Old Test Questions

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Stimulus diffusion, because the Europeans adapted a Chinese concept to fit their own needs

Chinese porcelain was highly valued in Europe for its beauty, style, and durability. However, imported porcelain from China was very expensive. Crafters in Germany and England developed new methods of making porcelain using feldspar and bone rather than the kaolin that was used in China. This new porcelain was viewed as having similar quality to Chinese porcelain, and the new methods continued to be used in Europe. This example describes what type of diffusion?

The repeated relocations have resulted in a wide diversity of Christian religious beliefs and practices.

Christianity has expanded through repeated patterns of relocation diffusion to spread to the Americas. Which of the following explains the impacts of this diffusion on Christianity in the Americas?

Russia is an ethnically diverse region with many subnational units.

Compare the centralized power of the Soviet Union with the contemporary Russian Federation, in terms of the control of territory. Which of the following statements does the information in the map best support?

cultural landscape

Comparing both photographs, each image shows the significance of temples, religious statuary, and iconography on the

Pressures on pension and social security programs are at critical levels as the number of elderly increases.

Country A is a more developed country with a low birth rate, a low total fertility rate, a high life expectancy, and a high percentage of urban population. Based on this information, which of the following outcomes is most likely to occur in Country A?

Antinatalist policies promote family planning and education of women to reduce fertility rates.

Country X has a high youth-dependency ratio. Country Z has fears of running out of agricultural resources. Which of the following explains why Countries XX and Z would implement anti-natalist policies?


Crossing which of the following borders requires few, if any, formalities and thus encourages the free flow of people and products?

Built environment

Cultural landscape is closest in meaning to which of the following?


Culturally defined political boundaries, such as those determined by the spatial patterns of religion or language, are called

under the age of 15

Even though total fertility rates have been declining in some less-developed countries, the total population has continued to grow. This is primarily because a high percentage of the population is

The countries comprise a strategically positioned area and have unstable national governments.

Examining the countries shown in white on the map of the former Yugoslavia, which of the following explains why the area would be referred to as a shatterbelt region?

Hinduism is an ethnic religion concentrated in the region near its cultural hearth, and Buddhism is a universalizing religion that has spread to regions where the religion has been adopted.

Hinduism and Buddhism have their origins in South Asia. Much of Hinduism's population is concentrated in South Asia, whereas much of Buddhism's population has diffused to other parts of Asia. Which of the following best explains this difference in the cultural diffusion of Hinduism and Buddhism?


Historically, Iceland had only one period of human migration. The country has never been invaded and possesses a common culture and language. As a result, Iceland is regarded as a good example of which of the following concepts?

The map shows how in many areas of the former French empire the language persists despite the independence of former colonies.

How does the map illustrate global diffusion of the French language from its cultural hearth in Paris?

Urbanization resulted in smaller household sizes, and the mechanization of agriculture increased food production.

In 1798 Thomas Malthus argued that populations grew exponentially while food supplies grew arithmetically. Consequently, Malthus argued that food shortages would develop until famine and other checks slowed population growth. What statement correctly explains why Malthus' prediction did not come true in 1800s Europe?

Greece would be required to guarantee the right of passage for ships transiting from the Dardanelles to the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1982 the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) established freedom-of-navigation rights and defined territorial waters as a 12-nautical-mile limit from the coast where individual states have political and economic sovereignty. However, Greece and Turkey still only claim a 6-nautical-mile territorial sea. If Greece and Turkey adopted the UNCLOS system and expanded their territorial seas to 12 nautical miles, as shown in Map 2, which of the following scenarios best explains the resulting geographic pattern?

The ship could be stopped by Greece's Coast Guard for safety and environmental inspections.

In 1982 the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) established freedom-of-navigation rights and defined territorial waters as a 12-nautical-mile limit from the coast where individual states have political and economic sovereignty. However, Greece and Turkey still only claim a 6-nautical-mile territorial sea. If Greece and Turkey adopted the UNCLOS system and expanded their territorial seas to 12 nautical miles, as shown in Map 2, which of the following would be true for a Turkish-owned oil tanker sailing into Greek territorial waters?

Economic growth and employment opportunities in Europe, attracting immigrant workers

In 2018, a large number of migrants from Afghanistan and Iraq applied for asylum in the European Union. Which of the following is a pull factor that explains this migration?

large heterogeneous groups

In contrast to folk culture, popular culture is typical of

the physical environment exclusively shapes humans and their actions

In descriptions of interaction between people and the environment, the term "environmental determinism" implies that

climatic changes leading to colder northern winters

In recent decades, all of the following have played a major role in the rapid growth of Sun Belt cities of the United States EXCEPT


In the United States House of Representatives there are a fixed number of 435 seats divided among the states based upon each state's relative population size. Changes in the number of representatives, as shown on the map, affect politics at which of the following scales?

It decreased dramatically with the introduction of new diseases

In the century after the arrival of Europeans, which of the following changes occurred to the indigenous population of the Americas?

The resulting rural-to-urban migration for jobs in factories led to a decline in birth rates and lowered population growth rates below what Malthus predicted.

In the early part of the Industrial Revolution in Europe, Thomas Malthus developed a theory that population increases exponentially, while food production can increase only arithmetically. Which of the following statements best explains how the Industrial Revolution reduced the threats forecast by Malthus?


In the early twenty-first century, the largest number of refugees is located on which of the following continents?

South Africa

In the first decade of the twenty-first century, which of the following countries had the lowest fertility rate?

level of social and economic development over time

In the model shown, the lines for birth rate, death rate, and total population are indicators of a country's

urbanization and falling birth rates

In the nineteenth and early twentieth century, the demographic transition in Europe was best characterized by

County III

It can be inferred from global patterns of population growth that the country most likely to be in West Africa is

Its absolute location

Latitude and longitude may be used to determine which of the following characteristics of a place?

Census surveys

Market research reports and profiles of voting districts like those shown are examples of spatial analysis products. Which of the following data sources is most frequently used to create the spatial analysis products shown in the examples?

European colonial powers in the late-nineteenth century

Most of Africa's political boundaries were originally drawn by


On the map above, which one of the following boxes is in an area where the population density is high and the level of economic development is low?


Owing to their localized geography or their locations on islands or peninsulas, many small political entities such as those labeled on the political map of the world can be identified as

explains density in terms of people per arable square land unit, while crude density explains density in terms of people per total square land unit

Physiological population density differs from crude population density in that physiological density

It is more reflective of population pressure on arable land.

Physiological population density is viewed as a superior measure of population density for which of the following reasons?


Read the definitions below and then answer the question that follows. Watershed: A region in which all rainfall eventually flows downhill through a system of streams and tributaries into the same body of water, such as the catchment basin of a river or lake. Milkshed: A region in which fresh milk is produced and can be delivered without spoilage for sale and consumption. A dairy farm sits at the center of an area, the size of which is determined by how far fresh milk can be shipped and still maintain shelf-life for consumers. Given the definitions, watersheds and milksheds can best be classified as what type of region?

The autonomous republics provide ethnic groups with some political control over their homelands while preserving Russia's territorial integrity.

Some territories within the Russian Federation are characterized by concentrated populations of ethnic groups and these areas function as autonomous republics. Which of the following best explains the political relationship between the autonomous republics and the central government of Russia?

lingua franca

Swahili in East Africa and English in global commerce are examples of

A comparison of data from one scale to a different set of scales can result in a flawed analysis.

Table 1 shows that the United States and New York City have similar median household income values. Compare the data in Table 1 to the data in Table 2. Based on this comparison, which of the following statements is most accurate?

Geometric, with straight lines, disregarding physical features or tribal cultural differences of the areas

The Berlin Conference established the borders of North African countries including Egypt, Libya, and Sudan. The landscape of these countries influenced the types of boundaries imposed by the European colonial powers. Which of the following boundary types best explains the influence of landscape on the political borders of the North African region?

Superimposed boundaries

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 and the partition of India in 1947 changed borders in Africa and South Asia and are reflected in the current world map. Which of the following best describes the type of political border resulting from these events?

relict boundary

The Berlin Wall fell in 1989, but people in the former East and West Germany still feel its influence. Geographers would say that where the wall once stood now acts as a

recognize the territorial rights of indigenous people in the area

The Canadian government created the new territory of Nunavut in order to

creolized language

The Gullah language is spoken in African-American communities of the coastal southeastern United States, particularly in South Carolina, Georgia, and northeastern Florida. It is a combination of Elizabethan English and African dialects. One can describe Gullah as a

Central Asia

The Indo-European language family includes the major languages of Europe and those dominant in all the following regions EXCEPT

The claims to the Spratly Islands by both the Philippines and Malaysia overlap due to exclusive economic zones up to 200 nautical miles from their coasts.

The Philippines and Malaysia lay claim to resources under and around the Spratly Islands. Which of the following best explains how the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) influences claims to the islands by both countries?

carrying capacity

The ability of a resource base to sustain a population is known as its

Belief systems

The alignment of ancient Chinese cities toward the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) best illustrates the importance of which of the following factors in the shaping of these early cities?

redrawn every ten years

The boundaries of congressional districts of the United States are

Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation

The concept of environmental sustainability is best explained by which of the following examples?


The data in the table can be used to describe a high level of female empowerment for which of the following countries?

how differences in birth and death rates result in natural population change

The demographic transition is a general model that seeks to explain

relationship between the potential labor force and the remainder of a country's population

The dependency ratio is most useful for indicating the

transnational migration from Ireland, southern Germany, and Italy

The early United States population was predominantly Protestant. In the nineteenth century, urban populations became increasingly Roman Catholic, especially in the cities of the Northeastern United States. This shift in the pattern of religion was caused by

Local representation in the national legislature

The examples in the table show states that gained or lost United States House of Representatives districts based on 2010 census data. The states were required to revise district boundaries based on census data. Using the data in the table and the description, which of the following identifies the scales of analysis that are reflected in this redistricting?

guest workers

The flow lines on the map above most likely represent the movement of

Spanish colonialism influenced architecture of the cultural landscape.

The image shows a religious structure in Mexico City. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on the image?

The three dimensions of Earth's surface are displayed on a two-dimensional page.

The images show a topographic map and a geographic information systems (GIS) representation of Mount Shasta in California. Which of the following statements best explains why these printed images are geometrically distorted representations of Earth's surface?

A political push factor from Syria, where armed conflict imperils personal safety

The international Syrian refugee crisis that started in 2011 is best explained by which of the following migration factors?


The lush golf courses in the United Arab Emirates, the dikes and polders in the Netherlands, and the Three Gorges Dam in China are significant examples of land use. These examples reflect which of the following viewpoints of human-environment interaction?


The map above shows the countries in Africa where private investors and foreign governments have leased farmland for large-scale commercial farming. Usually much of the food produced is bound for wealthier nations. This practice is an example of

Arithmetic density

The map shows the number of people per unit of land. Which of the following types of data are shown on the map?

A government agency seeking to promote equal opportunities across ethnicities

The maps show residential neighborhoods in the Republic of Singapore. Which of the following individuals or organizations would be most likely to make a decision based on the spatial pattern shown on the maps?

The sign promotes the use of traditional language among citizens of the Republic of Ireland.

The photograph shows a road sign in the Republic of Ireland. Which of the following best describes the sign's significance within the cultural landscape?

Roman Catholicism

The principal religion of Central and South America is

Twelve-nautical-mile territorial sea zone

The provisions of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea give coastal countries navigational and economic sovereignty over which of the following zones?

An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping

The satellite images show changes to a portion of the Louisiana coast between 1984 and 2017. The table shows the changes in land acreage. Which of the following best describes the changes and a consequence of the changes?

a large guest-worker population

The sex ratio represented in the age-sex graph above for Country X is most likely the result of


The shape of North Carolina's Twelfth Congressional District, shown above, is most likely the result of

The Internet spreads the use of English as a global lingua franca, but the Internet is also a place where traditional languages can be communicated and thrive.

The sign shown in the image includes an Internet address for the county government. Explain how the sign illustrates the cultural tensions between traditional languages and English.

Relocation diffusion

The spread of the use of chopsticks into Southeast Asian countries with the influx of Chinese immigrants is an example of which of the following concepts?

Similar environmental laws will likely spread through stimulus diffusion to other states via political activism.

The state of California, often considered a hearth of environmental laws, will be the first state to ban plastic straws. Which of the following statements best describes the likely spread of this environmental practice?

ZIP code

The table shows the types of information collected by a store regarding customer purchases. Which of the following data could be used in a geographical information system (GIS) to increase sales?


The temples shown in the images, combined with the surrounding scenic physical landscape, have become centers of pilgrimage and tourism. These factors combine to result in enhanced religious expression and local

demographic momentum

The term that describes the concept that population will continue to grow even after fertility rates decline is known as


The urban linguistic landscape shown in the photograph above is most likely found in a region where which of the following languages is spoken?

A continuing issue of conflict and political unrest within Syria

There has been an increase in asylum seekers from Syria to the European Union in recent years. Which of the following best describes the reason for this migration?

Cultural heritage of the settlers

Toponyms in southern California reflect which of the following?


Transnational migrants often send money back to their home countries to support nonmigrant family members. What is the term used to describe their international financial transactions?

claim national economic jurisdiction over 200 nautical miles of water extending from its coast

United Nations recognition of a state's "exclusive economic zone" allows the state to

Adding low-cost or zero-cost infant day care and preschool centers to allow mothers to return to the workforce

What changes could local governments, businesses, and corporations make to reverse Japan's national birth patterns?

An increase in life expectancy

Which factor is most responsible for the increase in Japan's dependency ratio?

The American West and the American Midwest

Which of the following are the best examples of vernacular regions?

Diffusion of popular culture

Which of the following best accounts for the universal appeal of blue jeans?

Slow population growth

Which of the following best describes a country with a rate of natural increase of 0.4 ?

A multinational trade zone in which most tariffs have been eliminated

Which of the following best describes the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Canada, and Mexico?

Remote sensing satellite image of land use

Which of the following best describes the data presented in the image?

To act as an overarching government for a collection of subnational states allied for a common purpose

Which of the following best describes the role of the federal state in a country's political organization?

Ethnic Chinese residents are in the majority across most of the city, while ethnic Malay and ethnic Indian residents are concentrated in the peripheral neighborhoods.

Which of the following best describes the spatial pattern of ethnicity in Singapore's neighborhoods?

Relative location

Which of the following best describes the type of information provided in the directions?

The spread of an Internet meme via social media applications

Which of the following best exemplifies the diffusion of popular culture throughout the world in contemporary society?

Uneven economic development as eastern Brazil experiences more growth than the sparsely inhabited western regions

Which of the following best explains a likely effect of Brazil's population distribution?

Labor shortages may cause the government to reduce the legal barriers to immigration, and immigrant populations could increase the working-age cohorts.

Which of the following best explains a possible limitation of the trends assumed from the population pyramid and estimates in the data table? *Think about how the population pyramid will look like over time

Christianity was brought to the Philippines through relocation diffusion when the Spanish colonized the Philippines in the sixteenth century.

Which of the following best explains how Christianity became the dominant religion in the Philippines?

Immigrants often retain their religion during the process of acculturation, contributing to religious diversity within the cultural landscape of the receiving country.

Which of the following best explains how immigration affects the cultural landscape of religion?

The English language was imposed on this location through a process of economic and political domination.

Which of the following best explains how the English language diffused to the location shown in the image?

The English language is widely used on the Internet.

Which of the following best explains the Internet's homogenizing effect on global language patterns?

French language and culture act as a centrifugal force in Canada because independence movements in Quebec have attempted to secede the province from Canada.

Which of the following best explains the effect of French language and culture on the federal state of Canada's political power?

These areas show where indigenous peoples have a limited amount of self-government at a national scale.

Which of the following best explains the governance of the shaded areas shown on the map?

The schools were intended to diffuse Christianity and assimilate indigenous youth into European culture.

Which of the following best explains the practice of placing indigenous children in boarding schools in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

North African improvements in nutrition, health care, and sanitation have reduced birth and death rates as well as improved life expectancies over time.

Which of the following best explains the significant difference in North Africa's demographic data from the rest of the African continent and North Africa's closer similarity to global demographic data?

Catalonia is well developed economically compared to other regions in Spain.

Which of the following best explains why the region of Catalonia in Spain could be a viable country?

Malthus theorized that, if left unchecked by regular cycles of famine and misery, population would increase beyond the ability to feed itself.

Which of the following best explains why, in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, Thomas Malthus proposed his population theory?

Low arithmetic density

Which of the following best identifies the data for the Eastern Great Rift Valley, shown on the map?

Continental and country

Which of the following best identifies the scale of analysis for each of the maps shown?


Which of the following best illustrates the geographical concept of the nation-state?


Which of the following best represents the concept of the nation-state in its internal cultural-political makeup and spatial organization?

Variation of language within the country

Which of the following can be an example of a centrifugal political force?

Low population-growth rates

Which of the following characteristics is currently shared by Switzerland, Canada, and New Zealand?

Global communications technology may bring in new ideas that act as centrifugal forces, whereas state-controlled media is utilized as a centripetal force to present a common message.

Which of the following compares the impact of increased global communications technology to the impact of state-controlled media?

Modification of landscapes by human cultures

Which of the following concepts could best be explained by the theory of possibilism?

Centripetal forces at both the local scale and the national scale may lead to increased cultural cohesion.

Which of the following correctly compares the impact of centripetal forces at the local scale with the impact of centripetal forces at the national scale?

Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Nile Valley, North China

Which of the following correctly lists the four major ancient culture hearths?

Empire, nation-state, province, county

Which of the following correctly lists the usual hierarchy of political-administrative units in order from the largest to the smallest?

Hinduism and South Asia

Which of the following correctly pairs a global religion described with its hearth region of origin?

Indo-European, Germanic, English, Midland-Northern

Which of the following correctly sequences the continuum from language family to dialect?


Which of the following countries did NOT have a significant, long-lasting colonial presence in Africa after 1920 ?


Which of the following countries is the primary destination for guest workers from the Maghreb region of northern Africa?

A country with a birth rate of 11, a death rate of 13, and a rate of natural increase of −0.2 , legislates tax credits for working parents

Which of the following country demographics would be used to explain the need for the pronatalist policies shown?

Declining death rate

Which of the following describes a characteristic of a country moving from stage 2 to stage 3 of the demographic transition model?

As the proportion of older people in the country increases, fewer young workers are available to contribute tax revenues to support programs that provide services to the older population.

Which of the following describes a concern for a country with an aging population?

Multiple substates have local control and are unified to pursue common goals at the national level.

Which of the following describes a federal form of governance?

Universal health care

Which of the following describes a pull factor affecting migration to some of the more developed countries?

A state has a strong central government with no power given to regions.

Which of the following describes a unitary form of governance?

Canada created the province of Nunavut to provide greater autonomy for the First Nations.

Which of the following describes an example of a consequent boundary?

Patterns of arithmetic density within specific regions

Which of the following describes information a geographer could identify from the map of urban populations in Brazil?

Degenerative diseases due to old age and lifestyle

Which of the following describes the most likely cause of death for a citizen of a country in stages 4 and 5 of the demographic transition model?

A former scientific viewpoint stating that factors within the physical geography of a region shape the local population's culture and behaviors

Which of the following describes the perspective of environmental determinism?

The mix of Native American, African, and European influences to create new cultural forms

Which of the following describes the process of creolization?

The lowest total fertility rates are shown in Europe, Russia, East Asia, Australia, and Canada.

Which of the following describes the spatial pattern shown in the map of total fertility rates?

A large land area and multiple ethnic groups

Which of the following describes typical characteristics of federal states?

Linguistic homogeneity

Which of the following does NOT act as a centrifugal force for a state?

Admittance into a supranational organization such as the European Union

Which of the following events could be a threat to a state's sovereignty at the national scale, while holding a region together at the global scale?

Chinese immigrants established businesses and religious centers that provided their new cities with greater access to elements of Chinese culture such as arts, cuisine, and religion.

Which of the following explains a significant positive impact that the immigration of large populations of Chinese people had on places like Vancouver and Los Angeles?

A projected shortage of working-age people to care for the rising elderly population, resulting in an increase in the cost of living for older people.

Which of the following explains an unintended consequence of China's antinatalist one-child policy?

Guest workers migrate to the region for jobs in construction and the oil fields, increasing the volume of exports from the region.

Which of the following explains the major effect of migration flow to Southwest Asia from other regions in Asia?

City B is located in a less developed country and has high rates of rural-to-urban migration, whereas City A is located in a more developed country and has low rates of rural-to-urban migration.

Which of the following explains the pattern of growth in City B relative to City A ?

To benefit from the EU free trade zone and achieve economic and social stability

Which of the following explains why Bosnia and Herzegovina would want to join the European Union (EU)?

Korea and Vietnam experienced conflict due to a dispute between global powers.

Which of the following explains why Korea and Vietnam were viewed as shatterbelts during the Cold War?

The population places a large amount of pressure on the arable land to produce enough food without risking severe environmental degradation.

Which of the following explains why a country with a high physiological density (e.g., Japan, Egypt, or the Netherlands) risks exceeding its carrying capacity?

The French language on the banner hanging from the building

Which of the following features is most useful for describing the cultural landscape shown in the image?

An increase in the use of electric vehicles, because their reduced emissions result in less environmental pollution.

Which of the following global trends best exemplifies the concept of sustainability?


Which of the following groups represents a nation without a state?

It is a universalizing religion.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Hinduism?

A common language

Which of the following is NOT part of the definition of a state?

The size and shape of countries in the higher latitudes are greatly exaggerated.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the Mercator projection?

It divides the demographic changes of a country into two stages of slow growth and high growth.

Which of the following is a correct statement about the demographic transition model?

Women's empowerment

Which of the following is a distinctive aspect of population policy emphasized for the first time by the international community in the 1990's?

Packing areas of minority group voters into a single legislative representative's district

Which of the following is a likely outcome of gerrymandering?

The small size of urban counties in the eastern United States masks the significance of the Hispanic population in most eastern cities.

Which of the following is a limitation of the map of Hispanic population percentage?


Which of the following is a term used in the study of place names?

There is an economic aspect to the Catalan independence movement, while the Quebecois focus mainly on cultural differences.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of devolutionary movements in Spain and Canada?


Which of the following is an example of Balkanization?

Adobe ruins

Which of the following is an example of a cultural landscape?

Eastern Europe

Which of the following is an example of a shatterbelt region?

The geometric boundary between Iraq and Saudi Arabia

Which of the following is an example of a superimposed boundary?

The European Union

Which of the following is an example of a supranational organization with the main mission of increasing economic integration?


Which of the following is an example of an ethnic religion?

Some foods are avoided for religious or cultural reasons even at the expense of a balanced diet.

Which of the following is most accurate with regard to food preferences and taboos?

aging population

Which of the following is most characteristic of societies currently in the last stage of demographic transition?

Zip codes

Which of the following is most likely to be used by a marketing firm seeking to map patterns of lifestyle characteristics in the United States?


Which of the following is the belief that one's own culture is the best or better than other cultures?


Which of the following is the correct organizational scale for the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)?


Which of the following is the name for political redistricting that produces unusually shaped districts to create a political advantage?

The physical environment controls human culture .

Which of the following is the primary assumption of environmental determinism?

It incorporates traits that diffuse quickly to a wide variety of places.

Which of the following is true of popular culture?

Hmong in the United States

Which of the following language-location pairs best exemplifies the process of relocation diffusion of language in the twentieth century?


Which of the following map scales would be most useful for studying the details of geographic features in the landscape of a farming community?


Which of the following originated in South Asia and subsequently spread throughout much of Southeast and East Asia?

The high level of economic difference between the regions in Italy acts as a devolutionary force.

Which of the following possible political effects is implied by the data in the table?

Census tract or enumeration area

Which of the following scales of analysis would provide demographic data that could be used to compare one urban neighborhood to other urban neighborhoods across a country?

The increasing sales of clothing brands endorsed by professional athletes to customers in Europe

Which of the following scenarios best exemplifies the concept of hierarchical diffusion?

Maps showing Michigan's population density by counties and the United States population density by state

Which of the following sets of maps would help explain how scale of inquiry affects truth?

The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa.

Which of the following spatial patterns accurately describes the data presented in the map?

It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes.

Which of the following statements about the Robinson projection is correct?

Improvements in nutrition, sanitation, and health care cause death rates to fall in stage 2 of the demographic transition.

Which of the following statements best describes how the epidemiologic transition affects the demographic transition?

The English language initially diffused to North America through the process of relocation diffusion. A number of colonies were established and settled by people from Great Britain.

Which of the following statements best explains why English is the most widely spoken language in North America?

The Southwest, because residents are influenced by Spanish Catholicism.

Which of the following statements explains the regional location in the United States where the figures shown in the image are most likely part of the cultural landscape?


Which of the following terms best describes regions that make up the political geographic divisions within a country?

Culture traits

Which of the following terms best describes the food preferences, architecture, and land-use practices found in a particular region?


Which of the following terms best describes the political entity of the Republic of Ireland?

Time-space convergence

Which of the following terms best describes the spatial effects of the Internet on the global diffusion of culture?

Semiautonomous regions

Which of the following terms identifies the type of regions shown in the dark gray-shaded areas on the map?

Shatter belt

Which of the following terms refers to an area of instability located between regions with opposing political and cultural values?

less developed countries

Which of the following types of countries are most likely challenged with the problems associated with a large youth-dependent population, such as providing public primary education for all children?

International migration and voluntary migration: Family A from Mumbai has convinced their close friends Family B to emigrate to London as they did in order help start up their business.

Which of the following types of migration are correctly explained by the example given?

Improvements in access to health care and sanitation

Which of the following would be most likely to increase life expectancy in a less developed country, resulting in an aging population in that country?


Which population pyramid shown above best represents a college town?


Which population pyramid shown above best represents a town with a military base?

The American government educated Native American children in American-style boarding schools. All of the children were taught English, and girls were taught how to be homemakers.

Which scenario best explains the process of assimilation?

In the world as a whole, fertility rates have fallen in the last 25 years.

Which statement best describes population growth patterns in the world today?

Guest workers

Which term best describes the majority of voluntary migrants from South Asia to the Persian Gulf countries of Bahrain, Qatar, and Kuwait during the 1990s and 2000s?

The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail.

Why would a town planner use a map at the 1:24,000 scale rather than a map at the 1:250,000 scale?

Architectural adaptations to the natural environment

Window screens Green roofs Photovoltaics Breezeways Pilings All of the terms listed above could be used to illustrate what concept?


A pilgrim to Varanasi (Benares) in India is most likely to be a

a line of constant compass bearing

A straight line on a navigation map using the Mercator projection represents


All of the following were colonized by France EXCEPT


At some point in their recent history, all of the following countries became divided into two political entities as a result of cultural or ideological conflict EXCEPT

It is physically separate from the rest of the United Kingdom, a multinational state.

Based on the map, which of the following can be identified as a true statement about Northern Ireland?

Rural to urban

During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which of the following types of intraregional migration was the most prominent worldwide?


Identify the cultural trait that influences the architecture of the cultural landscape shown in the image.

The population divided and evolved into the four different languages, and then the disease spread.

If four languages have similar words for numbers and the names of fish, but different names for a certain disease, what might be concluded about the time at which the disease first diffused?

A clustered pattern of Swedish ethnicity

In the late nineteenth century, a large proportion of Swedish immigrants that came to the United States settled in rural areas of Minnesota. Descendants of these communities remain in Minnesota today, as shown on the map. Which of the following best describes the pattern of Swedish-American ethnicity within Minnesota's cultural landscape?

urban and suburban areas

Since 2000 the global pattern of international migration has resulted in most migrants seeking destinations that are best described as

individuals fleeing conditions of armed conflict

Since 2000, people in the largest category of international migrants seeking asylum in a different country are best described as

Decreased total fertility rates

Since the 1970s changes in the social roles, lifestyles, and employment patterns of women in Europe, Canada, and the United States have affected the overall population through which of the following?

A lack of infrastructure to support a new technology

Sometimes a diffusion process encounters barriers that slow or stop the spread of an innovation. Which of the following is an example of such a barrier?

the idea that the explanation of a spatial pattern is crucial

The "why of where" refers to


The European Union is an example of

famine in developing countries can be explained by examining their patterns of population growth

The Malthusian view of the world argues that

scales of analysis

The data on median household income in Table 1 is presented in different

reverse hierarchical diffusion

The diffusion pattern of Walmart stores, which have spread from small towns to large cities throughout the United States, is an example of

a relict boundary

The former international border between East Germany and West Germany is best described as

greater access to job opportunities, resources, and facilities

The increasing percentage of urban dwellers in more-developed countries is best explained by

A Mercator projection with distorted land areas

The map above represents what kind of projection?

total fertility rate

The measure of the average number of children who are born to women of childbearing age in the population is called the

chain migration

The nineteenth-century emigration of a large number of Swedes from a particular region of Sweden to Isanti County, Minnesota, as a result of communications from friends and relatives who preceded them there is an example of

Southwest Asia

The world's three major monotheistic religions originated in which of the following regions?

GPS satellites

Twenty-four specific objects transmit complex radio codes, including time signals traveling at the speed of light. You can contact at least 4 of the 24 objects at any time of day or night.

Absolute location on the surface of Earth

Twenty-four specific objects transmit complex radio codes, including time signals traveling at the speed of light. You can contact at least 4 of the 24 objects at any time of day or night. The technology described above allows the determination of which of the following?

It is the outcome of interactions between humans and their natural environment.

Which of the following best defines Carl Sauer's concept of cultural landscape?

The colonial economies were export-oriented.

Why are most South American population centers located at or near the coast?

has a selected feature or internal uniformity

A formal culture region differs from other regions in that it

number of space shuttles constructed

All of the following are examples of the spatial analysis tradition in geography EXCEPT the


Assuming a world population of 5,700,000,000 and an annual growth rate of 1.6 percent, how many people will be added to the world's population in the next year?


Based on the graph, predicted population growth in which of the following regions is explained by a high total fertility rate?

The English language legacy of British colonialism in India

Cities in India have a competitive advantage over cities in China as locations for international consumer services, such as call centers and bill processing. This advantage has its origins in which of the following?

the forms superimposed on the physical environment by the activities of humans

Cultural landscape can be defined as

a curved surface cannot be represented on a flat surface without distortion

Every map projection has some degree of distortion because

A lack of qualified males and females to develop a workforce that will improve economic growth

In many less developed countries, only a small percentage of school-aged youth attend school regularly. In some cases, fewer females than males are enrolled in schools. Which of the following patterns is a concern in less developed countries with low school enrollment?

A country with a high rate of natural population increase, where food supplies are at risk

In which of the following contexts could a neo-Malthusian perspective most successfully explain population characteristics?


In which of the following countries has the diffusion of Christianity met the most resistance?

Japan and Germany

In which of the following pairs do both countries exhibit zero or negative population growth rates?

It created centripetal forces at both local and national scales.

Nunavut in Canada is a semiautonomous region that allows an indigenous group within Canada to maintain their own culture and local government, reducing the threat of fragmentation. Which of the following best compares the impact of the creation of Nunavut at both local and national scales?

less developed countries

One would expect to find a population with a relatively young age structure in


The map shown above best fits which of the following map types?

The map shows the distribution of the Indo-European language family, which diffused from its hearth in the Caucasus Mountains and spread throughout Eurasia through contagious diffusion and into the Americas, Africa, and Australia through colonialism and relocation diffusion.

The map shows the distribution of the language family that has the largest number of speakers in the world. Which statement correctly identifies the language family shown and the method of diffusion that best explains the pattern?

spread of an idea or innovation from its source

The term "cultural diffusion" refers to the

They are all federal states.

What do the states represented above have in common?

Because of low birth rates over many years, the 2050 population pyramid will likely be an inverted pyramid.

What is the likely impact of the numerical change by 2050 of the total population on the eventual shape of Japan's population pyramid?

They all claim the right to extract natural resources out to the edge of the continental shelf, beyond their exclusive economic zones.

What is the source of dispute between Canada, Russia, Norway, Denmark, and the United States over political boundaries in the Arctic Ocean and ownership of the North Pole?


Which of the following areas has the greatest linguistic fragmentation?

Long life expectancies

Which of the following characteristics applies to more-developed countries?

Cultural diffusion

Which of the following geographic concepts can be identified using information evident in the image?

Single, twenty-five years old

Which of the following profiles characterizes the population group that is the most likely to migrate?

South Asia

Which of the following regions had the smallest percentage of people living in urban areas at the end of the twentieth century?

Buddhism . . India

Which of the following religions is appropriately matched with its region of origin?


Which of the following religions is predominant in the states of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and North Dakota?

Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county

Which of the following scales is represented in the map shown?

there is uniformity in one or more physical or human characteristics

A formal region defines an area in which

Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030

An international company is looking to expand its network of factories, which use labor-intensive production methods, in a region of the world experiencing significant growth in the working-age population. Based on the data in the table, which of the following regions should the company choose?

centrifugal forces within a state

Cultural differences within a country's population, such as different religions, languages, and ethnicities, have political impacts and can best be described as

Cultural trait

Identify which of the following concepts or processes is symbolized by the pagoda in the image.

Greece controls most of the islands in the Aegean Sea.

In 1982 the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) established freedom-of-navigation rights and defined territorial waters as a 12-nautical-mile limit from the coast where individual states have political and economic sovereignty. However, Greece and Turkey still only claim a 6-nautical-mile territorial sea.

The amount of arable land in each country

Sri Lanka and Australia have about the same population. What data would help you determine which country has a higher physiological population density?

supranational organizations

The European Union, the Arab League, and the United Nations are all examples of

Both countries will follow the median-line principle.

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea sets the limit of the exclusive economic zone at 200 nautical miles from a country's coastline. In cases where countries are less than 400 nautical miles apart at sea, which of the following explains how the exclusive economic zone boundary is determined for each country?

the level of urbanization and technological advancement of a more developed country

The low birth and death rates for a country in stage 4 of the demographic transition model are best explained by

hierarchical diffusion

The spread of specialty coffee shops across the United States in the 1990s is an example of

The devolution of Yugoslavia occurred primarily along national lines, resulting in countries with a defined ethnic majority.

Which of the following best explains the political pattern shown in the table?

Bolivia: birth rate = 24 , death rate = 7

Which of the following countries is best described as being at Stage 3 of the demographic transition model?


Which of the following is South Africa's former state-sanctioned policy of segregating the races?

Low birth and death rates

A country at the end of the demographic transition usually has which of the following?

High birth rates, high death rates, and low rates of population growth

A country in the first stage of the demographic transition demonstrates which of the following?

a primate city

A good example of a centripetal force in political geography is

The number of voting-age residents per household

A political polling company wants to use census data to collect information on voters in a city by neighborhood. Based on the types of information collected in the survey form, which of the following could be mapped using census data?

Step migration across member states to a final destination

A refugee enters the European Union in Italy and is temporarily housed in Germany. He is then granted asylum and is permanently settled in Sweden. Which of the following describes this type of migration that is facilitated by the European Union's open border policies?

intervening opportunities

A student who lives in Minneapolis chooses to spend her spring break in Florida rather than in Jamaica because Florida is closer and the plane fare is cheaper. This type of decision-making best illustrates the concept of

The Middle East

A world map of hog production per capita would reveal the lowest values in which of the following regions?

It decreases.

According to the figure above, which of the following choices best describes the changes in interaction as distance increases?

Temperate regions

According to the theory of environmental deter-minism, which of the following areas would have the most productive settlements?

conform to the distinctiveness of a region

All of the following arguments are cited by critics of megastores EXCEPT that megastores

Mexicans leaving Mexico

All of the following twentieth-century migration streams were propelled by persecution or open conflict EXCEPT

A voluntary urban community where people of similar origin reside

An ethnic neighborhood is best described as which of the following?


As Buddhism diffused through East Asia, Buddhist traditions blended with local cultural customs to create distinct religious practices, such as Daoism in China and Shinto in Japan. Which of the following terms best describes this blending of cultural traditions?

Ethnicity and religion lead to devolutionary pressures in the country by politically dividing regions.

Based on the data in the table, which of the following is a possible impact of ethnic and religious diversity in Iraq?

Higher birth rates in African countries suggest that women in African countries have less access to education and employment than European women.

Based on the data provided, which of the following best describes how changing roles for women influence patterns of social values?

Stage five of the demographic transition model due to very low birth rates

Based on the data shown, which of the following describes the most likely population context for the countries listed?

The Kurdish people, seeking a state of their own with a majority Kurdish population, might secede from or rebel against the states labeled on the map.

Based on the information in the map, what is the most likely outcome of the possible establishment of an independent Kurdistan for the Kurdish people?

Most areas with a Kurdish majority population are landlocked and therefore dependent on good relationships with their neighbors in order to access trade and prosper economically.

Based on the map, which of the following best explains the implications of physical geography as the Kurds continue to struggle for an independent state in their ethnic homeland?

Spanish and American Indian languages

Based on the map, which of the following languages are most likely to be spoken in counties where 60 percent or more of residents spoke a language other than English at home?

Providing for the needs of its aging population

Based on the population pyramid above, which of the following will pose the greatest demographic challenge to China beginning in 2029?

Islam diffused hierarchically to the west through conquest and to the east through relocation via missionaries along trade routes.

Based on the two images, which of the following statements best explains the geographic process that took place as Islam diffused from its hearth?

bodies of water

Boundaries based on the median-line principle are generally associated with

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Lesson 30: Probabilities and Power

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section 4: unit 2 Budgeting, Prudent Procedures, and Security

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