OPTE Review from Hobson Clinical A

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Which of the following are arguments made by opponents of a national curriculum? 1. Local school and local district autonomy would be weakened. 2. A huge federal bureaucracy would be created. 3. A national curriculum would not be responsive to the diversity that exists in different states. 4. A national curriculum would lower the standards that exist in many states. a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 3, 4 d. 2, 3, 4 e. 3, 4

a. 1, 2, 3, 4

Which of the following are arguments supporting a national curriculum? 1. Other industrialized countries with high-achieving students (such as Japan) have national standards and national testing. 2. A national curriculum would narrow the achievement gap between cultural minorities and non-minorities. 3. American society is highly mobile and a national curriculum would make learners' backgrounds more consistent. 4. Standards and levels of achievement vary significantly from state to state. a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3, c. 1, 3, 4 d. 2, 3, 4 e. 1, 2

a. 1, 2, 3, 4

A number of reforms in teacher education are being implemented in many states across the nation. These reforms include which of the following? 1. Raising standards for admission into teacher training programs 2. Requiring teachers to take more rigorous courses 3. Expanding teacher preparation programs from 4 to 5 years 4. Requiring experienced teachers to take more rigorous professional-development courses 5. Requiring higher standards for licensure, including teacher competency tests a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b. 1, 3, 4, 5 c. 1, 2, 4, 5 d. 1, 2, 3, 5

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

According to researchers, which of the following are considered to be forms of bullying? 1. Face-to-face attack 2. Threats 3. Teasing about sexual orientation 4. Telling students that they can't play with others 5. Spreading malicious rumors a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b. 1, 2, 3, 5 c. 1, 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 2, 3 e. 1, 2

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Which of the following are indicators of child abuse? 1. Neglected appearance 2. Sudden changes in academic or social behavior 3. Disruptive behavior 4. Overly-compliant behavior 5. Injuries, such as bruises or welts a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 b. 1, 2, 3, 5 c. 1, 2, 5 d. 1, 2, 4, 5

a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Of the following, which is the best description of evolution? a. A theory suggesting that all living things change in response to environmental conditions b. A theory suggesting that all organisms and events in the world change in response to a predetermined sequence c. A theory suggesting that changes in living things are the result of work done by God d. A theory suggesting that organisms evolve because of the will of a supreme being

a. A theory suggesting that all living things change in response to environmental conditions

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between extracurricular activities and effective schools? a. A well-developed and comprehensive extracurricular program is one of the characteristics of an effective school. b. Schools that are academically effective de-emphasize extracurricular activities, because extracurricular activities tend to detract from the academic orientation of the school. c. Effective schools emphasize extracurricular activities that are academically related (such as an astronomy club or debate team), but they de-emphasize athletics. d. Effective schools for at-risk students emphasize extracurricular activities, but effective schools for students who are not at risk de-emphasize extracurricular activities

a. A well-developed and comprehensive extracurricular program is one of the characteristics of an effective school

Which of the following is the most accurate description of adults' responses to bullying? a. Adults quickly intervene to protect the victim and punish the perpetrator in cases of bullying. b. Adults quickly intervene to protect the victim in cases of bullying, but perpetrators are rarely punished. c. Adults often punish victims of bullying because they believe the victims are merely tattling. d. Adults rarely intervene one way or the other in incidents of bullying.

a. Adults quickly intervene to protect the victim and punish the perpetrator in cases of bullying.

Which of the following statements best describes curriculum? a. Everything teachers teach and students learn in schools b. All the academic knowledge and skills that teachers hope to have students reach c. Everything students study in formal classroom settings d. Learning goals based on students' academic and social needs

a. Everything teachers teach and students learn in schools

Which of the following best illustrates integrated curriculum? a. Having students test how quickly different aspirin tablets dissolve and then read an article that describes how quickly different pain relievers begin to work b. Having students do word problems in math, where they have to carefully identify what information is given and what information they need to provide c. Having students use rulers and protractors to measure the angles and the lengths of sides of triangles d. Having students identify important dates from different historical periods

a. Having students test how quickly different aspirin tablets dissolve and then read an article that describes how quickly different pain relievers begin to work

Homosexual students make up between 3% and 10% of the student population, but they commit a disproportionate number of youth suicides each year. Of the following, which is the most likely reason for this disproportionate rate? a. Homosexual youth are disproportionately subjects of harassment in schools, which leads to depression and suicide. b. Homosexual youth have an innate tendency toward depression, which often leads to suicide. c. Homosexual youth get lower grades in school, which leads to depression and suicide. d. Homosexual youth tend to come from low SES backgrounds, which leads to depression and suicide.

a. Homosexual youth are disproportionately subjects of harassment in schools, which leads to depression and suicide

Teachers often work with 25 or 30 or more students. Which aspect of classroom complexity does this best illustrate? a. Multidimensional b. Simultaneous c. Public d. Unpredictable

a. Multidimensional

Reading, writing, and math are the most strongly emphasized areas of the curriculum in elementary schools. Of the following, which is the most likely reason for this emphasis? a. Reading, writing, and math are the areas in which students are most commonly tested. b. Most teachers philosophically believe that reading, writing, and math are the most important areas of the curriculum. c. Reading, writing, and particularly math, are the curriculum areas elementary teachers most enjoy teaching. d. Reading, writing, and math are the areas in which the most hands-on learning activities can be done.

a. Reading, writing, and math are the areas in which students are most commonly tested.

Of the following factors, which is rated highest by parents and other taxpayers in a list of concerns about school quality? a. School safety b. Qualifications of teachers c. Student access to technology d. High student standardized-test scores

a. School safety

If you make decisions about using textbooks based on research examining their effective use, which of the following is your best decision? a. Since textbooks are written by experts in the field, you should cover the topics included in them and in the sequence in which they're presented. b. You should cover the topics included in the textbooks and supplement those topics with other topics you feel are important. c. You should cover some of the topics in detail, de-emphasize or eliminate others, and add topics you feel are important. d. You should abandon textbooks completely and generate your own curriculum based on your professional judgment.

a. Since textbooks are written by experts in the field, you should cover the topics included in them and in the sequence in which they're presented.

Which tends to be true of students from lower socioeconomic status homes? a. They have fewer school-related background experiences than students from higher SES backgrounds. b. They are unable to learn in regular classrooms, and usually are placed in classes for students with exceptionalities. c. They tend to gravitate to activities out of the academic mainstream, such as sports, music, and art. d. They tend to have more fully developed social lives than students from higher SES backgrounds.

a. They have fewer school-related background experiences than students from higher SES backgrounds

Which of the following best describes people with low incomes who continually struggle with economic problems? a. Underclass b. Lower middle class c. Resilient class d. Poverty class

a. Underclass

Your school district, concerned about issues such as teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, wants to create and implement a sex education course as part of the schools' health curricula. A parent group sues, contending that sex education is outside the scope of the public school curriculum. If resolution of this case is consistent with other cases involving sex education, which of the following is the most likely outcome? a. Your district's right to create a sex education curriculum will be upheld in court, and parents who object will be free to remove their children from attendance. b. Your district's right to create a sex education curriculum will be upheld in court, and all students will be required to attend. c. Your district's right to create a sex education curriculum will be upheld in court, and parents who object will be free to remove their children from attendance if they can demonstrate that the curriculum is a violation of their religious beliefs. d. Your district's right to create a sex education curriculum will be turned down by the courts on the grounds that schools must be responsive to the wishes of parents in curriculum issues that are controversial.

a. Your district's right to create a sex education curriculum will be upheld in court, and parents who object will be free to remove their children from attendance.

Documents published by states that typically include standards, learning activities, and performance expectations for students are best described as: a. curriculum guides. b. lesson plans. c. target curricula. d. implicit curricula.

a. curriculum guides.

An "understanding of ways of representing content so that it's comprehensible to others" best describes: a. pedagogical content knowledge. b. knowledge of content. c. general pedagogical knowledge. d. knowledge of learners and learning.

a. pedagogical content knowledge.

You are a first-year teacher and you're in a discussion with a colleague and friend. "These kids need a solid background in as many areas as possible. There's important information that people need to understand in order to get by in the world." "There's too much information," your friend counters. "What these kids really need is the tools to be able to find the information somewhere." You and your friend are in a discussion about curriculum, and of the following, your respective views are most strongly influenced by: a. the textbooks you're each using. b. your local district. c. state standards. d. your personal philosophies.

a. the textbooks you're each using.

Which of the following are considered to be characteristics of a profession? 1. A specialized body of knowledge 2. Extended training for licensure 3. Autonomy on the job 4. Supervision by superiors 5. Ethical standards for conduct a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3, 5 c. 2, 3, 4, 5 d. 1, 2, 4, 5

b. 1, 2, 3, 5

Of the following, which are decisions about instruction? 1. You believe that learning to write persuasive essays is essential for students. 2. You believe that the only way that they'll learn to write them effectively is with a great deal of practice. 3. You display two sample persuasive essays on the overhead, one that is well written and one that isn't. 4. In a discussion you help them understand the characteristics of an effective persuasive essay. a. 2, 3, 4 b. 3, 4 c. 2, 4 d. 4

b. 3, 4

Kevin is a very difficult student. In spite of using every technique you know, you have difficulty in preventing him from disrupting your class. In response to describing your frustration with him, Jack, one of your colleagues says, "I hate doing it, but sometimes we have no choice. You simply have to put him down. I had him last year, and embarrassing him was the only thing that worked. You may have to go that far." Of the following, what is the best assessment of Jack's suggestion? a. His suggestion is consistent with teachers' professional code of ethics, since one student doesn't have the right to disrupt the learning for others. b. His suggestion is not consistent with teachers' professional code of ethics, since the code says that a teacher "shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment." c. His suggestion is consistent with teachers' professional code of ethics, since the code says that, "The education profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service." d. His suggestion isn't consistent with teachers' professional code of ethics, since teachers are responsible for maintaining a safe and orderly classroom.

b. His suggestion is not consistent with teachers' professional code of ethics, since the code says that a teacher "shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment."

According to research, which of the following generalizations is the most accurate comparison of high and low SES parents? a. In interacting with their children, low SES parents are more likely to give reasons for their directions than are high SES parents. b. In interacting with their children, high SES parents are more likely to give reasons for their directions than are low SES parents. c. In interacting with their children, low and high SES parents are equally likely to give reasons for their directions. d. In interacting with their children, low and high SES parents are about equally likely to give reasons for their directions, but high SES parents

b. In interacting with their children, high SES parents are more likely to give reasons for their directions than are low SES parents.

Which of the following statements best describes the implications for teachers of the changing American family? a. Because both parents work in many American families, more children are affluent, so the come to school better prepared to learn. b. Parents spend more time working away from home than parents have spent in the past, so teachers will need to be more flexible in reaching out to families. c. Parents are better informed about school activities than they have been in the past, so they tend to be more involved in school activities than they have historically. d. Education has become politically important, so parents tend to be more politically active in school policy than they have been historically.

b. Parents spend more time working away from home than parents have spent in the past, so teachers will need to be more flexible in reaching out to families.

Of the following, which is the most accurate description of curriculum in middle schools? a. Strong emphasis on reading and math and relatively little emphasis on science and social studies b. Strong emphasis on making connections among topics and real-world applications c. Strong emphasis on individual content areas such as math, science social, studies and English d. Strong emphasis on math and science, moderate emphasis on reading and language arts, and little emphasis on social studies

b. Strong emphasis on making connections among topics and real-world applications

Of the following, which is the best description of creationism? a. The belief that all the events in the universe exist in a predetermined sequence b. The belief that the existence of the universe and all its parts are the result of work done by God c. The belief that the organisms that exist on the earth at a certain time are the result of environmental conditions d. The belief suggesting that the most righteous people on earth will have eternal life and the less righteous will not

b. The belief that the existence of the universe and all its parts are the result of work done by God

Which of the following statements best describes the lower socioeconomic class in the United States? a. The lower SES class makes up about 40% of the U.S. population, but the percentage is decreasing rapidly. b. The lower SES class makes up about 20% of the U. S. population, and the percentage is increasing. c. The lower SES class makes up about 40% of the U.S. population, but since the percentage is so high, they control a large portion of the wealth in the country. d. The lower SES class makes up about 30% of the U.S. population, but because of government programs the percentage is decreasing.

b. The lower SES class makes up about 20% of the U. S. population, and the percentage is increasing.

Which of the following best describes instruction? a. Learning goals and the reasons the goals have been selected b. The ways teachers help students reach learning goals c. Learning goals and a diagnosis of students' needs d. Learning goals and the philosophy on which the goals are based

b. The ways teachers help students reach learning goals

A form of school violence that involves a systematic or repetitious abuse of power between students is best described as: a. sexual harassment. b. bullying. c. zero tolerance. d. gang warfare.

b. bullying.

You're a third-grade teacher. Of the following, the best example of an extrinsic reward is likely to be: a. a parent calling and thanking you for the extra help you've given her daughter. b. receiving a salary supplement for being the grade chairperson in your school for third grade. c. seeing Melissa, one of your low achieving students, improve dramatically in her writing. d. getting a hug or a "high five" from each of your students as they enter the classroom in the morning.

b. receiving a salary supplement for being the grade chairperson in your school for third grade.

We best describe teachers who are "thoughtful, analytical, and even self-critical about their teaching" as: a. artistic. b. reflective. c. scientific. d. practical.

b. reflective.

Which of the following are characteristics of socioeconomic status? 1. Parents' income 2. The number of different places parents have lived 3. Parents' level of education 4. The jobs parents have a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 3, 4 d. 2, 3, 4 e. 3, 4

c. 1, 3, 4

Which of the following is the most accurate description of the character education versus moral education debate? a. Both agree that education in morality is needed, but they differ primarily in the terminology they use. b. Moral education believes that teaching moral values is necessary (hence the name), whereas character education believes that teaching moral values is not necessary. c. Both agree that education in morality is needed, but they differ in what they believe the goals and methods of instruction should be. d. Moral education believes that the development of morality should focus on groups, whereas character education believes that the development of morality should focus on individuals.

c. Both agree that education in morality is needed, but they differ in what they believe the goals and methods of instruction should be.

Nationally, which of the following is the most accurate approximation of the percentage of P-12 learners who are students of color in our country? a. About 10 percent b. Slightly less than 25 percent c. More than 40 percent d. More than 60 percent

c. More than 40 percent

Of the following, which is the most accurate description of curriculum in elementary schools? a. Strong emphasis on science and math and relatively little emphasis on reading and social studies b. Strong emphasis on reading and science and relatively little emphasis on math and social studies c. Strong emphasis on reading and math and relatively little emphasis on science and social studies d. Strong emphasis on reading and language arts and relatively little emphasis on math and science

c. Strong emphasis on reading and math and relatively little emphasis on science and social studies

You observe that Jerome, a homosexual student in your class, is being repeatedly harassed by Calvin and David, two other boys in your class. Of the following, which is your most appropriate response? a. Jerome isn't being physically harmed, so ignore the incidents, since students should learn to work problems out for themselves. b. Take Calvin and David aside and tell them that you realize that their behavior is in fun, but that you believe it is hurting Jerome's feelings, and ask them how they would feel if they were being teased. c. Take Calvin and David aside and tell them that harassment is unacceptable and that one more incident of harassment will result in severe consequences. d. Talk to Jerome and tell him that you will support any form of retaliation that he directs toward Calvin and David.

c. Take Calvin and David aside and tell them that harassment is unacceptable and that one more incident of harassment will result in severe consequences.

Of the following, which students are most concerned about safety and violence in their schools? a. Fifth graders b. Eighth graders c. Tenth graders d. Twelfth graders

c. Tenth graders

Of the following, which most influences the curriculum? a. States and local districts b. Professional organizations c. The individual teacher d. Textbooks

c. The individual teacher

Of the following, which best describes the goal of service learning (involving students in social service projects)? a. To clarify the implicit curriculum for all learners b. To expand the extracurriculum to involve more students placed at risk c. To make all students more socially responsible d. To meet state standards for improved environmental education

c. To make all students more socially responsible

Regular salary increases would best be described as an: a. intrinsic reward in teaching. b. essential characteristic of professionalism. c. extrinsic reward in teaching. d. intellectual reward in teaching.

c. extrinsic reward in teaching.

An understanding of instruction and management that transcends individual topics or subject matter areas is best described as: a. pedagogical content knowledge. b. expert knowledge. c. general pedagogical knowledge. d. knowledge of learning and teaching

c. general pedagogical knowledge.

You're an 8th-grade math teacher. Of the following, the best example of an intellectual reward in teaching is likely to be: a. a high school senior coming back to visit you. b. seeing students successfully predict the next number in the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 . . . . c. having one of your students come up to you and say, "I used to hate math, but now I really like it." d. receiving a salary supplement for sponsoring the school's math club.

c. having one of your students come up to you and say, "I used to hate math, but now I really like it."

Automatic suspensions that result from school disruptions, evidence of alcohol or other drug use, or bringing weapons to school are most commonly labeled: a. school safety programs. b. school-wide security programs. c. zero-tolerance policies. d. drug-education programs.

c. zero-tolerance policies.

Which of the following are appropriate adaptations that teachers can make in response to the changing American family? 1. When asking students to introduce parents, use statements such as, "Please introduce the adult with you," since many students may be living with a single parent or other caregiver. 2. Lower expectations for students of single parents, since they are likely to have less support for schooling at home. 3. Be flexible with meeting times to accommodate the complex job situations of many working parents. 4. Avoid calling on children from troubled homes in your classes to prevent "putting them on the spot" and embarrassing them. a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 2, 4 d. 1, 3

d. 1, 3

Socioeconomic status influences learning through which of the following ways? 1. Parental attitudes and values 2. Cultural and ethnic practices 3. Interaction patterns in the home 4. Physical and safety needs a. 1, 2, 3 b. 1, 2, 4 c. 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 3, 4

d. 1, 3, 4

Which of the following are part of the definition of socioeconomic status (SES)? 1. Parents' level of education 2. Parents' intelligence (I.Q.) 3. Parents' occupation 4. The amount of money parents make a. 1, 2 b. 1, 2, 3 c. 1, 2, 4 d. 1, 3, 4 e. 1, 2, 3

d. 1, 3, 4

Some people argue that teaching is not a profession. Which of the following are statements people make in defending this position? 1. Teachers lack rigorous training. 2. Teachers don't make enough money. 3. Teachers lack a unique function. 4. Teachers don't have the autonomy characteristic of professionals. a. 1, 2, 3, 4 b. 1, 2, 3 c. 2, 3, 4 d. 1, 4

d. 1, 4

Of the following, which statement most accurately describes the likelihood of students who live in poverty dropping out of school compared to their more affluent peers? a. Children of poverty are less likely to drop out of school, because they realize that education is the only way out of poverty. b. Children of poverty and their more affluent peers are about equally likely to drop out of school. c. Children of poverty are about twice as likely to drop out of school as are their more affluent peers. d. Children of poverty are five times more likely to drop out of school than are their more affluent peers. .

d. Children of poverty are five times more likely to drop out of school than are their more affluent peers. .

Which of the following best describes the diversity across our country? a. Diversity is rapidly increasing in some states, such as California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida, but it is decreasing in rural states, such as Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming. b. Diversity is increasing in southern states, but it is decreasing in northern states. c. Diversity is remaining about the same as it was in the past two decades. d. Diversity is increasing in every state in the nation.

d. Diversity is increasing in every state in the nation.

When researchers and leaders express concern for children's safety, lack of supervision, excessive amounts of time watching television, and lack of support for school work, they are most likely describing which of the following? a. Members of cultural minorities b. Resilient children c. Children from low SES families d. Latchkey children

d. Latchkey children

With respect to the amount of control middle and secondary teachers have over the curriculum, which of the following is the most accurate statement? a. Since middle and secondary teachers' class schedules are determined by specified period lengths, they have little or no control over the curriculum. b. Since states publish lists of standards that students are expected to meet, middle and secondary teachers have little or no control over the curriculum. c. Since most states have statewide assessment tests for students, middle and secondary teachers have little or no control over the curriculum. d. Middle and secondary teachers decide what emphasis to place on different topics in the curriculum and the depth in which the topics will be studied, so they have a great deal of control over the curriculum

d. Middle and secondary teachers decide what emphasis to place on different topics in the curriculum and the depth in which the topics will be studied, so they have a great deal of control over the curriculum

Which of the following is the best label for the description: "A developing aspect of teaching characterized by a specialized body of knowledge, emphasis on decision making and reflection, autonomy, and ethical standards for conduct?" a. Pedagogical content knowledge b. General pedagogical knowledge c. Reflection d. Professionalism

d. Professionalism

Which of the following most accurately describes trends in school violence since the mid 1990s? a. School violence has dramatically increased, and it is now one of the most important problems facing schools. b. School violence has increased slightly, but steps are being taken to reduce it. c. The amount of school violence has remained approximately the same over this time period. d. School violence has decreased during this time period, and students are at greater risk of violence outside of schools than within schools.

d. School violence has decreased during this time period, and students are at greater risk of violence outside of schools than within schools.

"I don't understand why they can't seem to be able to use longitude and latitude to find exact locations," Kaylynne Jones, a 7th-grade geography teacher, said to herself out loud, seeing that her students weren't doing well on a quiz. "I don't think I went through enough examples," she thought. "They're trying to simply memorize some rules. I'm going to reteach it next week, and I'm going to do it differently. I know that I can get them to understand it." Of the following, which is the best description of Kaylynne's thinking? a. She is demonstrating pedagogical content knowledge. b. She is demonstrating general pedagogical knowledge. c. She is demonstrating a high level of ethics. d. She is demonstrating a reflective attitude.

d. She is demonstrating a reflective attitude.

Teachers are supervised and evaluated by their principal. Which of the following criticisms of teaching as a profession does this illustrate? a. Teachers lack rigorous training. b. Teaching isn't an important institution in our society. c. Teachers lack a unique function. d. Teachers don't have the autonomy characteristic of professionals.

d. Teachers don't have the autonomy characteristic of professionals.

Which of the following is the best description of censorship? a. The process of determining what knowledge students should have and what skills they should possess after completing a course of study b. The process of requiring teachers to follow the specifications outlined in curriculum guides c. The process of removing students from school for engaging in lewd or immoral behavior d. The process of not allowing the use of certain books or ideas in the school curriculum

d. The process of not allowing the use of certain books or ideas in the school curriculum

Of the following, which best describes the rate of poverty in the United States compared to other industrialized countries? a. The rate of poverty is much lower in the United States than it is in other industrialized countries. b. The rate of poverty in the United States is slightly lower than the rate of poverty in other industrialized countries. c. The rate of poverty in the United States is about the same as the rate of poverty in other industrialized countries. d. The rate of poverty is consistently higher than the rate of poverty in other industrialized countries.

d. The rate of poverty is consistently higher than the rate of poverty in other industrialized countries.

Of the following, which statement most accurately compares the teenage birthrate in the United States to that in other industrialized countries? a. The teenage birthrate in the United States is much lower (about half) than the teenage birthrate in other industrialized countries. b. The teenage birthrate in the United States is slightly lower (about 10% lower) than the teenage birthrate in other industrialized countries. c. The teenage birthrate in the United States is about the same as the teenage birthrate in other industrialized countries. d. The teenage birthrate in the United States is higher than in any other industrialized country

d. The teenage birthrate in the United States is higher than in any other industrialized country

Which of the following best describes the explicit curriculum? a. What students learn as communicated through the kinds of routines teachers establish b. What students learn in clubs and organizations (such as a science club) c. What students learn through the ways teachers interact with them d. What students learn that is found in their textbooks

d. What students learn that is found in their textbooks

According to professional surveys, which of the following are the two most important reasons people give for choosing to teach? a. Short working hours and long summer vacations b. Long summer vacations and autonomy c. Autonomy and professional status d. Working with young people and contributing to society

d. Working with young people and contributing to society

You notice that Joanne, one of your second graders, frequently comes to school disheveled with bruises on her arms. When you ask her what caused the bruises, she says that she keeps falling from her bike. Suspecting child abuse, you report what you've seen to school authorities. After an investigation, it turns out that Joanne has told the truth, and the bruises were indeed the result of falling from her bike. Furious over the allegation of child abuse, the parents file a lawsuit against you and the school. Of the following, which is the most accurate assessment of your situation? a. You are not protected from liability, since you mistakenly alleged that the parents abused Joanne. b. You are not protected from liability, since the only evidence of child abuse was Joanne's disheveled appearance and bruises on her arms. c. Because of the seriousness of child abuse, teachers are often protected from liability if they can prove their claims. d. You are protected from liability since you honestly reported the allegation based on her disheveled appearance and bruises.

d. You are protected from liability since you honestly reported the allegation based on her disheveled appearance and bruises.

A form of bullying that occurs when students use electronic media to harass or intimidate other students, is best described as: a. twenty first century intimidation. b. electronic harassment. c. electronic media bullying. d. cyber-bullying.

d. cyber-bullying.

Understanding the social, historical, philosophical, organizational, and legal aspects of teaching, together with the ability and inclination to continue to learn, is best described as: a. pedagogical content knowledge. b. general pedagogical knowledge. c. knowledge about teachers and learners. d. knowledge of the profession.

d. knowledge of the profession

"Suggested changes in teaching and teacher preparation intended to increase student learning" are best described as: a. codes of ethics. b. increasing professionalism. c. standards-based education. d. reforms.

d. reforms

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