Old Testament Survey Unit 10 Test

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Zechariah 3:8

"my servant the BRANCH"


According to God's Word by the prophet, the Babylonian Captivity would last for ________ years. 40 70 490

in Jerusalem

After his expression of sorrow at sin and his prayer of penitent confession, Ezra summoned Israel to gather _________________________________________________________________. at the river in Jerusalem in their homes


After some time of ministering in Jerusalem, Ezra discovered that the congregation had sinned by intermarrying with Jews of different tribes. True False


After the completion of the Jerusalem walls, Ezra read from the book of the Law to the congregation assembled in the street before the water gate from morning until midday. True False


After the threat of attack by Sanballat and Tobiah, the construction workers in Jerusalem carried a weapon in one hand and worked with the other. True False

he was born in Jerusalem

All of the following items describe Nehemiah except: he was of the tribe of Judah he was born in Jerusalem his fathers were buried in Jerusalem he was cupbearer to King Artaxerxes


Artaxerxes's first response to Nehemiah's request was to question the importance of rebuilding Jerusalem. True False

Law of Moses

As a scholar who had the hand of the Lord upon him, Ezra was skillful and learned in the ______________________________________________________. Law of Moses art of music building crafts


As each of the gates was completed, it was sanctified by the priests. True False


As signs of deep sorrow when he heard the report concerning Israel's sin, Ezra clothed himself in sackcloth and ashes. True False


At the conclusion of the royal gala, a seven-day feast was held in the palace of the king. True False


At the time of the evening sacrifice, the congregation fell on their knees, spread out their hands unto the Lord, and prayed. True False


At the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet, work was resumed on the Temple during the second year of: Darius Ahasuerus Artaxerxes

Tobiah Sanballat's

In Nehemiah's absence, Eliashib permitted ____________________ to move into a chamber in the Temple; and Eliashib's grandson ______________________________ daughter.


Because he was a Jew, Mordecai refused to bow and reverence Haman, the king's chief prince. True False


Both the Babylonian Captivity and its duration had been predicted by _________________________________ the prophet. Daniel Nathan Jeremiah


Challenged by the presence, authority, and leadership of Nehemiah, the priests began to build the walls of Jerusalem. True False


During the multi-month festival, the king exhibited for his subjects the wealth and splendor of his kingdom. True False


In completing the house of the Lord, Israel was assisted by the king of Persia and prospered by the: prophets priests Levites princes


In preparation for the journey to Jerusalem, Ezra proclaimed a ___________.


In response to Ezra's message of reform, the congregation refused to comply. True False


Esther invited the king and Haman to ________ banquet(s).


Esther request Mordecai to gather all the Jews in the city to participate for three days in _____________________ on behalf of Esther.


Esther was the beautiful, fair daughter of Mordecai. True False


Even in the midst of great rejoicing over the laying of the Temple foundation, some notes of despondency could be detected. True False


Even the priests in Israel had sinned by intermarrying with people of the land. True False


Ezra assigned the care of the holy vessels and the free will offerings to the __________________. officers assistants priests


Ezra was a descendant of ______________, from the line of high priests. Moses Aaron Jotham

personal appearances before the king

Failing in their first attempt to interfere with work on the Temple, the enemies of God's people continued their opposition by all of the following except: direct interference with the work false accusations through "counselors" personal appearances before the king letters containing false charges

talk letter prophets Temple

Failing in their previous efforts of ridicule and intimidation, Sanballat and Tobiah tried at least three tactics. They invited Nehemiah to ____________, planning instead to harm him; they circulated a _______________ containing false accusations against Nehemiah, and they hired _________________________ to persuade Nehemiah to flee to the _____________________ for refuge.

heart teach

Fill in the blanks. (You can find the verse above.) "For Ezra had prepared his ________________ to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to __________________ in Israel statutes and judgments." (Ezra 7:10).


Following the traditions of Moses and David, who did the congregation appoint to positions of leadership in the work on the house of the Lord? prophets priests Levites princes

all of the above

For days after receiving the report from Jerusalem, Nehemiah: wept fasted prayed all of the above


For seven days the people gathered to hear the Law, and they kept the Feast of ______________________________________. Tabernacles Purim Unleavened Bread

priestly indifference and defilements neglect of the tithes mixed marriages with non-Jews failure to keep the Sabbath

Four abuses were attacked by both Malachi and Nehemiah: priestly indifference and defilements neglect of the tithes tolerance of the Samaritans mixed marriages with non-Jews failure to keep the Sabbath worship of Babylonian gods

fourth discourse

Gave Israel assurance that God would establish and preserve them.


God directed Nehemiah to assemble the congregation of Israel to be enrolled by __________________________________________. name families genealogies


In the first year of his reign, Ahasuerus prepared a feast for the great host of his ruling subordinates. True False

gathered in Jerusalem reconstructed the altar offered burnt offerings

In the seventh month after the first return, the people of Israel: gathered in Jerusalem reconstructed the altar laid the foundation of the Temple offered burnt offerings


Instead of being made an instrument of judgment, King Cyrus was made a servant of righteousness. True False


Israel denied the request of the Samaritans to aid in the rebuilding of the Temple. True False


Israel's commitment to keep the Law was signed and sealed into a(n) _________________________. jar covenant intention

God Himself

Israel's enemies perceived that the work on the walls had been accomplished by ___________________________________________. great effort God Himself the Israelites


Israel's reform required by Ezra involved separation of foreign marriages. True False

giving works

Select all that apply. Nehemiah rebuked the nobles and rulers in Jerusalem, challenging them to walk in the fear of God, and pointing them to his own example of sacrificial ___________________ and _______________. giving works temple offerings fasting

righteous wicked

Select all that apply. The book of Malachi closes with a prediction of the destiny of the ____________________________ and the __________________. Jews Assyrians righteous Israelites wicked citizens of Jerusalem

musicians porters assistants

Select all that apply. The three groups the returning Levites belonged to were the _________________________________________________________________________________________________________. officers musicians porters civil servants assistants

third discourse

Taught the futility of outward religious observance of the Law.

605 536

The Babylonian Captivity began with Nebuchadnezzar's first invasion of Judah in ________ B.C. and ended with King Cyrus's permission to return to the land in ________ B.C.

second second

The Jews who returned with Zerubbabel laid the foundation of the Temple in the _______________________ month of their _______________________ year.

seventh first

The Jews who returned with Zerubbabel rebuilt the altar of God and reinstituted Levitical sacrifices in _______________________ month of their _______________ year.

world Jerusalem

The book of Ezra opens with the proclamation of King Cyrus that the Lord God of heaven had given him all the kingdoms of the ________________ and had charged him to build Him a house in _______________________________.


The book of Haggai contains ___________ discourses. warning four twelve


The book of Zechariah consists of ____________ basic divisions.

the rebuilding of the Temple

The decree of Artaxerxes gave permission for all of the following except: volunteers to accompany Ezra from exile to Jerusalem, Ezra to exercise the authority of his office as priest, provision of the support of Ezra's mission and ministry. the rebuilding of the Temple


The feast established among the Jews by Mordecai to celebrate annually their deliverance from the plot of Haman and from destruction.

Nehemiah Levites

The first person to sign his name to the solemn document was ____________________________________, whose signing was followed by that of the priests and _______________________.

Zerubbabel 536

The first return of Jews from exile was led by _________________________________ in _________ BC.

Temple people

The first three of Haggai's discourses dealt directly with the subject of the ______________________ and its relation to the __________________ of God.

God's love for his people

The introductory statement of Malachi's book affirms: God's discipline of his people God's love for his people God's anger toward the rampant idolatry of Israel the promise of a Messiah


The king graciously received Esther by extending to her his golden ___________________. crown scepter ring


The king renounced his beautiful Queen Vashti and sought a replacement for her among the maidens of the kingdom. True False


The large percentage of priests provided sound spiritual influence for the returning Israelites. True False

Ezra Nehemiah Esther

The last three historical records of the Old Testament (in Biblical order) are the books of __________, _____________________________ and _____________________.


The leaders of the returning remnant numbered eleven. True False

7 2

The list of those who returned with Zerubbabel is recorded in both Nehemiah Chapter ____ and Ezra Chapter ____.


The lot cast by Haman to determine the time for the destruction of the Jews.


The name of Nehemiah's messenger brother was _____________________. Ezra Haman Hanani

purified priests

The people, the gates, and the walls were ____________________________ by the ______________________.

lands children food taxes

The poor Jews in Jerusalem were forced to mortgage their _________________ and even sell their ______________________________ to buy ____________ and to pay _______________.


The priest ________________was a close associate of Zerubbabel. Jeshua Joshua Jehoshua


The priests began their construction work with the sheep gate. True False

their land the Temple

The proclamation that Cyrus made throughout his kingdom permitted the return of the Lord's people to ____________________________________ and the rebuilding of ______________________________________________, financially assisted by those remaining.


The prophet Malachi is the last of three ____________________________________ prophets. pre-New Testament post-exilic Judaic


The registry of the first return listed people according to family name and some names of cities. True False


The royal festival of King Ahasuerus lasted for six months. True False

Ezra 458

The second return of Jews from exile was led by _____________ in ___________ B.C.

tears of both joy and sorrow

The tears of the "ancient men" were probably: tears of joy tears of sorrow tears of both joy and sorrow

Nehemiah 445

The third return of Jews from exile was led by ______________________________ in __________ B.C.

Haggai Zechariah Malachi

The three prophets of the Restoration period (in chronological order) were ____________________, ______________________________________ and _________________________.

four months

The time Ezra and his company were en route from Babylon to Jerusalem was about: four months six weeks fifty years

fifty years

The time period implied opening verse of Ezra, Chapter 7, is approximately four months six weeks fifty years

Malachi Babylon Nehemiah

The view that ___________________________ ministered primarily during Nehemiah's return visit to _______________________ is based upon the observation that Malachi condemned the same sins that ___________________________ had found.


Those people of Israel who would not gather in three ___________ in response to Ezra's summons would be removed from the congregation.

one tenth

To assure sufficient labor and protection for Jerusalem, _________________________________________ of the population agreed to live in Jerusalem. one tenth half many

Artaxerxes heads

Two important documents contained in Ezra, Chapters 7-10, are a letter from _________________________________ and a register listing the ________________ of the families that accompanied Ezra to Jerusalem.

all of the above

Upon completion of the Temple and following the Law of Moses, the congregation: appointed priests and Levites for Temple service offered sin offerings kept the Passover kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread all of the above

first discourse

Warned and reproved the people concerning the condition of the Temple.

He wanted God's guidance and protection on the way He wanted to prove the people's faith in God to the king.

What two concerns led Ezra to seek the Lord immediately before their departure? He wanted God's guidance and protection on the way He wanted the king's favor He wanted to prove the people's faith in God to the king. He wanted the Temple project to be successful

all the above

What warning did Mordecai send to Esther? Her life was in danger as much as the rest of the Jews in Persia. Her failure to act would result in the extermination of herself and her family. Her failure to act would be ignoring the possible purpose for which she was queen. all the above none of the above

prayed to the God of heaven and then spoke to the king

When Artaxerxes invited Nehemiah to make his request, Nehemiah: prayed to the God of heaven spoke to the king spoke to the king and then prayed to the God of heaven prayed to the God of heaven and then spoke to the king

inquired concerning his sorrow

When Artaxerxes observed Nehemiah's countenance, he: inquired concerning his sorrow dismissed him from his presence ignored his sadness to avoid embarrassing him waited for Nehemiah to mention his problem


When the book was opened, the people stood and __________________________ God. shouted at worshiped prayed to

musical instruments songs

When the foundation of the Temple was laid, the people praised the Lord with: musical instruments songs burnt offerings prayers


When the king wished to show his guests his beautiful queen on the seventh day of the feast, Vashti refused to be shown. True False

He believed that the Jews would be completely exterminated if Esther failed to act.

Which of the following is not the case with regard to Mordecai He believed that the Jews would be completely exterminated if Esther failed to act. He believed that Esther's family would perish. He believed that there was a larger purpose in Esther's position as queen of Persia. all the above none of the above


Who did the Samaritans finally persuade to stop the work on the Temple? Ahasuerus Artaxerxes Darius

She risked death in going in to the king uninvited.

Why was Queen Esther reluctant to approach the king concerning the threat to her people, the Jews? She didn't want to disturb the busy king. She didn't want to reveal her status as a Jewess. She risked death in going in to the king uninvited. all the above none of the above

Zion Jerusalem salvation

Zechariah 9:9: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of ___________; shout, O daughter of _____________________________: behold, thy King cometh unto thee, he is just, and having _________________________; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass."

two Haggai

Zechariah began his prophetic ministry about __________ months after ________________________ began his ministry in Jerusalem.


Zechariah was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. True False

covenant Messianic

Zechariah was concerned not only for Israel's disregard for the state of the Lord's house, but also for the future of the _____________________________ people and the __________________________ kingdom.

priests Zerubbabel

Zechariah was the member of a family of ___________________ who were among the exiles who returned to Jerusalem under the leadership of ____________________________________.

Zechariah 13:7

smite the shepherd


Jeshua was the appointed leader of the returning Israelites. True False


King Cyrus also returned to the Jews the temple vessels which ____________________________________________________________ had taken from Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar Belteshazzar Belshazzar


Like those exiles who had returned under Zerubbabel, the exiles under Ezra came of their own free will. True False


Opposition to the construction of the Jerusalem walls came from both inside and outside the congregation. True False


People, priests, and Levites, all had failed to separate themselves from the people of the land. True False

second discourse

Predicted superior glory for the second inferior Temple structure.

barred from

Priests whose names were not found registered were ________________________________________________________ the priesthood. enrolled in barred from automatically included in

Zechariah 9:9

the coming King

Zechariah 11:12-13

thirty pieces of silver

sheep gate

was built by the priests without locks and bars

valley gate

was built with locks by Nehemiah and congregation

Zechariah 12:10

whom they have pierced


News from Jerusalem brought Nehemiah's heart great: joy disappointment anxiety sorrow

water gate

may have belonged to the Temple and palace units


A comparison of the two registers in Ezra (Chapters 2 and 8) reveals that the family names are ______________________.


A derivative of Agag, the title of the Amalekite kings. According to Jewish tradition, an Agagite represented one who was a descendant of the royal line of the Amalekites. The Amalekites had always been enemies of the Israelites and had almost been exterminated during Saul's reign.


A powerful king of Persia, Ahasuerus reigned over 157 provinces from India to Ethiopia. True False


Haman's friends and wife advised Haman to build a _________________ on which to execute Mordecai. gallows chopping block pyre

walls gates

Hanani's news from Jerusalem was that the Jews were experiencing great affliction and that the _______________ of the city were broken down and the _________________ were burned with fire.


Mordecai was of the tribe of Judah. True False


Nehemiah asked the provincial governor for money and protection during the journey to Jerusalem. True False


Nehemiah led Israel in a formal ____________________________ of the Jerusalem walls. inspection rejection dedication


Nehemiah requested Artaxerxes to send him to Jerusalem that he might _______________________ it. rebuild decorate defend

nation Levites Messiah

Nehemiah's registration would serve to identify membership in the Hebrew ____________________, to verify the official positions of the priests and ______________________, and to preserve the records of the line by which the promised ________________________ would come.


Six additional gates were mentioned by Nehemiah, but not as being constructed; they were probably inside gates, which belonged to the Temple and palace units. True False


Six gates were mentioned by Nehemiah as part of the wall construction work, suggesting that they were "outside" gates. True False

servants Gibeonites

The Nethinims were Temple ________________________ and they probably descended from the _________________________________.


The Samaritans continued their efforts to frustrate the work of Israel on the Temple from the days of Cyrus through the reign of: Ahasuerus Artaxerxes Darius

confession repentance

The Word of God brought conviction, and conviction resulted in covering ________________________________ which was accompanied by ___________________________________.

52 days

The actual construction work on the walls of Jerusalem was completed in _______________________________. 52 days 3 1/2 years 5 months

one seven

The approximate proportion of priests among the first returnees was __________ in _______________.


The basis for the return to Palestine from exile was not association with a tribal name, but rather individual choice. True False

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