Part 2 - Procedures and Processes (Mine Safety) (BE)

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"Plain English" is getting a clear message across to your audience in an appropriate way. This means being clear about what you want to say, who you're saying it to and how you're going to say it.

Plain English

"____" is getting a clear message across to your audience in an appropriate way. This means being clear about what you want to say, who you're saying it to and how you're going to say it.

New jobs

"____" should also be looked at because they will have no accident history. The potential for accidents or work-related illness may not be found unless a JSA is done before the new job is started.


2.2.1 PROCESS CONTROL 2.2.2 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Description Purpose Records Pitfalls 2.2.3 SAFE WORK PROCEDURES Writing safe operating procedures in plain language Alternatives to writing


2.3.1 INFORMAL INSPECTIONS 2.3.2 PLANNED INSPECTIONS Critical parts/items inspections Making an inventory Pre-use equipment checks General inspections Inspection reports


2.4.1 RESPONSE 2.4.2 WHO SHOULD INVESTIGATE Line supervisors Middle managers Specialists 2.4.3 INVESTIGATION PROCESS Investigating an accident Question type and example Steps in investigation 2.4.4 INVESTIGATION OUTCOMES 2.4.5 CORRECTIVE ACTION MONITORING

WHO SHOULD INVESTIGATE Line supervisors Middle managers Specialists

Organisation of meetings

Tool box meetings should be held on a regular basis but should be informal. They can be held as the need arises, for example, to discuss an accident or "near hit". Meetings may be held by managers, supervisors, safety officers, members of an OH&S Committee or at the request of an employee who has an important issue to talk about. Meetings can be held anywhere so long as people will not be interrupted. Formal meeting rooms are not needed. Tool box meetings are not meant to be long training sessions but as a time when ideas on a topic can be talked about. Formal agendas are not usually needed, but the person calling the meeting should have prepared some topics and be able to direct the discussion and bring it to an agreed end. Records of topics and names of attendees should be kept at all tool box meetings.

Specific tasks

_____ may be: • lighten loads (break loads into smaller amounts); • reduce bending, twisting, reaching movements; • use two people to carry bigger loads; and • prevent muscle strain and fatigue. This includes warming up before working, allowing time for rest breaks and time to gradually get used to a new job.


Through JSA, workers can make play an important part in setting up and maintaining safe work procedures. It is also a part of "____" which may be in legislation.

8 Nov 2002

Updated on ____.


Use ____ sparingly. It is harder to read than black and white.


- Spell out _____ to avoid confusion whenever possible. If you must abbreviate: > do so only when necessary, and > make sure that the ___ are understood. Examples: ✖e.g. ✔for example ✖i.e. ✔that is:

the build-up of minor damage and lower physical ability

... while for workers over 60, ____ can be the problem.




2.1.1 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEES Membership Meetings Aims and objectives Other activities Duties of officers Distribution of minutes Meeting Agenda 2.1.2 TOOL BOX MEETINGS 2.1.3 OTHER CONSULTATIONS 2.1.4 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS 2.1.5 COMMUNICATION OUTSIDE THE ORGANISATION


2.5.1 EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Natural disasters 2.5.2 RESPONSIBILITIES OF MINE ORERATORS 2.5.3 PLANNING FOR EMERGENCIES 2.5.4 RISK ASSESSMENT 2.5.5 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 2.5.6 WHAT SHOULD BE IN AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 2.5.7 TRAINING, TESTING AND REVISION 2.5.8 FACILITIES Other considerations Rescue equipment 2.5.9 FIRE Responsibility of the mine operator Basic firefighting principles Classes of fire Fire prevention Fire control Firefighting equipment and facilities Types of portable extinguishers Fire wardens Special considerations


PURCHASING Policy and procedures


7 MEETING ____ It includes what will be discussed at the meeting and should be prepared by the secretary and sent at least one week before the meeting date. A typical ____ could include: • apologies for non-attendance; • minutes of the previous meeting; • business arising from the minutes; • documentation review; • correspondence and training; • safety reports on hazards and problems, outstanding safety item reports etc; • accident/unusual incident report/ rehabilitation; • human resources/maintenance reports; and • any other business.


A "____" is a number of steps done in a set order to do the task. JSA breaks a ____ down into steps and lists any hazards or risks, which might be found in each step. This is done so that the hazard can be found and controlled.

manual handling job

A _____ should have its own safe procedure. Some safe procedure steps include: • the task should be planned before work begins; • employees should be trained in the skills needed; • employees should be told about hazards; • the area should be cleared to avoid bumping into or tripping over things; and • suitable safety clothing should be given to workers and worn by them.


A copy of the JSA should be kept on the job so it is handy for reference. Another copy should be filed in the office.


Areas of management/employee consultation should include: • preparing Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedures; • occupational health and safety training; • accident and incident investigation; • workplace/hazard inspections; • preparing written safe work practices; • change which may greatly affect health and safety at work, for example in procedures, equipment or ways of working; • employer's arrangements for getting competent people to help satisfy health and safety laws; • information that employees must be given on the likely risks and dangers in their work, measures to reduce or get rid of these risks and what they should do if they have to deal with a risk or danger; • planning of health and safety training; and • health and safety issues of new technology.


As a rule of thumb, persons should think of other ways of lifting weights more than about ___.


Ask any football coach why his team won the day before and he will say: "Every one of my players was motivated to win. They gave it 100%". Before a football game, the coach leads the practices and motivates the team, the players train and discuss strategy, the support staff makes sure all the equipment is in order. All members of the team must play their part, and whether they win or lose comes down to their performance on the field.


Because a JSA produces permanent _____, it should be a continuing activity. JSAs have to be kept up to date or the benefits will be lost over time. Misinformation or an out-of-date JSA can be dangerous.


Beware of ____ (words made from initials). You must explain what they mean the first time you use them. Example: Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU).


DISTRIBUTION OF _____ It should be sent within one week after the meeting. Should a meeting be stopped and restarted, then ___ should be sent one week after the final meeting. The secretary or other appointed person should send the _____ to: • HSC members; • responsible officers; • managers/supervisors; • health and safety representatives (HSRs); and • notice boards.


In general the OHSC: • may consider everything relevant to safety, health, welfare and rehabilitation; • check if the company is meeting the requirements of appropriate Acts, Regulations and Legislation; • gather, review and communicate Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Policies, Plans and Procedures; • consider any changes to Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Policies, Plans and Procedures that may affect the workers; • develop a team work approach within the workgroup and ask workers to stick to policy; • ask workers help plan and put in place Occupational Health, Safety and Rehabilitation Policies; • decide on the way workers talk to each other within the workgroup; • tell management of any problems with Occupational Health and Safety Procedures; and • recommend any training of employees in health and safety.

work through the job

In working out the job steps, it is useful to "_____", list each step and make notes of what is done.

Work out the job steps or stages involved.

In working out the job steps, it is useful to "work through the job", list each step and make notes of what is done. Use a Job Safety Analysis form to do this.

Find hazard controls.

For each hazard found, write down the controls that need to be put in place to stop the hazard from causing an accident.


For good health and safety, there needs to be a process set up for identifying and assessing risks, and then developing measures to control these risks. One of the most important controls is to prepare work tasks, work instructions and technical rules. These help to make sure that planning is done and that there are written instructions on how to do the job because a lack of control could cause safety problems.

inexperience and lack of supervision and training

For workers below the age of 20, the cause is generally ____, ...

Infosearch, Chemsearch and CC Info

Occupational health and safety information is also available on the Internet, e-mail and other computer systems such as ____.

• Choose the job to be assessed.

In choosing which jobs should be looked at, it is useful to begin with those jobs that have a high accident rate or where a high risk is present.


Involving _____ in matters about their jobs and their workplace goes a long way towards building a committed and productive team. Input from the workforce is of great benefit to management in planning and problem-solving. The ____ are the people doing the job, so they are in the best position to come up with right answers.


Is the number of members that must be at the meeting for it to be held. It should consist of not less than half of the employee and/or contractor representatives and half of the management representatives. At OHSC meetings, there should be the same numbers of employee representatives or more than that of management. The chairperson/secretary may be counted as a member in a ____.

communication system

It is important to have a _____, otherwise people who should get the information may miss out. Making sure people understand the information is also important. Reading difficulties and language problems may have to be overcome by having the information read out or translated. This can be important when employees have to follow safety or emergency procedures.


It is the employer's job to provide the employee with ___, and with education, training and supervision.


It is the same when a company is successful. Whether we are talking about productivity or occupational health and safety, success depends on the commitment of all members of the ____.

Day-to-day communication

Mine personnel need to understand what has been said or written. One way to do this is to check with the other person by asking questions or repeating the information. If listening is difficult in noisy or busy areas, move to an area where people can really listen.

Manual Handling Code of Practice - Worksafe Australia

Reference should be made to the ____.


Plain English has many ____: • workers are more likely to read and act on written texts; • readers are less frustrated and view documents in a positive way; • there is less interruption to work from queries and misunderstandings; • documents take less time to produce; • safety and quality can be improved; and • training is easier and more timely.

Keep sentences short and clear

Remember: • Long and/or complex sentences are more difficult to understand. They take longer to read and can hide information. • A sentence should contain only one or two ideas. Separate ideas with lists, dot points and punctuation (commas, semi- colons, colons). • If you must have a long sentence (more than 18 words), follow it with a short one. Example: ✖The trainer will ensure that each crane driver/chaser is fully skilled in lifting procedures and, most importantly, will confirm that each crane driver/chaser fully understands what his duties are. (CHECK) Trainers must make sure that crane drivers/chasers: (a) know correct lifting procedures (b) understand their duties.


Replacement of OHSC members The office of OHSC members may become _____ if a member is: • no longer employed by the company; • permanently unable to work because of ill health; • absent without apology for a number of meetings; and • no longer the elected representative of one of the management or employee/contractor groups.


Requirements of OHSC _____ • Must behave at all times. • Items discussed in confidence within the OHSC will not be mentioned out of meetings.


Safe work procedures should be set up for the operation of all machinery and tasks that could cause safety problems.

work-method statements

Seven ways to write effectively: There are seven ways to write ___ in plain English so they are easier to write and understand. 1. write out the job procedure step by step; 2. use an active voice; 3. sequence ideas logically; 4. keep sentences short and clear; 5. choose words carefully; 6. use verbs not nouns; and 7. consider layout and formatting.

terms of reference

Should make sure the decisions made in the meeting can be carried out under the "____" for the committee.


Standards and guidelines that affect OH&S are available for the public to read before they are finished. Comments are also asked on proposed legislation and codes of practice. Industry associations, trade unions, local OH&S authority journals and newspapers are good ways to find out about these documents.

20 and 60

Statistics show that most people who get back strains are below the age of ___ or above the age of ___.

football team

The "_____" principle is participatory management with all personnel-employers and employees-participating in problem-solving and decision-making. When employees are involved in making a decision, no matter what it may be, they are more inclined to accept the consequences and put that decision into practice.


The Committee is formed from employer, contractor and worker representatives: • there should be a similar number of representatives from each group; • the term of office of a OHSC member should be no longer than three years; • a chairperson should be elected from within the members each year; • a secretary should be elected from within the members each year; • if an employee representative resigns, the replacement should be from the same work group; and • all management representatives should be filled by a person chosen by management.

managers and supervisors

The JSA can help ____ learn about the jobs to be supervised, even if they have not actually done all the jobs themselves. The finished JSA is a record showing that the company has completed hazard identification, assessment and control. The JSA should be used as a checklist when doing safety inspections or audits, as it tells the auditor what should be happening on any job.


The JSA provides a "_____" during any incident investigation, as it sets out how the job should be done.


The OHSC may: • call special meetings to consider important matters; • appoint sub-committees, working groups, delegates and other groups or persons to help OHSC activities; and • ask for help from persons who have skills and abilities, which may help meet the aims of the OHSC or subcommittees. These persons would generally have no voting rights.


The OHSC should meet on a regular basis with no more than three months between meetings.

JSA technique

The ____ is good way of getting employees to take part in assessing safety and reducing accidents.

completing a JSA

The four basic steps to ____ are as follows. 1.) • Choose the job to be assessed. 2.) • Work out the job steps or stages involved. 3.) • Look at a person while they are doing the job. 4.) • Find hazard controls.

information overload

The huge amount of information available can result in "_____", so it is important to be selective. There is a need to determine the type of information that is useful, and the way it is presented. A highly technical report could be full of important information, but if the words are too technical, only a few people might understand it.

What kind of information?

The huge amount of information available can result in "information overload", so it is important to be selective. There is a need to determine the type of information that is useful, and the way it is presented. A highly technical report could be full of important information, but if the words are too technical, only a few people might understand it.

Look at a person while they are doing the job.

The stages of the job can then be looked at step-by-step to identify any hazards. Write down any hazards that you find.


There are three main problems in doing JSAs that could prevent them being useful. These are: • not listing all the hazards; • listing the hazards, but taking no action; and • making unclear instructions.

point form

Try to put information in ____ for clear and easy reading. Example: ✖When compressed air jackhammers are to be employed for the purpose of excavation, it is advisable to make certain that the air compressor is placed within as close a proximity as practicable to the worksite and all equipment is to be fitted with suitable apparatus for noise abatement. Hearing protection is to be worn by all employees at all times and air hoses are to be fitted with snap-on safety couplings which are to be fixed to the hose by the use of safety locking pins. ✔When using jackhammers for excavation work: 1. place the compressor as close to the work as possible; 2. make sure that the equipment is fitted with noise controls; 3. wear hearing protection; 4. use snap-on safety couplings on all hoses; and 5. fix safety couplings with safety locking pins.


Two-way communication is an important part of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Good communication is the key to understanding OH&S issues that affect employees, managers and the community.

parallel structures

Use ____-that is, use the same grammatical structure to express similar ideas or two or more ideas in the same sentence. Example: (X) To prevent falls: • fix solid one metre high guard rail • workers must use a safety harness • workers wearing safety footwear • securely covering all floor penetrations (CHECK) To prevent falls: • fix solid one-metre-high guard rail • use safety harness • wear safety footwear • cover all floor penetrations securely.


Using this approach to the OH&S program will decrease the chance of having an ____. Management commitment and worker involvement is central to any occupational safety and health program.

Purpose of JSA

When the JSA has been done, it can be used to tell the worker how to do the job, and is ideal for training, since it shows a worker how to do the job in the best and safest way. It also sets the standard for the job so that everyone learns to do the job in the same safe way.

types of communication

Where will the information come from and how? Commonly used ____ are: • newsletters; • bulletins; • critical incident reports; • signs; • notice boards; • manuals; • safe work procedures; • meetings; • videos; • reports; and • safety committee minutes.

job safely

Workers will take more interest in a job if they are asked to help with the JSA. Workers might have good ideas on how to do the ____ and better ways to do the ___, for example: • some part of the workplace may need to be changed (materials, lighting, work area layout, ventilation, safety gear); • the number of times the job is done may need to be reduced; and • a complete change of the way the job is done might be needed.

Written procedures

_____ and work instructions are then developed to manage work processes, plant, equipment and materials in a safe way. Employees who do the tasks should help develop the procedures. The ____ should contain clear and easy-to-understand instructions. Workers will not always follow written rules. This is because the rules may not be sensible. Procedures must be correct, completed and able to be used. A method of setting up standard operating procedures for a job is to do a Job Safety Analysis (breaking down every job into small tasks). From this process safe, work procedures can be developed.

Two-way communication

_____ is an important part of an Occupational Health and Safety Management System. Good communication is the key to understanding OH&S issues that affect employees, managers and the community.


_____ is not just about sending memos and reports, it is about talking-giving and getting messages which are understood. This is important to provide a safe and healthy place to work.


_____ jargon, slang, idioms, sexist or racist terms and foreign expressions. Examples: 1 chippie, sparky, gofer 2 I'm broke 3 as slow as a snail 4 foreman 5 deja vu.

Sequence ideas logically

____ • Put the main idea first. Examples: • When you are working in a dusty and windy area, wear safety glasses. X • ✔Wear safety glasses when you are working in a dusty and windy area. • ✖From the information on the plan, establish the required width of the formwork. • ✔Set up the required width of the formwork from the instructions on the plan.

Tool box meetings

____ are group talks between management and workers. They give the workforce the chance to raise important issues about them and the operation.


____ should look at potential hazards and assess the risks of work processes.

Safe work procedures

____ should reduce lifting, carrying, pushing, pulling, lowering, throwing, holding, or tasks using force. They should: • remove unnecessary tasks; • prevent double handling; • prevent heavy carrying; • provide rest breaks during heavy or repetitive work; • provide shelf storage for heavier objects at waist level, smaller objects on high or low shelves; and • provide such mechanical aids as trolleys, hoists, levers, adjustable height workbenches and seating, hooks and jacks, tools and equipment kept within easy reach.


____: Keep in mind the people who are going to read the material, and consider these questions: • How well do they read? (educational background). • Are they from a non-English-speaking background?

Management's role

_____ Managers must set up a culture for safety in their areas of responsibility by making a point of talking about safety topics during site visits and by having safety as an item on the agenda at management meetings. When employees keep hearing the safety message from their managers, they know it is important and part of the way things are done.

Job Safety Analysis

_____ (JSA) is an important part of a safety program for stopping work accidents and illnesses. It is about looking at each job to identify and assess hazards and set up safe work practices.


_____ may not needed very often, but when they do occur, everyone concerned with the job should be told of the ____- and instructed in the new procedures. The JSA for a particular task should be repeated if: • an accident occurs on a job covered by a JSA; • a job method is changed; • a job process is changed; or • a safety inspection shows that the job is not being performed according to the JSA.

Discussion topics

______ include the following: • recent workplace incidents, injuries, near hits and possible preventative measures; • raising people's awareness of their responsibilities for working safely, for example attention to housekeeping, wearing of personal protective equipment; • inviting people to raise safety issues which are a concern; • workplace modifications, new plant or equipment; • people not turning up to work; • how to lower injuries; • employee input into lowering manual handling problems or modifying jobs to reduce potential risks; • workplace safety topics such as hazardous substances, permits to work, warm-up exercises, sun exposure; and • incident reports from outside sources.


______ may include: - interested employees; and - health and safety consultants. • Have no right to debate or vote on any committee matter. • If _____ wish to attend a meeting, they should tell the chairperson before the start of the meeting. • The chairperson should be told prior to the meeting if an observer needs to address the meeting on an item. The chairperson should put this request to the OHSC.


______ with relevant expertise may be invited to attend specific meetings. • ____ have no right to debate or vote on any OHSC matters.

Plain English means

_______: • considering the reader; • communicating a clear message to the reader; • using clear and simple language; and • rethinking how information is provided to get the reader's attention; Plain English does not mean: • writing in simple English; • using the minimum amount of words; • getting rid of technical language; • talking down to the reader; or • losing meaning;


is the way management can formally approach accident reduction. It can: • discuss health and safety issues; • provide health and safety information; • discuss health and safety performance; • review workplace OHS systems and procedures; and • solve workplace health and safety issues.


• Attend all meetings of the OHSC. • Take notes during the meeting and keep a copy. • Take notes on what was said in the meeting and any actions to be taken. Make sure everyone on the committee gets a copy. • Prepare and send out an agenda for each meeting at least five days before the date of that meeting. • Keep up to date the information on the Health and Safety Acts and Regulations, Codes of Practice and other important material. • Send reports on accidents/incidents, rehabilitation and current activities. • Provide advice on changes in standards and legislation. • Check that agreed processes are working as planned.


• Avoid unnecessary repetition or ____. Examples: ✖Power to the construction site is available on an around the clock basis. ✔Power to the construction site is available 24 hours a day.


• Do not use ____ (short forms). They are not as strong as the words written in full. Example: ✖Don't ✔Do not


• Do not use too many ____ together. They can make the document difficult to understand because the reader must take in a lot of information. Examples: ✖safety regulation handbook ✔handbook of safety rules ✖estimated monthly attendance performance bonus ✔monthly attendance bonus.

Use active voice

• It is more personal and direct and says who must do the action. Examples: • Materials must be removed in manageable lots. X • Remove materials in small lots. Check • Protective gloves are to be worn. X • Wear protective gloves. Check • Forklifts must not be driven faster than walking speed. X • Never drive forklifts faster than walking speed. Check • Leads are to be kept above floor level. X • Keep leads above floor level. Check • All equipment to be checked and tested. X • Check and test all equipment. Check

time phrase

• Put the ___, if important, as a subheading and then the instructions in point form underneath. Example: • When cutting, drilling or shaping glasswool insulation: 1. wear protective clothing; 2. use a suitable dust mask; and 3. avoid contact with your eyes.

extra information

• Separate ___ that may be needed to make the instruction clear. Do this by putting the extra information in a highlighted box or by using italics. Example: Block off fixed-type laser beams by using a beam stop. Safety Note: • Effective beam stops have a matt finish to stop reflection. Earth, wood plywood, brick, mortar, concrete or plasterboard surfaces are suitable. • Roughen the surface of metal beam stops.


• Should be at all meetings of the OHSC and keep order. When minutes are agreed, the chairperson should sign the minutes at the meeting. • Should make sure the decisions made in the meeting can be carried out under the "terms of reference" for the committee. • If there is an emergency, the chairperson should make decisions with the Occupational Health and Safety Representative and Management. Any actions are to be reported to the next OHSC meeting. • If not at a meeting, another chairperson should take over for that meeting.


• ____ out one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Over ten, use numbers - 11, 12, 13.

Choose words carefully

• don't use too many formal words or long-winded phrases. Examples: ✖ensure ✔make sure ✖accordingly ✔so ✖without further delay ✔immediately ✖at this point in time ✔now.

Write out the job procedure step by step

• start each step with an action word; and • set it out as shown in the procedure section of the Suggested Pro forma. Example 1: 1. Deliver all nails to the site 2. Store in areas set aside by the builder 3. Clear work area of all obstacles 4. Join timber on the floor in lengths less than nine metres. Example 2: 1. Locate centre of each hole 2. Check that each hole would only enter the slab thickness 3. Drill an 8 to 10 mm pilot hole 4. Insert a small wire or rod through each hole. Example 3: 1. Erect and brace columns 2. Erect and brace beams 3. Tie beams and bracing 4. Bridge purlins 5. Tension bolts.

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