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A first-grade student has just begun school for the first time. Previously, the student has been attending a schoolroom tent that was set up in the fields where her parents picked vegetables. The student is resisting going to the restroom to wash her hands before lunch. How should the teacher modify this activity to take into consideration the family's influence on the student's health? A Sanitation in her previous school was different, so the student should be eased into a new routine. B The student should be restricted from eating lunch until her hands are washed in order to ensure health safety. C The student has never washed her hands before lunch, so hand washing should be skipped to maintain cultural sensitivity. D The student's parents should be notified that the student is not cooperating so they can provide consequences for non-compliance.


A fourth-grade teacher has been working with two students to resolve a conflict. The students have agreed on a solution to the problem.What should the teacher do to help the students implement and evaluate the plan? A Observe the students to make sure the plan is working B Change the students' plan to meet the teacher's criteria C Emphasize that no changes to the plan should be made D Ask the student who was not at fault in the conflict to report any violations by the other student


A new student in the school district is HIV positive. Although this information is not disclosed, administration wants to implement safety practices in case an accident should occur with this student. How should the school communicate information to parents about these new safety practices? A Include the school's policy statement concerning HIV students in the parent handbook B Provide parents with HIV information so they will understand that there is no risk to their child C Give information on HIV to that student's classroom so parents are aware of the situation D Have parents of the student with HIV hold an information session prior to the beginning of the new school year


A teacher is helping students resolve a conflict on the playground and would like to promote student learning of conflict management and resolution.How can the teacher meet this goal? A Teach students to name the problem and identify solutions before implementing their decision B Solve the problem for the students for the first half of the year to model the approach they should take C Reward the student who resolves the conflict by having them become the playground monitor for future conflicts among their peers D Have the students identify three possible solutions and have the adult playground monitor choose the solution for the students to implement


Which activity should a third-grade teacher incorporate into a unit on pedestrian safety? A Take students to a cross walk and demonstrate looking left, right, and left again B Accompany students to a cross walk and identify drivers who do not follow the rules C Lead students to a cross walk and have them run across the street as fast as they can D Demonstrate first-aid measures that can be used in case a student falls in the cross walk


Which infection is associated with consuming unwashed fruits and vegetables and undercooked ground beef? A E.coli B Botulism C Cold virus D Dermatitis


Which information should be included in an elementary health lesson about caffeine? A Caffeine can affect a person's ability to sleep. B Caffeine negatively affects children's social interactions. C Energy drinks containing caffeine should be used in moderation. D Elementary-aged children should never consume products containing caffeine.


Which material should be classified as hazardous when found on school grounds? A bottle of ant spray A jug of distilled water A jar of petroleum jelly A bottle of dish detergent


* A teacher notices that most students are not eating breakfast. The teacher stresses the importance of eating a nutritious breakfast every day and provides an incentive for students to eat breakfast each morning.What are two potential benefits of more students eating breakfast?Choose 2 answers A Decrease in absences B Fewer incidents of tardiness C Less time spent on homework D Increased likelihood to make college level sports teams

A & B research has suggested that missing breakfast can affect concentration, ability to learn, and overall health. Recent studies have confirmed that eating breakfast helps children learn better. Students who eat breakfast demonstrate improved math, reading, and standardized test scores. They are also more likely to behave better in school and get along with their peers, find it easier to pay attention and to perform problem-solving tasks, and are less likely to have absences and incidents of tardiness than those who do not eat breakfast (USDA 2011).

* 42 A physical education teacher wants to plan games that help her second-grade students feel physically challenged. Which strategy would help these students value the activity because it physically challenges them? A Have students explain the rules of dodge ball B Have students play math games using their bodies to make the number shapes C Have students work in groups to plan innovative games that teach students how to play a new version of kick ball D Have students create point-of-decision posters to put up by the doors to the gym to remind students of the value of physical activity


A fifth-grade teacher notices that bullying behavior is occurring in the classroom. The teacher wants to design a policy that will help eliminate the bullying behavior.Which policy would be appropriate? A Students should make lists of people to avoid. B Students should report bullying to an adult. C Students should confront the bully in a loud voice. D Students should find peers to assist them when bullying occurs.


An elementary school nurse would like to encourage teachers to do their part in reducing the spread of illness among the staff.Which policy should the school put in place? A Hands should be washed after any meal, including snacks. B Hands should be washed every time the restroom is used. C Hands should be washed twice each morning and afternoon. D Hands should be washed upon entering school in the morning.


How does culture influence students' nutritional habits? A It makes the students nutritionally at risk. B It influences food choices the students make. C It causes the students to reject foods from other countries. D It shows the students that other foods are inadequate for good health.


What is an appropriate strategy to help kindergartners make healthy food choices? A Ban unhealthy foods in school lunches B Provide information without being judgmental C Ask the students to give up one unhealthy food D Have the students categorize foods from their lunch as either healthy or unhealthy


What is an appropriate way for a teacher of an elementary classroom to offer nutritional information on healthy foods to families? A Ask the parents to complete a questionnaire on healthy food knowledge B Have the students take home the healthy foods chart they colored in school C Send home inappropriate school snacks with a list of alternative appropriate choices D Show parents a list of unhealthy foods and ask that they remove them from their children's diet


Which activity appropriately helps a teacher assist students in making better decisions about which adult should be trusted to help them if they are lost? A Students write a story about being lost and what they would do in that situation. Then students read their story out loud while the other students rate each one as being correct or incorrect. B The teacher reads the students a story about a lost boy who has to find help and then has the students role‐play being the lost child, a stranger, a policeman, and other trusted adults so they can practice choosing the correct adult to ask for assistance. C Students go on a walk around the neighborhood and point out people who appear trustworthy and those who do not. The teacher emphasizes that all people could be dangerous and that the students should never leave the side of their parents or other adults.


While teaching a unit on the problems of illicit drug use, the teacher feels that factual information about drugs is having little impact on the students. The teacher feels the students do not approve of drug use but fears they will not be able to communicate this to their peers.How should this teacher encourage the students to achieve this skill? A The teacher should have the students memorize drug facts so they can communicate them easily to their peers. B The teacher should provide opportunities for students to identify their feelings and personalize the information on drugs. C The teacher should have each student come to the front of the room and publicly state their personal beliefs about drug usage D.The teacher should have the students practice verbalizing their belief system to him when no one else is present so they will feel emotionally safe.


*The teacher wants to involve family and community members in the development of tornado-safety emergency procedures. How can the teacher meet this goal? A Create a family and community phone tree that can be activated when a tornado is sighted. B Develop a basic action plan that guides families and community members to safety during a tornado. C Work with local agencies to construct a list of phone numbers that can be used in family emergencies. D Encourage local community businesses to provide discounts so families can tornado-proof their homes.

B Health educators can proactively involve parents in the health education of their children by sending information home in a newsletter and designing activities in which the parents help the children.

* Which principle could a physical education teacher employ to modify the playing environment in physical education class to allow students with visual impairments to become more involved with the lesson of catching a ball? A Use heavier balls B Increase the lighting C Provide more feedback D Make the playing space larger

B Use bright-colored equipment and beeper balls • Keep the teaching area free of clutter • Ensure appropriate support services are present • Support the student in becoming independent in a safe manner

*What would be a sign of a serious head injury? A The student begins to sneeze repeatedly and violently. B The student develops a rash across the face and upper chest. C The student is unable to remember events that happened before the accident. D The student develops a fever that is over 100 degrees and lasts for over one hour.


A physical education teacher plans a unit where students will use large pieces of equipment in a series of stations. The teacher will divide the class into small groups. The teacher wants to promote active learning and safety during this activity.Which activity will help the teacher achieve this objective? A Place all equipment on tumbling or wrestling mats B Teach students to quietly wait for their turn on the equipment C Teach students the procedures for using each piece of equipment D Allow students to explore each piece of equipment freely before providing instruction


A student reports stomach pain and feels like he is going to vomit. The teacher noticed he ate three brownies for lunch.How should the teacher respond to this incident? A Send the student to the school nurse with a note saying he has food poisoning B Have the student rest in the classroom and talk with him about appropriate nutrition C Send the student to the school nurse and inform the parents of the symptoms that were observed D Have the parent pick up the student and request he be provided with a more appropriate lunch in the future


How is the health of children impacted when they fail to wash their hands regularly? A There is an increased risk of ADD. B There is an increased risk of injury. C There is an increased risk for infectious diseases. D There is an increased risk for congenital diseases


What is an example of the collaboration model of academic integration? A The physical education teacher and classroom teacher work together so that related concepts are taught at the same time. B Students are asked what they were studying in their last class and then are put in a small group to discuss that material during the warm-up. C Classroom and physical education teachers select a theme for a grade level and all present lessons in their subject area related to the common theme. D The physical education teacher plans use of other content area concepts within physical education lessons while maintaining the focus on activity and learning.


What would be an appropriate policy to ensure elementary students remain adequately hydrated at school? A Schedule students to have a drink before and after recess B Require all students to drink a full glass of water with lunch C Ensure access to drinking water throughout the school day D Require students with disabilities to get a drink before therapy


Which elementary student is showing signs of physical neglect? A A student who never receives parental affection B A student who talks about viewing explicit movies C A student who plays outside without adequate supervision D A student who receives no parental support for social development


Which age-appropriate strategy would help a first-grade teacher help the students understand how to dress more appropriately for the weather? A Have the students describe their favorite season and discuss how the weather changes for each one B Have the students cut out a variety of clothing in catalogs and then learn the vocabulary name for each article they find C Provide a list of winter clothing for different cultures and have the students write an essay on how the clothing differs between countries D Provide each student a boy and girl doll with a variety of clothing and then roll a "seasons" dice and dress the dolls in clothes that fit the season rolled


Which is a characteristic of valid nutritional information? A It is colorful and inviting. B It is listed on multiple sources. C It is validated by public opinion. D It is provided by a government agency.


What should a teacher do when a child complains of a stiff neck and has a high fever? A Allow the child to rest quietly in a dark classroom B Give the child extra fluids, especially if the day is very warm C Call the parents and advise them to seek prompt medical care D Ask the nurse to give the child an aspirin to reduce the fever and pain

C ((Stiff neck accompanied by fever may indicate meningitis -- lethal if left unattended) Other time to send a child home:: Blood present in urine, feces, vomit, sputum, or other body fluids indicates the need for medical advice. Pain in the abdomen, especially when accompanied by nausea, may indicate a wide range of conditions, ranging from appendicitis to pelvic inflammatory disease—all of which need a physician's attention. A stiff neck accompanied by fever may indicate meningitis, which may be lethal if left unattended. And obviously, any disabling injury requires prompt medical assistance. Presence of fever is another area of concern when someone is deciding to seek medical care. A fever is an indication that the immune system is working to fight an infection. If left untreated, a fever may damage various body organs and structures. Self-treatment in the form of aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen usually lowers temperature. However, if there is no improvement in twenty-four to thirty-six hours, or if a low-grade temperature continues over an extended period, a physician should be consulted. Fever in children should always be discussed with a physician.

Which action would be appropriate for a teacher to take to avoid the transmission of strep throat? A Use an anti-fungal cleaner to sanitize all common-use areas and surfaces B Have infected students stay home from school until they have taken four full doses of aspirin C Have infected students stay home from school until they have been free of fever for 24‐48 hours D Use anti-viral wipes in the classroom and have a separate container of wipes for the child

C The infection is passed primarily through sneezing, coughing, or the use of soiled objects, such as handkerchiefs, that reach the mouth. Symptoms may include sore throat, fever, nausea, and vomiting. In some cases, people may develop a rash on the neck and chest area. Students should be excluded from school until the fever and sore throat are gone for twenty-four to forty-eight hours.

*44 A third-grade student is severely overweight. Her mother says the student has been overweight since birth. The student wants to be more physically active, but does not know what to do. When attempting to keep up with the other students on the playground, the student gets out of breath, sweaty, and complains of feeling sick. The student, the student's mother, and the physical education teacher discuss a plan to help the student become more physically fit and decrease body fat.Which strategy would mostly likely result in this student setting a fitness goal and continuing to make progress towards it? A The student suggests enrolling in an after school gymnastics class at the local YM/WCA. B The parent agrees to calculate and track the number of calories the student must burn to lose 1% of body weight per week. C The teacher suggests the student walks one half mile every day after school, walking indoors if it is too hot or too cold outside. D The teacher, parent, and student agree the student move for 15 minutes, three times a day, even if the student moves at only a slow walk.


A fifth-grade health teacher wants to provide an activity to promote food-safety when preparing food.Which learning activity would help achieve this goal? A Students taste‐test the food from the oven. B Students wear gloves when taking food out of the oven. C Students serve the food they made on microwavable plates. D Students read a thermometer to determine safe food temperatures.


A school would like to provide assistance to students faced with any type of medical emergency while at school. They are especially reconsidering their policies for handling life-threatening situations.Which policy should they put in place to handle these situations? A They should establish a detailed incident report form that can be used when an accident occurs. B They should establish an electronic notification system to report illnesses and accidents to parents. C They should make sure that emergency numbers are easily located in the office so they can be found when needed. D They should make sure that someone who is trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is always present in the school.


A second-grade teacher is planning a learning activity to help students learn effective ways to respond if approached by an adult stranger who asks them for directions to a nearby store.How can the teacher effectively meet the objective? A Tell students about the importance of not talking to strangers B Read newspaper reports and point out how children can be seriously harmed by strangers C Show a poster of missing children and explain that many were abducted by strangers D Have students role-play running to a safe place and telling an adult they trust about the situation


A teacher would like to encourage the class to make good nutritional choices when given no adult guidance.Which instructional strategy is appropriate to meet this goal? A Provide a wide array of fruits, have the students choose their favorites, and list the recipes they can make with that item B Have the students choose vegetables and fruits that are used in their own culture and explain how each food is prepared and stored C Show the students an example of a healthy meal and then create a chart showing how many have eaten those foods and how many have not D Set up a pretend store, give each student ten dollars to buy food for one meal, and have them check the nutritional content of what they bought


*Which service is provided by the Hunger-Free Kids Act? A Guidelines for food labels B Wellness policies for children C Lunch programs for low-income students D More nutritional choices in lunch programs

D The Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the school lunch program championed by First Lady Michelle Obama, presents new legislation 1--to continue programs offering food options to children of low-income families 2--to offer more nutritious food options to children, 3-- educate them about healthy food choices, 4--and teach children healthy lifetime habits.

* A physical education teacher wants to begin a gymnastic unit with third-graders to promote balance and flexibility. Included in the class is a student with muscular dystrophy, who is mobile.Which activity would allow this student to safely and fully participate in the learning activity? A Run laps B Backbend into a back arch CPerform stretching activities D Walk on a low balance beam

D Maintain a positive environment for all students • Avoid jarring activities • Ensure successful experiences in all activities • Integrate strength and endurance activities (including aquatic activities) frequently to combat muscle atrophy • Use regular stretching and activities that foster flexibility • Be cautious of twisting activities • Use balance and agility activities to assist with gait issues

Which activity supports a first-grade teacher's goal to help her students be safe if a fire occurs at home? A Show students how to use a fire extinguisher B Assign students to create a video to demonstrate "stop, drop, and roll" C Have students draw pictures of their homes showing where the smoke detectors are located D Invite firefighters to school to show students what firefighters look like and explain how they help

D You should go outside as quickly as you can. Even if you are scared, you should never hide in a closet or under the bed. And don't stop to get any toys. Get outside! (Show photo of family leaving house.) Emphasize this point because many children have been known to hide in a fire, and it can make it difficult for firefighters to find them.

A second-grade teacher would like to have students prepare the food that will be served at that evening's family literacy night.What should be included in this teacher's food safety plan?

Make sure all students wash their hands well before beginning to help with the food preparation

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