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Now I need to know which extinguisher I should use to put out a Class A fire that involves wood. Which extinguisher should I use?

"Air-pressurized Water Extinguishers (APW)" is the correct answer.

Hi. I'm Arun. I'm trying to study for my fire extinguisher test and I could really use some help. I need to find a fire extinguisher which can be used in the commercial kitchen. It's one that suitable for putting out grease fires.

"Class K - Dry and Wet Chemical Extinguisher"

A crane boom

is an incline spar, strut, or other long member supporting the hoisting tackle.

A load

is the weight of the object being lifted by the crane. This weight includes the load block and hook, wire rope, rigging, boom attachments, and ancillary attachments.

Who should be trained on the contents of an Emergency Action Plan?

Every employee

Main Cranes, hazards

Contact with Power Lines Overturns: (Weather, outrigger failure, overweight) Mechanical Failures Falls: (Missing handralls, bad driveing)

Distracted types while driving

1. Visual: looking away from the roadway. 2. Auditory: hearing noises that prevent you from making the best use of your hearing or that draw your attention away from driving. 3. Biomechanical (or Manual): doing something physically that is not related to driving like reaching for something or taking your hands off the wheel. 4. Cognitive: mentally thinking about something other than driving. Remember that texting and driving combines all four of these types of distractions into one, which increases your risk and the risk of other drivers on the road of being in an accident. Never text and drive!

How far must you be from power lines at a minimum while operating a crane?

10 ft for operating crane. 20 ft other equipment or operating areas.

According to Federal law, anyone what age or younger is prohibited from driving on public roads as part of their job?

16 or younger 0-0 (This should be higher)

Fire extinguishers Types

A: Wood, fabric, common materials B: Liquids or gasses that Burn. C: Electracal D: Combustible Metals (such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, and potassium) K: Cookign fires, from fats or animal oils.

Which of the following requirements must employers satisfy? A. Provide PPE necessary to protect employees who are operating hand and power tools and are exposed to hazards. B. Comply with OSHA training and inspection standards related to hand and power tools. C. Determine which manufacturer's requirements and recommendations for a tool should be followed. D. Do not issue or permit the use of unsafe hand tools.

All expect C I suppose for power tools to not listen to what the manufacture says.

What is an EAP

An emergency action plan (EAP) is a written document required by particular OSHA standards. Eap kinda feels like EEP- and liek you don't want to EEP when the building is on fire.

car accident

Are caused the most by distraction.

Fight or Flight.

Based on certain things like local firehouses or weak areas. You are trained if you have to fight though. (Your safety is your first thing though)

Cranes can be overturned as a result of unknown load weights. As a crane operator, Pieter must ensure that the load is within the load chart ratings for which two elements?

Boom length and load radius (This of it like the Variables that cause the load wait to be "unknown")

Types of jacks

Bottle jack. These are used to lift everything from cars to houses. (Kinda Recreational use) Car lift which can be seen at most automobile shops. (Trained use).

Remember not to use tools that are ________ in any way.


Driving company vehicles or for work

Card 1: Management Commitment & Employee Involvement Safety should be an ongoing concern and conversation between all levels of the organization. Card 2: Written Policies & Procedures Within your company there should be materials in place detailing ways to stay safe while on the road. Card 3: Driver Agreements A clear understanding of the employer and employee's responsibilities should be in place. Card 4: Motor Vehicle Record Checks A clear history for all drivers and vehicles is imperative. Card 5: Crash Reporting & Investigation Crash reporting and investigations should be complete and up to date. Card 6: Vehicle Selection, Inspection, & Maintenance All vehicles should be properly selected, inspected, and maintained. Card 7: Disciplinary Action System A meaningful disciplinary action system should be in place and followed. Card 8: Reward/Incentive Program Rewards and incentives for safe driving can cultivate a culture of safe driving. Card 10: Regulatory Compliance Compliance with safety and operational regulations is required, but will also lead to fewer

Driveing distractions

Card 1: The Driver An accident may occur if a driver is driving too fast, has distractions, or is drowsy. Card 2: The Vehicle Vehicle failure can also cause an accident to happen. Some common examples of this are having a flat tire or brakes failing. Card 3: The Road The state of the road, be its design, slickness from weather conditions, or debris that may be on it, all contribute to accidents. Card 4: The Weather Weather conditions such as fog, rain, and snow all contribute to accidents

Lifting operations For cranes.

Center of Gravity: (Point where weight is evenly distributed) -For cranes this is based off the heavyest weights -I call it COG Leverage (When lifting rotation causes shifts of COG. ) Stability (Relationship of the load weight, Boom angle & radius to the center of gravity of the load.) - It also takes into acount Ground strength Structural Integrity (main frame, crawler truck and/or outrigger supports, boom sections, and attachments.)

Fire extinguishers Types (with Memory devices)

Class A: Ordinary combustible material fires (such as wood, cloth, paper) A for Average or Alright lets start a fire. Class B: Flammables/liquids, gases, greases B for butter the pan but not to much cause thats a fire hazard. Blumper fluid or bubbles to remind you of liquids. or gas Class C: Electrical/energized electrical equipment C for Current or charged like Electricity Class D: Combustible metals (such as magnesium, titanium, zirconium, sodium, and potassium) Dang that Banana's Potassium has some bag or Desnse metals make Destructive explosions Class K: Combustible cooking media/vegetable or animal oils and fats. Kooking. But with A K. Or Kick that cook out hes not doing a good job.

A crane is needed on a construction site where there are power lines present. What is Pieter's duty as a crane operator to prepare for crane usage near power lines?

Contact power line owners Know basic crane capacities and limitations Know location and voltage! Determine the safe areas to store materials and place machinery

A good emergency evacuation floor plan.

Designate primary and secondary exits. No emergency exits in restrooms. Exit away from rooms with hazardous materials. No emergency exits into narrow passages Exit signs show near areas. Designate an assembly area. No use of elevators. Indicate exits with wheelchair access. Indicate the employee's current location.

Powder-actuated tools rules

Do not drive fasteners into to strong or to weak. Make sure Material is not broken before use. Do not load tools until just prior to use. Think of a powder keg and remeber it has the power of a gun.

Eileen was responding to a text message on her way home from work when a deer ran out in front of her car. Which of the four main causes of accidents is involved in this situation?

Driver (Cause she wans't playing attetion.

When is in-place-Shetler good?

During a natural disaster, such as a tornado, or during a man-made event, such as when chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants are released,

What requirements must exit routes meet? Select the 5 answer options that apply. Exit to an outside area All emergency signs should be red Be sufficient for the number of people needing to exit during an emergency Be unlocked Adequately signposted Be sufficiently large

Exit to an outside area All emergency signs should be red Be sufficient for the number of people needing to exit during an emergency Be unlocked Adequately signposted Be sufficiently large

Prior to fighting any fire with a portable fire extinguisher, what should you take into account?

Fire size Atmosphere in the vicinity of the fire Fire fighter's evacuation path

If you're outside during a tornado:

Get inside a building, if possible. If shelter is not available or there is no time to get indoors, lie in a ditch or low-lying area, or crouch near a strong building. Use your arms to protect your head and neck.

Inside Tornado

Go to an interior room, hallway, storm cellar, basement, or the lowest level of the building. Get away from windows. Go to the center of the room. Avoid places with wide-span roofs such as auditoriums or cafeterias. Get under a piece of sturdy furniture. Use your arms to protect your head and neck. If in a mobile home, get out and find shelter elsewhere.

Before crane use

Ground level and strong. Turn off power lines or Sleeves (Know electricity) Know your area and machines Making others aware of hoisting activities. Barricading areas within the swing radius. Determining the safe areas to store materials and place machinery.

What are Hydraulic jacks

Hydraulic jacks are very powerful and can be used to lift very heavy objects. You should always ensure that the jack is placed on a solid surface and will not shift during operation. Do not forget that jacks should be inspected and lubricated regularly.


If there are customers provide for their safety by asking them to stay and not leave. Lock doors and Windows Account for Everyone Contaminated Air (Tape over airducts and area) Stay Informed Interior Room (Above the ground floor little window/vent) -Do not over crowd.

What do you think Madison needs to include in the fire prevention training plan?

Individual roles and responsibilities Threats, hazards, and protective actions Notification, warning, and communications procedures Means for locating family members in an emergency Emergency response procedures Evacuation, shelter, and accountability procedures Location and use of common emergency equipment Emergency shutdown procedures

Tornado procedures



Is it safe to use this table saw


Is used to lift and lower the load. is used to lift and lower the load.

How does a Fire Prevention Plan benefit your workplace?

It's less likely that a fire will occur. It's less likely that injuries will occur during an emergency. It's less likely that damage will occur during an emergency. It's less likely that employees will encounter a large fire. (So Even though it says PREVENTION, its not actually stoping fires from happening.

EAP steps

M. Uses maps (like the ones we have in school for fire drills) A. Actions (What should workers do?) R. Reasonably Expected Emergencies (Fire + god's will aka nautral)

Exit route door requirment

Made from Fire resistant materials. Have limited openings. Have an adequate number of exit routes. Lead directly outside or to a place with access to the outside. Have an exit door unlocked from the inside and side-hinged. Must meet minimum height and width requirements (at least 7 feet, 6 inches high and 28 inches wide).

What is Hydraulic power?

Many tools are hydraulically powered. Hydraulic power is power derived from liquid under pressure. Most heavy equipment uses hydraulic power.

Which elements do you think need to go in a fire prevention plan?

Means of reporting fires and other emergencies Evacuation procedures and emergency escape route assignments Procedures for employees who remain to operate critical plant operations before they evacuate Accounting for all employees after an emergency evacuation has been completed Rescue and medical duties for employees performing them Names or job titles of persons who can be contacted (NOT) Locations of supply closets

Powder-actuated tools.

Need a Licensed since they basically have the power of guns

If you're in a moving vehicle during a tornado:

Never try to "out-drive" a tornado. Get out of the vehicle and get away from it. Take shelter in a nearby building or lay down in a ditch or low-lying area. Do not hide under a bridge or overpass. (Kinda like in young shelden)

You are working on a large plant floor when you hear an explosion, which is followed by billowing smoke, debris and the fire alarm going off. Should you shelter in place?

No (Get out of their)

You are working at a beachfront facility that has very solid construction. You have finished helping to secure the facility prior to the arrival of a large hurricane. Some of your colleagues say they are going to ride out the storm at the facility but you know there is still time to follow the published evacuation route. Should you shelter in place?

No (No don't ride out the storm, if you know for sure their is time). Get out of the storms path.

You hear the tornado warning alarm sounding as you are working in your second story office area. There are a lot of windows in this large area of low cubicles. There is an interior stairwell that leads to a basement area. Should you shelter in place?

No (get to the lowest level)

Before crane work near power lines you must

One of three or All. A. De-energize and ground the lines. B. Ensure that no part of any equipment, load line, or load gets closer than 20 feet to the power lines. C. Determine the line's voltage and minimum approach distance permitted.

Common Ignition sources

Open flames (such as pilot fires) Smoking Static electricity Hotwork (such as welding, cutting, and brazing) Electrical and mechanical sparks Lightning

After coming down a long winding mountain road, Michael's brakes overheat and give out. Which of the four main causes of accidents is involved in this situation?



PASS PULL: Pull the pin. This will also break the tamper seal. AIM: Aim low, pointing the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire. NOTE: Do not touch the plastic discharge horn on CO2 extinguishers, as it gets very cold and may damage skin. SQUEEZE: Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. SWEEP: Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it appears to be out. Watch the area. If the fire re-ignites, repeat steps 2-4.

Which of the following would be addressed by an employer completing an EAP template?

Procedures for alerting people about an emergency. Responsibilities to those affected. Evacuation routes.

When must your employer take precautions to ensure that equipment and workers don't make contact with power lines during crane operations?

Right. If power lines will be closer than 20 feet to crane operations, your employer must take precautions.

Doug needs to move a heavy object and place it on a pedestal. He selects the appropriate hydraulic jack, inspects it, and ensures that all moving parts are lubricated. Is this safe or unsafe?


Scenario 1: Michaela needed to nail a couple of 2X4's to a concrete floor. She warned her co-workers and all but those assisting her left the area. Is this safe or unsafe?


How frequently should you take breaks when driving long distances?

That's correct, you should take a break every two hours when driving long distances.

What required information is missing from this evacuation floor plan?

That's correct. The floor plan should indicate the employee's current location in the building.

Why would sheltering in place under one of these desks be a poor choice in the event of a tornado?

There are windows nearby. (This means you may be on an upper floor or not in the most center area which is not ideal.

Why must exit routes follow strict criteria?

To ensure safe and timely evacuation in an emergency (Remeber OSHA wants to protect the workers!)

Guard Purpose

To protect you and others from the point of operation, in-running nip points, and rotating parts, as well as flying chips and sparks.

A fire prevention plan defines the training required for all employees who have responsibilities in the plan. Is this statement true or false?


A fire prevention plan describes all the major fire hazards at the workplace that initiate or contribute to the spread of a fire. Is this statement true or false?

True This statement is true. A fire prevention plan describes all the major fire hazards at the workplace that initiate or contribute to the spread of a fire. (It just also dose other stuff too).

A fire prevention plan must be in writing, kept in the workplace, and be made available to employees for review. However, if an employer has 10 or fewer employees, they may communicate the plan orally to employees. Is this statement true or false?

True A fire prevention plan must be in writing, kept in the workplace, and be made available to employees for review. However, if an employer has 10 or fewer employees, they may communicate the plan orally to employees.

What should you do with liquid powered tools before refueling them?

Turn it off to allow for it to chill out B) before putting in new fuels.

Rich needs to use the company band saw. He notices that the guard door is open but the latch is broken and it will not stay shut. Since he just has to do a small job and he is very careful, he proceeds. Is this safe or unsafe?


Chris needs to change a tire on his car. The car is parked on a slight incline. He grabs his bottle jack and starts to work. Is this safe or unsafe?

Unsafe (Not only is it not on a firm level surfaces its also useing the worng type of jack.

Zina has a flat tire on her large SUV. She cannot find her jack. Jeff offers her the use of his hydraulic bottle jack which is rated at 500lbs. Is this safe or unsafe?

Unsafe (That little jack dose not have enough to lift up that car) Remeber its easyier to crush a bottle than it is a car

Scenario 2: Asa needed to nail a couple of panels of drywall to wall. He had already put his tools up for the day so to save time he grabbed a powder-actuated tool. Is this safe or unsafe?

Unsafe (not the right material it will blast right through the dry wall.)

Fire prevention plan

Uses floor plans/maps to show emergency escape routes. • Tells employees what actions to take. • Covers reasonably expected emergencies. MAR

A massive amount of ammonia gas has been accidentally released near your office. You have a room without windows and relatively tightly sealed doors. Should you shelter in place?

YES (In-place means just say put, in this case)


are sheaves [pullys] or grooved pulleys in a frame with the hook, eye, and strap. (Its the werid chunk above the hook)

Looking away from the roadway to get something out of the glove box is an example of which kind of distraction?

biomechanical/manual distraction.


can be caused by natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, or hurricanes. They could also be caused by human actions, both deliberate and accidental. Examples include fires, chemical release, radiation release, or acts of hostility such as terrorist acts.

Daydreaming while driving is an example of which type of distraction?


Miguel is taking some tools to a remote work site area in the country when he sees a tornado drop down from the storm cloud on his left. He stops his truck and gets out looking for the best possible location for shelter. Where should Miguel go?

culvert (since its the lowest)

Crane accidents

instability due to poor planning Lack of communication between the operator to groudesr Improper training of operators Inadequate maintenance or inspection of crane equipment

A boom angle indicator

is an accessory device that measures the angle of the centerline of the boom base section to horizontal.

A jib

is an extension attached to the boom point which provides added boom length for lifting specified loads.

Prior to fighting any fire with a portable fire extinguisher, you must perform a risk assessment that evaluates the fire

size, the fire fighters evacuation path, the atmosphere in the vicinity of the fire.

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