Organizational Behavior - C715

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-----is as important for managers as for front line employees and, among all Big Five Model traits, is most consistently related to job performance. Extroversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional Stability Openness to experience

Escalation of commitment

-----refers to staying with a decision even when there is clear evidence its wrong. Escalation of commitment Fundamental attribution error Randomness error Risk Aversion Availability Bias

An employee works hard in order to be relocated to the Paris office but instead is transferred to Beijing.

10) With reference to the expectancy theory, which of the following examples indicates a weak rewards-personal goals relationship? a) An employee lacks the skills required to reach the desired performance level. b) An organization's appraisal system assesses nonperformance factors such as creativity and initiative. c) An organization rewards its employees based on factors such as seniority and skill level. d) An employee believes that his manager does not like him and hence expects a poor appraisal. e) An employee works hard in order to be relocated to the Paris office but instead is transferred to Beijing.


9) Oscar is looking for a new job. He used to be the company's top sales representative and was eagerly expecting to be promoted. However, one of the regional manager's friends was promoted to district manager instead. According to the expectancy theory, Oscar's dissatisfaction with his current job stems from a breakdown in the ________ relationship. a) performance-reward b) effort-performance c) reward-personal goal d) satisfaction-effort e) personal goal-self actualization

Team cooperativeness

A company has restructured around teams but performance has not met expectations. What should be the main evaluation criterion in an appropriate performance evaluation for supporting and improving the performance of teams? Team members attitudes Team cooperativeness Team results being tied to important goals Team activities

Reward system that rewards both individual and group activity

A company is changing their work organization from employees working individually to the use of teams. Which reward system could be used to foster long-term team effectiveness?

Assign individual roles rather than mutual team roles

A company switched from assembly lines to self-managed work teams. What can team members do to improve the synergy and success of their teams? Share info but not engage in collective performance goals Assign individual roles rather than mutual team roles Take action on problems as individual members as well as groups Change work group roles at random

Challenge and direction

A manager challenged an employee to produce an average of 24 assemblies each day for a week. This production goal was higher than the employee had ever achieved during any week. The manager gave the employee a tally sheet to mark after each assembly was completed. Considering the goal-setting theory of motivation, the manager was counting on which factors to influence the employee to achieve the production goal? Specificity and feedback Feedback and reflection Challenge and power Challenge and direction

Coach the team through the difficulty

A newly-formed team is struggling to become productive but cannot decide who should do what. How should the team leader attempt to resolve the problem? Research the problem and impose a solution without argument Disband the problem and impose a solution without argument Coach the team through the difficulty Resign as team leader

Instrumental values

A person is broadminded, courageous, and forgiving. Which type of values are these? Determinate values Instrumental values Terminal values Transitory values

active selection

A process of making decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity is known as ________. a) optimal decision making b) intuitive decision making c) bounded rationality d) active selection e) incremental decision making

c) bounded rationality

A process of making decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity is known as ________. a) optimal decision making b) intuitive decision making c) bounded rationality d) active selection e) incremental decision making

Propensity for social loafing

A team was assigned a project. Halfway through the project it was obvious that the team-was failing to meet expectations. Management had made sure that individuals assigned to the team had good interpersonal skills as well as good problem-solving and decision-making skills. However, they overlooked other abilities of team members requires for accomplishing the work. Which ability necessary for team members was overlooked? Propensity for social loafing Technique Expertise Authoritarian personality Type D Personality

a) utilitarianism

According to the concept of ________, decisions are made solely on the basis of their outcomes, ideally to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. a) utilitarianism b) selective perception c) self-fulfilling prophecy d) halo effect e) contrast effect


According to the concept of ________, decisions are made solely on the basis of their outcomes, ideally to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. a) utilitarianism b) selective perception c) self-fulfilling prophecy d) halo effect e) contrast effect

Intrinsic reward

An employee enjoys having a large span of responsibility and is motivated to do well because of personal feelings. Which reward us this? Extrinsic reward Intrinsic reward Affiliation reward Compensatory reward

Situation, target, and perceiver

Employee B was upset by Employee A's behavior at the department's planning meeting. Which factors will influence Employee B's perception in this situation? Stimulation, task and skills Heredity, environment and perceiver Problem, criteria, and alternatives Situation, target, and perceiver

She is going to give students extra credit each time that they contribute.

Helen, a high school teacher, wants her students to actively participate more in class. She has decided to use reinforcement theory to get the required results. Which of the following methods is she most likely to use? a) She is going to call on students who never participate. b) She is going to yell at students, telling them that they are not making good grades. c) She is going to ask the students that always participate to allow the others to have a chance. d) She is going to model what active participation should look like, at the beginning of class. e) She is going to give students extra credit each time that they contribute.

By using material symbols and specific language

How can an organization transmit its culture to its employees?

Articulate an appealing vision

How might charismatic leader work to increase performance in an organization? Avoid unconventional behavior Articulate an appealing vision Issue a memo calling for increased effort Demonstrate Type A behavior.

She will strictly control all the details of any project she is managing.

If Alberta is a categorized as a Theory X manager, which of the following behaviors is she most likely to exhibit? a) She will empower her subordinates. b) She will trust her employees to use their discretion in most matters. c) She will strictly control all the details of any project she is managing. d) She will delegate authority extensively to junior managers. e) She will let her employees choose their own goals.

d) outcome-input ratio

In equity theory, individuals assess the ________. a) cost-benefit ratio b) efficiency-effectiveness trade-off c) quantity-quality trade-off d) outcome-input ratio e) quality of outcome

When both internal and external customer feedback is helpful

In which circumstance would the use of 360-degree performance evaluations apply?

high on self-monitoring

Individuals scoring ---- have a strong ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational factors and can behave differently in different situations.

d) whistle-blowers

Individuals who report unethical practices by their employer to outsiders are known as ________. a) change agents b) boundary spanners c) early adopters d) whistle-blowers e) free riders


Individuals who report unethical practices by their employer to outsiders are known as ________. a) change agents b) boundary spanners c) early adopters d) whistle-blowers e) free riders


Jackie thinks that she is paid a lot less than other employees in her division and feels extremely resentful. She starts taking long breaks and generally wastes time. Her actions resulted from a perceived lack of ________ justice. a) interactional b) interpersonal c) procedural d) distributive e) associative


John Holland's personality job fit theory presents six personality types. Which of the following is one of these six types? analytic imaginative practical investigative intuitive

Establish more rigid roles for group members

Management has noticed that the quality improvement work group is struggling because member's seem to be working in different directions. Which suggested action can the company take to increase group cohesiveness? Physically isolate the group Make the group larger Decrease the difficulty of becoming a group member Establish more rigid roles for group members

Virtual teams

Management is considering a reorganization of sales regions and plans to allow employees to live and working in their respective sales territories throughout the United States, However, the vice president of sales wants the regionally-dispersed agents to participate in weekly sales meeting. Which type of teams should be organized? Cross-functional teams Virtual teams Quality teams Self-managed teams

Equity theory

Manager A supervises 10 district units with 100 employees and receives $100,000 in compensation. Manager B supervises 5 district units with 50 employees and also receives $100,000 in compensation. Manager A is upset by the relationship and is looking for a new job. Which theory explains A's motivation to look for a new job? Perception theory Equity theory Inequity theory Perceptual fairness theory

With defensive behaviors

Recognize how workplace politics influence behavior within an organization.

d) stereotyping

Rose needs to give a presentation to the board of directors of her organization next week. She knows that her presentation will play an important role in her performance appraisal in the next quarter. However, she knows that two of her colleagues, John and Keith, will also be giving a presentation on the same issue. She is nervous because she believes that men have a better flair for giving presentations. Rose's perception of John and Keith is most likely characterized by ________. a) a halo effect b) a contrast effect c) a hindsight bias d) stereotyping e) a confirmation bias


Rose needs to give a presentation to the board of directors of her organization next week. She knows that her presentation will play an important role in her performance appraisal in the next quarter. However, she knows that two of her colleagues, John and Keith, will also be giving a presentation on the same issue. She is nervous because she believes that men have a better flair for giving presentations. Rose's perception of John and Keith is most likely characterized by ________. a) a halo effect b) a contrast effect c) a hindsight bias d) stereotyping e) a confirmation bias

competence and positive connections

Self-determination theory proposes that in addition to being driven by a need for autonomy, people seek ways to achieve ________. a) competence and positive connections b) high rewards c) recognition and status d) career growth e) power and control

Altering the human variable

To resolve a conflict between the department staff and the janitorial staff, the department head informs the department staff of a new policy prohibiting the eating of food at the desk. Which type of conflict resolution technique does this represents? Altering the human variable Authoritative command Problem solving Altering the structural variables


Valerie Sinclair, a climate campaigner at an environmental organization, invariably uses rationale to make decisions for project implementation. She believes that the right decisions can be made only through scrutiny and analysis. Each time she needs to make a decision, she weighs all options before taking action. Which of the following is Sinclair's personality type according to the Myer's Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification? Intuitive Introverted Thinking Feeling

Overcome time and space constraints and create limited social context

What are primary factors that differentiate virtual teams from face-to-face teams? Improve employee satisfaction and create more frequent social context Overcome time and space constraints and create limited social context Reduce para verbal cues and create more frequent social context Reduce telecommunications costs and increase para verbal cues

Group Norm

What defines a set of expected behavior patterns attributed to a person occupying a given position in a social unit? Group status Group Norm Group conformity Group role

Provides vision and sense of mission and gains trust

What is a characteristic employed by transformation leaders? Practices management by exception Provides vision and sense of mission and gains trust Contracts exchange of rewards for efforts Intervenes only if performance standards are not met

Problem-solving team members come from the same work unit

What is a characteristic of problem-solving teams that is different than cross functional teams?

To provide feedback and determine reward allocation

What is a purpose performance evaluations?

Increased diversity of views

What is a strength of group making? Increased diversity of views Conformity pressures in group Reduced time for making decisions Power of groupthink

When performance norms are high, productivity will be higher than in a cohesive group.

What is an advantage of a group that is not very cohesive? When performance norms are low, productivity may be higher than in a cohesive group There is less need for giving rewards as group rewards When making a group decision, groupthink is more likely to occur When performance norms are high, productivity will be higher than in a cohesive group.

The company has low employee turnover

What is an advantage of a strong organizational culture?

Socialization process

What is one of the forces that plays a particularly important role in sustaining an organizations culture?

It forces a person to be categorized as either one type or another.

What is the major problem with the Myers Briggs Type indicator as a measure of personality?

Video conferencing technology

What is the optimal method for maximizing team member participation in a global meeting? Unilateral communication techniques Hard copy messaging E-mail Video conferencing technology

The relationship is acceptable but performance evaluations have little potential for impacting innovation

What is true about the relationship between performance evaluation and motivation?

Formal Group

What type of group is defined by the organization's structure? Informal group Unified group Designated group Formal group

Cross-Functional Teams

What type of team is formed when employees from about the same hierarchical level but from different work areas come together to accomplish a task? Cross-Functional Teams Diverse team Virtual Team Divergent team

When cultural incompatibility deters making acquisitions or mergers

When is organizational culture considered dysfunctional?

A climate of trust, members who fill role demands and a large team size

When organizing a team to develop a new quality control system, management wanted to assign team members having characteristics common to effective teams. Group performance evaluation, absence of conflict and members who fill role demands A manageable level of conflict, members who are conscientious, and effective leadership Group performance evaluation, members who score low on the personality characteristic of extroversion, and effective leadership A climate of trust, members who fill role demands and a large team size

Counseling and sponsorship

Which approach might be used to mentor a less-experienced employee? Coaching and threatening Refereeing and counseling Threatening and sponsorship Counseling and sponsorship

Attention to detail, innovation and risk taking, people orientation

Which attributes are included in the seven primary characteristics that define an organizations culture? Aggressiveness, competitive focus, innovation Political attitude, attention to detail, team orientation Attention to detail, innovation and risk taking, people orientation Team orientation, political orientation, people orientation

Super ordinate goals and altering the structural variables

Which conflict-resolution techniques might a manager use to control the level of conflict that has become dysfunctional?

Leader-member exchange theory

Which contingency theory of leadership proposes that early in the interaction between a leader and a given follower the leader implicitly categorizes the follower as an "in" or an "out"? Path-Goal theory Leader-member exchange theory Situational leadership theory Leader-participation model


Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one's hunger, thirst, and other bodily needs? a) safety b) physiological c) social d) esteem e) psychological

An individual personality is determined by molecular structure of the genes

Which of the following does the heredity approach state? An individual's personality is determined by the social background one is brought up in. An individual personality is determined by molecular structure of the genes An individual's personality is influenced by the economic settings he is surrounded by A persons personality traits are created by the company he keeps. A persons personality traits are largely influenced by global trends and characteristics.

An employee was fired from work because he violated a company policy.

Which of the following is an example of internally caused behavior? a) An employee was late for a team meeting because of a heavy downpour. b) An employee was laid off because the company was attempting to cut costs by laying off employees. c) An employee was fired from work because he violated a company policy. d) An employee could not attend an interview because of a delayed flight. e) An employee could not come to work because he met with an accident.

c) An employee was fired from work because he violated a company policy.

Which of the following is an example of internally caused behavior? a) An employee was late for a team meeting because of a heavy downpour. b) An employee was laid off because the company was attempting to cut costs by laying off employees. c) An employee was fired from work because he violated a company policy. d) An employee could not attend an interview because of a delayed flight. e) An employee could not come to work because he met with an accident.

Personal Discipline

Which of the following is an instrumental value? Economic success Social recognition Personal discipline world peace meaning in life

They have content and intensity attributes

Which of the following is true of values They are void of judgmental element They are invariably fluid and flexible in nature They have content and intensity attributes They never change irrespective of external factors They are always established in a persons later years.

enactive mastery

Which of the following sources of increasing self-efficacy involves gaining relevant experience with a particular task or job? a) verbal persuasion b) enactive mastery c) vicarious modeling d) arousal e) cognitive learning

More likely to be seen as leaders

Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding people with proactive personalities?

People do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals.

Which of the following statements is true regarding goal-setting theory? a) Goal commitment is more likely when individuals have an external locus of control. b) Externally generated feedback is more powerful than self-generated feedback. c) Generalized goals produce a higher level of output as compared to specific goals. d) People do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals. e) Assigned goals generate greater goal commitment in low rather than high power-distance cultures.

Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality.

Which of the following statements is true regarding perception? a) Perception of reality is independent of one's personality. b) Our perception of a target is not affected by the context of the situation in which the perception is made. c) Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality. d) Our perception of reality is independent of our past experiences. e) We form a perception of a target by looking at it in isolation.

c) Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality.

Which of the following statements is true regarding perception? a) Perception of reality is independent of one's personality. b) Our perception of a target is not affected by the context of the situation in which the perception is made. c) Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality. d) Our perception of reality is independent of our past experiences. e) We form a perception of a target by looking at it in isolation.

a) fundamental attribution error

Which of the following terms best describes the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others? a) fundamental attribution error b) bandwagon effect c) contrast effect d) emotional dissonance e) self-fulfilling prophecy

fundamental attribution error

Which of the following terms best describes the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others? a) fundamental attribution error b) bandwagon effect c) contrast effect d) emotional dissonance e) self-fulfilling prophecy

A shared system of meanings that is unique to the organization

Which option defines organizational culture?


Which stage of the five stage group development model is characterized by developing close relationships and cohesiveness? Storming Performing Forming Norming

Members of the group generate positive synergy through coordinated effort.

Which statement is true about work teams? Members of the group generate positive synergy through coordinated effort. Members work together to neutralize synergy The primary goal is to share info that is helpful to individual efforts The member's primary focus is on improving individual efforts.

Social loafing

Which term describes the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually? Social Loafing Employee disengagement Independent effort Selective perception

United States

With reference to the Hofstede's framework, the country that scores highest in individualism United States Finland Australia Great Britain Norway

d) selective perception

You are more likely to notice a car like your own due to ________. a) stereotyping b) self-serving bias c) halo effect d) selective perception e) contrast effect

selective perception

You are more likely to notice a car like your own due to ________. a) stereotyping b) self-serving bias c) halo effect d) selective perception e) contrast effect


________ bias refers to the tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is easily accessible. a) Anchoring b) Availability c) Overconfidence d) Confirmation e) Hindsight


________ bias refers to the tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is easily accessible. a) Anchoring b) Availability c) Overconfidence d) Confirmation e) Hindsight

b) Availability

________ bias refers to the tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is easily accessible. a) Anchoring b) Availability c) Overconfidence d) Confirmation e) Hindsight

a) Escalation of commitment

________ refers to staying with a decision even when there is clear evidence it's wrong. a) Escalation of commitment b) Fundamental attribution error c) Randomness error d) Risk aversion e) Availability bias

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