Odyssey Ch 6

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AA served in Senate and 14 served in HoR. Most were enslaved or with enslaved parents. They were...

not ignorant, but studious, earnest, and ambitious

o To get Hayes elected, the Republicans agreed

to withdraw Union troops that had been stationed in the South since the end of war.

John Brown (what did he do and what did he hope; also the public reaction)

"Bleeding Kansas"- Militant Antislavery leader executed 5 proslavery settler, led 21 men to attack federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, VA. He hoped to inspire a slave rebellion. • His revolt prompted intense public reaction. South: fear slave revolt but calmed when no slave joined; North: initially cool, they claimed Brown as a hero.


- people who had escaped from slavery and were running from the law

Dred Scott v. Sandford (4 result)

1) AA are legal property and no state could deprive citizens of their property without due process of law; 2) Congress could not prohibit slavery in US territories; 3) Missouri compromise is unconstitutional; 4) angered Northerners because it meant that new American territories could now be slave states. The ruling of power between threatened to upset the balance of power b/w free and slave states, fueling a heated debate that in 1861 would erupt into a bloody war

o Slaveholders in turn (3) because they are afraid of rebellions

1) created a complicated system of permits for slave travel and patrols to enforce the system; 2) prevent enslaved worker from learning read and write; 3) passed laws made it difficult to free slaves because they can easily organize rebellions

o Increased the rights and freedoms of AA, which benefited the Republicans (2)

1) made them popular with a large pool of voters; 2) diminish white Southerners' ability to dominate the South politically and economically.

• Increase desertions among Conf. prompted Jefferson Davis to allow ...but

AA enlist. The Confederate Congress did not authorize this act until it was too late. Davis did not surrender to Lincoln unless he acknowledge South as an independent nation


AA who packed their bags to cross St Louis river to Kansas, in hope of better lives • They moved because they were terrorized, robbed, and murdered by desperadoes of LA and Mississippi

Roger Taney

Chief Justice in Dred Scott v. Sandford

1866, Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Act and a bill that would have enabled the Freedmen's Bureau,...result?

Congress overrode both

Dred Scott v. Sandford (detail)

Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet Scott thought of gaining freedom because their master moved to Wisconsin, a free state by Missouri Compromise. However, the master moved back later.

slavery in late-1790 decline because

Farmers in the MA, VA, NC shifted from tobacco to grain crops because crops required less labor

• Institute poll tax

Imposed by Democrats. Voting became a privilege that required a payment of a fee, excluded poor citizens of both races from voting process.

• Violent riot: in NYC

July 13, after union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg. They blamed AA fro the war and set fire to AA orphanage and began lynching AA

Bleeding Kansas

Kansas became the battleground for antislavery and proslavery conflicts

• White supremacist organization

Ku Klux Klan

• New state Gov. was established under the Reconstruction Acts. White Southerners who protested the acts refused to vote in the elections that set up these governments • Result: (2)

Republicans, who had little support in the South before the Civil War, won control of every state Gov.; 2) AA began to exert influence at the polls at AL, FL, LA, MI, and SC, and in SC they outnumbered white

Republican to gain popularity again, they nominated a moderate President...who ran against

Rutherford B Hayes, who appealed to both N&S....Samuel Tilden

• 1858 election, Abraham Lincoln opposed ....and started debate

Senator Stephan Douglas

ex parte Milligan...reaction

Supreme first supported Johnson, it ruled that civilians could not be tried in military court when civil courts were functioning. Northerners defied and made military tribunals part of legislation.

GA and MI sought and injunction preventing Johnson from enforcing Congress' Reconstruction Acts, court rules

The Court refused that executive functions were not subject to judicial restraints. Johnson felt isolated

Republican Party who opposed ..... said that....

They opposed Kansas- Nebraska Act. They proposed Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men

o Grant battled Lee in VA, hoping to take Confederate capital Richmond. They clashed in 3 major battles...results

VA wilderness and Spotsylvania in May, and Cold Harbor in June. Grant lost many, but because of population advantage, he got replacement while Lee cannot. North won

said "I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice. On this subject [slavery] I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. No! No!"

William Lloyd Garrison

writer of The Liberator

William Lloyd Garrison

• Grant ordered _____to pursue a scorched earth policy (2) so they..(3)

William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Henry Shridan ... So they burned farmlands, planation homes, and cities in order to destroy enemies' food, shelter, and supplies. They broke the South's wills to fight

• Grant's secretary of war

William W. Belknap

ex parte Garland...reaction

a case that involved a law requiring loyalty oaths from former Confederate teachers and others who wanted to assume their jobs. Court split, majority said invalid; other said its valid qualification for office holders and voters

cotton gin

a machine that greatly reduced the amount of time and work required to remove the seeds from cotton. With the profitability of cotton production ensured by Whitney's invention, slavery gained a new economic foothold.

• Sep 22, 1862, under extreme pressure from Republican senators, Lincoln signed ...which...but..

a preliminary version of the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared freedom for enslaved persons only in parts of the Confederacy not under the control of the union army. No effect on enslaved AA in the border states that had not joined the Confederacy

sharecropping (def and 2 possible outcome)

a system in which a wealthy patron would give seeds, supplies and a small parcel of land to a farmer in exchange for a portion of the crop. If the patron required a large portion, the sharecropper might not be able to survive. If crop failed, the sharecropper usually became indebted to the patron

• Gospel tradition

a unique musical form that combines many African musical styles with the text of Protestant. Characterized by passionate choral harmonizing and preaching though song; created by AA during years of enslavement. One example was the Gullah people in GA and SC

• Sectionalism and differences b/w n and s

an extreme allegiance to their own local interests. They developed different political agenda based on different economies. The north called for the extension of free labor into new states, the south demand maintenance of slavery

the Freedmen's Bureau

an organization that assisted formerly enslaved people. established to provide freed AA with food, teachers, legal aid, and other assistance. Also distributed horses, mules, and land that had been confiscated during the war.

John Wilkes Booth

assassinated Lincoln

Preston Brooks

beat Mass Senator Charles Sumner with a cane. Brooks felt that Sumner's "Crime against Kansas" speech was verbally attacking Brook's kinsman, so he retaliated

Charles Sumner

beaten by Preston Brooks with a cane. Brooks felt that Sumner's "Crime against Kansas" speech was verbally attacking Brook's kinsman, so he retaliated

• Lincoln had ordered a _____ of all Southern ports


• Johnson's attempt to undermine congressional legislation coupled with his inability or lack of desire to control terrorist organization further angered Radical Republicans • Anger peaked when Johnso....

defied the Tenure of Office Act, which required Senate approval for the removal of cabinet members. Johnson failed to obtain approval when fired Secretary of War Edwin Stanton in 1868

scorched earth policy

destroying anything that's useful, in the South

Grand Exposition

displaying of the nation's art, fashion, produce, appliances, and industrial development

o The Enforcement Act of 1870

empowered fed authorities to prosecute anyone who violated the 14th or 15th Amendment

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

ended the war with MX

preacher Nat Turner

enslaved ___ led 75 armed followers in a rebellion

Women, being the majority of those left at home to confront but homelessness and hunger, did what (3)

eventually broke out: 1863, they looted stores, hijacked trains, and attacked Confederate supply depots to get bread and other food stored

• The Union draft law

excused men from military service if they paid a $300 fee. Many poor thought the law discriminated against them and they started to protest

South made up disadvantages by...so they...and they reasoned.. (3)

fighting a defensive war. Fortified their cities for North to invade. Confederate strategists reason that they would fight on familiar terrain, amid supporters, and close to supplies

Civil Rights Act

granted citizenships to AA and prohibited state from diminishing the right accompanying this citizenship

15th Amendment

guaranteed that no citizen could be denied right to vote based on race, color, or former servitude

Union's fighting forces include

immigrants, free black, and escaped slaves

• Although, in newly established southern state Gov., they did implemented legislation that helped ease the South's social and economical difficulties, many of the Northerners involved in local Southern admin were ....

inexperienced and even corrupt

• Gerrymandering

involved re-dividing voting districts to decrease AA representation in a particular area

• Discontented and afraid of their lives, AA left South. Many moved to Northern Urban cities, such as Chicago and NYC. Some to Kansas because

its a state in which there was an abundance of fertile land and a strong Republican Gov. that promised unbiased treatment under the law. There, many began to enjoy a decent existence.

• Without the presence of Union army, rights of southern AA


black codes

lases that severely restricted rights of newly freed AA; prohibit them to receive free land and orphans can be force labors

o Emancipation

liberation from slavery

North ONLY oppose to extension of slavery into new territories because

means more representation in the senate. Insisted fed Gov. keep out all matters that the Constitution had not clearly defined.


mocking them for having arrived in the South with only the possessions they had been able to stuff in their bag


murdering them in ruthless mob attacks

because of corruption, democrats started to gain control of Southern legislation. They used some underhanded tactics to ...the tactics were

neutralize the issues of equality ; gerrymandering and instituting poll tax

United States v. Cruikshank (2)

over turned the Enforcement Act of 1870. The court ruled that a state could not legally discriminate against AA, but non-state institutions and individuals could. They also overturned the conviction of 3 whites' participation in a AA massacre because they aren't "racially" motivated

o Most slaves suffered (2)

physical abuse since plantation owner whipped them freely and branded them human property to punish them o Plantation owners also abused them emotionally- "sent down a river", means far away from family and friends, usually far south, where conditions were worse

14th Amendment

prevented states from denying rights and privileges to any US citizens

• Jerry Loguen

said to helped 1500 people escape from slavery. His former owner Sarah Logue discovered that, she demanded him to pay her $1000 for his freedom and the horse he had stolen to escape.

Commodore David Farragut

sailed a fleet into the mouth of the Mississippi River, steaming past the forts below New Orleans and went on to capture the South's largest city

o Southerners see Lincoln's pro-north political views and threatened

secession- formal withdrawal from nation

who opposed the plan


Denmark Vesey Conspiracy

slave rebellion in Charleston 1822

: Gabriel's Revolt

slave rebellion in Richmond 1800

o By mid-1800s, the northern economy relied mostly on manufacturing and an ever-increasing immigrant workforce. They fear if slavery ...

spread, their own jobs will be threatened. They also oppose slavery on moral grounds.

• Women assumed new roles; they took responsibilities for (10)

supplying many of food, clothing, and weapons. Across the nation, in order to support their families, many women managed family farms, worked in factories, ran printing presses, shod horses, and also filled Gov. positions; some even disguised as men and fought in the war. Also worked as nurses

Wade-Davis Bill

supported by Republicans; requiring a majority of a state's white male citizenry to swear both past and future loyalty to the Union; only then would the fed Gov. recognize the state's Gov. Lincoln vetoed it thinking its too harsh

Grant's terms of surrender ensured that (3)

that Confederate soldiers would not be prosecuted for treason and that artillery and cavalry soldiers would be permitted to keep horses; he also arranged for 3 days' rations to be sent to the Conf. soldiers. Lee accepted

SC secedes. 1861, MI, FL, AB, HA, LA, and TX followed, declaring themselves a new nation...

the Confederate States of America

the ship, renamed the _____ batted Union's ironclad _____. outcome and significance?

the ship, renamed the Virginia batted Union's ironclad Monitor. Neither won, but marked the beginning of a new era in naval warfare

o Southerners wanted low tariff because ...and argued

they bought lots of goods from GB, which in turn bought the South's cotton for GB cotton mills. High tariff threatened the South's prosperity. They argued that Congress did not have the right to make laws that caused one section of the country to suffer unfairly. They were determined to maintain political balance.

Lincoln said,

to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations."

why divide south into district

to protect all persons in their rights of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punished, all disturbers of the public peace and criminals

• Abolitionists pressured Lincoln to free all slaves. Argued that (3). Lincoln's response?

union soldiers were fighting not only to preserve the Union but also to end slavery. Freeing slaves would also provide soldiers. • Reasoned that the Fugitive Slave Law no longer applied to Southerners, who after their secession from the Union could no longer claim to be protected by the Union's Law. The north got rid of its obligation to return runaways and Union troops could confiscate Southern property and slaves as spoils of war. • Lincoln first denied, fearing MA, MI, and KT would be out of the Union

• Congress responded by

voting to impeach the President on 11 charges of misconduct

underground railroad

was created to help AA escaped by conducting them to safe houses where they could hide on their way to free territories, Mexico and the North.

o Radical Republicans

were strongly antislavery and believed that political changes in South can only occur with the presence of Union troops. Lincoln and Johnson's leniency outraged them

Big House

where slaves and owners live together

o War With Mexico (3)

• 1836, Texas declared independence from Mexico, Southerners wanted to acquire Texas as a new slave state. However, TX and US started war with MX in 1846 • 1848, _______ended the war, giving US CA, AZ, NM, UT, NV, CO, and WY • Intensified conflicts between North and South, northerners opposed the extension of slavery into new land south of Missouri Compromise line

AA in North during panic

• AA in north, although gained access to public education and transportation, they usually trapped in low paying and unskilled jobs; lived in poor housing; and had little voice in shaping government policies. They made up only 2% of popu.

Congress passed series of Reconstruction (2)

• Abolished state Gov. founded under Johnson's plan • Divided South into 5 military districts, each under the command of a general. Fed troops were stationed in each district to carry out the process of readmitting states to the Union

o Shiloh

• After Shiloh, Americans realized that the war would be men slaughters. More than 20,000 soldiers were killed, 8000 more than in previous battles combined (Apr 6-7, 1862)

Reconstruction Proclamation- reaction(2)

• But when Congress reconvened, people rejected new rep. and criticized Johnson for leniency towards South. Pointed out that Johnson had done nothing to prevent new Southern state Gov. from passing black codes

Fort Sumter (start,2 result )

• Confederacy's 1st military objective: control Fort Sumner, a union military installation in Charleston, SC • Southerner warned if fired, it's a striking a hornet's nest. Despite, Confederacy won • Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the rebellion. In turn, VA, AR, NC, and TN joined the Confederacy led by Jefferson Davis, fighting for their independence

o Gettysburg (who's in it and result)

• Confederate general Lee decided to invade North again • 1st 3 days of July 1863, North suffered heavy losses on the 1st day of battle at Seminary Ridge • 3rd day, Lee ordered General George Pickett to lead 13000 men in an assault on Union Lines. Half of confederate were gunned down, then they retreated • Conf. casualty: 28000; Union: 23000 • Crushing defeat for South, never recovered from lost it suffered

Jefferson Davis

• Confederate president

Sectionalism developed because

• Developed because of Northern politicians' attempt to pass laws settling slavery debate for the entire nation; while southerners angered over increasing fed interruption on state level affairs

o The Kansas-Nebraska Act (4)

• Divided Nebraska territory into two separate territories, Kansas and Nebraska; repealed the prohibition of slavery north of the Missouri Compromise; people in the territories will decide • It voided the Missouri Compromise and enabled slavery to spread northward

o African American Soldiers (initially..then..significance)

• Early in the war, many AA wanted to join the Union, but were denied • 1863, desperately needing more soldiers, Lincoln finally accepted them. By the end of the war, 180,000 AA served in the army. In spite of the Confederate threat to shoot them on capture, 23 AA soldiers won the Medal of Honor

o Vicksburg (location and significance, whos in it)

• Fought for control of Mississippi River • Union occupied New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Natchez, and Memphis. Confederate only had Vicksburg, located on bluffs high above the river • mid- may 1863, Union general Ulysses S grant ordered a siege of the city. • July 4, when Lee retreated from Gettysburg, Confederate force in Vicksburg surrendered • 2 strategic victories spread throughout the Union and accord. to Carl Sandburg, they celebrated

o Reconstruction Proclamation (3)

• Granted amnesty, or pardon, to Confederates who would sign an oath of loyalty to the Union • Political and military leaders and landowners whose property was worth more than $20000 had to apply for special pardons • Appointed provisional governors and set forth minimal requirements for reorganizing Southern state government

Confederate's advantage

• Had Military skills and experience. They could draw from a talented pool of military minds that include officers from West Point (ex. General Robert E. Lee of VA) and veterans of the Mexican American War. Skilled marksmen and members of local militia units

The Compromise of 1850 (4) and proposer

• Henry Proposed: 1) CA as free state; 2) territorial Gov. in UT and NM let ppl of the territories decide the slavery issue; 3) slave trade, but not slavery, prohibited in DC; 4) new fugitive slave law require fed marshals to assist in recapturing fugitives

o The Kansas-Nebraska Act was proposed by....

• Illinois senator Stephan Douglas

o The compromise of 1850 (cause)

• In 1850, there were 15 slave states and 15 free states. CA applied as a free state

AA in south during panic

• In the South sharecropping system cheated many AA farmers out of owning land or reaping profits from their labors. Meanwhile white farmers suffered devastating losses during these hard times and often accused AA of causing their economic problems

The Compromise of 1850 (4 different people's comment )

• John Calhoun of SC opposed • Daniel Webster of MA supported, but argued no need to exclude slavery in new land because the soil condition is not good • President Taylor opposed it but his death made Millard Fillmore the president, who supported the Compromise

disadvantage of South (4)

• Lacked natural resources, industry, transportation, and financial resources

Lincoln stand on slavery? to whom did he address to?

• Lincoln said he would do whatever to save the Union, even if it meant to free all slaves or none, in a letter to abolitionist Horace Greeley

o The Gettysburg Address (what is it and public reaction)

• Lincoln visited the battle site to dedicate a cemetery to honor the soldier • People thought Lincoln's remark was short and simple for serious occasion. But the address is one of the significant developments in the history of individual rights in US. He said "All-Americans" regardless of heritage; it had a stake in the future of the nation. Along with the stake would eventually come equality

o Missouri Compromise (3)

• Missouri became slave state, Maine became free state • The region south of 36030' will be slave state, north of it, exc Missouri, will be free • Still unhappy because there's more land for free state, fearing that immigrants often go to Northern urban centers, and their populations would exceed South's=more seats in HoR

o The first Battle of bull Run(union? conf? result?)

• Northerners thought they would win but they lost • Confederate soldiers were outnumbered more than 2 to 1. Bur they held their ground until reinforcement arrived. Then counterattacked and sent confused Union troops retreat • Major psychological setback to Union and they did not quickly recover

Harriet Tubman

• One of the most famous conductors was ___, a woman who escaped and helped guided 19 expeditions of escapes out of the South. She was armed with pistol

John Brown's Revolt inspires the comment of...

• Ralph Waldo Emerson

Union's advantage

• Resources for war: steel mills and iron mills, imp industries, transportation facilities, naval facilities and ships, were ALL located in North


• Sept 17, 1862, Northerners stopped Lee's advance, 30000 soldiers died. North's victory is important because it made GB reluctant to respond to South's request for aid

Shenandoah Valley

• Sheridan raided the _____ one of South's main sources of food, to starve lee's troops. He burned everything and ripped railroad tracks. It fell in Dec 1864

Slaves dealt with separation by (2)

• Slaves dealt with separation by adopting new comrades as family • Also turned to religion for comfort. Took hope from biblical stories of slavery and liberation and transformed Protestant customs into their own African Christian blend such as African dance and music during worship services.


• The Confederates almost succeeded in breaking the blockade at Chesapeake Bay. They raised the frigate ______, but was sink by Union forces

o The Panic of 1873

• The crisis touched off in 1873 when Jay Cooke suddenly close his PA bank, which prompted a panic during which 5000 businesses closed, and thousands lost their jobs

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