Nutrition Midterm

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Major lipid in cell membranes

"Food insecurity" refers to:

Not having access to nutritionally adequate and safe foods.

Which would be an example of an anthropometric component of a nutritional assessment?

Number of pounds a person weighs

_________ are substances that make food sweet and that can be absorbed and yield energy in the body.

Nutritive sweeteners

Studies have shown that a high intake of dietary fiber is associated with a low incidence of type 2 diabetes. Please provide a potential explanation for this observation.

Observational/epidemiological studies have suggested that consuming soluble fibers can slow down glucose uptake and smooth out the blood glucose response, which can protect against diabetes.

True or False? After a meal, the stomach normally empties in 8 to 12 hours.


True or False? Americans typically get most of their protein from plant foods.


True or False? An epidemiologic study found that individuals who consume a high saturated fat diet were more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that consuming a high saturated fat diet causes cardiovascular disease.


True or False? Even with proprietary blends, manufacturers are also required to list specific amounts for each ingredient.


True or False? In the United States, as long as someone is employed, he or she will not be hungry.


True or False? In the United States, there are fewer cases of obesity among low-income, food-insecure groups than among people with higher incomes.


True or False? In the large intestine, villi help ease the process of elimination.


True or False? Megadoses of vitamin C prevent the common cold.


True or False? Most digestion takes place in the stomach.


True or False? Phytochemicals are considered nutrients.


True or False? The closing of the esophageal sphincter prevents the contents of the small intestine from entering the esophagus.


True or False? Women usually have a higher percentage of water than men, resulting in lower ability to process alcohol.


The nutrient that supplies about 60 percent of the body's resting energy needs is:


The food label of a grain product can include a claim that the product may reduce the risk of heart disease, if the grain product is low in fat and contains certain types o


Short-lived, highly reactive chemicals often derived from oxygen-containing compounds

free radicals

Simple sugar with the sweetest taste


This hormone is released when there is a distention in the stomach. It stimulates the release of pepsinogen.


Based on sensory studies, can food preference be shaped early in life (e.g., during prenatal or early infancy development)? Please provide an example to support your answer.

(1) A pregnant woman who consumes a diet rich in healthy foods can shape her child's taste preferences in a positive way because flavors from foods can be passed through the amniotic fluid. (2) Similarly, a lactating woman who consumes a diet rich in healthy foods can shape her child's taste preferences in a positive way because flavors from foods can be passed through the breast milk. (3) Infants fed formula may take a longer time to accept some food items, such as fruits and vegetables, because these flavors are not found in formula.

Please provide three strategies to increase fiber intake.

(1) Eat more whole-grain breads, cereals, pasta, and rice, as well as more fruits, vegetables, and legumes. (2) Eat fruits and vegetables with the peel, if possible. The peel is high in fiber. (3) Add fruits to muffins and pancakes. (4) Add legumes—such as lentils and pinto, navy, kidney, and black beans—to casseroles and mixed dishes as a meat substitute. (5) Substitute whole-grain flour for all-purpose flour in recipes whenever possible. (6) Use brown rice instead of white rice. (7) Substitute oats for flour in crumb toppings. (8) Choose high-fiber cereals. (9) Choose whole fruits rather than fruit juices. (10) Choose whole vegetables rather than vegetable juice.

What are the five overarching guidelines of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015-2020? Please provide at least two.

(1) Follow a healthy eating pattern across the life span. (2) Focus on variety, nutrient density, and amount. (3) Limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake. (4) Shift to healthier food and beverage choices. (5) Support healthy eating patterns for all

Although low to moderate alcohol consumption could potentially be beneficial, what groups of individuals should not drink any alcohol? Provide at least three groups.

(1) People who cannot restrict their alcohol intake to moderate levels; (2) Children and adolescents; (3) People taking medications that can interact with alcohol; (4) People who have an alcohol-related illness or another illness that will be worsened by alcohol; (5) People who plan to drive, operate machinery, or take part in other activities that require attention, skill, or coordination; (6) Women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant; (7) Women who are breastfeeding; (8) People with a personal or strong family history of alcoholism.

What are the mandatory components of food labels? Provide a brief description of any two components.

(1) a statement of identity; (2) the net contents (by weight, volume, or measure) of the package (3) the name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor (4) a list of ingredients (5) nutrition information. The answer should provide a short description of two of these components.

How do portions and serving sizes differ? What is portion distortion and its potential consequences?

- According to the National Institutes of Health, a portion of food is defined as the amount of food that you choose to eat at one time, whereas a serving is a specific amount of food or drink. - Many foods that are packaged as a single portion actually contain multiple servings. - Sometimes the portion size and serving size are the same, but not always. - Americans have created the perception that large portion sizes are appropriate, creating an environment of portion distortion. - The phenomenon of portion distortion has the potential to hinder weight loss, weight maintenance, and health improvement efforts.

Describe the process of alcohol absorption in the human body.

- Alcohol absorption begins in the mouth and esophagus. - Although alcohol absorption continues in the stomach, the small intestine efficiently absorbs most of the alcohol a person consumes. - About 80 to 95 percent of alcohol is absorbed unchanged. - However, some oxidation does take place in the digestive tract, mainly in the stomach, and the breakdown products join any remaining alcohol as it diffuses into the gut cells. - These products travel by way of the portal vein directly to the liver, where most alcohol breakdown takes place. - When all goes well, two goals are achieved: energy production and protection from the damaging effects of alcohol and its even more toxic breakdown product, acetaldehyde.

How does alcohol impact the brain and the nervous system?

- Alcohol diffuses readily into the brain, and because a small amount is absorbed from the mouth directly into circulating blood, its effects can be almost immediate, reaching the brain in as little as one minute after consumption. - Alcohol can produce detectable impairments in memory after only a few drinks and, as the amount of alcohol increases, so does the degree of impairment. - Large quantities of alcohol, especially when consumed quickly and on an empty stomach, can produce a blackout—that is, an interval of time for which the intoxicated person cannot recall key details of events, or even entire events.

How does alcohol alter digestion/absorption/breakdown of carbohydrate, fat, and protein?

- Alcohol interferes with amino acid absorption, but its overall effect on protein balance appears minimal. - It inhibits gluconeogenesis and lowers blood glucose levels, probably contributing to hangovers and, at the most extreme, causing acute, potentially lethal hypoglycemia if a person who drinks heavily neglects to eat. - Alcohol's most dramatic effect is on fats. - You have seen that alcohol causes fatty liver. - On the one hand, excess alcohol has the undesirable effect of raising blood triglyceride levels, often significantly. - Hyperlipidemia (high blood fats) is common among heavy drinkers. - Abstinence and a balanced diet can usually return blood lipids to normal. - On the other hand, moderate alcohol use increases protective high-density lipoproteins (HDL, or "good cholesterol"), an important factor in alcohol's relationship to the reduced risk for coronary artery disease.

Alcoholics are commonly deficient in which minerals and why?

- Alcoholics are commonly deficient in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. - Alcohol itself does not seem to affect their absorption. - Rather, fluid losses and an inadequate diet are the primary culprits.

How and where are carbohydrates stored in the body?

- Carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen, a long highly branched chain of glucose molecules. - Skeletal muscle and the liver are the two major sites of glycogen storage.

Approximately what percentage of the food produced in the United States and in the world is wasted? What type of food recovery approach can help to address this problem?

- Each year, 40 percent of the food produced in this country and 33 percent of the food produced worldwide is wasted. - Programs throughout the country are rescuing much of this wholesome food and distributing it to people in need. - Gleaning is harvesting excess food from farms, orchards, and packing houses. - Perishable items are also salvaged from wholesale and retail markets; fresh foods that are wholesome but will spoil before they can be sold are given to local food pantries and meal providers. - Canned goods and other staples are collected from groceries, distributors, food processors, and individual homes. - Even surplus food from restaurants, caterers, and other food services is collected by some charities for local food programs.

Describe the impact of environmental degradation on food production.

- Environmental degradation has nutritional consequences because it threatens food production. - Urbanization and the expansion of cities reduce acreage available for farming. - The pressure to supply food to growing populations leads to clear-cutting marginal land, eventually eroding hilly terrain or quickly exhausting fragile rainforest soils. - Overdependence on irrigation can drain water, eventually creating deserts. - The destruction of vast areas of natural ground cover can lead to global climate changes. -Overuse of pesticides and fertilizers pollutes waterways, destroying fish and seafood.

What are essential, conditionally essential, and nonessential amino acids? Provide two examples for each.

- Essential amino acids are amino acids that your body cannot make and must be provided by the diet. These include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. - Conditionally essential amino acids are amino acids that are only essential under certain conditions. These include tyrosine and cysteine. Under normal circumstances, your body makes tyrosine from the essential amino acid phenylalanine, and cysteine from either methionine or serine. If a disease or condition interferes with your ability to synthesize tyrosine or cysteine from its amino acid precursors, then your body will need tyrosine or cysteine from the diet. - Nonessential amino acids are amino acids that do not need to be provided by your diet because your body can make them. These include alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine, and tyrosine.

Describe how dietary fiber can benefit health.

- Fiber can be beneficial for weight control because it enhances the feeling of fullness. - It can improve glucose regulation in the blood. - By increasing the elimination of bile, it can help control blood cholesterol levels. - Fiber also promotes regular bowel movements and ease of stool elimination. - By adding bulk to fecal material, fiber can help prevent diverticulosis.

What is food insecurity, and what characteristics are associated with food insecurity? Provide at least two characteristics.

- Food insecurity is defined as limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways. - Food insecurity is strongly associated with poverty and is interlinked with economic and social factors. - Food insecurity and hunger were highest in households headed by single women with children and in Hispanic and African American households. - Geographically, food insecurity is more common in large cities and rural areas and, regionally, more prevalent in the South.

Your mother attended a health lecture about obesity. She was told that a diet rich in complex carbohydrates lowers the risk of obesity. She doesn't understand how this is possible. What could you tell her to explain the impact of complex carbohydrates on weight control?

- Foods rich in complex carbohydrates are generally lower in fat and energy. - Also, foods high in fiber contribute to the feeling of fullness after a meal and delay gastric emptying. - Starches offer a greater volume of food for fewer kilocalories and take longer to eat.

What is glycemic index? How is it measured? Why do some researchers believe that it is useful while some believe that it is useless?

- Glycemic index is the measure of the effect of food on blood glucose levels. - The glycemic index classifies foods or meals based on their potential to raise blood glucose levels. - It compares the change in blood glucose after eating a sample food to the change expected from eating an equal amount of available carbohydrate from a standard food such as white bread. - Some researchers believe that glycemic index is useful because foods with a high glycemic load will cause dramatic increases in blood glucose, which can lead to large spikes in insulin and a subsequent drop in blood glucose, often temporarily falling below baseline glucose levels. - Dips in blood glucose can increase hunger after a meal and increased insulin can have negative effects on fat metabolism and storage. - Therefore, the health benefits of following a low-glycemic load diet can be significant. - However, some researchers believe that glycemic index is useless because most of the findings are drawn from epidemiological studies, which cannot prove causation. - In addition, this approach may be too complex for individuals to use.

What is the role of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in protein digestion? What happens if HCl secretion is not adequate?

- Hydrochloric acid plays an important role in denaturing and unfolding protein and making an amino acid chain more accessible to the action of enzymes. - HCI also stimulates proenzyme pepsinogen to active enzyme pepsin. - Thus, if an individual does not have an adequate amount of HCI secretion, he or she may experience indigestion.

Discuss the health effects associated with iodine deficiency during pregnancy.

- In pregnancy, iodine deficiency can cause spontaneous abortion and stillbirths. - In some cases, the deficiency can cause cretinism, a birth defect that results in severe mental retardation. - There can also be deafness and paralysis along with the mental retardation.

Define nitrogen balance and list two conditions of positive nitrogen balance and two conditions of negative nitrogen balance in the body.

- Nitrogen balance is the nitrogen intake minus the sum of all sources of nitrogen excretion. - Examples of positive nitrogen balance conditions are pregnancy and other periods of growth (infancy, childhood, and recovering from protein deficiency or illness). - Examples of conditions that result in negative nitrogen balance include starvation, extreme calorie restriction, fever, severe illness, and infection.

What is the association between high intake of animal protein and cardiovascular health? Provide a potential explanation for this observation.

- Research has shown that high intake of animal protein is associated with high blood cholesterol levels and greater risk of heart disease and stroke. -Scientists suggest that foods high in animal protein are also high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which may contribute to the observed outcome. -Whether protein alone—independent of fat—plays a role in the development of heart disease is less clear.

What is the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber? Provide two examples for each.

- Soluble fiber dissolves easily in water. - When it attracts water in the GI tract, it becomes gel-like and slows digestion and absorption. - Examples include pectins, gums, mucilages, some hemicellulose, and b-glucans. - Insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water. - These fibers add bulk to stool in the colon and decrease intestinal transit time of food through the GI tract. - Examples include cellulose, some hemicelluloses and b-glucans, and lignins.

List the roles of protein in the body.

- Structural and mechanical - enzymes - hormones - antibodies - fluid balance - acid-base balance - transport - channels and pumps - energy

What are the mechanisms in metabolizing small and large amounts of alcohol?

- With small amounts of alcohol, the body uses the alcohol dehydrogenase system (i.e., alcohol → acetaldehyde → acetate → acetyl CoA and fatty acids). - When there is a large amount of alcohol, the body resorts to the microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system, which is usually used to metabolize drugs and other substances.


- a condition in which some food is being consumed, but the intake is not nutritionally adequate. - Today undernutrition is most often associated with extreme poverty, alcoholism, illness, or some types of eating disorders.

What are functional foods? Please provide five examples. For each example, list (1) food sources, (2) potential benefit, and (3) tips for including this functional component in the diet.

- a food that may provide a health benefit beyond basic nutrition - beta carotene- sweet potatoes-neutralizes free radicals that may damage cells-sweet potatoes instead of french fries - whole grains- whole wheat bread- reduce CHD-air popped popcorn - soy protein- soybeans-reduce CHD-edamame -lignin- flax-heart health-flaxseed in smoothies - soluble fiber- beans- reduce CHD-canned beans

How does the "American diet" contribute to global warming

- greenhouse gas emissions known as the carbon footprint. - This impact includes production, transport, processing, packaging, storage, and preparation of food that is delivered to our dinner plates. - The food sector contributes 15 to 30 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, the primary promoter of global warming. - The average American diet creates 2.8 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person per year, which far exceeds the 2.2 tons of (CO2) emissions generated by Americans driving cars and trucks.


- is the chronic consumption of more than is necessary for good health. - Overnutrition is the regular consumption of excess calories, fats, saturated fats, or cholesterol.

Cholesterol serves as the precursor for several classes of sterol hormones. Provide three classes and explain the functions of those classes of sterol hormones.

- progesterones, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, androgens, and estrogens. Progesterone is essential for maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Glucocorticoids (such as cortisol) increase the formation of liver glycogen and the breakdown of fat and protein. Mineralocorticoids (primarily aldosterone) help control blood pressure. Androgens (such as testosterone) promote the development of male sex characteristics, estrogens promote the development of female sex characteristics.

Your patient would like to lower her cardiovascular disease risk. Please provide at least three American Heart Association Diet and Lifestyle Recommendations for your patient.

- use as many calories as you take in - eat a variety of nutritious foods from all food groups - eat less of the nutrient poor food - base eating patterns on these recommendations - don't smoke

What are some dietary recommendations that you could provide for vegetarians to maintain a balanced diet? Provide three recommendations.

1) Choose a variety of foods, including whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and, if desired, dairy products and eggs. (2) Choose whole, unrefined foods often and minimize intake of processed foods, highly sweetened, fatty, and heavily refined foods. (3) Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables. (4) If animal foods such as dairy products and eggs are used, choose lower-fat dairy products and use both eggs and dairy products in moderation. (5) Include a regular source of vitamin B12 and, if sun exposure is limited, of vitamin D.

According to the current health recommendations for fat intake, an individual who is on a _____-kcal diet should consume about 40 to 70 grams of fat per day.


Fats are generally cleared from the bloodstream _____ after a meal.

10 hours

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that adults need at least __ minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week.


A food product provides a total of 500 kcal with 20 grams of carbohydrate. What percentage of kcal comes from carbohydrate?

16%; 20 × 4 = 80 kcal; (80/500) × 100 = 16%

The % Daily Values are based on the values for a ____ -calorie diet.


How many grams of protein are in a product that supplies 160 kilocalories from protein?


An 80-proof spirit (___ percent alcohol) that contains 25 grams of alcohol per serving has ____ alcohol kilocalories.

40; 175

If a single honey-glazed doughnut contains 50 grams of carbohydrate, 10 grams of protein, and 20 grams of fat, what is the energy contained by the doughnut?


Based on the RDA for protein intake, an 80-kg adult would need approximately ________ grams of protein a day.

80 × 0.8 = 64 grams

High HDL levels are associated with:

A lower risk of heart disease and stroke.

Body mass index (BMI), assessed as______, is a reasonably accurate measure of the health risks associated with body weight.

A ratio of body weight for height

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2015 suggest that we consistently eat too much of all of the following foods except:

A. Added sugars. B. Sodium. C. Saturated fats. CorrectD. Dairy products.

Which of the following substances is not secreted into the digestive system?

A. Bile B. Mucus C. Salivary amylase CorrectD. Insulin

Which condition would increase a person's protein needs the most?

A. Common cold B. Muscle-building activities C. Fever CorrectD. Severe burn

All the following are functions of nutrients except

A. Contributing to body structures. B. Providing energy. CorrectC. Preventing chronic diseases. D. Maintaining body processes.

Which of the following is not a role of proteins as additives in foods?

A. Flavor enhancer B. Texturizer CorrectC. Preserver D. Stabilizer

Which of the following is not considered a group of nutrients?

A. Lipids CorrectB. Kilocalories C. Water D. Protein

When alcohol consumption overwhelms the liver's capacity to metabolize the compound, all of the following occur except

A. Loss of alcohol through the liver and lungs. B. Reduced supply of oxygen to the brain. CorrectC. Muscles metabolize the remaining alcohol. D. Loss of consciousness.

Which of the following is not a type of dietary fiber?

A. Pectin B. Cellulose C. Lignin CorrectD. Amylose

Which of the following is the least nutrient-dense?

A. Plain baked potato B. Mashed potato with butter CorrectC. French fries D. Boiled potato

In the body, eicosanoids are not involved in

A. Promoting inflammation. B. Blood clotting. C. Blood vessel constriction. CorrectD. Digesting proteins.

Which food contains the most complete protein per serving?

A. Rice B. Vegetable salad C. Apple CorrectD. Milk

A food that is not rich in phospholipids is:

A. Soybeans. B. Egg yolks. C. Liver. CorrectD. Bananas

A high-quality protein does all of the following except:

A. Supply all the essential amino acids in amounts needed by the body. B. Is easy to digest. C. Provide enough amino acids to supply nitrogen for nonessential amino acid synthesis. CorrectD. Regulate blood sugar levels.

Which is not a function of fat in the body?

A. Transportation of vitamins B. Energy reserve CorrectC. Quick fuel supply for brain D. Insulation

Which of the following is not a function of glucose in the body?

A. Used for energy B. Stored as glycogen for further use CorrectC. Increase body protein D. Helps in preventing ketosis

Which of the following vitamins is not lost when the lipid portion of a food is removed?

A. Vitamin E B. Vitamin D CorrectC. Vitamin C D. Vitamin A

What are some good food sources of omega-3 fatty acids? Provide one animal source and one plant source. What are some potential health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids? Provide three potential health benefits.

Animal sources include seafood (e.g., mackerel, tuna, salmon, herring, trout, cod liver oil, sardines, and bluefish). Plant sources include canola oil, soybeans, olive oil, nuts (e.g. walnuts, peanuts, filberts, pistachios, pecans, and almonds), seeds, and purslane. Potential health benefits: Students can mention any three from Table 5.6.

Fat-soluble vitamins:

Are more likely to be stored in larger quantities than water-soluble vitamins.

Among those who are infected with the HIV virus, the infection progresses faster in people who

Are poorly nourished

What are the roles of insulin, glucagon, and epinephrine in blood glucose level regulation?

Both insulin and glucagon are produced by the pancreas. - Insulin stimulates (1) cells to take up glucose from the blood and (2) liver and muscle cells to store glucose as glycogen. - Glucagon stimulates (1) liver cells to break down glycogen to glucose and (2) liver cells to make glucose from amino acids. - Epinephrine is released by the adrenal glands to ensure adequate energy for emergencies—exerting similar effects as glucagon.

For healthful eating, you should balance your

Calorie intake and energy expenditure.

Carbohydrate and lipid are protein sparing because they

Can reduce the need to use amino acids for fuel.

A study that examines the incidence of bulimia among female athletes at a community college compared to other female students at the college would be a type of _____ study.

Case control

Taking doses of vitamin B6 that are 50 to 100 times the DV may:

Cause nerve damage.

An after-school program can apply for food funding through the _____ program.

Child and Adult Care Food

This hormone is released when fatty acids and amino acids move into the small intestine. It reduces gastric emptying and triggers the release of bile.


The FDA provided several tips for consumers when buying supplements. Please provide three of them.

Choose quality,freshness and confirm supplement ingredients

Amino acids are different from other building blocks of nutrients because they

Contain the element nitrogen.

PEM is seen in the United States predominantly among the following groups except

CorrectA. Obese persons. B. AIDS patients. C. Anorexics. D. Cancer patients.

Which of the following is not a factor for an elevated triglyceride level?

CorrectA. Polyunsaturated fatty acid B. Alcohol C. Trans fatty acid D. Smoking

Which of the following foods is not a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids?

CorrectA. Raisins B. Soybean oil C. Salmon D. Flaxseed oil

What food would be the best protein complement to rice in a meal?

CorrectA. Red beans B. Whole-grain bread C. Broccoli D. Applesauce

A patient is on a 2,000-kcal diet but is meeting only 80 percent of his total energy need. Which of the following food items could provide adequate kcal for the remaining 20 percent?

D. Food item A (20 grams of fat, 20 grams of carbohydrate, and 35 grams of protein)

During a scientific study, 50 subjects received vitamin E pills and 50 subjects received sugar pills. None of the subjects or investigators knew what was contained in the pills. This type of study is a

Double-blind study.

Which of the following examples demonstrates following the healthy eating concept of "balance" in your diet?

Eat the same amount of calories that you use for energy expenditure each day.

What are the three major problems causing hunger?

Environmental deterioration, poverty, and population growth

Which organ carries food from the mouth into the stomach?


In the United States, the _____ is the government agency with the primary responsibility for regulating labeling and content of dietary supplements


Which U.S. government agency is responsible for truthfulness of advertising?


Alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman can cause

Fetal alcohol syndrome.

What are food deserts, and do they exist in wealthy countries?

Food deserts refer to areas that lack access to affordable healthful foods such as low-fat milk products, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Yes, food deserts do exist in wealthy countries.

_____ often develops when the stomach is exposed repeatedly to alcohol at high concentrations.


When athletes follow a carbohydrate-loading regimen, they are trying to boost their body stores of:



Hormone-like substances formed in the body from long-chain fatty acids

A food manufacturer is developing a new cracker that has a longer shelf life than other crackers. Which fat would be the best to use?

Hydrogenated vegetable shortening

Nutrients are defined as the chemicals:

In foods that are needed for normal body functions.

All of the following conditions are likely to result from suboptimal nutrition except:

Increased growth rate in young children.

A drastic increase in fiber intake over a short period of time may result in

Increased intestinal gas

_____ deficiency is the greatest source of preventable brain damage in the world.


Most of the alcohol consumed by a person

Is absorbed unchanged by the body.

An increased risk of bleeding associated with heavy consumption of alcohol is attributed to a depletion of vitamin:


The lipoprotein that is commonly referred to as "bad cholesterol" is _____.


Which is the correct pathway that bile follows in the digestive system?

Liver, gallbladder, small intestine

Which is a common example of a nutrient megadose interfering with a prescribed medication?

Megadoses of vitamin K interfering with a medication to control blood clotting

Most proteins go through final digestion in the


Which statement is true about nutrients and food?

Most foods contain mixtures of many nutrients.

Net protein utilization measures how

Much dietary protein the body retains and uses.

The four major layers of the digestive system from inner to outer are

Mucosa, submucosa, muscular, and serosa.

An essential nutrient is a chemical that

Must be consumed in the diet because the body cannot make it in sufficient quantity.

Beta-carotene, a phytochemical, has a potential benefit of

Neutralizing free radicals, which may damage cells.


Organic solvent

_____ are pathogenic organisms that can cause intestinal bleeding and malabsorption that increase the risk of iron deficiency.


If nitrogen intake exceeds nitrogen excretion, the body is said to be in _____ nitrogen balance.



Red-colored phytochemical in tomatoes

lipoprotein lipase

Removes and breaks down triglycerides from chylomicrons

The enzyme amylase is secreted by the

Salivary glands and pancreas.

Which of the following actions often contributes to an increase in the number of hungry people in a country by limiting access to agricultural supplies, fuel, and food-processing supplies?

Sanctions and embargoes

This hormone is released when acidic chyme moves into the duodenum. It reduces gastric secretion and also triggers the release of bicarbonate.


Jeremy is partying with his friends on his 25th birthday. Marsha, Jeremy's girlfriend, is consuming alcohol for the first time. Which of the following should Marsha do to minimize the symptoms of a hangover?

She should prolong the duration between drinks.

Compared to adults, why may children be more likely to prefer unhealthy food choices (e.g., sugary beverages) from a taste standpoint?

Studies show that, relative to adults, children naturally prefer greater levels of salty and sweet tastes and dislike bitter tastes. This may explain why children naturally gravitate toward more unhealthy food choices (e.g., sugary beverages) versus vegetables (e.g., broccoli) when compared to adults.

Phytochemicals are:

Substances in plants that may reduce the risk of some chronic diseases.

Sorbitol is often used to sweeten:

Sugar-free breath mints.

One of the sensory influences that determines a person's food preferences is the:

Texture of food that a person likes.

In maintaining proper acid-base balance, proteins act as:


According to the Food and Nutrition Science Alliance, what are some signs of "junk science"? Please provide three signs. What suggestions would you provide to your client when evaluating health and nutrition information on the Internet? Please provide two suggestions.

The 10 signs of Junk Science: (1) Recommendations that promise a quick fix; (2) Dire warnings of danger from a single product or regimen; (3) Claims that sound too good to be true; (4) Simplistic conclusions drawn from a complex study; (5) Recommendations based on a single study; (6) Statements refuted by reputable scientific organizations; (7) Lists of "good" and "bad" foods; (8) Recommendations made to help sell a product; (9) Recommendations based on studies not peer reviewed; (10) Recommendations from studies that ignore differences among individuals or groups. Suggestions on evaluating health and nutrition information on the Internet: (1) remember that everyone can post on the Internet, (2) consider the source, (3) when it comes to claims for a product, evaluate the scientific method.

A health claim can be approved for use on a food label only if

The claim is supported by scientifically valid evidence

Which of the following situations describes the obesogenic environment most accurately?

The environment in which many of us live that promotes overconsumption of calories while at the same time discouraging physical activity

Protein can supply:

The same amount of energy per gram as carbohydrates.

Which would trigger a cephalic phase response?

The smell of fresh bread

Phytochemicals in foods may reduce the risk of certain diseases by

Their antioxidant activity.

The prevalence of obesity among low-income, food-insecure groups in America is explained by:

Their need to maximize calorie intake for every dollar spent.

What are some of the health benefits and risks associated with vegetarian diets?

Vegetarians tend to have a lower risk of diabetes, cancer, and all-cause mortality. However, poorly planned vegetarian diets can be low in many nutrients (e.g., iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids).

High-dose _______ can cause bleeding during surgery.

Vitamin E

Taking a vitamin pill with water in the morning does not supply energy because

Vitamins and water do not supply energy.

What are some consequences of a lower concentration of hydrochloric acid?

Where there is a lower concentration of hydrochloric acid, more bacteria can survive and proliferate. Those harmful bacteria can then cause a series of conditions, such as peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Which food is a rich source of fiber?

Whole-wheat bread

Compared to other sugars, sugar alcohols are

absorbed more slowly

Maladaptive pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress

alcohol abuse

Toxic product of protein degradation


Enzyme necessary for starch digestion


Iron deficiency, the most common nutritional disorder in the world, causes _____.


Substances that combine with, or otherwise neutralize free radicals


Protein in raw eggs that interferes with biotin absorption


Naturally occurring plant chemicals, especially from citrus fruits, that reduce the permeability and fragility of capillaries


Minerals like _____ may reduce the risk of osteoporosis.


_____ are considered to be the most vulnerable group to hunger.


Abundant fibrous protein in connective tissue


Alteration of a protein by unfolding the polypeptide chain


Indigestible parts of plants

dietary fiber

Which of the following has the function of accelerating the rate of chemical reactions without being altered in the process?


_____ are protein catalysts for chemical reactions.


Alcohol absorption begins in the mouth and _____.


Which of the following types of alcohol is considered safe to drink?


People with celiac disease cannot digest _____, a protein found in grains.


Food labels list the quantity of protein per serving in


Use resulting in physical or psychological harm

harmful use

Person at risk for adverse consequences

hazardous use

5 or more drinks on the same occasion on each of 5 or more days in the past 30 days

heavy drinking

Amino acids that are attracted to water are called _____.


Substances that do not contain carbon except certain simple carbon compounds


Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which the body does not produce enough _____ or use the hormone properly.


When taken in high doses, which mineral often interferes with the absorption of other minerals?


Explain why chocolate is solid at room temperature.

it is rich in stearic acid, a saturated fat. Foods rich in saturated fats have higher melting points than foods that are rich sources of unsaturated fats.

What are the two major types of protein-calorie malnutrition?

kwashiorkor, marasmus

Which of the following substances are absorbed into a lacteal?


When bile has completed its job, most bile salts are returned to the _____ for recycling.


Which part of the body is a site for detoxifying alcohol?


Most lipids enter the _____ circulatory system upon absorption.


Nutrients that are needed in relatively large amounts in the diet


Conditions that result in imperfect, inadequate, or otherwise disordered gastrointestinal absorption

malabsorption syndromes

Children who are vitamin A deficient have a greater risk of suffering severe complications from the common childhood infection _____ than children who are not vitamin A deficient.


Nutrients that are needed in relatively small amounts in the diet


Lactose is found in


Men: up to 2 drinks per day Women: up to 1 drink per day

moderate drinking

Simple sugar that is the basic molecule of carbohydrates


Which layer of the digestive system contains the glands that secrete digestive juices?


A family of more than 25,000 molecules found in chromosomes, nucleoli, mitochondria, and the cytoplasm of cells

nucleic acids

The _____ environment in which many of us live promotes overconsumption of calories while at the same time discourages physical activity.


Compounds that contain carbon, except carbon oxides


One way to ensure that only high-quality research findings are published is to use:

peer review

Attraction between two amino acids

peptide bond

People who cannot metabolize the amino acid _____ should monitor their intake of aspartame.


Plant compounds that have weak estrogen activity in the body


Which food is most likely to decrease cholesterol absorption?

pinto beans

The expectation that a medication will be effective can be nearly as effective as the medication itself is a phenomenon called the _____.

placebo effect

Why should a person take precautions when reading news stories related to food and nutrition in the media?

possibility of media falsely reporting scientific research, distorting facts through the omission of details, overstating findings of a study, and introducing personal biases.

In the later stages of liver disease, a restriction in the amount of _____ in the diet may slow the progression of the disease.


_____ are organic compounds made of smaller building blocks called amino acids.


The most common cause of stomach ulcers is

pylori bacteria

Pentose found in RNA


Parotid, sublingual, and submaxillary are types of _____.

salivary glands

The ____ layer of the gastrointestinal tract is comprised of blood vessels, glands, nerves, and connective tissue.


The fermentation of ____ produces alcohol and carbon dioxide.


Our bodies store fat in the form of ____.


True or False? Absorption of cholesterol increases when dietary fat is also present in the intestine.


True or False? Absorption takes place along the entire length of the small intestine.


True or False? Alcohol dehydrogenase converts alcohol to acetaldehyde.


True or False? Alcohol has some properties of both a nutrient and a drug.


True or False? Although some natural products have been studied in large clinical trials, the suggested benefits of other herbal products are usually based on observation rather than scientific study


True or False? Aspirin and alcohol can be absorbed directly through the stomach wall.


True or False? Certain cancer (e.g., colon) has been linked to diets high in animal protein foods.


True or False? Certain medications can cause intestinal ulcers.


True or False? Chitin and chitosan are polysaccharides found in the exoskeletons of crabs and lobsters.


True or False? Cholesterol is an inessential nutrient.


True or False? Dairy products from cows naturally contain small amounts of trans fatty acids.


True or False? Functional foods may provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition.


True or False? Hydrochloric acid aids protein digestion in the stomach.


True or False? Milk and other dairy products have a slight sweet taste because of lactose.


True or False? Most carbohydrate digestion takes place in the small intestine.


True or False? Phytochemicals are plant chemicals.


True or False? Phytochemicals can neutralize free radicals.


True or False? Red grapes and red wine contain phytochemicals that appear to reduce the risk of heart disease.


True or False? Whereas poverty is the underlying cause of chronic mild to moderate malnutrition, war and its aftermath cause severe malnutrition and famine.


Pellagra is still found in countries where the diet is corn based and low in the amino acid _____.


The liver converts ammonia into _____.


A person who does not consume any animal products is considered a


Throughout the world, the leading cause of preventable childhood blindness is _____ deficiency.

vitamin A

The most essential nutrient is _____.


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