Period 1-4 test study

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British war debts forced a reassessment of the Salutary Neglect policy.

Given the following outcomes of the French and Indian War, which one most closely triggered events leading to an American Revolution?

Deism and Enlightenment philosophy.

The occurrence of the First Great Awakening in America can be attributed to the perceived lack of piety displayed by mid-eighteenth century English colonists who had immersed themselves in more worldly pursuits. Which of the following religious developments in U.S. history shortly followed The First Great Awakening?

The Enlightenment.

The opinions expressed in this letter by Abigail Adams MOST clearly reflect the ideas of which of the following?

Changes in American culture and the formation of a unique national identity.

The passage BEST reflects which of the following historical patterns?

The development of the first political parties

The passage reveals which of the following trends during the Washington presidency?

Shays' Rebellion.

The power of the executive Washington describes in the excerpt above was MOST likely written into the Constitution due to which event below?

Providing new resources that dramatically changed native settlement patterns as well as political social and economic development.

The process described by Crosby most significantly impacted Native American society by

The movement toward compulsory education laws

The image above helps demonstrate that the Northwest Ordinance was instrumental in which of the following?

Andrew Jackson.

The issues that Jefferson opposed in the passage were also most strongly opposed later by

Economic interdependence

The map above would Best serve as evidence of which of the following

The reservation system

The movement indicated in the map above is most directly a predecessor to

Thoreau refused to pay his taxes and went to jail as a statement against the war with Mexico.

The movement of Transcendentalism is best articulated in which of the following acts of civil disobedience by Thoreau?

a dispute over control of the Ohio River Valley.

The proximate cause of the French and Indian War 1754-1763 was


The roots of Shays' Rebellion can be found in the ideas and responses of which colonial city?

Utopian communities that tried to live a communal lifestyle.

The views expressed in the excerpt above are best seen as evidence of which of the following in society?

People needed self-reliance and to simplify their lives.

The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following beliefs among Transcendentalists?

To provoke the anger of the citizens after the end of salutary neglect.

This image would have been used for which of the following purposes?

a mixed economy.

This society described by John Winthrop resulted in an early economy that featured

The Harlem Renaissance.

Which of the following developments throughout American history would be most similar in nature to those depicted in the image above?

The Whiskey Rebellion.

Which of the following events had a similar motive as the event Jefferson refers to above?

Shays' Rebellion

Which of the following events was a direct result of the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation?

The creation of the Constitution.

Which of the following exemplifies Jefferson's reasoning in this letter?

Average Virginians could not earn enough income from the tobacco they farmed, and were not helped by the economic policies of the Crown or the Indians who inhabited land they wanted.

Which of the following factors revealed in the passage BEST describe the tensions that led to Bacon's Rebellion in colonial Virginia?

Backcountry residents were upset over what they felt were unfair taxes imposed by the new government under the Constitution.

Which of the following factors was MOST responsible for creating the conditions Washington addressed in the excerpt above?

The Puritan desire to establish a community of like-minded religious believers.

Which of the following factors was MOST responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the passage above?

The growth of an Atlantic economy rich in a wide exchange of New World and European goods.

Which of the following factors was a DIRECT result of the conditions depicted in the map above?

The Sons and Daughters of Liberty.

Which of the following groups would MOST LIKELY have supported the point of view expressed in the image above?

Thomas Paine.

Which of the following held similar views with Adams regarding laws and representation?

The Trail of Tears

Which of the following incidents in U.S. history does this map encompass?

The hiring of young female factory workers was a positive development.

Which of the following is the primary contention of historian Daniel Walker Howe in this excerpt?

McCulloch v. Maryland.

Which of the following landmark Supreme Court cases challenged Jefferson's legal view of the Bank?

The Second Great Awakening.

Which of the following movements would MOST directly support Finney's argument in the excerpt above?

The growth of democracy during the Age of Jackson.

Which of the following movements would most directly support De Tocqueville's argument in the excerpt above?

Henry Clay.

Which of the following nineteenth-century politicians would be most likely to support the ideas expressed in the cartoon?


Which of the following popular early nineteenth century movements is NOT referenced in the pair of images above?

Dwight Eisenhower.

Which of the following presidential administrations is also credited with internal improvements similar to those proposed by the American System?

The Spanish Crown, colonial authorities, and Catholic clergy hoped to promote social stability and further the conversion of Indians to Catholicism.

Which of the following statements best explains the sanctioning of racial intermarriage in New Spain?

The Southern economy depended on agriculture and the large scale use of land as well as indentured servants.

Which of the following statements explains why Bacon's Rebellion occurred in the South and not New England?

The Articles of Confederation showed a rough version of the three branches of government - legistlative, judicial, and executive.

Which of the following statements is the LEAST true?

A system that would make race the determining factor in whether one was a slave or not.

Which of the following was a major, unintended consequence of the economic phenomena shown in the map above?

John Brown.

Which of the following would MOST agree with Jefferson's quote?

Data showing changes in voter turnout from elections in the early to mid 1800s.

Which of the following would best support Tocqueville's observations as expressed in the excerpt?

A civil society is formed when people leave the state of nature and choose to form a government.

Which of the following would best support the author's assertion regarding the relationship between people and government?


All of the following are considered effects of the movement with which the passage is associated EXCEPT

the Proclamation of 1763.

All of the following had similar effects on colonial sentiment as the image EXCEPT

Free blacks were permitted to own firearms and join state militias.

All of the following statements reflect the experience of the free black population in the antebellum U.S. EXCEPT

Abolish slavery across the new United States.

Along with greater equality for women, the American Revolution also sparked increased attempts to accomplish which of the following?

The national economy went into a depression which plagued the next president.

Andrew Jackson's veto of the renewal of the National Bank impacted the economy in which of the following ways?

Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts in order to protect from agitators calling for war.

As a result of the XYZ Affair, what domestic action did the US government undertake that increased tension between the major political parties?​

Slavery's potential to divide the United States.

Based on Jefferson's letter to Holmes, which of the following issues concerned him enough to describe it as a "firebell in the night"?

British officers were often forced to serve in subordinate roles to their colonial counterparts.

British frustration with the American colonies during the French and Indian War cited all of the following factors EXCEPT.

The Columbian Exchange

Crosby's description illustrates which major historical development throughout the world?

consigned to the Mestizo class of artisanal workers.

Had the union of Senor Garcia and his Indian wife produced a male heir, that child would have been

Roman Catholics experienced more toleration from their Protestant brethren.

Historians regard the First Great Awakening as a watershed event in the history of the English colonies in America for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

Sojourner Truth.

Of the following, which individual's life experience most closely resembles that of Frederick Douglass?


Opponents of the plans that Hamilton lays out organized themselves into a political party called

He moved federal funds from the Bank of the United States to state banks.

Jackson took which of the following actions in an attempt to make the national banking system more responsive to the people?

view of strict constructionism.

Jefferson's opposition to the issues Hamilton mentions was based on the

a strict society that was religiously intolerant.

John Winthrop's vision of a "City Upon a Hill" resulted in

a decrease in the Southern dependence on slavery.

Other economic changes that occurred in this era included all of the following EXCEPT

Middle-class farmers maintaining orderly farms

Political leaders primarily imagined the newly-organized Northwest Territory would support

As long as there was a balance between the number of slave and free states, then conflict was minimal.

The "Missouri question" on which Jefferson is commenting is indicative of a continuation of which of the following?

A line was drawn in the Louisiana Territory above which slavery was not allowed.

The "Missouri question" was a cause of which of the following?

personal conversion.

Sermons delivered during the First Great Awakening stressed

Bartolome de las Casas.

Señor Garcia's enlightened regard of the Native population in New Spain is most in line with the views of

The institution of slavery is divine in origin, and the African race has improved from its civilizing effects.

Southern slave owners who strongly believed in Christian paternalism would cite which of the following statements as validation for their behavior?

incited religious division between old traditionalists and new revivalists.

The First Great Awakening, which began in the 1730's,

A transition from subsistence agriculture to manufacturing.

The developments noted in the excerpt are evidence of which of the following larger trends in 19th century New England?

Low prices for tobacco crops.

The Middle Colonies and Southern Colonies shared all o fthe following grievances EXCEPT:

It permitted settlers themselves to determine how many states to carve out of a western territory.

The Northwest Ordinance was revolutionary for all of the following reasons except

Increase of the unwelcome presence of British soldiers in Boston.

The event described in the image was a response to which of the following events or actions?

Declaration of Independence

The excerpt above from John Locke has the most in common with which of the following documents?

the creation of enslaved black communities and the development of strategies to protect their dignity and family structures.

The artwork above is BEST understood in the context of

Practices aimed at eliminating the rights of minorities, particularly African-American populations.

The artwork above was most likely a reaction to which of the following processes?

New political parties arise that disagree about the role and powers of the federal government.

The cartoon best reflects which of the following historical patterns?

the religious control and superstition of 17th-century British New England.

The concerns expressed in the letter above can BEST be understood in the context of

The Nullification Crisis of 1832.

The debate over the tariff outlined by Clay eventually manifested in which of the following events?

The United States further developed its navy and prepared for national defense.

Using your knowledge of U.S. history and the document above, John Adams took which of the following actions in response to the XYZ affair?

Compared to the large plantations in the South, New England farms were mostly small, family-run farms that lacked a need for slave labor.

What accounts for the low percentage of Africans in the Northern British mainland colonies?

A long growing season and growth of sugar plantations created a high demand for enslaved labor.

What accounts for the trend in African population in the British Caribbean colonies illustrated by the chart?

Fur trading with Indians was a key economic activity.

What conclusion regarding the early colonial period of New York can be drawn from a study of the above seal?

Bacon's Rebellion led plantation owners to search out a source of labor that could be more easily controlled.

What is the most important reason for the marked change in the African population in the Southern British mainland colonies beginning in 1680?


What long-standing social problem is highlighted in the left-hand illustration of intemperance?

The power to levy taxes.

What major power did Articles of Confederation FAIL to provide Congress with?

Americans grew angry when French officials demanded a large loan to the French government and the payment of a £50,000 bribe in order to receive American diplomats.

What situation most likely caused the sentiments expressed above?​

Religious Revivalism.

What social change is depicted in the right-hand illustration of temperance?

Thomas Jefferson.

Which Democratic-Republican figure would have most likely shared the concerns expressed in the excerpt above?

The Dutch.

Which Europeans originally established the above settlement in 1625?

The Quebec Act, 1774

Which act of Parliament confirmed colonial suspicions about the Proclamation Act of 1763 and increased anger towards the British government?

Cold War paranoia of the Second Red Scare.

Which future political trend does the passage above MOST clearly foreshadow?

Participants in the Stamp Act Riots of 1765.

Which group below would have shared similar sentiments with the antagonists in the Whiskey Rebellion?

Worcester v. Georgia (1832)

Which of the following Supreme Court cases nearly prevented the westward movement indicated in the map above?

United States v. Nixon

Which of the following Supreme Court decisions demonstrated the strongest continuity with the ideas expressed in the cartoon?

The Senate censured President Jackson.

Which of the following actions did Congress take in response to Jackson's veto of the bank?

The Fifteenth Amendment to the US Constitution.

Which of the following best represents continuity in the years after 1830 with the ideas that Tocqueville expressed in the excerpt?

Republican Motherhood.

Which of the following developments for women occurred as a result of the American Revolution?

The Articles of Confederation were designed to be temporary.

Why were the Articles of Confederation so incomplete?

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