Nutrition 330 Study Questions 1-7

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Which of the following is not one serving from Canada's Food Guide?

1 egg

The generally recommended rate of weight loss is about pounds per week


The lowest mortality rates are associated with a BMI of about


The average percentage of body fat in women of healthy weight is


200-gram potato yields 224 kcalories, 5 grams of protein, 51 grams of carbohydrate, and 0 grams of fat. What percentage of energy comes from carbohydrate?

204 × 100)/224 = 91%

Average fat consumption in Canada is about ______________ % of total energy intake.


To lose one pound of body fat, a deficit of ______________ kilocalories is required.


The recommended intake of carbohydrates is about_____________ of the total energy consumption.


The recommended ratio of omega-6 fatty to omega-3 fatty acids is

4:1 to 10:1.

The daily carbohydrate requirement for normal body functioning is

50 g.

Twenty French fries yield 320 kcalories, 4 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbohydrate, and 16 grams of fat. What percentage of energy comes from carbohydrate? % from fat

50% from fat and 45% from carb 16 × 9 kcal/gram = 144 kcal (144 × 100)/320 = 45.0%

Average carbohydrate intake is about ______________ of total energy.


human adult requires ______________ essential amino acids.


A nutrient dense food contains:

A high quantity of one or more nutrients and a low relative content of energy (calories) per serving.

List four areas of study that teach us about factors that influence people's choice of food.

Any four of psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, religion, and history.

not a form of mechanical digestion.

Bacterial fermentation in the large intestine

The symptoms of a lactose intolerance - bloating, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, are the result of:

Bacterial fermentation of undigested lactose to gas and lactic acid.

A high intake of soluble fibre can lower blood cholesterol by:

Binding to bile, preventing the body from reabsorbing it, and forcing the liver to produce more, a process which requires cholesterol.

List three disciplines that study how nutrients are processed in the body at the molecular and cellular levels.

Biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy study how nutrients are processed in the body at the molecular and cellular levels.

Blood leaving the digestive system goes to the

Blood leaving the digestive system goes to the liver

deficiency in essential fatty acids could develop in all but which one of the following situations?

Breast fed infants.

would complement the protein in dried beans.

Brown rice Brown bread Milk Sunflower seeds

Carbohydrates are chemically composed of

Carbon Oxygen Hydrogen

Health effects of soluble fibre include the lowering of blood

Cholesterol and the the slowing of glucose absorption examples of dietary sources are oats fruits barley legumes

carry newly absorbed dietary lipids to target organs in the body.


The semi-liquid mixture of tiny food particles produced in the stomach is known as:


Which of the following statements about soluble fibre is not true?

Common food sources of soluble fibre are wheat bran and brown rice.

Anthropometric measurements are used by health professionals to:

Determine if there is growth failure in children.

Low carbohydrate diets are typically low in

Dietary Fibre

Which of these statements is not correct based on Canada's Food Guide?

Eat at least 3 vegetables and 3 fruits each day.

Energy balance means balancing energy

Energy balance means balancing energy intake with energy output.

True/False: Bile is manufactured by the gallbladder to digest lipids.


True/False: Cholesterol in food is the most influential factor on blood cholesterol level.


True/False: Incomplete proteins will not be absorbed because of the lack of one or more EAA.


True/False: "Spot reducing" exercises help to reduce fat located in flabby areas of the body.

False. "Spot reducing" exercise will not selectively reduce fat located in flabby areas, but will tighten muscles to improve appearance.

True/False: A food composition table can be used to determine the amount of iron actually absorbed by the body from a serving of liver consumed.

False. Food composition tables only give nutrient values present in the food; they do not take into consideration absorption rate, which may be enhanced or inhibited by other factors.

True/False: Since lean body mass is less dense than fat tissue, a muscular person will be lighter in weight than a person of similar size who has a greater proportion of body fat.

False. Lean tissue is denser than fat tissue; a muscular person will therefore be heavier in weight than another person of similiar size who has a greater proportion of body fat.

True/False: Lecithin is a major constituent of cell membranes; therefore it is an essential nutrient.

False. Lecithin is a major constituent of cell membranes, but not an essential nutrient, because the body can synthesize it as needed.

True/False: The associated risks of obesity are non-reversible, so mortality rates are higher in people who were formerly obese.

False. Obesity and its associated risks are reversible. Sustained weight loss reduces disease risks and increases life expectancy.

True/False: The Atkins Diet is effective because its high content of dietary fibre helps satisfy the appetite.

False. The Atkins Diet has a low content of dietary fibre.

True/False: It is recommended that all Canadians limit their total fat intake.

False. This recommendation does not apply to children under the age of two.

Which of the following statements correctly characterizes animal fat:

Fatty acids are primarily saturated.

The most reliable food sources of EPA and DHA are

Fatty fish

The major dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids are

Fish and vegetable.

Of the carbohydrates listed below, ______________ is the sweetest.


The storage form of glucose in animals is


Of the foods listed below, ______________ provide(s) the richest source of starch.


Which of the following is not a key message in Canada's Food Guide?

Have fruit and vegetable juice every day.

Compared with the RDA, the UL is


least likely to be tolerated by a person with lactase deficiency.

Ice cream

Constipation should not be remedied by:

Increasing colonic irrigation.


Is a periodic squeezing of circular muscles of the intestine at intervals to create segments within the intestine.

Lactose intolerance is caused by a lack of


Mechanical digestion occurs in the Chemical digestion occurs in the

Mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth and stomach. Chemical digestion occurs in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine

the chemical groups listed below, only a/an______________ group is not part of all amino acids.


Proteins differ from carbohydrates and lipids in that they contain


Pentoses are required for the synthesis of

Nucleic Acids

Variety is a key message in Canada's Food Guide because:

Nutrient content of foods within the same food group can vary widely. A wide variety of foods helps to prevent monotony in the diet. Undesirable and/or unintentional contaminants in foods are diluted.

A high fat intake directly contributes to all of the following health risks except:


will help to prevent oxidation of a fat.

Partial hydrogenation

The muscular contractions that help to move intestinal contents through the gastrointestinal tract are known as:

Peristalsis is a form of muscular propulsion that results from the alternating contraction of the circular and longitudinal muscles of the GI tract. The result is a wavelike movement that forces the food along the tract.

List the six major classes of nutrients

Proteins Carbs Lipids (fats) Water Vitamins Minerals

Protein digestion occurs primarily in

Small intestine

Protein digestion in the stomach produces

Small polypeptides

The major storage form of glucose in plants is


The breakdown of nutrients into basic absorbable units is accomplished through

The breakdown of nutrients into basic absorbable units is accomplished through chemical digestion.

Plant oils have all but which one of the following characteristics:

The fatty acids are primarily saturated.

The major dietary sources of omega-6 fatty acids are

The major dietary sources of omega-6 fatty acids are vegetable oils (safflower, sunflower, corn and soybean oils)

Which of the following statements does not apply to functional foods?

They are exclusively manufactured or processed foods.

Which of the following statements refers to ADMRs incorrectly?

They are minimum amounts of energy that should be supplied by carbohydrate, fat, and protein.

Which of the following statements is true about the RDA?

They do not account for differences in age, body size, growth rate or metabolic level.

Two roles for the hydrochloric acid secreted by the stomach are

To kill and prevent bacterial growth in the stomach., The uncoiling of protein molecules.

True/False: Low concentrations of low-density lipoproteins in the blood reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

True. Low concentrations of low-density lipoproteins in the blood reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

True/False: Phytic acid is a non-nutrient component found in cereal grains and seeds that can form complexes with some minerals

True. Phytic acid is a non-nutrient component found in cereal grains and seeds that can form complexes with some minerals.

True/False: A diet that depletes glycogen stores usually demonstrates an impressive initial weight loss.

True. To store glycogen, water is required; therefore, with the loss of glycogen, water is lost also, and the result is an impressive weight loss.

____ is the method of obtaining dietary information that is best suited for large nutrition surveys.

Twenty-four-hour recall

Consumption of a given nutrient should not exceed the


During the chemical process of condensation,

a molecule of water is created and a bond is formed by combining two reactants into a larger product.

The ABCDMV diet-planning principles refer to

adequacy balance Calorie control nutrient density moderation variety.

Digestion of lipids occurs

almost exclusively in the small intestine.

peptide bond is formed when two amino acids are combined by linking one

amino group to the acid group of another amino acid.

Absorbed fructose and galactose

are converted to glucose in the liver and possibly also in the intestinal mucosal cells Ultimately, glucose will be circulated in the bloodstream to the liver and other parts of the body. Once inside a cell, glucose is metabolized according to body needs. It can be stored as glycogen or fat, used to produce other body compounds, or metabolized to produce energy, carbon dioxide, and water.


are omega-3 fatty acids. are not made in the body to a large extent. may reduce blood clotting, thus reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.

When someone appears to be choking, the first thing to do is to

ask the person to make a sound.

Which of the following will help to decrease trans fat in the diet?

avoiding hydrogenated or hard margarine.

The content of an article is not likely to be valid if the information

based on testimonials.

The % DV on a Nutrition Facts label

based on the highest RDA for a nutrient.

A physical examination for assessing nutritional status would not consider

blood and urine.

A non-essential amino acid

can be produced endogenously if nitrogen and carbohydrate are present.

Kilocalorie is not

chemical constituent of foods.

Ice cream, cheese, nuts, and egg yolks

contain invisible fats

recommended approach to weight control is to

decrease energy intake by approximately 500 kcal/day.

Of the effects listed below, only ______________ is not caused by a low-carbohydrate diet.

deficiency of ketone bodies

Of the effects listed below, __________________is not usually a result of a low carbohydrate diet.


Which of the following statements would not be permitted on a food label in Canada?

diet containing soy protein is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.

Emulsification of dietary lipids

disperses and suspends fat droplets in a watery solution.

The small and large intestines are composed of several segments. They are present in the following sequence:

duodenum, jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum.

Of the strategies listed below, only ______________ is not an effective way to control the blood cholesterol level.

eating a lot of wheat bran

When a disaccharide is hydrolyzed in the body, it requires

enzyme and a molecule of water.

limiting amino acid is

essential amino acid found in shortest supply relative to the amount needed for protein synthesis.

The lymphatic system is responsible for the absorption of _____________ from the small intestine.

fats and fat-soluble vitamins

Saturated fat is found in

full fat dairy products. beef and lamb. coconut oil.

Of the carbohydrates listed below, only ______________ is not a disaccharide.


Digestion of lactose produces

galactose and glucose

Pepsin is

gastric enzyme which breaks large polypeptides into smaller polypeptides.

Gluconeogenesis is defined as the production of

glucose from non-carbohydrate sources.

If glycogen were digested, it would yield

glucose only.

Which of the following oils and fats are not recommended in Canada's Food Guide?

hard margarine and butter

Compared to a protein in its original state, a protein which has been denatured

has lost its biological activity

A fat that is partially hydrogenated

has some double bonds changed from cis form to trans form.

Canada's Food Guide recommends that all adults over 51 years of age

have 3 cups of milk and a vitamin D supplement each day.

Pepsinogen is converted to pepsin by

hydrochloric acid.

Of the health hazards listed below, only ______________ is not associated with serious underweight


Of the health hazards listed below, only ______________ is not associated with obesity.


Which of the following is a health benefit of consuming resistant starch?

inhibition of growth of cancer cells in the colon.

In the body, triglycerides

insulate against temperature extremes. protect organs against shock. help the body use carbohydrate and fat.

The hormone that lowers blood glucose is


A nutritional deficiency can be detected in its earliest stages by

laboratory tests of urine and blood samples.

The current suggested intake of EPA and DHA (combined) for Canadians is

least two servings of fatty fish per week.

The most common polyunsaturated fatty acid in foods is


Of the fatty acids listed below, only ______________ does not belong to the omega-3 series.

linoleic acid

Of the products of digestion listed below, ______________ do/does not have direct access to the bloodstream.

long-chain fatty acids

A fat that has been oxidized

loses EFA because double bonds have been broken.

Glucagon is secreted in response to

low blood glucose levels.

Hydrogenation is a process that

makes unsaturated fats more solid.

Which of the following is not an example of historical information gathered in a nutrition assessment?

measurement of height and weight

Long-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides are absorbed into mucosal cells as tiny spherical complexes called


The percentage of body fat

normally higher in women than in men.

Of the sources of information listed below, ______________ would probably be of greatest use to a lay person.

nutritionist at a local health unit

Of the fats or oils listed below, ______________ is the best source of monounsaturated fatty acids.

olive oil

Of the factors listed below, only ______________ does not affect the quality of dietary protein.

presence of all amino acids

The pyloric sphincter

prevents intestinal contents from backflowing into the stomach. holds the food in the stomach so that it can be liquified and mixed to form chyme.

Of the functions listed below, only ______________ is not performed by bacteria in the intestine.

producing a variety of minerals

Of the factors listed below, _____________ is/are not a major cause of ulcers.

prolonged levels of stress

The function of mucus in the stomach is to

protect the stomach wall from being digested by gastric juice.

The most important function of dietary lipids is to

provide energy.

Of the trends in carbohydrate consumption listed below, ______________ has not occurred in Canada in recent years

rapid decline in consumption of refined sugar and sugar-containing foods

After absorption into the mucosal cells, long-chain fatty acids

reassembled to form new triglycerides.

The most dominant dietary fat that causes elevated blood cholesterol levels is

saturated fat.

A physiological disorder that causes impaired absorption of a nutrient is a ______________ deficiency.


The villi and microvilli of the small intestine

secrete digestive enzymes. trap nutrient molecules for absorption. increase the surface area of the small intestine.

The most accurate measure in assessing the degree of body fatness is

skinfold measurement.

Most dietary carbohydrate is digested in the

small intestine.

Of the foods listed below, only ______________ contains cholesterol.

sour cream

In the digestion of food, the role of the stomach is to

start the digestion of protein and fat.

An organic compound is

substance or molecule containing carbon.

The primary function of glucose in the body is to

supply energy.

An essential nutrient is not

synthesized by the body in sufficient quantity.

The recommendation for energy intake is based on

the average requirement to maintain energy balance.

Only monosaccharides can be absorbed by.

the intestinal mucosal cells

Of the sites listed below, only ______________ is not a destination for cholesterol in the body.

the liver, where cholesterol is used for vitamin A synthesis,

The RDA for protein, vitamins, and minerals are based on

the needs of most healthy people.

The RDA can be appropriately used in

the planning of a school lunch program. the evaluation of a healthy person's dietary intake over three days. Incorrect The determination of nutrient levels to be used in food fortification.

Nutrition is

the study of the function and interaction of nutrients, and the processes by which the body uses them.

Of the food servings listed below, ______________ has the highest content of cholesterol.

three ounces of liver

A compound composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with three fatty acids attached to a molecule of glycerol is called a


The most abundant form of lipid present in the body is


Vegetable oils are liquid because they contain large amounts of

unsaturated fatty acids.


used when insufficient data is available to determine the RDA.

Of the classes of nutrients listed below, ______________ cannot provide energy to the body.

vitamins and minerals

In a complete chemical analysis of foods, the greatest component is typically


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