Nutrition Final

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physical activity

movement resulting from contraction of skeletal muscles -fat suppLy should 20 to 35%

Food-borne illness-causing microbes thrive under certain environmental conditions. Food-borne illness risk is increased with all of the following conditions EXCEPT

foods with a slightly basic pH

Dana is on vacation at a resort that features a variety of outdoor activities. Because she is pregnant, Dana is cautious about the types of exercise she performs. All of the following are appropriate exercises for a healthy pregnant woman EXCEPT

horseback riding

Throughout her pregnancy, Dana has been experiencing heartburn. There are a few steps she can take to prevent heartburn or alleviate its discomfort. All of the following help prevent or lessen pain associated with heartburn EXCEPT

lying down after meals

exercise regularly

reduce risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, obesity, osteoporosis and cancers

adults under 65

moderate-intensity physical for 150 min a week. 3.5 to 7.0 kcal/min vigorous- intensity physical for 75 min a week and 8 to 10 strength exercises that focus on muscle groups 7 kcal/min. 70 to 85%


provides some advantages that are not achieved with formula feeding; one primary advantage is the production of colostrum, the initial form of breast milk.

heatstroke is a serious illness that required immediate professional medical treatment


Now that Quinn has started eating solid foods, his mother wants to avoid giving the baby any foods that can cause choking. Which of the following foods may cause choking in infants? Check all that apply:

-Hot dogs cut into coin-shaped pieces -Peanut butter -Strained fruit -Grapes

Quinn is a healthy breast-fed baby. Kelley, Quinn's mother, would like to introduce solid foods into her son's diet. What factors can help Kelley determine whether Quinn is physiologically ready for solid foods? Check all that apply:

-quinn is able to lie on his back -quinn is 2 months old -quinn can control the position of his head -when kelley places a small amount of mashed carrots into quinns mouth, the baby does not thrust his tongue forward to push the food out

2015-2020 dietary guidelines

-support physical activity guidelines

Adequate Intake (AI)

-total water intake is approximately 11 cups (2.7 L) and 15.5 cups (3.7 L) for young men and women

The USDA recommends that fresh turkey be cooked until its internal temperature is at least

165 F

Before you prepare food or after you use the bathroom, wash your hands with hot soapy water for at least ____ seconds to cleanse them thoroughly.


Lisa is a healthy young woman whose energy requirement is 2250 kcal/day. Based on this information, what would be her daily energy requirement during her first trimester of pregnancy?

2250 kcal

Which of the following workout regimens meets the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' recommended amount of moderate-intensity exercise for healthy adults under 65 years of age?

30 min per day, 5 days per week

Bennett is a male college athlete who participates in endurance activities and weighs 77 kg. Approximately how many grams of carbohydrate per day should he consume to maintain adequate muscle glycogen?



50% of adults in the US did not obtain recommended amounts of moderate or vigorous physically activity

Dietitians and pediatricians generally recommend that babies be breastfed exclusively for the first:

6 months to life

ATP formed by

ADP and inorganic phosphate,small amount by glycolysis

Which federal agency regulates the proper use of pesticides?


What is the best way to store eggs to reduce the potential for food-borne illness?

Store eggs in their original carton in the refrigerator.

Anna enjoys grilling hamburgers, but she wants to reduce the chances that her food preparation practices result in food-borne illness. Which of the following steps should she avoid?

Thawing the frozen ground meat on the kitchen counter.

Athletes sometimes complain of muscle fatigue. Which of the following conditions contributes to muscle fatigue?

Under anaerobic conditions, lactic acid conversion to lactate results in hydrogen ion accumulation in muscle tissue, causing muscle fatigue.


body needs to produce RBC, transport oxygen, obtain energy

multicellular organisms

can improve their abilities to repair damage to their DNA and reduce the toxicity of free radicals, they may increase their life spans.

During a natural disaster, it is safe to drink the fluid from

canned fruit juices

by preforming exercise regularly, people can reduce their risk of

cardiovascluar disease


cellular structures that release energy from macronutrients; singular, mitochondrion

Felicia wants to follow the "Check Your Steps" rules for food safety. When she prepares high-risk foods, she avoids cross contamination, cooks raw foods to their safe internal temperatures, and chills leftovers within 30 minutes after serving them. After eating one of her meals, Felicia and her dinner guests developed a food-borne illness. Based on this information, which step did she fail to take?



compound that results from anaerobic breakdown of glucose


conditions that lack free oxygen -muscle cells metabolize glucose to pyruvate and then convert pyruvate to lactic acid


conditions that require free oxygen

sports drinks

convenient way to obtain a source of glucose during lengthy and vigorous physical activities

The hormone oxytocin

enables the "let-down" reflex to occur when a woman breastfeeds her baby.

phosphocratine (PCr)

enables the cells to produce more ATP quickly under anaerobic -can turn into creatine

protein is not the bodes preferred fuel for muscular activity


sports drinks can be useful for fluid replacement


while at rest, skeletal muscles metabolize more fat for energy



first stage of glucose oxidation

the liver supplies glucose for muscles and other cells by breaking down


To encourage healthy eating practices among children, caregivers should

have youngsters help select and prepare new foods.

heat cramps

heat related illness characterized by painful muscle contractions -muscle spasms

heat exhaustion

heat related illness that can occur after intense exercise -heat cramps.sweats excessively, feels faint or dizzy. cool,moist, gray colored skin, rapid or weak pulse

adenosine diphosphate

high energy compound, by product of ATP use

the international olympic committee bans the use of ---- among competitive athlete

human growth hormone

to make your exercise routine more enjoyable, the routine should

incorporate a variety of aerobic, resistance, and flexibility activities

According to scientific research involving animals, consuming a nutritious diet that is low in calories may

increase life expectancy

genetic endowment

inherited physical characteristics that can affect an athletes physical performance -body shape -size -composition

the liver can convert ---- into glucose that can be released into the bloodstream or stored as glycogen


During her 6th month of pregnancy, Miranda developed gestational hypertension. As a result of this condition, Miranda has a higher risk of giving birth to a _____ infant than a pregnant woman who does not experience hypertension.


carbohydrate or glycogen loading

manipulating dietary and physical activity patterns 3 to 7 days before an event to increase muscle glycogen stores eel above normal range

____ infection is the most common food-borne illness in the United States.


full gestation

not 9 months but 38-42 weeks


obtain energy by means of complex series of chemical reactions that progressively break down(catabolize) macronutrients and alcohol to release the energy that is stored within them

people who exercise regularly can reduce their risk of



organ responsible for nutrient and oxygen transfer from the mother to the developing human being.

muscle cells can use the ---- energy system to obtain energy


what is exercise?

physical activities that are planned and conducted to have fun


physical activities that are usually planned and structured for a purpose


salmonella and E. Coli

5000 kcal 66% carbohydrate 21% fat 13% protein

see page 438 chapter 11

which of the following activities is generally classified as aerobic

stair stepping

age-related maximum heart rate

subtract age from 220

umbilical cord

supplies the embryo/fetus with nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood.

beginning of gestation(3 to 8 weeks)

the fertilized egg develops into what is called an embryo

physically activity pyramid

top to bottom -sedentary activity[sitting, driving, watching tv, using a computer] -light recreational activity[bowling, walking,line dancing, doing yoga] -aerobic[3-5 for 150][running, cycling, in line skating, stair stepping] flexibility[2-3][static stretching of major muscle groups.stretch 10-30 sec] strength[2-3 days,8-10 exercises, 1 set of 8-12 reps][bicep curls, tricep presses, squats, lunges, push up] -activities of daily living[most days.30 min or more. gardening,raking leaves,mowing lawn, walking dog, cleaning house, play with children]

engaging in exercise regularly can reduce risk of type 2 diabetes


A ____ is simply a piece of genetic material coated with protein.


_____ is the gradual process of shifting a baby from breastfeeding or bottle feeding to drinking from a cup and eating solid foods.


Julio wants to cook chicken and bake a pie made with eggs and milk for his roommates. Julio and his dinner guests are likely to experience food-borne illness if he

wipes the knife used to cut up the raw chicken on a hand towel before using the knife to cut up the salad vegetables.

eating bars

you may ingest high amounts of iron, vitamin A and other micronutrients

Select all of the following conditions or dietary practices that are major nutrition-related concerns of American adolescents.

-obesity -eating disorder -osteomalacia -inadequate calcium intakes -excess fiber intakes

During her current pregnancy, Sari has been extra careful to avoid foods that could potentially cause food-borne illness. Even though she loves Greek salad, she now avoids ordering it at restaurants because the salad may contain feta cheese that has not been pasteurized. Why should pregnant women avoid unpasteurized cheeses?

Unpasteurized cheese can contain Listeria monocytogenes that can cross the placental barrier and cause listeriosis and spontaneous abortion or stillbirth.

physical fitness

ability to perform moderate to vigorous intensity activities without becoming excessively fatigued

pre-event meals

about 3 to 4 hours before competing athletes should eat a meal that supplies 200 to 300 g of carbohydrates -see page 439 chapter 11 -eating fatty foods such as sausage, bacon, sauces and gravies is not recommended -food eaten an hour before should be blended or liquid

growing older

aerobic capacities decline with each passing decade

---- is a form of vigorous physical activity

aerobic dancing


any microbe that can cause disease

during pregnancy

protein-71 g per day iron-27 mg per day folic acid-600 micrograms DFE per day vitamin C-85 mg per day calcium-1000 mg per day


provide an excess of energy may cause the body to age faster. Scientists have discovered that certain organisms live longer than usual when they are given a nutritious, but calorie-restricted diet

US department of health and human services issued the 2008 physical activity guidelines for americans

provide evidence based physical activity recommendations to help americans reduce the risk of chronic diseases that contribute to millions of premature deaths each year

Which of the following statements is true?

-(It is not unusual for children to have food jags.) -A child's appetite typically increases as his or her growth rate slows. -Because of the choking hazard, children should not be offered cut-up raw vegetables until they are at least 7 years of age -Snacks have no place in a child's diet.

Which of the following statements is true?

-(Obese children are more likely to have high blood glucose levels than children who have healthy body weights.) -Compared to other adolescents, sleep apnea is more likely to affect teens whose BMI-to-ages are between the 50th and 75th percentiles. -For extremely obese adolescents, bariatric surgery is not recommended as a treatment option. -By the end of adolescence, most overfat teenagers have slimmed down and achieved healthy body weights.

Which of the following statements is true?

-(Young adults should learn about nutrition needs for different life stages, because the information will be helpful as they age.) -There are three life stages: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood -People are in the "older adults" life stage when they are between 65 to 85 years of age. -The prenatal period includes lactation.

Which of the following statements is true?

-(the life span of a human being is 122 years) -There is little scientific evidence to support the notion that a person's genetic makeup contributes to his or her longevity. -In the United States, life expectancy is about 100 years. -the longest living (documented) person was a Russian man who lived for 114 years

In the first trimester of pregnancy, women often experience morning sickness. Which of the following practices are recommended to alleviate nausea associated with pregnancy? Check all that apply

-Eating small, frequent meals and snacks - Sitting in a poorly-ventilated kitchen to increase exposure to a variety of odors -Drinking small amounts of water and eating crackers before getting out of bed -Eating foods that contain red pepper flakes, parsley, and cinnamon

Freddie is a food service employee for a large corporate cafeteria. In the morning, Freddie and his co-workers prepare foods in cafeteria's kitchen. After the foods are prepared, they are kept for up to 3 hours in special covered containers in the refrigerator or in warming trays. Before the cafeteria opens for lunch, Freddie measures the temperature of each food. Today, Freddie's testing indicated that the temperatures of certain foods were in the danger zone. Which of the following foods should not be served? Check all that apply.

-Fruit salad with bananas, sliced apples, and berries at 39° F -Potato casserole made with hard-cooked eggs at 132°F. -Cream of chicken soup made with milk at 125°F.


-athletes who are total vegetarians or restrict their consumption of dairy products lose weight, can have marginal or low calcium intakes -female athletes who have irregular or no menstrual cycles may be deficient in the hormone estrogen -jogging improves bone density -estrogen maintains training healthy bones


-important macronutrient for fueling muscles -gluecose supplies 40% of energy needed to sustain a person who is resting or doing light activity *200-meter hurdles *championship basketball *hard cycling for 1 hour *2 hour run *weight living *walking -glygogen depletion is a major cause of fatigue during endurance exercise -by consuming grains, starchy vegetables and fruits this maintains adequate liver and muscle glycogen stores -calculate rang multiply weight in kilos by 6 and then by 10


-most dangerous -elevated body temp(more than 104), lack of sweating, rapid shallow breathing, irritable and confused behavior, loss of consciousness(coma) -medical emergancy -move the victim to a cool environment -give cool water to drink -spray w cool water

breast milk

-provides antibodies and immune system cells and is yellowish in color. -towards the end of the first week of breast feeding the initial milk has transitioned to mature milk -later the milk tends to be bluish is color

Cases of childhood obesity are often accompanied by numerous chronic physiological and psychological problems. Select all of the health problems that are more likely to affect an obese child than a child whose weight is in the healthy age-for-BMI range.

-type 2 diabetes -hip and knee pain -delayed puberty -sleep apnea

Cases of childhood obesity are often accompanied by numerous chronic physiological and psychological problems. Select all of the health problems that are more likely to affect an obese child than a child whose weight is in the healthy age-for-BMI range.

-type 2 diabetes -hip and knee pain -high self esteem -sleep apnea

Three days after eating an undercooked hamburger patty at a picnic, Grace experienced intestinal cramps and bloody diarrhea. When Grace became too weak to walk, her roommate took her to the emergency room of a hospital. Grace required treatment for kidney failure. Based on this information, which of the following food-borne pathogens was most likely responsible for Grace's serious illness?

E. coli O157:H7

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