Oral Comm MId-Term

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If you think about the day of your speech and imagine yourself walking confidently up to the speaking area, then beginning your speech by connecting your eye contact with your audience, this is a strategy known as:



(n.) a symbol, sign, token

People who hold on to an essential fact to use it later as a power play are known as:


The sensory, verbal, and visual path for your message to reach someone else is known as what?


The United States is generally viewed as a more __________ culture, because of the value placed on personal growth and achievement.


Your goal in a speech conclusion is to keep which of the following S's in mind?

Simplify and summarize points

Why should you limit the text on your PowerPoint slides?

The audience may read from the slides instead of listening.

Which questions should you use when you are sorting through your ideas for a topic?

Which ideas best suit the audience, occasion, or assignment from your instructor or boss?

Reasons or sets of reasons used to persuade are known as:


A method of generating as many ideas as possible without evaluating them until later is known as what?


The term "whistleblowers" refers to anyone who _____________________.

calls out wrongdoing, especially in organizations

The ability to objectively analyze and evaluate an issue is known as what kind of skill?

critical thinking

Of the four Cs, if you cannot generate _________ first, you will not be able to build rapport, credibility or preview content of your speech.


Basics of audience analysis: demographics, building rapport...

demographic psychographic situational analysis.

Being able to create, write, give a speech, or have a conversation with technology, is considered:

digital fluency

Fidgeting with a pen or paper or jingling keys in one's pocket could also be called:

displacement activities

The okay or stop sign would be known as a/an:


The capacity to be aware of, control, and express your emotions and be sensitive to the emotions of others is known as:

emotional intelligence

People who go to great lengths to avoid public speaking in a group situation, and even experience physical symptoms when doing so, are known as what?


What is a term used to describe the imaginary bag we all carry that holds our unresolved conflicts or grievances?


An arrangement of things according to their relative importance is known as:


Making a self-critical statement while actually hoping to point out something you're proud of is known as:


intentional plagiarism

knowingly stealing someone else's ideas or words and passing them off as your own

A method of brainstorming that allows you to start with a central word or idea, then use that central idea to think of related ideas by wandering on paper or screen is known as what?

mind mapping

unintentional plagiarism

neglecting to cite your source appropriately, due to careless note-taking or documenting during research process

Whereas research half-century ago reported just one in five college students admitting to cheating, today's figures stand as high as ____ out of 10 students.

nine (9)


nonverbal cues directly linked with words

The similarity of structure, phrasing, or part of speech is known as what?


Even if you are an expert in your field, your career may stall out if you lack _________.

soft skills


something that actually exists and can be proven true

A __________________ summarizes your speech in a way that allows you to identify the result you're seeking.

specific purpose

General Purpose

the broad goal of a speech

Socratic Method

the method of teaching used by the Greek philosopher Socrates; it employs a question-and-answer format to lead pupils to see things for themselves by using their own reason


the principles of right and wrong that guide an individual in making decisions


the process that causes neutral parties to take sides in a conflict

By displaying all the elements of dynamism in a speech, a speaker must ask themselves:

"Am I willing to give it my all?

Saying, "He's happy and eager to go to work," instead of "He works with alacrity," is an example of the following quote:

"Don't use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent word will do."

During the 7 step process to approach a problem, which step would it be appropriate to weigh a cost-benefit analysis?

Decide on a Solution

Concepts of self

-gender -physical appearance -possessions -values, beliefs, preferences

Aristotle 3 proofs

1.) Ethos (Ethics) 2.) Pathos (Passion / Pity) 3.) Logos (Logic)

What are the 4 stages of listening?

1.) Sensing 2.) Interpreting 3.) Evaluating 4.) Responding

The basic elements of a strong introduction and conclusion

1.)Attention Getter (introduction) 2.)Audience Relevancy 3.)Credibility Statement 4.)Preview of Points 5.)Summary of Points (conclusion) 6.)Audience Response 7.)WOW statement

Know the 8 competencies and general idea of what an evaluator looks for in each competency

1.)Chooses and narrows a topic appropriately for the audience and occasion. Effectively presents all material within the specific time restraints. 2.)Communicates the thesis/purpose in a manner appropriate for the audience and occasion. 3.)Provides appropriate supporting material based on audience and occasion. 4.)Uses an appropriate organizational pattern AND has all listed components. 5.)Uses language that is appropriate to the audience and occasion. 6.)Uses vocal variety in rate, pitch intensity to heighten and maintain interest. 7.)Uses grammar, pronunciation, and articulation appropriate to the designated audience. 8.)Uses physical behaviors that support the verbal message.

After-dinner speeches should be about ____________ in length.

20 minutes

A speaker's clothing should fit the occasion but be ___% more formal than that worn by the audience.


What percentage of businesses can be viewed as a family business?


What percentage of employers surveyed said that they consider communication skills to be essential?


The Semantic Triangle represents the relationship between:

A concept, term, and object

What type of chart is good for showing comparisons between groups because it's easy to get to the point of the graphic quickly?

Bar chart

In a team presentation, what does the phrase "when you're off, you're on" mean?

A presenter who is finished should still look engaged and interested in the presentation.

Common and Divergent characteristics interculturally

A. IntrovertedB. ConservativeC. Well-adjustedD. Higher than normal IQF. Socially awkward

What are ABC goals?

Affective (feel) Behavioral (do) Cognitive (know)

Problems with visual aids may include:

Allowing the visual aid to take over the presentation

If you want your audience to sign up for the new program you just talked about, this would be considered which of the ABC goals?


Methods of Speech Organization

Chronological - Organizing according to time Spatial - Organizing according to the area the topic appears in space. Topical - Organizing by types or categories.


Collected body of data from observations and experiments

The quality of being seen as knowledgeable, believable, and trustworthy is known as:



Dramatically exaggerating the negative consequences of any minor event

What is the tendency to view other cultures as inferior to your own, or the belief that your culture is racially superior to another?


A mild or indirect substitution for a harsher word is known as a/an:


fixed vs growth mindset

Fixed = Intelligence is a fixed trait that cannot be developed. Growth = Intelligence is a malleable quality that can be developed and cultivated through effort. Carol Dweck.

If you give a speech about different types of lies, and then you discuss times that you've been lied to, what success strategy of informative speaking are you using?

Getting personal

Phrases that have non-literal meanings, often specific to a region or country, are known as:


Which of the following is not one of the four goals of informative speaking?

Instruct or teach

Know the basic components of the Transactional Model of Communication (noise, sender, receiver, channel, message)

Internal Noise - thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations that interfere with listening Semantic Noise - interference caused by words that trigger strong negative feelings against the speaker or the content of the speech External Noise - physical sounds that interfere with communication Encoding - the processing of information so that it can be stored Decoding - interpreting and trying to make sense of the message

Verbal summaries at the end of a main point are known as:

Internal summaries

What is defined as communication with one's self, that may include self-talk, acts of imagination and visualization, and even recall and memory?

Intrapersonal Communication

What does the author recommend you should do while giving a toast at a close friend's wedding??

Introduce yourself and describe your relationship to the couple.

According to communication critics, too much workplace communication includes high levels of:


"Live and let live" would be the perfect motto for a leader who practices this style of leadership?


When using social media, what is it called if a person creates a written, false statement that is damaging to another person's reputation?


Faulty thinking, a trick or illusion, particularly, but not exclusively used by politicians or the media is known as a/an:

Logical fallacy

If a speaker uses quite a lot of data in their speech, which Aristotelian principle are they drawing upon?


The two to five primary ideas in your speech are known as:

Main points

A speaker using pathos needs to ride a fine line between how they use pity or sadness because this can also be seen as:


Jennifer, Becky, and Ashley all work together in the same office as account managers. There are 10 people in their office, but the 3 of them have formed a close friendship and communicate often outside of work. What type of group have they formed?

Micro group

Which of the following is not an aspect to consider for an employment interview?


Many people in Eastern cultures have a fluid approach to scheduling time, what type of time orientation is this?


Elaborator, Coordinator, and Recorder are all considered what type of group member roles?


What is the term used to describe having a negative, preconceived judgment or opinion about a person or group of people, which guides your conduct or social behavior?


The term that describes the tendency of people to remember best what is said first and what is said last is:

Primacy-recency effect

April gave her speech on reducing cheating in online classes. She started out by discussing how widespread the issue is, and then she moved on to some ideas to fix it. April used what type of speech format?


Visual aids have advantages in public speaking, such as:

Promoting faster understanding

If you give an award to your colleague and say, "This award was originated from Joseph T. Jones, who sadly passed away 10 years ago, but left a legacy for the way we handle customer service at this company," what best practice of presenting an award are you exhibiting?

Providing some history about the award, when it started, who sponsors it, and what the criteria are.

How does public speaking compare to conversation?

Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. Conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people who are following rules of etiquette.

To avoid filler words "hiding in your head," a speaker must:

Rehearse out loud

An example of strategic speaking is:

Researching and preparing to ask your boss for a raise

A celebration of a person's life or career that consists of teasing and insults is called a/an:


Know what the SCRAP method is and how to apply it in visual aids.

S - Simplicity C - Contrast R - Repetition A - Alignment P - Proximity

If you overwhelm your audience with too many points and too many solutions, they will wonder why you failed to:

Simplify your idea

Which theory is often referred to as the opinion theory because of the progression from superficial to intimate levels of communication?

Social Penetration Theory

When the author states that TED Talks are "true to themselves," what does this mean?

Speakers are authentic and real

A written outline in which main points and subpoints are converted to short phrases or hints to jog your memory while you're speaking is known as a/an:

Speaking outline

Why should you design each PowerPoint slide?

To avoid using a standard, outdated PowerPoint template

If you are asked to give a speech to a car club because you are an expert in the type of car the members of club own, you are selected because of the _______ factor in speaking to inform.


speaking outline

a brief outline used to jog a speaker's memory during the presentation of a speech

full outline

a full-sentence outline of a speech


a gesture used to satisfy a personal need

logical fallacy

a mistake in reasoning

specific purpose

a single phrase that defines precisely what is to be accomplished in a speech

mind mapping

a technique that uses branches radiating out from a core idea to structure thoughts and ideas

If you are delivering an informative speech to discuss statistics about how many people are downloading e-books from the library, instead of checking out books, to ensure the success of your speech and credibility, your information must be __________.



an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.

A speech given to honor or feature an individual is known as a/an ____________ speech.


An idea or feeling associated with a word, in addition to its actual meaning, is known as:


A system of laws and mores that guide what we should and shouldn't do is known as what?


Hans had been acting out in class quite a bit, but he wanted to be taken seriously when standing up in front of his audience. When Hans was joking it up before his speech day, he didn't realize he was compromising his _______.


Zeroing in on something that you might have done wrong during your presentation is also known as:


Asking yourself, "Is there enough evidence to convince me of what the speaker is saying?" is known as the ____________ part of the listening process.


Information that indicates whether a statement or idea is valid and true is known as:



fear of public speaking

According to experts, a general rule of thumb is that if your speech is five minutes, you would ideally spend how many hours preparing your speech?

five (5)

If you say to yourself, "I have never been comfortable speaking in front of an audience, and I doubt that is going to change now," this thinking is known as what?

fixed mindset

What is the term used by communication scholars to describe small talk in conversations, which reinforces the idea that there is a degree of ritual across cultures on how we initiate, engage, and conclude conversations?

phatic communion

Speakers may have a difficult time maintaining momentum when the audience exhibits minimal _________________ feedback.


Reasons to believe an argument, created by Aristotle, are known as what?


A __________________ summarizes your speech in a single infinitive phrase that tells the audience what your speech is intended to do.

purpose statement

If you have an engaging introduction, you have a strong chance of building _______________ with your audience.


The art of effective or persuasive speaking is known as:


When sound waves enter your ears and register in your brain, this is known as the ____________ part of the listening process.


The Communication Anxiety Graph published in the Communication Education journal reports that anxiety levels are highest immediately before and during the first __________minutes of a presentation:

two (2)

If Bryant tells his audience to buy a skateboard because they are "really awesome," with no other facts or credible information, this would be considered a/an _______________ argument.


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