Organizational Behavior - Ch.14 change and stress

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The deemphasizing of hierarchical authority and control and control in organizational development is referred to as __________________.

Power equalization

During the design step of appreciative inquiry, Participants _________________.

find a common vision of how the organization will look in the future

Process Consultation

helps managers and employees improve processes

Incremental Change

change of a relatively small scope


collection of characteristics, referred to as hardiness, involves the ability to perceptually or behaviorally transform negative stressors into positive challenges. Hardiness embraces the personality dimensions of commitment, locus of control, and challenge. Commitment reflects the extent to which an individual is involved in whatever he or she is doing. Committed people have a sense of purpose and do not give up under pressure because they tend to invest themselves in the situation. individuals with an internal locus of control believe they can influence the events that affect their lives. People possessing this trait are more likely to foresee stressful events, thereby reducing their exposure to anxiety-producing situations. their perception of being in control leads "internals" to use proactive coping strategies. Challenge is represented by the belief that change is a normal part of life. Hence, change is seen as an opportunity for growth and development rather than a threat to security.

control strategy

consists of using behaviors and cognitions to directly anticipate or solve problems. A control strategy has a take-charge tone. Examples include talking to your professor or boss about workload if you feel overwhelmed with your responsibilities, and confronting someone who is spreading negative rumors. control coping was positively related to overall health outcomes. People are more apt to use control coping when they possess high self-esteem, self-efficacy, and problem-solving skills.

symptom management strategy

consists of using methods such as relaxation, meditation, medication, or exercise to manage the symptoms of occupational stress.

T/F Short tenure in management is associated with innovation


Which of the following is an example of an individual source of resistance to change?

Fear of the unknown

Steps to Leading Organizational Change

prescribes how managers should sequence or lead the change process.

If an individual resisting change are included in making change decision in an attempt to gain their support, this approach is called _________________.


Which of the following resistances to change is implicit?

Increased error

Change Agent

the individual or group who undertakes the task of introducing and managing a change in the organization

Overcoming Resistance to Change

-Provide as much information as possible to employees about the change -Inform employees about the rationale for the change -Conduct meetings to address employee's concerns -Provide employees the opportunity to discuss how the proposed change might affect them

Tescra Education is an educational publishing company that provides textbooks in the area of higher education. The company has been in business for almost 20 years now and has earned substantial profits during this period. Which of the following trends, if true, would drive the company to change its business strategy?

A need for learning environments where students feel safe to apply the knowledge they've acquired in the classroom to real-life situations.

Rather than looking for problems, ________________ seeks to identify the unique qualities and special strengths of an organization, which can then be built upon to improved performance.

Appreciative inquiry

_____________ are persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing refinement activities.

Change agents

An example of a change in the nature of the workforce is an increase in ____________________.

Cultural Diversity

Internal Forces of Change

Declining Effectiveness Crisis Changing employee expectations Change work climate

Which of the following is a step in the appreciative inquiry process?


Political uncertainties, economic uncertainties, and technological change are examples of the ______________ factors of potential stress.


Which of the following is in Kotter's eight step plan for implementing change?

Establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling reason for why change is needed.

Fony Corp., headquartered in China, is a leading manufacturer of electronic devices and solutions intended for professional markets. The company is considering upgrading the technology currently being used at Fony's manufacturing facility, located in Guangdong, that specializes in producing lithium-ion batteries, which are used to power laptops, cameras, cell phones, and other similar gadgets. The new technology is expected to increase efficiency levels and will also allow for greater adherence to quality standards. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument that Fony Corp. should upgrade its technology?

Fony's main client account is at risk after the client had to recall nearly 2 million notebooks owing to defective batteries.

Which of the following types of jobs is least likely to create stress and reduce satisfaction?

Jobs that provide a high level of feedback

Who built on Lewin's three step model to create a more detailed eight step plan for implementing change?

John Kotter

Which of the following reactions from employees is preferable as a response to change?

Open discussion

Creating Change Through Organization Development

Organization Development consists of planned efforts to help persons work and live together more effectively, over time, in their organizations A change agent is someone who is a catalyst in helping organizations to deal with old problems in new ways. Change agents can be external consultants or internal employees. OD Research and Practical Implications -Planned organizational change works -Change programs are more successful when they are geared toward meeting both short-term and long-term results -Organizational change is more likely to succeed when top management is truly committed to the change process -Effectiveness of OD interventions is affected by cross-cultural considerations

______________ is a collection of change methods that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being.

Organizational Development

A paper sales company designs and offers a new method of purchasing and shipping commercial quantities of paper through its Website. The company used to do its business through its sales rep. this is an example of a(n) ____________ change.


T/F Underscoring the importance of social context, other work shows that even individuals who are generally resistant to change will be more willing to accept new and different ideas when they feel supported by their coworkers and believe the environment is safe for taking risks.


T/F Where the allostatic load is too great and too prolonged, we may experience psychological or physiological stress symptoms.


Strum Services provides content management services to major educational publishers. Due to low morale, the level of employee output has been below par, which has caused a backlog in work. Which of the following, if true, would strengthen the argument to use coercive techniques techniques in this situation?

The company is on a tight deadline to complete a major project for an important client.

Procedural fairness while implementing changes is especially important when __________________.

The employees perceive the outcome as negative

Idea champions display characteristics associated with __________________ leadership.


An example of change in competition is ___________.

U.S. manufactured Toyota vehicles

escape strategy

amounts to avoiding the problem. Behaviors and cognitions are used to avoid or escape situations. Individuals use this strategy when they passively accept stressful situations or avoid them by failing to confront the cause of stress


an adaptive response, mediated by individual characteristics and/or psychological processes, that is a consequence of any external action, situation, or event that places special physical and/or psychological demands upon a person Stress is not merely nervous tension. Stress can have positive consequences. Stress is not something to be avoided. The complete absence of stress is death Eustress Stress that is good or produces a positive outcome

Strategic Change

change from an old state to a known new state during a controlled period of time

Survey Feedback

employee attitudes are solicited via a questionnaire, data are fed back to employees to diagnose problems and plan other interventions

primary appraisal

results in categorizing a situation or stressor as irrelevant, positive, or stressful. Stress appraisals are obviously the most important in terms of our current discussion because they imply that a situation or stressor is perceived as harmful, threatening, or challenging.

Who developed the 3 step model that included Unfreezing, movement, and refreezing?

Kurt Lewin

In order to make their firm a learning organization, managers should ___________________.

Redesign the organizational structure

T/F Learing organizations use single-loop learning.


T/F Sensitivity training emphasizes changing behavior through structures group interactions


Change Agent Characteristics

1) Decisions that disrupt cultural traditions or group relationships. Whenever individuals are transferred, promoted, or reassigned, cultural and group dynamics are thrown into disequilibrium. 2) Personality conflicts. Just as a friend can get away with telling us something we would resent hearing from an adversary, the personalities of change agents can breed resistance. Change agents that display any of the traits of bad leadership are likely to engender resistance from recipients. 3) Lack of tact or poor timing. Undue resistance can occur because change agents introduce change in an insensitive manner or at an awkward time. Proposed organizational changes are more likely to be accepted by others when change agents effectively explain or "sell" the value of their proposed changes. This can be done by explaining how a proposed change is strategically important to an organization's success. 4) Leadership style. Research shows that people are less likely to resist change when the change agent uses transformational leadership 5) Failing to legitimize change. Change must be internalized by recipients before it will be truly accepted. Active, honest communication and reinforcing reward systems are needed to make this happen. This recommendation underscores the need for change agents to communicate with recipients in a way that considers employees' point-of-view and perspective. It also is important for change agents to explain how change will lead to positive personal and organizational benefits. This requires that change agents have a clear understanding about how recipients' jobs will change and how they will be rewarded.

____________ is a change process based on systematic collection of data and selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate.

Action Research

Excessive smoking, substance abuse, and sleep disorders are all examples of _______________ symptoms of stress.


Which of the following tactics for overcoming resistance to change is most likely to be beneficial when employees' fear and anxiety are high?

Building support and sommitment

Unplanned Change

Change imposed on the organization and often unforseen

Planned Change

Change resulting from a deliberate decision to alter the organization

The application of direct threats or force upon resisters is called _______________.


Your company, Johnson Farm Products, has decided to expand its traditional business serving farm owners in order to include home gardeners in its customer base. This change is not met with enthusiasm by the sales personnel who have had good long-term relationships with area farmers. You know that the change will be difficult to implement if you cannot overcome the resistance of the sales personnel and obtain their cooperation. You have threatened to eliminate positions and even to close down the company if your sales personnel don't change their attitudes. The method for overcoming resistance that you have chosen is _________________.


Which of the following resistances to change is overt and immediate?


"Buying off" the leaders of a resistance group by giving them a key role and seeking their advice not to find a better solution but to get their endorsement is an example of ____________________.


John Kotter built on Lewin's three step model to create a more detailed approach for implementing change. Which of the following steps in Kotter's eight step plan for implementing change represents the unfreezing stage in Lewin's three step model?

Create a new vision to direct the change and strategies for achieving the vision.

__________________ involves correcting errors by modifying the organization's objectives. policies, and standart routines.

Double-loop learning

A(n) ________________ resistance to change clouds the link between the change and the reaction to it and may surface weeks, months, or even years later.


The step in the action research process where information si gathered about problems, concerns, and needed changes is known as the ______________ stage.


Which of the following steps of the appreciative inquiry attempts to identify what people think are the organization's strengths?


Four Behavioral Reactions to Change

Disengagement: Psychological withdrawal from change Disidentification: feeling that one's identity has been threatened by change Disenchantment: feeling negativity or anger toward a change Disorientation: feeling of loss and confusion due to a change

As a result of changing technology and unstable environment, your company company is planning to undertake restructuring of the business. The employees in your company are worried about this upcoming change and many of them are anxious due to a fear that they will lose their jobs as a result of this change. But that is not the case. The company only wants to restructure its business units, and it is not planning to cut down on jobs. In such a situation, which of the following techniques is most likely to be used by your company to deal with the employees resistance to change?

Education and communication

Which tactic for overcoming resistance to change basically assumes that the source resistance lies in misinformation?

Education and communication

Your company, Johnson Farm Products, has decided to expand its traditional business serving farm owners in order to include home gardeners in its customer base. This change is not met with enthusiasm by the sales personnel who have had good long-term relationships with area farmers. You know that the change will be difficult to implement if you cannot overcome the resistance of the sales personnel and obtain their cooperation. You have brought in the local extension agent to explain demographics and the changing nature of the area in which you live. The method for overcoming resistance that you have chosen is ________.

Education and communication

Forces of Change

External forces for change originate outside the organization Demographic characteristics - organizations are changing employment benefits and aspects of the work environment in order to attract, motivate, and retain diverse employees. Organizations also are changing the way in which they design and market their products and services and design their store layouts based on generational differences. persistently higher unemployment levels among young people around the world is creating a strong force for change by governments and organizations alike. Technological advancements - Both manufacturing and service organizations are increasingly using technology as a means to improve productivity, competitiveness, and customer service while also cutting costs.I nformation technology is enabling more and more forms of self-service, from Internet stores and banks for customers to online help for employees who want to learn about their benefits packages. Telepresence is a good example of a technology that enables organizations to change the way they deliver products, coordinate virtual workers, encourage employee collaboration, improve communication, and increase productivity. It represents an advanced form of videoconferencing and robotics that in combination makes virtual conversations seem like they are taking place in one location. Shareholder, customer and market changes - Shareholders have become more involved with pressing for organizational change in response to ethical lapses from senior management and anger over executives' compensation packages. Increasing customer sophistication is requiring organizations to deliver higher value in their products and services. Customers are simply demanding more now than they did in the past. Moreover, customers are more likely to shop elsewhere if they do not get what they want because of lower customer switching costs. This has led more and more companies to seek customer feedback about a wide range of issues in order to retain and attract customers. Social and political pressures - These forces are created by social and political events. For example, widespread concern about the impact of climate change and rising energy costs have been important forces for change in almost every industry around the world. Companies have gone "green," looking for ways to use less energy themselves and to sell products that consume less energy and are safer to use. Internal forces for change originate inside the organization. -Low job satisfaction -Low productivity -Conflict -Strikes

T/F Appreciative inquiry involves identifying and fixing problems.


T/F Appreciative inquiry refers to a change process based on the systematic collection of data and selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicates.


T/F Companies with dominant market share are less susceptible to the forces of change than smaller businesses.


T/F Double-loop learning is an error correction process that relies on past routines and present policies.


T/F Experience on the job tends to be positively related to work stress


External Forces of Change

Globalization Workforce Diversity Technological Change Ethical Behavior

Brian's ream just had a research breakthrough. They'll need several thousands of dollars to complete the project. Brian has called a series of meetings in which he's promoting the significance of the new discovery, explaining the economic benefits that will result from the final project, and answering questions. Brian is a(n) __________________ within his company.

Idea Champion

________________ is one way to achieve unfreezing of an organization's status quo.

Increasing the driving forces directing behavior of an organization's status quo.

Selective information processing is a major source of resistance to change. It indicates that _______________.

Individual hear what they want to hear and they ignore information that challenges the world they've created.

Which of the following types of changes involves a new idea being applied to initiation or improving a product, process, or service?


Which of the following statements is true regarding innovation in organization?

Innovative organizations reward both successes and failures

Elaine is very good at what she does, but she is constantly stressed by internal deadlines assigned to co-workers, obligatory meetings, and time lost in unrelated idle cubicle chatter. Today, after a meeting with her supervisor, she has been given more responsibility for her work, is able to set her own deadlines, decline attendance to various department meetings, and telecommute two days a week. Elaine's boss is using which of the following organizational strategies to reduce her stress?

Job redesign

Which of the following is an example of an organizational source of resistance to change?

Limited focus of Change

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding organizational approaches to managing stress?

Managers should consider decreasing employee involvement in decision making because evidence clearly shows that decreases in employee empowerment reduce psychological stress.

Moderators of Occupational Stress

Managers with a working knowledge of important stress moderators can confront employee stress in the following ways: 1) Awareness of moderators helps identify those most likely to experience stress and its negative outcomes. Stress-reduction programs then can be formulated for high-risk employees. 2) Moderators, in and of themselves, suggest possible solutions for reducing negative outcomes of occupational stress.

Management of a company threatens to close a manufacturing plant in the company whose employees are resisting an across-the-board pay cut. But this treat is actually untrue. IN this case, which of the following tactics of overcoming resistance to change is being used but the management?


Using covert influence to overcome resistance to change is called _______________.


Which tactic to overcome resistance to change is a relatively inexpensive way to gain the support of adversaries, but may backfire if the targets become aware of the tactic?


Which of the following is one of the 3 steps in the lewin's 3 step change model?


Jerry is feeling very stressed because his boss expects a project to be delivered to the client within a very unreasonable deadline. Jerry has to work nights and weekends to make the deadline. Jerry is feeling stress due to a(n) ________ factor.


Limited focus of change is a major source of resistance to change that originates from an organizational source. It indicates that ________________.

Organizations consist of a number of interdependent subsystems and one cannot be changed without affecting the others.

it is easiest for management to deal with resistance when it is _________________.


Family issues, economic problems, and personality characteristics are examples of the _________________ factor of potential stress.


Rudolf is dealing with impending layoffs at work. Yesterday, at a pharmacy, he measured his blood pressure and it was high. He also notices that when he thinks about the future, his heart rate accelerates. Rudolf is demonstrating ________ symptoms of stress.


Which of the following steps in Kotter's eight step plan for implementing change represents the movement stage in Lewin's three step model?

Plan for, create, and reward short term "wins" that propel the organization toward the new vision.

Which of the following is an organizational development technique that involves and outsider assisting a manager to identify what to improve and how?

Process consultation

Which of the following is the last step in Kotter's eight-step plan for implementing change?

Reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship between new behaviors and organizational success

Which of the following in Kotter's eight step plan for implementing change represents the refreezing stage stage in Lewin's three step model?

Reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship between new behaviors and organizational success.

A Dynamic Model of Resistance to Change

Resistance to change -An emotional or behavioral response to real or imagined threats to an established work routine Why People Resist Change in the Workplace 1) An individual's predisposition toward change - This predisposition is highly personal and deeply ingrained. It is an outgrowth of how one learns to handle change and ambiguity as a child. While some people are distrustful and suspicious of change, others see change as a situation requiring flexibility, patience, and understanding.36 For example, resilience to change, which represents a composite characteristic reflecting high self-esteem, optimism, and an internal locus of control, was positively associated with recipients' willingness to accommodate or accept a specific organizational change. 2) Surprise and fear of the unknown - When innovative or radically different changes are introduced without warning, affected employees become fearful of the implications. The same is true when managers announce new goals without spelling out specific plans for how the goals will be achieved. 3) Fear of failure - Intimidating changes on the job can cause employees to doubt their capabilities. Self-doubt erodes self-confidence and cripples personal growth and development. 4) Loss of status and/or job security - Administrative and technological changes that threaten to alter power bases or eliminate jobs generally trigger strong resistance. 5) Peer pressure - Someone who is not directly affected by a change may actively resist it to protect the interests of his or her friends and co-workers. 6) Past success - Success can breed complacency. It also can foster a stubbornness to change because people come to believe that what worked in the past will work in the future. Resilience to change represents a composite characteristic reflecting high self-esteem, optimism, and an internal locus of control, was positively associated with recipients' willingness to accommodate or accept a specific organizational change

One of Carl's department employees was severely injured on the job. Carl has called in psychological counselors to talk to the other employees and scheduled a series of safety trainings for the department to be completed by the end of the week. He has also asked the HR personnel to talk to the department about the disability insurance that the company offers and make sure that his employees know what is available. Carl is using ________ to help cope with the stress caused by his employee's injury.


Which of the following actions can extinguish risk taking and innovation?

Rewarding for the absence of failures rather than for the presence of successes

___________________ is a method of changing behavior through unstructured group interactions.

Sensitivity Training

_________________ involves correction errors using past routines and present policies.

Single-loop learning

Benny is stressed with the new corporate reorganization. He now reports to a foreign office that has usurped many of his responsibilities, including the contract labor for his projects. Therefore, he's working with new and less qualified contractors with whom he doesn't have a relationship. However, the managers of the other departments find themselves in the same boat, and every day they are able to laugh over lunch about their new managerial impotence. ________ is helping Benny handle his stress.

Social support

Social Support

Social support is the amount of perceived helpfulness derived from social relationships. Importantly, social support is determined by both the quantity and quality of an individual's social relationships. We receive four types of social support from others: Esteem support. Providing information that a person is accepted and respected despite any problems or inadequacies. Informational support. Providing help in defining, understanding, and coping with problems. Social companionship. Spending time with others in leisure and recreational activities. Instrumental support. Providing financial aid, material resources, or needed services.

Organizations are increasingly adjusting their processes and positioning their products as environment friendly and sustainable in order to increase their appeal to customers. This is a response to changes in ________________.

Social trends

_________________ is a dynamic condition in which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, demand, or resource related to what the individual desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.


After restructuring, your division has had trouble filling the open positions with appropriate candidates. The selection processes used by human resources have not yet adjusted to the new criteria required for the restructured job positions. This problem is an example of which kind of resistance to change?

Structural Inertia

Organizations have built-in mechanisms--like their selection processes and formalized regulations--to produce stability. When an organization is confronted with change, these mechanisms act as a counterbalance to sustain stability. Which of the following organizational sources of resistance to change is represented by these mechanisms?

Structural inertia

A Systems Model of Change

Systems Approach -Based on the notion that any change, no matter how large or small, has a cascading effect throughout an organization -Takes a "big picture" perspective of organizational change Mission statement represents the "reason" an organization exists Vision a long-term goal that describes "what" an organization wants to become Strategic plan -outlines an organization's long-term direction and the actions necessary to achieve planned results -based on results from a SWOT analysis Applying the Systems Model of Change Two ways to apply the systems model: -Aid during the strategic planning process -Using the model as a diagnostic framework to determine the causes of an organizational problem and to propose solutions

T/F Belonging creates paradoxes between establishing a sense of collective identity and acknowledging our desire to be recognized and accepted as unique individuals.


T/F Cooptation combines manipulation and participation.


T/F Employees are more accepting of changes when they are committed to the organization as a whole.


T/F In the case of process consultation, the consultants do not solve the organization's problems but rather guide or coach the client to solve his or her own problems after jointly diagnosing what needs improvement.


T/F Intergroup development seeks to change groups' attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that groups have each other.


T/F Paradox theory states the key paradox in management is that there is no final optimal status for an organization.


T/F Passion for change among entrepreneurs is greatest when work roles and the social environment encourage them to put their creative identities forward.


T/F Resistance to change can be positive if it leads to open discussion and debate


T/F The single factor most consistently related to stress in the workplace is the amount of work that needs to be done, followed closely by the presence of looming deadlines.


Which of the following, if true, would weaken the argument to use coercive techniques in this situation?

The company just finished its peak season, during which employees were required to work overtime and on weekends.

Fony Corp., headquartered in China, is a leading manufacturer of electronic devices and solutions intended for professional markets. The company is considering upgrading the technology currently being used at Fony's manufacturing facility, located in Guangdong, that specializes in producing lithium-ion batteries, which are used to power laptops, cameras, cell phones, and other similar gadgets. The new technology is expected to increase efficiency levels and will also allow for greater adherence to quality standards. Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument that Fony Corp. should upgrade its technology?

The technology which the company is considering adopting was recently developed and has not yet been successfully implemented in a real business context.

A Generic Typology of Organizational Change

This typology is generic because it relates to all sorts of change, including both administrative and technological changes. Adaptive change is lowest in complexity, cost, and uncertainty. It involves reimplementation of a change in the same organizational unit at a later time or imitation of a similar change by a different unit. Adaptive changes are not particularly threatening to employees because they are familiar. Innovative changes fall midway on the continuum of complexity, cost, and uncertainty. Unfamiliarity, and hence greater uncertainty, make fear of change a problem with innovative changes. At the high end of the continuum of complexity, cost, and uncertainty are radically innovative changes. Changes of this sort are the most difficult to implement and tend to be the most threatening to managerial confidence and employee job security. At the same time, however, radically innovative changes potentially realize the greatest benefits. Importantly, radical changes must be supported by an organization's culture. Organizational change is more likely to fail if it is inconsistent with any of the three levels of organizational culture: observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions

Louise is overwhelmed with the new tasks that she has been assigned after the department merger. Each day, she arrives at work and makes a list of the new tasks, writes a number next to each one according to the urgency of completion, and schedules a time to complete each one. Although she's still stressed, Louise is able to get most of the work done and feels better at the end of the day. Louise is using ________ techniques to reduce her stress.


Lewin's Change Model

Unfreezing: the organization eliminates rewards for current behavior Moving: the organization initiates new options and explains their rationale Refreezing: organizational culture and formal rewards systems encourage the new behaviors

During the dreaming step of appreciative inquiry, participants ________________.

Use information from the discovery phase to speculate on possible futures.

Risa has to work long hours and sometimes weekends, losing out on family time. Risa doesn't find her long hours overly stressful, but rather she sees it as her contribution to maintaining her family's equilibrium and well-being and bettering her children's future. In which country is Risa most likely employed?


Organizationally supported programs that focus on the employee's total physical and mental condition, such as helping them quit smoking or control alcohol use, are called ____________________.


Team Building

an intervention designed to improve the effectiveness of a work group


are environmental factors that produce stress. Stated differently, stressors are a prerequisite to experiencing the stress response. he most common examples of individual stressors are job demands, work overload, role conflict, role ambiguity, everyday hassles, perceived control over events occurring in the work environment, and job characteristics. Losing one's job is another important individual-level stressor. Group-level stressors are caused by group dynamics and managerial behavior. Managers create stress for employees by (1) exhibiting inconsistent behaviors, (2) failing to provide support, (3) showing lack of concern, (4) providing inadequate direction, (5) creating a high-productivity environment, and (6) focusing on negatives while ignoring good performance. Sexual harassment experiences and bullying represent other group-level stressors. Stress is higher for people with lower socioeconomic status, which represents a combination of (1) economic status, as measured by income; (2) social status, assessed by education level; and (3) work status, as indexed by occupation.

Management by Objectives

involves joint goal setting between employees and managers

Type A Behavior Pattern

is an action-emotion complex that can be observed in any person who is aggressively involved in a chronic, incessant struggle to achieve more and more in less and less time, and if required to do so, against the opposing efforts of other things or persons. It is not psychosis or a complex of worries or fears or phobias or obsessions, but a socially acceptable—indeed often praised—form of conflict. Persons possessing this pattern also are quite prone to exhibit a free-floating but, extraordinarily well-rationalized hostility. As might be expected, there are degrees in the intensity of this behavior pattern.

Appreciative inquiry (AI) is an organizational development technique. Which of the following statements is true regarding appreciative inquiry?

it consists of four steps including discovery, dreaming design and destiny.

Lewin's Change Model

it is important to highlight the assumptions underlying this model: -The change process involves learning something new, as well as discontinuing current attitudes, behaviors, or organizational practices. -Change will not occur unless there is motivation to change. This is often the most difficult part of the change process. -People are the hub of all organizational changes. Any change, whether in terms of structure, group process, reward systems, or job design, requires individuals to change. -Resistance to change is found even when the goals of change are highly desirable. -Effective change requires reinforcing new behaviors, attitudes, and organizational practices. Unfreezing -Focus is to create the motivation to change -Begin by disconfirming the usefulness or appropriateness of employees' present behaviors or attitudes Benchmarking -the overall process by which a company compares its performance with that of other companies, then learns how the strongest-performing companies achieve their results Changing -providing employees with new information, new behavioral models, new processes or procedures, new equipment, new technology, or new ways of getting the job done -change can be aimed at improvement or growth, or it can focus on solving a problem such as poor customer service or low productivity Refreezing -Change is supported by helping employees integrate the changed behavior or attitude into their normal way of doing things -Giving employees the chance to exhibit new behaviors, which are then reinforced

psychological detachment

not being involved in work-related activities, thoughts, or feelings during nonwork time. These activities can include making phone calls, answering e-mail, thinking about projects and activities that must be completed in the near term, and just plain thinking and talking about people at work. is positively associated with life satisfaction and psychological well-being, and negatively with emotional exhaustion and psychosomatic complaints.

secondary appraisal

occurs only in response to a stressful primary appraisal and entails an assessment of what might and can be done to reduce the level of perceived stress. During this evaluation a person considers which coping strategies are available and which ones are most likely to help resolve the situation at hand. Ultimately, the combination of an individual's primary and secondary appraisal influences the choice of coping strategies used to reduce stress.

Which of the following stressors is likely to produce less strain than what other stressors?

pressure to complete tasks

Quality Programs

programs that embed product and service quality excellence in the organizational culture

Bart has a new idea for a way to cut costs in his department, but he is not willing to share his idea with his boss because the last department head that tried new cost cutting methods was recently fired because the new methods could not achieve expected results. Based on the example, how can Bart's company improve the culture to create innovation?

reward both successes and failures

Organization Development

systematic approach to organizational improvement that applies behavioral science theory and research in order to increase individual and organizational well-being and effectiveness

Target Elements of Change

the components of an organization that may be changed. A problem exists when managers are not obtaining the results they desire. The target elements of change are used to diagnose problems and to identify change-related solutions. -Organizational arrangements -Social factors -Methods -People

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