Oxbow Trivia

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What are the folds of skin on a cat's ears called?

"Henry pockets"

How many languages are written from right to left? `


How many items are in a bakers dozen?


In what year were the first Air Jordan sneakers released?


Demolition of the Berlin wall separating East and West Germany began in what year?


In a bingo game which number is represented by the phrase "two little ducks"?


How many ribs are there in the human body?


How many hearts does an octopus have?


In the game of basketball, a three point shot is worth how many points?


How many branches are in the U.S. government?

3 Judicial, Executive, Legislative

How many teeth does an adult human have?


The Great Lakes lie along the Canada/US border. How many are they?


How long is an Olympic swimming pool (in meters)?

50 meters

How long is New Zealand's 90 mile beach?

55 miles

In their slogan, how many varieties is the Heinz company famous for?

57 Varieties

Water has a PH level or around?


What punctuation mark ends an imperative sentence?

A period or exclamation point

The ancient Phoenician city of Constantine is located in what modern-day Arab country?


Who was the first woman pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic?

Amelia Earhart

What is the tiny piece at the end of a shoelace called?

An aglet

What is the opposite of matter?


There have been several London Bridges. The last one was moved to the USA. Which state is it in? -Florida -California -Nevada -Arizona

Arizona When it was bought, the Americans thought they were buying Tower Bridge (which was built in the 19th century). What they actually bought, and moved across the Atlantic brick by brick, was the last in the line of London Bridges - the first was the very first bridge over the Thames in London.

Which two US states don't observe daylight savings time?

Arizona and Hawaii

What is earths largest continent?


Which country do cities of Perth, Adelade & Brisbane belong to?


Who is most often credited with the discovery that lightning was a form of electricity using a key?

Benjamin Franklin

What is the rarest M&M color?


What country has the most natural lakes?


What famous actress, while on a war bond tour, died when her plane slammed into a mountain just outside of Las Vegas on 16th January, 1942?

Carole Lombard

Which country invented ice cream?


What type of music has been shown to help plants grow better and faster?


What was the first soft drink in space?

Coca Cola

Which of these animals is also a popular sports game? -Elephant -Cricket -Turtle -Jackrabbit


Havana is the capital of what country?


What is the hardest rock?


Which Western holiday traditionally falls on a Sunday?


Which Central American country has a name which translates to English as the Saviour

El Salvador

Which woman was a U.S. president's niece as well as a First Lady? Eleanor Roosevelt Edith Wilson Elizabeth Truman Elizabeth Ford

Eleanor Roosevelt

Iceland diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what?


What are you cutting if you are using pinking shears?


What company logo, featured in the movie "Cast Away", contains an arrow between two of the letters?


Who named the Pacific Ocean?

Ferdinand Magellan

What would you be studying if you saw arches, whorls and loops?


In the state of Georgia it is illegal to eat what with a fork?

Fried chicken

What countries made up the original Axis powers in World War 2?

Germany, Italy, and Japan

Which former NBA player was Nicknamed "Agent Zero'?

Gilbert Arenas

What country is responsible for creating the Olympic Games?


Which two countries have not missed one of the modern-day Olympics?

Greece and Australia

What is the worlds biggest Island?


Which of Shakespeare's plays is the longest?


Which children's game was the inspiration for TV's very popular 'Wheel of Fortune'?


What were the last two states to join the US?

Hawaii & Alaska

Worship of Krishna is observed by which Religious Faith?


The name of which African animal means "river horse"?


Who started a world war trying to create the master race?

Hitler - WWII is often considered WWI part 2; Germany was in such a bad state after the war and peace treaties that no clear political party could gain control, leaving the way open for the smaller fringe parties, of which the Nazis were one. As the biggest bullies, they eventually found their leader, Hitler, as Chancellor and the rest, as they say, is history.

Which is the only edible food that never goes bad?


Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?


Superstition states that it will bring you good luck if you find what item and hang it over a door?


What country touches the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal?


Which member of the Beatles married Yoko Ono?

John Lennon

In what month is the official first day of summer in the Northern Hemisphere?


Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in 1930?

Marie Curie

What old Coca-Cola product was withdrawn and later put back onto the market? - Pepsi One - Mello Yello - New Coke - Rite Cola

Mello Yello

What is the nearest planet to the sun?


What is the form of government based on Queens and Kings called?


What was the first toy to be advertised on TV

Mr. Potato Head

From which country does Gouda cheese originate?


Area 51 is located in which state?


What City is Robin Hoods enemy the Sheriff of?


Where does the Musical Wicked take place?


What geometric shape is generally used for stop signs?


In what state is the amusement park Cedar Point?


The musical comedy "Wicked" takes place in _______.


What is the name of the largest ocean on Earth


What is the largest ocean on earth?

Pacific Ocean

According to Greek mythology who was the first woman on earth?


In which European city would you find Orly Airport?


What is the name given to a screwdriver with a four pointed pattern?

Phillips Head

What is the name of the man who launched eBay back in 1995?

Pierre Omidyar

What language mainly is spoken in Brazil?


What is the common name for dried plums?


What is the romanized Arabic word for moon?


What type of animal is a Flemish giant?


Which animal is sometimes nicknamed a "trash panda"?


The first Dictionary was written by?

Robert Cawdrey

What animal do these names have in common: Cornelius, Cogburn, Foghorn, and Chanticleer?


which country borders 14 nations and crosses 8 time zones?


Who is the Patron saint of Ireland?

Saint Patrick

What is the name of the biggest tech company in South Korea?


The unicorn is the national animal of which country?


Who has won more tennis grand slam titles, Venus Williams or Serena Williams?

Serena Williams

What's on the outside of a turtle?


In what country would you find Lake Bled?


What sport is dubbed the "king of sports"?


In what type of matter are atoms most tightly packed?


Which country consumes the most chocolate per capita?


What is the softest mineral in the world?


What is the name given to Indian Food cooked over charcoal in a clay oven?


What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world?


What tissues connect the muscles to the bones?


According to popular opinion, where does the rhyme 'Ring Around The Rosie' come from?

The Black Plauge The popular theory was that 'all fall down' was dropping dead. People who had it stank, so they would fill their pockets with posies. The phrase 'ring of rosies' also stood for the rash people developed.

What is the most expensive home in the world?

The Buckingham palace

The City of Light did see me rise, to great heights I do soar, by strength of iron my feet never leaving the earthen floor. What am I?

The Eiffel Tower

In little red riding hood who does the wolf dress up as?

The Grandmother

What is the tallest breed of dog in the world?

The Great Dane

The Roaring Twenties ushered in some new and unusual styles of clothing. On what part of your body would you wear a cloche?

The Head

Riyadh is the capital of this Middle-Eastern Country

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Which is the only American Football team to go a whole season undefeated including the Super Bowl?

The Miami Dolphins

What is the largest type of deer?

The moose

Spinach consumption rose by over 33% in the USA in 1931. What is the main reason commentators give for this?

The release of the "Popeye" comic strip

In 2004 what was discovered on the island of Flores in Indonesia?

The remains of a hobbit-sized human

What is the loudest animal on Earth?

The sperm whale

Which of Newton's laws states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

The third law of motion

In the poem Humpty Dumpty, where was Humpty when he fell?

The wall

How many items are in a baker's dozen?


What is the name of the professional ice hockey team based in Toronto Canada?

Toronto Maple Leafs

Which two countries share the longest international border?

USA and Canada

"Stars and Stripes" is the nickname of the flag of which country?

United States of America

Which country won the first-ever soccer World Cup in 1930?


What is the hottest planet in the solar system?

Venus with a temperature of 460 degrees celcius

Which dutch artist painted "Girl with a Pearl Earring?"


Dump, floater and wipe are terms used in which team sport?


Who invented the word vomit?

William Shakespeare

What does "www" stand for in a website browser?

World Wide Web

what is a duel between three people called?

a Truel

On the farm what is a kid?

a baby goat

What did the Crocodile swallow in Peter Pan?

alarm clock

what mammals lay eggs?

anteater and platypus

In the UK what is the day after Christmas known as?

boxing day

What color eyes do most humans have?


How many countries still have the shilling as currency? Bonus point if you can guess which country

four: Kenya Uganda Tanzania Somalia

What color is your blood when it is inside of your body?


How many colors are in the rainbow?


Power outages in the US are mostly caused by what?


What is the smallest ocean in the world?

the Arctic

What is cynophobia?

the fear of dogs

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