NUTR 311 Ch 3-7

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Very lean meats have ___ of fat


skim milk has ____g of fat


Food exchanges- Serving sizes for fruit 1 fruit, 1 cup cut fruit, ____cup applesauce, ___cup juice

0.5, 0.5

RDA for protein is ____gm/ kg body weight


RDA for protein for adults

0.8 g/kg

Thumb tip or finger tip equal to ______ table spoon


___ egg is one serving size of meat


___ fruit one serving size size of fruit


___ slice bread is one carb serving size


serving of butter is ____ tsp


___ of cut fruit is a serving size of fruit

1 cup

_____ milk or yogurt is a serving size of dairy

1 cup

Meat ____ cheese is one serving size of meat

1 oz

Meat ____ meat is one serving size of meat

1 oz

Fat ____ cream cheese is one serving size of fat

1 tbs

Meat ____ peanut butter is one serving size of meat

1 tbs

Fat _____ butter or oil is one serving size of fat

1 tsp

Cupped hand is _____ oz


____ cup pasta is one carb serving size


____ applesauce is one serving size size of fruit

1/2 cup

____ of juice is one serving size size of fruit

1/2 cup

____ of potatoes is one carb serving size

1/2 cup

__-___ of cooked or raw veggies is a serving size of vegetables

1/2-1 cup

____ of rice is one carb serving size

1/3 cup

nutrient databases should include ____ vitamins and ____ minerals

12, 9

all milk has ____- ____g of carbs and ____g of protein

12-15, 8

In EER: Studied >_____ subject using doubly labeled water technique to estimate total energy expenditures over____ hours

1200, 24

AI for fiber is based on ____ gm/____ kcal consumed

14, 1000

Fruit only has ____g of carbohydrates = 60 calories out of all the macros.


Some groups and serving sizes may be adjusted when educating diabetic patients Carbohydrate servings usually equal ____ grams of carbohydrate


in a database for purchase make sure that the food amount is at least _____ Make sure hardware compatible and _____ sizes adaptable; by volume or weight.

15,000, portion

According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Adults need ____ minutes of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic activity each week, with muscle strengthening activities on ____ days during the week to stay healthy.

150, 2

According to HHS Youth ages 6 through ____ need ____ minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity each day.

17, 60

National health survey

1935-1936 first health survey by US government showed economic disparities

the last NHANES survey that was conducted in a large scale of 40,000 Americans 2 months and older was conducted on _____-_____


before being part of DRI, the last RDA was released in _____


NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey)

1999, 15 counties, 5k participants, uses 24 hour recall

Level defined as ____ standard deviations above the EAR


Fat _____ sour cream is one serving size of fat

2 tbs

since the kcal of the DV is 2,000 the fiber intake should be ____g


lean meats have ___ of fat


How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon?

3 tsp

Starch has ____g of protein and _____g of starch <1 of fat which equal out to be 80 calories.

3, 15

____ of cereal is one carb serving


Dietary guidelines are released every ___ years


Dietary guidelines are released every ____ years


dietary reference intake has ____ categories


fat has ___g of fat and no other macro


medium fat meats have ___g of fat


reduced fat milk has __g of fat


vegetables have ____g of carb. and ____g of protein with 0g of fat


added sugars have been added and are %DV of ___g


Healthy Eating Index of Good = greater than 80 Fair = Poor = Less than 51


the US ranks ____ in the HEI


A 24HR usually requires 20 to ____ minutes to complete.


National health examination survey

60s study: interview, physical exam and healthcare access

Very lean meats to very fat meats all have ___g of protein


high-fat meats have ___g of fat


whole milk has ____g of fat


____ will be used if a an RDA has not been determined due to lack of research.


______ is a 24 hour dietary food recall web based app that can be used by clinicians, researchers and teachers. Theres also one for kids.


food frequency questionnaire

Assesses energy or nutrient intake by determining how frequently a person consumes a limited number of foods that are major sources of particular nutrient or dietary components Consist of an extensive list of foods and asks respondent to determine how often they eat the food (rarely, once a month, weekly, daily, etc.) should be developed for specific population being studied emphasize certain nutrients if needed answer sheet which can be optically scanned and directly downloaded into computer for analysis epidemiological, population studies


Can be self-administered Fairly quick (30-60 minutes) Minimal respondent burden Inexpensive tool for large population studies Machine-readable May be more representative of usual or average intake than a few days of diet records or recalls Relies on memory Describes average consumption, not detailed description of diet Not as quantifiably precise No information on food preparation, brand, etc. May not reflect usual foods eaten by a particular respondent May not reflect normal portion sizes eaten by respondent Depends on ability of the subject to describe their diet

Recommendations for Macronutrients ______ level based on minimum amount of glucose needed by the brain (normal diet typically exceeds this amount)


Diet exchanges to quickly estimate Kilocaorie, carbohydrate, protein, and fat provision from a diet record is also called

Counting macros

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

Created in response to potential for excessive nutrient intakes from nutrient-fortified foods and dietary supplements

k+ and vitamin ____ has been added to the new food label.


"Reference values that are quantitative estimates of nutrient intakes to be used for planning and assessing diets for apparently healthy people." is why ____ are set 1997 take into account age and gender


____ include recommendations for some macronutrients and various food components


24-hour food recall and Food record/diary are ______

Daily food consumption methods

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

Daily intake that will meet the requirement for half of healthy individuals in a given age or gender group (median)

Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

Daily intake that will meet the requirement for half of healthy individuals in a given age or gender group (median) • At that level, half of the group will have an adequate intake, half will be deficient

an FFQ web-based app that is used by the National Cancer Institute is the _______

Diet history questionare ll-web

Standard recommended intake

Dietary Reference Intakes, Recommended Dietary Allowances, etc.

A RDA can only be set if an _____ has been established for a nutrient


AI will be used if ____ has not been stablished


_____ requirement based on amount of a nutrient needed to prevent deficiency diseases, amount needed to maintain certain metabolic pathways, or amount measured in depletion-repletion studies


_____ requirement based on amount of a nutrient needed to prevent deficiency diseases, amount needed to maintain certain metabolic pathways, or amount measured in depletion-repletion studies. Not intended for setting individual intake goals


What are the x number of categories of reference values for DRI?

Estimated Average Requirement Recommended Dietary Allowance Adequate Intake Tolerable Upper Intake Level Estimated Energy Requirement

The average dietary energy intake predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy individual it considers • Age • Gender • Weight • Height • Physical activity level • Pregnancy and lactation • Growth and development in children

Estimated Energy Requirement

Software packages have differences in number of nutrients and food components that are included in a report. More is always better. T or F?


other forms of nutrient database apart from USDA do not come from manufacturers and research articles


Hand estimate for one cup size is the _____


non quantitative FFQ

Frequency includes per day, week, month, or year No portion sizes included

Semiquantitative FFQ

Includes predefined portion sizes Frequency includes how many times per day, week, month, year

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

Not intended as a level of recommended intake— maximum daily amount that can be tolerated

_____ is designed to be used in a clinical setting


Hand estimate for 3 oz of meat size is the _____


"levels of intake of essential nutrients that are judged to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy persons."


Level between the ____ and the UL is a safe range of intake


the daily value applies for 4- adulthood based on a 2,000 kcal could be the same or similar to the ____


EER does not require ____ or ___ for energy


Adequate intakes (AI)

Recommended daily intake level based on observed or experimentally determined approximations of mean nutrient intake by a group of individuals who appear to be healthy. It is an "observed" approximation, it is expected to meet actual nutrient requirements of all healthy individuals, but a certain degree of uncertainty remains

Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)

Reference values that are quantitative estimates of nutrient intakes to be used for planning and assessing diets for apparently health people.

Food Record/Diary

Respondent records everything they eat at time of consumption for a specified time frame, usually ranging from one to seven days Respondent may estimate food portions, measure with household measuring devices, weigh food, or take pictures Technology-based programs increasingly available via smart phone apps In a clinical setting, can be used to track health and illness symptoms as well Can be geared to an intuitive eating focus (record mood, reason for eating, how felt after eating, etc.)

Quantitative FFQ

Respondents must describe their daily consumption of each food and record their usual portion size (detailed description, or sometimes can use small, medium, or large in comparison to given portion)


Shorter surveys than FFQ that target certain nutrients which may be used to research certain nutrient and risk of diseases. Examples have been made by cancer institutions as well as cholesterol institutions tracking causes of disease.

Ability to correct errors Ability to adjust serving sizes/portions Ease of making substitutions (able to view nutrient composition of foods while inputting) Able to modify database are things to lookout for when purchasing a system. T or F?


There is no gold standard for measuring diet and nutrient intake T or F?


a nutrient that only has an AI means there's no EAR T or F?


the HHS 2018 provides physical education for all ages. T or F?



The average daily dietary nutrient-intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of nearly all (97-98%) of healthy individuals in a particular life stage and gender group.

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

The highest average daily nutrient-intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse health effects for almost all individuals in a particular group

Hand estimate for one oz of meat or cheese is the _____


_____ does not suggest that intakes greater than the RDA or AI are of any /benefit to an individual


a cancer patient taking supplements should be careful of their ____


____ is the main contributor of nutrient database


diet history

Used to assess an individual's usual dietary intake over an extended period of time, such as the past month or year Trained interviewer asks respondent about overall eating pattern and habits, including usual number of meals, per day, etc. Similar to a 24-hour recall, except reflects usual intake Multiple applications in clinical setting Strengths Assesses usual intake without altering intake Can detect seasonal changes Limitations Can be a lengthy interview Need a trained interviewer Difficult to input into software May overestimate intake Relies on memory and/or ability of respondent to describe diet

_____ is a FFQ used by researchers


nutrition national monitoring is used for ___ and ____ assisted programs.


food diary

a detailed record of measured amounts (portion sizes) of all food and fluids a client consumes during a specified period, usually 3 to 7 days

system output should be able to view and print reports and the ability to export data for statistical ______


Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is the _____ dietary intake level 97-98% of the population need. How much of a nutrient is needed.


EER (estimated energy requirement)

average daily energy intake predicted to meet the needs of healthy adults

Information on amount of nutrients like _____, _____, or ____, may not be available for all foods in Nutrient databases

chromium, molybdenum, biotin

national nutrition monitoring shifted from only epidemics to _____ diseases in the late 20th century


be aware of applications that use ____ which is that anyone can input data. They are unreliable.


USDA used to only monitor household intake and now measures _____ intake


one strength of 24 hour recall is that it doesn't alter ___ also that it required short term memory


Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)

is limited to only 50% of the population because some individuals may need more or less of the nutrients specified.

diet history

is the most used dietary assessment used in a clinical setting, questions about habitual intake of foods from the core.

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

levels of intake of essential nutrients that are judged to be adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy persons it is revised every 5 years. 10th and Last edition released in 1989 Energy, protein • 3 electrolytes • 13 vitamins, 12 minerals

24 hour recall

listing the types, amounts, and preparation of all foods eaten in the past 24 hours

nutrient database should include the % of _____ in the ingredients


consumer purchase study

mostly important due to the importance of fortification and school lunch

a ______ 24 hour recall is taken twice for the NHANES as most tests are.

multiple pass

Most current food guide _____ came out in 2011

my plate

Nutribased is designed for ______ professionals


database systems should be able to interpret _____ days and be cheaper than $500.00


24 hour recall

used in clinical setting, inexpensive and provides detail on food consumed. Relies on memory Respondents may withhold or alter information Poor memory Embarrassment Please or impress interviewer

Food-frequency questionnaire and Diet history are _____ food consumption methods


diet history is "typical intake" used for ____


adequate intakes (AI)

• Used when an EAR and thus an RDA cannot be determined

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