pathology diseases

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Inflammatory respiratory Disease. 2 types. Acute Bronchitis results from a primary infection of the respiratory system and is an absolute contraindication. Chronic Bronchitis results from constant irritation of the bronchial tubes. massage is indicated. both types have symptoms of excess mucous and cough and may be treated with the use of bronchodilators. tapotement may help loosen excess phlegm.


a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep. Obesity, Males, advanced age are all common demographics. there are 3 types. Central sleep Apnea: not common. the result of the brain not stimulating the muscles responsible for breathing. Obstructive sleep Apnea: the result of throat muscles relaxing which causes the air passages to narrow or completely close upon inhalation. people often snore. Complex sleep Apnea: when a person experiences both.


abnormal growth during adulthood results from the release of excessive amounts of growth hormone by the pituitary gland.

Varicose Veins

abnormal swelling of veins most commonly seen in the legs.regular, spider, or even hemorrhoids. local contraindication.


acute inflammation of a nerve trunk by the varicella sister virus

Bells palsy

affects the facial nerve causing paralysis in one side of the face. temporary and should resolve in a month or two. person may take corticosteroids(reduce inflammation and suppress the immune system. light massage on the face can be helpful.


an increased production of thyroxine which is primarily responsible for stimulating tissues to consume oxygen. it can increase the bodys metabolism.


arteriosclerosis: hardening of the walls of the arteries. Atherosclerosis: build up of fatty plaque inside the arteries. massage is indicated but may require lighter pressure due to certain medications that may thin the blood.


aslo called dermatophytosis, fungal infection of the skin that results in a ring like area. local contraindication.

Lupus Erythematosus

autoimmune disorder affecting connective tissues results in a butterfly rash on the face. flare ups may cause pain but otherwise not contraindicated.

Multiple Sclerosis

autoimmune disorder affecting the myelin sheaths that protect the axons of the nervous system. It begins with the Immune system attacking the myelin sheaths(fatty layers surrounding, insulating, protecting the axons) when they are destroyed the axons are exposed, this could lead to loss of functions and extreme pain. massage is not contraindicated unless there is pain.

Addison's Disease

autoimmune disorder caused by damage to the adrenal cortex by the body's immune system. damage results in an inability to produce cortisol.


autoimmune disorder of the skin resulting in thick silvery dry scaly patches. if painful avoid otherwise massage is safe.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

autoimmune disorder similar to rheumatoid arthritis. body's immune system attacks and destroy the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral discs. bamboo spine after fusion. nsaids. massage is indicated with stretching and ROM excersises.

Grave's Disease

autoimmune disorder, the body's immune system attacks the thyroid gland causing hyperthyroidism.

Multiple sclerosis

autoimmune disorder. The body's immune system attacks the myelin sheaths(protective fatty layers surrounding axons, insulating and protecting them). meylin degeneration may lead to loss of functions and scar tissue may form over the axons leading to extreme pain. distinctive symptoms in the acute stage include numbness(typically in the face), tingling, blurry vision, and difficulty walking. Corticosteroids may be used as treatment to suppress the immune system.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

autoimmune disorder. results in inflammation, pain, deformity of joints around the hands and wrists. the body's immune system attacks the joints synovial membranes destroying them, once destroyed thick fibrous material replaces them. nsaids, cortocosteroids, and PT. local contraindication in the acute stage.


bacterial infection of a hair follicle. also known as a furuncle. a group localized together is known as a carbuncle. a local contraindication.


bacterial infection of the skin caused by staphylococci bacterium entering through wounds. local contraindication.

Lyme Disease

bacterial infection spread by deer ticks. usually is only transmitted if the bite lasts longer than 36 hours. general/local contraindication

Decubitus ulcer

bed sores or pressure ulcers. static positions for long periods of time result in ischemia which when present for too long results in necrosis and then the dead tissue becomes ulcerated and infection may occur. local contraindication.


benign growths on the skin caused by HPV. contagious and is a local contraindication.

Sebaceous Cyst

blockage in a sebaceous gland causing a build up of sebum. it is surrounded by a membrane to prevent spreading. local contraindication.

deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

blood clots form in the deep veins of the body, typically the legs, and can block blood flow. typically a local contraindication requiring you to avoid the site of the thrombus, dislodging the clot may lead to circulation cut off. deeper massage may be contraindicated if the client is on anticoagulants/thrombolytics.


break in bone. Simple: does not break through the skin or damage surrounding tissues. Compound: breaks through the skin and damages surrounding tissue. several others including transverse, greenstick, oblique, and spiral fractures. after healing massage may be preformed


breakage of skin. avulsion- when the skin or another structure(nail,finger) is pulled/ripped. Laceration- cut with jagged edges. puncture. local contraindication.

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

brief episode of loss of blood flow to the brain, usually caused by a partial occlusion that results in temporary neurologic deficit (impairment) mini stroke


bruise. damage to blood vessels in the skin resulting in bleeding. local contraindication.

De Qervain's Tenosynovitis

caused by overuse of the thumb reukting in straining of the tendons and their sheaths. Massage is a local contraindication due to risk of increasing inflammation/pain. application of cold may help.


chronic lung condition. Chronic irritation of the lungs leading to degeneration of the alveoli causing gas exchange to become extremely difficult. main symptom is shortness of breath. massage is indicated.

myocardial infarction (MI)

heart attack. an infarction is an obstruction of blood flow to a specific part of the body. in this case the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart ams when blood flow is restricted and the tissue does not receive enough oxygen it starts to die resulting in necrosis when too much tissue dies you experience a HA. massage is indicated after treatment has occurred but with caution depending on severity and medications.


herpes zoster, viral infection that results in a painful skin rash usually on one side of the body. absolute contraindication.


hives. results in welts and wheals on the skin. it is caused by the release of histamines into the blood. depending on the reason for the hives it is either a local or absolute contraindication.

Herniated disc

if a tear occurs in the annulus fibrosus, the nucleus pulposus may protrude through the torn section placing pressure on spinal nerves. primarily caused by degredation of a disc. local contraindications.


increased interstitial fluid in a limb causing swelling. lymphatic draining towards the heart is extremely effective.


inflammation and swelling in the nasal sinuses that can result in excessive mucous production. decongestants are helpful for draining nasal cavities. in the acute stage is an ACI


inflammation caused by enzymes becoming active inside the organ before entering into the digestive tract or blood stream.


inflammation of a bursa: small sac filled with synovial fluid at a joint. local contraindication.


inflammation of a nerve or nerve trunk


inflammation of a vein or veins. local contraindication and light pressure may be necessary depending if the client is on blood thinners.


inflammation of the gallbladder. untreated it is very serious and absolute contraindication in the acute stage.


inflammation of the gray matter(medulla oblongata) of the spinal cord.


inflammation of the lining of the stomach.


inflammation of the meninges. commonly caused by a viral but sometimes other types of infections. pathogens such as west Nile or streptococci bacterium can be the cause. absolute contraindication.


inflammation of the stomach and small intestine primarily caused by viral or bacterial infection


inflammation of the throat typically caused by a virus

Crohns disease

inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation of the digestive tracts. in the acute stage massage should be avoided. in the post acute stage massage is indicated.


injury results in inflammation of a tendon. local contraindication. application of hot and cold(ending with cold) can help with inflammation and pain.


injury to a tendon or muscle. grade 1- slight tearing grade 2- bruising and inflammation grade 3- complete tearing. local contraindications.

Muscle cramp

involuntary painful contractions of a muscle. local contraindication until cramp has subsided which can be done with reciprocal inhibition.


lack of oxygen and overabundance of CO2 in the blood. iron deficient I sickle cell. massage helps increase circulation and oxygen intake.

Golfers Elbow

medial epicondylitis. tendonitis that affects and weakens the flexors of the wrist. local contraindication. application of cold may help.


most common form of arthritis. caused by damage to the hyaline cartilage. most common location is the knee. nsaids. in the acute stage massage is a local contraindication for any kind of arthritis because it can bring blood into the area and increase inflammation. in the post acute stage it is great for bringing fresh blood to the area and increasing synovial fluid production in joints.

Alzeimer's disease

most common form of dementia.


pain that follows the pathway of the sciatic nerve, caused by compression or trauma of the nerve or its roots


pain throughout the body and fatigue. massage is indicated working with the clients pain tolerance.


paralysis of all four extremities


paralysis of both legs and the lower part of the body


paralysis of one extremity


paralysis of one side of the body

Bell's Palsy

paralysis of the facial nerve, causing muscular weakness in one side of the face.


paralysis of two extremities


parasitic infection caused by the sacroptes scabiel mite. mites burrow into skin and lay eggs causing intense itching and visible tunnels. absolute contraindication


pouches form in the walls of the large intestine particularly the descending and/or sigmoid colon

Osgood Schlatter disease

repetitive strain injury caused by overuse of the patellar tendon. primarily affects adolescents. overuse of quadriceps can cause tightening and can cause an overgrowth of bone resulting in a bony lump. stretching is good.


repetotive strain injury resulting in inflammation of a tendon and its protective sheath. affects hands, feet, wrists. local contraindication.

adhesive capsulitis

restricted range of motion at the shoulder joint. adhesions form between the joint capsule and the head of the humerus. subscapularis is hypertonic may pull back on the humerus restricting ROM. Massage including stretching and compression of the joint is very helpful.


rupture in a muscle or connective tissue allowing an organ or other tissues to protrude.


scarring of the lover due to other conditions such as hepatitis. massage should be avoided die to increased waste products being filtered through the liver.


skin inflammation. contact dermatitis( skin comes in contact with an irritant), Atopic dermatitis also called eczema(chronic condition resulting in red scaly patches around joints that flex and extend), sebhorrheic results from fungus growth(itchy patches around the face, neck, and chest) local contraindication.


small pouches develop in the large intestine and then become inflamed and/or infected.

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Chronic condition. The trigeminal Nerve (cranial nerve V/5) sends sensory information from the face to the brain and when a blood vessel comes into contact with this nerve it results in dysfunction causing extreme pain typically felt in only one side of the face. massage is not contraindicated but extreme pain may make it unbeneficial. a face rest should be avoided.


a condition causing the vertebral column typically in the thoracic region to be pulled into a lateral position. typically develops around the beginning stages of puberty. one hip may be higher than the other causing a descrepancy in gait and tight muscles such as hypertonic rhomboids may contribute to this. massage is indicated. it may help loosen tight muscles.


a condition of the thoracic vertebrae resulting in hyper curvature also called dowagers hump. curvature that moves posteriorly. can be caused by tight pecs minor and serratus anterior pulling the scapulae anteriorly.


a form of arthritis mostly seen around the big toe. it is the result of an over abundance of uric acid crystals in the body typically the result of the kidneys not excreting enough uric acid or the body producing too much. nsaids or corticosteriods are used. local contraindication.

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

The most advanced, and fatal, stage of an HIV infection. open sores are local but otherwise not contraindicated.


a bulge in the wall of an artery resulting from weakened arterial walls. aortic(bulge in the aorta), Cerebral(bulge in an artery supplying blood to the brain), Ventricular(bulge in the wall of the heart.). massage that increases blood pressure should be avoided such as deep tissue.

Thoracic outlet Syndrome

a condition caused by compression of nerves/blood vessels passing through the thoracic outlet. pressure may cause pain numbness and weakness in the upper limb. may be caused by tight pectoralis minor, scalenes, or obesity/tumor. massage is generally indicated. stretching of the tight muscles to relieve pressure and return sufficient blood supply. if tumors are the cause it is a local contraindication.

Parkinson's Disease

a motor disease in which the neurons in the brain that produce dopamine( a neurotransmitter that stabilizes the body during motor movement) are gradually destroyed. as dopamine levels drop trembling and shaking increase and all motor movement becomes more and more difficult. massage is indicated.


chronic respiratory disease. Asthma causes constriction if the smooth muscle in the walls of the bronchial tubes and excess mucous in airways restricting oxygen intake. Acute symptoms include wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath. Treatments involve Bronchodilators(relax muscles in airways that have become inflamed/narrow), corticosteroid(inhibit the immune system), nebulizer w/inhalable steroids. In the acute stage massage is contraindicated, once breathing has normalized tapotement on the back and chest can help loosen excess phlegm.

carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)

compression of the median nerve as it passes between the ligament and the bones and tendons of the wrist

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

compression of the median nerve between carpals and the transverse carpal ligament. cross fiber and circular friction on the transverse carpal ligament will help loosen adhesions in the area. heat application can soften the ligament allowing space in the carpal canal.


compression of the sciatic nerve that results in pain radiating down the buttocks, posterior thigh, and leg usually only on 1 side. it is most commonly caused by a herniated disc in the lumbar vertebrae or bone spurs. massage is indicated but if it results from a herniated disc then that area should be considered a local contraindication.


condition causing weakness and degeneration in bones. mainly affects post menopausal women. makes bones brittle and may cause kyphosis or back pain. light massage is indicated.


condition of the lumbar vertebrae resulting in hyper curvature. swayback. curvature that moves anteriorly. may be caused by tight Psoas major, Iliacus, quadratus lumborum, Rectus Femoris. or weak muscles such as recutus abdominis, hamstrings.

Raynaud's syndrome

constricting of blood vessels in the fingers and toes reducing circulation to these areas. primary RS occurs independently whilst Secondary RS is associated with other conditions. massage is indicated but heat should be avoided because it can cause decreased sensations and tissue damage.

Cushing's Disease

disease of the pituitary gland causing hyper production of adrenocorticotropic hormone(ACTH). the result of hyperplasia(excessive growth) of the pituitary gland.

Meniere's disease

disorder of inner ear causing vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss


elevated/high blood pressure. systolic blood pressure(pressure felt in arteries when the heart beats) is around 120 mmHg and Diastolic blood pressure(pressure felt in arteries when the heart is at rest) is around 80mmHg. to be diagnosed with hypertension a persons pressure would need to be 140/90. light massage that promotes lower blood pressure should be preformed and deep pressure avoided.


enlargement of the thyroid gland located at the base of the neck primarily caused by a lack of iodine in the diet.


fungal infection of the nail commonly by dermatophyte fungi. local contraindication.


sprains cause tears to ligaments typically occurring quite quickly. there are 3 grades of sprains. Grade 1: stretching of a ligament but no major tearing. Should return to normal after 24-48 hours. Grade 2: tearing of a ligament presenting with bruising and inflammation. can heal on its own or not. high ankle sprain is a common example of this. Grade 3: complete rupture of a ligament and requires surgery. ACL is a common one. sprains take much longer to heal than strains due to ligaments being avascular. in the acute stage these are local contraindications.


sublaxation of the big toe. massage is generally not contraindicated.

Tennis Elbow

tendonitis of the lateral epicondyle also known as lateral epycondylitis that affects and weakens the extensors of the wrist. pain radiates distally to the posterior forearm. local contraindication


the hearts natural rhythm being altered. atrial fibrillation: most common form results when the atria, the hearts upper chambers, contract irregularly. Bradycardia: reduced/slow heart rate Tachycardia: rapid/increased heart rate. untreated arrhythmia is an absolute contraindication. with a pacemaker massage may be preformed.

heart murmur

the result of bicuspid/mitral valve prolapse causing blood to flow backwards into the heart.

migraine headaches

vascular headaches. cephalgia. constricting and dilating of blood vessels in the head placing immense pressure on the meninges resulting in severe pain. massage can help manage symptoms.

Herpes simplex

viral infection of the skin. 1- sores around mouth. 2- sores around the genitals. local contraindication.


viral infection that results in inflammation of the brain. absolute contraindication


when a bone at an articulation becomes displaced. in the acute stage results in immobilization of the joint and temporary deformation. may result in tearing of soft tissues and client may become prone to future dislocations. after healing massage can be preformed but stretching and ROM should be avoided.

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