Outcomes Intermediate Vocabulary Builder Unit 3 part 2

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drop /drɒp/ Verb Noun: drop

when an amount or level ____s, it goes down. When the temperature ____s, it becomes colder oil prices have ____ed dramatically it might ____ to minus 10° tonight your body temperature ____s when you sleep it's hot during the day, but the temperature ____s very quickly when it gets dark a sudden ____ in temperature there's been a ____ in student numbers

windy /ˈwɪndi/ Adjective Noun: wind

when it is _____, the wind is blowing very hard it's going to be really _____ on the mountain a wet and _____ afternoon we're expecting ____ weather tomorrow it's harder playing golf in _____ conditions the _____ is blowing from the east the ____ had died down by the evening (had become less trong)

storm /stɔː(r)m/ Noun Adjective: stormy

when there is a _____, lots of rain falls and there are strong winds Collocates: a _____ breaks | a _____ rages there was a terrible _____ last night there might be a ____ later the plane crashed in a ____ as we were driving home, a _____ broke (it started) outside, the _____ raged (it was very strong) _____y weather a _____y relationship (with a lot of arguing)

blow /bləʊ/ Verb

when wind or air _____s, it moves. If someone or something is _____n over or _____n away, they are forced to move uncontrollably by strong wind Collocates: _____ (something) away/off/over my umbrella ______ (2 form) away the wind ______ (2 form) the roof off the house I was nearly _____n over

entertainment /ˌentə(r)ˈteɪnmənt/ Noun Adjective: entertaining Verb: entertain

___________ is things that give people pleasure, like films, concerts, television, etc there's plenty of ___________ in the evenings a home __________ centre (a large TV with good quality pictures and sound) the village was really quiet and there was no ___ for the children it was a hugely _________ing film the show is sure to _________ parents as well as children

accommodation /əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun uncount Verb: accommodate

_________________ is a place such as a house, flat, or hotel where you can live or stay for a while how was the _________________ on your holiday? the tourist office can help you find ____________________ the university can't provide _________________ I've had some problems with my __________________ there's plenty of good ________________ in the town I'm living in student ___________________ a holiday cottage that can _____________ six people

show /ʃəʊ/ Noun

a _____ is a performance in a theatre we're going to a ____ tonight the ____ will last two and a half hours did you enjoy the _____?

season /ˈsiːz(ə)n/ Noun

a ______ is the months of the year when a particular activity happens. For example, the holiday ______ is when most people take their holidays; the football ______ is the time of year when football is played I take a holiday when the _______ ends the football ________ starts in August prices go down at the end of the ________

cottage /ˈkɒtɪdʒ/ Noun

a _________ is a small house, especially one that is in a village or in the country we rented a small _______ near the beach the _______ was clean and well decorated the nearest __________ was over a mile away

offer /ˈɒfə(r)/ Verb

if a place _____s certain qualities or opportunities, they are available there the countryside is very green and _____s something different the national park _____s three camping sites the city centre _____s a lively nightlife

chilly /ˈtʃɪli/ Adjective Noun: chill Verb: chill

if it is _____, it is rather cold it gets very _____ at night it's a bit _____ outside the evenings are starting to get quite _____ I put a pullover on as I was feeling _____ there's a slight ____ in the air put the wine in the fridge to _____ (to get cold)

miserable /ˈmɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l/ Adjective

if someone is ________, they are very sad. If the weather is _______, there is not much sunshine and it is cold or rainy I felt a bit _________ when everyone had left it was grey and __________ outside what a _________ day! a long spell of _________ weather a cold, ________ January evening

warm /wɔː(r)m/ Adjective Verb: warm or warm up Noun: warmth

if something is ____, it is slightly hot in a pleasant way the weather was nice and ____ it's much ____er today than it was yesterday the ____est room in the house are you ____ enough without a coat on? Verb: ____ or ____ up | Noun: ____th I'm cold - I need to ____ __ a bit shall I ____ the soup __? (make it hotter) come and ____ yourself by the fire she lay in the ____th of the bed

clear /klɪə(r)/ Verb

if something unpleasant ______s or _____s up, it gets better. If you ____ something or _____ it up, you make it better or tidier they said the weather would _____ up next week hopefully, the weather will _____ later the infection should _____ up in a day or two we need to _____ up the misunderstanding between us we need to _____ this mess up (make it tidy)

humid /ˈhjuːmɪd/ Adjective Noun: humidity

if the weather is _____, it is very hot and there is a lot of water in the air it's going to be hot and _____ during the day the afternoon was hot and ______ a very ________ climate I can't stand the ______ity here 90 per cent ______ity

boiling /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ Adjective

if the weather is __________, it is very hot. You can say you are _________ or __________ hot when you are very hot they said it's going to be ___________ hot all week I'm __________ - can you open the window? it's __________ in here

get away /ˌɡet əˈweɪ/ Phrasal verb

if you ___ _____ from somewhere, you go somewhere else, for example to avoid a situation that is difficult or uncomfortable Collocates: ___ _____ from something we try and ___ _____ for a few weeks during the summer I just wanted to ___ _____ from the noise and crowds of the city the only time we could ___ _____ was in August

take down /ˌteɪk ˈdaʊn/ Phrasal verb

if you ____ something ____, you move it from where it is, often by removing pieces from it we should ____ ____ the parasol or it will blow away it was harder than we thought to ___ the tent ____ I ____ (2 form) the curtains ____ so that I could wash them

constant /ˈkɒnstənt/ Adjective Adverb: constantly

something that is _________ happens all the time without stopping the children needed ________ attention traffic noise remained _________ throughout the day a __________ stream of people came in and out he was _________ly changing his mind we are _________ly looking for new opportunities

guaranteed /ˌɡeærənˈtiːd/ Adjective Verb: guarantee Noun: guarantee

something that is __________ will definitely happen we can offer __________ good weather in July you get a salary and a _________ bonus all our products are __________ (they will work, and if they break we will give you a new one) we _____________ our cookers for fifteen years the TV has a 5-year ______________

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