Nutrition-222 Module 8 (Energy Imbalance/Obesity)

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During a state of fasting, when the body runs out of glycogen and is low on triglycerides it begins to use:

body proteins


type of adipokine hormone secreted from white adipose tissue *SUPRESSES APPETITE*

vertical sleeve gastrectomy

most of the stomach is removed and a tube is fashioned from the remaining stomach.

Psychological Factors

overeating to cope with stress, overeating due to boredom

Brown Adipose Tissue

-abundant in newborns -heat production -decreases risk of obesity-related diseases -decrease with age

Health Implications (Presenting in Adults But Linked to Childhood Obesity)

-cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke) -musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis) -certain types of cancer (breast, colon, and endometrial)

People with these certain conditions are more likely to suffer from refeeding syndrome

-chronic alcoholism -anorexia nervosa -marasmus/kwashiorkor -chronic undernutrition -morbid obesity with recent weight loss -prolonged low calorie IV feeding -prolonged fasting -cardiac/cancer cachexia

Other roles of ghrelin:

-glucose & energy homeostasis -regulates bone formation & metabolism -prevents muscle atrophy -cardio protection

Health Implications (Presenting in Children & Adolescents)

-hypertension -type 2 diabetes -insulin resistance -sleep apnea -body image disturbances -lowered self esteem

Prevention of Childhood Obesity

-model healthy behaviors -encourage healthy eating habits in family members -serve reasonably sized portions for meals/snacks -remove sugar sweetened/junk food from house -sit down together for family members -children should participate in 60 min. of physical activity most days of the week -reduce screen time to 2 hours per day

Dangers of fasting/starvation

-muscle and tissue wasting -lowered body temperature -reduced immune system -disturbances of body fluids and electrolyte balance

The ideal body fat percentage for a man is?


Refeeding Syndrome

fatal shift in fluid and electrolytes caused by feeding malnourished patients from a feeding tube/IV

____ obesity carries a much higher risk for hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease than does ____ obesity.

Android & Gynoid

This is a convenient method for assessing the height-weight relationship

BMI (body mass index)

Energy Imbalance Carbohydrates (feasting)

Carbohydrates are broken down and converted into glucose. The body uses glucose to produce energy inside the cells. Once the body uses all the glucose it needs to make energy, the excess glucose is sent to the liver and muscles where glycogen is stored. When consuming more carbohydrates than our body needs, the body converts excess glucose to fat and stores it as triglycerides in fat cells.

roux-en-Y gastric bypass

In this procedure, stapling creates a small stomach pouch. The remainder of the stomach is not removed, but is completely stapled shut and divided from the stomach pouch. The outlet from this newly formed pouch empties directly into the lower portion of the jejunum.

Energy Imbalance Proteins (feasting)

The body breaks down proteins into amino acids. When amino acids are used for energy, the nitrogen is removed and excreted from the body through urine. Excess amino acids cannot be stored in the body as amino acids, but instead stored as fat or triglycerides.

Bod Pod

air displacement


cell storing triglycerides or triacylglycerols (fats)

Adipose Tissue

endocrine tissue that stores fat and secretes signal molecules called "adipokines"


family history of obesity

Environmental Factors

family members who are overweight/obese, poor dietary and physical activity habits

A greater amount of adipocytes in the body result in a ____ amount of leptin secretion.


The type of body fat distribution where fat is mostly carried on the hips and thighs is the ____ pattern

gynoid *pear shaped *more common in women

The Bioelectrical Impedance (BIA) is a method for measuring body composition. This method is based on the fact that lean tissue has a ____water content and conducts electricity relatively well, whereas fat tissue has a ____ water content and is a poor conductor of electricity.

higher & lower


hormone secreted by stomach cells *level increases when your body needs energy (negative energy balance) *HUNGER HORMONE*

Physical Inactivity

increased sedentary behavior, tv watching, gaming and social media, less physical activity in school

Decrease in fat store mass...

leptin decrease, appetite stimulated, intake increased

Increase in fat store mass...

leptin increase, appetite suppressed, intake decreased

Socioeconomic Factors

limited access to grocery stores, limited income, unsafe neighborhood

Skipping meals and fasting tend to ____ a person's resting energy expenditure (REE).


What are the causes of childhood obesity?

poor diet, physical inactivity, environmental factors, socioeconomic factors, genetics

Poor Diet

sugar sweetened drinks, snack foods, large portion sizes

What are the two types of adipose tissue?

white and brown

The ideal body fat percentage for a woman is?


Underweight BMI are below...


Normal BMIs range from ___ to ___


Men with more than ____ percent body fat are considered obese.


Overweight BMIs range from ___ to ___


Obese BMIs range are ___ and higher.


Women with more than ____ percent body fat are considered obese.


White Adipose Tissue

-main energy storage site -increases risk of obesity- related diseases -increases with age (relative to total body weight)

Energy Imbalance (pro-longed fasting)

The brain, nervous system, and red blood cells cannot use fatty acids for energy. The body begins to break down body protein tissue to amino acids which are then converted to glucose and used for energy. Because the body doesn't want to continue to pull from body tissue, it finds another way to provide energy for the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells through ketone bodies.

Energy Imbalance Fats (feasting)

When we consume fats, our body breaks apart triglycerides into smaller molecules (fatty acids & glycerol). When we consume more fats than our body needs, it's stored in fat cells. The more that we store fat, the larger the fat cells get.

Energy Imbalance (fasting)

Within 1 to 2 days of not eating, the body begins to break down stored glycogen in liver and muscles to produce glucose which fuels the brain, nervous system, and red blood cells. The body converts triglycerides and adipose sites to fatty acids, which provide energy for other cells.

underwater weighing

a technique that measures the density of the body by comparing weight on land to underwater weight and the volume of water displaced by the body *technique is considered the gold standard for estimating body composition

basal metabolic rate (BMR)

amount of calories used by the body during a resting state. These calories are used for basic functions like breathing. *extreme body temps can increase BMR

The type of body fat distribution where the fat is mostly carried in the abdomen is call the _____ pattern

android *apple shaped *most common in men

resting energy expenditure (REE)

the amount of calories used by the body during a nonactive period; also called basal metabolic rate (BMR)

thermic effect of food (TEF)

the process of burning calories as you digest, absorb, transport, store, and metabolize food

total energy expenditure (TEE)

the total amount of energy expended through REE, TEF, and physical activity

adjustable gastric banding

uses an adjustable band that fits around the upper part of the stomach and divides the upper portion of the stomach into a pouch and separates it from the lower.

DEXA (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry)

uses two x-ray energies to measure body fat, muscle, and bone mineral; it also shows where fat is stored in the body *measures both body fat percent and body fat location

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