PAss Final

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172. The history of personality types dates at least as far back as the days of A. Hippocrates.B. Jung.C. Freud.D. Thorndike.


22. Which of the following is NOT included in the traditional "trinitarian" conceptualization of validity? A. face validityB. content validityC. construct validityD. criterion-related validity


181. The MMPI-2 is appropriate for which age range? A. 6 to 60B. 14 and olderC. 18 and olderD. 21 to 60


10. A key difference between concurrent and predictive validity has to do with A. the time frame during which data on the criterion measure is collected. B. the magnitude of the reliability coefficient that will be considered significant at the .05 level. C. the magnitude of the validity coefficient that will be considered significant at the .05 level. D. Both the magnitude of the reliability coefficient that will be considered significant at the .05 level and the magnitude of the validity coefficient that will be considered significant at the .05 level.


101. Projective tests are BEST characterized as _____ methods of personality assessment. A. indirectB. futileC. objectiveD. behavioral


104. The use of projective tests minimizes A. an assessee's attempt to fake good or fake bad.B. the necessity for examinees to have a working knowledge of English.C. cross-cultural bias.D. the need for payment by third parties such as insurers.


106. When the Rorschach test is scored, A. it is important to note whether the individual responds to part of the inkblot or to the entire card.B. the content of the response is of greater diagnostic value than the location cited in forming the perception.C. only subjective clinical judgment is utilized, since no scoring or interpretive guidelines are available.D. the creativity of the assessee's responses will be a key determinant of the test user's vocational recommendations.


109. The Rorschach test A. continues to be a widely used clinical tool, despite its questionable validity.B. is taught in graduate psychology programs but is seldom used in professional practice.C. is neither widely taught in graduate psychology programs nor widely used in professional practice.D. ceased to be published in 2011.


16. If a test is a valid measure of a particular construct, we would expect that A. groups of people who differ with respect to the construct will obtain different test scores.B. groups of people who differ with respect to the construct will obtain similar test scores.C. groups of people who obtain similar scores will have similar personalities.D. None of these


173. The lower test-retest reliability coefficients found to exist for state anxiety when compared with higher test-retest reliability coefficients obtained for trait anxiety support which premise? A. Traits are more enduring personality characteristics than states.B. States are more enduring personality characteristics than traits.C. Exhibition of anxiety is very situation-dependent.D. None of these


179. Which test includes a Lie scale? A. the MMPI-2B. the NEO-PI-RC. the Harris-GoodenoughD. the Harris-Seemingly-Goodenough


187. To ensure that a child's responses on a self-report personality measure are an accurate representation of the child, which of the following would be the BEST course of action for a clinician? A. Ask the child's parents and teachers to complete rating scales.B. Consult with a personality researcher about the results.C. Recheck the scores both by hand and by computer.D. Conduct online research for the purpose of finding additional insights relative to the reason the assessment was undertaken.


189. A limitation of the MMPI that contributed to the need for developing the MMPI-2 was A. the sample size and representativeness of the normative sample of the MMPI were limited.B. the MMPI could not be scored with sufficient reliability by graduate students in psychology.C. the MMPI could not be used with non-English-speaking populations.D. the MMPI evidenced great inconsistency in the clinical scales.


191. As a result of the normalization of the standard scores on the MMPI-2, which statement is TRUE regarding a T score of 70 on the Depression Scale and a T score of 70 on Hypomania Scale? A. The two T scores equal the same level of clinical elevation.B. The scores can be significantly different depending on the gender of the testtaker.C. The two scores result in different percentile ranks for each scale.D. All of these


193. Self-report measures have been criticized because A. respondents can present themselves in a way that meets their needs.B. Results are less reliable than other measures.C. Results are less valid than reports from others.D. Self-report measures usually require a great deal of explanation.


2. A test is considered valid when the test A. measures what it purports to measure. B. measures whatever it is that it measures consistently. C. can be administered efficiently and cost-effectively. D. has little or no error associated with it.


20. Which BEST describes the concept of validity as applied to tests? A. It refers to how well a test measures what the test authors intend it to measure.B. It refers to whether the same results could have occurred by chance less than five times in a hundred.C. It refers to how well a specific sample performs on an administration of a test.D. It refers to whether or not a test is administered under standardized conditions.


21. If a newly developed test designed to measure happiness correlates with other tests of happiness but not with tests of sadness, this is referred to as __________________ and _________________ evidence of validity, respectively. A. convergent; discriminantB. discriminant; convergentC. homogeneous; concurrentD. concurrent; homogeneous


26. Tests of intelligence are typically administered to older adults for all of the following purposes EXCEPT: A. educational placement.B. diagnosis of clinical disorders.C. neuropsychological assessment.D. vocational planning.


27. The term cross-battery assessment refers to A. the selective use of subtests from different test batteries.B. the use of multiple test batteries in assessment.C. the use of culturally responsive tools of assessment.D. using physical tests in combination with psychological tests.


30. With reference to intelligence testing, the term ceiling is best associated with the A. most difficult items of a subtest for an individual testtaker.B. level of difficulty beyond which a test is no longer valid.C. data-based judgment of the highest end of a test's confidence interval.D. element of the test environment that may contain recessed lighting.


34. Which is TRUE of the debate over the definition of intelligence? A. The debate has been ongoing almost since tests of intelligence were devised.B. A resolution of sorts occurred in 1921 in the wake of the famous Symposium on Intelligence.C. The debate began in earnest in the 1970s after federal laws requiring the use of IQ tests were passed.D. The debate was quelled in the 1990s with the publication of The Bell Curve.


35. Many questions concerning intelligence are still being debated. In general, however, scholars are MOST likely to agree that A. the construct of intelligence has proven to be valuable to psychologists in their efforts to understand and predict human behavior.B. the construct of intelligence has not proven to be useful in helping psychologists understand or predict human behavior.C. intelligence tests have been shown to be of minimal value in non-clinical settings.D. intelligence tests have proven their utility in political campaigns where they are routinely used to screen candidates.


38. Unusual responses on the part of a testtaker during the "Memory for Sentences" subtest of the SB-5 may cue the examiner to A. hearing problems on the part of the examinee.B. the examiner's own speech or hearing problems.C. extraneous noise in the test environment affecting the test results.D. None of these


41. The Flynn effect is characterized by A. an average rise in measured intelligence each year from the year a test was normed.B. an average decline in measured intelligence each year from the year that a test was normed.C. fluctuating scores in measured intelligence as a presumed function of different dominant sources of variance.D. a testtaker's unexpected manipulation of a number 2 pencil as if it was a sword.


45. Galton's conception of intelligence focused on A. sensory abilities.B. environmental factors.C. behavioral assets and deficits.D. consistency of the bonds that can be established.


46. Binet believed that the primary purpose of an intelligence test was to assist the test user in the process of A. classification.B. measurement.C. prediction.D. data collection.


69. Ways of reducing the culture loading of a test include the A. use of oral instructions instead of printed instructions.B. prohibition of practice items.C. employment of computer-adaptive scoring.D. All of these


71. According to a theory of intelligence that emphasizes the centrality g, a factor analysis of any intelligence test widely viewed as valid would be expected to yield A. one large common factor.B. three factors of approximately equal size.C. a large number of small factors, but no large factor.D. a verbal factor and a performance factor.


84. The terms basal level, ceiling level, adaptive approach, and routing test are collectively BEST associated with the A. SB-5.B. WISC-IV.C. ASVAB.D. Mooney Problem Checklist.


89. In scoring the SB-5, the test user will tally scores of individual items on the SB-5 to obtain A. a raw score on each of the various subtests.B. a scaled score on each of the various subtests.C. a standard score on each of the various subtests.D. an index score on each of the subtests.


9. Before constructing a comprehensive final examination that covers everything you have studied since Day 1 of your course, your instructor reviews the objectives of the course, the textbook, and all lecture notes. Your instructor is clearly making a diligent effort to maximize the __________ validity of the final examination. A. content B. criterion-related C. predictive D. internal consistency


99. Behavioral assessment has many advantages over other forms of assessment. Which is NOT one of those advantages? A. Behavioral assessment can provide adequate explanations for apparently contradictory dynamics in motivation.B. Behavioral assessment can provide behavioral baseline data.C. Behavioral assessment can provide a record of the assessee's behavioral strengths and weaknesses across a variety of situations.D. Behavioral assessment can be used to pinpoint environmental conditions that are acting to trigger, maintain, or extinguish certain behaviors.


112. Word association tests such as that developed by Jung A. are usually based on cognitive theories of personality.B. are based on the premise that certain key words represent areas of conflict.C. utilize only "traumatic" stimulus words, in an attempt to diagnose associative disturbances.D. employ normative databases with samples matched to U.S. census data.


113. Sentence completion tests A. are based predominantly on cognitive theories of personality.B. usually have a high degree of face validity.C. are not vulnerable to "faking."D. All of these


168. Identification of the antecedents and consequences of behavior is a routine part of A. an analogue analysis.B. a functional analysis.C. a psychic analysis.D. behavioral determination.


169. Which BEST describes what is typically measured in personality assessment? A. social and communication skillsB. traits and statesC. charismaD. creativity and motivation


171. Research on psychological traits reveals A. strong cross-situational consistency in traits such as honesty.B. a lack of cross-situational consistency in traits such as honesty.C. clear evidence that traits physically exist in the brain.D. None of these


174. Asking testtakers to indicate how they feel "at this moment" versus how they feel "in general" is an attempt to A. obtain as much information about the testtakers as possible.B. distinguish between various traits and states.C. determine if the testtakers are responding truthfully.D. evaluate certain topic areas listed in the classic song, Feelings.


183. A problem inherent in assessing personality by means of self-report is that respondents may A. have little knowledge of their own unconscious motives and needs.B. respond in ways to manage specific impressions.C. be unaccustomed to thinking about their own personality.D. be uncomfortable with self-reflection.


184. An individual who is relatively free of psychopathology is accused of a crime. This individual makes a conscious decision that he would prefer to spend time in a mental hospital rather than a prison. Accordingly, this individual attempts to _______ when administered a personality test by a court-appointed psychologist. A. fake goodB. fake badC. exhibit the Barnum effectD. "take the fifth"


194. Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness. These variables are all measured by which tool of personality assessment? A. MMPI-II-RFB. NEO-PI RC. RorschachD. Self-Directed Search


196. A tendency to respond to a test item in a characteristic manner irrespective of the content of the item is known as A. a response prevention.B. a response style.C. an impression management effort.D. a halo effect.


198. As discussed in the text, cultural competence refers to A. developing tests that reflect cultural values.B. knowledge of a particular culture through academic study, life experience, or both.C. the ability of test users to be fair and balanced in administering tests and interpreting test data with testtakers from all cultures.D. expertise in the psychological tests written in a language that is foreign to the test administrator.


201. The term psychasthenia, as used in the 1930s when the MMPI was developed, was MOST closely related in meaning to what is now known as A. paranoid schizophrenia.B. obsessive-compulsive disorder.C. suicidal tendencies.D. borderline personality disorder.


24. As the term is applied to a test, validity is a judgment or estimate of how well a test A. measures what it purports to measure.B. measures what it purports to measure in a particular context.C. satisfies the deductions that could logically be made from inferences about it.D. a test result can be duplicated under the same or similar circumstances.


4. Predictive and concurrent validity can be subsumed under A. content validity. B. criterion-related validity. C. face validity. D. true score validity.


48. All of the following are true of Cattell's two-factor theory of intelligence EXCEPT: A. The abilities that constitute fluid intelligence are nonverbal and independent of specific instruction.B. Crystallized intelligence is relatively culture-free.C. Crystallized intelligence develops through one's use of fluid intelligence.D. Crystallized intelligence includes acquired skills and knowledge such as vocabulary.


5. Relating scores obtained on a test to other test scores or data from other assessment procedures is typically done in an effort to establish the __________ validity of a test. A. content-related B. criterion-related C. face D. about-face


70. To root out any possible cultural bias in the development of the WAIS-IV, A. experts from 120 cultures were administered a preliminary version of the test.B. all test items were specifically reviewed for cultural bias.C. all test items were administered in ethnically diverse communities.D. experts from 120 cultures participated in focus groups to analyze each of the test items.


75. The ______ was the test that launched the testing movement in the United States. A. Wechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleB. Stanford-BinetC. Army-AlphaD. Mooney Problem Checklist


76. The WISC-V is a test of intelligence that is noteworthy because it was the first Wechsler test that A. reportedly does not tap general intellectual ability (g) in any of its subtests.B. contains subtests designed for computer administration.C. did not load exclusively on a two-factor solution.D. All of these


78. On the Wechsler tests of intelligence, the Full Scale IQ has a mean of ________________ and a standard deviation of _______________. A. 50; 10B. 100; 15C. 10; 3D. 115; 15


8. Which assessment technique is the BEST example of a face valid method? A. a personality test in which testtakers are asked to describe what they see in inkblots B. administering a word processing test to a person applying to be a word processor C. asking testtakers to draw a picture of their family to assess family relationships D. measuring the height of applicants applying for a semi-pro basketball team


81. The 1916 Stanford-Binet A. was the first American test to contain verbal and performance subtests administered in alternating order.B. was the first American test to employ the concept of IQ.C. featured two equivalent forms.D. All of these


87. Through 1972, all published editions of the Stanford-Binet tended to be criticized for A. the lack of acceptable test-retest reliability.B. deficiencies with regard to the standardization sample employed.C. oversights with respect to scoring guidelines.D. "bugs" in the software used for test interpretation.


88. In designing the SB-5, an attempt was made to strike an equal balance between tasks requiring _________ and tasks requiring __________.A. expressive language; receptive languageB. expressive and receptive language; minimal language skillsC. verbal skills; meditative skillsD. touching and feeling; just touching


90. When scoring the SB-5, after raw scores for each of the various subtest are calculated, each of these scores are then converted to A. a scaled score.B. a standard score.C. a deviation score.D. an index score.


93. Short forms of intelligence tests A. can be more reliable than the long form of the same test.B. are recommended for screening purposes only.C. may be short on items, but they are "long" on data provided.D. All of these


95. Which is a DISADVANTAGE of group intelligence tests? A. The lessened role of the examiner may mean that the examiner has less effect on the examinee's score.B. The examiner has less opportunity to gather behavioral observations of examinees during testing.C. Examinees may become bored or distracted as there tends to be less examiner interaction during test administration.D. All other things equal, the reliability of group intelligence tests tends to be significantly less than the reliability of individually-administered tests.


97. Some have said that different TAT cards have different "stimulus pulls." By this it is meant that different TAT cards have different A. form demands.B. latent stimulus demands.C. variations on the same theme.D. frequent plots.


102. Projective tests A. are direct methods of personality assessment.B. place great verbal demands on the test-taker.C. are relatively unstructured techniques.D. All of these


114. The assumption that individuals will supply structure to unstructured stimuli in a manner consistent with their own conscious and unconscious concerns underlies the A. projectile hypothesis.B. subjective hypothesis.C. projective hypothesis.D. Skinnerian hypothesis.


116. Based on several review articles cited in the text, what conclusion can reasonably be made about the Rorschach test and its contribution to psychological assessment? A. Rorschach-based interpretations represent the essence of "scientifically informed psychological assessment."B. Rorschach-based interpretations have little reliability and even less validity.C. There exists a mixture of favorable and unfavorable reviews of the Rorschach's contributions to psychological assessment.D. No single tool of psychological assessment has undermined the credibility of behavioral science more than Hermann Rorschach's test.


118. Which of the following is TRUE of behavioral assessment? A. Groups of people are generally observed in order to obtain normative data.B. More traditional psychological tests are routinely administered before and after behavioral assessment.C. The frequency, intensity, or duration of the behavior is typically specified.D. Assessments are preceded by in-depth interviews designed to explore relevant aspects of motivation.


119. Which is NOT a quantifiable definition of a target behavior? A. the number of times Achmed is aggressive toward his peers during recess.B. the number of seconds Hostelita spends out of her seat during class.C. the number of seconds Johnny spends daydreaming during math class.D. the number of times Mary Jo raises her hand during social studies class.


12. According to the text, face validity may ultimately be more of an issue regarding __________ than ________. A. social values; psychometric soundness B. psychometric soundness; public relations C. public relations; psychometric soundness D. social values; public perception


121. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the behavioral approach to assessment? A. It seeks to identify traits or motives that can be inferred from behavior.B. It seeks to reveal underlying motivations regarding personality.C. It focuses on what a person actually does in certain situations.D. It focuses primarily on what a person actually thinks while engaging in specific behaviors.


17. A significant, positive relationship exists between scores on a new test of intelligence and scores on the fourth edition of the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale. These data may be viewed as supportive of which type of validity evidence for the new test? A. criterion-related validityB. content validityC. convergent evidence of construct validityD. discriminant evidence of construct validity


18. A statistically insignificant correlation exists between scores on a new test of depression and a well-established measure of satisfaction with life. These data may be construed as which type of validity evidence with regard to the test of depression? A. criterion-related validityB. convergent evidence of construct validityC. discriminant evidence of construct validityD. None of these because there was an insignificant relationship.


19. A new test designed to gauge competence to stand trial is found to lack face validity. Which is the MOST likely consequence of this fact? A. Judges will urge assessors to use this test.B. Lawyers will urge assessors not to use this test.C. impression management will be less of a factor in the test results.D. whether defendants are competent will be less of a factor in the test results.


197. Consider the following sample item on a personality test:Instructions: Which statement describes you better?(A) I am unhappy too much of the time.(B) I am nervous too much of the time. This item is an example of which type of item format? A. essayB. adjective checklistC. forced-choiceD. free-choice


199. When administering a personality test with the services of a translator, caution is in order because A. there is a shortage of capable translators.B. one never knows what the translator is really saying.C. words do not always retain their original meaning in translation.D. All of these


202. The BEST explanation of the name given to the "Back-Page Infrequency" scale of the MMPI-2 would make reference to A. the last 10 items on the last page of the MMPI-2.B. the degree of pathology that tends to emerge near the end of the test.C. the diligence and care with which a testtaker took the test.D. Bob Dylan's classic song, My Back Pages.


25. Intelligence may be assessed at various stages in the life span and A. the purpose of assessing intelligence is exactly the same at all ages.B. the exact same behaviors are assessed at all ages.C. different behaviors are assessed at different ages.D. the later in life, the more difficult the assessment.


28. In discussing the role of personality in the measured intelligence of infants, the term _____ is typically substituted for "personality." A. "sensory ability"B. "mood-related variables"C. "temperament"D. "alerting response"


3. Which is NOT a method of evaluating the validity of a test? A. evaluating scores on the test as compared to scores obtained on other tests B. evaluating the content of the test C. evaluating the percentage of passing and failing grades on the test D. evaluating test scores as they relate to predictions from a particular theory


33. A lay person asks a psychologist, "What is intelligence" Based on the text, what would be the psychologist's BEST response? A. "A multifaceted construct that is primarily determined by the environment and, in general, includes a person's ability to appropriately and effectively care for himself or herself and interact reasonably with others."B. "An unobservable trait whose meaning researchers have failed to agree on, and which, consequently, has no relevance to an understanding human behavior."C. "A multifaceted construct influenced by heredity and environment that, in general, is related to verbal, quantitative, social, and problem-solving abilities."D. "I'm sorry, could you repeat the question?"


39. A ratio IQ is calculated as follows: A. mental age multiplied by chronological age, divided by 100.B. chronological age divided by mental age, multiplied by 100.C. mental age divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100.D. deviation IQ divided by chronological age, multiplied by 100.


40. The deviation IQ reflects a comparison of the performance of the individual with the performance of others A. in the entire standardization sample.B. in the same grade in the standardization sample.C. of the same age in the standardization sample.D. in the same grade and of the same age in the standardization sample.


42. The magnitude of the Flynn effect typically depends MOST on A. the population on whom the test was normed.B. the model of intelligence employed by the test developers.C. when the test was normed.D. the methods used by the test developers to norm the test.


44. A major thread running through the theories of Binet, Wechsler, and Piaget is the concept of interactionism. In this context, interactionism refers to A. interaction between mind and body.B. members of different professions working together.C. interaction between heredity and environment.D. neurochemical interactions that occur during new learning.


47. Who first hypothesized that the proportion of the variance that a number of tests have in common accounts for a general factor of intelligence? A. PearsonB. PiagetC. SpearmanD. Galton


49. Carroll's three-stratum theory of cognitive abilities is referred to as which type of model of cognitive functioning? A. an experimental modelB. an information processing modelC. a hierarchical modelD. a stratum-like model


50. Which of the following is omitted from the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model as modified by McGrew and Flanagan? A. quantitative abilityB. memoryC. general intellectual abilityD. eye-hand coordination


6. Face validity refers to A. the most preferred method for determining validity. B. another name for content validity. C. the appearance of relevancy of the test items. D. validity determined by means of face-to-face interviews.


73. Which is TRUE of the McGrew-Flanagan CHC model? A. It features 32 broad stratum abilities.B. It makes no provision for fluid intelligence.C. It makes no provision for a general ability (g) factor.D. It has little heuristic value.


77. A measured SB-5 IQ in the range of 55 to 69 would place the testtaker in the category of A. low averageB. borderline impaired or delayedC. mildly impaired or delayedD. moderately impaired or delayed


92. Which is TRUE about short forms of the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler Scales? A. They should never be used.B. They are almost as accurate as the standard forms.C. They are less reliable than the standard forms.D. Their use is inadvisable with the deaf.


96. Compared with individually administered intelligence tests, group intelligence tests A. are more psychometrically sound.B. have a higher degree of predictive validity.C. have the advantage in terms of cost efficiency.D. All of these


1. "It's a measure of validity that arrived at by a comprehensive analysis of how scores on the test relate to other test scores." This statement is a reference to: A. face validity. B. content validity. C. the trinitarian index. D. construct validity.


100. Differences between traditional and behavioral approaches to psychological assessment include the fact that A. in traditional approaches to assessment, data is typically used to diagnose and classify, while in behavioral approaches, assessment data is used to describe targeted behaviors and maintaining conditions, usually for the purpose of selecting specific therapeutic techniques and then tracking response to therapeutic intervention.B. traditional approaches to assessment are more likely to evaluate the traits and states of the individual (collectively referred to as "personality"), while behavioral assessment is more likely to focus attention on the conditions in the environment that were instrumental in establishing a targeted behavior, as well as the environmental conditions that are currently maintaining the behavior.C. rather than drawing inferences about personality from samples of behavior (as in traditional approaches to assessment), behavioral approaches to assessment focus on the meaning (in the sense of purpose, utility, or consequences) of the behavior itself.D. All of these


103. The assumption that individuals provide structure to unstructured stimuli in a manner consistent with their individual needs, conflicts, and impulses is known as A. the psychoanalytic concept of repression.B. the stimulus-response hypothesis.C. the defense mechanism of denial.D. the projective hypothesis.


105. The Rorschach Inkblot Test A. was originally developed with highly structured and comprehensive administration and scoring instructions.B. can be purchased as either a black-and-white or a multicolored set of cards. C. is used widely by behavioral psychologists.D. None of these


107. Assessing the reliability of the Rorschach using the split-half method is inappropriate because A. there are too few inkblots to enable interpretation through the split-half method.B. stimulus cards are presented twice and possibly three times.C. responses by subjects may be too lengthy to adapt to split-half procedures.D. each inkblot is considered to have a unique stimulus quality.


108. Debate over the validity of the Rorschach has stemmed from inconclusive results of research examining A. the predictive validity of the Rorschach.B. the effectiveness of the Rorschach in differentiating between clinical groups.C. the interpretation of Rorschach responses.D. All of these


11. Which is an example of a criterion? A. achievement test score B. success in being able to repair a defective toaster C. student ratings of teaching effectiveness D. All of these


110. Of the following projective tests, which is the MOST widely used? A. the Draw-A-Person TestB. the Holtzman Inkblot TestC. the Thematic Apperception TestD. the Rorschach Inkblot Test


111. When administering the TAT A. all stimulus cards are presented to all subjects.B. a minimum of ten cards must be presented.C. a maximum of twenty cards is presented. D. the number of cards presented is left to examiner discretion.


115. Which of the following is the most widely used and widely taught scoring system for the Rorschach? A. Rorschach's own Psychodiagnostics systemB. the Piotrowski systemC. the Klopfer systemD. the Exner system


117. A problem associated with behavioral observation as a tool of assessment is A. reactivity.B. observer bias.C. equipment bias.D. All of these


120. A behaviorally-oriented clinician might use a variety of instruments in a clinical assessment. Which of the following is such a clinician LEAST likely to use? A. case study material.B. observation.C. a standardized checklist.D. a projective technique.


13. Which magnitude of validity coefficient is typically acceptable to conclude that a test is valid? A. 1.50B. 1.80C. above 1.90D. None of these


14. A construct is A. unobservable.B. something that describes behavior.C. something that is assumed to exist.D. All of these


15. All validity evidence can be interpreted as ________ validity. A. contentB. criterion-relatedC. predictiveD. construct


170. A personality trait A. is relatively enduring.B. is distinguishable.C. varies within and between individuals.D. All of these


175. Personality assessment data are used in which settings? A. offices of independent practitionersB. educational settingsC. vocational settingsD. All of these


176. Personality tests are used for A. evaluating influences on health.B. planning psychotherapeutic interventions.C. evaluating influences on academic performance.D. All of these


177. An example of a personality test that employed empirical criterion keying in its development is the A. 16 PF.B. NEO-PI-R.C. Rorschach.D. MMPI.


178. In one approach to the construction of a test to measure a personality trait, the test is administered to at least two groups, where members of one of the groups is known to be high in the trait that the test was designed to measure. This approach is referred to as the ________ approach to test construction. A. logicalB. factor-analyticC. theoreticalD. empirical criterion keying


180. The MOST frequently used and MOST researched personality test is the A. Mooney Problem Checklist.B. Rorschach.C. 16 PF.D. MMPI-2.


182. Self-report personality assessment can entail A. written responses to a test.B. writing entries into a diary.C. oral report of dreams.D. All of these


185. Citing or endorsing only positive attributes in a self-report measure of personality is a phenomenon referred to as A. putting on the Barnum.B. amplifying.C. self-deception.D. socially desirable responding.


186. Which statement is TRUE regarding the definition of personality? A. Freud's definition of personality is universally accepted.B. Hall and Lindzey's definition of personality is universally accepted.C. The definition of Cohen, Swerdlik, and Sturma is universally accepted.D. There is no universal definition of personality.


188. Validity scales assist the test user in making judgments related to whether or not a testtaker A. lied when responding to a particular set of items.B. understood the items.C. misunderstood the items.D. All of these


190. Although the MMPI-2 had a larger standardization sample than the original MMPI, the norm sample remained one of the primary criticisms of this revised test. Why? A. The MMPI-2 sample had the effect of further elevating an already elevated T score.B. The MMPI-2 sample was made up of mostly non-White individuals.C. The MMPI-2 sample was biased toward low SES people.D. The MMPI-2 sample was biased toward highly educated people.


192. The MMPI-A is A. the original MMPI-2 normed for adolescents.B. the MMPI-2 normed for adolescents.C. the MMPI-2-RF normed for adolescents.D. a version of the MMPI for adolescents.


195. When considering the appropriateness of administering a particular personality test to members of a particular cultural group, it is important to keep in mind A. how the test was developed.B. how the test is administered.C. how the test is interpreted.D. All of these


200. A culturally sensitive psychological assessment includes sensitivity to which of the following? A. acculturation and languageB. values and worldviewC. personal identityD. All of these


29. Exploratory factor analysis is used for all of the following EXCEPT: A. summarizing large data sets efficiently.B. determining the number of dimensions present in the data.C. determining which items correlate with which dimensions in the data.D. determining whether one factor causes the appearance of another.


31. Generally speaking, the use of human figure drawings to measure intelligence is A. indicated when a need exists to predict cognitive functioning in the upcoming school year.B. recommended when a need exists for the fastest possible estimate of intellectual ability.C. mandatory when the testtaker is from a culture different than that where the assessment is being conducted.D. not recommended.


32. "In truth, intelligence has become . . . a word with so many meanings that finally it has none." This is a quote from A. E. L. Thorndike.B. E. G. Boring.C. Francis Galton.D. Charles Spearman.


36. On a test of intelligence, teaching items are A. designed to illustrate the task required.B. assure the examinee that the examiner knows what he or she is doing.C. not formally scored.D. Both designed to illustrate the task required and not formally scored.


37. When administering an individual test of intelligence, the examiner is alert to A. cues that the examinee is not alert.B. ways that the examinee copes with frustration.C. how cooperative the examinee appears to be. D. All of these


43. Children's intelligence is assessed primarily for A. vocational placement and planning.B. academic research and planning.C. behavioral research and planning.D. educational placement and planning.


51. McGrew and Flanagan's version of the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model was originally intended for use in A. pediatric rehabilitative applications.B. neuropsychological applications.C. comparative psychology applications.D. psychoeducational applications.


7. Face validity A. may influence the way the testtaker approaches the situation. B. relates more to what the test appears to measure than what the test may actually measure. C. is given short-shrift as compared to other indices of validity. D. All of these


72. The fifth edition of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale was based on which theory of intelligence? A. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligencesB. the Cattell-Horn theoryC. Spearman's two-factor theoryD. the CHC model


74. Stanford-Binet Full Scale scores are converted into nominal categories designated by certain cutoff boundaries. For example, an SB-5 measured IQ in the range of 110 to 119 falls into the __________ category. A. very giftedB. giftedC. superiorD. high average


79. On the Wechsler tests of intelligence, the subtest scores have a mean of ____________ and a standard deviation of __________________. A. 100; 15B. 100; 16C. 50; 10D. 10; 3


80. On the Wechsler tests, which of the following subtests BEST reflects and predicts overall intelligence? A. the Coding subtestB. the Arithmetic subtestC. the Block Design subtestD. the Vocabulary subtest


82. For the purpose of establishing the concurrent validity of the SB-5, the SB-5 test developers conducted correlational research using the SB-5 and A. the SB-4.B. the WAIS-III.C. the WISC-III.D. All of these


83. If Shane earns a full-scale IQ of 90 on the WAIS-IV, this means that A. ninety percent of the testtakers in Shane's age group scored lower than Shane on this test.B. Shane correctly answered 90 questions.C. Shane correctly answered 90% of the questions.D. Shane scored at the low end of the average range.


85. Practice items on the WAIS-IV are referred to as A. behavioral rehearsal items.B. performance items.C. acquisition items.D. teaching items.


86. The WAIS-IV is an improvement over its predecessor, the WAIS-III in that the WAIS-IV A. has a higher ceiling.B. has a lower floor.C. requires less time to administer.D. All of these


91. When scoring the SB-5, standard scores are converted to A. scaled scores.B. deviation scores.C. index scores.D. composite scores.


94. Validity of short forms may be reduced because fewer items: A. means that the test will not be used as often as the longer form.B. lowers test utility which negatively impacts validity.C. means that the test can only be used for screening purposes. D. lowers test reliability which negatively impacts validity.


98. Controversy surrounding Exner's norms for the Comprehensive System for the Rorschach stemmed from the claim that A. Exner took great liberties when developing the norms making their validity questionable.B. the graduate students collecting the data were poorly trained.C. the normative sample from Detroit was not representative.D. the norms over-pathologized nonclinical groups.


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