PA Driver's manual Chapter 3: Learning to Drive and Safety (Part 1)

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Did you know?

"Driving too fast for conditions" is the No. 1 reason 16 and 17-year-old drivers are involved in crashes.

Fasten your seat belt

- Fasten both your lap and shoulder belts on every trip. Pay attention to the information about Pennsylvania's seat belt law, child restraint law and air bag safety information found in Chapter 5. Fun fact: WEARING YOUR SEAT BELT is the single most effective thing you can do to reduce the risk of death or injury! Fun Fact: In 2017, 80.2% of people involved in crashes in Pennsylvania were wearing seat belts. Drivers, ages 16 to 24, had the highest number of unbuckled injuries and fatalities of any age group and the lowest seat belt use.

What is the Blood Alcohol concentration for anyone under 21 years old?


What is the blood alcohol level for someone 21 or older?


What should you do when you are driving in snowy conditions?

1. Clear all the windows, hood, trunk and roof of your vehicle before starting to drive in the snow. If you don't, snow will blow off of your vehicle and onto your windshield, blocking your view, or could blow off and onto the windshield of a driver who is following you. If snow or ice from a moving vehicle strikes another vehicle or pedestrian causing death or serious bodily injury, the vehicle's driver could be fined. 2. Clear your headlights, taillights and directional signals of snow, ice and dirt. This helps other drivers see you and helps you see what is ahead. A dirty headlight reduces light output by more than 50 percent. 3. Let the engine warm up before you start driving. It gives the defroster a chance to warm the windshield and melt any ice you could not scrape off. 4. Use your windshield wipers to keep your windshield as clear as possible. Make sure your windshield washer reservoir is full, and you are using fluid that will not freeze. 5. Keep the defroster on to clear steamed windows. If you have a newer vehicle, your defroster may be part of your air conditioning system. Read your owner's manual to learn how your vehicle's defroster settings should be used. 6. Turn on your low beams, even during the daytime. This increases your visibility to other drivers

Did you Know?

1. Driver distraction and inattention to road and traffic conditions are responsible for 25 to 30 percent of police-reported traffic crashes. This adds up to approximately 1.2 million crashes every year. 2. Research has found a normal, undistracted driver fails to notice an important road event such as another driver making a mistake, three (3) percent of the time. An adult dialing a cell phone misses the same event 13 percent of the time. A teenager dialing a cell phone misses it 53 percent of the time.

Negoatiating intersections

1. Drivers must yield to pedestrians when they are: a) crossing at any intersection without a traffic light (with or without a crosswalk); b) crossing the roadway in marked crosswalks, whether or not at an intersection; c) walking on a sidewalk crossing a driveway or alley; and d) when the driver is turning a corner and pedestrians are crossing with the light. Drivers must always yield to any blind pedestrian carrying a white cane or being led by a guide dog. 2. Drivers turning left must yield to oncoming vehicles going straight ahead. 3. Drivers entering a circular intersection (or roundabout) must yield the right-of-way to drivers already in the circle. 4. When two vehicles approach or enter an intersection from different roadways at or about the same time, drivers coming from the left must yield to vehicles coming from the right. 5. A vehicle entering a public highway from an alley, private road or driveway must wait until the main road is clear. 6. At a four-way stop, all vehicles must stop. The first vehicle to reach the intersection should move forward first. If two (2) vehicles reach the intersection at the same time, the driver on the left yields to the driver on the right. If facing one another both can proceed with caution, watching for possible turns.

If you are hydroplaning, you should

1. Keep both hands on the steering wheel. 2. Slowly take your foot off of the gas pedal to let your vehicle slow down. Do not slam on the brakes or try to turn suddenly because this will cause your vehicle to skid. As your vehicle slows down, the amount of tire tread touching the road will increase, and you'll begin to get better traction. 3. Turn slowly and only as much as necessary to keep your vehicle on the road. 4. If you have to use your brakes, brake gently. (Refer to the section "If you have to brake suddenly", later in this chapter for important information about using conventional versus anti-lock brakes in emergency stops.)

How to safely drive through curves?

1. Keep slightly to the right of the lane center on right curves and in the middle of your lane on left curves. 2. The sharper the curve, the more you need to reduce your speed. 3. Look for traffic coming from the opposite direction. A speeder could easily stray into your lane. 4. For guidance about how to steer your vehicle, scan ahead and look at the inside edge of the curve. If there are multiple curves, look at the inside edge of each curve as far ahead as you can see.

What are the guidelines to passing other drivers?

1. Look for signs and pavement markings that tell you when you can or cannot pass safely under normal driving conditions. (Examples of these can be found in Chapter 2.) 2. Look ahead carefully before you start to pass and check for any dangers in the passing area, such as driveways from which a vehicle could enter the roadway during your passing maneuver. 3. Look in your side and rearview mirrors and quickly check your blind spots to make sure there are no vehicles about to pass you when you start to pass. 4. Before passing, make sure the passing lane is clear and give the proper turn signal to show you are going to change lanes. Signal early enough so others will know your plans in advance. 5. After passing, signal your plan to return to your lane. 6. Before you move back into the lane, make sure you can see both headlights on the front of the vehicle you passed in your rear-view mirror. 7. When passing, be extra careful in areas where vehicles or pedestrians might enter or cross the road. These places include crossroads and shopping center entrances and exits. Also, a driver turning onto the roadway and into the left lane will not expect to find you in that lane and may not even look your way.

How to exist a circular intersection?

1. Once you have entered the roundabout, proceed counterclockwise to your exit point. YOU now have the right-of-way. 2. As you approach your exit, use you RIGHT TURN SIGNAL. 3. Watch for pedestrians in the crosswalk and be prepared to yield. 4. Exit the roundabout.

What are the guidelines to safely use center turn lanes?

1. Put on your left turn signal at least three (3) to four (4) seconds before entering the left turn lane. 2. Do not get into the center turn lane too soon. The longer you drive in the center lane, the more likely you are to meet someone head-on coming from the other direction. 3. When you enter the center turn lane, enter it completely. Do not leave the back end of your vehicle sticking into the normal travel lane, blocking traffic. 4. Turn only when it is safe. Look for vehicles coming toward you in the same lane, and make sure there is a big enough gap before you turn across oncoming traffic. If entering the center lane from a cross street, watch for through traffic and for center lane traffic preparing to turn.

What are the 3 steps to merge with traffic from the acceleration lane?

1. Put your turn signal on, and look for an opening in traffic. 2. Accelerate up to the speed of traffic. 3. Merge into the opening in traffic.

Tips to completely turn safely

1. Signal three (3) to four (4) seconds before your turn. 2. Position your vehicle in the proper lane. 3. Control your speed. 4. Complete your turn in the proper lane.

What should you do when you are driving in foggy conditions?

1. Slow down enough so you can stop safely within the distance that you can see. You will need to carefully check your speedometer because fog takes away most of the visual information that lets you know how fast you are going; this makes it easy for you to speed up without being aware of it. 2. Turn on your low beam headlights (and fog lights, if your vehicle has them) so others can see you. Do this whether it is daytime or nighttime. Do not use your high beams. They direct their light up and into the fog, which bounces the light back into your eyes, creating glare and making it even harder for you to see ahead

How to approach and enter a circular intersection?

1. When approaching a roundabout SLOW DOWN and be prepared to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. 2. Pull up to the Yield Line, look to the left and check for approaching traffic within the roundabout, CIRCULATING TRAFFIC HAS THE RIGHT- OF-WAY. 3. Enter the roundabout when there is an adequate gap in traffic.

Tips on crossing traffic

1. Whenever you cross traffic, you need enough space to do it safely. The amount of space you need to cross traffic depends on the road, weather conditions and oncoming traffic. 2. Stopping halfway across a street is safe only when there is a turning lane provided in the center median large enough to hold your entire vehicle. 3. If you are crossing or turning, make sure there are no vehicles or pedestrians blocking your path. You do not want to be caught in the middle of an intersection with traffic coming toward you. 4. Even if you have a green light, do not enter an intersection if there are vehicles blocking your way. Wait until you are sure you can clear the intersection before starting to cross it. 5. Do not pull out in front of an approaching vehicle with its turn signal on to enter or to cross a street. The driver may plan to turn into a street or driveway just beyond you, may have changed their mind or may have forgotten to turn off the signal. This is especially true of motorcycles; their signals may not turn themselves off. Wait until the other driver actually starts to turn before you go. 6. Use extra caution when crossing traffic in areas with hills or curves, where you cannot see or be seen as well.

Moving into and through intersections safely

1. • To travel across an intersection with a two-way stop sign - You need about a 6-second gap in both directions to cross a 30 mph street or about a block of clear space to the right and left. At the stop sign, first look to the left, then look to your right for a safe gap, and then quickly check to your left again before proceeding. 2. To turn right - Look left, straight ahead, right and then left again to make sure there is no traffic coming. Allow a gap of about eight (8) seconds between you and any vehicle approaching from the left. 3. To turn left - Make sure you have a clear gap to turn in front of oncoming traffic and traffic on the cross street is stopped. If you are turning from a minor onto a major street, allow a 9-second gap between you and any vehicle approaching from the right. It is important when turning left to avoid conflicts with vehicles turning left from the opposite direction. In the diagram at the right, imagine an "X" at the center of the intersection. By turning before you reach the "X," you avoid a "tangle turn" with the other leftturning driver. By always turning into the lane closest to the centerline, you also avoid interfering with traffic coming from the opposite direction making a right turn onto the same street.

How much faster do you need to be going than the driver that you are trying to pass?

10 MPH

How likely is someone 21 or older who's blood alcohol level is only half the legal limit to get into a accident compared to someone who hasn't been drinking?

2-7 times more likely

What percentage of deadly motor vehicle accident involved drugs?


What percentage of drivers between the ages of 16 and 20 who died in motor vehicle accidents had been drinking?


What is a safe following distance?

4 seconds

Drivers with less than how many years of experiences how more than likely to cause an accident?

5 years

What is the maximum speed limit in PA?

70 mph


: It is against the law to have any object or material hanging from the rearview mirror while moving. You may not hang, place or attach anything to the rearview mirror that might block or impair vision through the front windshield. Tags, permits and placards may only be attached to the rearview mirror when the vehicle is parked

Did you know?

A female who weighs 110 pounds will have a BAC of .03 after drinking just 8 oz. of light beer - that's less than one full bottle or can. A 140- pound male will have a BAC of .025 after a full 12 oz. bottle or can of light beer.

Why should you adjust head restraints?

A head restraint that properly cushions the back of your head can prevent or reduce the severity of neck injuries in a crash. Adjust your head restraint so the top of the head restraint is at least as high as the top of your ears. Check your owner's manual for instructions.

What are roundabouts?

A roundabout is an intersection where traffic travels around a central island in a counter-clockwise direction. Vehicles entering or exiting the roundabout must yield to all traffic including pedestrians

Did you know?

According to the NHTSA 2013-2014 Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers, nearly 1 in 4 drivers tested positive for at least one drug that could affect safe driving skills. • 43% of drivers killed in crashes tested positive for drugs... 37% tested positive for alcohol. • Prescription drugs can also affect driving. Talk to your doctor when starting any new medication and make sure you are aware of any potential side effects.

When is the maximum speed limit on interstate high ways posted?

After each interchange

What affect's your blood alcohol level?

Alcohol affects individuals differently. Your blood alcohol level is affected by your age, weight, gender, physical condition, amount of food consumed, and any drugs or medication you have in your system

What are driving distractions?

Anything that causes you to 1) take your attention away from driving, 2) take your eyes off of the road or 3) take your hands off of the wheel is a distraction.

How many traffic deaths involve drunk drivers?

Approximately 40%

When does the highest crash rates occur?

At night time.


Check all fluid levels, i.e. engine oil, windshield washer, and fuel and fill as needed as per vehicle owner's manual

Teen Crash Fact

Driving on the wrong side of the road is a frequent factor contributing to crashes among 16- and 17-year-old drivers. From 2013 to 2017, there were 384 crashes and 15 people killed.

When is the slippery road the worst?

During hot weather, because the heat and water combined causes more oil to in the asphalt to come to the surface.

You will not be able to react as quickly if you are

Eating, drinking, smoking, adjusting audio devices, talking on a cell phone, interacting with other passengers, searching for or moving an object in the vehicle, reading, writing, or texting, personal grooming, rubbernecking, looking at people and things off of the roadway.

What are things that you should prepare for when in an in a circular intersection?

Emergency vehicles - Do not enter the roundabout when emergency vehicles are approaching, pull to the side. If in the roundabout, immediately exit the roundabout and pull to the side. NEVER STOP IN THE ROUNDABOUT. Bicyclists - Bicyclists have the option to function as a vehicle or pedestrian when using a roundabout. When acting as a vehicle, they will follow the same rules. NEVER OVERTAKE A BICYCLIST ACTING AS A VEHICLE IN A ROUNDABOUT. Pedestrians - Motorists must yield to pedestrians when entering and exiting a roundabout. Pedestrians will utilize crosswalks and splitter islands to cross each leg of the roundabout.

Did you know?

Every year across the U.S., falling asleep while driving causes at least 100,000 crashes. • 1,500 people die and 40,000 are injured in these crashes. • Of the 100,000 vehicle crashes linked to drowsy driving each year, almost half involve drivers between 15 and 24 years of age.

What should you do when there's more than 1 potential hazard you will need to confront at the same time (e.g. a bicyclist on one side and a car on the other)?

For example, with a bicyclist to your right, the safe thing to do is to move left to allow a wide margin when you pass. But, if there is also an oncoming vehicle, this creates a problem because normally you would want to move to the right in your lane in this circumstance. You should handle this situation by facing only one (1) traffic condition at a time. Slow down to let the oncoming vehicle pass and then move left to pass the cyclist, leaving a sufficient amount of space for safety

The rules of existing a highway

Get in the proper lane for exiting well in advance. Do not slow down until after you have moved into the exit lane. If you miss your exit, take the next one. Do not stop or back up on the highway. Do not swerve across several lanes to try to make the exit at the last second. Do not cross over the median to try to turn around. These maneuvers are illegal and can be extremely hazardous to your health and safety. Exit ramps have a warning sign to let you know the maximum safe speed.

The rules of traveling on a highway

Half of the fatal crashes on highways involve vehicles that have run off of the road as the result of speeding and/or driver fatigue - 65 mph is almost 100 feet per second - it takes less than one (1) second to run off of the road.

How do you avoid hydroplaning?

Hydroplaning can be reduced by driving slower?

What is hydroplaning?

Hydroplaning happens when your tires lose their grip on the road and ride like skis on a film of water. The faster you drive on a wet roadway, the less effective your tires become at wiping the water from the road. You can hydroplane at speeds as low as 35 mph, when water is only 1/10 of an inch deep.

The rules of parking on a curb

If the street you are on has a curb, park as close to it as you can, but no more than 12 inches away. If it has no curb, pull as far off of the roadway as possible.

Why should you always wear your prescription glasses/contact lenses?

If you normally wear corrective lenses, always wear them while driving. Do not wear sunglasses or tinted contact lenses at night.

What are the rules of turning from or into a center turn lane?

If you see a lane in the middle of a two-way street marked on both sides by two (2) lines — one (1) solid outer line and one (1) broken inner line — it means this lane may only be used for left turns (Refer to the diagram in Chapter 2). Drivers traveling in either direction must use this lane to begin their left turns, and drivers entering the road may also use this lane to end their left turn from a cross street before entering the traffic stream.

What should you do if your car breaks down?

If your vehicle breaks down on the highway, you will need to pull off of the road. Signal, then carefully exit the roadway, and put on your hazard (four-way) flashers to warn other drivers. Get as far off of the road as possible, and park in a place where other drivers can see you easily. Lift your hood to let other drivers know your vehicle is disabled.

Teen crash fact

Improper or careless turning is a common cause of crashes among new, young drivers. In 2017, improper or careless turning was a factor contributing to 459 crashes involving drivers age 17 in Pennsylvania.

Why should you secure loose items in the passenger compartment?

In a crash, loose items in your vehicle become projectiles that continue to travel the same speed your vehicle was moving before the impact. Put heavier objects, such as backpacks, luggage and tools in your trunk, whenever possible, or secure them with the vehicle's seat belts. Never store items on the rear window deck.

Why should you also be careful in cold wet weather?

In cold, wet weather, be extra careful driving on sections of road shaded by trees or buildings; these areas freeze more quickly and dry last

Did you know?

In the U.S., one (1) person dies every half hour and one (1) person is injured every two (2) minutes, because someone was drinking and driving.

Teen Crash Facts

Intersections are places where teenage drivers have a high percentage of their crashes. In over one-third (1/3) of the crashes involving 16-year old drivers in Pennsylvania, the teen driver was pulling out from a stop sign or turning left across traffic

Windshield laws

It is against the law to place anything on the front windshield that blocks a driver's view of the roadway.

Why should you keep a safe following distance?

Keeping a safe following distance will enable you to react to a problem ahead without the need for a panic stop, which could cause a following driver to crash into the back of your vehicle.

Why should you always lock your doors?

Locking your doors and wearing your seat belt will help to ensure you will not be thrown from your vehicle in a crash. Being thrown from a vehicle increases your chances of death by 75 percent. It will also reduce the likelihood of being carjacked or otherwise victimized when you stop at an intersection or pull into a parking lot.

What are to consequences of not following PA's Headlight/windsheild wiper laws?

Motorists who do not comply with the law may face a fine of $25, but with fees and other associated costs, the penalty would approach $100.

What are the rules of turning left and right?

On two-lane, two-way streets or highways, make left turns from as close to the centerline as possible. Make right turns from as close to the right edge of the roadway as possible. To turn left on multi-lane streets and highways, start from the left lane. If you are turning right, start from the right lane. If you are turning onto a highway, which has more than one (1) lane in the direction you wish to travel, turn into the closest lane going in that direction. Turn into the left lane when making a left turn, and turn into the right lane when making a right turn. If you want to change to another lane, wait until after you have safely completed your turn

What are posted speed limits?

Posted speed limits indicate what the maximum safe driving speed is under ideal road, traffic and weather conditions.

At what point do you signal to other drivers that you are slowing down?

Signaling tells others you want to make a turn, but it does not give you the right to make a turn. Under Pennsylvania law, you must always use your turn signals at least 100 feet before turning, if you are driving less than 35 mph. If you are driving 35 mph or more, you must signal at least 300 feet before turning. If your vehicle's turn signals do not work, use these hand signals.

What are jughandles?

Some roads in busy, commercial areas have a physical barrier dividing traffic moving in opposite directions and signs at the signalized intersections saying NO LEFT TURN or NO U-TURN and ALL TURNS FROM RIGHT LANE. In this situation, the road may be designed with jughandles for making left turns. Instead of making a left turn directly across oncoming traffic, you will use a right turn lane curving back to intersect the major road at a traffic light then turn left.

When are roads the most slippery?

The first 10-15 minutes of a rain storm

Did you know?

The most frequent cause of crashes at roundabouts is drivers who fail to yield before they enter

Teen Crash Facts

The most frequent crash type for 16-year-old drivers in Pennsylvania is a single-vehicle, run-off-the-road crash. From 2013 to 2017, there were 3,291 crashes and 20 people killed.

Why is the road so slippery when wet?

The rain causes the oil in the asphalt to come to the surface.

What are the rules on Uturns?

These are permitted only if they can be made without endangering other traffic. In choosing a place to make a U-turn, make sure drivers coming from all directions are at least 500 feet away from you, and they can see you clearly. U-turns are not allowed on curves or when you are approaching or nearing the crest of a hill. U-turns are also illegal at locations marked with this sign.

What are PA's headlight/windshield wiper laws?

This law, which went into effect Jan. 28, 2007, requires motorists to turn on their headlights anytime their vehicles wipers are in continuous or intermittent use due to weather conditions.

Slowing moving vehicle sign

This sign means that the vehicle moves slower than normal. You should always slow down and stay a safe distance back.

Tire safety

Tires are an important part of driving safety. Be sure your tires have adequate tread and air pressure prior to driving your car. Prior to entering the vehicle, check tire pressure using the recommended psi (pounds per square inch) located in the vehicle owner's manual or the driver's side door jamb of the vehicle. Use a tire pressure gauge to check your psi. Check your tires "cold" - before you've driven or at least three hours after you've driven. If your psi is above the number listed on your door jamb, let air out until it matches. If below, add air (or have a tire professional help you) until it reaches the proper number. You may also measure tread depth using the penny test. Once every month, or before you embark upon a long road trip, check your tires for wear and damage problems. One easy way to check for wear is by using the penny test. 1. Take a penny and hold Abraham Lincoln's body between your thumb and forefinger. 2. Select a point on your tire where the tread appears to be lowest and place Lincoln's head into one of the grooves. 3. If any part of Lincoln's head is covered by the tread, you're driving with the safe amount of tread. If your tread gets below that, your car's ability to grip the road in adverse conditions is greatly reduced. Keep the tools you will need to change your tire in your vehicle at all times, i.e. spare tire, lug wrench, jack, flashlight, flares and reflective triangles, wheel wedges, a flat tire repair kit and gloves to name a few.

Why should you always communicate with other drivers?

To avoid accidents. Also slow down and use your signal lights. If you are going to brake where other drivers may not expect it, quickly tap your brake pedal three (3) or four (4) times. If you must drive below 40 mph on a limited access highway, use your hazard (four-way) flashers to warn the drivers behind you.

How to determine your following distance?

To determine your following distance, watch the rear bumper of the vehicle ahead of you. When the bumper passes a road marking or a roadside object like a telephone pole, start counting how many seconds it takes you to reach the same spot on the road. If you pass the marking or object in less than four (4) seconds, you are following too closely.

Why should you A\adjust the rearview and side mirrors?

To remove blind spots around your vehicle, the rearview and side mirrors may have to be adjusted differently for each driver. The rearview mirror should be set so you can see the traffic directly behind your vehicle. The side mirror(s) should be set so when you lean left/right you can just barely see the side of your vehicle. Set the mirrors after you adjust your seat.

What are the rules on turning right at a red light?

Unless you see a NO TURN ON RED, you may turn right at a red light if traffic is clear. Before making the right turn, you must always stop first, and yield to pedestrians and cross traffic. If you are turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street, you may also turn left on a red signal after stopping, if traffic is clear and there is not a NO TURN ON RED sign. This sign is typically placed beside the road on the near side of the intersection and close to the traffic signal on the far side of the intersection.

What are the consequences of not removing snow off of your car?

When snow or ice is dislodged or falls from a moving vehicle and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian causing death or serious bodily injury, the operator of the vehicle from which the snow or ice came is subject to a fine of $200 to $1,000 for each offense.

When should you drive below the posted speed limit?

When the road is wet or slippery, when you cannot see well or when anything else makes conditions less than perfect, drive below the posted speed limit.

What should you do when you are traveling in a pack of vehicles, which causes you to travel in one's blind spot and not have space cushions for emergencies?

When this happens, reducing your speed by just two (2) or three (3) mph will encourage traffic around you to clear out, so you are no longer closed in.

What happens when a driver hasn't gotten enough sleep?

When you are tired, you react slower, your judgment and your vision are impaired, and you have problems with understanding and remembering things. Driving while fatigued has similar effects as driving under the influence of alcohol. Being awake for 18 hours impairs your driving about as much as a blood alcohol level of .05 percent. Being awake for 24 hours in a row impairs your driving as much as having a blood alcohol level of .10 percent. If you are tired enough, you may fall asleep and never even know it. Sleeping behind the wheel for even a few seconds is enough to kill you. Teens who sleep less than eight (8) hours a night are at increased risk for vehicle crashes. The best thing to do if you begin to feel tired while driving is to stop driving.

What should you do when you come to an intersection?

When you come to an intersection, follow the "left-right-left" rule: • Look to the left first, because vehicles coming from the left are closer to you. • Look to the right. • Look again to the left before you pull out. You may see a vehicle you did not see the first time you looked.

The rules of parking on the roadway

When you must park on the roadway, use your four-way flashers and give enough room to passing vehicles. Make sure your vehicle can be seen at least 500 feet in both directions.

Why should you adjust the driver's seat?

You must be able to easily reach the pedals and other controls and have a clear view out the windshield. Your owner's manual provides information about how to adjust your vehicle's equipment.

What should you do when road conditions are poor?

You need to reduce your speed when road conditions are poor, so you can maintain control of your vehicle. You will be at greatest risk if you drive too fast on roads that are slippery, especially on curves. Take turns and curves more slowly when the road is slippery.

Why should you adjust ventilation?

You should maintain a constant supply of fresh air in your vehicle. This helps you stay alert and guards against carbon monoxide (exhaust gas) poisoning when you drive. Refer to Chapter 6 for more information about carbon monoxide poisoning

The rules of entering a highway

Your first critical decision when entering a highway is to make sure you do not turn onto the exit ramp by mistake and drive head-on into other traffic. The exit ramp will be marked with ONE WAY signs as well as DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY signs. Sometimes, but not always, the entrance ramp will have a green sign that says HIGHWAY ENTRANCE. If you see a white line on your right and a yellow line on the left, you are headed in the right direction. Some highway entrances and exits are very close together with only a short "weaving lane" in between. Traffic entering and exiting the highway must share the weaving lane. A potential threat is posed by two (2) drivers who want to use the same space at the same time. If you are the driver entering the highway, you must yield to the exiting driver.

Why are traffic fatalites 3-4 times higher at night?

Your vision is severely limited at night. • Glare from other vehicles' headlights may temporarily blind you. • More people who are tired or who are driving under the influence are likely to be on the road at night.

What are the consequences of failing to use your headlights?

a fine beginning at $25 and penalities all the way up to $100

When will the maximum speed limit be posted on other highways.

at approximately ½ mile intervals

When should you have your vision checked?

every 1-2 years.

Why should you keep a space cushion diagonally to the left and right of you?

if another vehicle suddenly moves into your lane. These areas are your potential escape paths.

It is ___________ to pass a vehicle in the acceleration lane


Except in emergencies or unless a police officer tells you to do so, never stop, stand or park your vehicle at the following places:

• On the roadway side of a vehicle already stopped or parked along the edge or curb of the street (double parking). • On the sidewalk. • Within an intersection. • On a crosswalk. • Along or opposite any street digging or work area. • On any bridge or other elevated structure, or in a highway tunnel. • On any railroad tracks. • Between roadways of a divided highway, including crossovers. • Within 50 feet of the nearest rail at a railroad crossing. • At any place where official signs prohibit parking. • At any place where official signs prohibit stopping. • In front of a public or private driveway. • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. • Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection. • Within 30 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign or traffic control device located at the side of a roadway. • Within 20 feet of a driveway entrance to a fire station. • Where your vehicle would prevent a streetcar from moving freely. • On a limited access highway, unless official traffic control devices indicate you are allowed.

What should you do when roads get slick?

• Reduce your speed by 5 to 10 mph on wet roads and increase your following distance to five (5) or six (6) seconds. • On ice or snow covered roads you need to slow down even more. On packed snow, decrease your speed by half; on ice, slow to a crawl. Leave about 10 times more space than normal between you and the vehicle ahead. • Apply brakes gently, ease off if you start to skid and reapply when you regain control. (Refer to this section "If you have to brake suddenly", later in this chapter for important information about using conventional versus antilock brakes in emergency stops.) • Do not use your cruise control when driving on slippery roads. Snow, ice, slush and rain can cause wheel-spin and loss of control. The only way to stop wheel spin and regain control is to reduce power. But, an activated cruise control system will continue to apply power, keeping your wheels spinning. • Adjust your speed to avoid meeting other vehicles at slippery areas, such as shady spots and frost on bridges during cold weather. This will reduce the risk of skidding into the other vehicle. • On icy or snow-packed roads, try to time your arrival at an intersection by letting your vehicle coast until the light turns green and vehicles ahead of you have begun to move. This way, you will not have to brake to stop and then accelerate to begin again. Also, when going uphill, stay far enough behind the vehicle ahead, so you will not need to slow down or stop. Before starting downhill, shift to a lower gear for better control.

When should you allow a longer following distance?

• Traveling on roads that are wet and slippery, or not paved - there is less traction, so it takes longer to stop. • The driver behind you wants to pass - there must be room ahead of you for the passing driver to pull in front of you. • You are following a driver whose rear view is blocked - drivers of trucks, buses, vans, or cars pulling campers or trailers may slow down suddenly without knowing you are behind them. • You are following a large vehicle blocking your view ahead - you need extra room to see around the vehicle. • You are following a driver who is carrying a heavy load or pulling a trailer - the extra weight will make it more difficult to stop. • Approaching slow moving vehicles, including bicycles. • You are following school buses, taxis, public and private buses and trucks transporting hazardous substances - these vehicles must stop at railroad crossings and make other, unexpected stops. • You are driving downhill - it is harder for your brakes to slow your vehicle, especially at high speeds. • You are stopped on an uphill - the vehicle ahead may roll back into your vehicle when traffic begins to move.

Important information about headlights and night time driving

• When driving at night, use low beams as soon as you see another vehicle approaching in the oncoming lane, as high beams can "blind" the other driver. Pennsylvania law requires you use low beams whenever you are within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle and when you are following a vehicle within 300 feet. • If a vehicle using high beams comes toward you, flash your high beams quickly a few times. If the driver does not dim their lights, look toward the right side of the road. This will keep you from being "blinded" by the other vehicle's headlights and will allow you to see well enough to stay on your course until the vehicle passes. • Do not try to punish the other driver by keeping your bright lights on. If you do, both of you may be "blinded." • If glare from a following vehicle's headlights is uncomfortable because it is reflecting in your rearview mirror, you can switch the inside rearview mirror from its daytime to nighttime setting. • Do not "overdrive your headlights" by driving so fast you could not stop in time to avoid a hazard that appears within the length of road ahead lighted by your headlights. Low beam headlights shine only about 250 feet ahead. Even on dry pavement, it takes more than 250 feet to stop if you are moving at 55 mph. To avoid overdriving your headlights on a dark road at night, you should not drive faster than 45 mph.

When can you pass a vehicle on the right?

• When the driver you are passing is making or signaling a left turn, the driver of the passing vehicle must stay on the berm or shoulder. • When driving on a roadway with two (2) or more marked traffic lanes in each direction

When does state laws require drivers to use their headlights?

• When they cannot see because of insufficient light on gray days or in heavy traffic when their vehicle may seem to blend in with the surroundings. • When there are unfavorable atmospheric conditions, including rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog, smoke or smog. In bad weather, use only low beams. High beams actually reduce visibility under these conditions. • When they cannot see pedestrians or vehicles on the highway for a distance of 1,000 feet ahead of the vehicle they are operating. • Between sunset and sunrise. • When driving through work zones. • Anytime your vehicle's wipers are in continuous or intermittent use due to weather conditions.

When can you not pass a vehicle on the right?

• You are within 100 feet of or are crossing any intersection or railroad grade crossing, unless an official traffic control device says you may. • You are within 100 feet of any bridge, elevated structure or tunnel. • You are approaching or are on a curve or a hill crest (top) restricting your view of oncoming traffic. • You are on the shoulder of a multi-lane highway.

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