pay true/false exam 2

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Although there are differences in math ability and verbal ability between men and women, scores for men and women overlap so much that it is impossible to predict whether any one person will do good or bad on a test of math or language skills simply by knowing the person's sex.


An asexual person is someone who is not romantically or erotically attracted to either men or women, but still can experience sexual desire.


An extrovert is a person whose attention is directed outward, a bold outgoing person.


An intersexual person (previously called a hermaphrodite) has genitals suggestive of both sexes.


An introvert is a person whose attention is focused inward, a shy, reserved, self-focused person.


A recent survey of college students indicates that being authentic (that our behavior adequately expresses who we are) is vital for healthy functioning.


A test has validity if it measures what it claims to measure.


About 3.4 percent of adults regard themselves as homosexual or bisexual.


According to Adler's personality theory, people compensate for limitations and struggle to overcome imperfections by striving to be superior to others.


According to Carl Jung the self-architype is symbolized in every culture by mandalas of one kind or another.


According to Carl Jung, anima and animus facilitate relating to members of the opposite sex.


According to Freud you feel anxiety when your ego is threatened or overwhelmed.


According to Rogers organismic valuing is more likely to occur in children and adults who receive unconditional positive regard.


According to Rogers organismic valuing should be replaced with conditions of worth.


According to Rogers, many adult emotional problems are due to living by the standards of others.


According to social learning theory habits (learned behaviors) make up the structure of personality.


According to social learning theory the most important expectancy is self-efficacy.


According to the textbook, nature's primary impulse is to make a female rather than a male.


All of the following are among the factors among the Five Factor Model (Big Five): Neuroticism, agreeableness, extroversion, open to experience, and conscientiousness.


Androgen insensitivity syndrome is characterized by a lack of sensitivity to androgens produced by the testes, which leads to female development even though testosterone is being secreted.


Both males and females produce androgens and estrogens. Sexual differences are related to the proportion of these hormones found in the body.


Doing behavioral assessment requires counting the frequencies of specific behaviors of an individual, studying actions rather than the traits the observer thinks a person has.


Ego-defense mechanisms help calm anxieties and reduce inner conflicts.


Female relatives of male homosexuals have more offspring than the female relatives of heterosexual men.


Females exposed to small amounts of androgens before birth develop "tomboy" characteristics and they indicate that they would rather play with boys than girls.


Freud thought that behavior often expresses unconscious forces rather than conscious choices.


Gender role refers to the pattern of behaviors that are regarded as "male' or "female" by a culture.


Girls are more likely to show indirect aggression (spreading rumors, excluding others from friendship) than direct aggression.


Girls who were "tomboys" as adolescents show typical female interests and female gender characteristics as an adult.


Girls, compared to boys, are less likely to imitate direct aggression (shouting or hitting another person) because direct aggression is considered to be socially inappropriate for girls.


Heredity is responsible for about 50% of the variations of many personality traits, which implies that personality is shaped as much by environment as it is by biological predispositions.


Homosexual persons are no more likely to have emotional problems than heterosexual persons.


Homosexuality is not due to hormonal imbalances in adulthood; hormone levels of both gay men and lesbians are within the normal range.


If one identical twin is homosexual or bisexual, there is a 50% chance that the other twin is too.


Impulses from the id cause neurotic anxiety, whereas threats of punishment from the superego cause moral anxiety.


In Rogers' theory the ideal-self is similar to Freud's ego ideal in that it is an image of the person you most like to be.


In individualistic cultures such as the United States, self-esteem is based on personal success and outstanding performance.


In the "Jim Twins" study, both brothers married and divorced women with the same name, underwent police training, named their first born by the same name, drove the same type of car and vacationed at the same beach.


In the twin studies involving the "Jim Twins" and the identical "Spiro twins," (Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner) the Spiro twins were raised in the same home, whereas the "Jim Twins" were raised in different homes.


In the twin studies involving the "Jim Twins" and the identical "Spiro twins," Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner) one of the Spiro twins was schizophrenic and experienced hallucinations, whereas her twin sister was a psychiatrist.


In view of the important role that genetics plays in sexual orientation, discriminating against homosexuals is much like rejecting a person because of the color of their eyes.


Karen Horney believed that emotional health was linked to a balance in moving toward, away, and against others, and that people with emotional problems tend to lock into overuse of one of the three modes.


Karen Horney, a Neo-Freudian, was among the first to challenge the male bias in Freudian theory.


Many young girls who show a high number of behaviors associated with the female gender, but become more masculine in adolescence as they seek to explore the social power that comes with more masculine gender roles.


Men who have high testosterone levels are more likely to become aggressive.


Most children of homosexual or bisexual parents become heterosexual.


Most lesbians and gay men were raised by heterosexual parents and most children raised by lesbians and gay men become heterosexual.


One theory suggested in the book is that if there are genes for sexual attraction toward men in both men and women, large families could show increases in both male homosexuality and the number of offspring.


One theory suggests that homosexually can be genetically transmitted because the same genes can be expressed differently in males and females.


Overall African-American women earn 65 cents and Latina women 58 cents for every dollar earned by a man for equivalent work.


Overall women in America earn only 81 cents for every dollar earned by a man.


Parents encourage boys to engage in instrumental behaviors and girls to engage in expressive behaviors.


Parts of the hypothalamus connected to sexual behavior differ in size in homosexuals and heterosexuals and show differences in neurotransmitter levels in homosexuals and heterosexuals.


People with fragile self-esteem may at first seem self-confident but can quickly become defensive when challenged.


Personality is a unique, long term pattern of thinking, emotions, and behavior; it refers to consistency in who you are, have been, and will become.


Projective test such as the Rorschach (ink blot) test and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) help psychologists detect emotional disturbances by observing how the patient perceives the world.


Research findings lead some researchers to conclude that sexual orientation is 30 to 70% genetic.


Self-reinforcement is to behaviorist theory as superego is to psychoanalytic theory.


Social learning theorist emphasize the importance of imitation and identification.


Source traits are the core of each individual's personality. Each source trait is reflected in a number of surface traits.


Spontaneity, autonomy non-hostile sense of humor, and peak experiences are characteristics of self-actualizers


Strict learning theorists reject the idea that personality is made up of traits and stress that behavior has a lot of situational determinants.


The "dark triangle" is made up of Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism.


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) has validity scales that detect attempts by test takers to "fake good" (make themselves look good).


The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) is an example of an objective personality questionnaire.


The Rorschach (ink blot) test is an example of a projective test.


The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is considered to be a projective test.


The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is especially good at revealing feelings about social situations and relationships.


The available evidence suggests that sexual orientation is mainly genetic and hormonal rather than being a "choice."


The chances are virtually zero of an exclusively homosexual or heterosexual person being "converted" from one sexual orientation to the other.


The halo effect can be a serious problem in personality assessments that are based on structured or unstructured interviews.


The halo effect is the tendency to generalize favorable or unfavorable first impressions to unrelated details of personality.


The positive results of reunited twins' studies may be a result of confirmation bias.


The self-actualized person is comfortable with solitude, has a non-hostile sense of humor, comfortably accepts self, others and nature, and often has profound interpersonal relationships.


The term incongruence refers to a discrepancy between a person's experience and self-image.


The term narcissism in the "dark triangle" refers to self-centeredness based on feelings of superiority.


The term persona is used by Jung to refer to a "mask" that people wear; it is the public self that the person presents to others.


The term personality trait refers to a stable quality that a person shows in most situations.


The term personality type refers to people who have several traits in common so, for example, the Hardy Personality type has traits of being committed, in control, and open to challenge.


The term temperament refers to the hereditary aspect of personality, including emotional sensitivity, activity levels, prevailing moods, irritability, and adaptability.


The terms psychological situation, expectancy, reinforcement value, and self-reinforcement are most closely linked to Social Learning Theory.


The terms self-reinforcement, self-efficacy, and reinforcement values are terms used by social learning theorists


The trait approach is currently the dominant method for studying personality.


The use of ambiguous stimuli is most characteristic of projective tests.


Trait theorists often think of traits as biological predispositions, a hereditary readiness to behave in particular ways.


Unequal power between men and women in a culture tends to exaggerate differences in abilities among the most powerful (men) and least powerful (women).


A fixation is an unresolved conflict or emotional hang-up based on over-indulgence or frustration.


A look at other cultures indicates that our gender roles are neither "natural" nor universal.


People in Asian cultures such as Japan base self-esteem on personal success and outstanding performance; the path to self-esteem is self-enhancement

false; American, United States

Personality starts to stabilize around the age of ten.

false; age 3

Compared to scores of students 30 years ago, SAT reasoning scores and math scores are becoming increasingly different for males and females.

false; becoming more alike

Variations in sex hormones in the prenatal environment can dramatically influence the development of sexual orientation in the fetus.

false; can dramatically influence prenatal development

The term psychopathy in the "dark triangle" refers to a willingness to manipulate others.

false; machiavellianism

In Freudian (psychoanalytical) theory the ego works by the pleasure principle.

false; reality principle

Primary sexual characteristic are superficial features that appear at puberty.

false; secondary sexual characteristics

In Freudian theory the ego is the "judge."

false; superego

In Freudian theory the superego is the executive.

false; superego

For the first six weeks of prenatal development, genetically female and male embryos are virtually identical, but if there is a Y chromosome present testes develop and supply testosterone.

false; testes develop in the embryo

In Freudian (psychoanalytical) theory the superego operates according to the reality principle.

false; the ego

A factor analysis is a statistical technique used to correlate multiple measures and identify general underlying factors.


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