Org Crime: Exam 2

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Nigerian Crime

Easy to make false birth certificates and passports for couriers Swallow drug-filled condoms; 100 grams per trip "Training schools" teach how to fool customs "Shotgunning": many couriers on one flight; some will get through.

US Marshals and Org Crime

Marshals provide security for federal court facilities and federal judges; transport federal prisoners; apprehend fugitives; serve civil writs issued by federal courts, including the seizure of property under provisions of RICO; and provide for custody, management, and disposal of forfeited assets. Their most important OC task is administering the Witness Security Program

Structure of African Crime Organizations

More like Russian OC in the U.S. -Project-based cells organized by kinship along ethnic or clan lines. -Complete an operation and disperse to regroup at a later date for another operation. -May use religious rituals to promote solidarity. -Skill-based participation in operation.

Internal Revenue Code

The 1927 U.S. Supreme Court decision in United States v. Sullivan denied the claim of self-incrimination (5th Amend.) for failure to file tax return on illegal gains. This decision enabled the federal government to successfully prosecute Al Capone and members of his organization.

Law Enforcement Agencies and OC

There is no national police force in the U.S. -Constitution does not authorize federal police power. -Specialized federal enforcement agencies arose in an unplanned and uncoordinated manner. Municipal (cities, counties, towns) police responsibility is general, full-service enforcement. -Municipalities are not well equipped to fight OC. States' primary responsibility is highway traffic enforcement.

Tongs: 1890 to 1930

Tong wars on East and West coasts.

Shadow Economy in Russia

state mutated into a new entity that incorporates criminal, political, and economic sources of power.

Two types of immunity

transactional and use

What is strike insurance?

union threatens a walkout of the employer pays to assure a steady supply of labor.

What or who are "Thieves With a Code of Honor?"

when petty criminals began to from a criminal hierarchy law enforcement called them vory v zakone- "thieves with a code of honor"

What is the tie between the Colombo Family and the ROC?

work with russian mob to sell gas- would evade taxes on it, keep tax money themselves

Biker gang: club insignia

"Colors," the "patch," are the official club insignia. Worn on the back of a denim or leather jacket. -3 separate sections, called "rockers." Top: club name Center: club emblem. Bottom: club location or territory. -May be worn as tattoos. Required in Hell's Angels. -Swastika, sign of Satan, FTW, 1% offensive patches are also "authorized."

Triad deputy leader

Fu Shan Chu

Boston: Whitey Bulger

"Whitey" Bulger, vicious crime boss of Southie, insular Irish South Boston neighborhood. 1976: Whitey Bulger became a government informant. -FBI field offices were under pressure to wage an effective war against the American Mafia, known in New England as the "Office." -In return for informing on the Patriarca Family, Bulger and Flemmi were free to conduct criminal business safe in the knowledge they were protected by the FBI.

Money Laundering Control Act of 1986

(MLCA)provides for civil confiscation of any property related to a money-laundering scheme

What is the Vory?

-"thieves with a code of honor" -Organizations are conspiratorial and hierarchial -Organized into tight networks

Controlled Substances Statues

-1914 Harrison Act -1970 Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act -1984 and 1986: Harsher sentences for certain drug offenses. -1988: Military role in drug-law enforcement increased; record-keeping requirements for precursor chemicals; casual user civil penalties -2003: Illicit Drug Anti-Proliferation Act ("Rave Act").

Roots of Russian Organized Crime: Communists form USSR

-1922-1953: Brutal Stalinist regime. -Economic stagnation.

Who are the Mongols?

-1970 in east LA, almost all early members were Mexicans -About 90% latino -On rise and very dangerous, typically provide muscle, firearms, bombs, drugs (meth and PCP)

How are Triad members assigned positions?

-Assigned numbers based on their positions -Groups engage in highly ritualized dress and behavior involving secret hand signs, passwords, and blood oaths used in elaborate initiation ceremonies

Russia: Post 1987 Economic Liberalization

-Awoke the entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism -Criminal organizations seized wealth and power -General populace suffered hyperinflation, unemployment, and a drop in standard of living

How is the Yakuza named?

-Derived from an old card game, object to draw three cards adding up as close as possible to 19 without exceeding it -Represents the Japanese words for "8,9,3", totaling to 22 which is useless in blackjack -Means "good for nothing"

West Africa is attractive for illegal enterprise:

-Favorable for growth of armed insurgent groups. -Extensive narcotics networks are centered in Nigeria. -Trafficking in women and children. -Misallocation of natural resources such as timber, precious metals, and diamonds. -Huge arms trafficking industry supplied from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

Who are the Pagans?

-Founded in 1959 in Maryland and have chapters in east coast -Only major club that doesn't have international chapters -Logo: Norse fire giant sitting on sun wielding a sword and word pagan in red white and blue reputation for violence and extortion

Tong Criminal Activity

-Gambling (in particular Pai Gow), prostitution. -Mostly exploited their own communities.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

-Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program **With AG and the HHS OIG, coordinates federal, state, and local law enforcement health care fraud and abuse activities. **Office of Investigations (OI) conducts criminal, civil and administrative investigations of fraud and misconduct.

Federal Gambling Statues

-Illegal Gambling Business Act (IGBA) -Professional and Amateur Sports Betting Act -Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

Russia: Criminals Struggle to Claim State Enterprises and Property

-Informal agreements allotted territories and functional boundaries. -Criminals became deeply entrenched in the economy. -Criminal experience with corruption and an underground economy thrived in the nascent capitalist environment. -A new form of non-state based authoritarianism. Citizens live in fear of non-state criminal actors.

Yakuza Criminal Activity

-Japan has a drug problem, especially amphetamines, which yakuza produce in clandestine laboratories in Japan. -At the center of the international sex trade (female, including children) bought and sold throughout Third World countries. -Control illegal gambling, practice extortion and loansharking.

What did economic liberalization in Russia give rise to?

-Liberalization and privatization of state enterprises have made organized crime groups legal and transformed entrepreneurs with illegally gained capital into legitimate businesspersons -nomenklatura (elite communist bureaucrats) merged with criminal underworld to take advantage of political and economic opportunity i. Expanding illegal business activities to maximize profit in minimum time -Post 1987 economic liberalization awoke entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism, also paved the way for the entry of criminal orgs i. Connection between shadow economy and criminal orgs solidified as they began to scramble for greater power and wealth ii. Anomie came with sudden onset of market economy

What is Guanxi?

-Phenomenon that parallels partito -Chinese born into hierarchically organized society in which they never see themselves or others as free individuals, but as bound to others in an ever expanding web of social relations bearing mutual obligate bonds of varying strength -Embraces concepts of connections, networks, patron-client relations

Russian Org Crime Activities

-Protection, dispute resolution, debt collection -Criminals have access to capital; legitimate businesses do not and must go to the mobsters for it (Extortionate interest rates) -Criminals have market knowledge and skills -Trafficking in synthetic drugs, or protecting the trafficking networks -Nuclear trafficking, human trafficking, labor exploitation (Women trafficked in Europe, Asia. Abuse. Murder)

What is the business of the tongs?

-Provided loans and legal assistance while overseeing vice operations that catered to primarily male Chinese population -"Fighting tongs" licensed illegal businesses and were part of tight knit nationwide alliance -Associated with illegal gambling, continue to provide loans at usurious interest and are involved in operating prostitution outlets (massage parlors) -Involved in alien smuggling with Triad members

How do the Yakuza view themselves?

-Refer to themselves as gokudo, "ultimate path" -View themselves as modern samurai and have maintained exotic rituals, including extensive tattooing that covers their bodies and clipped fingers that have been self amputated with short sword for ritual

Roots of Russian Organized Crime: 1547-1917 Czarist Russia

-Russian Army losses 1905 (Japan) and Germany (WWI) angered the populace and led to rioting in the cities. -1917: overthrow and execution of Czar Nicholas and family.

Business of Russian OC: Blue Alcohol (2000)

-Russian criminals in U.S. got American distilleries to disguise their product by adding dye, shipping it in huge vats labeled windshield wiper fluid, cologne, mouthwash, or solvent. -In Russia, the dye was removed, vodka flavoring added, and product sold evading alcohol import duties and taxes.

Business of Russian OC: Daisy chain with vanishing point- classic scam

-Taxes due when fuel is delivered to retailer. -Pass fuel (on paper) through multiple companies. -Final company does not exist. No tax paid.

Who controls Organized Crime in Japan?

-Yakuza -Produce amphetamines, center of international trade in sexual slavery, provides alternatives to mechanisms for dispute resolution -Control illegal gambling, practice extortion and white collar crime through infiltration of legitimate businesses and loansharking, close ties with banking industry

Forfeiture: 3 categories

-criminal -civil -administrative

What are the 3 basic forms of labor racketeering?

-the sale of "strike insurance"- the union threatens a walkout and the employer pays to assure a steady supply of labor -the "sweetheart" deal- management pays the labor representative for contract terms unobtainable through arms length bargaining -direct or indirect siphoning of union funds

U.S. National Central Bureau (NCB) connects with INTERPOL

.-NCB is co-managed by the U.S. DOJ and U.S. DHS. **Staffed with law enforcement personnel from federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies with DOJ analysts, translators, technicians, and administrators.

Identity Theft: Four Types

1.Fictitious identity 2.Payment card 3.Account takeover 4. True Name

Five Basic Criticisms of RICO

1.Overreaching 2.Penalties are excessive 3.Invoking RICO can result in assets being frozen before trial, effectively can put a company out of business. The threat of freezing assets can induce corporate defendants to plead guilty even when they believe themselves to be innocent. 4.Stigma of "racketeer" 5.Permits triple damages even when ordinary business transactions, not OC or racketeering, are at issue.

FBI and Org Crime

14,000 agents Major agency combating OC Uses RICO Increased focus on terrorism could detract from FBI efforts to respond to organized crime. 2011: Indictment of 130 members and associates of the American Mafia. -Afterward, FBI downsized OC squads, merging Bonanno and Colombo squads and combining Lucchese squad with unit investigating Eastern European organizations.

Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act

A new legal approach to federal drug policy—not the taxing power, but federal authority over interstate commerce.

Department of Defense and Org Crime

1878 Posse Comitatus Act prohibits U.S. Army from civilian law enforcement. Air Force was added in 1956. -Navy and Marines have administrative restrictions. Until 1981, DOD limited its involvement in law enforcement to lending equipment and training civilian enforcement personnel in its use -In 1981, as part of a new "War on Drugs," Congress amended the Act, authorizing greater military involvement in civilian drug enforcement.

Hollister Incident

1947 Independence Day weekend in Hollister, CA. Accounts vary: Either 750 cyclists tore up the town demanding the release from jail of a POBOB member; or a July 4th celebration, including motorcycle races sanctioned by the American Motorcycle Association (AMA), became too unruly for the 7-man police force. 1954 Marlon Brando-Lee Marvin movie, The Wild One, helped fuel the biker phenomenon

Asian Gangs: 1960s

1960s: American-born (ABC) and new immigrants "Fresh Off the boat" (FOB) formed gangs. -Changed from self-help to predatory. -Victimized tongs and local merchants. Extorted massage parlors, prostitution. -Last leg of heroin distribution.

Grim Reaper's 1964 Work for J. EDGAR HOOVER

1964: 3 civil rights workers missing in Mississippi. At FBI's direction, Grim Reaper (Gregory Scarpa) traveled to Mississippi, met with FBI agent. FBI agent pointed out local KKK member. Scarpa kidnapped the KKK member and convinced him that a failure to provide information would result in an inability to father children. Shortly afterward, the FBI found the bodies of the missing civil rights workers.

Task Force on Organized Crime

1965: Pres. Johnson established President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. -Report of the Task Force on Organized Crime: "Today the core of organized crime in the United States consists of 24 groups operating as criminal cartels in large cities across the Nation." (1967)

Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)

1970: In response to reports of people bringing bags full of cash into banks for deposit, Congress enacted the Bank Secrecy Act. Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. -Currency Transaction Report (CTR) ̶ over $10,000 -Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)

ATF and Org Crime

2003: ATFE transferred from the Treasury Dept. to DOJ. -ATF tax and trade functions remain in Treasury. Regulates firearms and explosives industries from manufacture and/or importation through retail sale. -National Tracing Center (NTC) paper trail. National Response Teams (NRT) investigate arson and bombings.

Hells Angels are org of criminals, not criminal organization

American Mafia groups are criminal organizations. Their raison d'etre is the business of crime. Outlaw motorcycle clubs exist to promote a subcultural biker lifestyle. Hell's Angels work to maintain a barrier between HA as a club and HA as a business. -Members commit crimes, not the club.

Vagos Overview and History

According to the club's website, the term vagoscomes from the Spanish language meaning "vagabonds." Their green logo is the devil-like image of Loki, the Norse god of mischief. The club started in 1965 in San Bernardino, CA. The club attracts violent men; often engage in gratuitous violence. Their business: firearms and drug trafficking, especially methamphetamine. Vagos are often drug users.

What is facilitation?

Allows the government to seize property when it facilitates certain criminal conduct

Chinese Organized Crime

Asian is an imprecise term that can include many diverse groups. In the U.S., 34 distinct ethnic groups make up Asian communities. -Secret societies have a long tradition in China, some dating back to the beginning of the Common Era. -Criminal organizations in China are referred to as "secret societies," "black gangs," or "black societies."


Assists law enforcement agencies with investigative activities that transcend national boundaries. U.S. National Central Bureau (NCB) connects with INTERPOL

Landrum-Griffin Act: 1957

Attack on Costello and murder of Anastasia, led to a meeting of leading Mafia bosses at estate of Joseph M. Barbara, Sr., boss of the Northeastern Pennsylvania crime Family, in upstate Appalachian, NY. NY police sergeant was suspicious of the activities. He conducted a raid and "dozens of well-dressed men ran out of the house and across the fields in all directions." Using roadblocks and reinforcements, police arrested the men. The Appalachian raid made headlines around the country. Many of the men claimed to be labor-management consultants. The Senate acted, establishing the Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field, chaired by Sen. McClellan of Arkansas. The hearings led to the passage of the Landrum-Griffin Act in 1959, establishing a Bill of Rights for union members.

Witness Security Program

Authorized by Organized Crime Control Act of 1970. 24/7 security to witnesses while they are in a high-threat environment, including pretrial conferences, trial testimonials, and other court appearances. Witnesses and their families get new identities and financial help for housing, basic living expenses, and medical care. -Job training and employment assistance may be provided. No Witness Security Program participant following program guidelines has been harmed while under the active protection of the U.S. Marshals Service.

Anti Money Laundering Laws

Bank Secrecy Act (1970) Money Laundering Control Act (1986) Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act (1992) Money Laundering Suppression Act (1994) Money Laundering and Financial Crimes Strategy Act (1998) Title III of the USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004

Yakuza and Legitimate business

Bankers sometimes dispatch yakuza to bankrupted businesses to confiscate property ahead of unsecured creditors. White collar crime through infiltration of legitimate businesses. Intimately involved in Japan politics. Robin Hood image.

Hong Kong Criminal Organization: Big Circle

Big Circle: origins in Communist China's Red Guards. Mao's personal militia in Great Cultural Revolution. Revolution canceled, fled to HK. Big Circle is not itself a Triad, but major bosses belong to Society of Tranquil Happiness Triad.

Unique Cultural Dynamics of Chinese Society

Born into a hierarchically organized society, Chinese see selves bound in a web of mutual obligate bonds. Part of a latent organization formed by guanxi. Loyalty to family and friends is a moral imperative. Qingqing parallels southern Italian famiglia. -Parental and filial obligations of reciprocity. Resources are pooled. Each member must contribute. Family must provide each member with resources for living. Pooling familial resources advances the business interests of overseas Chinese.

From Gang to Financial Industrial Enterprise: Solntsevskaya Bratva

Boss Semion Mogilevich -Soviet era: part of Moscow crime group. (Defrauded fellow Jews who were fleeing to U.S) -Hungary: owns nightclubs and big part of arms industry. -U.S.: operatives launder money and do contract murders.

Analysis of structure of biker gangs

Bureaucratic: elaborate hierarchy, specialization, advancement based on skill, and extensive written rules and regulations. Secy-treas. records minutes of meetings and collects dues. Members pay weekly dues. Chapter pays into national treasury. National Hell's Angels maintain fund for legal expenses and support of families of incarcerated members. Uniformity in style of dress, colors, and motorcycles—mostly large Harley-Davidsons.

Yakuza criminal org overview: membership

By adhering to rules that preclude violence against police and innocent citizens, yakuza syndicates have been able to operate openly. Listed in phone book. Elaborate tattoos and atonement finger joint amputation signify membership. Modern yakuza are innovative entrepreneurs, rather than "tattooed nine-fingered thugs." Born poor, went from juvenile delinquency to crime. Long-standing links with ruling political parties.

3 types of russian oc: ethnic based groups

Clan legacy from FSU. Kinship, friendship, unwritten rules, norms, practices. Governed by elder's council and/or senior members. Associations with transnational OC groups. -Control territory for trafficking routes. -Linked to local crime groups and drug mafias. -Ex-Soviet states don't arrest; privately support them.

Continuing Criminal Enterprise (CCE)

CCE is similar in purpose to RICO but targets only illegal drug activity. The statute makes it a crime to commit or conspire to commit a continuing series of felony violations of the 1970 Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act in concert with 5 or more persons. For conviction under this statute, the offender must have been an organizer, manager, or supervisor of the continuing operation and have obtained substantial income or resources from the drug violations.

Where did Outlaw Motorcycle Clubs originate?

California -Dates back to years after world war 2 when many combat veterans, particularly in california, sought new outlets for feelings of hostillity. some found release in riding motorcycles.clubs became a continued quasi millitary camaraderieBecame a symbol of freedom from social responsibillities and constraints.

Nigerian Criminal Syndicates

Centered in Lagos. Organizational structures: flexible and fluid, cell-like syndicates; break apart and re-form in other criminal initiatives with interchangeable members. Extensive transnational network of narcotics traffickers extends out from Nigeria, the West African center for drugs and money laundering.

Tongs: 1860s

Chinatowns in Pacific Coast cities. 1882 Chinese Exclusionary Act. -Refuge in Tongs: business, fraternal, political groups; also licensed illegal businesses; nation-wide alliance.

Tongs: 1848

Chinese laborers recruited to come to U.S. to work in gold fields in California, also railroads.

Chapter Membership in biker hangs

Clubs limit chapter membership to about 25 -Strong bond, facilitates decision-making. -6 "full-patch" members. -"Strikers" (prospects) on probationary status. •"Hangarounds," usually hoping to be "strikers." •Background checks on prospects.•Prior law enforcement job precludes membership. -Officers chosen by secret ballot.

When did Russian Organized Crime begin?

Collapse of soviet union (post 1987, collapsed in 1991)

Structure of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs

Constitution -How members join -Rights of membership -Restrictions on members' behavior -Reduce potential for intra-organizational conflicts Rigid organizational and bureaucratic structure Heavy levels of commitment

Jurisdictional Limitations: Constitution

Constitution provides for a federalist form of government. -Powers are diffused to protect us against tyranny. -Municipality and state have most police responsibility .-Inefficient: Handicaps efforts to deal with OC.

What is different about the present day Vory?

Contemporary vory are... 1.less likely to have served a prison term 2. often forgo the tell tale tattooing. 3. moved into more risky spheres of criminal behavior such as bank fraud and drug trafficking 4. command wealth beyond the dreams of the old tradition-bound subculture

What is a cyber crime

Criminal activity facilitated by the use of encryption to secure both communication over networks and stored data on computers. Encryption makes it difficult for law enforcement to collect usable evidence using traditional methods.


Criminal informant: Provides help to law enforcement. -Financial rewards, vengeance, drive competition out of business, or secure lenience for him(her)self. Risk: Overlook continued criminal activity. Ethical and policy questions. -Should the informant be given immunity from lawful punishment in exchange for cooperation? -Should a murderer remain free because he or she is of value to OC enforcement efforts?

Chechen Criminal Activity

Criminals conduct spectacular scams. The capital, Grozny, became a hub for unsanctioned flights hauling contraband and outlaws. -Middle East, Turkey, central Asia. -Narcotics, "duty free" goods, bandits in hiding. Mafiosi rob cargo trains traveling through Chechen Crimes: arms trafficking, currency and financial document counterfeiting, restraint of trade. -Contract crimes in U.S.: murder, extortion, fraud. The only group that does not respect vory territories.

Triad Business

Drug trafficking Triads expanded their operations during the Vietnam War. Triads control prostitution in Singapore, HK, and Macau. Macau-based Triads are part of the gaming industry. -Triads run VIP rooms inside casinos. **Recruit rich businessmen and government officials from Southeast Asia, Taiwan, and China to gamble. **Provide one-stop service to their clients, such as transport, escorts, accommodation, protection, sex service, and loans.

Biker Gangs: Formal Structure not the same as economic structure

Economic activity involves small firms or partnerships among members and include nonmember associates. Income-generating illegal activities involve small, operationally independent units. Members can call upon members in the event of conflict Club affiliation enables members to safely conduct illegal business. -Credentialing aids business.

Sherman Anti Trust Act

Enacted in 1890. Prohibits agreement among competitors to fix prices, rig bids, or engage in other anticompetitive activity. There are 5 general categories -Price fixing -Bid rigging -Complementary bidding -Bid rotation -Market division

Structure Of African Crime Organizations: Criminal Activity

Enterprises aimed at the commercial sex market are run by well-developed criminal networks. A recruiter and transporter of a woman to Europe spends about $2000 to bribe officials, procure travel documents and safe houses, and transport the woman to a madam, who pays $12,000 for the victim. Increased drug enforcement in Spain and the Netherlands has increased trafficking in West Africa. Heroin from Golden Crescent and Golden Triangle transit West Africa en route to Europe.

Who is most responsible for the investigation of Organized Crime?


What is important to a Chinese individual?

Family is most important

Hells Angels Overview and History

Founded 1948, San Bernardino County ("Berdoo"), California by the POBOBs. 1957, Sonny Barger became club president, moved headquarters to Oakland, CA. 1965: involved in drugs to gain income. 1965: California AG exaggerated HA violent activities. Media hyped it, fueling interest in bikers. Many lawfully employed bikers lost their jobs.

Pagans Overview and History

Founded 1959 in Prince George's County, Maryland. Chapters are centered on the East Coast: PA, DE, MD, NJ,NY, OH, SC, NC, FL, WV, NOLA. No international chapters but ties to clubs in Canada. Reputation for violence aids their extortion activities. Violent conflicts with HA in Long Island, NY and Philadelphia.

Bandidos Overview and History

Founded 1965, San Leon, Texas by military veteran dockworkers. Name adopted from "Frito Bandito" cartoon character. Bandido Nation has 170 chapters in 14 countries. -Some non-white members Allied with the Outlaws

Mongols Overview and History

Founded 1970 in Los Angeles. Most of the early members were Mexicans. Now 90% Latino. Recruits from street gangs in Los Angeles. An early member is a former Navy SEAL and former governor of Minnesota. Ongoing violent conflicts with HA. Chapters in Mexico, Italy, Germany, Italy, New South Wales.

Constitutional Restraints to Org Crime

Fourth Amendment: Right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizures; exclusionary rule Fifth Amendment: Right to remain silent Sixth Amendment: Right to speedy jury trial

Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG): Org Crime

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 With the FBI, OI responds to threat posed by international organized crime groups targeting Medicare and Medicaid.

What are the three basic concepts of a Triad Triangle?

Heaven, earth, and man

Outlaw Motorcycle Club Credos

Hell's Angels: "Three can keep a secret if two are dead." Outlaws: "God forgives, Outlaws don't." Bandidos: "We are the people our parents warned us about." Pagans: "Live Pagan, die Pagan." Mongols: "Respect few, fear none."

Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik—"Little Jap")

High-ranking vor v zakonye with Solntsevskaya Bratva (Solntevo Brotherhood) of Moscow. 1991: Released early from from prison. Went on campaign of extortion, torturing victims; ordered killings, including journalists and police officers. Vor leadership banished him to U.S., with $1.5 million in a suitcase. Violent leading Russian crime boss in U.S. 1995: arrested for Hobbs Act extortion of immigrant businessmen. 9-year sentence. Released 2007,deported. 2009: Assassinated in Moscow.

DHS and Org Crime

Homeland Security Act of 2002 transferred some Treasury Dept. agencies to the DHS. Customs Service and Border Protection (CBP) has authority to search outbound and inbound shipments. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Investigates immigration crime; human, drug, and arms smuggling; finance crimes, export matters, and cyber-crime. Coast Guard: Interdicts contraband on the seas. Secret Service: Safeguards U.S. payment and finance systems; Electronic Crimes Task Force; safeguards president and others.

Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

Illegal for financial institutions to facilitate payment transactions

Harrison Act

Illegal to sell or give away opium or coca or derivatives without written order on an IRS form.

Joseph Valachi

In 1963, Senator McClellan, chair of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations: -Televised hearings on OC. -Introduced the public to star witness, Joseph Valachi. Valachi discussed the Castellammarese War, Luciano's murder of Masseria and Maranzano. He outlined the structure of each crime Family and their link through a national commission. Testimony paved the way for the 1965 President's Commission and the 1970 RICO statute.

Coast Guard and Org Crime

In 2004, naval frigates with Coast Guard officers aboard intercepted two ships from Colombia 300 miles west of the Galapagos Islands. The first had 30,000 pounds of cocaine hidden in a sealed ballast tank; the second contained 26,000 pounds of cocaine hidden under fish and ice in the cargo.

Grand Jury

In the federal system, a grand jury is a body of 23 citizens, operate with quorum of 16, and requires 12 votes for an indictment. Grand jury members are not agents of the government. -They are direct representatives of the citizenry. -Extensive due process rights are not necessarily relevant to grand jury proceedings.

Triad Leadership below Fu Shan Chu

Incense Master, Heung Chu; and Vanguard, Fin Fung.

Investigative Tools in Organized Crime Law Enforcement

Intelligence: tactical and strategic Electronic Surveillance -Telephone tap -Transmitter -Telephone transmitter -Laser interceptors -Satellite relays -Fiber optics

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Investigates and enforces over 400 federal statutes Maintains attachés at major US embassies. 20,000 employees in 50 states, 47 foreign countries 7,000 special agents ICE investigates immigration crime, human, drug, and weapons smuggling, financial crimes, export matters, and cyber-crime. ICE and the Border Patrol are not bound by Fourth Amendment protections that typically restrain domestic law enforcement.

Department of Justice (DOJ) and ORG CRIME

Judiciary Act of 1789 created the Office of Attorney General (AG). -Head of the DOJ -Chief U.S. law enforcement officer 94 federal judicial districts; U.S. Attorney in each, appointed by president. Organized Crime and Racketeering Section (OCRS) coordinates and develops nationwide programs for responding to OC.

Jurisdictional Limits: National Boundary Limits

Jurisdictional limitations can sometimes overcome constitutional restrictions. However, 4th Amendment and exclusionary rule do not govern seizures in foreign countries by those nations' police. U.S. prosecutors can use that evidence in U.S. court actions.

Nigerian Crime: Lagos and Pakistan

Lagos: multimillionaire drug barons rule vast organizations Pakistan: heroin, Brazil cocaine; deliver or repackage (smaller), then deliver

Chechens Overview and History

Largely Muslim, legendary warriors, hostile to Moscow. -Falsely accused of Nazi collaboration during WWII. -Strong family loyalty; sense of personal honor. -adat requires vengeance to uphold family honor. -Strict hierarchical clan structure 1991: Declared independence; violent conflict with Russian military ensued. Credentialing: Reputation for fearlessness and violence.

Russian OC: Criminal or Businessman?

Leaders of criminal organizations invested their capital in the businesses they were protecting. -They became capitalists and their role changed. -They contract with licensed security agencies and hire lawyers, accountants, and PR professionals. Liberalization and privatization made OC groups legal and transformed entrepreneurs with illegally gained capital into legitimate businesspersons. In the 19th century, the U.S. Robber Barons laundered their infamy, separating their names from the methods they used to achieve incredible wealth.

Evolution of Russian Organized Crime

Legal system failed to keep pace with changes -lacked property rights law -lacked contract law -lacked business dispute resolution mechanisms Criminal Organizations filled vacuum -private protection services -shadow justice: do it yourself, or hire criminals

Puppet clubs

Like a "farm team." •Support the major club's interests; subservient. •Member of a puppet club can prove himself and become a prospect. •Patchover: an entire puppet club becomes a chapter. -Major club wants to establish a new chapter *In a certain area *Or strengthen their position in a struggle with another club.

Triad: Criminal Organization

Loose cartels of independent groups with similar structures and rituals. Members choose their own criminal activities. Do not pay leaders unless leaders participate. -As in American Mafia and outlaw biker clubs, Triads have an associational hierarchy that does not exert vertical control over members' criminal enterprises. Leaders advance the influence of the organization for their own and the members' benefit.

Biker on Biker Violence

Major clubs do not tolerate a rival club in their territory. -1996 violence in Scandinavia between HA and Bandidos involved heavy weapons, grenades, killed and injured innocents. Involvement in drug trafficking has fueled violence. -Extreme violence is "bad for business." Drug trafficking is changing the biker subculture: -Beer gut gone; well-groomed, fit. -Some look awkward on their motorcycles—which club rules require them to ride.

Vory During and After Communism

Managers of state-owned enterprises became unofficial entrepreneurs. -To meet quotas, they established informal networks for supplies from other state-owned enterprises. -Gap between government-controlled rice and market price created opportunity for crime. -Managers sold best goods to vory at premium prices; vory extorted money from managers. -When Russia privatize, the corrupt managers and their vory partners purchased the state enterprises.

Asian Gangs

Many contemporary tongs are national, particularly the Hip Sing, On Leong, and Tsung Tin. Some tongs are connected to Chinatown gangs such as Ghost Shadows and Flying Dragons in NY, Chicago, Boston, and San Francisco.

Triads: 1949

Mao Zedong defeated Chiang's Nationalists. Mao sought to obliterate Triads. -Triad members fled to Taiwan where they were tightly controlled by the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang).

3 Types of Russian Organized Crime: Veterans and Sportsmen

Minimal connection to the criminal subculture Poorly paid, badly housed, demoralized military personnel. -Arms trafficking -Private security forces•A "roof" to protect a businessman from extortion. Sports clubs and fitness centers: racketeer gangs -Powerful gangs emerged, offering protection for a fee. -Conspicuous jewelry, haircuts, leather jackets (gangster chic. Credentialed)

Department of Treasury: IRS Criminal Investigation Division

Net Worth Theory: -Taxpayer's net worth at beginning of tax period, minus net worth at end of the period. •Does net gain in net worth exceed reported income? IRS reconstructs a person's total expenditures by examining the person's actual standard of living and comparing it with reported income. Capone case taught a lesson: "Management-level persons in OC report their income—at least the part they spend."


Nigerian criminal entrepreneurs are the most significant group; operate in 80 countries. Primarily in drug trafficking and financial frauds. -Large populations of ethnic Nigerians in India, Pakistan, and Thailand give direct access to 90% of heroin production. Ties with groups in U.S., Europe, South America, Asia, South Africa. Advance fee (419) scam: fax, email, or letter; sender wants victim to pay fees to get money.

Nigerian Crime: Mules

Nigerian students or poor residents of Lagos; few thousand $ per trip.

419 Advance Fee Scam

Notorious Nigerian operation (419 section of Nigerian Criminal Code); unsolicited letters, faxes, and e-mails, fraudulent, sent to people worldwide, promise of great profits, upfront cash investment. Cells target banks and financial institutions through credit card, check, student loan, mortgage frauds; insurance companies fraudulent claims for car accidents, personal injurious, and life insurance; government entitlement programs through false or misappropriated identifications.

What are "colors?"

Official club insignia, typically worn on the back of a denim jacket with sleeves cut off, or leather jacket

Origin of Outlaws and Overview

Origin: Outlaws Motorcycle Club founded in 1935 in McCook, Illinois. Moved to Chicago and changed name to Chicago Outlaws. Now, American Outlaws Association. Chapters in Midwest, Northeast, southern states. Warring with Hell's Angels since 1974.

Where were the first Tongs established in the United States?

Originally brought into US after 1848 to work in gold fields in California

What are the two factions of the vory?

Patriots- supported efforts to defeat invading nazis Traditionalist- remained aloof-uninvolved and uninterested

What are three steps in money laundering?

Placement stage- getting in bank Layering stage- hide criminal origins through series of complex transactions Integration stage- makes proceeds available to criminals in apparently legit form

Russia: Perestroika/Restructuring

Post 1987 Economic Liberalization -economy shrank despite great natural resource wealth, a well educated population, and diverse (but dilapidated) industrial base

Russian OC: Vory

Professional underworld dates from end of 17th century. -Gangs of itinerant petty criminals formed criminal hierarchy: vory v zakone, "thieves with a code of honor." -Thrived among prison inmates. 20th century: political dissidents sent to prison camps. -Transformed vory code: •Forbade adherence to conventional lifestyle. •Forbade involvement in politics or collaboration with state (except prison authorities).

What are the six reasons for Organized Crime involvement in legitimate business?

Profit, diversification, transfer, services, front, taxes

Title IX of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970

Purpose "eradication of organized crime in the U.S." Includes many offenses that do not ordinarily violate any federal statute: "[A]ny act or threat involving murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery, extortion, or dealing in narcotic or other dangerous drugs, which is chargeable under State law and punishable by imprisonment for more than one year."

Yakuza Structure

Pyramidal structure; 4 or 5 ranks. Decisions that affect the whole organization are made by the boss and his senior executives. Routine day-to-day decision-making is decentralized. Initiation is elaborate ceremony. "Talent scouts" recruit young delinquents. Nowadays, computer and finance skills are prized.

Triads: 1911

Qing (Ch'ing) dynasty ended; Dr. Sun Yat-sen, leader of new Republic of China. His successor, General Chiang Kai-shek, imposed a military regime with help from the secret societies, in particular, the Green Gang (Qing Bang).

Business of Russian OC

ROC engages in sophisticated crimes: insurance fraud, Medicare scams, securities-related fraud, identity theft, counterfeiting, and tax fraud.

Triad: Ranks of Officials

Red Pole (fighter), White Paper Fan (counselor), Messenger (liaison).

Department of Labor: Office for Inspector General and Org Crime

Responsible for criminal investigation program to combat influence of OC and labor racketeering in the workplace. OIG special agents of Division of Labor Racketeering conduct investigations in 3 areas: •Employee benefit plans •Labor-management relations •Internal union affairs •Top priority is given to American Mafia domination.

Triad Rituals

Ritualized dress and behavior. Secret hand signs and passwords; elaborate initiation includes recitation of 36 blood oaths, each ends with death penalty for violation; fee payment to sponsor.

Russian OC in United States

Russian émigrés are urban in origin, well-educated, and industrially and technologically skilled; many are military-skilled, many PhDs in math, physics, engineering. -Not closed off from ladders of upward mobility. -Excel in organized crime. Jewish émigrés settled in Brighton Beach part of Brooklyn. -Russian Jewish criminals exploit Jewish émigrés. Enterprise organizational style. Fluid. Not hierarchical.

Self image of bikers

Self-image: rebels, frontier heroes, expressing individuality. -"Hogs" are personal charms. -Club is collective leverage against those who would crush individualists. -Rigid system of rules. -Subculture bars (hangouts) serve as recruiting places. Outlaw clubs are pre-adapted as vehicles of OC.

Triad leader

Shan Chu

DEA and Org Crime

Single-mission agency; enforces federal controlled substances statutes. Manages national drug intelligence network. Regulates legal controlled substances trade. -Accountability investigations of drug wholesalers, suppliers, and manufacturers. •Inspects records and facilities. Investigates instances where drugs have been illegally diverted from legitimate sources. Agents stationed in other countries to gain cooperation in international efforts against drug trafficking and help train foreign enforcement officials.

From Gang to Financial Industrial Enterprise: Uralmashevskaya

Sports club toughs -Illegal alcohol and extortion. -Invested assets in cash-needy businesses. -1992-93: defeated vory in Ekaterinburg.

Vory v Zakone

Stalin's Gulags filled up with political dissidents. WWII: developed regional corporate-type structure. -Vory split into 2 factions, later reunited: •Patriots supported efforts to defeat Nazis; •Traditionalists were aloof. Code: abandon family; have no wife or children; loyalty to world of crime; never insult or attack a vory; have no job; learn vory code and language.

Hong Kong Triads: United Bamboo

Strong ties to the Kuomintang Party. -Leader is wanted in Taiwan. Served prison terms in U.S. for drug trafficking. Lives in People's Republic of China (PRC). Attractive ally to PRC and to dealmakers and smugglers. -Extortion, debt collection, gambling, prostitution, trafficking in persons, pirated movies, construction, bid rigging. Coordinated efforts in various countries enable international drug trafficking, arms trafficking, alien smuggling, and financial fraud crimes.

What is the core activity of Organized Crime?

Supplying illegal goods and services-gambling, loan sharking, narcotics, and other forms of vice to countless number of citizens

Consumer Credit Protection Act (CCPA)

Targets loansharking. Defines loan shark debt as any extension of credit with respect to which it is the understanding of the creditor and the debtor at the time the loan is made that delay in making repayment or failure to make repayment could result in the use of violence or other criminal means to cause harm to the person, reputation, or property of any person.

Vory Tattoos

Tattoos express a coded vory language decipherable only by vory. -Serve as an identity card. Credentialing. -Tattoo shows status in organization hierarchy. -Tattoo shows criminal specialty.

Postal Inspection Service and Org Crime

The Postal Inspection Service, with about 1,400 criminal investigators, is responsible for protecting the integrity and security of U.S. mail and postal facilities. Postal inspectors investigate the use of the mail to conduct fraud, the mailing of contraband, such as drugs, child pornography, hazardous materials including mail bombs, biological and chemical weapons.


The agreement is the corpus (body) of the crime. U.S. does not criminalize participation in a criminal organization. Federal conspiracy statutes generally require the government to prove that 2 or more persons agreed to commit an offense and 1 or more of these persons did at least act to carry out the agreement. Three types of conspiracy: -Wheel -Chain -Enterprise

Hells Angels Patch

The patch is owned by the club. Unauthorized use is challenged in court. -15 trademark infringement cases in the past decade against a wide range of defendants. -Marvel Comics renamed its Hells Angels comic book "Dark Angel." -2006: Sued Walt Disney Co.—script for movie "Wild Hogs." Characters were Hells Angels and wore Hells Angels trademarked logo. -2010: Sued Alexander McQueen, Saks 5th Ave, and Zappos, for selling handbags, jewelry, and clothing with "Death Head."

RICO Provides Federal Jurisdiction

The thrust of RICO is to prove a pattern of crimes conducted through an organization—an enterprise: "any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact, although not a legal entity." In order for racketeering to be a RICO violation, there must be a "pattern," which requires the commission of at least two of the specified crimes within a ten-year period.

Electronic Surveillance

Title III of Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act in 1968. Bans private eavesdropping. Authorizes federal officials and prosecutors to intercept wire or oral communications. -Requires judicial authorization. *Certain legal conditions must be met.

Annual Biker Rallies

Traditional rallies -July 4 run in Hollister -Labor Day run. -Sturgis Motorcycle Rally: 6-days, Black Hills, S. Dakota. 10s-even 100s of 1000s participate or attend.

Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Statues

Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA)-Forced labor -Sex slaves Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today Act of 2003 (PROTECT) authorizes the prosecution of Americans whose behavior involves the commercial sexual exploitation of children anywhere in the world.

Nigeria Major Exports and Structure

Twice size of California; population 100 million; per capita income $1000 Oil-rich; 6th largest oil producer in world 1993-1998: military dictator stole $3 billion•250 ethnic groups; mostly agricultural labor force Atlantic coastline; major port in Lagos (commercial center)

Shadow Economy in Russia: Communist Rule

Under communism, managers of state-owned manufacturing diverted goods for sale outside of government control—a shadow economy.

Race, Religion, and Gender: Biker Gangs

Usually exhibit racist attitudes. In U.S., no known black male member in any major club. Chosen Few: a predominantly black club in LA. Hell's Angels U.S. has Jewish and Muslim members. Hell's Angels New Zealand has Maori members. Professor Veno says Hell's Angels has some black, Polynesian, Native American, and Hispanic members. Women are not members. They are playthings.

Hong Kong: Big Circle Criminal Activity

Very active criminal organization. Cells in Canada, U.S., Europe that are highly sophisticated in use of technology to thwart law enforcement. Manufacture and distribution of counterfeit credit cards and other documents, drug trafficking, extortion, prostitution, gaming offenses.

West African Organized Crime

West Africa is attractive for development of crime organizations: -Wealth inequality, high population growth, and rapid, uncontrolled urbanization. -OC as a vehicle for rising out of poverty. -Chronic armed conflict, porous borders. -Inefficient government and corruption.

Three types of conspiracy

Wheel conspiracies- one person in the middle conspires individually with 2+ people who make up spokes. Each spoke must be aware of and agree with each other in pursuit of at least one objective Chain conspiracies- each conspirator is dependent on the successful participation of every other member Enterprise Conspiracies- members of the conspiracy do not know about other member of other criminal acitivites

PRC and HK Triads after 1997

When HK reverted to the PRC, HK Triads were designated patriotic societies by the PRC in an effort to keep Taiwan-based counterparts out, fearing they would join forces with anti-Beijing liberals. This definitional change allowed HK Triads to establish guanxi with officials and state enterprises, and gain access to business status and wealth. It also helped them locate licit and illicit business opportunities on the mainland.

What are "old ladies?"

Wives or steady girlfriends of club members, sexual and other demands can be made only by their husbands or boyfriends

Yakuza History

Yakuza roots are in the Tokugawa Period, 300 years ago. Japan united under a central system of government, Feudalism ended, and the samurai lost their role in life. -Yakuza: masterless samurai, unscrupulous itinerant peddlers, professional gamblers, common criminals. Yamagumi-guchi gumi dominates the industrialized, densely populated area from Kyoto through Osaka to Kobe, Tokyo, and most major centers in Japan.

From where did the ROC emerge?

a. *Russian Organized crime (ROC) identifies with those who originate from the FSU territories *It was a system of relationships and access among various sectors of society with the "party" in the dominant role; the traditional criminal world played a minor part *ROC involves ethnic national group *Law enforcement is non existent in a way * there is infiltration of organize crime into legislation and government- appointed/elected officials often targets of hired killers * breeding and training ground for roc established during communist era reasons for organize crime flourishing in soviet union- citizens were deprived of a work ethic had to scheme to survive there was an absence of individual accountability and creativity there was lots of corruption *Fall of communism opened the door to this opened pandoras box in a criminal sense

What is an 'in rem forfeiture?"

a. Against a property. i.e. civil forfeiture: action is brought in court against property.

What is an 'in personan forfeiture?"

a. Against the person. i.e. criminal forfeiture: requires that the government charge the property used or derived from the crime along with the defendant.

What is restraint of trade?

a. Bid rigging-form of price fixing-business collude so that competing business secure contract at predetermined price and customer allocation; violation of Sherman act.

Hobbs Act

a. Earliest statute to deal with racketeering. Makes it a federal crime to engage in criminal behavior that interferes with interstate commerce. Also prohibits foreign or interstate travel or the use of interstate facilities to advance illegal activities.

What did Carlo Gambino's son control

a. Garment center trucking- truck racketeering

What is a constitutional restraint?

a. Important protections against government, while they protect individual liberty, also benefit the criminal population.

What is labor racketeering?

a. Infiltration, domination, and use of a union for personal benefit by illegal, violent, and fraudulent means.

What is strategic intelligence?

a. Info that contributes to producing sound judgment with respect to long-range law enforcement objective and goals.

What is tactical intelligence?

a. Info that contributes to the achievement of an immediate law enforcement objective, such as arrest and prosecution.

What is the IBT?

a. International brotherhood of teamsters. The most important union to come under the domination of OC. Virtually every consumer product needs to be trucked, largest labor union in the US.

What are smurfs?

a. Make deposits for you in order to make it so a report isn't filed so attention isn't drawn to criminals. In some schemes, money launders used dozens of smurfs to convert cash into money order and cashiers that do not specify payees or are made out to fictitious persons.

What is the importance of Brighton Beach?

a. Many criminal in ROC are jews, jewish immigrants setlled in the brighton beach section of brooklyn "little odessa" and the nypd has been handicapped in dealing with the protection racets and loansharking activities in the community by a lack of russian speaking officers.

What does parasitic relationship refer to?

a. Members of a criminal organization extort money from illegal entreprenuers under a threat of violence

What are the one-percenters?

a. Members of outlaw motorcycle ganges refer to themselves as One Percenters, in reference to the outlaw motorcyclist compromised less then 1% of the motorcycling population

What are botnets?

a. Networks of compromised computers controlled remotely. Use techniques similar to legit business, including involvement of personnel with various specialties, feature-based pricing structures, modularization, and software copy protection.

What is a knockdown

a. One of the basic types of usurious loans, requires specified schedule of repayment, including both principle and interest.

What is the "vig?"

a. One of the basic types of usurious loans. The vig is a "6 for 5" loan. For every 5 borrowed on Monday, 6 is due the following Monday. The $1 interest is called viggorish or juice. If total repayment of the vig loan isn't paid, the borrower must pay the interest and the interested is compounded for the following week.

What is the 6th Amendment?

a. People have the right to a speedy trial, legal counsel, and to confront accusers/witnesses. Right to counsel.

What is the 5th Amendment?

a. Privilege against self incrimination. No one can be forced to testify against himself. No one can be punished without due process. Right to remain silent. Comes into play with forfeiture and seizing property.

What is use immunity?

a. Prohibits the info provided by a person from being used against him or her but the person can still be prosecuted using evidence obtained independently of his or her compelled testimony.

What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?

a. Protects any agreement among competitors to fix prices, rig bids, or engage in other anticompetitive activity. Makes it so you can monopolize.

What is transactional immunity?

a. Provides the witness full immunity from prosecution for crimes arising from any transaction concerning with the witness was compelled to testify, government only-provides blanked protection against prosecution for crimes about which a person is compelled to testify.


a. Racketeering influence and corrupt organizations. The most important single piece of legislation ever enacted against OC.

What is a continuing criminal enterprise?

a. Similar in purpose to RICO, but only targets illegal drug activity. Makes it a crime to commit or conspire to commit a continuing series of felony violation of the 1970 drug abuse prevention and control act when the violations are undertaken in concert with 5+ people.

Reactive law enforcement

a. When the police respond in some manner to crimes that have already been committed.

Proactive law enforcement

a. When the police set up programs that deter people from doing things that lead to trouble.

What is a conspiracy

a. agreement between 2 or more persons to commit a criminal act. The agreement is the corpus or body of the crime. To prove a conspiracy, it is NOT necessary to show that the offence was actually committed.

What incentives exist that aid in securing informant's cooperation in Organized Crime cases?

a. financial rewards, vengeance, drive competition out of business, and settling the beef

Bugsy Siegal

a. first important criminal to recognize the potential from legalized gambling in Nevada

What does POBOB's mean?

a. group of california veterans formed a motorcycle club and called themselfs POBOB's- Piss Off Bastards of Bloomington- a small southern california town in san bernadino country.

who are the hells angels

a. in 1948 in Fontana area of San Bernardino county, outlaws from POBOBs formed a new group and adopted a name favored by fighter pilots and bomber crews in WW2: Hells Angels b. They were first outlaw club to have formal organizational structure with a constitution and bylaws

What does entrepreneurship relationship refer to?

a. member of a criminal organization provides an illegal good such as drugs or a service such as enforcement of restraint of trade agreements

What does reciprocal relationship refer to?

a. members of a criminal organization require legitimate or illegal entreprenuers to pay a fixed or percentage amount but in return provide services such as restricting market entry, debt collection, and arbitration- use of independent person to settle a dispute

Organized crimes role in garbage hauling business

a. when the entrepreneurs have a low-status background, and the enterprises are small, local, and family-based, the industry is vulnerable to OC infiltration


a. wide array of games of chance and sporting events on which wagers are made some of them are legal such as state licensed horse and dog racing tracks and casino

Triad: Duties of Incense Master and Vanguard

administer lodge rituals and vest, initiate, and order retribution. Only mature lodges have these positions. Members pay fee for services.

Triad Membership Numbers

assigned numbers based on their position: Members are 49. Enforcers, "Red Poles," are 426. A leader, "Hill Chief," is 489. Numbers always start with 4.

1997 Nigerian Crime

began using express mail to deliver drugs

What are "mammas" or "sheep"

belong to gang at large, are expected to concent to sexual whims of any club member

Illegal Gambling Business Act (IGBA)

enacted as part of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 that also includes RICO aimed at syndicated gambling

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)

enacted in 1970 and commonly referred to as RICO, is the most important single piece of legislation ever enacted against organized crime. RICO's criminal enterprise model represented a new approach in the government's prosecution of organized crime groups. RICO and other statutes used in response to organized crime will be examined in this chapter.

What does Thomas Schelling believe is the business of Organized Crime?


Outlaw biker clubs business

facilitate organized crime. Crimes: distributing firearms, explosive, stolen motorcycles, and motorcycle parts; providing exotic dancers, prostitutes for sex-oriented establishments; trafficking in LSD, PCP, and Meth. -Particular active in meth trafficking. -Middlemen for drug dealers. Invest in legitimate business, for profit or for front.

Shadow Economy in Russia: Reform

gave managers, in collusion with local officials, the opportunity to purchase their firms. -Criminals provided the capital for the purchases.

traditional vory were identified in what way

i. Included is the abandonment of family members, a way of life that ensures absolute loyalty to the world of crime ii. Prohibitions against a normative job, even if the persons socioeconomic situation was very difficult, obligation to provide moral and material assistance to other vor iii. Tattoos 1. Giant eagles on chest 2. Reveals status in orgs hierarchy and criminal specialty 3. Serves as an ID card 4. Vor lacks sovereignty to decide regarding the nature and complexity of his tattoo

criminal forfeiture

in personam (against the person). It requires the government charge the property used or derived from the crime along with the defendant.

Civil Forfeiture

in rem (against the property). It is a device for denying someone the fruits of their criminal behavior.

Administrative Forfeiture

in rem. Permits seizure and forfeiture of property without judicial involvement.

Triad: 1990s HK Triads

invested in Western countries, as a hedge against uncertainty when HK would revert to PRC in 1997.

Money Laundering

is the process by which criminals or criminal organizations seek to disguise the illicit nature of their proceeds by introducing them into the stream of legitimate commerce and finance.

Unique Cultural Dynamics of Chinese Society: law and crime

law is marginalized to a position well below mediative mechanisms in the social order. Like famiglia and partito, guanxi, and qingqing facilitate criminal organization. Guanxi is global, providing a dynamic for international business, both legal and illegal. Triads are a natural extension of these cultural attributes.

Professional and Amateur Sports Betting Act

making it unlawful to bet on sports

Structure of biker gangs: mother club

national or international headquarters. -Decides problems locals unable to solve .-Chapter autonomy varies among clubs. Some make important decisions at regional, national, or international meetings. Chapter has president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer, enforcer, sergeant-at-arms, road captain. Road captain plans, takes charge of club "runs."-Members are required to participate in these outings.

Roots of Russian Organized Crime: 1991

perestroika (restructuring); breakup of Soviet Union. -Citizens distrusted all these governments.

What kind of law enforcement is more prone to corruption

proactive law enforcement Undercover officers are more prone to corruption because information gathered is not known to the police organization

use immunity

prohibits the information provided by a person from being used against him or her, but the person can still be prosecuted using evidence obtained independently of his or her compelled testimony.

Transactional immunity

provides blanket protection against prosecution for crimes about which a person is compelled to testify.

Which form of wagering makes the most money for Organized Crime groups?

sports betting

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