Old Testament Survey Study Guide Exam 1, Old Testament Survey Unit 3 Quiz Answers

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What future major New Testament character does Malachi predict?

"Elijah," which Jesus states is a reference to John the Baptist

Which phrase is used twenty-five times by Isaiah?

"Holy One of Israel"

When Samuel confronted Saul for not destroying the Amalekites and all their possessions, Saul's response was

"The people took some of the spoil."

References (from Isaiah 1-39) that prophecy about Jesus. Summarize the prophecy.

"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel" The Lord is giving a prophecy so far-reaching that it offers a deliverance to the entire world.

What great truth from 1st Kings did Dr. Bill Jones state in 2005?

"You can choose your sin, but not your consequences."

Tower of Babel

(Genesis 1-11) Four Main Events: Genesis 10-11 shows the ____________ _____ ____________


(Genesis 1-11) Four Main events: Genesis 6-9 shows the ______


(Genesis 1-11) Four main Events: Genesis 1-2


(Genesis 1-11) Four main events: Genesis 3-5 shows the ______________

How much time did the book of Leviticus cover?

1 month

How much time did the book of Exodus cover?

1 year

How large, likely, was the world's population when Noah entered the ark?


What are the most common divisions critical scholars make of the Book of Isaiah?

1-39; 40-66

Prophecies fulfilled in Christ in NT:

1. Jeremiah 7:11 - Matthew 21:13 House 2. Isaiah 1:1-9 - Matthew 4:15-16 Darkness 3. Isaiah 53:7 - Mark 15:5 Did not open his mouth 4. Isaiah 61:1-3 - Luke 4:21 Spirit of the Lord upon me.... fulfilled in your hearing 5. Micah 5:2 - Luke 2 Jesus born in Bethlehem

Summarize below the four major events/periods described in Ezra and Nehemiah.

1. The return of the exiles and the rebuilding of the temple ( 538-516 BC) 2. The work of the leaders in establishing the community religiously (458 BC) 3. Physically- the city was rebuilt, Nehemiah leads (444 BC) 4. Revival under Ezra and Nehemiah (430 BC)

What are some interesting repetitive cycles concerning "Babylon" in the Bible?

1. Tower of Babel 2. Babylon takes over Judah 3. Rome-Babylon 4. Babylon-Babylon the Great

Cycles of Babylon

1. Tower of Babel 2. Judah takes of Babylon 3. Rome Babylon 4. Babylon the Great

About how much time period, and what range was it, does Ezra and Nehemiah cover?

100 years, from 538 - around 430 BC

In which chapter in Genesis is the account of the Tower of Babel presented?


The oracles against the nations are in chapters


How many years did the kingdom of Judah exist alone?


Unity of Isaiah Debate

1st and 2nd Sections, Some people try to split it into two parts and say there's different authors, however, Isaiah did write the whole thing, it is just a matter of different style being used between the sections.

In which chapter did Malachi focus on God's concern about intermarriage and divorce?


When the kingdom splits into two, how many tribes basically formed the southern kingdom of Judah?


Where are the religious reforms of Hezekiah covered in the most detail?

2 Chronicles

Which is one of the most important texts that affirms inspiration?

2 Timothy 3:16

What is the approximate time span of the events in the Book of Joshua?

20 years

In which chapter of the Book of Joshua does Israel begin to settle the promised land?


Which chapters of the book of Isaiah are often called the "Little Apocalypse"?


Which fact is NOT correct?

2nd Kings 26-34 covers the restoration of the temple

Galilee, Samaria, Judea

3 North to South Zones

Rosetta Stones, Code of Hammurabi, Amenemope

3 Significant Archaeological Finds

1. Elohim - Great or Mighty. 2. Adonai - Lord. 3. El Shaddai - Almighty.

3 common terms for God

At what age in Jeremiah's day did priests begin their service?


What was David's age when he became king?


The emphasis on prophets serving as God's messengers is reinforced in the lives of the people by the repetition of the phrase "thus says the Lord"

350 times

How much time did the book of Numbers cover?

39 years

staircase to Heaven


Where was the Amorites' focus of power?


The most common evangelical position on the composition of the four kingdoms of Daniel 2 includes

Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome

prophet, talking donkey


Who was the ruler of Moab?


Who served as Jeremiah's scribe/secretary?


When did most of Jeremiah's ministry take place?

Before, during, and after the fall of Jerusalem (Judah's capital)

Which is the most appropriate descriptive "subtitle" for the Book of Genesis?


Where did the Lord send Samuel to anoint the king David?


When does the story of Esther takes place?

Between Zerubbabel's rebuilding of the temple and Ezra's return

1. Even when we worship, we may not be right with God. 2. Even when we are right with God, suffering and harm may come our way. 3. Our choices have eternal consequences.

Biblical truths

What do many consider the first "commentary" on Scripture?

Books of Chronicles

What is one very unique trait of Jeremiah's ministry?

By worldly standards, he was very unsuccessful, nobody listened to him

Judah's utter ruin is lamented in the Book of Lamentations in chapter


1. The Coastal plain. 2. The Central Highlands. 3. The Jordan Rift. 4. The Trans Jordanian heights

4 West to East Zones

1. The Bible was written to be understood. 2. God revealed His spiritual truths with concepts that the writers could relate to. 3. Scripture interprets scripture. 4. The purpose of the written Word of God is to be His earthly instrument for spiritually affecting mankind.

4 assumptions that guide interpretation

1. The way of the sea. 2. The road to Shur. 3. The heart of the Sinai Peninsula. 4. Due South.

4 possible routes for the Exodus

Scholars debate when Joel was written (900 or 400 BC). What position did Dr. Roth take and why?

400 BC because it fits the history of the day, and because Peter (NT) applies it to end time prophecy

How large was Noah's ark approximately?

450' long by 75' wide by 45' high

In which chapter of the Book of Isaiah is the main judgment against Babylon made?


Which return is incorrect?

483 BC, queen Esther leads numerous Jews back to Judah and restores Mordecai

1. Is it Authoritative? 2. Is it Prophetic? 3. Is it Authentic.? 4. Is it Dynamic? 5. Was it received, collected, read, and used by the people of God?

5 Tests for inclusion into the Canon

1. How did we get here? 2. Where are we going? 3. Why is there evil and suffering? 4. Why is there a standard of right and wrong? 5. Why are we different than animals?

5 tough questions of life

How long did it take for Nehemiah to complete his construction project of building walls?

52 days

Which deportation is incorrect?

572 BC, Ezekiel and Jewish captives are taken to the Chebar river

In what year did Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians take Jerusalem?

587 BC

1. God has made Himself known, and continues to reveal Himself to people around the Earth. 2. God is always the one who initiates revelation. 3. God's revelation is always personal. 4. God's revelation is moral in quality, rather than legal. 5. God's revelation is redemptive in nature. 6. God's revelation is historical.

6 Aspects of Revelation

How long did Joshua lead Israel's conquest of Canaan?

6-7 years

Isaiah's prophecies about the sign of Immanuel are in chapter


1. The main burden of doctrinal teaching must rest on the literal interpretation. 2. The primary support for our teaching must rest on the theology of the New Testament. 3. The interpreters must not extend their doctrines beyond the scriptural evidence. 4. The interpreter's proof texts must be used in context. 5. Statements that are unsupported by scripture should not be a matter of faith. 6. Interpreters must keep the practical nature of the Bible in mind. 7. No doctrine should come from an uncertain passage.

7 principles that govern interpretation

The historical books span a period of a minimum of

800 years

How tall was Nebuchadnezzar's golden idol?

90 feet

What does Deutero-Isaiah mean?

A "second" Isaiah

What did Isaiah use in 11:1-26 to describe the messianic era?

A branch

Despite all the good things David does, what is his major weakness?

A messed up sexual and family life

What aspect of God's covenant/identity with Israel does NOT belong?

A people of pure breed

What was unique to the Day of Atonement?

A scapegoat was required.

What is a major teaching/theme in Numbers chapter 24:15-19?

A star and king prophecy about Jesus

Levite, brother of Moses


Which man and his family is the focus of Genesis 12-50?


What people does Genesis chapters 12-50 cover?

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph

Who tried to seize the kingship of Hebron from David?


How did Cain have a wife?

Adam & Eve had lots of sons and daughters, and intermarriage was not yet forbidden

Who was the target of an assassination plot in the Book of Esther?

Ahasuerus (Xerxes)

Who was the prophet who prophesied that God would tear the kingdom from Solomon?


What was the key point of the Persian decree?

All Jews were to be killed.

What does NOT describe the inerrancy of Scripture?

All inaccurate and spurious copies and translations are eventually destroyed

Who was responsible for looting and taking the women and children captive in 1 Samuel 30?


Which prophet's work involved tending flocks and taking care of sycamore trees before God called?


Who was Isaiah's father?


Where did Jeremiah live?


wrestled with Jacob

Angel of the Lord

What are the additional books in the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles called?


All of the Old Testament text was written in Hebrew except for a few portions written in


For whom had Nehemiah worked in Persia?

Artaxerxes I

Where did the Philistines take the captured ark of the covenant?


1. The 10 commandments were given as moral absolutes. 2. The civil law was written to manage their daily lives. 3. The ceremonial law was declared to indicate the purity required for worship. 4. The laws showed the importance of a personal choice and individual responsibility.

Aspects of the law

Instead of trusting in God as Isaiah had told him to do, Ahaz put his trust in


Nahum's prophecy was directed at


Shalmaneser III was king of


What was NOT a major theme of Hananiah and the other false prophets opposed to Jeremiah?

Assyria is going to come in and take over Babylon

The council of Jamina

At what council did the rabbis establish the Old Testament Cannon

What does NOT happen between Ezra chapters 6 & 7?

Daniel is saved from the lion's den

Summarize and reference the three sections (doom vs. hope) in Micah. Doom 1-2 Hope 2:12-13

Doom: He references that will not tolerate those who do not respect his word. Hope: The lord will lead them to victory

Summarize and reference the three sections (doom vs. hope) in Micah. Doom 3 Hope 4-5

Doom: Those who are against Israel will be ignored Hope: The mountain of the Lord will be established

Nation of Israel

Exodus is the beginning of the _______________ ________ ______________


Exodus spans approximately _______ years

Which Jewish holiday is explained in the Book of Esther?

Feast of Purim

Who did NOT write any part of the book of Proverbs?


The Jewish canon classifies the Book of Joshua as

Former Prophets

Which model of creation postulates that there was a long period of time between Genesis verses one and two?

Gap theory

1. God reveals Himself in nature. 2. God makes Himself known in history. 3. God makes Himself known through human life, in general. 4. Natural revelation has some limitations.

General revelation

Human Race

Genesis 1-11 is the beginning of the ________ _________

Hebrew People

Genesis 12-50 is the beginning of the _____________ ______________

Which place was part of the southern campaign?


At what place did Joshua and his troops camp after they had crossed the Jordan River?


The Gibeonites tricked the Israelites at


Who was ultimately responsible for the fall of Israel?


What happened to Joshua thirty days after the death of Moses?

God appeared to Joshua.

God knows the future and can reveal it to his servants

God can do predictive prophecy

What is a major theological truth taught in Nahum and reiterated in the New Testament?

God is 100% truth and 100% grace

Which quality of God did Malachi NOT discuss?

God is the first part of the Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit

Why was Israel able to conquer much of Canaan?

God kept his promise.

What does NOT belong to the tower of Babel event?

God sent fire and brimstone to destroy the tower

What were the first two organizations that God established?

God to man (spiritual) and husband to wife (marriage)

What is a major truth about God's sovereignty?

God uses nations to judge other nations

What is a common theme Dr. Roth mentioned about God's typical practice throughout history?

God uses other nations to judge and correct evil nations

What is the most important lesson we can learn from Isaiah 40?

God will be with us in all the difficult circumstances of life.

Per Dr. Roth's understanding of Malachi 3:11, what does God promise when you tithe?

God will bless your work life

Theologically, what aspect of the promised land is NOT taught in Numbers?

God will give it to Israel the moment they enter in

What is NOT a deep conviction about God's sovereignty in Ecclesiastes?

God will give you whatever you want

In Zechariah's vision of four horns and four craftsmen, the craftsmen represented

God's forces against the nations

What was the general theme of the three comforters?

God's ways are sovereign, higher and wiser than our ways

What was the general theme of God's message to Job and his "friends?"

God's ways are sovereign, higher and wiser than our ways -

What best describes the theme in Kings?

Good king = good nation & people; bad king = bad nation & people

Which prophet struggled with God?


Who was the mother of Ishmael?


What two prophets encourage the people to finish the temple during the first 6 chapters of Ezra?

Haggai & Zechariah

Who was Samuel's mother?


Which one is NOT one of the seven feasts of Israel?


Jabin was the king of


What was King Saul's eventual ongoing reaction to David?

He became jealous of him.

Where did Moses know he was going when he took Israel out of Egypt?

He didn't, that's why God sent the pillars

How did David enter Jerusalem to take it over?

He entered through a water tunnel.

What is unique about Amos?

He is from the southern Kingdom of Judah but prophesied to Israel (Northern Kingdom)

Why did Achan die?

He kept some of the bounty from Jericho.

What happened to Job the first time God allowed Satan to attack him?

He lost all his sons, daughters, flocks, and all but a few of his servants

What is NOT true about Jonah?

He married a prostitute named Gomer

What did the prophet Elisha do to the Syrian army?

He plagued it.

How did God help Hezekiah to defeat Sennacherib?

He sent an angel to destroy the army.

What was the most foolish thing Hezekiah did to the Babylonian delegates?

He showed them all his splendor and treasures

What is NOT true in Isaiah?

He survived a fiery furnace with his three friends

What strategy does Jeremiah reveal about Nebuchadnezzar's method to keep control of his conquered nations (including Judah)?

He takes the strongest, wisest and youngest to Babylon and leaves the weakest, oldest and poorest

What did Saul do as David played his harp for him?

He threw a spear at him.

Why did Joshua set up a pile of stones as a memorial at Gilgal?

He wanted future generations to see God's power.

What is NOT true about Isaiah?

He was carried away in the first Babylonian captivity

What is NOT true about Jeremiah?

He was married to a prostitute named Gomer

What was the result of Moses's sin at Kadesh?

He was not permitted to enter Canaan.

What is NOT true about Amos?

He was swallowed by a big fish when running from God

The title for the Book of Numbers is most accurate in the

Hebrew Bible

In what two languages do we find the book of Daniel written in?

Hebrew and Aramaic

For his faithfulness God granted Caleb's desire and gave him victory over


Sennacherib was unsuccessful in his military campaign against King


Who is the king Elisha praised in 2 Kings?


Who was king of Judah in 2 Kings 18-20, known for godly reforms?


Zephaniah traced his ancestry back four generations and in it included


What happened to Job the second time God allowed Satan to attack him?

His health deteriorated, boils all over his skin

How did Saul die?

His three sons killed him at his request.

After all the suffering inflicted on Job, who advised him to curse God and die?

His wife

The Israelites lost a major battle with the Amalekites and the Canaanites at


Census of people

How did the book of Numbers get it's name?

What is the hope and promise that Hosea offers to Israel?

If Israel returns to God, He will take her (i.e. Israel) back and restore her

What is the basic contribution of the Book of Proverbs?

It provides advice on how to live well.

Why is the Book of Esther especially relevant for us today?

It shows God is at work to save us..

What is NOT an interesting fact in Chronicles?

It spends a lot of time explaining the Exodus

What is one interesting result of Joshua's conquest?

It was incomplete, several cities and groups were not conquered

What was the most distinctive aspect of the Israelite sacrificial system?

It was linked to the covenantal relationship with God.

What ultimately happened to Haman's estate?

It was possessed by Mordecai.

What is NOT true about the Tabernacle?

It was the official residence of the Kings in Jerusalem

What best describes the canon of Scripture?

It's our standard of faith accepted and approved by the Church at large

Grabber or deceiver, Isaac's 2nd-born, Israel, wrestles w/ the Angel of the Lord


What name means "supplanter"?


The traditional site of Mount Sinai vs. the more probable site.

Jebel Musa vs. Jebel-al-Lawz

According to Jewish tradition, who is the author of 1st Kings?


Who wrote the book of Lamentations?


What does the rebuilding of the Temple in 536-535 BC confirm?

Jeremiah's prophecy of 70 years in exile beginning in 605 BC

To what place did Joshua send spies?


Who built two golden calves and became an apostate?


Who were the first northern and southern kings respectively?

Jeroboam (Israel) & Rehoboam (Judah)

What city did King David select for his capital?


Who was the father of David?


The most likely interpretation of the suffering servant of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 is that the servant represents

Jesus Christ

1. Do not worship any other gods. 2. Do not make any idols. 3. Do not take the Lords name in vain. 4. Keep the Sabbath holy. 5. Honor your father and mother. 6. Do not murder. 7. Do not commit adultery. 8. Do not steal. 9. Do not lie. 10. Do not covet.

List the 10 commandments in order

Not my people


Not pitied


The name "Joel" means the

Lord is God

Abraham's Nephew, split lands b/c of quarrel,selfish, Sodom & Gomorrah


The land of Egypt where the Nile empties into the Mediterranean is called

Lower Egypt

Isaiah 61:1-3 is fulfilled by Jesus and recorded in

Luke 4:16-30

At what place did God establish a covenant with Abraham?


What was a keynote aspect of Jeremiah's ministry?


At which council was the Old Testament canon confirmed?

Council of Jamnia

Isaiah 44:28 included the first king of the Persian Empire

Cyrus is mentioned

What is NOT true about the end of the Babylonian exile?

Cyrus is the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar

What is the teacher's philosophy in Ecclesiastes?

Man should eat, drink, and be satisfied with his work

The author of Kings blames the fall of Jerusalem on


Which king had the longest reign of any king in both Israel and Judah?


Who was one of Judah's most wicked kings?


Who was the most apostate of the kings of Judah?


What were the scribes called who preserved the Old Testament text?


Which Old Testament text is the most reliable Hebrew text?


Which prophet refers to Bethlehem as the birthplace of God's ultimate King/Messiah?


Which prophet said, "A man's enemies are the members of his own household"?


Moses' sister, looked out for him, spoke against him w/ Aaron, struck leprous, white as snow and exiled for 7 days


Where did the Israelites stop last before entering Canaan for good?


Who was the major target of Haman's wrath?


What is the dominant geographic feature of Egypt?

Nile River

A mighty warrior, founded a kingdom, i.e. Babylon, evil tyrant


Nahum prophesied the sure destruction of


Who did Jonah prophecy to?

Nineveh, Assyria

What was the punishment God meted out to the Israelites because they did not enter the promised land at the time planned?

No one age twenty or older would be allowed to see the promised land.

What is probably NOT true about the animals taken on Noah's ark?

Noah collected the animals for years and then loaded them on the ark one week in advance

What is NOT one of the promises/statements God made to Noah and mankind after the flood?

Noah would be called Israel and he would have many children and offspring

Generally speaking, what does the book of Numbers record?

The Israelite's reaming time at Sinai and 39-year wandering

Egypt; Desert

The Location of Exodus is __________ and ____________

Mount Sinai

The Location of Leviticus is?

Which is NOT a messianic prophecy found in Hosea?

The Messiah will be a restoration of David their King

What is a Messianic teaching NOT found in Zechariah?

The Messiah would enter triumphant on a colt but later betrayed for 30 pieces of silver

During which timeline period did Daniel take place?

The Scattered period 605-538 B.C.

Consequences of Disobedience

The Theme of numbers was?

What was Jeremiah known as?

The Weeping Prophet

Hermeneutical Spiral

The _____________ ______________ is the idea that in order to understand the parts of something, you have to understand the whole

1. This arrangment shows that God is at the center of their lives. 2. To approach God, you must have a mediator.

The arrangement of the camp shows what 2 things?

Per the memory verse in 1st Samuel, what does God most delight in?


What is the key to success in our lives today?

obeying God

What was the first thing Samuel did after Saul became king?

offered restitution to anyone he had wronged

For whom were the cities of refuge to be a protection?

one who had accidentally caused a death

What is the most likely role that Nehemiah played in the Persian Empire?

personal adviser/wine checker

What was in Amos's vision that showed the high standard that God had for Israel?

plumb line

What was NOT one of Nehemiah's major emphases of reform?


What would least likely be found in the royal archives of the ancient Near East?


What do the proverbs identify as the largest enemy of wisdom?


What type of format is found in the Book of Esther?


Malachi closed his book with a command and a


Because of the apostasy of the king, God's instrument of warning to the nations was


What was part of the Day of Atonement?

purging of sins of the past year

What is Dr. Roth's suggested way to study the Book of Proverbs?

read one chapter per day

(Memory Verse) Hosea 4:6 (NKJV) My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have _________ knowledge, I also reject you from being priest for me; Because you have ____________ the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

rejected; forgotten

Obeying God's law is a

result of salvation

The Book of Esther is written as a

romantic drama

What relationship did Baruch have to Jeremiah?


How many brothers did David have?


The wisdom of Proverbs 7 is focused on

sexual purity

Zechariah characterized the bad leaders of God's people as worthless


Jeremiah compared Israel and Judah to


David was given options for restitution for having taken the census. Which one did he choose?

something God would choose

One of the major themes of the Book of Daniel is the

sovereignty of God

What is the meaning of the word herem?

spoils of war

What part of the regnal formula of 1 and 2 Kings is this statement: "In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam son of Nebat, Abijah became king of Judah"?

synchronistic statement

"All roads lead to heaven" is an example of the belief system known as


Unity of Isaiah

The book of Isaiah is divided into 2 parts, and because of this, biblical scholars argue that it is two books written by two different authors. However, that is not true, both parts are written by Isaiah and is one book all together. The reason it seems somewhat different is due to the fact of Isaiah using different styles for each of the parts. And that types of usage is seen and confirmed throughout the Bible.

1. A command to act in faith. 2. A promise to sustain the faithful. 3. A purpose for God's call.

The call of God involves these 3 elements

Which event is very important in the Chronicles?

The design and funding of the temple by David, and then built by Solomon

What does 1st Kings chapters 12-22 cover?

The divided kingdom after Solomon

What does Ezra chapters 1-6 cover?

The first return of about 50,000 Jews under governor Zerubbabel

What is one major theme in the book of Joel?

The future day of the Lord and judgement accompanied by cosmic signs

Because of the brevity of their kings' reigns, what is the clearest conclusion that can be reached about Israel?

The kingdom was unstable.

In Leviticus, God's desire for His people to be different, to love your neighbor, etc. is called what?

The law of grace

What are the two major divisions in the bool of Daniel?

The life of Daniel (ch 1-6) & prophetic visions (ch 7-12)

What interesting fact did Dr. Roth share about the book of Esther?

The name of God is found four times in acrostic form.

What was the result of Haggai's message?

The people listened and obeyed and God's presence returned

What does Ezra chapters 1-6 NOT cover?

The prophecies of Joel and of Malachi

Who was the grandfather of Zechariah?

The prophet Iddo

Israel was ungrateful for all God had done for her.

Toddling son

Isaiah prophesied the return from Babylonian exile

Too long of a time span

What is the Jewish designation for the first five books of the Old Testament?


Israel would be yoked to work in good fields.

Trained heifer

Matthew 3:3 indicates that New Testament writers

Understood that Isaiah in its entirety was from the prophet Isaiah

Who is the author of 1st Samuel?


Where did Abram's family originate?


Israel followed her own plans.


What is NOT a major theme in Zephaniah?

Warning against apathy

Key Verses from Jeremiah

Was opposed to false prophets: Conflict with Hananiah - 28:1-17 Was against Idolatry (2:5) and social injustice (5: 26-29) Sensitive to his people's suffering: 14:17

Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus?

We don't know for sure

1. He would not shave his head. 2. He abstained from all products from the vine. 3. He could not come in contact with a corpse.

What 3 characteristics do Nazarites share?

The Enuma Elish

What Babylonian epic describes a popular ANE myth of Creation?

"God" or "The mighty One" or Angels in some cases

What does Elohim mean?

Out of nothing

What does Ex-Nihilo mean?

Hebrew for "generations" or "descendants"

What does Toledot mean?

Nazarite vows were designed to raise up a group of leaders who would be totally devoted to God.

What is a Nazarite?

The Ancient Near East

What is the ANE?

It means to hear. To Hebrew people, hear means listen and obey. It was to be repeated every morning.

What is the Shema and it's significance?

The Pentateuch, the books of the law

What is the Torah?


What is the abbreviation of the Septuagint?


What is the biblical term for a pact, promise, agreement, or a binding agreement between two parties?


What were the name of the ancient temples built throughout mesopotamia and the ANE

(Memory Verse) Isaiah 5:20 (NKJV) Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put _________ for light, and _________ for darkness, Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for better!

darkness; light

After departing Mount Sinai, where did the Israelites first encounter problems?

desert of Paran

The major reason for the failure of Israel was because their kings

did not obey the prophetic word

The wisdom literature found in the Book of Proverbs is usually


Jonah ran from God because he

didn't want to do God's will

What is one of the major themes of Deuteronomistic History?

doctrine of retribution

Isaiah portrays the city of Jerusalem as a


How many night visions did Zechariah have?


How long did the Israelites stay at Mount Sinai?

eleven months

Daniel demonstrated the lordship of God over the

entire world

While the cross is central in the New Testament, the Old Testament has as the central event the


(Memory Verse) Habakkuk 2:4 (NKJV) Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his ________.


When Hezekiah was about to die, he prayed for mercy and God granted him

fifteen more years

What was the length of David's reign as king Israel?

forty years

How many cities did the Levites receive in Joshua 21?


What was Rahab instructed to do in order to be spared by the Israelite army?

hang a red cord from her window

While Zechariah prophesied at the same time as Haggai, how was his basic message different?

he focused more on rebuilding the government buildings of Jerusalem

The term used for the study of biblical interpretation is


God promised David that

his dynastic line would last forever

What was the major cause of Solomon's demise?

his many wives turning his heart against God

From whom did King Lemuel learn his proverbs?

his mother

What is the first story about Elijah in 1st Kings?

his prophecy to Ahab that it would not rain until he (Elijah) said so

What incident solidified Solomon's wisdom in the eyes of Israel?

his solution to the quarrel over the two women's babies

1 and 2 Kings are best categorized as

historical narrative

Which is not a test for canonicity?


What was the primary means of God's revelation?

history of Israel

The central emphasis in Leviticus is on

how to worship God

What was not one of the things that David did to prove his loyalty to Saul?

hurled his spear in the cave at Saul

When the worshiper placed his hand on the head of the sacrifice animal, he

identified the animal as his substitute


in a sacrifice the ___________ had to Bring it, lay your hands on its head, and kill it

In Malachi, what was the main reason that Israel and Judah began to practice idolatry?


The likely reason God did not accept Cain's offering was because

it was not the first fruits of his harvest

(Memory Verse) Micah 6:8 (NKJV) He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do _______, to love _______, and to walk humbly with your God?

justly; mercy

Which king built a palace in Jerusalem for David once he established this as his capital?

king of Tyre

The Books of Chronicles demonstrate the belief of the chronicler that there was an important equation between the kingdom of God and the

kingship of Israel

What were the two main promises to Abraham?

land and nationhood

Hezekiah's collection of proverbs most often dealt with issues of


The author of Chronicles was least interested in the

life of Saul

A life of folly can be avoided most easily if the young person will

listen to his parents' instruction

The conclusion reached by Solomon in Ecclesiastes is that man's only good in life should be to

live in relationship with God

What kind of a plague did Joel describe as "the day of the Lord"?


The Israelites were told to counter the fiery serpents by

looking at a bronze serpent

For what is Hammurabi most famous?

making a collection of laws

Malachi's name means my


What plague did the Philistines suffer because they had set the ark of the covenant in their temple?


Joel compared the severe plague to a

mighty army

What do the people of Israel desire for their leader and government?


The theme of Genesis 3-11 is the

moral failure of humankind

Religion was expressed most often in the ancient Near East in the form of


Where was the land of Goshen located?

northeastern Egypt


The Egyptian Plagues demonstrate God's

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph

The Four Main people in Genesis 12-50 are?


________ IS the Substantial author of Genesis


________ Law is the law that states "Thou Shalt Not"


________ history is Genesis Chapters 1-11


________ history is genesis chapters 12-50

Burnt Offering

__________ ____________ is the Primary Offering of the old testament, it is also seen as the highest offering

Sola Scripture

__________ ______________ Means that the bible contains all knowledge necessary for salvation and holiness


___________ Answers the question "Which books are God's word for God's people?"


___________ or grain offering is seen as a gift offering


____________ Answers the question of, "How was the bible given?"

Yom Kippur

_____________ ___________ Is the day of atonement, 10th Day of the 7th month, and the Most sacred day in the Hebrew calendar


_______________ Is the personal name used for God in Genesis 2


_________________ Law applies covenant law situations in daily life.


____________________ Is the name for the first declaration of the gospel in Genesis 3:14-15

Uriah was

a Hittite

What job first brought David recognition to King Saul?

court musician

In the Old Testament a binding relationship is called a


What are the two major implications of the Bible's inspiration?

It is trustworthy and authoritative.

Where did Elijah eventually travel to and hide when he ran from Jezebel?

a cave at Mt. Horeb (Sinai)

What did Elisha desire for his ministry?

a double portion of Elijah's spirit and ministry

The word pur refers to

a lot

What are the five offerings called, as taught in Leviticus?

burnt, cereal, peace, sin, guilt

Haggai's main message was a

call to action to rebuild the temple

The battle plan of the Israelites was to conquer first the

central area

This part of Daniel includes several stories of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego

chapters 1-6

What is emphasized the most in the wisdom of the Book of Proverbs?


How did the opposition to Nehemiah's work try to stop the building of the walls?

criticizing the plans

Who is the major person in 2nd Samuel?


Which copies of the Hebrew Old Testament text date from 200-100 BC?

Dead Sea Scrolls

Second Law

Deuteronomy means?

Poetry is found in chapters 40-66

Different style and vocabulary

Authors write on varied subjects

Different style is normal for authors

Summarize and reference the three sections (doom vs. hope) in Micah. Doom 6-7:7 Hope 7:8

Doom: All good men have perished from the earth Hope: The Lord will always be there in your darkest hour

What is NOT true about 1st & 2nd Chronicles?

It is especially positive about the southern kingdom (Judah)

Isaiah 63:1-6 indicates that God had a special problem with


Which enemy of Israel was not included in Zechariah 9 when the prophet told the people that the Lord would remove their enemies?


Which nation was not included in Zephaniah's list of nations that would be judged for their evil?


Which was not one of the places Saul took militarily to secure the borders?


For which group of people was the pharaoh the "god-king"?


What was the name of the lone young man who was mad at the three "friend's" advice and felt he had even better advice for Job?


Which Old Testament character ascended into heaven without dying?


Which one appeared with Jesus on the Mount of transfiguration?


Which prophet is considered a nonliterary prophet?


Who would NOT be classified as a classical prophet?


What is NOT true about the encounter Elijah had with Baal's prophets on Mt. Carmel?

Elijah told them to pour oil on his sacrifice to make it burn easier

What were the names of Job's three "friends/comforters?"

Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar

Who did not part a body of water?


Where did Saul go to talk with a medium?


Exceptional faith, to initiate, was taken to Heaven (did not die an earthly death - assumed)


The hairy one, Isaac's firstborn


A queen and her cousin Mordecai are chief figures in the Book of


Which book best demonstrates how God's sovereign care and protection extend to his people?


Which book is not found in the Dead Sea Scrolls?


Who said, "If I perish, I perish"?


Who are the main characters in the Book of Esther?

Esther and Mordecai

What was remarkable about the three friends outlook of the fiery furnace?

Even if God didn't rescue them they refused to worship false gods

Who was the outstanding spiritual figure/leader of the restoration community in Judah?


Which two books are treated as one book in the oldest Hebrew manuscripts?

Ezra and Nehemiah


In a sacrifice the _________ Catch the blood of the sacrifice in a basin and throw it on the altar, they also had to flay the animal and place it on the altar.

1. He was brought up in Pharaoh's household. 2. He was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. 3. He was powerful in speech. 4. He was powerful in action.

In what ways was Moses qualified to write the :Pentateuch?

Guilt Offering

Is an offering related to restitution and reparation, social violations and profanation of sacred items.

Son of Abraham. Child of promise, laughter, Rebekah


Micah likely knew this prophet and often prophesied things very similar.


Means God has heard. Son of Hagar and Abraham.


Much of the wickedness in Nineveh centered on the worship of


God changed Jacob's name to


Which is NOT one of the four parts/sections of Numbers?

Israel agrees to the law given at Sinai

What is Hosea's basic message?

Israel is an unfaithful wife and prostitute, just like Hosea's wife Gomer

What is the overall value of the Book of Proverbs for believers today?

It contains timeless principles for living.

What is NOT true of Zechariah?

It explains the vision of a four part statue

Of what importance is the historicity of a biblical account?

It is a prerequisite for the truthfulness of theological assertions.

What is the most reasonable statement about the Song of Songs?

It is about sexual love in marriage.

What does Passover foreshadow?

Jesus's sacrifice of Himself for us


Jewish Cannon calls the Pentateuch the _____________ or (Law)

What happened on the 13th day of Adar?

Jews were successful in their defense.

Who instigated the plot to kill Naboth so that Ahab could get Naboth's vineyard?


Place of victory


Who likely assisted Ezra and Nehemiah in their revivals in the last chapters of the book of Nehemiah??

Joel & Malachi

5 important facts/stories of the Prophetic books

Jonah was with his crew, violent storm waged out in the sea due to God rolling over Jonah, Jonah had his crew through him overboard so they would be safe, which they did, he was swallowed by a fish, and then God spared the crew - storm become still - brought the crew to faith and salvation as a result. Jonah realized God is always with him no matter where he goes. Jonah therefore says prayer of faith, and the fish ends up vomiting Jonah out, he ends up waking up on the shore. Jonah is the only prophet Jesus likened to himself, according to Matthew. Jonah is only prophet in the Old testament to completely minister on foreign soil Jonah's name translates to dove Jonah is considered the most effective of all prophets because he was able to persuade the entire population of Ninevah to turn back to God

Who was the father of Mephibosheth?


Favorite son of Jacob. Coat of many colors. youngest of Jacob, sold by brothers


According to Jewish tradition, the author of the Book of Joshua was


Who did God choose to lead the Israelites into the promised land?


Write out the memory verse from Joshua.

Joshua 1:9 "9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, For the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Who was king of Judah during Zephaniah's ministry?


From which son/tribe of Israel did Genesis prophecy as the roots of the Messiah?


What is the main theme/pattern in Isaiah?

Judah will fall because of sin, but God will raise up a remnant that will return

An oracle is a

Judgement Speech

What book was written to vindicate Israel's need for a king?


What did the author of the Book of Lamentations ask God for Judah's enemies?


Which city was not burned by the Israelites?


What is the most important (and only accurate one listed) type of Biblical interpretation?

Let Scripture interpret Scripture

What tribe received no land inheritance?


What is the major theme of the Book of Ecclesiastes?

Life without God at the center is meaningless.

What parallel to Jonah's ministry is talked about in the New Testament?

Like Jonah was in the fish for 3 days, so Jesus will be in the tomb for 3 days

Micah lived in a town called


The Books of Kings present the history of Israel primarily from the viewpoint of the

Mosaic covenant

Chosen to set people free from Egypt, received 10 commandments


Who is the author of the Pentateuch?


Compared to many of the other major prophetic books, what is one unique thing about Jeremiah?

Most of it is probably written in chronological order

Where did Jonathan die?

Mount Gilboa

What is an additional way the Song of Solomon should NOT be interpreted?

Myth - it never happened and/or it doesn't teach anything spiritual

Which prophet was an Elkoshite?


Who was the prophet who confronted David about his sin?


Who are the major people that make sure Solomon becomes king when David dies?

Nathan & Bathsheba

Those scholars who prefer to use the classification known as the Hexateuch

classify Genesis through Joshua as a single unit


Numbers spanned approximately ____________ years

Which king of Israel made an impact on the ancient Near East and is recorded in Assyrian documents such as the Mesha Inscription?


Premilennialism refers to the reign of Christ

On earth after he returns

What was the first major task Nehemiah undertook when he went to Jerusalem?

cleaning up the city ruins

By the fifth century Judah was a small province and was part of


Who conquered Judah after Nebuchadnezzar's death?


Who was not a problem for Nehemiah in rebuilding work?


Which one is NOT a major event in Genesis chapter 1-11?

Pharaoh's dream

Who occupied the southern coastal plain of Israel for most of the Old Testament time?


Who was the son of Eli?


Who occupied the coastal strip north of Israel during most of the Old Testament period?


Holy or sacred

Qadesh means?

What is the oldest document claiming to be apocalyptic?


Which New Testament passage uses Hosea to make the point that God's people would include both Jews and Gentiles?

Romans 9:25-26

What does Isaiah's name mean?

Salvation of the Lord

Who did NOT die as a result of the Israelites treating the ark of the covenant as an idol?


Who did Saul want the medium to call up from the dead?


Who does Jewish tradition credit with writing the Book of Ruth?


Who said, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening"?


Who did Samuel, under God's direction, anoint as Israel's first king?


What first caused Samuel to tell Saul that God would take the kingdom away from Saul?

Saul offered a sacrifice that only priests should offer.

What does 1st Kings NOT cover?

Saul's united kingdom

Which Assyrian leader invaded Judah in 701 BC?


LXX (the Greek translation of the OT) is the abbreviation for the


What is NOT true about Rahab?

She eventually became a Judge of Israel

What is an interesting theological truth we DON'T learn from the story of Achan's sin?

Sin never affects anyone else, just the person that commits the sin

How many chapters are in the Book of Isaiah?


What are some major themes Micah prophesies against?

Social injustice, false worship, false security

Only Scripture

Sola Scripture can be translated to say?

Who wrote most of the book of Proverbs?


Replacement Theology

Some Biblical scholars try to say that the churches have taken over the jews. However, the problem with the idea is jews still exist today.

What is NOT true about the "servant" theme in Isaiah?

Sometimes it refers to the 12 tribes

During which timeline period did Isaiah prophecy?

The Divided Period (931-722/587 B.C.)

During which timeline period did Amos prophecy?

The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C.

During which timeline period did Hosea prophecy?

The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C.

During which timeline period did Jeremiah prophecy?

The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C.

During which timeline period did Jonah prophecy?

The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C.

The capital of the Persian Empire was


When God told Jonah to go prophecy, Jonah ran away to


Isaiah text from Dead Sea (Qumran) Scrolls

Textual evidence

What is a major and specific prediction that Isaiah makes and is actually fulfilled many decades later?

That a Persian king named Cyrus will take over Babylon and allow Jews to return to Israel

What is one new thing you learned from the book of Joshua that you never knew before?

That rather than the victory being the result of something like a stronger or bigger army, it was rather because God ensured and kept his promise rather.

Which was NOT a result of the exile?

The 10 northern tribes of Israelites were lost

Which future "hope" is not discussed in Amos?

The Anti-Christ will be thrown into the lake of fire

Which contemporary issue/debate is NOT birthed in Genesis?

The Arab (Ishmael) and Israel (Isaac) strife

What specific reality does Amos predict?

The Assyrian king named Cyrus will overtake Judah

During which timeline period did Micah prophecy?

The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C.

During which timeline period did Nahum prophecy?

The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C.

During which timeline period did Lamentations, Zephaniah, and Habakkuk take place?

The Divided period 931-722/587 B.C. after Israel was conquered

What is a major purpose detailed in the book of Nehemiah?

The reconstruction of the nation's capital (Jerusalem)

What does 2nd Kings basically cover?

The rest of the divided kingdom, Elisha, and the beginning of the exile

What is a major purpose detailed in the book of Ezra?

The restoration of Israel's Temple

What does Ezra chapters 7-10 cover?

The second return of Jews under Ezra's leadership

1. Eve listened to Satan. 2. Eve did not accurately know God's word. 3. Eve trusted her own judgement rather than God's Word. 4. Eve believed Satan. 5. Eve realized Satan was lying.

The sequence of the temptation

What is a unifying focus of the different servant passages in Isaiah?

The servant is God's instrument.

Mt. Sinai, the wilderness, and the plains of moab

The settings of Numbers are?

Which fact is NOT correct?

The southern kingdom (Judah) falls to Persia in 685 B.C.

Zechariah has a lot of apocalyptic material. What is one way that is especially emphasized?

The specific details of the 12 disciples and the Church are foretold

Which story is NOT found in 1st Samuel?

The split of the kingdom into north and south


The theme of Genesis is?


The theme of Leviticus is?

1. The drudgery of slavery. 2. The rescue/redemption by God. 3. The guidance by God. 4. The Law of God. 5. The Nation of Israel.

The themes of Exodus

1. Beginnings. 2. Disobedience. 3. Promises. 4. Israel. 5. Prosperity.

The themes of Genesis

What does the book of Nehemiah cover?

The third return of Jews under Nehemiah's leadership

Author, Audience, and Message

The three tests of Canonicty are

What best summarizes the content of 1st Samuel?

The transition from judges to king Saul, and then king David

Which is NOT a reason the textbook authors and Dr. Roth gave for a later date for Joel?

The tribulation and millennium are clearly detailed

What does 1st Kings chapters 1-11 cover?

The united kingdom under Solomon

Which is true about the flood?

The waters came from the ground (cataclysmic) and the sky (rain)

Rule or Standard

The word Canon (Kanon) can also mean ___________ or ____________

Papyrus, Parchment, Vellum, Ostraca, Clay tablets, Wax tablets.

The writing materials used

What was Haggai most upset with the Jews for?

Their indifference and failing to heed God's chastisement

What are the two major themes in the book of Joshua?

conquest and settlement

What is probably true about the chapters in Daniel?

They are more topical and not in chronological order

What is the meaning of the patriarchs for our faith?

They are the ancestors of our faith.

What do the Books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings have in common?

They have a common worldview.

What was the fate of the rebellious Korah, Dathan, and Abiram?

They were killed by an earthquake.

Why did Malachi accuse the people of stealing from God?

They were not paying the tithe.

What is the definition of the "classical" prophets?

They wrote a prophetic book

The major differences between the words of the Hebrew prophets and other ancient Near Eastern "prophet-like" literature was the prophet's emphasis on

a moral base

What is "replacement" theology and what are some problems with it?

This is the idea that the Christians have replaced the Jews. One issue with this theology is that it fails to explain the persecution the Jews have endured even recently.

Peace Offering

This offering is eaten in celebration, and can be tied to restoration and reconciliation

Plenary-Verbal Inspiration

This theory states that States that every word is God's. And that God oversaw each and every word.


This theory states that each and every word is directly spoken from God to the writer

Limited Inspiration

This theory states that the thoughts are inspired by God but the words are not his... (in their own words)


This theory states that: The Bible contains the word of God

Pul is an alternate name for

Tiglath-pileser III

When Isaiah began his ministry, the major enemy, Assyria, was led by

Tiglath-pileser III

What was Joshua's portion of land?


What is the major purpose of Habakkuk?

To comfort Judah's faithful and assure them that God is just

What is the point of all the genealogies in Chronicles?

To confirm the Davidic (Messianic) kingly family line

Who helped the spies that Joshua had sent?

a prostitute

Ezra's evaluation of interfaith marriage was that it was

a sin

(Pente - five. Teuchos - tool) Literally, Five tools.

Where does the term Pentateuch originate?

Malachi condemned the priests because they

accepted sick animals for sacrifice

Where were the Israelites camped when they turned to Baal worship?

across the Jordan from Jericho

The Book of Lamentations contains a series of


Over which kingdom did David gain control?

all of the above (Moab, Syria, Edom)

What did King Josiah do?

all of the above (purged the land of pagan worship, reinstituted the Passover feast,reestablished the covenant with the Lord)

Sin Offering

an Offering for offenses of Innocence that involved no monetary damages, and was also based on social class and monetary wealth.

(Memory Verse) Nahum 1:3a (NKJV) The Lord is slow to ________ and great in ________, and will not at all _________ the wicked.

anger; power; acquit.

One of the problems of the Deuteronomistic History approach is that it

assumes a seventh-century BC date for the book

What does Habakkuk most wrestle with?

Why God would use an evil nation like Babylon to judge Judah

What is the main message of the Book of Job?

Wisdom is God's, He alone is sovereign

Who was king of Judah when Judah was destroyed?


In Zechariah 6:9-15 the Lord through Joshua prophesies that the temple would be built by

the "Branch"

What important future site did David buy in 2nd Samuel 24?

the Temple site in Jerusalem

What was to lead the march around Jericho?

the ark of the Lord

The census reports in Numbers were recorded when the Israelites lived in

the desert

Whom did Nebuchadnezzar order to worship the golden idol?

the entire Babylonian Empire

Which chapter in Proverbs is an acrostic (i.e. first letter of each line is the next letter in Hebrew)?

the excellent wife

At what point in Israel's history does the Book of 1st Samuel begin?

the period of the judges

What demonstrated that Yahweh controlled the cosmic order?

the plagues

Who was Hagar?

the servant of Sarai

To demonstrate his promise to Abram, God took Abram outside and told him to count

the stars

When it seemed certain that the Assyrians would defeat Judah, King Hezekiah went to

the temple

Which term describes God as the true leader and king over Israel?


How many books are in the Old Testament?


How many cities of refuge did Israel have east of the Jordan River?


How many geographical subregions make up the ancient Near East?


The most important conclusion that can be made about the treatment of the temple in Chronicles is that it

tied all the major themes together

What was Joshua's exhortation to the Israelites in his second speech?

to commit themselves fully to God

What was the basic reason the Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews?

to control the threat of the large Hebrew population

Why did the eastern tribes build an altar at the Jordan on their return home?

to remind the Israelites in Canaan that they were part of God's people as well

What was the least legitimate purpose for fasting in Zechariah 7-8?

to voice their self-pity

The nation of Israel was organized around the tabernacle by


How many sons did Jacob have?


How many spies did Moses send to Canaan?


What is the major theme of Lamentations?

weeping and wailing of the fall of Jerusalem (capital of Judah)

What did Solomon request from God?


What did David likely do during a lot of his time when he was running from Saul?

wrote many of his Psalms

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