Organizational Behavior: Chapter 1-4

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Organizational Culture Layers

Basic assumptions: Constitute organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior *Observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions

Barriers to implementing successful diversity programs:

Inaccurate stereotypes and prejudice. Ethnocentrism Poor career planning A negative diversity climate An unsupportive and hostile working environment for diverse employees Lack of political savvy on the part of diverse employees Difficulty in balancing career and family issues Fears of reverse discrimination Diversity is not seen as an organizational priority The need to revamp the organization's performance appraisal and reward system Resistance to change

Organizational Behavior (OB)

Interdisciplinary field dedicated to better understanding and managing people at work. -Deals with how people act and react in organizations of all kinds. -Research and application oriented -3 Basic Levels: individual, group, organizational

Cross-cultural management

explains the behavior of people in organizations around the world and shows people how to work in organizations with employee and client populations from many different cultures."64 Historically, cross-cultural management research has focused almost exclusively on cultural differences. One researcher, troubled by inappropriate cross-cultural comparisons, recently called this approach "comparing chopsticks with forks


occurs when an employee reports a perceived unethical and/or illegal activity to a third party such as government agencies, news media, or public-interest groups

Individualistic culture

characterized as "I" and "me" cultures, give priority to individual freedom and choice emphasize personal responsibility for one's affairs. This is no small matter in an aging society:

Social Capital

productive potential resulting from strong relationships, goodwill, trust, and cooperative effort


refers to anyone living or working outside their home country.


represents a long-term goal that describes "what" an organization wants to become.

GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness)

attempt to develop an empirically based theory to describe, understand, and predict the impact of specific cultural variables on leadership and organizational processes and the effectiveness of these processes

Contingency approach

calls for using management techniques in a situationally appropriate manner, instead of trying to rely on "one best way" or "one size fits all

Hierarchy Culture

-Control is the driving force -has an internal focus, which produces a more formalized and structured work environment, and values stability and control over flexibility. -leads to the development of reliable internal processes, extensive measurement, and the implementation of a variety of control mechanisms. Effectiveness in a company with this type of culture is likely to be assessed with measures of efficiency, timeliness, quality, safety, and reliability of producing and delivering products and services.

Workforce demographics

-statistical profiles of the characteristics and composition of the adult working population, -enable managers to anticipate and adjust for surpluses or shortages of appropriately skilled individuals.


A system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people. Organizations are a social invention helping us to achieve things collectively that we could not achieve alone

Human and Social Capital

HRM has become increasingly important as firms have come to realize the value of their human resources in improving productivity; its critical to the bottom line performance of the firm and the HR planning has become part of the strategic planning process

Historical Perspective

The study of a subject in light of its earliest phases and subsequent evolution. *The object is to sharpen one's vision of the present, not the past.

Build Relationships

This approach is based on the premise that good relationships can overcome differences. It addresses diversity by fostering quality relationships—characterized by acceptance and understanding—among diverse groups


This option maintains the current way of doing things by setting the diverse person off to the side. In this way the individual is unable to influence organizational change. Managers can isolate people by putting them on special projects. Entire work groups or departments are isolated by creating functionally independent entities, frequently referred to as "silos."

Phase 2: Encounter

This second phase begins when the employment contract has been signed. During the encounter phase employees come to learn what the organization is really like. It is a time for reconciling unmet expectations and making sense of a new work environment. Onboarding is one such technique.

Contrasting High-Context and Low-Context Cultures

True to form, Germany has precise written rules for even the smallest details of daily life.39 In high-context cultures, agreements tend to be made on the basis of someone's word or a handshake, after a prolonged get-acquainted and trust-building period. Low-context Americans and Canadians, at least those with cultural roots in Northern Europe, see the handshake as a signal to get a signature on a detailed, lawyer-approved, ironclad contract.


Differences are squelched or discouraged when using this approach. This can be done by telling or reinforcing others to quit whining and complaining about issues. The old "you've got to pay your dues" line is another frequently used way to promote the status quo.

PE Fit

PE fit is defined "as the compatibility between an individual and a work environment that occurs when their characteristics are well matched. first must conduct an evaluation of your strengths, weaknesses, and values. Next, do the same for the company or department at hand by doing research about the company on the Internet or talking with current employees. This information will now enable you to prepare a set of diagnostic questions to ask during the interview process. These questions need to focus on determining your level of fit.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

The notion that corporations have an obligation to constituent groups in society other than stockholders and beyond that prescribed by law or union contract.

Case Study

an in-depth analysis of a single individual, group, or organization, Because of their limited scope, case studies yield realistic but not very generalizable results.


an outgrowth of affirmative action programs. Its primary goal is to either increase or decrease the number of diverse people at all levels of the organizations.

Culture Shock

involves anxiety and doubt caused by an overload of unfamiliar expectations and social cues The best defense against culture shock is comprehensive cross-cultural training, including intensive language study. Once again, the best way to pick up subtle—yet important—social cues is via the local language.

morally attentive

meaning they faithfully consider the ethical implications of their actions and circumstances

Phase 1: Anticipatory Socialization

occurs before an individual actually joins an organization. It is represented by the information people have learned about different careers, occupations, professions, and organizations. Anticipatory socialization information comes from many sources. An organization's current employees are a powerful source of anticipatory socialization. So are the Internet and social media. -realistic job preview (RJP) involves giving recruits a realistic idea of what lies ahead by presenting both positive and negative aspects of the job.

Collectivist culture

oppositely called "we" and "us" cultures, rank shared goals higher than individual desires and goals Collectivist cultures, oppositely called "we" and "us" cultures, rank shared goals higher than individual desires and goals. People in collectivist cultures are expected to subordinate their own wishes and goals to those of the relevant social unit.

Strategic Plan

outlines an organization's long-term goals and the actions necessary to achieve these goals

Information/decision-making theory

proposes that diverse groups should outperform homogeneous groups.

Developmental relationship strength

reflects the quality of relationships among the individual and those involved in his or her developmental network A receptive developmental network is composed of a few weak ties from one social system such as an employer or a professional association. traditional network contains a few strong ties between an employee and developers that all come from one social system.

Monochronic time

revealed in the ordered, precise, schedule-driven use of public time that typifies and even caricatures efficient Northern Europeans and North Americans Low-context cultures, such as in the United States, tend to run on monochronic time, while higher-context cultures, such as in Central America's Costa Rica, tend to run on polychronic time. People in polychronic cultures view time as flexible, fluid, and multidimensional. For example, imagine yourself doing business in the Persian Gulf nation of Qatar:

Organizational Culture Layers - Basic Assumptions

unobservable and represent the core of organizational culture. They constitute organizational values that have become so taken for granted over time that they become assumptions that guide organizational behavior. They thus are highly resistant to change

Diversity climate

Employees' aggregate perceptions about an organization's policies, practices, and procedures pertaining to diversity

Four Functions of Organizational Culture

Give members an organizational identity. Facilitate collective commitment. Promote social system stability. Shape behavior by helping members make sense of their surroundings.

Field Study

probes individual or group processes in an organizational setting. Because field studies involve real-life situations, their results often have immediate and practical relevance for managers.


programs help employees to integrate, assimilate, and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, culture, and politics and by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities.


the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives, efficiently and ethically, in the face of constant change -Dealing effectively with people is what management is all about. -Managers with high skills mastery tend to have better subunit performance and employee morale than managers with low skills mastery -Effective female and male managers do not have significantly different skill profiles,59 contrary to claims in the popular business press in recent years -At all career stages, derailed managers (those who failed to achieve their potential) tended to be the ones who overestimated their skill mastery (rated themselves higher than their employees did)

Managing Diversity

-entails enabling people to perform up to their maximum potential -focuses on changing an organization's culture and infrastructure such that people provide the highest productivity possible

Sample Survey

samples of people from specified populations respond to questionnaires. The researchers then draw conclusions about the relevant population. Generalizability of the results depends on the quality of the sampling and questioning techniques.

polychronic time

seen in the multiple and cyclical activities and concurrent involvement with different people in Mediterranean, Latin American, and especially Arab cultures

Percentage Change in US Population by Race

Unfortunately, three additional trends suggest that current-day minority groups are experiencing their own glass ceiling. First, minorities in general are advancing less in the managerial and professional ranks than whites. Second, the number of race-based charges of discrimination that were deemed to show reasonable cause by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission increased from 294 in 1995 to 1,061 in 2008. Finally, a number of studies showed that minorities experienced more perceived discrimination, racism-related stress, and less psychological support than whites.

Cultural Influences on Organizational Behavior

Societal culture is shaped by the various environmental factors listed in the left-hand side Once inside the organization's sphere of influence, the individual is further affected by the organization's culture. Mixing of societal and organizational cultures can produce interesting dynamics in multinational companies.


Toleration entails acknowledging differences but not valuing or accepting them. It represents a live-and-let-live approach that superficially allows organizations to give lip service to the issue of managing diversity. Toleration is different from isolation in that it allows for the inclusion of diverse people. However, differences are not really valued or accepted when an organization uses this option.

Human Capital

is the productive potential of an individual's knowledge and actions

Demographic fault line

-"hypothetical dividing lines that may split a group into subgroups based on one or more attributes." -Fault lines form when work-group members possess varying demographic characteristics and negative interpersonal processes occur when people align themselves based on salient fault lines or demographic characteristics. Fault lines form when work-group members possess varying demographic characteristics (e.g., gender, age, ethnicity), and negative interpersonal processes occur when people align themselves based on salient fault lines or demographic characteristics.

developmental personal and organizational implications

five key personal implications to consider. First, it is important to foster a broad developmental network because the number and quality of your contacts will influence your career success. Second, job and career satisfaction are likely to be influenced by the consistency between your career goals and the type of developmental network at your disposal. Third, a developer's willingness to provide career and psychosocial assistance is a function of the protégé/protégée's ability and potential and the quality of the interpersonal relationship Fourth, it is important to become proficient at using social networking tools such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook Finally, you should develop a mentoring plan. Experts suggest that this plan should include the following components:70 - Identify and prioritize your mentoring goals. These goals should be based on a determination of what you want to learn. - Identify people who are skilled or experienced in areas you want to improve. Don't overlook your peers as they are a good source of functional, technical, and organizational knowledge. - Determine how best to build a relationship with these "targeted" individuals. -Determine how you can provide value to your mentor. Because mentoring is a two-way street, others are more likely to help you if they see some value in assisting you in the pursuit of your career goals. -Determine when it is time to move on. Mentors are not forever. If you believe that your mentor is ineffective, or worse yet, causing more harm than benefit, find a new mentor.

Organizational culture

set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about and reacts to its various environments can impact employee motivation, satisfaction, and turnover can be a source of competitive advantage managers can influence organizational culture

realistic job preview (RJP)

involves giving recruits a realistic idea of what lies ahead by presenting both positive and negative aspects of the job.

21st-Century Managers

-Teams are pushing aside the individual as the primary building block of organizations. -Command-and-control management is giving way to participative management and empowerment. -Ego-centered leaders are being replaced by customer-centered leaders. -Employees increasingly are being viewed as internal customers.


The basic premise behind this alternative is that all diverse people will learn to fit in or become like the dominant group. It only takes time and reinforcement for people to see the light. Organizations initially assimilate employees through their recruitment practices and the use of company orientation programs. New hires generally are put through orientation programs that aim to provide employees with the organization's preferred values and a set of standard operating procedures.

Reasonable Religious Accommodation

any adjustment to the work environment that will allow the employee to practice his religion. Examples of reasonable accommodation include: flexible scheduling, voluntary substitutions or swaps, job reassignments and lateral transfers, and modification of grooming requirements.

Principles of TQM

-Do it right the first time to eliminate costly rework and product recalls. -Listen to and learn from customers and employees. -Make continuous improvement an everyday matter. -Build teamwork, trust, and mutual respect. -The organization's culture is defined by and supports the constant attainment of customer satisfaction through an integrated system of tools, techniques, and training. This involves the continuous improvement of organizational processes, resulting in high-quality products and services

Organizational Culture Layers - Espoused Values

-Values possess five key components. "Values (1) are concepts or beliefs, (2) pertain to desirable end-states or behaviors, (3) transcend situations, (4) guide selection or evaluation of behavior and events, and (5) are ordered by relative importance."7 It is important to distinguish between values that are espoused versus those that are enacted. -Espoused values represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization. They are generally established by the founder of a new or small company and by the top management team in a larger organization. -Because espoused values represent aspirations that are explicitly communicated to employees, managers hope that those values will directly influence employee behavior. -It is important for managers to reduce gaps between espoused and enacted values because they can significantly influence employee attitudes and organizational performance

Organizational Culture Layers - Observable artifacts

-consist of the physical manifestation of an organization's culture. Organizational examples include acronyms, manner of dress, awards, myths and stories told about the organization, published lists of values, observable rituals and ceremonies, special parking spaces, decorations -also includes visible behaviors exhibited by people and groups -Artifacts are easier to change than the less visible aspects of organizational culture

Social categorization theory

-holds that similarities and differences are used as a basis for categorizing self and others into groups, with ensuing categorizations distinguishing between one's own in-group and one or more out-groups. -People tend to like and trust in-group members more than out-group members and generally favor in-groups over out-groups.


-represents the multitude of individual differences and similarities that exist among people -pertains to the host of individual differences that make all of us unique and different from others

Outcomes Associated with Organizational Culture

1 - Clearly related to measures of organizational effectiveness. 2 - Employees are more satisfied and committed to organizations with clan cultures. 3 - Innovation and quality can be increased by building characteristics associated with clan, adhocracy, and market cultures into the organization. 4 - An organization's financial performance is not very strongly related to organizational culture. 5 - Companies with market cultures tend to have more positive organizational outcomes.

Managing Age-Related

The following seven initiatives can help to keep older workers engaged and committed to working.50 -Provide challenging work assignments that make a difference to the firm. -Give the employee considerable autonomy and latitude in completing a task. -Provide equal access to training and learning opportunities when it comes to new technology. -Provide frequent recognition for skills, experience, and wisdom gained over the years. -Provide mentoring opportunities whereby older workers can pass on accumulated knowledge to younger employees. -Ensure that older workers receive sensitive, high-quality supervision. -Design a work environment that is both stimulating and fun.

Socialization Mangement

five practical guidelines for managing organizational socialization -effective onboarding programs resulted in increased retention, productivity, and rates of task completion for new hires. - reinforce a culture that promotes ethical behavior. Managers are encouraged to consider how they might best set expectations regarding ethical behavior during all three phases of the socialization process -The type of orientation program used to socialize employees affects their expectations and behavior. -Support for stage models is mixed. Although there are different stages of socialization, they are not identical in order, length, or content for all people or jobs. -Managers should pay attention to the socialization of diverse employees.

Carroll's Global Corporate Social Responsibility Pyramid

from the bottom up, advises organizations in the global economy to: - Make a profit consistent with expectations for international businesses. - Obey the law of host countries as well as international law. - Be ethical in its practices, taking host-country and global standards into consideration. - Be a good corporate citizen, especially as defined by the host country's expectations


85-15 rule.31 Specifically, when things go wrong, there is roughly an 85% chance the system (including management, machinery, and rules) is at fault. Only about 15% of the time is the individual employee at fault


A statistical pooling technique that permits behavioral scientists to draw general conclusions about certain variables from many different studies. It typically encompasses a vast number of subjects, often reaching the thousands. Are instructive because they focus on general patterns of research evidence, not fragmented bits and pieces or isolated studies.

Human Relations Movement

Grew out of the Hawthorne studies; proposed that workers respond primarily to the social context of work including social conditioning, group norms and interpersonal dynamics; assumed that the managers concern for workers would lead to increased worker satisfaction and improved worker performance

Process of Culture Change

Organizational members teach each other about the organization's preferred values, beliefs, expectations, and behaviors four caveats about culture change. First, leaders are the architects and developers of organizational culture, and managing organizational culture is one of the most important functions of leadership. Second, the process of culture change essentially begins with targeting one of the three layers of organizational culture previously discussed—observable artifacts, espoused values, and basic assumptions. That said, culture will not change in a significant way unless managers are able to change basic underlying assumptions. Third, it is important to consider the extent to which the current culture is aligned with the organization's vision and strategic plan before attempting to change any aspect of organizational culture.


People using this option deny that differences exist. Denial may manifest itself in proclamations that all decisions are color, gender, and age blind and that success is solely determined by merit and performance.

GLOBE Cultural Dimensions Rankings

The nine cultural dimensions from the GLOBE project are Power distance. How much unequal distribution of power should there be in organizations and society? Uncertainty avoidance. How much should people rely on social norms and rules to avoid uncertainty and limit unpredictability? Institutional collectivism. How much should leaders encourage and reward loyalty to the social unit, as opposed to the pursuit of individual goals? In-group collectivism. How much pride and loyalty should individuals have for their family or organization? Gender egalitarianism. How much effort should be put into minimizing gender discrimination and role inequalities? Assertiveness. How confrontational and dominant should individuals be in social relationships? Future orientation. How much should people delay gratification by planning and saving for the future? Performance orientation. How much should individuals be rewarded for improvement and excellence? Humane orientation. How much should society encourage and reward people for being kind, fair, friendly, and generous?

Organizational Culture

The set of shared, taken-for-granted implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments. -passed on to new employees through the process of socialization -operates at different levels -shaped by four key components: the founders' values, the industry and business environment, the national culture, and the senior leaders' vision and behavior (see conceptual framework)

Societal culture

a set of beliefs and values about what is desirable and undesirable in a community of people, and a set of formal or informal practices to support the values *Complex and multilayered culture influences organizational behavior in two ways. Employees bring their societal culture to work with them in the form of customs and language. Organizational culture, a by-product of societal culture, in turn affects the individual's values, ethics, attitudes, assumptions, and expectations.

Demographic Fault Line

as "hypothetical dividing lines that may split a group into subgroups based on one or more attributes.

Adhocracy Culture

has an external focus and values flexibility. This type of culture fosters the creation of innovative products and services by being adaptable, creative, and fast to respond to changes in the marketplace. Adhocracy cultures do not rely on the type of centralized power and authority relationships that are part of market and hierarchical cultures. They empower and encourage employees to take risks, think outside the box, and experiment with new ways of getting things done. This type of culture is well suited for start-up companies, those in industries undergoing constant change, and those in mature industries that are in need of innovation to enhance growth.


occurs when employment decisions about an individual are due to reasons not associated with performance or are not related to the job. For example, organizations cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, physical and mental disabilities, and pregnancy.

Foster Mutual Adaptation

people are willing to adapt or change their views for the sake of creating positive relationships with others. This implies that employees and management alike must be willing to accept differences and, most important, agree that everyone and everything is open for change.

Organizational Socialization

process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors which permit him to participate as a member of the organization -turns outsiders into fully functioning insiders by promoting and reinforcing the organization's core values and beliefs. -Daniel Feldman has proposed a three-phase model of organizational socialization that promotes deeper understanding of this important process. As illustrated in Figure 3-5, the three phases are (1) anticipatory socialization, (2) encounter, and (3) change and acquisition.

Competing Values Framework

provides a practical way for managers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture One axis pertains to whether an organization focuses its attention and efforts on internal dynamics and employees or outward toward its external environment and its customers and shareholders. The second is concerned with an organization's preference for flexibility and discretion or control and stability. Combining these two axes creates four types of organizational culture that are based on different core values and different sets of criteria for accessing organizational effectiveness. **the clan culture—upper-left quadrant—is represented by values that emphasize an internal focus and flexibility, whereas the market culture—bottom-right quadrant—has an external focus and concern for stability and control. You can see the same conflict between an adhocracy culture that values flexibility and an external focus and a hierarchy culture that endorses stability and control along with an internal focus.

developmental relationships diversity of

reflects the variety of people within the network an individual uses for developmental assistance. There are two subcomponents associated with network diversity: (1) the number of different people the person is networked with and (2) the various social systems from which the networked relationships stem


represents "a company's ability to make a profit without sacrificing the resources of its people, the community, and the planet

Glass ceiling

represents an absolute barrier or solid roadblock that prevents women from advancing to higher-level positions

Phase 3: Change and Acquisition

requires employees to master important tasks and roles and to adjust to their work group's values and norms. This will only occur when employees have a clear understanding about their roles necessitates that employees have a clear understanding regarding the use of social media


the process of forming and maintaining developmental relationships between a mentor and a junior person Mentoring can serve to embed an organization's culture when developers and the protégé/protégée work in the same organization for two reasons. First, mentoring contributes to creating a sense of oneness by promoting the acceptance of the organization's core values throughout the organization. Second, the socialization aspect of mentoring also promotes a sense of membership. two general functions—career and psychosocial—of the mentoring process. Five career functions that enhanced career development were sponsorship, exposure-and-visibility, coaching, protection, and challenging assignments. Four psychosocial functions were role modeling, acceptance-and-confirmation, counseling, and friendship. The psychosocial functions clarified the participants' identities and enhanced their feelings of competence

Clan Culture

-A clan culture has an internal focus and values flexibility rather than stability and control. It resembles a family-type organization in which effectiveness is achieved by encouraging collaboration between employees. This type of culture is very "employee-focused" and strives to instill cohesion through consensus and job satisfaction and commitment through employee involvement. -Clan organizations devote considerable resources to hiring and developing their employees, and they view customers as partners.

organizational culture Outcomes associated with

1) Organizational culture is clearly related to measures of organizational effectiveness 2) Employees are more satisfied and committed to organizations with clan cultures 3) An organizations financial performance is not very strongly related to organizational culture 4) Companies with market culture tend to have more positive organizational outcomes 5) Innovation and quality can be increased by building characteristics associated with clan, adhocracy and market cultures into the organizations 6) Customer satisfaction is most strongly related to market cultures 7) Hierarchy cultures are not associated with positive outcomes

Internet and Social Media Revolution

Because of _________ traditional media such as newspapers radio and television are less important for the younger generation

work-related value for each of five religious affiliations:

Catholic. Consideration ("Concern that employees be taken seriously, be kept informed, and that their judgments be used.") Protestant. Employer effectiveness ("Desire to work for a company that is efficient, successful, and a technological leader.") Buddhist. Social responsibility ("Concern that the employer be a responsible part of society.") Muslim. Continuity ("Desire for stable environment, job longevity, reduction of uncertainty.") No religious preference. Professional challenge ("Concern with having a job that provides learning opportunities and opportunities to use skills well.")

Avoiding cultural collisions

People on both sides of the context barrier must be trained to make adjustments. A new employee should be greeted by a group consisting of his or her boss, several colleagues who have similar duties, and an individual located near the newcomer. Background information is essential when explaining anything. Include the history and personalities involved. Do not assume the newcomer is self-reliant. Give explicit instructions not only about objectives, but also about the process involved. High-context workers from abroad need to learn to ask questions outside their department and function. Foreign workers must make an effort to become more self-reliant

high-context cultures

Primary meaning derived from nonverbal situational cues high-context cultures—including China, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Mexico, and Arab cultures—rely heavily on situational cues for meaning when perceiving and communicating with others. Nonverbal cues such as one's official position, status, or family connections convey messages more powerfully than do spoken words.

Cultural intelligence

ability to interpret ambiguous cross-cultural situations correctly the culturally intelligent person requires knowledge of culture and of the fundamental principles of cross-cultural interactions. This means knowing what culture is, how cultures vary, and how culture affects behavior. Second, the culturally intelligent person needs to practice mindfulness, the ability to pay attention in a reflective and creative way to cues in the cross-cultural situations encountered and to one's own knowledge and feelings. Third, based on knowledge and mindfulness, the culturally intelligent person develops cross-cultural skills and becomes competent across a wide range of situations. These skills involve choosing the appropriate behavior from a well-developed repertoire of behaviors that are correct for different intercultural situations

Culture Change in Organization

accomplished by using one or more of the following mechanisms: -Formal statements of organizational philosophy, mission, vision, values, and materials used for recruiting, selection, and socialization. -The design of physical space, work environments, and buildings. -Slogans, language, acronyms, and sayings. -Deliberate role modeling, training programs, teaching, and coaching by managers and supervisors. -Explicit rewards, status symbols (e.g., titles), and promotion criteria. -Stories, legends, or myths about key people and events. -The organizational activities, processes, or outcomes that leaders pay attention to, measure, and control. -Leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises. -The workflow and organizational structure. -Organizational systems and procedures. -Organizational goals and the associated criteria used for recruitment, selection, development, promotion, layoffs, and retirement of people.

Affirmative Action

an artificial intervention aimed at giving management a chance to correct an imbalance, an injustice, a mistake, or outright discrimination that occurred in the past. Affirmative action does not legitimize quotas. Quotas are illegal. They can only be imposed by judges who conclude that a company has engaged in discriminatory practices. It also is important to note that under no circumstances does affirmative action require companies to hire unqualified people. (1) affirmative action plans are perceived more negatively by white males than women and minorities because it is perceived to work against their own self-interests (2) affirmative action plans are viewed more positively by people who are liberals and Democrats than conservatives and Republicans (3) affirmative action plans are not supported by people who possess racist or sexist attitudes


belief that one's native country, culture, language, and behavior are superior to all others. can effectively deal with ethnocentrism through education, greater cross-cultural awareness, international experience, and a conscious effort to value cultural diversity


involves the study of moral issues and choices. It is concerned with right versus wrong, good versus bad, and the many shades of gray in supposedly black-and-white issues.

Market Culture

has a strong external focus and values stability and control. Organizations with this culture are driven by competition and a strong desire to deliver results and accomplish goals. Because this type of culture is focused on the external environment, customers and profits take precedence over employee development and satisfaction. The major goal of managers is to drive toward productivity, profits, and customer satisfaction.

Cross-cultural training

is any type of structured experience designed to help departing employees (and their families) adjust to a foreign culture. The trend is toward more such training in the United States. Easiest. Predeparture training is limited to informational materials, including books, lectures, films, videos, and Internet searches. Moderately difficult. Experiential training is conducted through case studies, role playing, simulations, and introductory language instruction. Most difficult. Departing employees are given some combination of the preceding methods plus comprehensive language instruction and field experience in the target culture. As an example of the latter, PepsiCo transfers "about 25 young foreign managers a year to the US for one-year assignments in bottling plants.

Foreign Assignment Cycle

the first and last stages of the cycle occur at home. The middle two stages occur in the foreign or host country. Each stage hides an OB-related trouble spot that needs to be anticipated and neutralized. Otherwise, the bill for another failed foreign assignment will grow.


the study of cultural expectations about interpersonal space four interpersonal distance zones. Some call them space bubbles. They are intimate distance, personal distance, social distance, and public distance.


using the Internet to facilitate every aspect of running a business, including the management of virtual teams

Laboratory Study

variables are manipulated and measured in contrived situations. College students are commonly used as subjects.

low-context cultures

written and spoken words carry the burden of shared meanings. Low-context cultures include those found in Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, North America, and Great Britain

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