OAS 255 - Excel - Blue Sheets of Acquired Knowledge

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Your worksheet contains a price in cell A5, and many formulas refer to that price. How would you refer to that price in the formulas?

$A$5 (Chapt. 3)

Clicking the Percentage style in the Number Format list applies ___ decimal place by default.

0 (Chapt. 2)

How many actions does the Undo button let you reverse?

100 (Chapt. 1)

The default worksheet text is _____-point Calibri.

11 (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following will you select as X in the following series of clicks to change the chart layout for lines or bars that you want to change: Chart > Chart Tools > Layout Tab > X > Layout option for any lines or bars that you want to add or change?

Analysis (Chapt. 3)

In the formula =SUM(A6:A9), which of the following best describes A6?

Argument (Chapt. 2, pg. EX 2-17)

Which of the following lets you edit the contents of a cell?

Double-click the cell or click in the formula bar. (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following is not a way to move cell contents?

Drag and Drop (Chapt. 3)

To change a range's conditional formatting from data bars to icon sets, which of the following can you do?

Edit the conditional formatting rule. (Chapt. 2)

Which of the following is true about inserting cells in a worksheet?

Excel Automatically adjusts cell references to reflect new formula locations. (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following options should one choose to prompt Excel to calculate all open workbooks manually?

F9 (Chapt. 2)

To print more than one copy of your worksheet, which tab would you go to?

File (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following tabs let you see exactly how your worksheet looks before printing?

File (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following tabs lets you set worksheet print options?

File (Chapt. 1)

You have selected a cell with a formula. Which of the following can you use to copy that formula to an adjacent cell?

Fill Handle (Chapt. 1)

To enter a range of text based on examples that are already in your worksheet, which of the following can you use?

Flash fill (Chapt. 2)

A _______ refers to a collection of characters with a similar, specific design.

Font (Chapt. 1)

To copy a cell's formatting to another cell, which of the following can you use?

Format Painter (Chapt. 3)

To format a cell range so that values between 100 and 500 appear in red, which of the following can you use?

Highlight Cells Rules (Chapt. 4)

To apply a cell style, you would use the Cell Styles command on the ________ tab.

Home (Chapt. 1)

You've copied a cell containing formula to the rows below it, and the results in the copied cells are all zeros. To find the problem, what should you check for in your original formula?

If it needs an absolute cell reference. (Chapt. 3)

The spell checker flags your company's name as a misspelling. Which of the following will stop the spell checker from flagging later occurrences in the document?

Ignore All (Chapt. 2)

To have Excel enter the lowest price from a range of prices, which command would you use?

MIN function (Chapt. 1)

To combine multiple cells into one combined cell, which of the following do you use?

Merge and Center button (Chapt. 1)

To print your worksheet at its actual size, which of the following would you select?

No scaling (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following would you use to create a duplicate of the selected cell when the CTRL key is pressed?

Normal pointer (Chapt. 1)

Arlo wants to use goal seek to answer "what if" questions in a file. To do this, he clicks the cell in the spreadsheet that he wants to change, then selects the "X" button from the Data tab and selects Goal seek ... from the drop down menu. What is the X in the procedure?

What-if Analysis (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following is true when you delete a cell?

When you delete cells using the Delete list arrow, you can choose which way to move adjacent cells.

When should you use relative cell references?

When you want to preserve the relationship to the formula location. (Chapt. 2)

To select nonadjacent cells or ranges on a worksheet, you ca press and hold _____ while selecting each one.

CTRL (Chapt. 3)

Amanda needs to manually calculate an open worksheet. Which of the following options should she click on in the formulas tab in the Calculation group?

Calculation Options (Chapt. 2)

To change the color of cell content, you use the _______ color list arrow.

Cell (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following inserts a function into a cell?

Formula Prefix (Chapt. 2)

What would you choose as X in the given series of clicks to calculate formulas automatically: File < Options < X < Automatic

Formulas (Chapt. 2)

Which of the built-in formula that helps you perform complex calculations?

Function (Chapt. 1)

you receive a worksheet in which the rows are numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. This means that row 4 is ______.

Hidden (Chapt. 2)

Your worksheet contains information in column C; to prevent other who use your worksheet from seeing the data, you can _____ column C.

Hide (Chapt. 2)

Which of the following is true about changing worksheet column width?

In Normal view, the Column Width dialog box lets you set the exact number of characters that will fit in the column. (Chapt. 3)

To preserve the original version of a workbook so you can make changes to a copy of it, which of the following would you do?

Open the workbook, make changes, and then save it using a different name. (Chapt. 4)

To print your worksheet on a piece of paper larger than 8-1/2 x 11", which excel tab would you use?

Page Layout (Chapt. 1)

To see a preview of how a pasted value will look, which of the following would you use?

Paste List arrow (Chapt. 1)

To which of the following chart types can you not add axis titles?

Pie Chart (Chapt. 3)

When you paste formula cells using the Paste button in the Clipboard group, which of the following is true?

Pointing to the destination cell causes a preview of the cell contents to appear. (Chapt. 3)

Where can you see a preview of how your worksheet will look when printed, including headers?

Print tab in Backstage View (Chapt. 1)

In the formula =A8*$A$1, which of the following describes A8?

Relative cell reference (Chapt. 2)

Nisha wants to freeze all rows above row 4 in a worksheet she is working on to keep them visible while scrolling through the rest of the worksheet. Which of the following series of clicks will help her do so?

Row 4 > View tab > Windows group > Freeze Panes > Freeze Panes (Chapt. 3)

Which of these will you do in step X in the series of clicks/selections to delete a vertical page break: View tab > Workbook View > Page Break Preview > X > Page layout tab > Page Setup > Breaks > Remove Page Break?

Select the column to the right of the page break you want to delete. (Chapt. 3)

To change the name of a worksheet, you rename the _____.

Sheet Tab (Chapt. 3)

Myra wants to hid a worksheet to remove it from view. Which of these series of clicks will help her do so?

Sheet tab > Home tab > Cells group > Format > Visibility > Hide & Unhide > Hide Sheet (Chapt. 4)

Which of the following is true when you copy and paste formulas using the fill handle?

The AutoFIll Options button lets you fill cells with specific elements of the copied cell. (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following statements is true about COUNT functions?

The COUNT Function returns the number of cells in a range that contain numeric data.` (Chapt. 2)

To create a new, blank workbook, which of the following can you use?

The New command on the File Tab. (Chapt. 1)

If you discover an error immediately after you have confirmed a cell entry, what of the following would you use next?

The Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar. (Chapt. 1)

After you delete a worksheet column, _____ .

The columns to its right shift left. (Chapt. 3)

Which formula totals the cells B6, B7, B8, B9, and B10 most efficiently?

The formula =SUM(B6:B10) (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following is true about deleting a worksheet row?

To delete a row, you can select the row, then use the Delete button in the Cells group. (Chapt. 3)

For which of the following would you use the Paste list arrow on the RIbbon when pasting a copied cell?

To paste the value's number formatting only. (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following will you select as X in the series of clicks to highlight the top 10 items in a range of cells: (Select) Range of cells > Home tab > Styles group > Conditional formatting > X > Top 10 items > Change value and highlight option in Dialog Box if required > OK?

Top/Bottom Rules (Chapt. 4)

How can you remove data labels from a chart?

Uncheck the box beside Data Labels in Chart Elements. (Chapt. 3)

To align currency symbols and decimal points in a column of numbers, you can apply the _________ number format.

Accounting (Chapt. 1)

Sam wants to count the number of cells between B1 and B20 that contain numbers in them. Which of the following formula should he use to do so?

=COUNT(B1:B20) (Chapt. 2)

A student is given the task of counting the number of nonblank cells in the range of cells B1 to B20. Which of the following formulas should he use to do so?

=COUNTA(B1:B20) (Chapt. 2)

The score of five students in a subject are inserted in row B from B2 to B6 cells and the grades for the scores are A: 90 to 100, B: 80 to 89, C: 70 to 79, D: 60 to 69 and F: 0 to 59. Which of the following functions can you insert in the D2 cell so that it returns the grade for each score in row B?

=IF(B2<60, "F", IF(B2<70,"D", IF(B2<80, "C", IF(B2<90, "B", "A")))) (Chapt. 3)

The score of students in a subject is inserted in B2 cell and the passing score for the subject is 60. Which of the these functions will insert in C2 cell to check if the student has passed or failed?

=IF(B2>=60, "Pass", "Fail") (Chapt. 3)

A student wants to round the number 24.7835 entered in cell A2 to two decimal places. Which of these formulas can she use to do so?

=ROUND(A2, 2) (Chapt. 4)

Which of the following is true about adding cell borders?

A cell border extends the width of a cell. (Chapt. 2)

You need to add another product to your inventory worksheet, which shows product names in row A. Which of the following should you add?

A column (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following functions would you use to calculate the arithmetic mean of a price list?

AVERAGE (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following will you select as X in the following series of clicks to lay the title over a chart: Chart Title box > Plus (+) sign > Arrow next to Chart title > X?

Above chart (Chapt. 3)

In the formula =B6*$B$2, which of the following describes $B$2?

Absolute cell reference (Chapt. 3)

What feature inserts a function that totals the cells above or to the left of the selected cell?

AutoSum button (Chapt. 2)

Which of the following would you use to print only one page of a multipage worksheet?

Backstage view (Chapt. 4)

When you cut or copy a cell, it is cut or copied to which of the following?

Both the Windows and Office Clipboard (Chapt. 1)

To accept a suggested spelling for that instance only, which of the following would you click?

Change (Chapt. 2)

Your worksheet is too wide to find on one portrait page. What is the best way to fix this problem?

Change the page orientation to landscape. (Chapt. 1)

To return cell contents to its default font and style, you can use the _____ command.

Clear Formats (Chapt. 1)

Steffie wants to change the margins of worksheet to Normal to align it better on a printed page. To do this, what can she do after selecting the worksheet for this purpose?

Click Margins in the Page setup group on the Page Layout tab and then click on Normal. (Chapt. 2)

Eleanor wants a title row to be printed at the top of every sheet when she prints her data in an MS Excel file. What will she do in step X in the following series of clicks/tasks to do so: Page Layout tab > Print Titles > Page Setup Dialog box > X > OK?

Click on the select button in Rows to repeat at top area and select a title row. (Chapt. 4)

How can you remove Split panes in a worksheet you are working on?

Click the View tab in the Ribbon, then click the Split button in the Window group. (Chapt. 3)

To select a single worksheet cell so you can work with it, which of the following would you do?

Click the cell. (Chapt. 1)

To delete a worksheet column, you first select it by _____ .

Clicking the column heading (Chapt 3)

Which of the following is the temporary Windows storage area that holds selections you copy or cut?

Clipboard (Chapt. 1)

To help you easily identify sheets in a workbook, you can add ___ to the sheet tab.

Color (Chapt. 2)

Which of the follow should you select as X in the following series of clicks to change the chart type to a clustered column chart: Chart > Chart Tools > Design Tab > Type Group > Change Chart Type > All Charts > X > Clustered Column > OK?

Column (Chapt. 3)

To format a range so that all values greater than $500 appear in red, which of the following can you use?

Conditional formatting (Chapt. 2)

Bertie wants to show data labels inside a text bubble shape. Which option can she click on after clicking on the arrows next to Data labels under Chart Elements?

Data Callout (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following can you use to insert a formula using a function?

Insert Function dialog box (Chapt. 1)

Which of the following let you search for a function or select one from a category?

Insert Function dialog box (Chapt. 1)

Where can you see a brief description of a selected function?

Insert Function dialog box (Chapt. 2)

In a complex formula, how does Excel determine which calculation to perform first?

It follows the order of operations. (Chapt. 2)

Why is it necessary to use care when inserting worksheet cells?

It may disturb row or column alignment, which can affect worksheet accuracy. (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following are ways to align cell contents in relation to cell edges? Select all the options that apply.

Left, Center (Chapt. 2)

To rotate cell contents to an exact value, you change its ____ .

Orientation (Chapt. 3)

Your worksheet appears with a reduced view of each page and blue dividers where new pages begin. What view are you in?

Page Break Preview (Chapt. 2)

Which of the following functions inserts the total of a range?

SUM (Chapt. 1)

Where do you rename a workbook and adjust its save location?

Save As dialog box (Chapt. 4)

Michelle finished a 5 kilometer run in 180th position. The organizers shared an Excel spreadsheet with names of all the participants and the time they took to complete the race. The top 15 finishers are listed in rows 2 to 16. Michelle wants to compare her time against theirs. How can she do so?

Select row 17 and click View tab > Window group > Split (Chapt. 3)

Boris wants to remove a workbooks window from his workplace. What series of clicks can he use to hide it?

View tab > Window Group > Hide (Chapt. 4)

Carol wants to unhide a workbook window she had hidden earlier. Which of these series of clicks can she press to do so?

View tab > Window group > Unhide (Chapt. 4)

Helga wants to reset page breaks in a worksheet to display only automatic page breaks. Which of these can she select as X and Y in the series of clicks to do so: Worksheet > View tab > Workbook views group > X > Page Layout tab > Page Setup group > Y > Reset all Page Breaks?

X - Page Break Preview, Y - Breaks (Chapt 3)

Which of the following is true of the Excel spell checker?

You can change all instances of a flagged word to a selected suggestion. (Chapt. 2)

Which of the following is true about moving cell contents?

You can move cells using the Copy command. (Chapt. 3)

Which of the following is true about entering a function using the Insert Function Dialog box?

You can select a function you've recently used. You can search for a function that meets your needs. You don't need to type an equal sign to begin the formula. (Chapt. 2)

When you underline cell content, you are using ________.

a font style (Chapt. 1)

You double-click the Format Painter button when you want to ______.

copy a cell's format to more than one cell (Chapt. 3)

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