OCE1001 Chapter 6

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How does an end moraine form?

Pieces of rock are transported to the front of a glacier as ice within the glacier moves

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the West Coast of the United States toward the East Coast of the United States?

Toward the south

A. maximum sustained winds B. minimum central pressure C. sea surface salinity D. storm surge E. storm diameter

C. Sea surface salinity

The strength of a hurricane stems from water's:

Latent heat of condensation

Match the term with the appropriate phrase. Tropic of Cancer

Located at 23.5 degrees N latitude

Where are tropical cyclones found?

Lower and middle latitudes

Which way would wind travel in the region between 30 and 60 degrees latitude if Earth stopped rotating?

South in the Southern Hemisphere and north in the Northern Hemisphere

What is a front?

The boundary between two air masses of different temperatures

The Coriolis effect is caused by __________.

The rotation of Earth

The polar front is labeled number:


The Trade Winds are one type of prevailing wind pattern. How many other types of prevailing winds are there among earth's global wind patterns?


Earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of _______ to the plane of the ecliptic:


How big can the diameter of a hurricane become?

500 miles

The area of the globe (latitude) that is characterized by falling air masses and little precipitation is labeled number:


What is an anticylone?

A center of high atmospheric pressure

What is a cyclone?

A center of low atmospheric pressure

What is a tropical cyclone?

A low-pressure disturbance that develops over warm, tropical waters

A cold air mass moving into an area occupied by relatively warm air is called a/an:

Cold front

Match the term with the appropriate phrase. rising and sinking air masses moving in a circular fashion

Convection cell

Why does wind between the equator and 30 degrees south come out of the southeast?

Cooled air moves north toward the equator and is deflected toward the west by the Coriolis effect

The apparent deflection of air masses to the right or left (depending on latitude) as they move from one latitude to another is called the:

Coriolis effect

Which of the following names mean "tropical cyclone"? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY.

Cyclone Hurricane Typhoon

A. ecliptic B. vernal equinox C. autumnal equinox D. westerlies E. summer solstice

D. Westerlies

The weather on four different summer days is described below. On which day would you expect the greatest temperature range? Which day would have the smallest range in temperature?

Greatest temp. range - Clear skies during the day and clear skies at night Intermediate temp. range - Clear skies during the day and cloudy skies at night Cloudy skies during the day and clear skies at night Smallest temp. range - Cloudy skies during the day and cloudy skies at night

What drives Hadley cell circulation?

Heating from the sun

How would a 50 percent increase in Earth's albedo impact average surface temperatures?

Higher albedo would result in cooler temperatures on Earth Ice sheets would advance, thereby increasing Earth's overall albedo and further cooling Earth's surface

Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Labels may be used more than once. Note also that 1 μm = 1 x 10-6 m (a micron or micrometer) and a nanometer is 1 x 10-9 m.

Mostly transparent - The atmosphere is ______to visible light. Mostly transparent - The atmosphere is______to radio waves with a wavelength of 1 meter. Mostly opaque - The atmosphere is_______to gamma rays. 700 nanometers - Visible light end of spectrum with less energetic photons 400 nanometers - Visible light end of spectrum with more energetic photons

Match the term with the appropriate phrase. Westerlies

Prevailing wind pattern at temperate latitudes

Match the term with the appropriate phrase. Trade winds

Prevailing wind pattern at tropical latitudes

How are rain patterns different near warm and cold fronts?

Rain near a cold front occurs over a smaller spatial area and is more intense than near a warm front

Where does rain occur in a cold front?

Rain occurs along and behind a cold front

Where does rain occur in a warm front?

Rain occurs along and in front of a warm front

Earth's atmosphere is heated primarily by __________.

Re-radiation of solar energy from Earth's surface back into the atmosphere as infrared radiation

Why does rain occur near a cold front?

Rising warm air cools, resulting in cloud formation and rain

The largest loss of life from a hurricane is usually due to:

Storm surge

What term is used to describe the effect on air movement produced by Earth's rotation?

The Coriolis effect

How does the location of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) change over time?

The ITCZ migrates south of the equator in Northern Hemisphere winter and north of the equator in Northern Hemisphere summer

What is the Coriolis Effect?

The deflection of moving objects to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

What is the snow line?

The elevation above which snow persists throughout the year

Determine which line on the graph represents Urbana and which represents San Francisco and label each for the correct city. Indicate how you figured this out by answering the question below.

The ocean near San Francisco limits its temperature variations - Primary explanation for why differences in average monthly temperatures exist for these two locations Urbana - red line San Fran - Blue line

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the east coast of South Africa toward the west coast of South Africa?

Toward the south

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the North Pole toward the equator?

Toward the west

Match the term with the appropriate phrase. lowermost portion of Earth's atmosphere where most weather occurs


The lowermost portion of the atmosphere where most weather occurs is called the:


The angle at which direct sunlight strikes the ocean's surface is important in determining the amount of solar energy that is absorbed.


What is an end moraine?

A ridge of debris deposited at the end of a glacier

The temperate regions are characterized by:

Westerly winds

In which direction would winds move at the poles if Earth rotated in the opposite direction?

Wind near the north pole would move to the northeast, and the wind near the south pole would move to the southeast

Will plucking occur if a glacier is not advancing?

Yes, because glacial ice is still moving inside the glacier even if the glacier's front is not advancing

The image below shows Earth's position during the Northern Hemisphere summer. Correctly match the following latitudes with the corresponding letters.

A. Equator B. Tropic of Capricorn C. Tropic of Cancer D. Arctic Circle E. Antarctic Circle

The image below shows a cut-away perspective view of a hurricane. Match the correct letter to each of the following features.

A. Inside the eye of the hurricane B. Movement of warm water vapor (arrow) C. Movement of cool dry air (arrow) D. Movement of spiral rain bands (arrow)

The map below shows climatic regions of the ocean with different colors. Match the climatic region with the appropriate letter.

A. Temperate B. Equatorial C. Subpolar D. Subtropical E. Tropical

This image shows Earth's orbit around the Sun. Correctly match the letters with the positions of Earth (Northern Hemisphere perspective).

A. Vernal equinox B. Summer solstice C. Winter solstice D. Autumnal equinox

The image below shows Earth's generalized atmospheric circulation pattern, including wind belts of the world. Match the correct letters to each of the following wind belts and boundary zones that are indicated in the Northern Hemisphere (note that they are mirrored in the Southern Hemisphere).

A. Wind belt: trade winds B. Boundary: horse latitudes C. Wind belt: prevailing westerlies D. Boundary: doldrums E. Wind belt: polar easterlies F. Boundary: polar front

A. doldrums B. northeast trade winds C. polar easterlies D. southeast trade winds E. westerlies

A. doldrums

Why is warm, moist air considered the "fuel" for a hurricane?

Air cools as it rises. As air cools, water vapor will condense out as liquid water. Condensation releases heat, providing energy to the hurricane

Why are anticyclones not generally associated with clouds and rain?

Air in anticyclones undergoes warming as the air descends

Why are cyclones generally associated with clouds and rain?

Air in cyclones undergoes cooling as it rises

Of the following statements about the tilt of Earth's axis, which one is true?

An increase in Earth's tilt would cause colder winters and warmer summers

Which areas of Earth experience the most precipitation?

Areas near the ITCZ

Which way does air move in an anticyclone in the Northern Hemisphere?

Down, and in a clockwise direction

Which way does air move in an anticyclone in the Southern Hemisphere?

Down, and in a counterclockwise direction

When would you expect the low-pressure cell over the North Pole to be most developed?

During the Northern Hemisphere winter

Why does air tend to rise in equatorial regions?

Equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight than other areas

A maritime polar air mass is likely to be dry and cold.


An iceberg is a variety of sea ice.


Cool, dense air causes low pressure at the surface, whereas warm, less dense air causes high pressure.


The maximum Coriolis effect occurs at the equator due to slower rotational velocity compared to higher latitudes.


The place traced by Earth's orbit is called the vernal equinox.


The trade winds can be found between 30° and 60°N and S latitudes.


Tropical cyclones derive their energy from the water's high latent heat of fusion.


Within the troposphere, the atmosphere gets warmer with increasing altitude.


Surface winds in the tropics generally blow _______________.

From the east Toward the equator

Under what conditions will the front of a glacier remain stationary?

Glacial fronts remain stationary when melting and snow accumulation are equal

When ice forms from seawater, the remaining seawater will have a:

Higher salinity

Now consider how atmospheric absorption would be different if the electromagnetic spectrum absorption capability were flipped in such a way that the areas of the chart that are now transparent were made opaque and the areas of the chart that are now opaque were made transparent. Indicate which of the following statements would be true for this scenario.

Humans would be subject to more x-ray radiation from space because our atmosphere would not block it Increased exposure to UV radiation

Which way does air converge on a cyclone in the Southern Hemisphere?

In a clockwise direction

Which way does air converge on a cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere?

In a counterclockwise direction

Where do glaciers form?

In places where more snow falls in the winter than melts away in the summer

Where are Hadley cells found?

In the atmosphere near the equator

How does air move near the top of a cyclone?

In the same direction as air in the upper atmosphere

The doldrums refer to the same region as the:

Inter-tropical convergence zone

Of the following characteristics or features, which is/are generally related to the formation or movement of hurricanes?

Water's latent heat of condensation Warm air with lots of water vapor Warm ocean water The trade winds A latitude of 0 degrees

Why does rain occur near a warm front?

Rising warm air cools, resulting in cloud formation and rain

Why is heavy rain associated with hurricane formation?

Rising, moist air cools. As air cools, water condenses and eventually falls

The intensity of tropical cyclones is measured by meteorologists using the __________ scale.


What is the zone of wastage?

The part of a glacier where snow melting exceeds snow accumulation

Of the following characteristics or features, which is/are associated with middle latitude storms, such as those that originate in the North Pacific Ocean between 40 and 60 degrees latitude?

The prevailing westerlies The polar front The jet stream Contrasting air masses

What two features are many of Earth's deserts associated with?

The subtropical highs and col ocean currents found along the west coasts of continents

What determines whether a front is called a cold front or a warm front?

The type of front is determined by which air mass is moving

Of the following statements about the doldrums, which is/are true?

There is usually little wind but a lot of rain associated with the doldrums The doldrums are found as a global belt along the equator The doldrums are the boundary between the northeast trade winds and the southeast trade winds This is also known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) The doldrums are an area of low atmospheric pressure

What is the air that sinks at latitudes of 30 degrees north and south like?

This air is cool and dry

How would a moving object in Earth's atmosphere be deflected as a result of Earth's rotation?

To the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the South Pole toward the equator?

Toward the left

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the East Coast of the United States toward the West Coast of the United States?

Toward the north

Which way would an airplane deflect if flying from the North Pole toward the equator?

Toward the right

The large atmospheric circulation cells that occur between the equator and 30° latitude in each hemisphere are called Hadley cells.


All the following are true of the movement of Earth's atmosphere except :

Warm air is less dense than cool air so it tends to sink toward the Earth's surface

Of the following statements about the transfer of heat on Earth, which is/are true?

Water vapor in the air carries latent heat with it, which is released in other areas Ocean currents move warm water from the tropics to higher latitudes Air currents move warmer air from the tropics to higher latitudes

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