the ovaries

The internal organs of the female reproductive system are

the ovaries, fallopian tubes, oviducts, uterine tubes, uterus, and vagina.

In women, the reproductive system includes

the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, clitoris, and vulva.

primary source—

the patient.

copulatory organ of the male reproductive system

the penis, which contains erectile tissue

the thin fibrous outer membrane of the diaphysis,

the periosteum

the three layers of the diaphysis are

the periosteum, the compact bone and the medullary cavity

The second part contains

the possible responses offered by the item, which are called options, one of which is the correct answer

specializes in treatment of arthritis and other diseases of joints, muscles, and bones.

the rheumatologist [also a medical doctor]

component of the inner ear for equilibrium,

the semicircular canals

male reproductive accessory glands include

the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands

The lower GI tract consists of

the small and large intestine as well as the anus and rectum.

is a continuation of the GI tract. It is where digestion of food is completed as nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream through tiny, fingerlike projections called villi.

the small intestine

contains venous sinuses that serve as a storage reservoir for blood

the spleen

removes and destroys old red blood cells from circulation

the spleen

The first part is known as .

the stem


the study of the mind

There are three pairs of salivary glands:

the sublingual gland, the submandibular gland, and the parotid gland

This taxonomy provides for classifying nursing problems, standardizing language, facilitating communication, and focusing on an individualized approach to identifying and meeting a patient's nursing needs.

the taxonomy of nursing diagnoses developed by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association ( NANDA)

In men, the reproductive system includes

the testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, ejaculatory duct, prostate, and penis.

during fetal life and childhood, this organ is quite large, but becomes smaller with age as it completes most of its essential work during childhood

the thymus

plays an important role in the body's ability to protect itself against disease, immunity, especially during the early years of growth

the thymus

secretes a hormone called thymosin, which stimulates the red bone marrow to produce T lymphocytes or T cells

the thymus

is a chamber of the inner ear that joins the cochlea and semicircular canals.

the vestibule

Certain small glial cells are phagocytic. In other words,

they protect the CNS from disease by engulfing invading microbes and clearing away debris

AV block in which electrical impulses from the atria fail to reach the ventricles; also called complete heart block (CHB)

third-degree heart block



carries lymph into veins in the upper thoracic region

thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct

two categories of situations

those that we can do something about to change the outcome and those that we can't

The right lung has _________ lobes


Administration of drugs to dissolve a blood clot

thrombolytic therapy

Aggregation of platelets, fibrin, clotting factors, and the cellular elements of the blood attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery, sometimes occluding the lumen of the vessel; also called blood clot



through, across

is an endocrine gland as well as a lymphatic organ located near the middle of the chest just beneath the sternum




this gland is located on the front and sides of the trachea just below the larynx.

thyroid gland


thyroid gland


tibia [larger bone of lower leg]

ringworm of the beard

tinea barbae

ringworm of the body

tinea corporis

jock itch

tinea cruris

athete's foot

tinea pedis

fungal infection of the skin

tinea versicolor

Ringing or tinkling noise heard constantly or intermittently in one or both ears, even in a quiet environment


lactiferous ducts opens on the

tip of the raised nipple

A graft

tissue transplanted or implanted in a part of the body to repair a defect

Technique used to determine the histocompatibility of tissues used in grafts and transplants with the recipient's tissues and cells; also known as histocompatibility testing

tissue typing


to bear offspring


to break


to break


to hold, back

key to reframing

to recognize that there are many ways to interpret the same situation, for example the situation such as the glass is half full or half empty

the purpose of the urinary system is

to regulate the volume and composition of fluids in the body and remove waste substances and excess fluid from the blood


to stretch

Procedure used to detect glaucoma that measures intraocular pressure by determining the resistance of the eyeball to indentation by an applied force


a small mass of lymphoid tissue in the muccous membrances of the pharynx and base of the tongue


consist of several masses and are the first line of defense from the external environment


they are as a filter to protect against bacteria and other harmful substances that may enter the body through the nose or mouth


Spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles, causing stiffness and twisting of the neck; also called wryneck


Temporary interference with blood supply to the brain, lasting a few minutes to a few hours

transient ischemic attack

Temporary interference in the blood supply to the brain that causes no permanent brain damage

transient ischemic attack (TIA)

To answer a comprehension question, you must commit facts to memory as well as

translate, interpret, and determine the implications of that information.

Protozoal infestation of the vagina, urethra, or prostate




Blood test that measures protein released into the blood by damaged heart muscle not skeletal muscle

troponin 1


tube [usually fallopian or eustachian [auditory] tubes]


tube, usually fallopian or eustachian [auditory] tubes


tumor composed of glandular tissue





the left lung has ________ lobes.


Each item consists of

two parts.

compromised and immunocompromised

two terms that mean an immune system incapable of resisting pathogenic organism

Eventually, the sound waves hit the _____ and make the eardrum vibrate.

tympanic membrane [eardrum]


tympanic membrane [eardrum]


tympanic membrane [eardrum]

Form of diabetes mellitus that is abrupt in onset and is due to the failure of the pancreas to produce insulin, making this type of disease difficult to regulate

type 1 diabetes

Form of diabetes mellitus that is gradual in onset and results from the body's deficiency in producing enough insulin or resistance to the action of insulin by the body's cells

type 2 diabetes

primary or secondary

types of lesions are described as

Imaging technique that records high-frequency sound waves bouncing off body tissues and uses a computer to process those waves to produce an image of an internal organ or tissue

ultrasonography (US)

Comprehension questions require you to

understand information.

Cognitive learning is concerned with

understanding information acquired through exploring thoughts, ideas, and concepts.


unequal, dissimilar





Elevated level of urea and other nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as occurs in renal failure; also called azotemia




When urine is formed, it is conveyed from each kidney through the _____ and stored in _____ until it is expelled from the body through _____ and ______.

ureters; urinary bladder; urethra; urinary meatus



An important diagnostic test that provides early detection of renal disease is


Physical, chemical, and microscopic evaluation of urine



urine, urinary tract


urine, urinary tract

Physicians who specialize in clinical treatment of disorders of the female and the male urinary systems are called _____. Because some urinary structures in the male perform a dual role, performing urinary functions and reproductive functions, they also treat male reproductive disorders.


The branch of medicine concerned with disorders and care of the urinary tract in men and women and of the male reproductive system is known as


The urinary system is associated with the medical specialty of



used to denote the death of areas of tissue or bone surrounded by healthy tissue

type of instrument is used to measure the uterus?

uterine sound



Plastic or restorative surgery on a valve, especially a cardiac valve


The physician who further specializes in surgical treatment of blood vessels and vascular disorders is a

vascular surgeon

contraction, systole propels the blood out of the_____ and into _____

ventricles and into the circulation

form a collecting system to return oxygen-deficient blood to the heart through two large veins SVC and IVC


information is confirmed by collecting additional data, questioning orders/ prescriptions, obtaining judgments and/ or conclusions from other team members when appropriate, and collecting data oneself rather than relying on technology.

verifying data,


vertebra [backbone]



vertebra bursa pleura change to plural

vertebrae bursae pleurae

Sensation of moving around in space or a feeling of spinning or dizziness





vessel; vas deferens; duct

visual field






Standard eye examination to determine the smallest letters a person can read on a Snellen chart, or E chart, at a distance of 20 feet

visual acuity test


visual examination of the abdomen



the genitalia are known collectively as the





weakness, debility

the dermis's network of capillaries

where does the epidermis receive nourishment

You should review your notes

within 48 hours after class.

A restricted- response question requires you to

write a short answer. The response is expected to be a word, phrase, sentence, or product of a mathematical calculation. Short- answer, completion, and fill- in- the- blank items are examples of restricted- response questions.

Techniques that can be used to promote writing to learn include

writing lists, writing journals, posing and answering questions, and note taking.







condition, process and denotes a noun ending

y at the end of a term means



Surrounding the fovea is the _____ which also has an abundance of cones.

yellowish macula,

To answer an application question,

you must apply concepts you learned previously to a specific situation.

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