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If you leave Chicago in the morning, at what time will you arrive in Joyce Airport?


What ending should this word have?


Locate the subordinate clause in the following sentence, and identify it as a noun, adjective, or adverb. The woman who just finished the marathon is tired.

Type of Clause: adjective Subordinate Clause: who just finished the marathon

Locate the subordinate clause in the following sentence, and identify it as a noun, adjective, or adverb. If we look both ways, we can cross the street safely

Type of Clause: adverb Subordinate Clause: if we look both ways

Locate the subordinate clause in the following sentence, and identify it as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Since I stopped vacuuming, the house has become dusty.

Type of Clause: adverb Subordinate Clause:Since I stopped vacuuming

Locate the subordinate clause in the following sentence, and identify it as a noun, adjective, or adverb. I had root beer in my cereal this morning because I forgot to buy milk.

Type of Clause: adverb Subordinate Clause:because I forgot to buy milk.

Locate the subordinate clause in the following sentence, and identify it as a noun, adjective, or adverb. What one thinks determines one's actions.

Type of Clause: noun Subordinate Clause: what one thinks

Locate the verbal (not the verbal phrase) in the following sentence. His favorite exercise is jogging early in the morning.

Type of Verbal: gerund Verbal: jogging

Choose the correct word to complete this sentence. Pete was angry ____ the chickens in the yard.


Choose the correct word to complete this sentence. The doctor was accompanied ____ a nurse.


Identify the word in italics. This is exactly what I was talking about.

demonstrative pronoun

Identify the italicized part of the sentence. Mr. Waring has taught junior high students for several years.

direct object

Ordinarily you should restate the thesis _____.

in different words

Select the proper spelling of the following word.


Identify the italicized part of the sentence. The birthday cake that Uncle Jake made was delicious!

predicate adjective

Identify the italicized part of the sentence. The capital of Texas is Austin.


Select the proper spelling of the following word.


What is the author's purpose?

to convince people that solar energy is needed

What does the symbol represent?

100 FAM

1. a connecting word that joins words or groups of words 2an adverb used to join main clauses 3a conjunction used to join words, phrases, or clauses of equal rank or significance 4conjunctions that are used in pairs 5a conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause

1conjunction 2conjunctive adverb 3coordinating conjunction 4correlative conjunction 5subordinating conjunction

1. a pronoun which points out a particular person, place, or thing 2a pronoun that relates an adjective clause to the word it modifies 3a pronoun used when asking questions

1demonstrative pronoun 2relative pronoun 3interrogative pronoun

1logical fallacies 2optimum pitch 3resonance 4theme

1false acts of reasoning 2the level at which the voice operates with the greatest ease 3amplification of the voice 4the central idea of a literary work

1. a word in the predicate that modifies or describes the subject 2a word used in a sentence to complete the meaning of the verb 3a word in the predicate that receives the action expressed by the verb 4the most important word in the complete subject 5the simple subject and its modifiers 6a word in the predicate that tells to whom or for whom something is done 7the simple predicate with any complements and modifiers 8the most important word in the complete predicate

1predicate adjective 2complement 3direct object 4simple subject 5complete subject 6indirect object 7complete predicate 8simple predicate

1. a word used in place of a noun 2the noun for which a pronoun is substituted; the noun to which a pronoun refers 3the case of pronouns that are used as subjects of verbs and subjective complements

1pronoun 2antecedent 3antecedent

1. the accurate production of tone variety in voice tone 2. variety in voice tone; the range of expressiveness of the voice 3. the power or volume of voice

1voice purity 2voice flexibility 3voice strength

How many families in Oats Township have two or more cars?


According to the table above, which flight spends the most time in the air after leaving Joyce Airport?


How much electricity was used in April?


According to the line graph, what was the high temperature for August 1?


What percentage quit before summer was over?


What ending should this word have? avail-


On what day was the high temperature the lowest?


All printed material is true and dependable.


Something innate has no freshness or originality, by definition.


We are not born with innate qualities; we learn them as we grow.


With enough sincerity, the speaker can easily overcome a few faulty facts and figures.


Select all of the prepositional phrases for the following sentence. In 1647, the first tax-supported schools were established by law in the United States.

In 1647 by law in the United States

How do you improve the tone of your paper?

Make the language suitable for the audience, avoiding language that is too formal or conversational.

What is the root of impatiently?


What is the root of irresponsible?


Which township has the most multiple-car families?


Read the following paragraph and select the correct answer. She came to know what heavy housework meant and the odious cares of the kitchen. She washed the dishes, using her dainty fingers and rosy nails on greasy pots and pans. She washed the soiled linen, the shirts and the dishcloths, which she dried upon a line; she carried the slops down to the street every morning and carried up the water, stopping for breath at every landing. And dressed like a woman of the people, she went to the fruiterer, the grocer, the butcher, a basket on her arm, bargaining, meeting with impertinence, defending her miserable money, sou by sou. — (from "The Necklace," by Guy de Maupassant) What is the topic sentence of this paragraph?

She knew now what meant the duties of the household, the heavy work of the kitchen.

A thesis statement can be controversial.


According to the text, hearing and listening are not the same thing.


According to the text, the most important thing to do in planning a speech is to decide on the central idea, and form it into a sentence.


Carelessness shows a lack of respect for your audience.


Fear, in moderate doses, can assist the speaker by forcing him to prepare.


Good conversation skills require both listening and speaking fluency.


Locate the complete verbal phrase in the following sentence. Crossing the street on a red light not only is dangerous but also is illegal.

Type of Verbal: gerund Verbal Phrase: Crossing the street on a red light

Locate the verbal (not the verbal phrase) in the following sentence. One should learn to speak effectively.

Type of Verbal: infinitive Verbal: to speak

Locate the complete verbal phrase in the following sentence. The boy playing the piano has spent much time in practice.

Type of Verbal: participle Verbal Phrase: playing the piano

Read the following paragraph and select the correct answer. Writing is difficult because so many skills are involved. We must spell and form words correctly, and we must arrange sentences clearly. We must construct paragraphs logically, and we must pull paragraphs together so that they work to form a unified piece of writing. All these skills require frequent review, careful examination, and practice. The topic sentence of this paragraph is: _____.

Writing is difficult because so many skills are involved

Typed or printed letters should always contain _____.

a handwritten signature

Determine the use of the prepositional phrase in the following sentence. The boy with the yellow hair ran home.


Identify the type of prepositional phrase in the following sentence. The house with the purple shutters is quaint.


Identify the use of the infinitive phrase in the following sentence. I have an assignment to finish tonight.


Determine the use of the prepositional phrase in the following sentence. We found the trinket within the old trunk.


Identify the type of prepositional phrase in following sentence. The red coat was sent by my aunt.


Identify the type of subordinate clause in the following sentence. If you run out of quarters, just use the nickels in the coffee can.


Identify the type of subordinate clause in the following sentence. The sauce burned before Hans remembered to stir it.


Identify the use of the infinitive phrase in the following sentence. Jose's alarm went off to announce the day had begun.


Identify four things you need to know about your audience.

age range sex level of education profession or business

Choose the correct word to complete this sentence. The beads were distributed ____ the 5,000 fans of "Squeaky" Johnson.


A word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun is called _____.

an adjective

A word that names a group of things is called _____.

an adjective

A good way to intensify meaning in the conclusion of a speech is to use _____.

an example

Why is sending a note of apology a good idea after you have disappointed a hostess or host?

because you have inconvenienced him or her

Choose the word which most logically completes the sentence. Our city owes its library to the generosity of a wealthy _____.


Choose the correct word to complete this sentence. Who ____ Matthew went with you to the ballet?


Select the complete prepositional phrase in this sentence. The red coat was sent by my aunt.

by my aunt.

Read the following paragraph. The writers John Milton and John Bunyan had much in common. Milton was imprisoned for his support of the Commonwealth. He had difficulties supporting his large family, yet wrote a brilliant epic. In the same way, Bunyan was imprisoned, impoverished, yet strengthened to write a great allegory. What type of expository structure was used to write this paragraph?


Identify the word in italics. This is the day I've been waiting for.

demonstrative pronoun

Identify the italicized part of the sentence. Brandon rode his motorcycle on the dirt track.

direct object

Identify the italicized part of the sentence. Kyle threw a ball to his dog.

direct object

What aspect of speaking is most closely related to the following? Practice saying words you know you have difficulty with.


A business letter does not serve as a record of a transaction.


A group of words that contains a subject and a predicate but does not express a complete thought is called a main clause.


A subordinate clause actually is a thought complete in itself.


If a letter is brief, be sure to explain why.


Letters, whether social or business, should always adhere to a formal style, avoiding anything personal.


Read the following sentence and attempt to answer the questions without using a dictionary. His xenophobia caused him to avoid the stranger. What do you think xenophobia means?

fear of what is foreign

Choose the correct word to complete this sentence. The girls are waiting ____ Kasey to arrive.


Choose the correct word to complete this sentence. Melissa's dress is different ____ yours.


Select the correct pronoun. Lisa went with (Ursula) _____ to the program.


Select the correct pronoun. Jerry gave (Jerry's) _____ copy of The Making of Americans to Alberto


Select the correct pronoun. Leticia and _____ are going to the movies as soon as she gets home.


Select the prepositional phrase for the following sentence. The Grand Canyon is in Arizona.

in Arizona

1. cannot be removed or washed out 2. characteristic of informal conversation 3. an expression of sympathy 4. an expression of greeting

indelible colloquial condolence salutation

Identify the italicized part of the sentence. The gentleman handed the hostess his coat.

indirect object

Identify the word in italics. Who is on my side?

interrogative pronoun

Choose the correct pronoun. The team has just lost _____ chance to make the state finals.


Months of the Year During what month did Tom use the least amount of electricity (kilowatt hours)?


Identify the type of subordinate clause in the following sentence. The trouble was that he forgot where he put his keys.


Identify the use of the infinitive phrase in the following sentence. To finish a marathon is Elizabeth's goal for the year.


Choose the correct word to complete this sentence. After his cousins arrived, Brianna waited _____ them with food.


Which visual aid best pictures the numbers?


Which visual aid is best used for percentages?

pie chart

Select the proper spelling of the following word.


A word used to show the relationship between its object and some other word in the sentence is called a _____.


A ______ contains a preposition, its object, and any modifiers of that object.

prepositional phrase

Select the proper spelling of the following word.


Read the following paragraph. A verbal may belong to one of three categories. It may be a participle, which is used only as an adjective. It may be a gerund, which always ends in -ing and functions as a noun. Finally, it may be an infinitive, which is preceded by to and functions as a noun, adjective, or even an adverb. Yet verbals still look very much like verbs. Which one of six types of expository structure does this paragraph illustrate?

simple listing

What is the principle behind all social notes?

sincere appreciation for the kindness

Identify the type of conjunction in the following sentence. We were not at home when our friends arrived.

subordinating conjunction

Read the following sentence and attempt to answer the questions without using a dictionary. He put his shirt in a large leather portmanteau. What do you think portmanteau means?


A letter of consolation to a friend who has suffered a loss can express _____.

sympathy and compassion

A business letter should build good will for the person who sends the letter.


A good letter to a friend needs to reveal the writer's personality.


A properly written business letter conveys a message about a specific matter of importance related to the sender and the receiver.


Always remember to proofread your business letters.


Begin a letter with an apology if you are late in sending it.


Interjections are used to express a strong or sudden thought.


Typing an informal letter is acceptable, but a typed letter is considered more formal than a handwritten one.


Choose the correct pronoun. The band will wear _____ new uniforms at the concert.


Select the correct pronoun. (The teachers) _____ will work with the students on the program.


Select the correct pronoun. _____ are the kids that I was telling you about.


What is one of the author's purposes, according to the lesson emphasis?

to describe where things are in the dining room

Identify the three main purposes of speeches.

to inform to persuade to entertain

Select the correct pronoun. (Alicia, Terry, and I) _____ will go with you to the Independent Film Festival.


Identify the complete prepositional phrase in this sentence. The house with the purple shutters is quaint.

with the purple shutters

Select all of the prepositional phrases for the following sentence. Don't go without a coat.

without a coat

What is the suffix of encoded?


What is the suffix of irresponsible?


What is the prefix of irrelevant?


What is the root of irrelevant?


1. the breaking down into components, or parts, and examining 2. estimating or evaluating the merit of something 3. to take in; absorb; to digest intellectually; internalize 4. to make easy; to assist; or to move forward 5. including or combining with something else 6. numerical facts about business, weather, people, and so forth

1 analysis 2assessing 3assimilate 4facilitate 5 incorporating 6 statistics

How many times did this charitable organization give out food?


1. Who? 2. What? 3. Why? 4. When? 5. Where?

1Monday 2released 3Buenos Aires 4Jacob Timerman 5championed

generalization inference

1a general statement inferred from particular facts 2the act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true

1. anachronism 2. dismal 3. insect 4. autobiographical 5. neoclassic 6. interdiction 7. thermometer 8. benevolent

1chron-, chrono- 2dict 3graph, gram 4therm, thermo 5neo- 6mal- 7bene- 8-sect

1. time 2. bad 3. cut 4. write 5. new 6. speak 7. heat 8. good

1chron-, chrono- 2mal- 3therm, thermo 4graph, gram 5bene- 6-sect 7neo- 8dict

1. a mark placed on, over, or under a letter to indicate pronunciation, stress, and accent 2. another word for accent diacritical mark 3. the system of sounds in a language

1diacritical mark 2stress 3phonetics

cochlea decoding incus malleus stapes tympanic undissipated

1the seat of the hearing organ, shaped like a snail 2converting from a code into ordinary language 3the middle of a chain of three small bones in the ear of man, also called the anvil 4the outermost of three small bones in the mammalian ear, shaped like (and called) a hammer 5 the innermost of three small bones of the ear of mammals, called the stirrup 6a bone that encloses the passage of the external ear and supports the eardrum (tympanic membrane) 7not scattered or separated into parts

According to the horizontal graph above, approximately how many people received financial aid in this month?


Select the topic sentence. 1What is amnesia? 2Most of us think of a dramatic, total loss of memory brought on by a severe blow to the head. 3Amnesia is, however, a very subtle, and sometimes sinister, illness. 4While amnesia can result from a head injury, overwork and worry can also lead to memory lapses. 5In some cases, diagnosis is difficult because these lapses are intermittent, rather than constant.


Select the topic sentence. 1In the late seventeenth century, a Turkish garrison was using the Parthenon for an ammunition storehouse. 2During an attack by the Venetians, a bomb ignited the gunpowder, blowing up the center section. 3Since then, the building has been a glorious ruin. 4Were it not for this relatively recent incident, the Parthenon would be standing intact today.


What ending should this word have? predict-


_____ is an aid to the memory.


What does the author think is the most important reason to support solar technology?

Solar technology will make the United States energy-independent.

If readers are not able to infer from particular facts information that is not openly stated, they cannot make any generalizations.


Many of the habits that interfere with active listening can be reversed by a change in attitude.


Many people subconsciously eliminate what they do not want to hear.


Select a suitable topic sentence for this paragraph. Ranchers see bolts flash many times among isolated trees or on a strand of barbed wire. Forest rangers manning fire towers report that every thunderstorm brings several flashes to their lofty outposts. Lightning rods are a necessity for radio towers and skyscrapers.

The old saying "lightning never strikes twice in the same place" is not true.


aids to the memory

Select the correct spelling.


To _____ is to derive a conclusion by reasoning.


Select the proper spelling of the following word.


Choose the word which most logically completes the sentence. Rather than sell his store and buy a new one, the owner planned to _____ the old building.


Determine whether the given topic is more obviously suitable for a report or an essay. the development of ice cream


1Carldell "Squeaky" Johnson deserved the Conference USA Defensive Player of the Year title that he won this year. 2He's an excellent defender who can always be counted on to force a turn-over. 3He's aggressive and really rattles the opposition. 4In fact, he's had at least one steal in every game he has ever played, which is quite an accomplishment. 5Squeaky is an excellent ball-handler as well. 6 All in all, Squeaky is just a great player. 7He's quick, athletic, feisty, and fun to watch. 8He leaves it all out on the court and always gives his best. 9I'm glad the coaches chose him because he's my favorite player.


1. threateningly 2. piece of dining room furniture that holds dishes and other table service 3. guards 4. a piece of furniture with spindled arms and back

1-sideboard 2-sentinels 3- ominously 4-bench

If a listener thinks that a speaker has an ulterior motive for saying what he is saying, the message is often twisted as it is received.


Listening does not begin until one goes to school.


Pauses used as punctuation can confuse the listener and should be avoided.


Using unfamiliar vocabulary and sentence structure increases listener interest by stimulating new and interesting thought patterns.


What kind of literature is a play?


What ending should this word have? exhaust-


What is the prefix of irresponsible?


Read the following paragraph and answer the question below. 1Wuthering Heights is in the midst of the desolate English moors. 2Outside the gates of this solitary dwelling, the landscape expands into dreary shades of brown and gray, with only the craggy cliffs on the distant horizon to break the monotony. 3Wildlife and foliage are scarce. 4The few trees that do live must eke out their existence: the north wind blows constantly. 5The house itself, built to withstand the tumults of wind and rain, is cold and forbidding. 6The stone walls and earthen floors offer no relief from the bone-chilling dampness of northern England. 7In sharp contrast to Wuthering Heights is Thrushcross Grange. 8Situated in a sheltered valley, Thrushcross Grange is calm and peaceful, and is surrounded by lush flower gardens. 9The refined elegance of Thrushcross Grange differs as much from Wuthering Heights as the rose differs from the thorn. 10The contrast between these two settings is symbolic of the ultimate conflicts in Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights.


The Alphabet Song is a mnemonic device.


The hard th sound in this is shown by the symbol _____.



the part of a word to which prefixes and suffixes are added


the parts of a sentence that influence the meaning of a word

Select the correct meaning of the word below. You may use a dictionary. chasm

deep hole or gorge

Determine whether the given topic is more obviously suitable for a report or an essay. Australian shepherds are the best dogs.


Determine whether the given topic is more obviously suitable for a report or an essay. annoying people on cell phones


Determine whether the given topic is more obviously suitable for a report or an essay. my matchbook collection


The study of word origins is _____.


Select all that apply. Which of the following are examples of nonverbal communication?

eye contact, facial expression, gestures

What is a general statement inferred from particular facts?


Complete the sentence by correctly entering the word(s) you hear. Refer to the word list above if necessary. Mr. Brown is a _____ man who works nearby.


According to the paragraph, when do mishaps occur?

in gaps in concentration

Select the proper spelling of the following word.


What is a logical conclusion derived from premises known or assumed to be true?


Select the proper spelling of the following word.


Read the following paragraph and answer the question below. Recently, in a large American city, a man was convicted of manslaughter because he ran a red light, hit another car, and killed the driver. The judge sentenced him to five years' probation and ordered him to pay during each of those years into a trust fund for the dead man's child. Since the convicted man has two small children, the payments will be a strain. If he had been sent to prison, however, his family would suffer more because he would have no salary. The victim's family would not have benefited, either. From a study of the details in the paragraph above, choose the generalization that could serve as a topic sentence for the paragraph.

Alternate sentences for some convicts can benefit both the convict and society.

Read the following paragraph and answer the question below. 1Wuthering Heights is in the midst of the desolate English moors. 2Outside the gates of this solitary dwelling, the landscape expands into dreary shades of brown and gray, with only the craggy cliffs on the distant horizon to break the monotony. 3Wildlife and foliage are scarce. 4The few trees that do live must eke out their existence: the north wind blows constantly. 5The house itself, built to withstand the tumults of wind and rain, is cold and forbidding. 6The stone walls and earthen floors offer no relief from the bone-chilling dampness of northern England. 7In sharp contrast to Wuthering Heights is Thrushcross Grange. 8Situated in a sheltered valley, Thrushcross Grange is calm and peaceful, and is surrounded by lush flower gardens. 9The refined elegance of Thrushcross Grange differs as much from Wuthering Heights as the rose differs from the thorn. 10The contrast between these two settings is symbolic of the ultimate conflicts in Emily Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights. Infer from the paragraph which place symbolizes bleak desolation.

Wuthering Heights.

Which two of the following examples are authorities whose speeches should be reliable?

a medical doctor speaking about smoking,,,an army general speaking about the weapons race

An altimeter calculates _____.

altitude above sea level and can also be used to anticipate weather change


an unstressed vowel sound as a in about or u in circus, represented here by the symbol ə

What is the main idea of the paragraph? 1 Money does not buy happiness or security. 2John Ringling, one of the five brothers of the Ringling Brothers Circus, started out in 1884 with a trained horse and a performing bear. 3For over forty years, he worked hard at the family enterprise, bought up smaller circuses, and imported new acts. 4In the 1920s, he was rated as one of the world's wealthiest men and owned every sizable circus in the country. 5Over 5,000 people were on his payroll, and over 240 railroad cars were in his retinue each time the circus moved. 6At the time of his death, however, he was a nervous, unhappy man; he was also bankrupt and beset by lawsuits. 7His carefully built circus empire passed into alien hands. 8All those years of work had turned to dust.

to show that money is not the most important thing in life

Rappel means _____.

to slide in a controlled fashion down climbing ropes

Complete the sentence by correctly entering the word(s) you hear. Refer to the word list above if necessary. He swerved to prevent a ___________


Identify the sentence type. But, pending a time when no people wish me to go and see them, and I have no wish to go and see anyone, and there is nothing whatever for me to do off my own premises, I never will go out for a walk.



persons of the same grade, age, rank, etc.

Determine whether the given topic is more obviously suitable for a report or an essay. the history of the railroad


Based on the pronunciation key chart above, a vowel with a breve () above it, (such as in words like ) is a _____ vowel sound.


Identify the sentence structure. Lisa held the little bird carefully.


Identify the sentence structure. The children laughed merrily.



something that is no longer used

Read the paragraph, then complete the problem. 1People say the necessities of life are food, water, shelter, and clothing, but I think a fifth item should be added to the list: scotch tape. 2Hardly a day passes that I do not use this sticky cellophane for some beneficial purpose. 3When I get so excited about my world history class that I tear a page in the book, scotch tape comes to my rescue. 4Have you ever been dressed up to eat at a big, fancy restaurant? 5Just as you get out of the car, someone cheerfully announces, "Your hem is down!" 6No need to panic; just stick it up with—you guessed it—scotch tape! 7So as you see, I may need food to eat, water to drink, a roof over my head, and a shirt on my back, but when it comes to downright convenience, scotch tape takes the cake.


adversary chronological implied logic propaganda secretary sequence spatial technique

1-person or group opposing or hostile to another person or group 2-arranged in the order in which the events happened 3-suggested, indicated, or understood without express statement 4-based upon reason; a rational approach to something 5-the spreading of opinions or beliefs 6-a writing desk with a set of drawers and, often, with a shelf for books 7-coming one after another, in series, or in order 8-having to do with space 9-a method or system used to accomplish something

1. person or group opposing or hostile to another person or group 2. arranged in the order in which the events happened 3. based upon reason; a rational approach to something 4. a method or system used to accomplish something 5. having to do with space 6. coming one after another, in series, or in order 7. the spreading of opinions or beliefs 8. suggested, indicated, or understood without express statement

1logic 2sequence 3adversary 4propaganda 5technique 6implied 7 chronological 8spatial

What are the three main divisions of literature?


What is the least used service?


Read the following paragraph and answer the question below. Few could have predicted that Ravenna, Italy, which began as a small Roman country town, isolated amidst swamps and marshes and far from the sea, would become in its prime larger and more splendid than Rome itself. In its early days, Ravenna saw Caesar crossing the nearby Rubicon on his way to founding the world's greatest empire. In maturity, Ravenna was the center of a three-way struggle between Rome, Constantinople, and the northern Gothic kingdoms for portions of the empire. In her declining years, Ravenna witnessed Charlemagne entering as a conqueror, Giotto painting murals, and Dante writing the Divine Comedy.

Ravenna, Italy, has become a less important cultural and political center than it was in the past.

Using voice inflections rather than a monotone can make a message more meaningful.


Select the correct meaning of the word below. You may use a dictionary. impugn


What is the organization of this paragraph? I have so much to do today I can't possibly get it all done. First, I have to wash and style my hair to get ready for the party tonight. Then Mother expects me to vacuum and dust the downstairs. Next, I have to do my math and science homework, write a letter to Sue, and straighten my room. Last of all, I must fix dinner for the whole family before I can get ready to leave.

chronological order

What is the organization of this paragraph? She lovingly surveyed the room she was leaving behind. On the left was her grandmother's antique bureau with its crisp white linen scarf. Next to it were a cane-bottomed rocker and a bookcase filled with her favorite novels and poetry books. The old canopy bed with its handmade quilt dominated the back wall. On its right was the magnificent secretary she'd found at an auction, its pigeonholes filled with old letters. Suddenly her move to the city did not seem so exciting.

spatial order

Identify the primary paragraph pattern used in the following example. Being a good reader is somewhat like driving a car; both reader and driver must learn to shift gears skillfully. Just as road conditions that require slow, careful driving call for first gear, a difficult text requires slow, thoughtful reading to be understood and remembered. Similarly, the driver can shift to second gear if he wants to go slightly faster. Second gear is useful to a reader of textual material that is not difficult but must be remembered. On the open road a driver shifts to third. Third gear in reading is used for pleasure reading of magazines or novels. Both reader and driver sometimes use passing gear. This gear is particularly useful to a reader who wants to skim a chapter as a review for a test or to preview an article to determine whether he wishes to read it. Just as driving in first gear at all times is inappropriate and inefficient, reading speeds must be shifted to suit conditions.

comparison and contrast

Identify the sentence structure. When I get home, I will go directly to bed.


Suppose you have been assigned by the school newspaper to cover an important football game. Which paragraph shape would you use in writing up the story?

inverted triangle

Select the correct meaning of the word below. You may use a dictionary. yacht

large boat

Topographic maps are _____.

maps showing elevations, place names, and geographic formations

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

SECTIUNEA A - Completare: Adaugati cuvantul sau cuvintele corecte care completeaza fiecare din urmatoarele afirmatii

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