Nutrition midterm, Quiz review

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The three components of energy expenditure are:

1. Basal Metabolic Rate- Energy needed to maintain core body functions. 2. Physical Activity - Energy needed to move muscles. 3. Thermic effect on food - energy needed to process food.

to reduce the risk of chronic disease, the DGA 2010 recommend at least ___ minutes of moderate-intensity or ____minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity weekly.

150, 75

What is the approximate BMI of someone who weighs 145 pounds and is five foot, seven inches tall?


Alcohol provides _____ kcal/gm. a. 4 b. 7 c. 9 d. 12


A diet high in dietary fiber can help reduce the risk of developing: a. diverticular disease. b. anemia. c. Type 1 diabetes. d. lactose intolerance.


A fatty acid with only single bonds between carbon atoms is called a(n) ________ fatty acid. a. saturated b. unsaturated c. hydrophobic d. hydrophilic


A major goal of pre-competition meals is to: a. maximize liver glycogen stores. b. maximize fat stores. c. enhance electrical activity of the gut. d. stimulate fat mobilization from adipose tissue.


Alcohol dehydrogenase converts alcohol to a. Acetaldehyde b. NADH c. Fatty acids d. Energy


Diabetes is best characterized by: a. abnormally high blood glucose levels. b. elevated blood lipids. c. the presence of ketones in blood. d. blood glucose levels below the normal range.


Dietary fiber is categorized by: "a) its ability or inability to dissolve in water. b) its molecular weight. c) the number of branch points. d) the ratio of carbon to hydrogen molecules.


Endorphins released with exercise do all of the following EXCEPT: a. increase muscle mass. b. cause a natural euphoria. c. reduce stress. d. reduce the perception of pain.


Energy is stored in the body primarily as __________ and ___________. a. glycogen, triglycerides b. protein, glucose c. muscle, glycogen d. glucose, triglycerides


Essential fatty acids can be used by the body to synthesize: a. eicosanoids. b. cholesterol. c. vitamin D. d. phosphoglycerides.


Foods consisting mostly of fatty acids with only single bonds tend to be: a. solid at room temperature. b. soluble in water. c. liquid at room temperature. d. less stable than fatty acids with double bonds.


For exercise lasting less than one hour, the preferred drink is: a. water. b. half water and half fruit juice. c. sports drinks. d. any type of fruit juice.


How is the order in which ingredients are listed on a food label determined? a. By contribution to total weight b. By contribution to total volume c. By nutrient density d. In alphabetical order


In order to lose fat, not lean tissue, what is the recommended rate of weight loss? a. 1/2 to 2 pounds per week b. 1 to 3 pounds per week c. 2 to 4 pounds per week d. No more than 30 pounds/month


Kwashiorkor is best characterized by: a. severe protein deficiency in young children. b. increased susceptibility to food allergies in adults. c. misshapen (sickle-shaped) red blood cells. d. the inability to digest proteins from soy and other plant proteins.


Moderate drinking is ___ drink(s) a day for women. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


Mucosal injury and colon cancer are contributed to by: a. acetaldehyde formed by bacteria in the colon. b. alcohol that is not absorbed by other parts of the digestive tract. c. the transport of acetaldehyde to the colon from the liver by way of the portal vein. d. the actions of MEOS.


Nutrition Facts labels include information about which vitamins? a. A & C b. A & E c. A & D d. C & D


Nutrition Facts labels include information about which vitamins? a. A & C b. A & E c. A & D d. C & D


One reason body weight increases as people age: a. EER declines. b. higher fat food choices are more common. c. exercise increases. d. EER increases.


Studies show that light to moderate drinking a. reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. b. increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. c. reduce the risk of cancer. d. increase the risk of cancer.


The daily value for dietary fiber is 25 grams in a 2000 kilocalorie diet. A slice of whole-wheat bread is 8% of the daily value. The slice of whole-wheat bread contains how much fiber? a. 2 grams b. 4 grams c. 8 grams d. 16 grams


The most important determinant for developing lactose intolerance is: a. ethnic background. b. gender. c. geographic location where a person lives. d. whether one is lean or obese


The most significant physiological effects of alcohol consumption occur in the a. liver. b. brain.. c. heart. d. stomach.


The recommendation of moderation in healthy diets: a. Means limiting portion sizes and choosing nutrient-dense foods. b. Means choosing nutrient dense foods as often as energy-dense foods. c. Relates to consuming moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates. d. All of these statements are true.


The structure of glycogen consists of: a. highly branched chains. b. straight chains. c. short chains linked together. d. two monosaccharide units.


When a person begins exercising, the first metabolic fuel used is: a. ATP and creatine phosphate. b. fatty acids. c. glucose. d. stored glycogen.


Whether an activity is preferentially fueled by aerobic or anaerobic metabolism primarily depends on: a. the intensity and duration. b. environmental conditions such as ambient temperature and relative humidity. c. the composition of the last meal. d. All of the above contribute more or less equally in determining fuel usage


Which is TRUE regarding the disadvantages of using Body Mass Index as a means of assessing chronic disease risk? a. Someone with a large amount of muscle mass will have a high BMI. b. BMI uses measurements which are cumbersome to obtain. c. Calculating BMI is relatively expensive. d. BMI calculations for men and women require different formulas.


Which nutrient(s) found in animal protein foods is not found in plant protein foods? a. Saturated fat b. B vitamins c. Phytochemicals d. None of these nutrients are found in plant protein foods


A substance found in plants which cannot be made by the body and is not necessary to sustain life, but has healthful benefits, is: a. an herbal supplement. b.a phytochemical. enzyme. d.a zoochemical.


Which of the following is FALSE about eating a healthy diet? a. It is essential for most people to reduce total fat consumption by 25-50%. b. A healthy diet is low in saturated fat from meat and dairy. c. A healthy diet is low in processed fats like shortenings. d. Healthy diets include fats from fish, nuts and olive oil.


Which of the following sequences represents a monosaccharide followed by a disaccharide followed by a polysaccharide? a. fructose, sucrose, starch b. lactose, glucose, dietary fiber c. glucose, maltose, lactose d. galactose, glycogen, starch


Which of the following sequences represents a monosaccharide followed by a disaccharide followed by a polysaccharide? a) fructose sucrose starch b) lactose glucose dietary fiber c) glucose maltose lactose d) galactose glycogen starch


Which statement about alcohol absorption is incorrect? a. Most alcohol absorption occurs in the stomach. b. Food in the stomach slows alcohol absorption by slowing stomach emptying. c. Food in the stomach slows alcohol absorption by reducing the amount of alcohol in direct contact with the stomach wall. d. Alcohol absorption is rapid so its effects are almost immediate.


Which statement about amino acid absorption is FALSE? a. Absorption of larger polypeptides occurs commonly in healthy adults. b. Groups of similar amino acids share the same transport system. c. If one amino acid is supplemented, it can slow the absorption of other amino acids. d.Dipeptides and tripeptides are broken down to individual amino acids before leaving the mucosal cells of the small intestine.


Which structure(s) is/are involved in protein translation? a. Ribosome and tRNA b. Nucleus and nucleosome c. Mitochondria d. Plasma membrane and trans-Golgi.


_________ is produced in the stomach and stimulates food intake. a. Ghrelin b. Cholecystokinin c. Peptide PYY d. Gastrin


___________ can be a concern for individuals with phenylketonuria. a. Aspartame b. Saccharin c. Acesulfame K d. Neotame


____________ are used when not enough information is available to establish an EAR for a particular nutrient. a. AIs b. DRIs c. RDAs d. ULs


Aerobic metabolism occurs in: a. the cytoplasm of a cell. b. the mitochondria of a cell. c. the nucleus of a cell. d. None of these choices is correct.


A measure of protein quality determined by comparing the amount of nitrogen retained in the body with the amount absorbed from the diet is called the: a.chemical score. b. biological value. c.protein efficiency ratio. protein utilization


Approximately 1000 college students were asked to keep a record of what supplemental vitamins they took and how many colds they had over the course of a year. The amount of vitamin C consumed was compared with the students' incidences of colds. This is an example of a(an): a. clinical trial. b. epidemiological study. c.intervention study. d. laboratory study.


Blackout drinking is a. drinking enough alcohol to impair vision. b. drinking enough alcohol to cause memory loss. c. drinking enough alcohol to lose consciousness. d. drinking enough alcohol to be arrested for driving under the influence.


Breathalyzer tests measure a. the residual alcohol in a person's mouth. b. alcohol that is eliminated via the lungs during exhalation. c. dehydration as a proxy for blood alcohol. d. liver enzymes used in the metabolism of alcohol.


Decrease in ____________ is generally NOT characteristic of the aging process. a. maximum heart rate b. proportion of adipose tissue c. lean body mass d. cardiovascular endurance


Dietary fiber promotes a healthy intestinal microflora in part by: a. slowing the movement of food material in the gut. b. promoting the production of short chain fatty acids which provide metabolic fuel for colonic cells. c. decreasing the fluidity of the intestinal contents. d. producing natural antibiotics that kill pathogenic bacteria.


For many years, Erin's weight has been stable at ~132 pounds. This weight is commonly described as her: a. maintenance level. b. set point. c. trigger point. d. weight stability setting.


Heat related illness is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT: a. decreased blood volume. b. increased blood pressure. c. rise in core body temperature. d. reduced sweat production.


Indigestible carbohydrates provide positive health benefits in part by: a. slowing fecal movement. b. increasing the bulk of the colonic contents. c. decreasing the amount of water in the colon. d. All of these choices are true.


Inflammation of the liver caused by alcohol consumption is called a. liver cancer. b. alcoholic hepatitis. c. fatty liver. d. cirrhosis.


Recommended Dietary Allowances were first published in which decade? a. 1920s b. 1940s c. 1960s d. 1980s


Supplements of ___________ are marketed to athletes to enhance energy production, even though it is unlikely that well fed athletes are deficient in these nutrients. a. vitamin E b. B vitamins c. vitamin C d. beta-carotene


The _____________________ reflects a ranking of how specific foods affect blood glucose as compared to the response of a reference food. a. glycemic response b. glycemic index c. gluconeogenic index d. digestibility and solubility index


The amino acid pool refers to amino acids: a. which are soluble in bodily fluids. b. present in body tissues and fluids and that are available for protein synthesis or to generate ATP. c. which are used by the body for building muscle tissue. d. which the body is not able to make and must be supplied by the diet.


The concentration of glucose in the blood is primarily regulated by: a) pancreatic enzymes b) pancreatic hormones c) enzymes produced by the small intestine d) liver hormones


The function of bile in triglyceride digestion is: a. to hydrolyze (split) the bond that attaches fatty acids to glycerol. b. to break fat into small globules. c. facilitate the formation of chylomicrons. d. to bind and transport lipids in the blood.


The recommended approach to dealing with overweight children is to: a. strictly limit kcalorie intake. b. encourage physical activity and moderate kcalorie intake. c. institute moderate levels of drug therapy. d. encourage liquid weight loss products at lunch.


The specific sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is determined by a. The types of food proteins that a person consumes. b. DNA found in the nucleus of cells. c. GI tract peptidases. d. Random interactions between free amino acids in the cytoplasm of cells.


The variables used to calculate Estimated Energy Requirements include: a. age, BMI, weight and gender. b. age, gender, weight, height, and physical activity level. c. physical activity level, gender and BMI. d. gender, age, weight, physical activity level and proportions of kcals consumed as fats.


To maximize performance, the best priorities for post-competition meals is: a. to replace lost sodium. b. to rehydrate and consume high amounts of carbohydrate and moderate amounts of protein. c. to rehydrate and replace fat losses. d. to replenish body potassium levels and provide high amounts of protein.


Under-nutrition does not include: a. starvation reflecting a deficiency of energy. b. eating too much saturated fat. c. the deficient intake of single nutrients. d. the inability to absorb a particular nutrient.


Where do most people in the U.S. get their nutrition information? a. dietitians b. mass media (television, magazines, newspapers) c. physicians d. talk radio


Which is the FALSE statement regarding the MyPlate guidelines? a. No matter your caloric requirements, MyPlate can be effectively used as a guide for eating. b. MyPlate Daily Food Plan does NOT include recommendations for physical activity. c. The amount of the plate covered by each food group is proportional to the amount each group should contribute to a healthy diet. d. MyPlate emphasizes proportionality, variety, moderation and nutrient density.b


Which is the FALSE statement regarding the MyPlate guidelines? a. No matter your caloric requirements, MyPlate can be effectively used as a guide for eating. b. MyPlate Daily Food Plan does NOT include recommendations for physical activity. c. The amount of the plate covered by each food group is proportional to the amount each group should contribute to a healthy diet. d. MyPlate emphasizes proportionality, variety, moderation and nutrient density.


Which is true regarding the overload principle? a) When you exercise, you should work until complete exhaustion. b) The body will adapt to the stresses placed on it. c) If people over-exercise, they will not improve fitness. d) Overload is to be avoided.


Which is typically not found on a Nutrition Facts label? a. Calories from fat b. Calories per serving as compared to comparable products c. Percent daily values for key nutrients d. Serving size


Which molecule is found in alcoholic beverages? a. methanol b. ethanol c. isopropanol d. propanol


Which of the following diets provides approximately 18% of the total Calories (kcal) from fat? a. 41 grams of fat; 2,385 kcal b. 67 grams of fat; 3,268 kcal c. 36 grams of fat; 1,154 kcal d. 17 grams of fat; 2,392 kcal


Which of the following is most likely to result from a chronic deficiency of protein and energy? a. PKU b. Marasmus c. Gallstones d. Increased resistance to infection


Which of the following is true regarding "qualified" health claims? a. They result from significant scientific agreement. b. They must be accompanied by a statement of explanation. c. Their use on food labels does not require FDA approval. d. They can only be used on dietary supplements.


Which of the following lipoproteins contains the highest percentage of cholesterol? a. Chylomicrons b. Low-density lipoproteins c. High-density lipoproteins d. Very-low density lipoproteins


Which of the following statements about the typical American diet is true? a. intake of whole grains is above the recommended level and less energy is consumed. b. intake of whole grains is low and more energy is consumed than expended. c. intake of fiber is inadequate and intake of fruits and vegetables is less than recommended. d. intake of fiber is low and fruit and vegetables intake is above recommended levels


Which of the following statements is correct? a. Cold showers can speed up the rate at which alcohol is metabolized. b. Once alcohol is consumed, the rate at which it is metabolized cannot be accelerated. c. Black coffee can help someone who is drunk sober up. d. Walking is the only way to speed up the elimination of alcohol.


A higher incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and diabetes is associated with: a. fat on hips and thighs. b. subcutaneous fat. c. visceral fat. d. Any fat, no matter where it is deposited.


Adverse reactions including flushing, headache, rapid heartbeat, chest pain and weakness have been reported after the consumption of: a. phenylalanine. b. isoflavones. c. monosodium glutamate. d. dipotassium phosphate.


An individual who exercises at moderate intensity for 60 minutes per day would be considered: a. sedentary. b. low active. c. active. d. very active.


Basal metabolism in a typical person accounts for approximately what percentage of total energy expenditure? a. 10-25 b. 40-55 c. 60-75 d. >90


Being underweight: a. is always the result of an eating disorder. b. is never a concern since people suffer no health risks. c. is associated with an increased risk of early death. d. is an unnatural condition that should always be remedied.


Computer software can be used to analyze diets. The most appropriate time to use a nutrition analysis program would be when: a. checking for a clinical symptom of nutritional deficiency. b. you wanted to know how many third graders in a classroom ate breakfast. c. comparing the planned menu for children in an elementary school to the RDAs. d. determining the estimated energy requirements of senior citizens.


Correct The recommendation to eat everything in "moderation" refers to: a. including each food group in the diet. b. including a variety of foods from within each food group. c. selecting appropriate portion sizes. d. varying the foods eaten from day to day, week to week and season to season.


Fatty acids are categorized based on the carbon chain length as well as: a. the number of sulfur-containing groups. b. their solubility in water. c. the types and locations of bonds between the carbons. d. the number of acid groups in the fatty acid chain.


Food allergies can result when a protein in the diet: a. is not absorbed and is eliminated in the feces. b. is filtered out of the blood and into the urine. c. is absorbed without being completely digested. d. provides amino acids that are not normally found in the human body.


In addition to the beneficial effects of alcohol, red wine contains _____ which add to the benefit. a. omega-3 fatty acids b. indoles c. phenols d. vitamin C


Indirect calorimetry measures ________and _______ to estimate energy expenditure. a. food consumed, heat produced b. food consumed, water excreted c. oxygen consumed, carbon dioxide expired d. oxygen consumed, sweat produced


Iron deficiency in athletes is LEAST likely to be caused by: a. following a strict vegan diet. b. limiting total energy consumption. c. resistance exercise. d. avoiding red meat in the diet.


Isoflavones are chemically similar to the hormone: a. testosterone. b. cortisol. c. estrogen. d. insulin.


Long term healthy weight loss is based on all the following principles EXCEPT: a. increasing physical activity. b. adopting lifelong changes in eating habits. c. eating foods in the "right" combinations to burn more calories. d. moderate portion sizes.


Of ____ amino acids commonly found in food proteins, ____ are dispensible. Answers: a. 20; 9 b. 11; 9 c. 20; 11 d. 24: 16


One group of individuals is asked to eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables and dairy foods while a second group of individuals is asked to eat a diet with lower amounts of fruits, vegetables and dairy foods. The two groups' blood pressure readings are monitored and compared. This is an example of a(an): a. case-control study. b. epidemiological study. c. intervention study. d. laboratory study.


One important principle of a healthy diet is to eat a variety of foods. In this context, "variety" refers to: a. choosing at least one food from each food group on the Food Pyramid daily. b. including low calorie food choices to balance high calorie foods at each meal. c. choosing a variety of foods from within food groups as well as among food groups. d. making sure portion sizes are matched to energy needs.


Peak blood concentrations of alcohol are achieved _____ after ingestion. a. 15 minutes b. 30 minutes c. 1 hour d. 1 1/2 hours


Phospholipids consist of glycerol with __________ attached. a. three fatty acids b. three amino acids c. two fatty acids and a phosphate group d. two fatty acids and lecithin


Physiologic processes take place in the body to keep body temperature, heart rate, and blood sugar relatively constant. This stable state is called: a. anabolism b. catabolism c. homeostasis d. metabolism


The metabolism of alcohol by ADH results in all of the following except a. The production of acetyl CoA. b. A build up of NADH. c. The speeding up of the citric acid cycle. d. The synthesis of fatty acids and their accumulation in the liver.


The organ(s) which supplies enzymes required for starch digestion include(s) the: a) stomach. b) gallbladder. c) pancreas. d) all of the above.


The precursor(s) for eicosanoids with health promoting properties is/are: a. arachidonic acid. b. omega-6 fatty acids. c. omega-3 fatty acids. d. oleic acid.


The proportion of lean body tissue can be best increased by: a. taking bee pollen. b. increasing protein intake. c. lifting weights regularly. d. vitamin E supplements.


What initially causes an atherosclerotic plaque to begin developing? a. An essential fatty acid deficiency. b. Low blood pressure. c. An injury to the artery wall. d. All of these choices are correct.


What is the estimated maximum heart rate for a 20-year-old female (in beats/min)? a. 80 b. 168 c. 188 d. 200


What is the function of a bomb calorimeter? a. It determines how much energy is spent when performing a specific exercise. b. It is utilized to "burn off" excess kcals. c. It determines the energy content of a particular food. d. It accurately measures percent body fat.


When alcohol concentrations impair functioning, the first effects are on a. large-muscle control. b. vision. c. reasoning. d. speech.


Which of the following is a TRUE statement? a. Protein requirements decrease during injury and illness. b. Most Americans do not consume enough protein. c. The amount of protein used by the body is estimated by calculating nitrogen losses. d. All of these statements are true.


Which of the following is the BEST reason to include a placebo in the experimental design of a human intervention trial? a. The researchers do not know who is receiving an intervention and who is not. b. Placebos reduce the cost of the study. c. It helps prevent the expectations of the subjects from biasing the research. d. It makes it possible to include a larger number of subjects in the experiment.


Which of the following is true of structure/function claims? a. FDA approval is required. b. They do NOT have to be accompanied by a disclaimer. c. Some describe a benefit in relation to a nutrient-deficiency disease. d. Common examples are "high fiber and "fat free".


Which of the following is true regarding the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010? a. Recommendations are made for specific amounts of individual nutrients. b. The DGA 2010 is based on the DRIs. c. They are intended to promote health and reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity and the risk of chronic disease. d. These recommendations are designed for Americans 19 years and older.


Which statement about obesity genes is FALSE? a. Abnormal obesity genes result in abnormal amounts of body fat. b. Obesity genes encode proteins. c. Obesity genes are the main culprit behind rising obesity levels. d. Obesity genes regulate food intake, energy expenditure or the deposition of body fat.


Women tend to develop heart disease later than men because: a. women have lower levels of HDLs compared to men. b. women tend to consume more trans fatty acids than men. c. the hormone estrogen has a protective effect in women before menopause. d. women have a greater density of blood vessels than men which helps blood to circulate more efficiently.


he Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that children spend _______ minutes per day performing an age-appropriate exercise. a. 10 b. 30 c. 60 d. 120


Endurance is greatest when the diet contains a higher proportion of calories from:


A healthy eating pattern emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT: a. nutrient-dense foods. b. medium amounts of high protein foods. c. consuming more oils than solid fats. d. eating 3 servings of foods containing refined grains per day.


A measure of the nutrient content of a food compared to its energy content is referred to as a. Healthy Food Index. b. nutrient score. c. dietary reference intake. d. nutrient density.


A strong correlation exists between the development of colon cancer and diets: a. high in fish. b. high in grains and cereals. c. with moderate amounts of alcohol. d. high in animal fats.


A system that scores the average American diet is the: a. Dietary Guidelines. b. Food Guide Pyramid. c. Exchange List. d. Healthy Eating Index.


Alcohol impairs absorption by causing inflammation of which of the following except? a. stomach b. intestine c. pancreas d. all of these choices are correct


Alcoholism is influenced by all of the following except a. age when drinking starts. b. genetics. c. environment. d. type of alcohol consumed.


An average drink contains _____ grams of alcohol. a. 6-8 b. 8-10 c. 10-12 d. 12-14


Aspartame: a. is an artificial sweetener. b. consists of two amino acids linked together. c. is often found in soft drinks. d. all of these choices are correct.


Consuming nutrient-dense foods helps to ensure a proper diet. One effective strategy is: a. Eating foods that have been minimally processed. b. Consuming foods with a high nutrient content compared to the kcalories provided. c. Limiting added fats and sugars. d. All of these are effective strategies.


Dietary fiber can help reduce blood cholesterol levels by: a. binding cholesterol and bile acids in the GI tract. b. blocking reabsorption of bile acids in the GI tract. c. inhibiting cholesterol synthesis in the liver. d. All of the these choices are correct.


Obesity is associated with an increased risk of: a. gallbladder disease. b. sleep apnea. c. arthritis. d. All of these choices are correct.


Of the following, meeting dietary requirements for vitamins and minerals is MOST difficult for: a. soccer players with high energy needs. b. basketball players trying to gain weight. c. distance runners consuming large volumes of fluid. d. female athletes consuming low energy diets.


Processed foods and convenience foods tend to ______ compared to freshly prepared foods. a. Provide more kcalories b. Contain fewer nutrients c. Be higher in fat, sugar, or salt d. All of these statements are true


Protein complementation is a technique which: a. increases the biological value of a protein. b. increases the nitrogen content of dietary protein sources. c. minimizes nitrogen loss in the urine. d. combines proteins from different sources so that essential amino acids requirements are met.


Refined grain products contain predominantly what part(s) of the kernel? a. Husk and germ b. Stalk c. Germ and bran d. Endosperm


The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) are estimated to meet the nutrient needs of what percentage of a healthy population group? a. 33% b. 50% c. 75% d. 97-98%


The correct sequence of events in the scientific method is: a. conduct an experiment, develop a hypothesis, form a theory, and make an observation b. develop a hypothesis, conduct an experiment, make an observation, and form a theory. c. form a theory, conduct the experiment, develop a hypothesis, and make an observation. d. make an observation, develop a hypothesis, conduct the experiment, and form a theory.


The three main categories in the Exchange List are carbohydrate, meat and meat substitutes, and: a. protein. b. fiber. c. fruits & vegetables. d. fat.


Vegetarians have a lower risk of: a. diabetes. b. cardiovascular disease. c. high blood pressure. d. All of these are correct.


When subjects do not know which treatment they are receiving in a clinical trial, but the researchers do, the study is called: a. anecdotal. b. collaboration. c. double blind. d. single blind.


Which of the following functions is performed by proteins in the body? a. Transport b. Structure c. Immunity d. All of these functions are performed by proteins.


Which of the following is NOT considered a macronutrient? a. Carbohydrate b. Fat c. Protein d. Vitamins


Which of the following is a common source of anecdotal evidence? a.Peer-reviewed scientific literature b.Federal government web sites c.Registered dieticians d.Testimony of individuals


Which of the following is likely to limit the availability of food? a. socioeconomic status b. health status c. where a person lives d. all of these statements are true


Which of the following methods is MOST likely to provide accurate information about what a person typically eats? a. A computerized food frequency questionnaire b. A 3-day food record that includes a weekend day kept by the individual c. Analyzing all grocery store and restaurant receipts kept over a 60 day time period d. A diet history that includes a 24 hour recall and a food frequency questionnaire


Which of the following most accurately describes the chemical structure of a fatty acid? a. A three carbon molecule bound to nitrogen. b. A carbon chain bound to a phosphate group. c. A multiple ring structure with a sugar group attached. d. A chain of carbon atoms linked together by chemical bonds.


Which of the following nutrients is NOT added to enriched grains? a. Thiamin b. Niacin c. Folate d. Vitamin E


Which statement about dietary protein sources is FALSE? a. Animal products are the most highly concentrated sources of protein. b. Plant sources of protein are typically rich in fiber and phytochemicals. c. Legumes provide about as much protein per ½ cup serving as a cup of milk. d. Most people in the U.S. need protein supplements to meet dietary requirements.


Which statement about proportionality is true? a. Proportionality means we need to eat more of some types of foods than others. b. Proportionality is represented by the area covered on the MyPlate logo. c. Proportionality indicates that grains, vegetables, fruits and dairy are the groups from which to eat the most foods. d. All of these statements are true.


Which statement about the microsomal ethanol-oxidizing system (MEOS) is incorrect? Answers: a. The MEOS is particularly important when larger amounts of alcohol are consumed. b. The MEOS requires the input of energy. c. The MEOS produces reactive oxygen molecules that can contribute to liver disease. d. The rate at which the MEOS breaks down alcohol is fairly constant.


__________ fatty acids are not synthesized by the body. a. Nonessential b. Saturated c. Short chain d. Essential


the American College of Sports Medicine recommends an exercise regimen that consists of which of the following? a) Aerobic exercise b) Strength training c) Stretching routines d) All of the above


â Hitting the wallâ , or experiencing a sudden feeling of overwhelming fatigue, occurs after __________ stores are depleted. a. ATP b. fatty acid c. creatine phosphate d. glycogen


Heating a protein causes: transamination. deamination. denaturation. all of these.


A chemical score is calculated by comparing the amount of the limiting amino acid in the test protein with the amount of that amino acid in a reference protein such as: A chemical score is calculated by comparing the amount of the limiting amino acid in the test protein with the amount of that amino acid in a reference protein such as -egg protein -soy protein -human muscle protein -human hair protein


Most fatty acids in food and in the body are bound to a molecule called:


In order to calculate a person's Body Mass Index, what information about the person must be known?

height and weight

Which of the following organs is able to manufacture cholesterol?


The end of a fatty acid chain containing a methyl group is also referred to as the __________ end.


A fatty acid with only single bonds between carbon atoms is called a(n) ________ fatty acid.


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