Nutrition CH6

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T/F: A sterol is more chemically complex than a triglyceride or a phospholipid


T/F: Eating a diet rich in olive oil may lower one's risk of developing heart disease.


What are some good sources of polyunsaturated fats? a) corn oil b)butter c) coconut oil d) soybean oil

a, c

Fatty acids are identified by...

1) its number of carbon atoms 2) the type of bond between carbon atoms in the hydrocarbon chain

Adequate intake (AI) for linoleic acid

17g/day for men and 12g/day for women

alpha (a)-linoleic acid

18-carbon PUFA with three double bonds

Linoleic acid

18-carbon PUFA with two double bonds


a group of long chain fatty acids that have hormone-like functions

LDL transports cholesterol to _________ for their use


The hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile and the pancreas to release digestive enzymes


Cis fatty acid

has two carbons atoms that are connected by a double bond, each having a hydrogen atom on the same side of the hydrocarbon chain

transport lipids from small intestine and liver to body tissues


As a by-product, glycerol circulates back to the _____________


LDL cholesterol <100mg/dL


The _____________ secretes lipase into the small intestine to aid in digestion of fat


a digestive enzyme that removes two fatty acids from each triglyceride molecule

pancreatic lipase

free fatty acids are absorbed by cells within the vicinity and reform into _____________ for storage or use


Partial hydrogenation

a food manufacturing process that adds hydrogen atoms to some unsaturated fatty acids in liquid vegetable oil; converts many of the oil's naturally occurring cis fatty acids into trans fatty acids

Oleic acid

an 18-carbon MUFA

Stearic acid

an 18-carbon SFA

The body converts linoleic acid to....

arachidonic acid (AA)


has three fatty acids bonded to glycerol

What are the major functions of fatty acids and triglycerides in the body? -provide energy -insulate and protect body -aid in transport of water soluble vitamins -to provide building blocks for enzymes -to aid in transport of fat-soluble vitamins

provide energy, insulate/protect body, and aid in transport of fat-soluble vitamins

Until recently, most of the trans fat in processed food (artificial trans fat) resulted from ___________ _______________

partial hydrogenation

In _________, the FDA determined that PHOs posed a health risk, and the agency banned their use in foods.



A blood clot or plaque particle that breaks free from where it formed and travels through the bloodstream


A chemical process that alters the compound's structure


A fixed bunch of clots that remains in place and disrupts blood flow

T/F: Salmon and tuna are rich sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.


T/F: Taking too many fish oil supplements may be harmful to health.


The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (Acceptable Macronutrient Range- AMDR) recommends that adults should keep daily fat intake...

between 20-35% of total calories

HDL transports cholesterol from ___________ __________ for disposal

body cells

An LDL level of 154 would be classified by the American Heart Association as

borderline high

Triglycerides of 150-199mg/dL

borderline high

What is Ghee? a) vegetable commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern dishes b) supplement that includes essential fatty acids c) type of clarified butter d) lipid that has three fatty acids attached to a three-carbon compound called glycerol

c) type of clarified butter

Which of the following are types of lipids? Amylase Glycerol Cholesterol Triglycerides Polypeptides

c, d

The body _________ synthesize linoleic acid and aplha-linolenic acid, so the diet must ___________ them.

cannot; supply

Which of the following is an enzyme in the walls of capillaries that breaks down their load of triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol? a) bile b) monoglycerides c) chylomicron d) lipoprotein lipase


Omega-3 ____________ blood clotting and inflammation


Hard particles that accumulate in the gallbladder or become lodged in one of the ducts carrying bile from the gallbladder to the small intestine


HDL cholesterol >/=60mg/dL


HDL transports the ___________ triglycerides


egg yolks, liver, wheat germ, peanut butter, and soybeans are all rich sources of the phospholipid, ______________


The enzyme ____________ plays an important role in fat digestion by breaking down lipids


reformed into a triglyceride in the intestinal absorptive cell and travels through lymphatic system

long-chain fatty acid

Foods made with PHOs can be stored for __________ periods than foods that contain cis fatty acids. Trans fatty acids are less likely to undergo ______________

longer; oxidation


loss of arterial flexibility or "hardening of the arteries"

Which gender is more prone to heart attacks?


Glycerol molecule bonded to one FA


What are the products of fat digestion in the small intestine?

monoglycerides, glycerol, and fatty acids

What are the by-products of phospholipid digestion?

phosphorus compounds, glycerol, and fatty acids

When oxidized, the fat in food becomes _____________

rancid, and develops an unappetizing odor and taste

Prostaglandins produce a variety of important effects on the body, such as....

stimulating uterine contractions, regulating blood pressure, and mediating the immune system's inflammatory response

Each glycerol backbone can bond with up to ___________ fatty acids


glycerol molecule bonded to three FAs


An omega-3 fatty acid is.....


Adequate intake for linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid can be met with foods made with ____ to _____ tablespoons of vegetable fat daily, especially products made with canola/soybean oils and meals that contain fatty fish at least __________ a week.

2-3; twice

Medium chain fatty acids

6-12 carbons



HDL cholesterol is considered "__________" cholesterol because it does not contribute to plaque formation


Fats that contain a ________ proportion of trans fatty acids are more _________ at room temp than those with a high proportion of cis fatty acids.

high; solid

Fatty Acid

hydrocarbon chain found in lipids; one end of the chain forms a carboxylic acid, and one end forms a methyl (or omega) group

Omega-6 ______________ blood clotting and inflammation


Bile acids are produced in the _____________ and stored in the ____________

liver; gallbladder


long term disease process in which plaque builds up inside arterial walls

LDL transports the _________ cholesterol


chylomicron transports the ________ triglycerides


The trans configuration at the double bond enables the hydrocarbon chain to be _______________ _____________, which is similar to a ________ molecule's structure

relatively straight; SFA

signs of essential fatty acid deficiency include...

scaly skin, hair loss, and poor wound healing

travel as a water soluble molecule through the portal vein for the liver

short and medium fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids (SFA)

single bonds between carbons; each carbon has two hydrogen atoms attached to it; each carbon in chain is "saturated" because it is completely filled with hydrogen atoms

Cholesterol < 200mg/dL


glycerol molecule bonded to two FAs


The body needs AA, EPA, and DHA to make _______________


A substance that keeps water-soluble and water-insoluble compounds together


a type of prescription drug that reduces a person's elevated blood lipid levels


A trans fatty acid allows the carbon chain to remain ______________


Most triglycerides contain a mixture of.....

unsaturated and saturated fatty acids; usually occur in different proportions with one predominating

Short chain fatty acid

2-4 carbons

Triglycerides comprise about ________ of lipids in food and in the human body.


What are the by-products of lipid digestion?

Fatty acids and glycerol

Lipids dissolve in...

Organic solvents such as alcohol and acetone

_________________ is found only in foods that contain animal products


In the body, trans fats raise blood levels of an unhealthy form of _________________, which increases risk of ________ ______________

cholesterol; heart disease

What are some things you can do to reduce fat intake?

choose lean meats, steam meats, and trim fat

What are the most naturally occurring unsaturated fatty acids?

cis fatty acids

What is the structure of a phospholipid molecule?

contains a phosphorus and two fatty acids

Prostglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes are classes of....


Although the body can use trans fatty acids for _________, these lipids are not essential.


Essential fatty acids are necessary in __________ amounts for good health


Whole milk and whole milk products, butter, and meat naturally contain __________ amounts of trans fats


The primary site of lipid digestion and absorption occurs in the....

small intestine

Which of these foods naturally contain a small amount of trans fats? -whole milk and whole milk products -meat -butter -oils

whole milk, meat, & butter

_____________ cells, which remove fatty acids and glycerol from the blood and reassemble them as triglycerides for storage, are commonly called fat cells


Polyunsaturated fatty acid

unsaturated, but have two or more double bonds in their hydrocarbon chains

Major functions of lipids:

1) absorb fat-soluble vitamins and phytochemicals 2) Cushion the body to prevent injury 3) Form and maintain cell membranes 4) insulate body against cold temps 5) produce steroid hormones 6) provide and store energy (triglycerides)

List the steps of dietary fat absorption in small intestine

1) absorption of glycerol, monoglycerides, and fatty acids into small intestinal cells 2) triglycerides are reassembled 3) triglycerides are packed into chylomicrons 4) chylomicrons enter the lymphatic system

_______________ fatty acids consist entirely carbon-carbon single bonds


Which form of unsaturated fatty acid contains a chemical structure similar to that of saturated fatty acids?


Most lipids are insoluble in....


Omega-3 fatty acid

a PUFA with its first double bond at the third carbon from the omega end of the molecule (EX alpha-linolenic)

How does arterial plaque make clots more likely to form?

-plaque roughens the smooth arterial surface, slowing blood flow, making clots more likely -ruptured plaque requires a clot formation to repair rupture

What are some characteristics of Ghee?

-solid at room temp but can be melted -made from unsalted butter by removing the water and milk proteins from the butterfat -compared to butter, Ghee has a higher smoke point

Populations that consume diets rich in saturated fat and trans fat have higher incidence of developing...

CVD, certain types of cancer, and other forms of chronic disease


a three-carbon alcohol that is often referred to as the backbone of the triglyceride

Clots that remains in place and disrupts blood flow is called...

a thrombus

Choose all of the following statements that are true regarding plant food sterols and stanols a) plants contain sterols similar to cholesterol b) plant sterols have blood cholesterol-lowering properties c) some plants actually contain cholesterol d) plant sterol intake poses the same heart health risks associated with cholesterol intake

a, b

A cis fatty acid allows the carbon chain to _________


Infants require DHA and EPA for....

nervous system development

Enterohepatic circulation of bile beginning in the liver

1) liver makes bile from cholesterol 2) gallbladder stores bile until needed; then secretes bile to SI 3) SI receives bile to facilitate lipid digestion 4) ileum absorbs bile salts from bile; soluble fiber reduces absorption of bile salts 5) bile salts return to the liver and are recycled to make bile

T/F: A person who had their gallbladder removed can no longer digest fats.


Why do manufacturers partially hydrogenate oils? a) to decrease rancidity b) to increase nutrient density c) to make the food taste sweeter/more appealing d) to increase the shelf life

a, d

Babies do not __________ properly when their diets lack essential fatty acids


Unsaturated fatty acids

has at least two neighboring carbons within the chain that are missing two hydrogen atoms, and a double bond holds the two particular carbons together

Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)

has only one double bond linking it together

Scientific evidence suggests that dietary cholesterol does not have as much effect on blood cholesterol as dietary ________________ _________

saturated fat

Fats that contain a high proportion of PHOs (partially hydrogenated oils) are more __________ at room temp than those with a high proportion of cis fatty acids


Trans fats

unsaturated fatty acids that have at least one trans double bond in their chemical structure, rather than the more common cis configuration; hydrogen atoms of double-bonded carbons within hydrocarbon chain are on opposite sides of chain

Adequate Intake (AI) for alpha-linolenic acid

1.6g/day for men and 1.1g/day for women

According to the Dietary Guidelines to reduce risk for cardiovascular disease, saturated fats should contribute no more than ________% of total kilocalories.


Long chain fatty acids

14-24 carbons

What is the process of enterohepatic circulation?

1) Bile salts are absorbed in the ileum of the small intestine 2) Bile salt travels through the blood to the liver 3) the liver recycles used bile salts to make new bile

List the steps of the development of artherosclerosis in the arteries

1) damage occurs in blood vessel lining 2) plaque is deposited at the site of initial damage 3) as plaque accumulates, arteries harden, narrow, and lose elasticity 4) pressure in artery is increased 5) clot or spasm in a plaque-clogged artery leads to a heart attack

The body converts alpha-linolenic acid to two other omega 3 fatty acids, which are...

1) eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) 2) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

The most common forms of cardiac disease in the US

CAD (coronary artery disease) and stroke

T/F: Fatty acids are always saturated


T/F: To improve health, trans fats should be emphasized in the diet.


Members of which ethnic groups have higher rates of gallbladder disease in the US?

Mexican-Americans and American Indians

Omega-6 fatty acid

PUFA with its first double bond at the sixth carbon from the omega end of the chain (EX linoleic acid)

Instead of relying on PHOs to extend shelf life, manufacturers can preserve fat and other ingredients in foods by adding _______________________ to them


Foam cells hold oxidized LDL within the _____________ wall


Oxidized LDL transports cholesterol into _______________ lining


According to the Dietary Guidelines cholesterol intake should be a) 200mg per day b) as little as possible c) 7% of total kilocalorie intake d) 35% of total kilocalorie intake

b) as little as possible

____________ fats produced during the hydrogenation process closely resemble the structure of ________________ fats due to the altered chemical structure that results during this process.

trans; saturated

List the steps of lipid digestion in the small intestine:

1) fatty chyme stimulates release of cholecystokinin 2) cholecystokinin signals the pancreas to secrete digestive enzymes, including pancreatic lipase, and the duodenum 3) pancreatic lipase digests triglycerides and converts them into monoglycerides and 2 fatty acid molecules

Research published in 2016 found that replacing 5% of energy from saturated fat with an equal amount of energy from ______ and ______ fats was associated with a ________ reduction in mortality from CVD in US adults

PUFA and MUFA; 27%

Steatorrhea is prevented by... a) eating a high-fat diet b) small, more frequent meals c) avoiding high-fat meals d) consuming a low-carb diet

b, c

Why are the chemical structure of trans and saturated fatty acids similar?

both have a straight shape

Chylomicron remnant is removed from circulation by the liver and recycled to make other ______________ and ________ __________

lipoproteins and bile acids

Unsaturated fatty acids that have the cis double-bond arrangement, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids, are very susceptible to _______________


As a result of the partial hydrogenation process, vegetable oil can be made _______ _______________ (a solid fat) or shaped into sticks of margarine.

vegetable shortening

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