Nursing Research Test 2

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When considering a practice change, why is identification of stakeholders important?

-Facilitates implementation of the proposed change -Decreases misunderstandings related to the change -Allows for clarification of the purpose of the proposed change

Qualitative data analysis involves what process?

-Organizing data -Managing data -Prioritizing data

In deciding how to apply evidence to practice, nurses must incorporate additional sources of information in making patient care decisions. These are

-any policy or cost considerations. -the individual patient experience. -the clinical experience.

Sources of data in qualitative research include

-direct observations. -artifacts such as documents, photographs, and physical objects. -in-depth interviews

Accepted strategies for generating meaning from qualitative data include

-noting patterns or themes and building a logical chain of evidence. -making contrasts or comparisons and noting relationships between variables. -clustering, counting, and making metaphors.

Nurses can utilize resources designed to rank and evaluate evidence provided by

-the Cochrane Collaboration. -the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. -the Joanna Briggs Institute.

Descriptive statistics can be shown as a ____________, which is calculated by dividing the frequency of an event the by total number of events.


Sixteen health policy interest groups in the state of Alabama is an example of which sampling method?


A pediatric nurse measures and weighs a 9-year-old patient and determines that his height is in the 94th percentile, and his weight is in the 65th percentile. This patient weighs more than 65% of children in his age group but less than ____________ of children in the same group.


In a normal distribution, what percentile represents the median of the sample?


The ____________ instrument is a generic tool that provides a framework for evaluating, developing, and implementing clinical practice guidelines based on six quality domains.


What is the appropriate order for the five-step approach to analyzing research studies?

Ask, acquire, appraise, apply, assess

Which EBP model offered insight into how and why nurses embrace research in clinical practice?

CURN model

In planning a change related to a potential safety concern for a patient, which phase of Kotter's change model would occur first?

Communicating a sense of urgency

Nurses practicing on a unit have identified that they are uncomfortable with interpreting results of published research findings. What would be an approach to this problem?

Dissemination of findings in a more understandable manner

What helps minimize ethical dilemmas that arise when considering changes to healthcare practices, process, or policies?

Examining the cost-benefit ratio

According to Kotter's change model, which of the following provides the best example of a short-term win?

Exhibiting behaviors of the desired practice change

Which level of data is considered to be the "gold standard" in qualitative data?

Explanation of a complex human phenomenon

An international effort to develop a universal evidence evaluation system is known as ____________; it ranks the strength and quality of evidence into four levels.


A nurse educator has conducted a study regarding test scores. This data represents which type of measurement?


Which EBP model explains how organizations change practice?

Iowa model

What occurs when no decision is made regarding adopting an innovation and old practices are continued?

Passive rejection

A nurse researcher measures participants' blood pressure readings early in the morning and late evening and compares the two readings. Which data collection method is being used?

Physiological measurement

No or limited exposure to research in basic nursing programs is a barrier to connecting research to practice. What actions can help in overcoming this barrier?

Providing educational opportunities for nurses to learn about EBP

A type of study nurses are likely to appraise is the ____________, which is often found in the nursing literature and is important to the advancement of EBP.

Randomized controlled trial

Which of the following influences the decision to adopt a specific innovation in practice?

Reduction of uncertainty

Which EBP model provides individual practitioners with step-by-step instructions for integrating research into practice?

Stetler model

Sixteen health policy interest groups in the state of Alabama is an example of which sampling method?


When nurses appraise evidence, what do they review and evaluate to ensure that a study was sound?

Study design, how the research was conducted, and the data analysis

A researcher is attempting to reduce error so nurses can have confidence in inferring findings to another practice setting by avoiding a type I error. What occurs in a type I error?

The null hypothesis is rejected when it should have been accepted

A nurse is using a practice guideline in caring for older adults and is concerned about possible bias. What can this nurse do?

Use an appraisal instrument to evaluate the guideline

A qualitative research report written as a confessional tale is

a personalized account written from the researcher's viewpoint.

The difference between a population and a sample is

a sample is a representative group of a defined population.

Snowball sampling in qualitative research refers to

accumulation of participants based on word-of-mouth

Reliability of measurement refers to the ___________ of an instrument.

accuracy and consistency

To calculate the mean in a group of values you must

add all the values and divide by the total number of values.

In weighing the evidence related to an innovative treatment, medical professionals can choose to ____________ the innovation.

adopt or reject

The ____________ is the probability of making a type I error; it is designated at the end of the tail in a distribution.

alpha level

Coding is a data analysis method used by qualitative researchers that involves

attaching labels to each line of a transcript.

An advanced form of coding is ____________, which takes the analysis process further by generating categories, themes, and patterns.

axial coding

Many healthcare facilities are increasing their support for EBP because of ____________ that link payment to positive patient outcomes.

changing reimbursement policies

The cost-benefit ratio must be considered in implementing proposed changes in patient care. This is done by

comparing the benefits of the proposed change to any potential cost that may result from the change.

One of the first steps nurses can take to begin engaging others in transitioning to EBP is to ____________ the practice environment.

conduct an assessment of

Due to the potential for inappropriate disclosure of personal information in qualitative studies, protecting the ____________ of participants is especially important.

confidentiality and anonymity

When a qualitative researcher selects, focuses, simplifies, and transforms data from field notes and/or transcripts, this is known as

data reduction

Which type of statistics explains characteristics of variables found in a sample and describes, summarizes, and synthesizes collected data?


Kotter's change model outlines a(n) ____________ process for implementing change.


The process in which nurses make clinical decisions based on the best available research integrated with patient preferences, values, and circumstances is

evidence-based practice

The strategy for generating meaning from qualitative data that involves identifying general themes to determine which go together is


In deciding how to apply evidence to practice, _____________ is a concern for nurses because individual patients may not have the same characteristics as the study subjects.


Qualitative data analysis software is used by researchers to

group and link concepts within the data.

Evidence ranking systems, known as evidence ____________ rank studies based on scientific rigor and levels of evidence; they are used by nurses in examining evidence on a given practice question.


A nurse researcher participated in a qualitative study regarding perception of arthritic pain in relation to functional abilities required for the role of parent. Findings revealed the theme of planning activities at pain-limited times of the day as a coping strategy. Use of this information in practice is an example of the

interpretation of research findings.

Sample sizes in randomized controlled trials are typically ____________, and participants may be recruited at multiple sites.


A qualitative research report written as an impressionist tale

may have a storytelling aspect and allows the researcher to present his/her experiences as a participant observer.

A null hypothesis states that there is ____________ relationship between two variables.


A nurse involved in discussions to determine the clinical significance of a study's findings examines the odds ratio, which is the

odds of an experimental patient suffering an event compared to a patient in the control group.

The most basic coding is ____________, which is the first step taken to group data into logical categories.

open coding

Nursing Quality Indicators developed by the American Nurses Association address

outcomes of nursing care focused on patient safety and quality.

In attempting to minimize type I error, which of the following alpha levels can be interpreted as the most highly statistically significant result?

p = 0.10

A ____________ is a rank in a set of data that represents the percentage of cases that a given value exceeds.


When an innovative treatment or process is implemented on a trial basis, this is known as a(n)


A distribution in which the mean is greater than the median and mode indicates that the data are

positively skewed

Read the following description of a research study to determine its ranking on the evidence hierarchy: The purpose of this research was to examine whether there are resultant behavioral changes in professionalism for returning adult RN to BSN students, and to identify teaching-learning activities that stimulate transformative learning. (Morris & Faulk, 2007, Perspective transformation: Enhancing the development of professionalism in RN-to-BSN students. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(10), 447). This is an example of a

qualitative report.

To apply research findings to EBP, nurses must learn to understand the difference between statistical and clinical significance and be able to

read and interpret statistical tables and appraise data analysis.

Clinical practice guidelines provide

recommendations from a panel of experts for best practice.

A way for qualitative findings to be confirmed or enhanced is through


In reading conclusions drawn from qualitative research, nurses should check for potential researcher effects or bias. They should also confirm that study participants had the same characteristics as the target population, which is known as


The ____________ range is the range of the middle 50% of the data.


Data that do not fit a normal distribution are considered to be asymmetrical or


Qualitative studies must be conducted with extreme rigor because of the potential for ____________ inherent in this form of research.


One of the most effective techniques for engaging nurses in the transition to an EBP model of providing health care is

the journal club

When evaluating a concept analysis, one of the most important criteria for a nurse to consider is

the rigor of the author's approach.

The rule of 68-95-99.7 states that in a normal distribution, 99.7% of the data will fall within ____________ standard deviation(s) of the mean.


Qualitative studies are deemed ____________ when strategies have been implemented to meet credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability criteria.


When researchers accept the null hypothesis when it should have been rejected, this is an occurrence of

type II error.

Qualitative data collection is based on collecting


While qualitative researchers must adhere to the same ethical standards as quantitative researchers, unique ethical considerations apply to

-the relationship between the researcher and participant -data-management procedures

The sampling method that does not require random selection of elements is


When sample criteria are ____________, nurses can determine if the study results are applicable to the clinical practice topic under consideration.


Which type of synthesis is systematically created by a group of experienced experts and key affected groups who read, critique, and prioritize the relevant evidence?


Using the pyramid framework to organize various levels of healthcare information, which are on the bottom layer or base of the pyramid?

Case studies

In the systematic review, what must the author do at the beginning of the process?

Clarify the problem and the questions to be answered. Decide on inclusion and exclusion criteria for studies. Define the variables or concepts that are important to answering the questions.

Fifty RN-to-BSN students attending the same nursing school is an example of which sampling method?


Frequencies can be illustrated using various types of ____________.


Which level of measurement uses a continuum of numeric values that have meaning and are spaced equally apart?


The ____________ is often the key source of data in qualitative research.


Which type of literature review combines the results of studies into a measurable format and statistically estimates the effects of proposed interventions?


Nursing educators are reviewing scores from an examination to determine what score occurred most frequently. Which measure of central tendency are they seeking?


Which level of measurement is the weakest?


Marital Status

Nominal data

What are the four categories (levels) used to describe measurements?

Nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio

Placing the tubing of an indwelling urinary catheter in a coil on the bed is knowledge derived mainly from which type of knowledge?


As part of a study on sodium intake, a nurse researcher at a fast food restaurant counts the number of people who salt their food. Which data collection method is being used?


In a study that examines the amount of empathy communicated by participants, which level of measurement would be used?


Which level of measurement uses a continuum of numeric values running from low to high at inequal intervals


Random selection of the sample is a primary characteristic of which sampling method?


A nurse newly assigned to work in a coronary step-down unit seeks evidence for best practice in assisting clients and families with coping strategies post-MI. Which type of knowledge would be obtained from findings reported in published research studies?


A qualitative study investigating the lived experience of women under the age of 25 who survived a liver transplant is an example of which sampling method?


An example of an accessible population is

RN-to-BSN students at one university.

The art of nursing based on informal sources and practical experience is ____________ knowledge.

The art of nursing based on informal sources and practical experience is ____________ knowledge.

In which type of review could an author include only literature that supports a particular point and exclude reports with conflicting findings?

Traditional literature review

Measures of central tendency describe the

average or typical case found in the data.

In qualitative research, confirmability refers to rigorous efforts by the researcher to

be objective and maintain an audit trail to document the research process.

Sampling ____________ is present when the sample includes elements that over- or underrepresent characteristics of the target population.


In reviewing research, nurses can carefully examine the sample size, attributes, and sampling methods in making decisions about the applicability of findings to

clinical practice

The purpose of ____________ qualitative data is to categorize it into groups.


Content validity is established when researchers know that the instrument measures the ____________ it was intended to measure.


Reliability estimates are shown in the form of a

correlation coefficient

The four essential elements for evaluation of qualitative research are

credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability

To avoid ethical dilemmas, nurses must be familiar with the various types of literature review and _______________ read those sources to determine the usefulness of the findings for their own practice.


Data saturation is a situation that occurs in qualitative research when

data collection stops when no new information is obtained and data collected has become repetitive

Establishing clear criteria for sample eligibility is done to

decrease the sample size.

Validity of measurement refers to the ___________ an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure.


Measures of variability show how ____________ the data are within a set.


Representativeness refers to

elements of the sample possess similar characteristics to elements of the target population.

Sampling ____________ is present when subjects in a study do not adequately represent the target population.


The research method based on making collective observations and that is used to study a particular culture is


The process used to establish content validity is to give an instrument to a panel of ____________, who rate its effectiveness; researchers then make adjustments to the instrument based on that feedback.


When sample criteria are ____________, nurses can determine if the study results are applicable to the clinical practice topic under consideration.


Qualitative research is ____________, in contrast to quantitative studies

exploratory and inductive

A nurse researcher asks several colleagues to evaluate a data collection tool to determine if the tool appears to measure the concept under study. This is an example of

face validity.

Researchers using qualitative methods conduct ___________, which is the time they spend interacting with participants through interviews, observations, and maintaining detailed records.


The more representative the sample, the more confidence there is ______________ the results of studies to the target population.


The research method used when the goal is to discover a process is

grounded theory

Frequencies can be represented as

grouped or ungrouped data.

The research method based on documentation of sources used to retroactively study events or people is


Sample size in qualitative studies is generally smaller than in quantitative research and depends on

information being provided by participants

The ____________ review is more rigorous than a traditional literature review but less rigorous than the systematic review since it includes only published reports.

integrative review

A qualitative research report written as a realist tale

is written in a third-person voice incorporates many details about the group studied.

The major disadvantage of nonprobability sampling compared with probability sampling is

limited generalizibility

The average of a group of values is the


The art of nursing based on informal sources and practical experience is ____________ knowledge.


In a __________ distribution, the mean, median, and mode are equal and the distribution is shown as bell-shaped curve.


The primary methods for data collection in quantitative studies are

observations, scales, questionnaires, and physiological measures

Volunteers in qualitative research studies are called


What strategies are used to establish the credibility of qualitative research findings?

persistent observation, peer debriefing, referential adequacy, and member checks

The research method used to study participants' lived experience is


Researchers often conduct a ____________ study using a scaled-back data collection method to evaluate the instruments and process to head off any potential problems.


A ____________ is a statistical method used to determine the minimal acceptable sample size to detect the true effect in a quantitative study.

power analysis

Inferential statistics involve the analysis of data as the basis for ____________ related to the phenomenon of interest.


The type of sampling typically used in quantitative studies is


The science of nursing based on research and scholarship is ____________ knowledge.


An organizing framework that explains the importance of five levels of information to EBP healthcare delivery is a ____________ known as the 5Ss.


The difference between quantitative and qualitative research designs is that

quantitative designs use numbers to give meaning to a phenomenon or an event, and qualitative designs rely on words

A researcher who wants to implement a less costly method of data collection and one that offers the greatest possibility of anonymity would likely use


The two types of measurement error are

random and systematic.

Nonprobability sampling carries more risk of selection bias than probability sampling because ____________ is not used.


When nurses consider research studies for EBP, they must review them critically to determine if the sample is truly ____________ the target population.

representative of

The most important data collection instrument in qualitative studies is the


A select group of subjects that is representative of all eligible subjects constitutes the


In contrast to quantitative methods, qualitative data analysis is completed ____________

simultaneously with data collection

In a data set, the ____________ deviation is the measure of the average deviations of a value from the mean.


If the facility does not have an electronic decision support system in place, the next step nurses seeking answers to clinical questions should take is to locate integrative ____________ of evidence.


Descriptive data is valuable to the nurse researcher in

summarizing data to identify salient features about a group of data.

Nurses seeking answers to clinical questions who do not have access to research summaries can locate ____________ of evidence in print and online evidence-based journals and online databases.


The ____________ review is a type of synthesis that involves a rigorously conducted process of obtaining and reviewing relevant literature to answer theoretical or practice questions.


Nurses seeking answers to clinical questions should begin at the top of the pyramid, the ____________ level, and work down the various levels.


The entire group of elements (can be people, events, experiences, or behaviors) that meet study criteria is the

target population

The entire group of elements (can be people, events, experiences, or behaviors) that meet study criteria is the

target population.

Adequate sample size is important because

the sample has to be representative of the target population for results to be valid.

Construct validity is the degree to which an instrument measures the ____________ it was intended to measure.

theoretical concept

In nursing, ____________ scales are often used to collect data about patient pain, fatigue, quality of life, and health status.

visual analog

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