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Sheshbazzar, but he is not numbered in Ezra's lists of returnees

According to tradition, Haggai came to Jerusalem under leadership of

the threshing floor of Araunah

David purchased _ with the intention of building a temple to God

Persian period

Haggai prophesied during the


It originally took _ years to complete the temple

chiasmic; two sections: the first calls to repentance, night visions, and oracles addressing fasting; the second is eschatological oracles, in two sections: word of the Lord concerning Hadrach and word of the Lord concerning Israel

How is Zechariah structured?

religious practices; the hearts of the people

Josiah's reforms changed _ but not _

the importance of establishing proper priorities, the value of the temple as a covenant symbol for Israel, and the faithfulness of God in renewing his covenant promises to David's descendants

Key Ideas of Haggai

God desires wholehearted worship, God expects faithfulness in marriage, God hates divorce, the day of the Lord affects both righteous and wicked, and an Elijah-like figure will announce the day of the Lord

Key Ideas of Malachi

Yahweh loves Jacob he is Israel's father and desires honest worship he is father of all Israelites and expects true faithfulness he wants honesty, not words, because he is just God is faithful to his word and desires genuine worship again, God desires honesty

What were Malachi's six disputations?

spiritual apathy, despair, and sense of hopelessness during postexilic period

What were the motivations behind Zechariah's exhortations?

to initiate the reconstruction of the temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem on return of the Hebrews from Babylonian captivity

purpose of Haggai

a tract for troubled times; rebuked the people for continuing evil of ancestors, exhorted them to repent and return, and offered hope for the future restoration

purpose of Zechariah

to initiate change in Judah by pronouncing God's judgment on wickedness; focused on the day of the Lord; God would restore Judah

purpose of Zephaniah


study of last things

sun of righteousness

winged solar disk that represents the sun god in Mesopotamian and Egyptian iconography


By the time of _, the temple had become a lucky charm of sorts

yes; it did not usher in a messiahnc age and lead to apathy and disillusionment

Had the temple been rebuilt before Malachi?

rebuild the temple and reinstitute the liturgical calendar

Haggai encouraged the people of Jerusalem to


Haggai was a contemporary of

520 (public address) and 516/515 BC (completion of the temple)

Haggai was likely written between

current affairs would be replaced by the Lord's intended order of things

the day of the Lord was used by prophets to indicate that

the temple

theme of Haggai

modern: Zechariah and Malachi were one series of oracles that were separated; Malachi came from the title verse traditional: Malachi was a figure in Israelite history

traditional vs modern scholars on Malachi

Marriage and divorce; Elijah the prophet

Themes of Malachi

Messiah, OT Eschatology

Themes of Zechariah

Day of the Lord

Themes of Zephaniah

522 BC; Zerubbabel and Jeshua

A second group of returnees arrived about _ under leadership of _

Manasseh; religious syncretism with Baalism and Canaanite practices

A whole generation knew no other king but _, who sponsored

627/626 BC

What date is most fitting for Zephaniah?

538 BC

A decree issued in _ allowed conquered peoples to return to their homelands

prose; this view is supported by modern analysis

English speaking scholars consider Malachi

1. Israel would be delivered 2. Israel would be regathered and restored (Israel and Judah united) 3. new created order established by Yahweh

Even though he does not mention the day of the Lord, what did Zechariah think of eschatology?

poetry due to assuming an oral poetic tradition

German scholars consider Malachi

God's Spirit is among the people as they commit to rebuild the Jerusalem temple; God will once again inhabit the completed temple in an even greater measure than before

God's presence in Haggai

rebuke of insincere worship and improper sacrifice; God will enter his temple suddenly to judge wicked and purify righteous

God's presence in Malachi

God, a rider on a red horse, poised to reenter his temple once it is rebuilt; God will be a wall of fire around Jerusalem and glory in it; God promises to return to Jerusalem and live there

God's presence in Zechariah

injustice in Jerusalem is contrasted with God's presence within her

God's presence in Zephaniah

with obedience

How did the people respond to Haggai's second address?

the scroll of remembrance, the sun of righteousness

How is Persian influence seen in Malachi?

no; he called them to proper worship instead of blind faith in a building

Is Haggai in contrast with Jeremiah?

Micah and Isaiah

Jeremiah and Zephaniah were parallel to the ministries of _ a century earlier

God's witness to Judah during the turbulent Babylonian period which would bring the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple

Jeremiah and Zephaniah were two prophets who signaled the beginning of


Jerusalem was likely a _ under the rule of a Persian governor at the time of Malachi

Malachi, Haggai, and Zechariah

Jewish tradition considers _ as members of the Great Synagogue

coming day of the Lord, call to the humble to seek the Lord, and universal impact of the coming judgment

Key Ideas of Zephaniah

exhortation, narrative, prediction, inquiry, symbolic actions, divine oracles of judgment

Literary forms in Zechariah

my messenger or my angel

Malachi means

ten rhetorical q and a

Malachi punctuates his six oracles with

call postexilic Israel to repentance for the purpose of covenant renewal

Purpose of Malachi

Darius I, King of Persia

Setting for Zechariah and Haggai was the reign of

Sheshbazzar (prince of Judah and first governor of restoration community)

The first wave of emigrants to Jerusalem were led by


The message of _ was a tract for troubled times

515 BC; 17

The rebuilt temple was completed in _, _ years after the initial attempt was made under Sheshbazzar

Haggai and Zechariah

The temple of the Lord in Jerusalem was rebuilt through the ministries of

it was likely in between the two reforms and meant to encourage Josiah to finish them

Was Zephaniah before or after Josiah's reforms?

no; the judgment was universal, suggesting politcal upheaval would have far-reaching effects

Was there a specific judgment in Zephaniah?

Levi, fathers, marriage, messenger of the covenant

What covenants did Malachi cite?

it is connected with covenant keeping with Yahweh; divorce was due to humanity's sin and God hates divorce; don't intermarry with foreign people

What did Malachi teach on marriage

comfort and strengthen the people of Judah and Jerusalem

What did Zechariah say were the two parts of his message?

dialogical expositional method peculiar to later rabbinic schools of Judaism

What did the rhetorical q and a format give rise to

statement of truth, hypothetical rebuttal, answer by restating initial premise, and adding evidence

What is Malachi's disputational format

leaving the opponent devoid of further argument

What is the effect of disputation speech

Israel's covenant relationship with Yahweh and its implications

What is the predominant theme of Malachi's prophecy?

chiasmic patterns, varied phrases, wordplay, imperative mood, rhetorical question

What language and themes are there in Haggai?

executed or deposed by order of Darius, who was attempting to control social turmoil in his new empire

What likely happened to Zerubbabel?

appointment of Joshua as priest and Zerubbabel as governor

What marked the beginning of divinely appointed leadership in Israel?

the year of Babylonian exile

What served as a covenant time clock for postexilic prophets?

genuine repentance and return to God; obey the voice of God

What solution did Zechariah offer for sin?

he rebuked the people for living in personal comforts while the temple was in ruins

What was Haggai's first address?

promises to establish Zerubbabel as a signet ring rekindled messianic expectation among the Israelites; God had canceled the curse pronounced by Jeremiah on King Jehoiachin and his descendants

What was Haggai's fourth declaration?

he called people to repentance and challenged them to honor God by rebuilding his temple; calling them to covenant renewal; the people responded with obedience

What was Haggai's second address?

to rededicate the temple of God which the Babylonians had sacked nearly seventy years earlier

What was Haggai's task?

God's intention to restore fortunes of Israel and overthrow the nations; reminder that God was still operating divine justice

What was Haggai's third declaration?

purification of corrupt priesthood, sincere joyful worship, restoration of broken family relationships, correct tithes and sacrifices, restoration of broken family relationships, and initiation of social justice program

What were Malachi's desired responses?

the second year of Darius or 520 BC

When did Haggai prophecy?

same time as Ezra and Nehemiah in fifth century because of similar themes; in reality the writing style is closer to that of the sixth century bc prior to Ezra and Nehemiah

When is Malachi usually dated?


Where was the interim site for the tabernacle during the time of the tribal league?

Habakkuk and Nahum

Which prophets were between Jeremiah and Zephaniah and Micah and Isaiah?

Haggai; Zechariah

While _ called on people to rebuild the temple, _ called them to repentance and spiritual renewal

a shepherd-king who would first be rejected and stuck down and whose ministry would be of peace and cleansing

Who did Zechariah believe would save Israel?

the vision of a temple-state faded and the reality of Persian dominion and survival in a city surrounded by foreigners and plagued by drought and crop failure set in

Why did the first attempt to rebuild the temple fail?

he boldly confronted leaders on issues he preached repentance from sin his divine commission and message were authenticated by signs he was outside of recognized structures in Hebrew society

Why was Elijah the archetype for a forerunner of prophetic ministry?

adherence to the covenant code

Yahweh's intention to do good depended on

proto-apocalyptic; apocalyptic

Zechariah is classified as _ instead of _ like later jewish writings such as Esdras or Enoch

oracular prose

Zechariah is written in

Yahweh has remembered

Zechariah means

Levi; priest and prophet

Zechariah was a member of the tribe of _ and served in Jerusalem as both a

the temple's reconstruction and dedication

Zechariah was likely compiled before

520, 529, and 518 BC

Zechariah's pronouncements are dated to

the nations

Zephaniah features oracles against _


Zephaniah was a contemporary of

the day of the Lord

Zephaniah was focused on _ which was approaching

a member of the royal househoold

Zephaniah was likely

John the Baptist

_ had a life like Elijah


_ has more to say about the messianic shepherd-king than any other OT book but Isaiah


_ saw the cloud of glory depart from the temple, signifying God's disaffection for Judahites because of their idolatry and abominations

Great Synagogue

a council of scribes and leaders who helped organize religious life and culture after the Babylonian exile

repentance and covenant renewal, hope rooted in God's sovereignty, social justice, and Messiah

key ideas of Zechariah

scroll of remembrance

names of righteous are recorded; shows continuing development of afterlife in Hebrew belief

the reign of Josiah about 640-609 BC

prophecies of Zephaniah are dated to

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