PC AWL 1-7 Word Forms for Quizlet Live

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Lack of sleep and unhealthy eating habits can ________ your performance at work.


Language _________ in early childhood works better through interaction, not only with parents and other adults, but also with other children.


Last year, the the ____________ amount of the new supply contracts signed was around 330 million dollars, which is an all-time record for the company.


A Swiss-army knife is very ________ : it can be used in a variety of situations, and you should always bring one with you if you go camping, for example.


A car park operator is being investigated over claims that photographic evidence has been __________ to unfairly impose parking charges.


A famous basketball coach once said: "Never __________ the heart of a champion". He meant that truly good players can come up with amazing performances any time.


A friend of my mother's suffered a severe ________ yesterday, when his car crashed into a tractor.


A good leader needs to have excellent conflict __________ skills, because disagreements are inevitable when people work in a team.


A good way to store your stuff when you move to a new house is to put it in separate boxes, with one _________ for each box.


A journalist who reports from another country is called a foreign __________ .


A latest trend in journalism is ___________ journalism, which uses numbers and statistics to show the trends behind a story.


A law ___________ officer is a public sector employee whose duties primarily involve ensuring that laws are respected by citizens.


A lot of people fail to _______ their goals not because they lack the required abilities, but because they give up too soon.


A mass shooting is __________ as a single shooting incident which kills or injures four or more people.


A new ________ in my life has just started: I got married, I found a new job and soon I'll be a father.


A new _________ of this product has just been created. It will be sold on the market soon.


A new __________ published by our university shows that most students want a degree in English because they believe it will give them better career options.


A new study found out that ethnic minorities in the country are __________ by the education system, which means they don't have equal access to good schools.


A new study found out that many people who have spent time in prison _________ crimes again after they are released.


A puppy dog is usually quite __________ : it is always running around and constantly wants to play.


A special committee appointed by the military junta ___________ the new constitution, which was later approved in a referendum.


A survey has found out that loggers, fishermen and aircraft pilots are the three most dangerous ___________ in the United States.


A tiny tube with a camera in it was _____________ in the patient's intestines, which allowed the doctors to see the tumor.


A(n) ________ is an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further study or discussion.


A(n) _________ day for new PC students is scheduled at the beginning of each quarter.


A(n) __________ is a sum of money granted by the government to assist an industry or a business in order to keep the price of a commodity low.


A(n) ___________ is a usually negative consequence of an economic activity experienced by third parties. One example could be the pollution emitted by a factory, affecting the environment and the health of nearby residents.


A(n) ___________ person is somebody who is gifted with creativity and inventiveness.


A(n) ____________ is a person who is hired to perform work or to provide goods at a certain price or within a certain time.


A(n) ____________ person always tries to use logic and reason to analyse a situation.


A(n) ______________ problem is a problem of central importance, at the basis of the issue.


A(n) _________________ event happens again and again. One example could be earthquakes in Japan or Indonesia.


According to the police, the terrorists who organized the attack are ___________ by Saudi Arabia.


Adolescence is an age of ___________ : teenagers are not children anymore, and they are not adults yet. That's why it's such a delicate phase for many.


After __________ the different options I had, I decided not to apply for that job.


After a long holiday away from home, it's normal to miss the __________ of your everyday life.


After a thorough inspection, the insurance company ______________ the damage at 2,500 dollars.


After a two-year-long _____________ , the hotel will be opened next week with brand new facilities.


After analyzing the company's lack of success abroad, the consultants _________ the failure to a lack of preparation.


After being interrogated for hours, he finally ___________ a lot of secrets that allowed the police to make progress in their investigation.


After carefully folding a sheet of paper multiple times, he ___________ a beautiful origami.


After checking that all the required documents were in order, the official _________ my passport with a stamp.


After completing his Ph.D., he spent his working life in ___________ , doing research and writing articles for several journals.


After graduating from university, he decided to pursue a career in the _________ of study that he liked the most.


After he became a doctor, he specialised in patients suffering from diabetes. Now he's considered a(n) __________ on treating diabetes.


After his father threatened to withdraw him from the college, his grades have ____________ improved. He's still not good enough, but he's going in the right direction.


After last year's stock crash, the financial markets have ____________ and now they are projected to grow moderately until the end of the year.


After living abroad for thirty years, his _____________ with his native country is not as strong as it used to be.


After losing 4-0 in the first leg of the semifinals, the team is on the brink of _____________ .


After months of negotiations, the two companies are __________ a deal that will merge them into one new company.


After performing not so well in the midterm exams, the student __________ expectations by achieving an "A" in all subjects in the final exams..


After receiving surgery, the patient is now in ____________ conditions. He's not getting better yet, but at least he's not getting worse either.


After selling its products on the domestic market for years, the company now intends to __________ its business abroad.


After the Parliament approves the new law, the government will have to __________ it.


After the catastrophic earthquake destroyed the city, experts have estimated that __________ could cost up to 10 billion dollars.


After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has been the ___________ superpower in the world.


After the criticism received by human rights organizations, the government ordered the _____________ of the activist that had been unfairly detained for months.


After the death of his wife he decided to live in _______________ , in the mountains, away from people and pressure.


After the earthquake, many people __________ to the reconstruction effort, giving money or part of their time.


After the explosion, the air on the site smelled like a(n) __________ of diesel and gasoline fumes.


After the interruption of services this morning, the problem has been solved, and subway trains are now running _____________ .


After the latest financial scandal, the country's _____________ launched a crackdown on corruption among local businessmen.


After the police found him with two pounds of cocaine, the man was arrested and __________ convicted on drug trafficking charges.


After their first child is born, many couples go through a(n) period of _____________ : the baby requires a lot of attention, which can be a source of stress for the parents.


After they divorced, there was a(n) __________ of many years without any meetings between them. Only after a long time did they talk again.


After using the Internet and smartphones since childhood, future ________ will struggle to understand how life was when long distance communication could only happen by telephone.


After working for ten years in different countries, my friend has _______ a lot of experience.


After working thirty years in this sector, he has a long list of personal _________ among key people in business.


After years of not talking to each other, the two governments are working towards a(n) __________ of their diplomatic relations.


Albert Einstein _________ the existence of gravitational waves.


All TV channels try to be successful during _________ time, which is the block of broadcast programming taking place right after dinner, when the number of viewers peaks.


Although he apologised to her, for a long time she had a(n) ______________ feeling of anger and resentment every time she saw him around.


Although he looked unharmed after the accident, the child was taken to a hospital for ________ , just to be on the safe side.


Although nobody asked him, he ______________ went to the site of the earthquake and contributed to the search for survivors.


Although she is quite busy with her job, she _____________ at an orphanage on Saturdays, when she plays a few hours with the children.


Although the cargo ship has a Greek flag, it is ________ as Nigerian, and that is what made the Coast Guard suspicious.


Although their use is condemned by all human rights organizations and is considered a war crime, ______________ weapons are still used in conflicts today.


Although those twins look absolutely the same, they have ________ personalities: one is shy and insecure, whereas the other is outgoing and self-confident.


Among adults, many fears can be _________ back to childhood experiences.


Among the ___________ offered by this hotel are a business center, Wi-Fi in all rooms, laundry and dry cleaning, and a valet service.


An excess of rules, especially in public business, can be called "red _________ " in English.


Analysts are waiting for the __________ of last year's economic data. They should be released tomorrow.


Analysts believe that the law which was recently approved by Parliament might be ____________ . In that case, the Supreme Court might reject it.


Analysts predict that the __________ impact of the earthquake will be massive, possibly even 2-3 percent of the country's GDP.


Around a century after its rise, communism is still a controversial _____________ . There are people who believe its ideas are valid, while others remark that history proved them to be ineffective.


As he was involved in several fights outside school, he was ____________ a troublemaker by teachers.


As my dad is an international school teacher, every few years we need to __________ to another country.


As our company has just been established, we have no __________ for assessing the success of our latest advertising campaign.


As we'll have to deal with extended droughts in the next century, one of the biggest challenges will be finding a way to _____________ water resources more efficiently.


Astronauts need to have both mental and _________ strength to complete their mission.


At all ages, exercising regularly improves ____________ in the joints.


At first he said that he was willing to help me move the furniture to my new apartment, but later he said he was _____________ because he had a meeting he couldn't miss.


At the age of 50, he ____________ to another religion. He used to be Christian, but now he's Muslim.


At the beginning of World War II, Thailand didn't side with any of the countries involved and adopted a position of __________ until it was invaded by Japan in December 1941.


At the end of the Integrated Skills class, students should be able to better __________ their own thoughts in a discussion.


At the excavation site, a number of prehistoric items were recovered. These included weapons such as swords and arrowheads, and agricultural __________ such as socketed hoes.


At the trade fair, hundreds of new products will be on _________ for visitors.


At the travel fair I've visited, the country's different ethnic groups exhibited their _________ costumes. I saw some wonderful dresses!


Let me give you a(n) __________ of how the camera works. You'll be amazed at how many functions it has.


Lighting always ______________ thunder by a few seconds because light travels faster than sound.


Barack Obama is universally considered an excellent ____________ , and if you listen to one of his speeches you will understand why people say so.


Based on the current models, global temperatures are __________ to rise by 2.4 degrees by 2050.


Because of the economic crisis, the new president _______ to keep tax increases to a minimum.


Because of the recent wave of violence, police told foreigners living outside ___________ compounds to travel with guards.


Because of today's strike, there will be no trains running. You need to find another form of ____________ to go to the office.


Before implementing a plan, ____________ its weaknesses and strengths is essential in order to achieve success.


Before take-off, you should _________ that you have fastened your seat belt.


Before the 9/11 attacks happened, people would have found ____________ the idea that commercial flights could be used by terrorists to be directed at skyscrapers.


Before the invention of the Internet, television was the most effective ____________ if you wanted to follow live news.


Before we _________ this project, we need to make sure that we have enough budget to allocate for it.


Besides Microsoft Word, there are numerous other ___________ programs available today.


Big financial companies are asking for a(n) ___________ of the financial sector, because they think that fewer rules could lead to bigger profits.


Buying property can be a good investment in the long term, but you should be aware that it comes with steep transaction costs and ___________ expenses.


By __________ , world maps usually show the Americas on the left, Europe and Africa at the center, and Asia and Oceania on the right.


Chameleons are peculiar animals. Their ability to camouflage makes them virtually _______________ to predators, who just can't see chameleons when they change color.


Charles Darwin theorized that men come from apes. Today, his theory of ________ is widely accepted as true.


Charles Darwin's work proved that the natural selection _________ is survival of the fittest.


Chimpanzees are known for their _____________ : they can learn words, play with objects, and even seem to mourn the deaths of their friends.


Compared to what students were used to in high school, studying at university requires a completely different ___________ . Students are largely responsible for themselves and shouldn't wait for teachers to guide them.


Computer monitors from 15 years ago might still be working, but they have very low _________ : if you zoom in an image, it might be grainy.


Contrary to evolutionism, _________ is the theory according to which all living things exist because of God, and not because of natural selection.


Data _________ is a new technology trend used to identify trends and extract relevant information by analyzing the data available.


Dear Sir/Madam, this e-mail is to inform you that your application has been ____________ . In a few weeks, if you are shortlisted for the job, we will contact you for an interview.


Dengue fever __________ mainly in tropical Asia and in the Caribbean, usually during the rainy seasons in areas with high numbers of infected mosquitoes.


Despite his hard training, I am afraid that he is not ______________ for this type of challenge.


Despite the abundance of information available on the Internet, people today read less than thirty years ago. In other words, they are getting more ___________ even though they could know more than their parents.


Despite the accusations against him, I never doubted his ___________ : he is the most honest and trustworthy person I have ever met.


Despite the lack of modern technology, some early astronomers' ___________ of the distance between planets were surprisingly accurate.


Developers want to ________ a new shopping mall here, but residents would rather see a new public park.


Did anybody give you the ___________ to leave early? If nobody did, you're not allowed to go now.


Different __________ have been proposed to explain this complex phenomenon, but none of them seems correct.


Discussing with her friends will probably __________ her views, and make her have a very different opinion on this issue.


Doctors are worried that the _______________ of the virus might be quicker than they expected. A lot of people have been infected.


Dogs derive from wolves. Basically, they are wolves that have been ________ by humans.


Dogs have an innate sense of _____________ . In every pack, one dog is dominant and all the others are under the so-called "alpha dog".


Dogs live in packs. In each pack, one dog is usually the dominant leader, while the others fall into more ____________ roles.


Dogs with _________ disorder have likely been abused or deprived of affection within the first months of life, and they show separation anxiety when their owners are away.


Droughts, torrential rains and other extreme weather ______________ are due to increase in the next decades because of climate change.


Due to the bad weather conditions, the _____________ of aid to the people affected by the earthquake has been slow. Many haven't had any food to eat for days.


Due to the eruption of the volcano, all international and ___________ flights were cancelled.


Due to the snow, it is impossible to __________ that area at the moment.


Due to their poor economic prospects, hundreds of thousands of people ___________ each year.


During the __________ process, an effort is made to create unity among the various activities of an organisation.


During the ritual, she was formally ___________ into the secret group. All new members have to go through that process.


Each country has a criminal or penal __________. It is a document which sets out all prohibited or criminal offenses and their various punishments.


Each person's fingerprints are ___________ : nobody else has identical fingerprints.


Eating vegetables daily can have an extremely ____________ effect on your health.


Elephants have played an important part in Thailand's history and today the Thai elephant is considered a(n) __________ of the country.


Email accounts are not __________ until you type in your username and password.


Employers value workers who follow a proactive approach, instead of a(n) ____________ one.


Environmental __________ has become an essential ingredient to doing business. One of its principles is the 3 "R's" - reduce, reuse and recycle.


Environmentalists believe that climate change could affect __________ patterns in the next decades, as people will leave areas affected by rising sea levels and hotter temperatures.


Established in 1964 with a capital of only 1 million dollars, the bank has ___________ into one of the major financial companies in the world.


Europe has seen a recent arrival of hundreds of thousands of__________ from Africa and the Middle East.


Even if you study hard for the exam, there is no ______________ that you will pass. Of course, though, your chances will improve significantly.


Even the best relationship can experience moments of _________ from time to time. In order to overcome them, communication is paramount.


Even though they know that there is nobody else at home, many people have a(n) ____________ fear of the dark.


Every PC level has a(n) ___________ who supervises all the teachers in that level and makes sure that standards and procedures are followed properly.


Every country has a(n) ________ code, which is is a collection of laws designed to deal with the core areas of private law.


Every local government office has an office that takes care of the ___________ of births, marriages, and deaths.


Every product this company sells is _____________ for three years. If they have problems after that, you will have to pay for the repairs.


Every year, a good shop owner should run an inventory, which involves _________ the products he has in stock.


Except for some rare cases, it is impossible to _____________ without drinking water for two weeks.


Excessive variations in temperature between summer and winter can ___________ the growth of certain plants.


Faced with growing numbers of refugees from the Middle East, the authorities ___________ 100,000 beds in temporary structures to host those expected in the next six months.


Faced with invasion by a foreign army, the president gave a memorable speech. "The ______________ of the nation is at stake. If we don't defeat the enemy, our country might not exist anymore", he said.


Factory owners ____________ to raising the workers' monthly wages by 100, claiming that it would make their business uncompetitive on foreign markets.


Feminist activists complain that the image of women on Thai media is constantly ___________ .


Five years after the accident, the scars on his body are still ___________ .


Focus, confidence and passion are among the ___________ of great leaders.


For every parent, the safety of their children takes ___________ over everything else.


For every product that they manage to sell, salesmen in this company receive a(n) _________ of 4 percent of the product's value.


For many students who are not used to reading, the "main idea" in a paragraph is a difficult _________ to grasp.


For my term paper, I found very useful an academic ____________ that has written extensively on this subject.


For people who choose to migrate to another country, poverty and lack of jobs are often _______ factors: they move in the hope of improving their economic prospects.


For years many analysts have been _________ the fact that Thai education needs major reforms, but up to now not much has changed.


From a(n) __________ point of view, your decision doesn't make any sense: I'm afraid you will lose a lot of money.


From my __________ , the government should grant a scholarship to all students from poor families.


From the available evidence, the detective ________ that the killer had to be the gardener. All the evidence pointed to that conclusion.


From the tone of his voice, they ___________ that he was not pleased at all with what they had done.


Generally speaking, many Asian cultures give a lot of importance to the group, while Western cultures can be more _________ .


Good newspapers should allow a(n) _________ of views to be printed, not just the same one all the time.


Google News allows you to sort through thousands and thousands of news ________ for free.


Greece is considered the birthplace of ancient ___________ . In that society, we can find the first records of thinkers who wondered about our existence and the meaning of life.


He __________ the workshop by assisting all the participants and moderating the debate.


He claims that his words were taken out of ____________ : what he really meant in that situation was completely different from what the media say.


He decided to reject the proposal on _______: he just felt that it would have been morally wrong to accept it.


He didn't study much throughout the course. __________ , he failed the final exam.


He has a lot of potential, but he's _________ weak: any criticism deeply affects him and his performance.


He has a(n) _________ view of the political issues of this country: he's very knowledgeable and doesn't take sides.


He has a(n) _____________ position on this issue; he doesn't take sides and sees the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.


He has studied this topic for 25 years, and now that he's a(n) _____________ a lot of journalists call him to know his opinion.


He is a very talented player, but he can be quite ___________ : he alternates amazing performances and appalling showings.


He is the richest man in the country and owns two luxurious _____________ in the countryside.


He is willing to do anything in order to reach his goals, even if it harms others. In other words, he's really __________ .


He learned the _________ of the business from his father, who founded the family company forty years ago.


He looks so tired this morning. __________ , he hasn't slept well.


He pursued that girl for month, but she kept ___________ his invitations to dinner.


He received _________ treatment soon after the accident, and now he has recovered.


He thought she was gorgeous, and the candlelight further ____________ her beauty.


He tried to stay calm, but he was seething with anger. At one point, he ____________ all his rage into his fists and punched the other guy as hard as he could.


He was accused of sexually abusing that girl, but he claimed that it was a(n) _________ act.


He was offered promotion at work, but he __________ it because he said his priority is spending time with his family.


He wrote a book some years ago, but unfortunately for him it was never _____________ by anyone.


He wrote his book, but unfortunately it was left ____________ because nobody was interested in printing it.


He wrote many novels, but they are __________ in the history of literature: they didn't have much influence.


He's a student with a lot of potential, but he lacks ___________ . You can tell that he's intelligent, but his attention span is short and he isn't very motivated.


He's a very selfish person. Whenever he works in a team, he likes to take ________ for every success, but blames the others when things go bad.


He's always been a reckless driver. I remember one particular ___________ when he almost drove his car off a cliff.


He's quite _________ in his daily habits: he's always doing the same things, day after day.


He's the ___________ distributor of this successful product in the country, and that's why he has made a lot of money selling it: he has no competitors!


He's very ________ at work: he's always arriving late and missing deadlines, because he's chatting on Facebook all the time.


Her ________ are really impressive. She comes from a rural background, but now she is a successful businesswoman.


Her ____________ were quite clear: she said to go to the office on the second floor, ask if Mr. Jones is there, and deliver the package to him.


Her father was __________ harsh on her when she was a kid. Every time she misbehaved, he would hit her with a belt.


Her friends surprised her with a present. Unfortunately, it was a book she had already read. ____________ , she was pleased that they had remembered when her birthday was.


Her grades have improved ____________ this term. She used to get a 65 score in her essays, but now her average is around 66-67.


Her grandfather set up an education ______________ which grants scholarships to disadvantaged female students in underdeveloped countries.


Her husband cheated on her multiple times and has two mistresses, but she's still in ___________ because she always justifies him and thinks he still loves her.


Her recent book provides us with a new ____________ for biographies. It is simply one of the best biographies I've ever read.


High interest rates are affecting the ________ power of homeowners. In other words, people who have a mortgage to pay off have now less money to spend around.


Highlighting, rereading, underlining and summarizing the notes taken in class are the most popular studying ________ among students today.


His __________ is never-ending: he's always coming up with new ideas.


His behavior was _________ : after all his parents did for him, he stole money from his father's wallet.


His body is not __________ at all: his arms are so much shorter than his legs, which makes him quite ugly.


His dad often beat him and made him feel guilty. Unfortunately, that made him ____________ blame, and now that he is an adult he still blame himself for everything.


His family is an important one in politics. His grandfather was the head of an important party, and his father was _____________ of Finance at one point.


His friend's success __________ with his own failure, and that made him jealous.


His writing style is very ________ : you can feel that it's a simple combination of sentences and tricks he has memorized, not a meaningful flow of ideas.


Hopefully everybody can find love in their life, but one thing is certain: nothing can __________ the love that your parents can give you.


Horses and zebras are similar animals in many respects. However, while it's possible to _____________ the former, it's impossible to do so with the latter.


I _________ what I wanted and gave you the best instructions, so why did you find it so hard to understand?


I __________ him; I thought he would do well in the exam, but actually he performed very poorly. I guess he's not as good as I thought.


I __________ the problem by trying to make wrong things right.


I _____________ told you not to drive dad's car when you go out with your friends, so why did you take it anyway? What part of my order didn't you understand?


I am afraid I don't have enough __________ for this job. They require ten years in the sector, but I only have three.


I am not able to _____________ my participation yet. I hope to give you a "yes" or "no" by tomorrow.


I am quite good at tennis but I am just an amateur. My uncle, instead, used to be a(n) ____________ tennis player until he was 32, and he won several international tournaments.


I can't believe she hit the child on purpose. I have known her for twenty years, and I know she is ___________ of harming anyone!


I can't recognize him anymore. He smokes, he drinks, he uses bad words, he becomes violent with random people... his behavior is really _________ . What happened to him?


I can't sleep well because I have too much work to do. I'm really _________ . Maybe I should go on holiday.


I can't stand him anymore: he is __________ using bad words and interrupting people when they talk.


I can't understand the __________ of my grandparents. They grew up in a very different world, which makes our ideas and values completely different.


I don't know why he is so rude to you, but it is ___________ that he has some issues with you that he doesn't want to talk about.


I don't like the new boss. Compared to the old one, he has a different ___________ of management. He doesn't discuss issues with the staff, and just gives them orders without listening to their opinions.


I don't like this new manager: the __________ manager was much better.


I don't respond very __________ to being bossed around - it just makes me angry.


I find it really hard to ___________ on my work if I don't have a cup of coffee in the morning. I keep falling asleep.


I had a terrible flu for a week, and now I need to ___________ because I have no energy.


I have been under a lot of _________ recently: I'm having problems at work, and my son had some health issues that worried me a lot.


I have only a(n) ___________ amount of patience, and your stupid behavior is seriously testing it.


I have spent a(n) _________ amount of time on this project. For months, I worked on it at least five hours a day.


I hope to go to college next year, __________ that I pass my exams.


I know he saw me at the meeting, but he didn't _______________ my presence because he avoided looking at me.


I know you did a lot of research on this issue, but I think your conclusion is ___________ : I am not sure the data you have support it.


I know you have been sick for a few days already. I wish you a speedy _____________ and I hope to see you full of energy soon.


I know you're busy, so I'll let you decide the time of our appointment. I am free all day, so I'm quite ____________ .


I like this neighborhood. Since the first time I visited it, I felt there was a sense of _______ : everybody seems to know each other, and people are really friendly.


I never said the movie wasn't interesting. On the __________ , it was fantastic. I absolutely loved it.


I own a two-bedroom apartment, which I'm renting to two students. They are the perfect tenants, quiet and ____________ : they are very careful not to cause any inconvenience.


I regret to inform you that your qualifications do not meet the ______________ requirements to apply for this position.


I seem to have no _________ these days: I'm always sleepy!


I think the most students will pass the test, but some will fail. To be more specific, my ________ is that around 20 percent of them will not pass.


I told her three times the _________ time and place of our meeting, yet she went to another place at a different hour.


I want to study _________ because I am good at analyzing people's minds and help them overcome their problems.


I was a part of the team that created the project since its _____________ , which means from the very first day.


I went to Japan once by I stopped only _____________ for a work meeting, and I left the country on the same day in the evening.


I'm questioning his ________ to this company. He said he believes in our mission and wants to stay here for a while, but I think he's considering applying for other jobs.


I'm sorry I didn't hear your call. I was _________ on my homework and wasn't paying attention to anything else.


I'm sorry to say that, but you are acting _______________ , without thinking about the consequences of what you are doing.


I've always been impressed by her ___________ : she is always coming up with original and artistic ideas for her work.


If a story is ___________ on social media, it means that almost everybody is talking about it.


If farmers want to dramatically increase their output, they need to be able to irrigate without __________ solely on rain.


If people are in a coma, they don't _______ to external stimuli. For example, if you pricked their skin with a needle, they wouldn't move at all.


If somebody is mentally _____________ , they display wild swings of mood, with potentially harmful effects.


If somebody tries to make __________ , it means they are doing something positive to compensate for an act that offended or hurt someone else. It can be more effective than a simple apology.


If something is ________________ , it means it never changes.


If the currency of a country strengthens against the dollars, ___________ are usually not happy, because they find it hard to sell their products abroad.


If the government decides to increase taxes again, citizens will ______________ complain.


If the job description says that a master's degree is ________ , it means that there is no point in applying if you only have a high school diploma.


If there is a general ________ among experts on an issue, it means that they generally agree.


If we move to another country, it might take some time to ____________ to the new culture.


If you _________ another driver's wave as a friendly hello, you're probably missing the fact that he's trying to tell you one of your headlights isn't working.


If you ___________ something, it means you politely refuse an offer, for example a cup of coffee.


If you are aware of the __________ of human life, you will realize that you should be thankful for every nice moment you enjoy.


If you are stopped by the police for something illegal, claiming that you ______________ the law will not count as a justification.


If you are stressed because you have to follow so many rules at work, you could say that the _________ requirements of your job are getting you down.


If you buy the one-year membership at this gym, you will have __________ access to all their facilities, 24 hours a day.


If you don't want to watch this movie, I'll tell you the ________ of the plot.


If you enter a country ________ , which means without a valid passport and visa, you will be arrested and deported once they find you.


If you feel __________ from a group of people, you should try to understand why they don't let you in.


If you feel ___________ , it means that you lost your sense of direction and feel rather confused.


If you give someone the __________ of the doubt, you are believing what they say and taking their word even though you have some doubt about what really happened.


If you go live in another country, it might take some time to __________ to its culture.


If you hit your head on the ground, you should go to the hospital. Even you don't see any blood, there might be some ___________ damage.


If you look at the sound waves after you record something, you'll notice that speech sounds are produced as a continuous sound signal rather than _______ units.


If you need a quick ___________ between different units of weight, length, volume and area, there are several websites that do it for free.


If you need to build your connections in the business world, taking part in several _____________ events is probably a good idea.


If you really have these crazy ideas, it means you live in a(n) ___________ reality, where everything is the opposite of what it really is.


If you sell a house, a lot of _________ is required by the local government office. You will have to sign a lot of forms.


If you want to __________ a file that is over 30 mb, you might find out that quantity will exceed the limit set by some e-mail providers.


If you want to be flexible in your work career, you might want to ______________ your skills, so that you can get different jobs in the future.


If you want to be liked by your employer, you should show ___________ , which means that you can start projects by yourself and not necessarily wait for instructions.


If you want to climb a mountain, make sure that you are trained and that you have ___________ clothing for the sudden weather changes.


If you want to eat healthy, the first thing you need to do is to ___________ junk food from your diet.


If you want to improve your English skills, __________ lessons on grammar, vocabulary and listening is probably the best approach.


If you want to increase your confidence when speaking in public, one effective ________ is to practice in front of a mirror.


If you want to mention somebody else's ideas in your term paper, you can either paraphrase them or use proper __________ if you don't want to change any words.


If you want to open a restaurant, the _________ is the most important criterion for success.


If you want to use a quote in your term paper, you need to properly ____________ the name of the author.


If you want to visit the United States, the _______ you have to follow in order to get a visa can be quite time-consuming.


If you work as a(n) ___________ , it means you use your expertise to give advice to companies which might need some help for their projects, often on a temporary basis.


If you write a book, in the ______________ you thank those who have helped you at any stage in the research or writing-up process.


If you're interested in novel, audiobooks are an interesting ___________ to normal books.


If your company has financial problems, perhaps you should __________ a financial advisor to solve the issue.


Improving healthcare is not a(n) _____________ for this government. They prefer to concentrate on other issues first.


In China, selective abortion and thirty years of one-child policy have led to a distorted __________ between men and women: for every 100 women, there are 120 men.


In English, the 2nd conditional is used for _________ situations, which are situations that don't exist and that we are just imagining.


In Europe, around the year 1000, the church and the state were fused in a single __________ , as if the Thai monarchy and the Sangha were the same thing. Nowadays, they are separate.


In PC3, the second _________ of the term paper is due at the end of week 7.


In Thailand, among young people Korean fashion is a growing __________ : everybody wants to dress like a Korean pop star.


In Thailand, during the Songkhran celebrations it is a(n) __________ to play with water.


In Thailand, skin color is still a(n) ________ to evaluate a person's beauty, and many people find this quite racist.


In Thailand, the _________ of the temperature between days and nights is not very high. Instead, in the Sahara desert, a hot day can easily turn into a cold night after the sun sets.


In U.S. schools, sports are a(n) ____________ part of the curriculum.


In Western politics, conservatives are considered "right-wing", while __________ are defined as "left-wing": they are favorable to progress or reform, in political or religious affairs.


In World War II, most of the casualties were not soldiers, but _________ .


In a couple, ________________ is crucial. There will always some problems, and the two partners should make an effort to talk and find solutions together.


In a good essay, the ____________ statement should be made explicit at the end of the introduction.


In a highly globalized word, _____________ is crucial for companies who want to succeed.


In a multiple choice test, you should start by crossing out the answers that you are sure are not correct. As a result, you could be able to infer by __________ the right answer.


In a new report by the Ministry of Finance, all economic ____________ show that the GDP is set to decrease in the next months.


In a war, armies usually use __________ messages to communicate, so that the enemy cannot understand their meanings even if they intercept them.


In an addition ___________ , addends are the numbers that are added together to give a sum.


In an authoritarian regime, human rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of worship are usually _________ .


In children's books, the ___________ can be even more important than the text.


In different _________ , I would have reacted differently. Unfortunately, I couldn't change the situation I was in.


In fashion or photography, there are people whose job is to arrange and coordinate food, clothes, etc. in a(n) __________ and attractive way in photographs or films.


In finance, ___________ markets are the stock markets of the countries that are still considered under development.


In general, people sleep ____________ 7-8 hours a day.


In her ___________ summary, she explained in detail all the issues that the company was facing.


In her life, she challenged the traditional _____ assigned to women: she was a successful businesswoman and a mother of three children, which was quite uncommon in that period.


In her term paper, she has __________ data and from multiple sources, together with notions and theories she learned in class.


In his first year as a soldier, he was _____________ to Yala province. He wasn't happy about that because that area is dangerous.


In his latest book, the ____________ emphasized the importance of politeness in human interactions.


In his long academic career, this professor has _______________ a dozen books on this subject.


In his morning ____________ with the directors, the CEO gave the new deadline for the project.


In his term paper, he ___________ this author a few times, because he thought the original words were too good to be paraphrased.


In international workshops, ___________ still play a vital role as they translate for a diverse audience what the different speakers say.


In its latest report, the ____________ of Finance estimated that the GDP will grow by 3.1 percent next year.


In its push to modernise the country, the government is investing a lot in ________________ . New railways and road are being planned.


In journalism, __________ is one of the fundamental values: journalists should report the facts without being influenced by their opinions.


In many South-East Asian countries, ________ inequality is a major problem. There's a huge gap between the rich and the poor.


In many cultures, roses are __________ of love.


In many societies, teenagers entering adulthood go through ___________ ceremonies, where they are formally introduced to adulthood.


In marketing, __________ market is a group of customers towards which a business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and its products.


In modern wars, air power has _________ over land troops. It's impossible to win a conflict without the former.


In most countries, driving a car is ________ for people under 18. In the United States, though, it's possible to drive after turning 16.


In most countries, the ___________ of students who attend private schools is currently on the rise.


In my thesis about "How to teach advanced English learners", I want to especially _________ the importance of vocabulary teaching.


In order to decide what course of action to take during the trial, the defendant _________ with his lawyers in a long meeting.


In order to encourage families to have more babies, the government will offer some _______________ , which include 2,000 dollars a year for the first child until the age of seven.


In order to improve the grammar, I will have to ____________ my term paper as my teacher suggested.


In order to successfully complete the course, you have to complete all the _____________ you are given by the instructors.


In overpopulated metropolis in developing countries, waste __________ is a constant challenge. There is simply too much trash to deal with.


In pop culture, Hollywood exerts a worldwide ___________ over other countries' cinema industries.


In some board games with a war theme, players fight to achieve world ___________ .


In the U.S., it's possible to obtain a driving ___________ at the age of 16.


In the __________ world, wearing a suit is a must for businessmen, and other styles are not considered appropriate.


In the choice of which university to attend, a number of factors should be taken into ___________ .


In the coming decades, ___________ more electricity through clean energy sources will be crucial in the fight against climate change.


In the contract you signed, there are a few ________ which specify that if you have an accident when you drink and drive, the insurance will not pay for anything.


In the course of history, religion has been the ________ of many wars in Europe.


In the experiment, scientists used augmented reality to ____________ combat conditions, in order to test the future soldiers' endurance in a war environment.


In the first weeks after Pokemon Go was released, several _________ were reported among players who were carelessly glued to their phone while driving or walking in trafficked areas.


In the future, the spectacular growth of these cities' suburbs will form a tightly packed megalopolis, with no ______ from one city to the next.


In the modern world, ____________ inequality is an issue widely debated. People are realizing that women often don't have the same opportunities that men have.


In the pet hospital, each animal was tagged with a number for ____________ .


In the previous quarter, the students' grades _________ from A to D.


In today's globalized economy, __________ are usually dominant in their respective business sector.


In today's globalized world, goods are often ___________ by cargo ships.


Initially he opposed the project, but in the end he gave his __________ to it.


Initially we decide to concentrate our study on a limited topic, but later we chose to widen the _____________ of our survey.


Initially, I thought I knew what the problem was. Unfortunately, __________ events showed that my initial theory was wrong.


It has been estimated that over 30 ________ of the Japanese population is over 60 years old.


It has been proved that babies, even when they are not able to talk yet, can ___________ between different facial expressions of emotion.


It is a common _______ that art forms such as ballet are elitist and have no general appeal to the masses.


It is a common opinion that _____________ has benefited some countries more than others. For example, developing countries which export their cheap products worldwide have been among the beneficiaries.


It is a very _____________ neighborhood, with residents from different nationalities and religions.


It was a decision that _________ poor judgment. He clearly wasn't aware of the consequences.


It was becoming increasingly difficult to ________ his actions. They were so bad that nobody could find a reason to explain them.


It was clear all the time that he wasn't willing to ____________ with anyone, and in the end he did everything on his own.


It's been argued that too much _________ to media violence can cause psychological problems to children.


It's been six months since his broke his leg. His recovery was slow and he had to use crutches for a while, but finally he can now walk _____________ .


It's important that your writing progresses ___________ from one point to another, rather than jumping back and forth with no organization.


It's taken so much of my time, but _________ next week I'll hand in my term paper!


Italian-style pizzas are delicious. _____________ , if made with the best ingredients and without too many toppings, they are healthier than most people think.


Italy is a country where people speak Italian, but there is also a wide range of __________ dialects and accents.


Japan's culture has been deeply influenced by China during its history. _________ speaking, they share a lot of traits.


Many Europeans are worried about the latest wave of refugees. They are afraid that, __________ , a number of terrorists might hide in groups of refugees trying to enter Europe.


Many South-East Asian societies show a high degree of _________ , which means that people love going to shopping malls and spending a lot of money on new products.


Many Thais have quite a(n) _________ attitude towards LGBT issues, as can be seen by the high presence of "tomboys" and "ladyboys" in society.


Many bird populations _____________ long distances, for example to breed in the temperate summer, later returning to wintering grounds in warmer regions.


Many countries around the world are debating whether to ____________ marijuana or not.


Many developing countries _______________ the cost of fuel, with the aim of favoring the low income part of the population.


Many health experts are worried that the _________ outbreaks of this contagious disease could one day turn in a global epidemic.


Many immigrants in Europe struggle to __________ due to the language barrier and to cultural and religious differences.


Many psychologists are convinced that ____________ violence has an effect on children. If they constantly see blood on TV, they will think that violence is normal.


Many psychologists claim that the ___________ of violence on media can have an impact on children.


Many students dislike being ___________ by older people on what to do and what not to do.


Many teachers believe that students are becoming too ________ on private tutors after school.


Many villages in the area were hit hard by the storm, but luckily my hometown was __________ . No damages were reported there.


Many words in Thai ___________ from Pali and Sanskrit.


Many young people today feel that politics has no ____________ to them. Their parents' generation was much more active in political issues.


Mentions of a product on social media can be a(n) _________ of its popularity among the public.


Monsoon rains are a(n) __________ phenomenon in South-East Asia: they happen every year during the rainy season.


More and more wealthy Chinese students decide to study ____________ , often choosing American or British universities.


Most people are not __________ that they lifestyle, with its high consumption of natural resources, actively contributes to the issue of global warming.


Muslims everywhere follow the religious ____________ against eating pork.


My back is still giving me problems, so I _________ a specialist last week, and he told me that I may need surgery.


My brother works in real _________ : he buys and sells houses and apartments.


My dad ____________ falls asleep on the sofa after lunch: every day, he starts watching TV and after a few minutes his eyes are closed.


My father always placed great __________ on being polite with everybody. It's one of the many lessons I learned from him.


My financial adviser told me that my stock portfolio needs _______________ . He meant that I need to have stocks from a variety of companies and different industries, rather than concentrate only on one company or sector.


My first year at university was a(n) ___________ experience. What I learned in high school did not prepare me for it: I needed to learn how to produce content, not just to answer multiple choice tests.


My friend Andrew is quite a(n) _______ character; he doesn't have a fixed residence, travels all the time and doesn't care about working.


My friend Pablo travels all over the world, but he mostly lives in Brazil. He has been a(n) ___________ there for a long time.


My grandmother had to go under surgery after she fell down the stairs. Luckily, she is now ______________ recovering, a little bit every day.


My grandmother is quite old, and she can't live by herself anymore. I hired a young maid who _________ her while I am at work.


My long term ________ is to become fluent in English; in the short term, my priority is to pass PC.


My preferred ___________ of travel is the train. I love the fact that I can see the landscape outside, read a book or just meet new people.


My sister works as a(n) _____________ for the local newspaper. She doesn't write articles, but she corrects the ones that are written by journalists before they are published.


My uncle's company is the sole ___________ of this product in the country: nobody else can sell it.


NGOs usually ____________ for changes and improvements in fields of development, education, healthcare and human rights.


Nelson Mandela was one of the most inspiring _____________ of racial equality in South Africa.


Nothing __________ being cruel to animals. They are living beings that feel emotions like humans do.


Now you're not a teenager anymore. You're an ___________ , which carries much more responsibility.


Nowadays, many students don't know much about history and just have some loose __________ of it. It is a worrying phenomenon.


Official _________ show that the number of crimes committed in the city has declined in the past decade.


Oil __________ has become more challenging in the past decade. It's necessary to drill deeper into the ground, as many oil fields are getting depleted.


One of the causes of climate change is the excessive amount of fossil fuels that we _______________ .


One of the greatest ___________ in life is understanding who you really are.


One of the most well-__________ findings in ecology over the past century has been the crucial role of climate in determining the geographical distribution of species.


One of the purposes of universities is to __________ students for their adult life, by making them become more knowledgeable and develop their critical thinking.


Only a(n) __________ of adults have annual check-ups at a hospital, although doctors recommend everybody do so.


Originally, the uniform policy didn't allow any exceptions, but later the rules were ___________ and made less strict.


Our sales used to grow by 15 per cent a month on average. Unfortunately, since last year's disappointing results, the trend appears now to be going in the ______________ direction.


Our small organization has applied for a research __________ from the United Nations Development Fund.


Our small organization is founded by ____________ contributions from kind donors. If you wish to donate, you can do it by bank transfer or PayPal.


Our trip went very well: we only had a few __________ problems, but nothing too important.


Over 500 scholars ____________ in the conference center for the workshop organized by the university.


Oxford university is an extremely ________ academic institute. Only the best students can study there.


PC4 students have to write a term paper based on the the book "Collapse", in which the writer proposes a five-parts __________ on the issue of sustainability for countries and societies.


People in this community are quite environmentally conscious. They have recently started a(n) ____________ program in order to reduce waste.


People on lower incomes spend a(n) __________ amount of their income on food. Everybody needs to eat, after all.


People say that the taste of Coke ________ from country to country, as it depends on the water that has been used to produce it.


People should never drink wine or beer when taking a medicine. There can be nasty side effects, and in some cases alcohol __________ the effects of the medicine.


People who are sensitive about their ________ in society usually care more about appearance than substance.


People who are worried about their appearance are constantly ___________ their clothes when they are in a public place, and that can be annoying for who is around them.


People who show clear signs of mental problems are sometimes placed in mental __________ , where they can be taken care of.


Perhaps the most compelling reason to keep art on school curriculum is that it allows students to express their _________ .


Please behave ________ when you are in class. You should not eat or disrupt the lesson.


Please find my CV ___________ at the end of this e-mail.


Please push the red button only in case of _____________ .


Pokemon Go has instantly become a worldwide _________ phenomenon.


Practice tests can be useful ____________ tools for both students and teachers.


Quantifying the performance of ________ players in a team activity can be tricky.


Researchers have established that looking an animal in the eyes for a long time, in a narrow and assertive way, is __________ as threatening.


Rice and rubber are among the principal agricultural _________ of Thailand.


Scientists have long ago found a causal _________ between cigarettes and lung cancer.


Scientists have noticed an increased ___________ of unusual weather phenomena related to climate change.


Searching for your first ________ after university can be quite a stressful experience.


She __________ her bad performance in the exam by blaming the teacher.


She __________ her speech by thanking all the people that helped her achieve her goal.


She __________ the results of her research in a single sentence.


She did not participate in the creation of the plan, but she was responsible for its ____________ .


She dresses __________ in black; she never buys clothes of other colours.


She graduated from the best university in the country and went on to study two masters degrees. In other words, her __________ achievements are outstanding.


She had a tooth _____________ today, and the dentist told her that she should not eat solid food for at least 24 hours.


She has been __________ a 5,000 dollars scholarship to study in the UK. She's so happy!


She is ____________ and hard-working: I have no doubt that she will pass her exams with good grades.


She is a very __________ person: she has goals and does her best every day to pursue them.


She is a(n) _______________ musical talent. I've never seen anyone like her in my whole life.


She is very romantic, yet she doesn't _____________ too much importance to flowers.


She is very shy and lacks confidence, and that is why she hasn't been successful in her career. Her __________ prevented her from being promoted.


She seems distant at first, but if you know her better you'll find out that she is very __________ : you can always ask her to help.


She was born in the United States from Lao parents. Therefore, although she is an American citizen, effectively she is of Lao _________ .


She was shy at first, but after a few beers she lost her ___________ and became the queen of the dance floor.


She went to MUIC. ________ to that, she attended an international school.


She's a very _________ student: she is very good at noticing and understanding things that many people do not notice.


She's a very __________ person: she's always coming up with new ideas and excels at solving problems with whatever is at hand.


Should we always try to _________ more material things, or should we sometimes be content with less?


Since he was a child, he wanted to become a professional footballer. Now that he's 15 and he received some interest from teams, he decided to finally __________ his dream.


Since the conflict between the two countries, all diplomatic _____________ have been shut. Both governments refuse to talk to each other.


Smartphone __________ has developed at breakneck speed in the past decade.


Smoking is ___________ in this compound. You should respect the rule, or you will be fined.


Social media makes it easier to create __________ of people with common interests or connections.


Sociologists believe that poverty is only one of the __________ that cause people to become criminals.


Software programmers who are able to _______ apps are able to earn a lot of money nowadays.


Some people ___________ in the case revealed that they knew the whole affair violated multiple laws, but they carried on anyway.


Some people are afraid that, if the world keeps consuming at this crazy pace, natural ________ will one day come to an end.


Some teachers ___________ too much homework to students, which makes them quite stressed.


Someone who is ____________ avoids wasting things, like money or food.


Sometimes it's difficult to _____________ our fear of dark places. Even if we know there is nobody around, we don't like being in the dark.


Sometimes, when you feel tired or have a headache because you work too much, you might just need a change of _________ . Even a brief walk in the park can help.


Soon after I bought it, my car seemed perfect, but after one month a few problems have _________ .


South Korea is one of the most ________ advanced countries not just in Asia, but in the whole world.


Students are worried that the university might raise its tuition ___________ next year.


Students born in the past two ___________ have grown up with the Internet and take it for granted, like past generations took for granted the telephone.


Students complained that the _________ of the final exam was too high. It was so difficult that over 50 percent of them failed.


Studying at PC can be a(n) ________ experience for many students because there are many exams and there's always some homework to do.


Ten people have been murdered in similar circumstances in this area in the past four years; the police suspect there is a ________ killer going around.


Thailand follows the principle of " _________ economy" theorized by king Rama 9, which stipulates than people should be happy with what they have.


Thailand has a tropical climate all year round; in __________ , Russia has a cold climate.


Thailand has some _________ minorities living along its borders, such as the Mon and the Khmer.


Thailand is quite a(n) __________ society. Social classes and seniority count a lot in determining a person's position.


Thailand is usually divided in six __________ : the North, the North-East, the West, the South-East, the Central plains and the South.


Thailand's exports consist _________ of textiles, footwear, fishery products, rice, rubber, jewelry and automobiles.


That actress is 75 now, but she looks so much younger. She has definitely ________ much of her beauty.


That brand is incredibly successful, and their customers are loyal. They _______ the brand name with quality: once they buy a product, they know it will last forever.


That man has been arrested with the charge of __________ harassment after some women accused him of touching them inappropriately.


That player is the _____________ competitor: he always wants to win and never gives up, whether it's a friendly match or the last minute of a final.


That player is young, but I believe he has a lot of __________ : we should give him a chance.


That student is an attention _________ : he's always raising his hand because he wants to show the teacher that he knows everything.


The "__________ of violence" depicts a pattern often experienced in abusive relationships. The three phases repeat over and over.


The "fragile" tag on a box __________ that the content of the package could be easily broken if not transported properly.


The 2011 tsunami in Japan had a severe ________ impact: it caused a nuclear disaster at Fukushima, which made it impossible for residents to live there.


The Economist and the New York Times are two of the most __________ publications on world affairs.


The Health Ministry is worried because a new survey has shown that the ________ of sugar among Thais has increased 98% in ten years. People simply eat too much sugar.


The Internet has made __________ music easy and has unleashed an astonishing amount of new material to share.


The National Cancer __________ is a health organization established by the government in order to do research on cancer and its possible cure.


The Nazi offensive in Russia in 1942 failed because of several ____________ mistakes: one of them was to push forward while the army was running out of gas for its tanks.


The PC program is _______________ in four levels which students have to pass on their way to MUIC.


The Ramakhien is a(n) __________ story in Thai literature.


The Thai language derives from Pali and Sanskrit. __________ , Khmer also has many words that come from these two ancient languages.


The Thai language is quite ____________ . Many expressions depend on the situation, and there is a subtleness that foreigners don't often understand.


The U.S.A. have a(n) ________ form of government, which leaves a high degree of autonomy to the different states. In contrast, Thailand has a heavily centralised form of government.


The United States have a very __________ economy: companies are innovative and they adapt faster than others to social changes and customers' preferences.


The ________ of Thailand's rice production is approximately 30 million tonnes a year.


The _________ of people in Thailand are Buddhist, whereas in Indonesia most people are Muslim.


The _________ of rainfall in the past 24 hours has been unprecedented. It looked like it would never end.


The _________ of students who fail their exams in this university is ten percent higher than the national average.


The _________ of this football match sounds very knowledgeable. He knows interesting details on the players' stories.


The _________ process is made up of four rounds. In the end, only four people will be chosen among all the candidates.


The _________ reason why I chose International Business as my major is that I want to work in the service sector.


The __________ company report for the year 2015 will be published tomorrow.


The __________ construction noise outside my apartment prevented me from concentrating on my work.


The __________ of a new tax caused widespread anger and brought many people to demonstrate in the streets against the government.


The __________ of dishes in the Italian cuisine is amazing. Different regions and towns have different recipes, and they are delicious.


The __________ of fridges in the U.S. is significantly larger than that of fridges in Asia, which means they have space for much more food.


The __________ of happiness is one of the engines that motivate people to achieve their goals.


The __________ of his measurements has been called into question. It seems that he got some numbers wrong.


The ___________ of this problem had not been foreseen by anybody. Everybody was surprised when it happened.


The ____________ of Bangkok in the last five decades has been spectacular. Nowadays, the capital of Thailand has 12 million inhabitants and is a true metropolis.


The ____________ of gay marriage is a recent phenomenon in Western countries. Asian countries haven't followed the trend up to now.


The ____________ of innocence is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty by a court.


The ____________ of wheat flour for gluten-free flour is a recent trend among people with digestive problems.


The ______________ of migrations are changing. In the past, entire families would move another country. Nowadays, traveling and communicating is easier, so many times only men migrate, leaving their families behind.


The accused man __________ all the charges brought against him. "I'm innocent!", he told the judge.


The ancestors of most citizens of the United States are people who ___________ from their countries in order to seek a better life.


The area they inherited from their grandfather was divided in four _________ , and each of them was given to one of the four cousins.


The author wrote extensively on this __________ , and he is widely respected for his revolutionary theories.


The authoritarian regime ___________ strict rules against freedom of expression in order to quash dissent.


The bill was ________ . It listed the cost of each product I purchased rather than just the total cost.


The budget ____________ for the next year is lower than in 2015, which means the company will have less money to spend on its projects.


The bureaucracy in this country is crazy. Even a simple process like _________ a business license can be really time-consuming.


The choice of the university where you are going to study is highly ________ , because it can shape the rest of your working career.


The city center is not a(n) _________ area anymore. Rents are too expensive there, and once offices close in the evening, people go home in the suburbs.


The committee was set up by the government with the task of drafting a new ________ , which would be the country's tenth since 1932 .


The company failed to diversify its business and _____________ in a highly competitive environment, which led to its bankruptcy.


The company is ___________ out the huge stock of old products it has in its warehouses before buying new supplies.


The company was __________ almost two centuries ago, and it's still thriving now.


The company's ____________ are in great shape. It has no debts and plenty of cash for future growth.


The company's total _____________ has increased by 10 percent since last year, so there will be more money for further investments.


The concept of the "clash of _________ " hypothesizes that people's cultural and religious identities will be the primary source of conflict in the coming decades.


The country called "United States of America" _____________ 50 states.


The country's ____________ shows worrying signs of a crisis: exports are down and hundreds of companies are laying off workers.


The country's _____________ in the regional war was opposed by the majority of the population, yet the government decided to enter the conflict anyway.


The data I collected while doing research __________ that my theory was correct.


The decision of the court is ___________ : there will be no other trials after this.


The dense fog reduced _____________ to about 20 meters, which forced drivers to proceed slowly in order to avoid accidents.


The details of the horrific murder are not clear yet, but the media are talking about it already. __________ , the killer stabbed the victim multiple times with a kitchen knife.


The details that the witness described were so _____________ that they helped the police in their investigation.


The directions you gave to reach your house were ______________ , and that's why I got lost and couldn't find the place.


The disagreement led to a street battle between two groups of armed men, which forced the police to ___________ to restore order.


The distribution of __________ to those in need after the tsunami has been faster than predicted.


The division of tasks in families has changed a lot in the past decades. ___________ , women would stay at home and take care of the kids, but now many of them have a career.


The earthquake caused __________ damages to many buildings. Even those which didn't collapse look quite shaky.


The earthquake that hit Indonesia killed 1,400 people and left 3,850 ___________ .


The essays have already been _____________ by the teacher, who failed half of the students.


The event was _____________ very damaging to the child. He kept having nightmares about it for years.


The evidence collected by the police proved to be _________ . They still can't say for sure who murdered the victim.


The explosion was the latest in a(n) _________ of terrorist attacks that hit the city this year.


The fact that multiple bombs exploded in different locations at the same time makes the police think that the attacks were ______________ by a mastermind.


The fact that the universe is _______________ still boggles my mind. How can something never end?


The factory's toxic emissions are far greater than was _________ announced, so people living in the area are more worried now.


The fertility rate in Thailand has gradually __________ over the past decades, from 6 births per woman in the 1960s to around 1.4 births now.


The financial crisis led to a significant increase in the number of people ___________ suicide in the last two years.


The first time you visit a huge city, it can be difficult to __________ yourself among so many new streets.


The fundamental issue that ____________ the conflict between the government and the rebel groups is competition for limited natural resources.


The future of the industry will depend on the _________ of next month's election.


The global economic crisis has __________ the limits of modern capitalism and dramatically deepened social polarization.


The government announced that the prisoners would be __________________ , and the prisoners' families couldn't wait to reunite with their dear ones again.


The government called an emergency meeting in order to ____________ the situation after the terrorist attack.


The government has introduced a new recycling _________ , with which it aims to raise the citizens' environmental awareness.


The government is offering new tax _________ for small businesses, which should encourage businessmen to hire more people.


The government offered 10,000 baht in ________ for the families affected by the floods


The government said that it was going to fight corruption with every means possible, but no new changes have been ___________ .


The government should _____________ pollution control. It's the first problem the country needs to solve.


The hotel offers several facilities for businessmen, such as a(n) ____________ center, printing and fax services, and multilingual translators.


The idea that we live in a 'multiverse' made up of an infinite number of __________ universes has long been considered a scientific possibility.


The increasingly competitive business environment has made it more difficult for companies to ______________ .


The injury suffered by the athlete is very serious. He will be out for a(n) _____________ period of time, and doctors say his career is at risk.


The interview for her new job was successful, but she hasn't signed a ____________ yet with the company.


The invention of the new 3D printing machine is bringing home printing to a whole new __________ .


The issue of ____________ sharing is still debated today. Some people think that downloading songs or videos for free is like stealing, but others disagree.


The judge decided to acquit the accused for lack of ___________ . He may have committed the crime, but it just can't be proven at the moment.


The laser technology has _____________ surgery, allowing surgeons to perform a wide range of operations that were once unthinkable.


The latest round of protests ___________ a threat to the authority of the government.


The law was approved with a few _____________ compared to the original version, but the essence of it remained the same.


The lecture was quite _____________ . We learned a lot from it.


The local population protested against the law that made their village the proposed __________ for a new dam.


The logical fallacy known as "false _________ " describes a situation where two statements or situations seem apparently to be the same, while in fact they are not.


The main responsibility of a country's Parliament is to __________ effectively for the people who elected their representatives.


The majority of Thais are Buddhist, __________ most Indonesians are Muslim.


The manager ___________ the employees to collect more information on the customers' preferences.


The mechanic will give you a(n) __________ for the cost of repairing your car. If you think the price is too high, you can try at another place.


The military ________ has cracked down on human rights, and has become more and more authoritarian.


The military government is becoming increasingly ______________ : it arrests anybody who takes part in a protest, and sentences dissidents to jail.


The mining sector employs tens of thousands of __________ in South Africa, where work conditions can be quite harsh.


The more you work with other students and ask questions, the more your teachers will like you. In other words, class __________ counts toward your grade.


The most common theory for the extinction of dinosaurs is that an asteroid hit the Earth. The force of the ______________ might have changed the climate, causing a mass extinction.


The most recent survey of rare birds was __________ in 1990. Since then, environmentalists are afraid than more species have become extinct.


The new CEO has __________ a survey to the Human Resources department. He wants to improve the workflow of the company staff.


The new CEO likes your idea for the new building project, but right now the company cannot allocate any __________ for the construction.


The new ________ has decided to change a few things about how the company is managed.


The new evidence completely supports my theory. It basically _____________ that I was right all along.


The new law _________ a lot of criticism. From the media to the citizens, everybody was against it.


The new law raises the VAT tax to 15 percent on food products, and that means that low-income __________ will be the ones who are hurt.


The new manager aims to _______ the problems within 30 days. He claims he knows what should be done to fix the issue.


The new principles introduced a further _________ of complexity to an already complicated theory.


The new secretary has really strong ___________ skills. She always performs her tasks on time, and replies to every e-mail within an hour.


The night they met, it was clearly to everybody that they ____________ instantly. It was not surprising to hear that they got married only six months later.


The number of cars on the city's roads is rising every year. __________ , the amount of pollution will increase as well.


The object of this advertising campaign is to raise __________ of what spreads HIV/AIDS. We want people to be more informed and involved.


The original version of the product was flawed, but a number of ___________ have improved its effectiveness.


The parents told the teenager that the subject of using the car is not up for ___________ , which means their answer is final.


The party organized by the company was very exclusive: only around 50 _______ people were invited.


The patient was constantly __________ by the hospital's staff, due to the seriousness of his condition.


The phone that I __________ last year is giving me a lot of problems. I think I will need to buy a new one soon.


The photographer spent years ___________ the lives of miners. His pictures have been published in several magazines.


The police announced that the new traffic rules will be strictly _________ , with no exceptions.


The police arrested a suspect in relation to the murder, and he confessed his crime. However, it's still unclear what his __________ was.


The police arrested a suspect soon after the horrific murder, but the man denied his _________ in the crime.


The police is trying to __________ the suspect from the images of the security cameras.


The police suspect him of being a criminal, but there is no ___________ evidence linking him to any crimes.


The popularity of "selfie sticks" is a recent _____________ . Until a few years ago, those objects didn't even exist.


The postman always delivers letters at 10 am. Now it's 9.50 am, so I ____________ that he will come in around 10 minutes.


The president made a(n) ___________ visit to Beijing before going back to his country.


The price of the item has been reduced to _________ for a defect.


The prime minister is stepping down today. After new elections are held, his ____________ will come into office on January 1.


The products we booked online are now in __________ from the warehouse where they were kept to our house. They should be delivered by tomorrow.


The professor will give a(n) ___________ on the history of the Roman empire.


The quantity of the product that we have in stock is _________ : it will not be enough for the whole month.


The recent shootings and protests involving the Afro-American community in the United States show that racism is still a huge ________ in the country.


The recent stock market crash has shaken _________ . Now, they don't know if they should invest more money, of if it's the moment to pull out.


The reviewer __________ that the restaurant was excellent, with fine food and service.


The rise of the middle class, with its rising expectations, worries the ________ that has always ruled in the country.


The selection process will be based ___________ on academic achievements. No other factors will be taken into consideration.


The sentence "John was in the classroom" _________ that John is not in the classroom anymore.


The silence of the accused in court was considered ________ to an admission of guilt.


The speaker's proposals were not made ____________ . Many people left the meeting room wondering what he had really meant.


The staff from the customer _________ have been very helpful in helping me solve the problem.


The stroke she suffered last month left her completely ____________ : she is still alive, but she is not aware of what's around her, and probably will never recover.


The student displayed a negative and uncooperative _________ throughout the course. He never studied and always disrupted classes with his constant chatting.


The students failed the exam because there were too many __________ in their essays.


The success of any such scheme depends on the _______ of parking spaces outside town centers.


The sudden rise in unemployment is _________ in the history of this country. Never had so many people lost their jobs in such a short time.


The swine flu epidemic developed started after somebody ________________ the virus from infected pigs.


The tailor offered to ____________ my new suit. As it doesn't fit me as well as it should, some minor changes are required.


The teacher _______________ the chairs in two rows in the middle of the classroom and then explained the rules of the game to the students.


The teacher called out the students' names ___________ , following the alphabetical order.


The theory advanced by that expert is interesting, but I think more _________ is needed before we can say that the theory is absolutely correct.


The traditional division of power assigns the executive power to the government, the ________ power to Parliament, and the judicial power to tribunals.


The truth of the matter didn't become __________ until we asked around and witnesses said what they had seen.


The vocabulary test is composed of five ________ . In the first, you have to match the meanings; in the second, you have to cross the odd word out; in the third, ...


The way a person treats a waiter, or anybody who provides a service, is often a(n) ________ of their character.


The weather in San Francisco is known for its _________ . One minute it's summer and the next can feel like winter.


The weather is quite ________ in the UK. It can be sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon, then sunny again.


The witness could give only vague and __________ descriptions, which didn't help the police in its investigation.


The workers have ________ the factory in protest with the low wages. They are asking for a 100 dollars raise.


The world consumes 90 million barrels of oil a day. This creates pollution, and it's ___________ for the environment in the long term.


Their ___________ of the situation was perfect. Afterwards, everything happened exactly how they predicted.


There are a number of ________ available, but we don't know which one we should choose. We can't really make a decision.


There are a(n) ______________ of issues I would like to address in tonight's meeting.


There are currently more than 30 million active __________ in youth sports in America.


There are fewer tourists compared to last year. The _________ rate in hotels is very low.


There are many factors that can cause a lack of ____________ , and not sleeping enough is surely among them.


There has been a perception _______ about this problem: initially, many people didn't give much importance to it, but now everybody is worried.


There is a certain ____________ between them. Since they met the first time, they couldn't take their eyes off each other.


There is a growing __________ that the country's economy is in trouble. People can't find jobs anymore, and prices are going up.


There is no evidence that the virus has ever been _____________ from pigs to humans, but scientists are still worried that it might happen.


There is no secret ________ for happiness: everybody should live their life as it suits them better and be themselves.


There was no __________ between the witness' statement and the evidence collected by the police.


There was no need to _________ like that. I just said how I felt, why did you get so angry about that?


There wasn't much __________ in his decision; he just took it because he felt it was the right thing to do.


There were __________ reports about what really happened. Different witnesses had different versions.


These __________ in the product's new version will definitely improve the customer experience.


These are the __________ for the selection process: 1) The essay counts for 50% of the final score. 2) The multiple choice tests counts for 30%. 3) The interview counts for 20%.


These idea are the ______________ of all modern physics. All other principles and theories derive from them.


These two subspecies of birds are ____________ only by the markings on their wings. Everything else is quite similar.


They ___________ for years in order to have enough money to buy the house of their dreams.


They chose to send their daughter to study in India rather than Europe. However, their financial problems were not a(n) ________ in their decision.


They told us they might organize a party for tonight, but they're not sure yet. We are waiting for their ____________ .


This area is quite popular with tourists because it offers activities for everybody, _________ from activities for families to activities for young couples.


This book has all the _________ to become a successful movie, too: there's war, love, friendship and death. The cinema audiences would love it.


This company now has expanded its business to different sectors, but its __________ business remains the food and beverages sector.


This country has a well-developed _________ system: when people retire, they get a monthly pension from the state, and public healthcare is free.


This course will prepare you to earn a(n) _____________ recognised certification, which will make you easier to find a job anywhere in the world.


This energy drink is really powerful: it will _________ you to run a full marathon.


This figure is only a(n) ____________ . Right now I don't remember the precise number, but I'll look it up later.


This has been an unusual __________ of unlucky events for our family: first a burglar broke into our house, then we had a car accident, and finally our grandfather died.


This hotel has the best facilities for business trips in town. It _________ a convention center, private printing and fax services, and teleconference services.


This house costs 20 million baht. Even though I have a nice job, I cannot afford such a(n) ________ .


This is a highly _____________ product. Nobody had ever developed such a device before, and I'm sure that it will be very successful.


This is a very ________ motorbike; it hasn't given me any problems in 10 years.


This is a very rare print, and that's why it will be much _________ after by collectors.


This is a(n) ________ gadget: if you want it in your car, you have to expressly request it.


This is a(n) _________ sticker: you can remove it and apply it again, any time you want.


This is an extremely ________ topic. You should do a lot of research before you start writing your term paper.


This is an internal matter of our company, and we don't want to tell anybody about it. We will solve this issue __________ .


This is an organization that ___________ fishing in the region: it sets the rules and standards that everybody in the sector should follow.


This is just a(n) ______________ of the final exam. The real test will take place in week 10 of the term.


This issue can be considered under different ________ . The way you see it depends on which of them you think is more important.


This library is the best in the country. It contains an archive of the most important __________ relating to all major world religions.


This medicine is for _________ use only; it should not be put in the mouth.


This movie is a film ______________ of a book I read last year.


This organization was __________ in 1997, with the aim of helping the poor and providing better education to children in need.


This photograph isn't copyrighted anymore: it has been in the public ___________ for 15 years.


This piece of land was purchased by my great-grandfather, and there are __________ that can prove it.


This restaurant is not doing very well. Many TripAdvisor members rated it ___________ , and not many people go there to eat now.


This sector is still _________ , which means there are no rules or restrictions in place, and everybody can do what they want.


This sentence is a fragment because it only has a(n) dependent ____________ .


This shop is ________ to sell alcohol until midnight. After that, it can't.


This task is beyond my _________________ . I don't have the necessary skills and knowledge for that.


This university follows a(n) ________ of zero tolerance towards plagiarism: if you copy from another published source, you're out.


This university sets very high standards of professional __________ : students are expected to behave respectfully, be on time and participate in class.


This word is of uncertain ________ . Linguists don't really know where it originated and how it entered the language.


Those twins are absolutely ____________ : only their mother must be able to distinguish them!


Those who suffer from "social ____________ " fear that they are not good enough to be around other people.


Thousands of dancers dressed in traditional clothing took part in the ceremony. The ________ visual effect was spectacular.


Through the fog, he could only see _________ shapes on the horizon.


Throughout history, bridges have performed the _________ of providing access across water, connecting people and villages.


Throughout the quarter, she proved to be a(n) ________ student: every day she would go through her notes, underline the most important parts and then organise them in folders.


Tired of being a soldier, he left the army, but he couldn't find a job easily: his skills weren't very _________ from the military to the civilian world.


To __________ my chances of passing the exam, I'm studying hard every day until I go to bed.


To __________ my theory, I will provide a few examples that should clarify what I'm trying to explain.


To complete your application, you need to ____________ all the relevant documents to the administration office.


To inform the residents about the possible typhoon risks, leaflets have been __________ to all the houses in the area.


To pass the intensive course, the __________ focus of students should be on completing their assignments. Every day they are required to work from home.


Today's lecture will be on human rights. ________ , the professor will talk about freedom of speech and freedom of worship.


Traffic jams are a daily _______ in many Asian megalopolis: Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila and Dhaka are all known for the huge amount of cars on their streets.


Truth and "justice" are two examples of ____________ words. They are ideas, not things that you can see in reality.


Two days after the terrorist attack, security __________ in the city have been lifted and public transport is operating as normal.


UN peacekeepers have been assigned the difficult _________ of trying to end the conflict and restore normalcy in the country.


Unemployment has been the most _________ cost of the recession: everybody can see that the number of workers who lost their jobs has sharply increased.


Unless you have a(n) ________ justification, you will be marked as absent.


Until a month ago, he was the richest man in the country; now he's going bankrupt and might end up in prison. It was a shocking _______________ of fortune for him.


Up to now, no _________ of life have been found on Mars.


Water is an extremely powerful ________ of electricity. If you touch water that is in contact with a source of electricity, you can easily die.


We all go through different ________ in life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.


We are ________ with this company in order to expand our business abroad; we hope that our joint business will be successful.


We are sorry, but the code you dialed is _________ . Please try again.


We asked the teacher if she could make an exception for us, but she was _______________ . "If I break the rules for you", she said, "I'll have to break them for everyone, and that wouldn't be fair".


We can all make some ___________ judgements sometimes, even when we think we are absolutely sure.


We don't have much money for this project, so we are trying to __________ costs.


We want to thank Ajarn Matthew for his work here. His _________ to the program has been outstanding.


We would like to ask for your __________ in the survey: it will take only a few minutes of your time.


Weather experts _________ that it will not rain next week.


What are your _________ in life? Is money more important than love and a family, or the opposite?


What happened yesterday was shocking and ______________ . I don't think anything like this had ever happened before.


What he said was open to a number of ____________ : different people understood it differently.


What we call "fever" is basically a(n) ____________ in body temperature which is caused by a virus attacking our body.


What you said was an incredible __________ for him. He had no idea about that before.


What you wrote on this page is completely ___________ to your term paper. It's a completely different topic, and you shouldn't cover it in this paper.


Whatever you buy at IKEA will have different __________ that you will have to assemble by yourself.


When I said "It's getting late" and started yawning, I was __________ that my guests should leave soon.


When I told him the bad news, his __________ surprised me: he didn't seem upset at all.


When I was a kid, I __________ with a pen friend in France for a few years.


When I was a teenager, there was a year when I smoked 40 cigarettes a day. However, that was just a(n) __________ . I stopped smoking a few years later.


When asked to predict the situation for next year, all __________ said they believe the GDP will grow by over 4 percent.


When do you become an adult? Different cultures have different answers to the question "When does ____________ start?".


When earthquakes happen, they kill ______________ . They make no difference between rich and poor, young and old.


When faced with a stressful situation, it can be difficult to ___________ your composure and remain calm.


When is the deadline for this __________ ? I think it should be completed by this Sunday, but I'm not sure.


When it comes to technology, the ___________ gap between people born in the '90s and those born in the '70s is huge.


When people saw the images of the Twin Towers collapsing on 9/11, they instantly realized the huge _________ of that event.


When she was in elementary school, she didn't have many friends and often felt ______________ from the rest of the class.


When students get to PC4, they should be ___________ of writing essays without serious grammatical errors.


When teachers __________ their students' speaking skills, they also need to consider the students' personalities. Some kids are shy, and maybe that's the reason they don't speak much.


When the band played their most famous song at the concert, the _________ of the audience was enthusiastic.


When the new military government granted an amnesty to the coup makers, many law experts questioned the _________ of this decision.


When the suspect was interrogated by the police, he gave two versions of what happened. As the second version ___________ with the first one, the police doesn't believe him.


When the teacher asked the student why he came so late to class, his __________ was that the traffic was really bad.


When we discussed our term paper, the professor questioned the ________ of our data.


When you ________ something, you give it to others. This can apply to a dose of medicine, an order, a survey, or a punishment.


When you _________ something, you make it harmless or ineffective — usually by applying its opposite force, like pouring water on a fire.


When you are in a classroom, you need to act in a(n) ________ manner. It's not appropriate for you to run around like a crazy child in the room.


When you do research, you should read as many _____________ as you can in order to have a better understanding of the issue.


When you go to have your hair cut, you need to ________ how many centimeters the hairdresser should cut.


When you make a(n) _______________ , you're reading between the lines or just looking carefully at the facts and coming to conclusions.


When you work in a team, if there's something you don't like, you need to learn how to express _________ criticism: it's the only way the people around you can improve.


When you write a paper, you always end by summing up your arguments and drawing a(n) ________ about what you have been writing about.


When you're part of a team, your feelings are ________ ; it is your actions that really matter.


Without much _________ from anybody, she was able to solve this complex problem in only 10 minutes.


Without saying it openly, the ____________ from the report was that the government should be held responsible for the disaster.


Workers on this construction site _________ from dawn to dusk, in two shifts.


Yesterday a weird thing happened. I was ___________ by a person whom I had never met before, on a telephone whose number I had never given to anyone!


You are German. As being of Thai nationality is one of the ____________ of this job, unfortunately for you there is no point in applying.


You asked me to go to the supermarket and buy some milk, but is there any ________ brand that you would like me to buy?


You bought a(n) ____________ amount of oranges. We have too many now!


You can blame all the people you want for your failure, but __________ you only have yourself to blame, and you know it.


You can explore this huge archive by ____________ : different filters allow you to look for different items.


You can tell that he has never played sports as a child because he clearly lacks __________ when he runs.


You need to be more careful next time. Before you act, try to think about the _________ of your actions.


You need to dress _________ if you want to be allowed to enter the graduation ceremony.


Your language is highly ________ , young man! You should learn some respect.


__________ is important when writing an essay: spelling mistakes and wrong punctuation can affect your score.


___________ a tattoo is not easy: it requires one or more laser treatment sessions.


___________ is a word that describes a situation in which government restrictions become less hard, usually in areas of social, political and economic policy.


___________ population growth in the next century is no easy task. A lot of factors and variables need to be taken into account.


___________ some money in real estate is usually a good idea, but you can potentially lose money too.


___________ speaking, you are more likely to be killed in a domestic accident than by a poisonous spider.


___________ the heavy traffic, I managed to arrive at school in time before the class started.


___________ trade growth has slowed in recent years due to the financial crisis that affected both developed countries and emerging markets.


___________ your personal blog is quite an easy process if you follow the instructions that they will give you.


____________ is defined as the discrimination, typically against women, based on prejudices and stereotyping.


____________ of the law is not a justification for not following it like all other citizens.


_____________ have found mysterious man-made structures from around 200,000 years ago in this cave.


________________ evidence is the one that is verifiable by observation or experience instead of theory or pure logic.

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