Old Testament Test 1
Mosaic/Israelite/Sinai Covenant
(Ex Chs. 20-24, Chs. 25-40) The giving of the law, and the construction of the tabernacle. These can be restated theologically as several expressions of God's grace: his gracious redemption of Israel; his gracious covenant with Israel; and his gracious presence in the midst of Israel. At Sinai, God revealed to the people of Israel in the form of a covenant, how to live in response to His gracious redemption. The covenant of Sinai commenced with declarations of YHWH's gracious election and salvation of Israel. A covenant about relationship. A personal commitment between two covenant partners.
-Any attempt at a comprehensive and universal explanation of some phenomenon. perspective of the larger biblical metanarrative, the exodus and the Sinai covenant represent a major progression in God's plan to redeem a fallen world.Basically, the bible.
Holy nation
A special and unique status Israel occupied. Though YHWH owned all of the earth Israel was of immense value to Him; it had been set apart to serve God and display his holiness to the world.
Treasured possession
A special and unique status Israel occupied. Though YHWH owned all of the earth Israel was of immense value to Him; it had been set apart to serve God and display his holiness to the world.
Five main covenants
Adamic/Noahic: creation and fall and flood; law Abrahamic: Patriarchs; law Mosaic (old): Exodus, Sinai, and wilderness; law Davidic: Conquest and kingdoms; exile and initial restoration; former prophets, latter writings Christ Jesus: Christ's work and the church age; gospels and acts New: Christs return and kingdom consummation; revelation
Cultural mandate
After God created all the world, ascribe to humankind the task of filling, subduing and ruling the Earth.
Foundation of Western justice
Assumption every human, by virtue of creation, has certain inherent rights.
Foundation and fulfillment
the OT provides the foundation for the fulfillment of the message to magnify God, while the NT provides the fulfillment
Covenant establishes/affirms a relationship through extreme commitment/allegiance The most significant covenant of the old testament was the Abrahamic Covenant, which had three parts: 1) relationship, 2) nationhood, and 3) blessing to others Fulfilled by Jesus, the "seed" of abraham Shown by the act of circumcision until the time of Jesus This covenant is the main point of the Pentateuch NEED TO KNOW FOR EXAM STRAIGHT OUTTA THE MOUTH OF TURNER Relationship = Exodus and Leviticus Nationhood = Genesis (people, "seed") and Numbers & Deuteronomy (land) Blessing to others = (((never focused on or remembered in the bible))) Israel's salvation is their exodus from egypt What was the purpose of the exodus? Save his people Connected to God's promise to Abraham All about God, not us substitution and blood = passover and sacrifice conquest = exodus Israel's mission and Israel's law are ways in which God's people are separated from the world Today, moral laws still exist since they are based on God's unchanging character (like the OT) Today, civil laws (just for Israel as a nation) and ceremonial laws (the sacrificial system before Jesus fulfilled the ultimate sacrifice) are not needed. Just for a fun, God set up these laws not to oppress but to bring to the forefront of minds the holiness that they've been chosen for. Uncleanliness symbolizes something of death and chaos, which is a reminder of the fall LORD → YHWH → aDoNaY (Lord, which is a title, not a name) → adonai " → " → YeHoWaH → Jehovah (German mistranslation of a wrongly spelled name)
Creation was often seen to be the result of a fight among the Gods.
Frame, form, focus, fulcrum:
Frame: what the Bible is about; kingdom building process Form: how; through the covenants Focus: why; preservation and display of His glory Fulcrum: whom; Jesus Christ is the one it points to
Genesis is much more about who/why than how/when Context includes literary, historical, and theological The six days of creation were broken up into two categories: the first set of three days was forming/preparing, and the second set of three days was filling The Theological agenda of Gen 1 To glorify God - YHWH Elohim To challenge pagan views of cosmic origins To celebrate humanity as the climax of creations IMAGO DEI is not in reference to the resemblance to God that humans hold. Instead of an attribute, it is a functional rule that says what we say and do comes with the direct authority of God.
Graciously redeemed, gracious covenant, and his gracious presence in the midst of Israel. Deals with creation and covenant. The formation of Israel as an incipient nation is the outworking of God's purposes in creation and his promises to the patriarchs (in Genesis)
Effects of reading the bible wrong:
Ignorance Misunderstanding Discredited evangelical Christianity Rejection of biblical authority
Kingdom of priests
Israel serving as a mediator between God and the nations. The combination of royal and priestly functions recalls God's purpose for humans, who serve as viceroys in God's Kingdom and priests in God's Kingdom and priests in God's sanctuary. Thus the programmatic statement of Israel's mission in Exodus 19:5-6 shows how Israel can fulfill the (universal) climax of the Abrahamic covenant "In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed".
The Land Between:
Israel's Promised Land, because it required the northern and southern powers to travel through this land to trade and alliance with each other
Mosiac Covenant
Jesus as Gods son, Yahweh's servant
K.I.N.G.D.O. M.:
Kickoff and rebellion Instrument of blessing Nation redeemed and commissioned Government in the promised land Dispersion and return Overlap of the ages Mission accomplished
Davividic Covenant
King of Jews, son of David
Why we read the bible wrong:
Laziness Wrong view of the past Wrong view of the bible's ultimate purpose
Yahweh/the LORD -
Lord is incorrect translation from Yahweh
New Covenant
Prophet like Moses who is true mediator between God and man
Abrahamic Covenant
Offspring of Abraham and agent of Universal blessing
For our instruction:
Paul taught Christians that the Old Testament was written "for our instruction"
Symptoms of reading the bible wrong:
Proof-texting Allegorizing Jesus-hunting Personalizing
How to read well:
Read Study Meet the author Be a storyteller Context^3 Application Relax (some of these are dumb sounding in my opinion but thats what he said)
Adamic/ Noahamic
Son of man, last Adam, image of God
Story of God's glory:
The Bible's grand narrative; everything God does in the Bible is ultimately for His glory
The avalanche of sins and death down the mountain of human history.
The first gospel, which appears in Genesis 3:15. The first Gospel Promise-Proclamation that satan will be defeated
about separation ("I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine"); this holiness included Yahweh's unique love for Israel above all other nations but also how God transcends everything else that exists, how seriously we must take his holiness (demonstrated by Nadab and Abihu being consumed by God's fire), ready 2 work again, distinction between God and worshipers to be taken very seriously because our God isn't like the others who could be bribed or reached
National history
big deal because "nation" refers to political entity with a large population, government, and territory; nation comes out of God's promise to Abram; five instances of "bless" counteract primeval five curses
Fertile Crescent
birthplace of ancient civilization; stretched from the north in Mesopotamia southward through Canaan to Egypt; God placed Israel geographically in the center of the nations in alignment with His promise to bless all nations through Israel
Primeval history
chapters 1 through 11; humanity was marred by sin, death, and chaos; five instances of curses
heaven on earth and Eden in a fallen world, climax of the covenant at Sinai, three-tiered structure to represent Sinai, a holy of holies and the top of the mountain where only the high priest and Moses were allowed, the holy place and part of the way up the mountain where the priest and elders were allowed, and the people worshipping in the courtyard and at the foot of the mountain; the front half of the tabernacle with the altar for offerings represented God as savior and judge, the back half with the ark of the covenant stressed God's kingship over all; through the centrality of the sin altar and the ark of the covenant, the tabernacle gave hope to sinners that a relationship with yahweh was possible
if you don't know this you going to hell so might as well fail anyway but jic 17 "Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread, because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. 18 In the first month you are to eat bread made without yeast, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day. 19 For seven days no yeast is to be found in your houses. And anyone, whether foreigner or native-born, who eats anything with yeast in it must be cut off from the community of Israel. 20 Eat nothing made with yeast. Wherever you live,you must eat unleavened bread."
important for four reasons: described beginnings, as the title of Genesis means traced everybody back to Adam and Eve, showing we're all created in the image of God showed importance of descendants was able to speed through hundreds of years so quickly in order to get to important people
Plagues, signs, and wonders
instead of calling it a plague, using the terms "signs and wonders" gives it a much broader, purposeful perspective that is only right since God is the one who orchestrated it to show who He is
made it so the Israelites could keep God's presence even while being sinful humans, Moses uses the guidelines in Leviticus to show them how to realistically repent and atone for their sin. 1) the whole burnt offering 2) the grain offering 3) the peace (fellowship) offering 4) the sin (purification) offering 5) the guilt (reparation) offering
Abrahamic covenant
major lines of continuity, therefore exist between the abrahamic covenant and the covenant at Sinai and recognition of this helps clarify what God is doing in exodus. Abraham made covenants with God when he received the gospel, when he was ordained a high priest, and when he entered a celestial marriage. In these blessings it extended to all of Abraham's seed called the abrahamic covenant. Basically when God promised stuff to abraham but i thought that was Genesis? right ?
male heads of the tribes of Abram who acquired grave plots (and no other land)
Ecological crisis
many environmentalists trace the problem of the environment to Genesis 1 and the cultural mandate, but the roots should be traced back to Gen 3 where humans serve no higher authority than self
Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart
originally God said it was intended so that Israel will not be released immediately. Then eventually God stated that he will show mercy on whoever who wants to and intended it to bring him glory. We will never fully understand.
Program of redemption
reading the Bible through this lens is necessary; when the OT is read in chronological order, you get God's whole program of redemption laid out
Seven historical figures
seven historical stages that are apparent in God's kingdom-building program (see: below)
Golden Calf
signs of trouble in Israel's reluctance to trust Moses and unbelief during exodus and violating the Sabbath and grumbling, but most serious infidelity shown through their worship of the golden calf, they broke the covenant they had proved to them over and over again; Moses interceded to protect his people from God's wrath and the covenant was renewed, but the whole thing raised doubts and put a shadow of failure in Israel's history
Seed of the woman
stated in the curse called the protoevangelium, which is the mother of all promises. Conflict between seed of woman and serpent would result in the demise of the serpent. Serpent's conqueror would restore the conditions of paradise.
the battle with pharaoh is dominated by "knowing" God through personal experience. One of the keywords throughout Exodus. The primary use was to demonstrate Yahweh's own name and glory.
the first theologian (the first speaker to discuss the subject of God in the Bible); did not know God, but only knew about God; curse on serpent contained first sign of hope for human race and creation
Five World Powers:
the five main empires that dominated the world scene during the OT period; Egypt, Israel, Assyria, Babylon, and Persia.
Covenant established, enforced, enjoyed:
the old covenant is established in the law, enforced in the prophets, and enjoyed in the writings; the Law is devoted to clarifying God's relationship with Israel and his desire for the world to be blessed through them; in the Prophets, the enforcers colored Israel's history as an age of darkness, and the old covenant resulting in Israel's condemnation, has a negative tone; the Writings have more of a positive thrust
Program for salvation history
the overarching plan of God for redemption from the fall, developed heavily throughout Genesis
Already but not yet
the term that describes how the Kingdom of God is already here on earth but has also not yet arrived; overlap of the ages
Law, Prophets, Writings
three parts that the OT books are sectioned into; the three-part canon that Jesus used when talking about the OT writings; Law: Genesis-Deut. Prophets: Joshua-Kings (former) Jeremiah-Malachi (latter). Writings: Ruth/Psalms-Lamentations (former) Daniel-Chronicles (latter)
trusting God to do for us what we cannot do on our own (i.e. Abraham and Sarah having faith in God for His promise of a child)