Occupational Therapy

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A COTA® is discussing with a set of parents different types of technology to improve the handwriting skills of their 8-year-old child with autism. Which approach is the BEST example of a basic technology that can improve handwriting skills?

A pencil grip to facilitate pencil grasp during writing.

A COTA® has gone out on a date with a client whom the COTA is still treating. A colleague of the COTA finds out about the date and wants to report the incident as a breach of professional ethics. What ethical principle is the COTA violating?

Autonomy and Fidelity- The ethical principle of Autonomy relates to the participant's right to end any participation in a research study for any reason.

A COTA® is working with a client in an outpatient center who has been diagnosed with Raynaud's syndrome affecting the fingers. What home program instructions are appropriate for a client with Raynaud's syndrome? Select the 3 BEST choices.

Avoid stressful situations when possible, Wear gloves when exposing the fingers to cold., Begin a smoking cessation program.

A COTA® continues to work with and charge for services with a client after all goals are met and there is no further need for occupational therapy services. The supervising OTR® discovers this and meets with the COTA to explain why this behavior is unethical. Which Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics (2015) principle best describes this situation?

Beneficence- Beneficence is the principle that occupational therapy personnel shall demonstrate a concern for the well-being and safety of the recipients of their services.

A COTA® is working with a client experiencing a cumulative trauma disorder of the right upper extremity. To document client improvement as a result of therapy, which occupation-based statement would the COTA® be MOST likely to write?

Client can brush teeth using the involved upper extremity without pain.

A client had surgery 6 weeks ago. The surgeon used a plate to fix a metacarpal shaft fracture. The client is experiencing moderate edema that makes it difficult to make a fist. Grasping containers and manipulating clothing fasteners are the most difficult tasks. What is the BEST approach for the COTA® to take to address the client's edema?

Cold packs and compression glove

A COTA® is describing a client with a hand injury to the OTR®. The COTA® states that the client presents with burning and stabbing pain in the hand, shiny skin, very stiff joints, and abnormal sweating and hair growth. What medical condition does this client MOST likely have?

Complex regional pain syndrome

According to the Standards of Practice for Occupational Therapy, which BEST describes the role of the COTA® in client outcomes?

Contributes to discontinuation plan

A COTA® is providing occupational therapy services to a client in acute care diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. What possible causes of a pulmonary embolism might this client be experiencing? Select the 3 BEST choices.

Deep vein thrombosis, heart failure, obesity

A COTA® is writing a professional development plan. The COTA has identified personal needs for growth after completing a self-assessment. What step should the COTA take NEXT in developing the professional development plan?

Determine what learning needs to occur

A COTA® who is working for a school district intends to apply the Ecology of Human Performance (EHP) Model as a guiding theory for practice. Which program BEST demonstrates the create intervention strategy of the EHP Model?

Developing a social skills program embedded in all students' recess time

A COTA® is working with a client who presents with lateral epicondylitis secondary to the leisure occupation of playing tennis. In the final 2 or 3 OT visits, what treatment intervention would be the most appropriate?

Instruction in progressive resistive exercise

A softball player sustained a deep partial-thickness burn to the anterior aspect of the right arm from the wrist, proximal to the ulnar styloid process, to the mid-upper arm. A split-thickness skin graft from thigh to mid-forearm was performed 3 days postinjury. When all the wounds are closed and the graft is stable, what is the BEST intervention to prevent hypertrophic scar development?

Jobst or other custom made pressure sleeve with inserts

A client provides a gift to every person in the department, including the COTA® who worked with the client. This gift is consistent with cultural practices of the client and is valued at less than $5.00. Which ethical principle BEST helps determine whether it is appropriate for the COTA to accept the gift?

Justice - The guiding ethical principle is Principle 4, Justice. The amount of the gift is minimal, and the gift was given to everybody.

An OTR® in a skilled nursing facility is responsible for upholding applicable Medicare regulations during supervision of the COTA®. Which ethical principle is the OTR upholding in this situation?

Justice- The OTR is upholding the principle of Justice, which requires occupational therapy practitioners to be aware of policies set by regulatory agencies, such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

A COTA® observes that another occupational therapy staff member at the same facility seems to provide more resources to clients of a particular ethnic background. The COTA does not share this observation with the supervising OTR®;. By not reporting this observation, what ethical principle may the COTA be indirectly violating?

Justice- The principle of justice requires fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment of clients and other individuals and groups with whom occupational therapy practitioners interact.

A COTA® working at an outpatient clinic begins to provide occupational therapy intervention for a new client that the OTR® evaluated yesterday. During the first intervention session with the COTA®, the client asks, "Will Medicare pay for this?" How should the COTA® answer?

Medicare Part B covers 80% of allowable costs after the yearly deductible

A patient who has Guillain-Barré syndrome has made excellent progress and is preparing for discharge to home. The patient's spouse has requested a home exercise and activity program. What is the MOST IMPORTANT information to include in the home program?

Pacing activities to prevent muscular fatigue

An OTR® is evaluating a kindergarten student and determines that the child has form constancy issues. Which intervention would support this student's ability to successfully locate where to write the student's name on a worksheet?

Provide materials for the student to develop a collage with the word "name" printed in different fonts

A COTA® is working in early intervention with a toddler with developmental delays. The child is just beginning to actively cooperate during dressing. What is the next "just-right" challenge for this child?

Pulling off shoes and socks

Which activity would a client with age-related macular degeneration likely have difficulty performing?

Reading printed material

A child with a sensory processing disorder and Level 1 autism spectrum disorder without intellectual impairment (Asperger syndrome) is attending a regular classroom. Which reasonable accommodation would be BEST for this child under the Individuals Act With Disabilities Education Act

Reduce the number of math problems to one per page.

An OTR® and COTA® are attending an individualized education program (IEP) team planning for a 10-year-old child with autism. Which principle BEST contributes to an effective IEP?

Review the steps of shoe tying with the student right before getting ready for PE class, then have the student tie the shoes before lining up to go to PE class

A softball player sustained a deep partial-thickness burn to the anterior aspect of the right arm from the wrist, proximal to the ulnar styloid process, to the mid-upper arm. A split-thickness skin graft from thigh to mid-forearm was performed 3 days postinjury. The client would like to return to softball practice as soon as possible. What would be the BEST activity during the initial phase of rehabilitation?

Scar massage followed by interactive, virtual-reality computer sports games

A 76-year-old client will be using a wheelchair after discharge from an acute rehabilitation facility. The client has achieved independence in wheelchair mobility on level surfaces but still requires minimal assistance for transfers. The client is planning to move into a daughter's home, which was not the client's previous residence. A COTA® has been the client's primary clinician. The supervising OTR® and the COTA® conduct an onsite home evaluation with the client and the client's daughter. During the home evaluation, it is obvious that the hallway to the bathroom is too narrow for the client to turn the wheelchair without assistance. What would be the MOST APPROPRIATE transitional recommendation to include in the report?

Securely placing a bedside commode between the bed and the side wall

An OTR® and COTA® team begin to recognize the need for a program to promote work participation for the young adults with mental illness they serve. Which statement MOST accurately reflects the evidence about developing such a program?

Supported employment programs with a "place-and-train" perspective are more effective than other vocational approaches.

An OTR®; works in an early intervention facility that uses the Family Systems Model of care for its clients who have mental health concerns. In which example is the Family Systems Model of care applied?

The OTR gains an understanding of various multiple factors that may have an impact on family functions.

What would be considered the first line of treatment in the acute setting for the medical management of a cardiovascular accident (CVA)?

Thrombolytic agents

An OTR® and COTA® are training a client with a new transradial amputation to wrap the residual limb with an elastic bandage. What is the PRIMARY reason for wrapping the residual limb?

To develop a tapered distal end

A recently licensed COTA® employed by an outpatient clinic is being supervised by an OTR® who is a certified hand therapist. What is the purpose of the supervisory process, as defined by AOTA?

To ensure the safe and effective delivery of occupational therapy services and to foster professional competence and development

A COTA® is treating a 4-year-old child with autism, addressing feeding skills. A main concern for the parents is their inability to eat at a restaurant because the child can only tolerate food served at home. They also would like the child to tolerate sitting at a restaurant for at least 10 minutes to eat. Which treatment goal should the COTA® prioritize?

Tolerate sitting at a restaurant for 5 minutes while eating preferred home food.

A COTA® is working with a child with a developmental disability on feeding. The child presents with an exaggerated, uncontrolled pushing of food out of the mouth. Which term BEST describes this child's presentation?

Tongue thrust

A client with multiple sclerosis has recently become more dependent on a manual wheelchair for functional mobility. The client lives alone and wants to remain independent. The client's house has two entrances: The front entrance has four steps with a total height of 28 inches. The entrance from the backyard has a 5-inch-high threshold and another separate 5-inch-high step 10 feet away from the threshold. What would be the MOST appropriate ramp modification for this client?

Two 5-foot-long ramps for the back entrance and the step- According to the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-336) accessibility guideline, the maximum slope of a ramp is 1:12. Using two ramps at the back entrance has the advantage of shorter ramps, which are easier for a wheelchair user.

A COTA® is working with a 4-year-old child who has gravitational insecurity and a hypersensitive vestibular system. Which activity would be MOST EFFECTIVE to use initially for modulating this sensory integrative dysfunction?

Using both feet to slowly push back and forth while prone on a platform swing

Which of the following tasks would be MOST appropriate to use during the functional training phase for a client learning to use a unilateral myoelectric terminal device (TD)?

Using scissors to cut paper

A client with a nondisplaced shaft fracture of the right fifth metacarpal has a physician's order for full-time splinting. Which orthosis would the COTA® be MOST likely to fabricate?

Volar-based ulnar gutter with MCP joints of the ring and fifth fingers in 70°-90° flexion, fourth and fifth IP joints in 0° extension, and the wrist in approximately 20° extension

A COTA® is working with a client with C5 spinal cord injury. The OTR® asked the COTA® to make a splint for the client. What is the BEST position in which to splint the wrist to prevent deformity in the acute stage of injury?

Wrist extension, thumb opposition

A COTA® is approached by a client with Alzheimer's dementia who asks, "Do I finish high school next year, or am I already finished? I don't want to go back." What is the BEST response for the COTA® to make?

· "It sounds like you're a little worried about that. You're already finished with high school. You don't have to go back."

A client in the acute burn unit sustained full-thickness chemical burns to the bilateral anterior and inner thighs. The client underwent grafting operations 2 weeks ago, and the surgeon has confirmed graft adherence. Initiating compression therapy is indicated. Which compression therapy is appropriate? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· 6-inch elastic bandage · Elastic-fabric bicycle pants · Tubular bandage

A COTA® is working with a client who has a dorsal scar resulting in limited metacarpophalangeal (MCP) flexion of the fingers. When fabricating a dynamic MCP flexion splint, what is the correct angle of pull for a finger loop?

· 90°

A COTA&#174, with an OTR®, is working with transplant receipients who have recently been discharged from a major hospital. Which type of client would be MOST likely to develop an infection posttranplantation and require greater infection control measures?

· A client with a lung transplant

A softball player sustained a deep partial-thickness burn to the anterior aspect of the right arm from the wrist, proximal to the ulnar styloid process, to the mid-upper arm. A split-thickness skin graft from thigh to mid-forearm was performed 3 days postinjury. What is the OPTIMAL intervention to prevent formation of elbow contracture?

· A dorsal elbow extension splint to position the elbow at extension and the forearm in neutral

What piece of adaptive equipment is MOST useful for a client with an incomplete T2 spinal cord injury?

· A long-handled sponge

Using the Allen Cognitive Level Screen-5 for screening, followed by use of the Allen Diagnostic Module and the Routine Task Inventory for confirmation of screening results, the supervising OTR® identifies Level 4 as the current level of functioning of a client in an adult day treatment center. What is the MOST appropriate scenario for activity completion for this client?

· A model of the completed project is provided for the client to imitate. Simple instructions are provided.

A COTA® is working with a client who has cognitive deficits after a stroke. The OTR®; wants the client to be able to complete transfers when the client discharges to home. What strategy should the COTA use to enhance the client's ability to transfer at home?

· Address transfers in the client's hospital room, the clinic treatment area, and the hospital recreation room

A COTA® is treating a client who burned the bilateral lower extremities 10 days ago. The client refuses to participate in ADLs because of pain. The client rates the level of pain as 4 of 10 when resting in bed and 7 of 10 when standing. What actions are appropriate for the COTA to take? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Apply an elastic bandage wrap for vascular support before getting the client out of bed · Teach the client alternative pain control methods such as deep breathing and relaxation techniques · Determine, with the client's help, an acceptable length of time to be out of bed for ADLs, and alternate in-bed with out-of-bed activities

A COTA® and client with multiple sclerosis (MS) collaborate to select client-centered interventions; the client expresses interest in developing an exercise program but states that weakness and fatigue are barriers. Occupational therapy goals include having the client learn an exercise program. What intervention should the COTA® FIRST recommend?

· Aquatic therapy to reduce the effects of weakness while promoting gentle exercise

A client with T1 spinal cord injury exhibits headache, sweating, congestion, hypertension, and bradycardia. What is the client MOST likely experiencing?

· Autonomic dysreflexia

A COTA® is working with a client 3 days after open-heart surgery. The COTA emphasizes to the client to follow all sternal precautions during exercise and activities for 3 months. What instructions are included in sternal precautions? Select the 3 BEST choices. fontV,��C&

· Avoid one-sided lifting or pulling up. · Refrain from driving. Avoid straining during a bowel movement.

A newly certified COTA® is working a first job on an inpatient rehabilitation unit. The OTR® instructs the COTA to teach a bath bench transfer to a patient while the OTR goes to another room to evaluate a new patient. The COTA never completed a bath bench transfer before. What ethical principles should guide the student in this situation? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Beneficence · Nonmaleficence · Justice

A COTA® is completing an intervention to address a client's decreased postural stability when performing tasks in standing. The client has hemiparesis after a stroke. The COTA wants to elicit a postural response at the trunk when completing an intervention activity. Where should the COTA place task objects FIRST to elicit a trunk response

· Beyond arm's reach

A COTA® is working with a client in the active phase of a T2 spinal cord injury. The client reports a terrible headache and is sweating profusely. What is the BEST method to address the client's symptoms?

· Bring upright and remove restrictive clothing.

A COTA® is working with a new client and notes that the client has a bluish tinge to the skin and lips. The client also presents with significant edema. Which medical condition is this client most likely to have?

· Chronic bronchitis

A COTA® is working toward service competency for adaptive feeding equipment instruction. How would an OTR® BEST establish service competency for the COTA

· Compare outcomes by rating the same client's performance with the adaptive feeding equipment.

A client sustained a deep partial-thickness burn to the anterior aspect of the right arm from the hand to the mid-upper arm. A split-thickness skin graft from thigh to mid-forearm was performed 3 days postinjury. All the wounds are closed now, and the grafts are stable. What intervention should be used to prevent hypertrophic scar development? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Compression or other custom-made pressure sleeve with inserts · Application of silicone gel sheet to scars 22 hours a day · Application of pressure inserts and conformers

A client with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) is recovering from a recent relapse. During the evaluation with the OTR®, the client expressed interest in wanting to learn to manage anxiety associated with the disease and its effect on occupational performance. What strategy should the COTA®suggest?

· Coping strategies for self-identified difficult tasks

A 4-year-old client sustained full-thickness burns on the volar surfaces of both wrists and forearms 4 months ago. In spite of using pressure garments and splinting for position, the child has developed thick scars across the wrists. Active and passive wrist extension and flexion are, respectively, as follows: right, 25/70 and 40/80; left, 30/70 and 50/85. Which activity would be MOST EFFECTIVE in improving wrist mobility?

· Crawling though a tunnel maze

The extremities of a client with brain injury in an acute care unit are in a position of spastic extension, adduction, and internal rotation. The client is displaying symptoms of which condition?

· Decerebrate rigidity

A COTA® is working with a client who has ventricular tachycardia. The client's vital signs include a heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute. What is the appropriate therapeutic response to this client situation?

· Defer the client's participation in occupational therapy until later, because the client is medically unstable.

A COTA® is working with a client in the active phase of C6 spinal cord injury. What is the MOST IMPORTANT treatment activity to consider?

· Developing pressure relief methods

A client with Alzheimer's disease (AD) reports getting lost when going to a daughter's apartment. The client's daughter has been living in the same apartment building for more than 10 years, but she lives 3 hours away from the client. In what stage of dementia is this client?

· Early

For a client with glaucoma, which activity would present difficulty?

· Engaging in mobility

A COTA is treating a client who had a split-thickness skin graft 2 days ago on the left posterior axillary area. What postoperative occupational therapy intervention would be the BEST choice?

· Fabricate an axilla splint with left shoulder in 120° abduction and slight external rotation

A client who has had a stroke presents with homonymous hemianopia. What area of the client's vision has been lost?

· Half of the visual field in both eyes

A 10-year-old client sustained facial burns and arm and hand burns that required several grafting surgeries. A COTA® is seeing the client in an inpatient setting, and the client will be returning to school in the next month. The client is fearful of returning to school. What interventions are appropriate to benefit this client? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Have the client invite several friends and teachers to visit in the hospital to help them be advocates for the client when they return to school · Have the client participate in recording a videotaped message for the classmates explaining what happened and the special garments and mask the client will be wearing · Provide a question-and-answer session and an opportunity to touch and handle a face mask and garments at the school with teachers and students before the client returns to school

A client sustained facial burns that required several grafting surgeries. A COTA® is seeing the client in an outpatient setting 6 months post surgery. The client wishes to go out to lunch with a friend but is fearful of participating in this social activity. What treatment intervention would be MOST beneficial for this client?

· Have the client participate in activities that can restore confidence and self-esteem, such as applying theater-type full-coverage makeup sp%&�

A COTA® is preparing a client with T1 spinal cord injury for discharge to home alone. What is the BEST recommendation for required home assistance?

· Homemaking assistance for a few hours a daily

A COTA® in a subacute rehabilitation center is working to address community mobility needs of clients within the facility. What steps may the COTA take? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Identify items of adaptive equipment that may assist clients in basic vehicle access · Maintain a resource library or database about transportation options in the area · Identify local driver rehabilitation specialists for behind-the-wheel assessments and vehicle adaptation assessments

A client with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is interested in learning how to use the bus and subway. What symptoms of this diagnosis may result in challenges when using public transportation? Select the 3 BEST choices

· Impaired executive functioning may result in misjudging when to get on or off a bus. · Sensory-perceptual processing may result in being overwhelmed when attempting to process the sights, movement, sounds, and smells related to public transportation use. · Emotional dysregulation may make it difficult for a person to respond successfully in unexpected situations such as a no-show, late ride, or detour in route.

Which occupational therapy intervention strategy is MOST appropriate for use with an older adult with low vision?

· Instruct the client to reduce clutter and improve organization of the home and work environments.

A client who has mild hemiplegia and constructional disorder is participating in home-based occupational therapy. The COTA® is observing the client's ability to use the dishwasher after a meal preparation activity. Which aspect of using a dishwasher would be MOST CHALLENGING for this client?

· Loading the dishes into the dishwasher

Every generalist occupational therapy practitioner should be prepared to address community mobility within his or her practice setting. What is the MOST CORRECT procedure a COTA® can implement in preparation for the service area?

· Maintain a resource library or database about transportation options in the area

During the occupational therapy evaluation, an OTR® has determined that a visually impaired client can no longer drive. What should the treating COTA® expect the OTR® to include in the occupational therapy intervention to help this client be independent in the use of community mobility?

· Maintain a resource library or database about transportation options in the area · Train the client and the client's family or support system in the use of the most appropriate transportation options.

Which psychiatric condition is MOST frequently seen as interfering with the occupational engagement of a client with cardiac disease? proces

· Major depression

A client with Alzheimer's disease (AD) perseverates on having to pick up children from daycare. At which stage of the disease process is this client likely at?

· Middle

A COTA® is working on laundry tasks with a client with hemiplegia. Folding the laundry proves too difficult because of the weaker extremity, and the client becomes increasingly frustrated. Which intervention strategies can the COTA use to modify the activity? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Partially fold a piece of laundry and then allow the client to finish folding the item · Instruct the client to sort the laundry using both hands together · Require that the client fold half the number of items originally planned

A COTA® is working with a client with a T2 spinal cord injury. While performing ADLs, the client reports a pounding headache and is sweating profusely. What action is MOST APPROPRIATE for the COTA® to take to help the client?

· Place the client upright, remove restrictive devices, and check the client's catheter, alerting the client's nurse, physician, and the supervising OTR® as soon as possible.

A 16-year-old client with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is learning how to set a table for a job at a banquet facility. The client has trouble remembering proper utensil placement and requires increased time to complete the task. Which intervention strategy would help the client place the utensils in the correct order?

· Provide a visual cue card that has a picture of a completed place setting to follow when setting the table

A COTA® is working with a client with Alzheimer's disease (AD) in a skilled nursing facility. The client's adult child, who is the client's primary caregiver, appears to be stressed and fatigued and has asked the COTA® for advice about how to best manage the parent's progressive decline in function. What would be the BEST approach the COTA® could use?

· Provide the caregiver with education about the progression of AD

A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis reports functional limitations when completing his daily routine. The OTR® has completed ADL and IADL assessments as part of the evaluation. The OTR® asks the COTA® to administer an assessment of the client's upper-extremity motor control. Which assessment would be MOST effective for assessing this client's upper-extremity ability, and appropriate for the client to perform after?

· Purdue Pegboard test

A client who has had a stroke is displaying signs of visual field loss. How would the COTA® BEST determine whether visual field loss is present?

· Refer to an eye care professional for automated perimetry testing

A COTA® is working on bed mobility with a client in the active phase of C8 spinal cord injury. The client becomes dizzy and nauseous when brought to the sitting position. What is the BEST action for the COTA® to take?

· Return to the lying position and elevate legs.

An older adult client with a history of falls and glaucoma was referred to occupational therapy for evaluation and intervention. After the OTR® completed the evaluation, the COTA® was requested to provide the intervention. Which strategy should the COTA® teach the client to compensate for impaired vision due to glaucoma?

· Rotate head to choose clothing from a closet

In 2005, Congress passed a federal transportation bill, SAFETEA-LU, which included funding for a program that encouraged children (including those with disabilities) to bike and walk to school, acted to reduce air-polluting traffic near schools, and encouraged healthy lifestyles from a young age. What was the name of this initiative?

· Safe Routes to Schools

A COTA® is treating a client who sustained a tibial fracture and has been told that the client is at risk for compartment syndrome. What symptoms would indicate compartment syndrome in the leg? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Sensory changes · Swelling · Loss of voluntary movement

What are the features that lead older adults and people with disabilities to prefer supplemental transportation services for accessing their communities? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Services offer flexible travel times and routes to users. · Transport is often provided by a single driver to one passenger, allowing for adaptability to individual needs. · Services are more affordable because of a combination of volunteer, nonprofit, and government funding

What is the BEST suggestion that a COTA® might provide to a caregiver who is living with a client who has Alzheimer's disease (AD)?

· Suggest appropriate activities that can engage the client during unoccupied time and improve daily structure.

In reading a client's medical chart, the COTA® notes that the client has a history of orthostatic hypotension. Which activity precautions should the COTA give to the client? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Take several minutes to move from lying down to sitting and then to standing after being in bed all night. · Gradually and consistently elevate the head of the bed throughout the day. · Report weakness, sleepiness, blurred vision, confusion, syncope, or lightheadedness to the therapist.

A COTA® is working with a client diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration. Which intervention strategies should the COTA use to improve the client's independence in meal preparation? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Teach the client to use different tactile indicators on a few key microwave buttons · Teach the client to use a dark cutting board to slice an egg and a white cutting board to chop broccoli · Instruct the client to reduce clutter in the kitchen

Eccentric viewing training can be useful in improving ADL performance for clients with vision impairment. Which description of eccentric viewing training is MOST accurate?

· Teaching the client to move the scotoma out of the line of vision by turning the head to one side

A client with middle-stage Huntington's disease (HD) is displaying fatigue during lower body dressing tasks. What would be an appropriate intervention strategy for the COTA® to use with this client?

· The COTA® should encourage the client to take frequent breaks during lower body ADL tasks.

A COTA® is working on the playground with a child who has sensory integration dysfunction. The COTA® is trying to foster an adaptive response, which is best described by which statement?

· The behavioral manifestation of optimal sensory organization that results in an efficient goal-directed action

A COTA® is conducting a group for older adult clients on preparation for driving cessation. Several group members express a fear of using public transportation because they have never done so. Which action would BEST address these clients' stated needs?

· Travel training to practice use of public transportation with the clients until they feel comfortable on their own

A client in the burn unit sustained deep partial-thickness burns to the bilateral dorsal hands 1 week ago. What is the BEST position for splinting to prevent deformity? on:�#��&

· Volar hand splint with wrist in 30° extension, MPs in 70° flexion, and IPs in full extension

A COTA® is treating a client who sustained second- and third-degree burns on the dorsal forearm and hand. Which intervention techniques would be appropriate for this client? Select the 3 BEST choices.

· Volar intrinsic plus splint · PROM of hand with each joint isolated · For positioning in supine, hand above elbow and elbow above heart

A COTA® in an acute care setting is working on a dressing program with a client with spinal cord injury. What statement by the COTA is appropriate to facilitate positive coping for the client?

· What clothes do you want to wear today?"

A COTA® is working with a client who has chronic congestive heart failure. The client is displaying limited tolerance for light to moderate homemaking activities. Which compensatory strategy would be BEST for the OTR® to demonstrate to the client to improve tolerance to these activities?

· Work simplification techniques

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