Passive - Present Perfect and future, Unit 9

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Bob is going to be promoted to chief executive

the owners are going to promote Bob to chief executive (CEO)

we haven't been served yet

the waiter hasn't served us yet

Tesla electric cars have been used since 2006

they have used Tesla electric cars since 2006

Has your car been checked?

Has the mechanic checked your car?

Richard hasn't been invited to the party (by Joan)

Joan hasn't invited Richard to the party

Will most of the electricity be provided by the sun in the new house?

Will the sun provide most of the electricity in the new house?

luckily, these trees aren't going to be cut down

luckily, they aren't going to cut down these trees

these puppies will be adopted

somebody will adopt these puppies

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