Pax Romana, Roman Judea, Jesus, Spread of early Christianity

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Pax Romana

A period of peace and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180. The height of the Roman Empire. The most wealthy, most powerful military time period of the Roman Empire.


A type of execution in which a person was nailed to a cross, the type of execution which was brought upon jesus by the romans


Four books in the New Testament that tell the story of Jesus's life and teachings

Why were Jews in Judea discontent with the religious and political state of Judea during the Roman occupation?

- Jewish kings must answer to Rome directly and follow Rome's rules - Jewish kings must keep the peace - Jews had to pay taxes to Rome

How was Judea administered?

- Judea was administered through kings in each province that reported to the main king who was known as Herod the Great - Kings were placed in the region that they were from to gain trust from the people who lived in that region

values of Roman empire

- The roman emperors wanted the Romans to worship multiple chief gods of only the roman empire - Romans took ideas of other civilizations and used them as their own - Romans worshipped the gods in daily rituals

Roman perspective of Messiah

- a dangerous rabble rouse looking to stir up a rebellion against Roman rule (describing Jesus) - any rising leadership had to be brutally supressed

Christian meaning of Messiah

- god's anointed one - anointed meant he had a special role to play - he is both the son of man and son of god - was a key to salvation - died for humanity's sins

Jewish meaning of Messiah

- the messiah would be a political leader and military leader - A new king that would reunite Israel and defeat its enemies


A jew who was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea. Was the founder of Christianity. Jesus emphasized the importance of people's love for God and also taught them to love not to hate their enemies and to oppose war.

Why did Jesus's message attract so many followers?

As Rome declined, Christianity offered hope for a better life after death. Christian communities gave help to widows, orphans and poor.

What impact did the growth of Christianity have on the Roman Empire?

By making Christianity the official religion of the roman empire the Roman state directly undermined its religious traditions. Finally, by this time, Romans considered their emperor a god. But the Christian belief in one god who was not the emperor weakened the authority and credibility of the emperor because they were changing their beliefs and ways as a empire.


Emperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337). Constantine made Christianity the main religion of Rome.


Emperors of the rome religion were mostly willing to allow the existence of other religions, but they mostly expected everyone who lived in their empire to respect Roman gods as a sign of loyalty

What did Jesus preach?

He taught christianity and spreaded it throughout roman judea. He preached love of all, acceptance of sinners, outcasts.

How did Herod rule Judea? Explain

Herod was a tyrannical ruler - Herod was jewish and wanted to make jerusalem the rome of the eastern empire: - Increasing trade and wealth - Increasing culture and roman civilization

Edict of Toleration

In 311 AD Galerius granted christians the right to practice their religion, though it did not restore any property to them

Explain when and how the Roman Empire officially adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire.

In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity: 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.

client king

In ancient Rome, a king from a particular country that was appointed by Rome, subject to the Roman Empire.

Why was Jesus a perceived threat?

Jesus gained a lot of support from people living in the roman empire and caused a rebellion from all of his attraction.

the Resurrection

Jesus rises from the dead: - After Jesus died he was placed in a tomb - according to the gospels 3 days later his body was gone and living Jesus began appearing to his followers

Explain Jesus' understanding of God's message in the Torah.

Jesus wanted to take the laws and the teachings from the prophets and the torah and fulfill them and make them a reality

From an historian's perspective, what happened to Jesus?

Jesus was crucified then placed in a tomb but then 3 days leader appeared alive as he was resurrected among his followers


Jesus was known as a messiah, Messiah had different meanings among religions


Jesus's native region and the location when jesus supposedly walked on water

How did the Jews living in Judea feel about Roman rule?

Jews were not happy with Roman rule. - Jewish kings must answer to Rome directly and follow Rome's rules - Jewish kings must keep the peace - Jews had to pay taxes to Rome


Located in Judea was The city of jews, where Herod was king and where he built many great buildings including a temple. Herod wanted to make Jerusalem the Rome of the eastern empire

How did Christianity change as Christians grew in number?

Over time, the Christian church and faith grew more organized. In 313 AD, the Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which accepted Christianity and 10 years later, it had become the official religion of the Roman Empire.


People who suffer or die for their beliefs. Some Christians saw the opportunity to die for god as the ultimate sacrifice of their faith and commitment. Martyrs inspired more conversions to Christianity over time

What was the official religion of Rome?

Religion in rome was polytheistic and roman gods were based on the greek gods. The official religion of rome worshiped multiples chief gods. The Emperors beloved that if everyone worshipped the roman gods that's what would bring more success to the empire.

Roman Occupation

Romans invaded and occupied Palestine in 63 BCE - established the Roman province of Judaea and was known as the land of jews - allowed Jewish kings to rule but must answer to Rome, must keep the peace, and must follow Rome's rules.

How did Rome treat the people it conquered who followed a different religion?

Rome treated people the same way if they were part of a different religion as long as they also honored the roman gods.

Old Testament

The forty-six books that make up the first part of the Bible and record history before the birth of Jesus


The holy book of Christianity which jesus was the founded of

How did Romans react to the growing number of Christians in the empire?

The roman empire became more monotheistic

New Testament

The second part of the Christian Bible, containing descriptions of the life and teachings of Jesus and of his early followers

What did the Romans do to remove the threat of Christianity?

They would persecute christians


Were 12 men who were gospels and thought to have written one or more of Jesus's disciples or gospels. There are not many sources to learn about Jesus but the significant ones and the main source of information came from his gospels or disciples that thought about his teaching.


Where Jesus was born

Herod the Great

Who: - Roman client king of Judea What: - was a tyrannical ruler - was raised Jewish - renovates a massive temple for the jews - his goal was to make Jerusalem the Rome of the eastern empire by increasing trade wealth, culture, and Rome civilization - kept peace Where: Judea


a building used for public Christian worship: -bishops said that Peter was the first pope, the father or head of the Christian Church. They said that whoever was bishop of Rome was also the leader of the whole Church. Also, as Rome was the capital of the empire, it seemed the logical choice to be the center of the Church.

Council of Nicaea

a council created by constantine which was a gathering of christian leaders to determine the orthodox beliefs of christians. The council established the nicene creed, which laid out the agreed upon beliefs of the council.


a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country. Jesus traveled around Judea to spread christianity and acted as a missionary.

Edict of Thessalonica

a proclamation made by the emperor Theodosius which made Christianity, specifically Nicene Christianity, the official religion of the roman empire.


an apostle who had an enormous influence on Christianity's development. He spent his life spreading and interpreting jesus's teachings.


belief in more than one god - religion in Rome was polytheistic and roman gods were based on the greek gods

Imperial Cult of Ancient Rome

identified emperors and some members of their families with divinely sanctioned authority This states that the gods gave Emperors the authority to rule. The cult meant that if the Emperor had all this religious and political power they are also responsible for the welfare of the Empire. Which means they collect tax money and distribute it for things that is all important.

Edict of Milan

in 313 CE a proclamation that permanently established religious toleration for christianity within the roman empire.


in agreement with established or generally accepted beliefs or ways of doing things


mistreatment or punishment of a group of people because of their beliefs. People who believed in Christianity and followed Jesus in the roman empire went to extreme lengths to avoid persecution, they organized themselves and went hiding underground into caves.

Who spread it and to which audiences?

the apostles Peter and Paul, spread jesus's message and to jewish people.


to convert someone from one religion to another



the Ascension of Jesus

when Jesus went back up to heaven 40 days after his resurrection on the last day of easter


where jesus was raised and is located in northern palestine

When and where did Jesus's message spread?

years after his crucifixion his message began to widespread and mainly to Jewish communities across the empire

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